Sexual horoscope for Capricorn - Tiger. Capricorn born in the year of the Tiger: character traits, career, family Capricorn tiger man and unrequited love

Compatibility horoscope: year of the tiger zodiac sign Capricorn characteristics - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Such people will not let a friend down at a difficult moment. They are fair and noble by nature. Sometimes Capricorn-Tigers are overly modest and reserved. Although, they make acquaintances without any problems. Capricorn-Tigers try not to show everyone their true mood. They also do not immediately show feelings for their chosen one. Only close people can get to the bottom of the truth and find out what is going on in the soul of Capricorn-Tiger. Thanks to their charming appearance, these people can achieve success in their work and the favor of the people around them. They show pressure only where it is really needed. Capricorn-Tigers can easily convince a person that they are right. In their personal life they can be sentimental. Although, in front of people they don’t know well, they are embarrassed to show these qualities. They are not afraid of a large amount of work, so they take on any task boldly. When they come home, Capricorn-Tigers try not to talk about work. After all, for them, family is a place for relaxation, love and comfort. If Capricorn-Tigers want to fully relax, then they do not need to go somewhere or go to a club for this. They like to lie on the couch with a book or watch a movie. By the way, they are true gourmets, so they do not deny themselves delicious food.

Capricorn-Tigers do not like radical changes in life. They are not attracted to moving and sudden changes in environment. Such people know how to keep their emotions under control. They persistently demonstrate themselves in the field of activity where they feel competent.

Chinese animal calendar by year!

Character of Tiger - Capricorn women: These women always find themselves in a whirlpool of events, or create similar situations. This combination often affects their fate. They can attract a huge number of women. At the same time, they themselves are ready for any event, as they are easy-going. Their impulsive nature bothers them so much that they often do the wrong things. They have rich intuition, but they cannot use it because of their impetuosity.

Their main qualities are persistence and stubbornness. These are determined and imperturbable women who always move towards their goal. And they usually have many goals. They value material wealth very much, so they try to use all their energy and other character traits to achieve maximum stability. But even having achieved everything, they should not relax, as this will lead them to lack of will and laziness.

Tiger women - Capricorns in love and relationships: They easily start new relationships. Moreover, these are not always faithful partners who value affection. They want to be the main person in life for their partner, and they achieve this. However, they themselves will not demonstrate this quality. They always demand complete submission from their partner, while they themselves strive for absolute freedom. This combination often leads to problems in relationships.

Tiger women - Capricorns in finance and career: They are connoisseurs of everything good and pleasant in life, so they always make a career. Even if they do not like the field of their activity, they will do everything to achieve the best. For them, a career is synonymous with financial well-being. They have perseverance, hard work and perseverance, so it is always easy for them to achieve both qualities. But they achieve all this by maturity, since the first half of life is full of more difficulties than results.

Tiger - Capricorn women in family and marriage: Their family life is always harmonious and pleasant. This is due to the fact that they love their home and furnish it. Their main affection eventually concerns only children. They get along well with their offspring, but communication is built on equal terms. And when they try to demonstrate authoritarian traits, they encounter resistance. They should reconsider and re-plan their relationship with their children.

Advice for Tiger-Capricorn women: Too much energy often creates storms within them. They should control their emotions in order to build relationships with others. Energy should be directed only in a positive direction in order to get maximum results from communication and other areas of life. Self-knowledge and the ability to improve themselves should be the meaning of life for them. At the same time, it is worth remembering that asking for help is not shameful.

Tiger - Capricorn

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Thus, the stern and strict Capricorn, born in the year of the Tiger, becomes softer and more flexible, makes contact with people more easily and fully reveals his “Capricorn” soulfulness and ability to empathize. The activity of the Tiger, under the influence of the cold and calculating Capricorn, is directed in the right direction; energy is not wasted, but is aimed only at achieving goals.

Tiger-Capricorn man

The Tiger-Capricorn man is calm, reasonable, and is not characterized by excitement. This man knows a lot about money, knows how to earn and manage it. He will not participate in dubious projects, will not follow his desires - he is a strict analyst with a pragmatic mind and iron logic. Such a person has healthy ambition and will strive to move up the career ladder, but without frenzy and without running over the heads of his colleagues. In personal relationships, the personality of a Capricorn man born in the year of the Tiger is influenced either by the charming and sociable Tiger, or by the stubbornness and dryness of Capricorn. In any case, he is capable of sincere and deep feelings, becomes strongly attached to his partner, needs her attention, honesty, and love. This is the most reliable of all twelve Tigers.

Tiger-Capricorn woman

The Tiger-Capricorn woman is honest, strict with herself and those around her, and strives for a high standard of living. Along with a man of the same combination of signs, this lady knows how to count and earn money. She is powerful and has a strong character. With men, such a woman at the beginning of a relationship is cold and serious, although she is quite friendly towards her potential partner. Having gotten used to it, the Tiger-Capricorn woman reveals her best qualities necessary for a happy family life: neatness, attentiveness to all family members, sincerity and kindness.

Tiger-Capricorn does not have the easiest character, but it is this combination that perfectly harmonizes and complements each other, forming an honest, focused and respected personality in society.

According to the horoscope, Capricorn-Tiger easily avoids problems and unpleasant situations. He thinks through all the moves and exits in advance. Unfortunately, such people are not very sociable, so they cannot boast of a huge number of friends.

Capricorn-Tigers are distinguished by good manners and reliability. They have a strong will and good appearance. They are respected by their loved ones for their loyalty and open character.

Capricorn-Tiger realistically assesses life situations. In many moments, intuition helps him. Such a person will not force himself on you as a friend. By the way, that’s why he has plenty of good friends.

Capricorn-Tigers are able to captivate people with an interesting idea. They are wonderful organizers who are listened to by colleagues and superiors. They are not attracted by quarrels and scandals. Otherwise, they easily find a compromise.

In love relationships, Capricorn-Tigers do not strive to play the role of leader. It is important for them that the chosen one sincerely loves and appreciates them.

Horoscope for combining Capricorn with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Capricorn woman born in the year of the Tiger

A representative of the Capricorn sign, born in the year of the Tiger, is very stubborn and persistent. She always walks confidently through life and knows perfectly well what she wants. And all thanks to the fact that she is somewhat devoid of impulsiveness, feelings and emotions, in all matters she relies on cold reason and prudence. It’s as if she really has the strength and dexterity of a Tiger. She can handle any career heights, you just have to want it and set a specific goal.

She has excellent intuition, which, coupled with dexterity, helps her solve any problems quickly and intelligently. No traps or obstacles on the way to the goal can stop such a woman; she will withstand all tests with dignity. Another advantage of this woman is her lack of conflict. It is thanks to this quality that she always has a huge number of like-minded people and associates around her, whom she easily manages, especially if she already holds leadership positions.

It is precisely such a woman who will be entrusted with “male” tasks that require an analytical mind and concentration, and she can easily cope with them, proving to everyone that she is the one who deserves to become the best. Among other things, she is very loyal, which makes her personal life pleasant and calm. She will definitely become a wonderful, caring mother, sensitive, reverent, devoted wife and sensual lover.

As a rule, her family life develops calmly, she is conflict-free and will not sort things out in scandals, but sometimes she can show her character and commit a rash action, which she will soon greatly regret. At its core, the Capricorn woman, born in the year of the Tiger, is a workaholic. She usually works a lot, almost exhausted, and gets little rest. She will spend rare weekends and holidays with her family, sincerely enjoying time with her family and friends.

Horoscope of the Zodiac sign Capricorn, born in the year of the Tiger

Both the Zodiac sign and the eastern sign of a person’s year of birth have individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in the characteristics of a person and his relationships in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people exhibit certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The Zodiac sign forms tactical abilities in a person’s character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth shapes the conditions and laws of the external environment for a person, his relationships with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the Zodiac sign. The year of birth forms for a person one of the twelve levels of his self-realization. The eastern sign is called strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person and on this field the eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around him to a person.

Capricorn is the first zodiac sign in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign, by the nature of their birth, are excellent performers of social tasks.

The specialty of the zodiac sign Capricorn is “ work unit" A person of this sign is able to perfectly understand and feel the theory of the task assigned to him and practically implement it in the circumstances. Capricorn lives by the principle: “ What a greeting with such an answer", like a mirror reflects the positive or negative attitude of interacting people.

Eastern sign year of the Tiger – 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034, 2046, 2058.

The Year of the Tiger forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the ninth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Tiger are in relationships with people who show strong-willed pressure, imposing their needs and problems due to the experience of past relationships. Regardless of the zodiac sign, a person born in the year of the Tiger has to participate in work processes in which interacting people predominantly occupy positions “ investors, organizers, directors and other executives" Interacting people show diverse competition in their relationships with a person born in the year of the Tiger, with the goal of surpassing his authority or using his abilities and capabilities in their plans and activities. People around, regardless of their zodiac signs and eastern years, in relationships with a person born in the year of the Tiger, in his presence show increased activity, sometimes anger and fanaticism, and are carried away by their desires and morals from their past. People interacting with a person born in the year of the Tiger conduct relationships according to the principle of the Zodiac sign Leo: “ Love vs Pride ».

Horoscope of Capricorn born in the year Tiger.

This combination of signs in a person, in general, is manifested by diligence in behavior, which develops relationships with leaders and people with leadership and influential abilities. This person easily falls under the influence of the society where he lives. He reflects the mood of the people around him, while gradually becoming the same as his surroundings. Capricorn is prone to creativity in current relationships, regardless of their type of activity. The Year of the Tiger creates conditions for relationships with leaders of societies for various reasons. Interacting people tend to control, manipulate, using a person of the Capricorn zodiac sign, born in the year of the Tiger, only for their own benefit. At the same time, his reluctance is ignored. Having achieved what they want in a relationship, interacting people tend to forget about its existence, without compensating for its costs.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by zodiac sign and year of birth in the programs “ Individual scanner" And " Crown of Education" In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, zodiac or eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the human information structure, which is called “ Psychonomy ».

Capricorn Horoscope

Characteristics of Capricorn born in the year of the Tiger.

This Tiger knows how to control his impulses. He is emotionally stable and calm compared to Tigers of other zodiac signs. Thus, Capricorn restrains the impetuosity of the Tiger, who is inclined to rush headlong into the pool of passion. Thanks to this combination of signs, Tiger-Capricorn is able to bring things started to their logical conclusion and get excellent results. The good thing is that the path to this result will not be too long and difficult.

Tiger-Capricorn observes moderation in everything. He is stubborn, like Capricorn, but not to the point of insanity - Tiger gives Capricorn's character a little lightness - just enough to be adequate to real life. On the other hand, Capricorn does not allow the Tiger to go into the sky - also just enough so as not to lose sight of the main goal.

Tiger-Capricorn is thoughtful, able to correctly assess the situation, he shows flexibility and therefore can reach any heights in his career.

Not the least important place in the life of the Tiger-Capricorn is played by intuition, which helps to overcome many obstacles and avoid ambiguous situations.

In relationships with people, Tiger-Capricorn is quite popular: he is unobtrusive, quite loyal and loves communication - people are drawn to him! Such a person knows how to unite a team for the sake of common interests, how to solve any problems in the best possible way without infringing on the interests of all participants.

Possessing leadership abilities, the Tiger-Capricorn remains a feeling person. But don’t think that anyone can force anything on him. This is an independent character!

In his personal life, Tiger-Capricorn especially zealously defends his right to freedom. He is full of all kinds of plans, and most often they are related to business: business or career. Love, as a rule, interests him secondarily, and marriage only thirdly... A partner who will interest the Tiger-Capricorn should be a self-sufficient person with prospects for development and not too jealous.

Capricorn born in the year of the Tiger

Thanks to Capricorn, the Tiger gains the ability to avoid unexpected dangers. This Tiger is more thoughtful and gradual than its relatives. People of this combination are not always easy to get along with people; they are usually gloomy and silent. However, they are very reliable and decent.

According to Chinese astrology, the Tiger is a symbol of strength and nobility. Regardless of gender, people born under this combination of signs are very reliable, self-confident and trustworthy.

Capricorn, born in the year of the Tiger, is an open, honest, friendly person; at times he is a little shy and timid. However, this does not prevent him from meeting people easily.

Outwardly, such a Capricorn is very self-confident; he skillfully hides his true emotions. Capricorn-Tiger is a good conversationalist who can answer any question, except the question about his own feelings, which he does not know how to express at all. Only close people are familiar with the real sensuality of this person.

People of this combination are very persistent, but their persistence does not go to the extreme, it is gentle. It is thanks to his charm and this gentle pressure that he is able to quickly and easily achieve his own goals. Capricorn-Tiger will easily make you believe that his ideas are your own desires. Compared to other Capricorns, the Capricorn Tiger is quite romantic, but in the company of strangers he is constrained and overly reserved.

In the workplace, such a person, as a rule, tries to avoid special responsibility. He believes that work should be completed and immediately forgotten about it, and not waste leisure time thinking about the work process. For rest and relaxation, people of this combination choose activities that do not require much effort or waste of energy. They appreciate good literature and films. Capricorn-Tiger is a gourmet, he loves delicious food and often experiments with new tastes.

The main negative feature of this personality is their dislike and even hatred of change. They must always be confident about the next day. In order to get used to and get used to new circumstances, the Tiger-Capricorn needs a lot of time.

Capricorn Tiger is used to keeping his emotions under strict control. He is not impulsive and is not able to rush headlong into the pool. It is thanks to restraint, perseverance and consistency that people of this combination easily achieve their goals. This Capricorn, unlike his relatives, is moderately stubborn.

People born under this combination of signs are very thoughtful, sober-minded and flexible, all this together helps them achieve results in their work. And thanks to their innate intuition, they easily bypass troubles and troubles. Unobtrusiveness makes this person even more attractive to others.

The Tiger-Capricorn man is an excellent organizer; he can easily gather supporters around him and unite them for work. Moreover, he will do this so skillfully that everyone, without exception, will be satisfied.

In the love sphere, Capricorn-Tiger is very loyal, especially when it comes to a woman, he tends to suppress and dominate. However, do not try to tie this person to you, he will escape from any chains.

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The Capricorn-Tiger sign includes people born from December 22 to January 20 in 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022.

A person born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Tiger has absorbed the best features of both signs. So, Capricorn, and Capricorn brings the Tiger a logical mind and the ability to think analytically.

Capricorn, born in any year according to the Eastern horoscope, always strives to achieve maximum career heights and material well-being. And the Tiger helps you get all this faster and easier.

Capricorn born in the year of the Tiger is a very favorable combination for the realization of all the powerful potential of a person. Tiger also softens the stubbornness of the firm and persistent Capricorn, giving him flexibility and softness.

Thus, the harsh and strict Capricorn, born in the year of the Tiger, becomes softer and more flexible, more sociable and fully reveals his “Capricorn” soulfulness and ability to empathize. And the activity of the Tiger, thanks to the influence of the cold and calculating Capricorn, moves only in the direction of the goal, without wasting energy in vain.

In a love relationship, most often everything goes well for a person born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Tiger. There is no excess of prudence and excessive practicality in him, which very often brings discomfort to the personal life of a typical Capricorn.

The only thing is that Capricorn-Tiger is a freedom-loving person, and if he feels that something is limiting him, he will immediately break free.

Capricorn – Tiger characteristics

The representative of the Capricorn-Tiger sign combination is very sociable and acts as an interesting interlocutor. He has quite a lot of weight in society, is unobtrusive and loyal, and evokes the sympathy and trust of people. He has many friends and acquaintances, and thanks to his talent for rallying the team to achieve the interests of the entire company, without infringing on the interests of individuals, he is very popular.

The Eastern and Western horoscope endows Capricorn-Tiger with leadership qualities. People like to obey such a personality because he knows how to interest everyone in the end result. Tiger-Capricorn is a talented organizer and capable leader. He easily creates a harmonious atmosphere in the team, conducive to the prosperity of the enterprise.

Thanks to the Tiger, this person is also energetic and active, and Capricorn gives the Tiger good intuition and the ability to analyze. Therefore, Capricorn-Tiger can correctly assess the current situation and, where necessary, show flexibility. And his excellent intuition helps him avoid many unpleasant situations.

The character of a person born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Tiger is characterized by restraint of feelings and the ability to control their emotions. This is an important factor contributing to good concentration on the main goal.

A person with this combination always has many plans and cannot afford to waste time on anything other than his work. Love relationships and marriage are far behind. He tries to achieve his goals with minimal effort and with minimal risks.

This is a wise, thoughtful and reasonable person, more mobile than other Capricorns, less stubborn and more consistent in his behavior. He does not trust emotions, as is often the case with Tigers in other combinations, and therefore realizes his abilities very effectively.

Capricorn-Tiger is in no hurry to start a family. The most important place in life for him is his career. You should not rush him into a decision, because if he decides to start a family, he will certainly do it, and if not, then nothing can force him to change his decision. So - everything has its time.

As a life partner, he chooses only a self-sufficient, non-jealous person who strives for development, just like him.

Capricorn - Tiger woman

A woman born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Tiger is sociable and has many friends. She has an attractive appearance, knows how to captivate a man with interesting conversations, and behind her charm and disposition towards people, not everyone can discern the strength of character.

The Capricorn-Tiger woman has a contradictory character. Her severity is easily replaced by softness and flexibility, and responsibility and perseverance can turn into irresponsibility and frivolity. But, be that as it may, this woman always follows her dream. She has a powerful and strong character, she is strict both towards herself and those around her.

Born in the year of the Tiger, she is able to earn money on an equal basis with men. She strives for a high standard of living and is ready to work day and night for this. Her main qualities are persistence and stubbornness, determination and equanimity. She values ​​material wealth and strives to use all her energy to achieve maximum financial stability.

It is worth noting that the Capricorn-Tiger woman has hard work and perseverance, and even if she does not like her job, she will still do everything to achieve more. The only thing that can hinder the achievement of goals is the impulsiveness of the Capricorn-Tiger woman, because of which she commits the wrong things.

She has excellent intuition, but because of her impetuosity, she cannot always listen to it.

A woman born with the Capricorn-Tiger combination easily starts affairs, but when communicating with men, she is also cold and serious, even if she is committed to long-term relationships. Over time, she thaws and reveals her best qualities that contribute to a happy family life, such as warmth, goodwill, attentiveness to all family members and neatness.

She wants to be the main person in his life for her man, and, as a rule, she achieves this. The Capricorn-Tiger woman gets along well with her children and builds communication on equal terms. However, when she exhibits authoritarianism, problems arise.

It is worth noting that in relationships with her other half, the Capricorn-Tiger woman demands complete submission from him, while she herself strives for absolute freedom. If she does not reconsider her behavior, then serious problems and disagreements may arise in the family.

Capricorn - Tiger man

A man born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Tiger is calm and reasonable, he is not characterized by passion and impulsive actions. He has a sharp mind, observation and the desire to do everything perfectly. He loves to criticize and always takes the opportunity to point out others' mistakes.

For most people, the Capricorn-Tiger man remains a closed book. This is a person “on his own mind”, independent and imperturbable, carefully hiding his personal life from everyone.

The Capricorn-Tiger man strives for material well-being, which for him is synonymous with a successful career. He knows how to earn money, invest it profitably and not get scattered about trifles. He is not indifferent to money, since it is a means for him to obtain maximum privileges in life - luxury and respect.

Difficulties may arise when choosing a profession, and then he will achieve success much later than other Tigers. But, if he clearly understands his deepest desires and sees his destiny, then luck will always be on his side. He has healthy ambition and, moving up the career ladder, he never stoops to intrigue and behind-the-scenes games.

Born in the year of the Tiger, and refuses to participate in dubious projects. He is a strict analyst with a pragmatic mind, honesty and iron logic. A pragmatist by nature, he prefers practice, therefore his career ascent will be more successful if he finds an area where theory plays a secondary role.

In personal relationships, a man born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Tiger is the most reliable of all Tigers. He does not throw around promises, is constancy and his words rarely diverge from deeds. He is capable of sincere and deep feelings, he needs his life partner, her affection and attention. True, it is worth noting that in this combination, the charm and sociability of the Tiger are quickly replaced by the stubbornness and dryness of Capricorn. He makes high demands on the choice of a partner, searches for his ideal and can reject a lot of fans just because of their imperfect appearance.

Over time, the Capricorn-Tiger man comes to terms with the fact that the ideal does not exist, but having reached mutual understanding with a woman, he will be able to understand what true love is. Family relationships are always built on the basis of mutual understanding and respect. But his life partner should be prepared for the fact that he will always make excessive demands and force her to do what she doesn’t want, while demonstrating excessive dryness and rigidity.

In order for family relationships to develop more harmoniously, a man born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Tiger should learn to be more loyal to another person and give him more freedom.

The characteristics and compatibility of the Capricorn-Tiger man are interesting because this man is a dual nature.

He himself often does not understand what he needs in this or that period of life.


In his youth, Capricorn-Tiger dreams of great achievements, however, it is at this stage of life that he is faced with a whole series of difficulties and problems. He should save his energy for the future, because at this stage he can get much more if he puts in a little more effort and uses the talents given to him correctly. A keen mind and observation are what distinguishes the characteristics of the Capricorn-Tiger man from the horoscopes of all other signs. He criticizes other people without a twinge of conscience, but tries to keep his own personal life under the sign “secret”.

To get to know a real Capricorn-Tiger, you need to earn his trust, otherwise he will remain an unknown person. Representatives of this zodiac type are, as a rule, charming and self-confident people. They are also characterized by such qualities as sociability, perseverance and gallantry. The Capricorn-Tiger man always manages to keep his emotions under control, although he is prone to sudden emotional outbursts. In relationships with people around him, he is honest and sincere, he says what he really thinks, without hiding the truth.

Despite his strong character, such a man does not recognize pathos and behaves very sedately. He is open to communication and new acquaintances, welcoming and friendly to the people around him. The positive attitude and openness of Capricorn-Tiger attracts many people to him. He has excellent innate talents, thanks to which he manages to achieve success in this or that business, without making much effort. A Capricorn man, born in the year of the Tiger, manages to develop successfully both in his career and in his personal life without much difficulty. The only thing he needs is concentration on his own goals.

Compatibility in love

When falling in love, the Capricorn-Tiger man tries to behave as usual. Outwardly, he may seem indifferent and even cold-blooded, but at the same time, in his soul he can experience a whole storm of feelings. In his relationship with the woman he loves, he is always courteous and courteous. Compatibility of a Capricorn-Tiger man in love is possible only if he manages to find true love, where he can feel loved and valued.

As a rule, in personal relationships a man restrains his feelings. He is not only not used to revealing his soul to others, but also to demonstrating it to his loved one. If no one shares his feelings, he will tightly close himself and will worry very strongly and for a long time. It is worth noting that in choosing a chosen one, a man is guided to some extent by calculation. He may think for a long time about the prospects of a relationship, but if he is firmly confident in his relationship with the woman he loves, he will certainly propose marriage to her.

Business life of Capricorn-Tiger

The Capricorn-Tiger man is always on his own mind. He sets clear goals for himself, draws up a detailed plan and achieves them. As a creative and independent person, it can be difficult for him to decide on a profession. That is why he achieves success in life later than others. Intuition for Capricorn-Tiger is a good assistant in business. Sociability and the ability to behave correctly in society helps him not only make new friends, but also significantly advance his career. The talented Capricorn-Tiger man has excellent organizational skills.

With due diligence, he can become a good leader who will be able to create the necessary climate in the team for fruitful work. As a rule, the careers of representatives of this iconic combination are very successful. They always find the best solutions to difficult situations and know how to competently conduct business negotiations. The ambitious Capricorn-Tiger, like many, is interested in career growth, but unlike others, he acts openly and honestly, without using tricks and deception to achieve his goals. With the help of sensible arguments, such a man is able to turn the situation in his favor. His own opinion often contradicts the views of others.

The combination of the signs of Tiger and Capricorn is considered very successful. All the positive qualities that are inherent in Capricorn, the Tiger perfectly complements and helps to develop. Capricorn always has the desire to achieve a lot in his career; Tiger helps him do this much easier. At the same time, the calmness and poise of Capricorn help to restrain the aggressiveness and temper of the Tiger.

Tiger-Capricorn also has good intuition and knows moderation in everything. A person born under these signs is sociable, has many friends, and is often a leader in a company. Tigers-Capricorns are good conversationalists; you can discuss almost any topic with them.

Also, people of these signs are big fans of good books and films. They like tasty and unusual dishes.

Tigers-Capricorns hate changes, especially if they happen without their knowledge. Representatives of these signs need to keep everything under their control.

Such people most often hide their feelings and emotions deep inside, so it is difficult to understand how they feel about you.

Tigers-Capricorns in love

These people are very cool even in close relationships. They do not like to say kind words, but prove their attitude through actions. Tigers-Capricorns are looking for a smart partner who can share their interests. They also do not like excessive control; they need to feel freedom in relationships, they need personal space. In addition, such people are usually very jealous and do not like to be given a reason for this feeling. Tigers-Capricorns are happy in relationships that proceed calmly and smoothly. Marriages are not concluded under the influence of feelings, but they think long and carefully about this decision. Having chosen a person who, in their opinion, is reliable, Tigers-Capricorns will remain faithful to him.

Tigers Capricorns at work

Representatives of these signs are accustomed to devoting themselves entirely to work; for them this is a very important area of ​​life. If Tigers-Capricorns cannot realize themselves in their careers, they will feel unhappy. They are very hardworking and do not tolerate lazy people. Tigers-Capricorns believe that these people are incapable of achieving anything in life. Representatives of these signs never openly conflict and try not to make enemies in their colleagues. Tigers-Capricorns are good at managing people, they make excellent leaders, but they are not ready to take on too much responsibility.

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