Download restore point creator in Russian. Restore point management. Laboratory for Russification

6.8 Build 1

It"s update time again and there"s another batch of fixes and best of all, there"s a performance improvement too.

Improved application startup performance by nearly 60%!!!
Removed a legacy settings variable.
Fixed a minor bug in which the log export function would be triggered even on a new installation.
Removed the seconds display from the bottom of the Application Event Log window because more often than not the seconds number was always 0.
Added additional wording to the time display at the bottom of the Application Event Log window.
Converted logID variables from ULong to Long as per the specifications of the restorePointCreatorExportedLog() Class Object.
Made it so that corrupted log files are saved with an incremented number as part of the file name. This is to as to preserve older corrupted logs.
Included some minor changes to the jumplist task creation code.
Put in code to check the Startup type for the VSS system service in the "Manually Fix System Restore Tool".
Included code to convert an Integer error code to a Hexadecimal value in the part of the code that falls back to Windows APIs to create a restore point.
Added some code to write the startup type for the VSS System Service to the application event log as part of the "Manually Fix System Restore Tool".
Added some code to attempt to start the VSS System Service as part of the "Manually Fix System Restore Tool". If it fails to start the program will log the error to the application event log.
Added task priority code to many of the functions that deal with scheduled tasks.
Added code to set and check for variables in the Registry so that functions that run at application startup don"t need to be run if they have been run before.
Changed the Global Crash Handler window code to use the assembleCrashData() function to standardize the stack trace data.
Added extended exception messages to the parent process retrieval function to indicate why something went wrong if something were to go wrong, this includes messages.
Fixed one line of code in the areWeRunningAsATask() function to be more clear that"s used in the application initialization code.
Changed two IF statements be only one IF statement thanks to the AndAlso Boolean operator.
Optimized the bytesToHumanSize() function to use less code.
Fixed one minor issue with the randomStringGenerator() function in which I didn"t declare the returned data type.
Made it so that General unableToGetParentProcessException errors are logged as Warning event logs as versus Error event logs.
Included code to ask the user to manually submit a crash report to the Application Event Log window only if the crash report type is labeled as an Error.
Updated the embedded Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler library to version 2.7 Build 2.
Fixed a crash issue on launch of the program if the Segoe UI Font has issues with Bold text. This is a hack fix for the issue, it doesn"t at all fix the issue with the Font itself. Thanks goes out to "Guy" for reporting this issue to me.
Added a Last Modified line to the bottom of the Application Event Log window.
Shortened the wording of the label that tells the user how long it took for the program to load the log file.
Added inner exception logging to the assembleCrashData() function.
Added a check to see if we are in update mode so as to not check for the parent process.
Added a way to tell the program to not check for the parent process, this is primarily used during the update routine that may cause extraneous errors in the Application Event Log.
Fixed a rare bug in the Disk Space Usage bar resizing routine that could cause the program to crash if an Object is Null resulting in a Null Reference Exception. Thanks goes out to LMP for reporting this issue to me.
Fixed a typo where there was an uppercase letter but it should have been lowercase.
Oh, and did I mention improved application startup performance by nearly 60%? Oh yes, I think I did but it"s definitely worthy of mentioning that again.

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Restore Point Creator– a convenient and completely free utility for creating restore points for Windows OS. It is thanks to it that you can return your Windows system to an earlier state in the event of a system crash, boot failure and other unwanted things.

The number of recovery points is not limited. That is, you are not limited to creating 5 or 10 restore points. This procedure can be performed an infinite number of times. If you want - before installing each program, if you want - every day at a given period of time. But you only need to download Restore Point Creator once on our website.

Imagine a program for taking screenshots. The Restore Point Creator application uses the same principle to take “snapshots” of your OS before installing programs, drivers, updates and any other software that can damage the operating system.

Of course, a similar standard utility is included in the Windows OS. However, it does not always create restore points at the right time and is limited by the number of restore points. Restore Point Creator in this regard is a much more flexible program than a standard utility.

Key features of Restore Point Creator:

  • There is no limit to the creation of restore points.
  • Possibility to leave a comment on each of the recovery points. This is incredibly convenient because it will allow you to understand what changes a particular restore point applies to. In addition, a detailed comment will protect you from accidentally deleting the desired Recovery point.
  • The ability to automate the process and configure the creation of all restore points on a schedule.
  • A fairly simple interface that will not cause any difficulties.

Screenshots of the program

When the computer works well, the system does not glitch and the programs installed on the computer fly easily, and you decide to globally change something in the settings or install something unfamiliar software and you are not sure that after your manipulations nothing will break, it is best to make a system restore point, a snapshot, a backup copy of all system and software environment settings before starting such experiments. This will help in case of inappropriate and faulty behavior operating system, caused by incorrect configuration of registry branches, illiterate configuration settings of system files, caused by the installation of programs written by would-be programmers, malware and other consequences incompatible with the normal operation of the computer, roll back all changes to the state of normal operation of the computer, so to speak, turn back time. You can create a system restore point using the free Restore Point Creator program.

Creating a System Restore Point

The Restore Point Creator utility is a convenient tool for creating system restore points. With its help, creating archived snapshots of system settings is much faster than using standard Windows tools. A restore point in the program can be created with one click of the mouse, and with one click of a button you can return the system to an earlier state. The application implements a task scheduler mechanism; you can create restore points on a schedule and automatically. You can write a comment for each saved system state in Restore Point Creator so that the user does not get confused when the list of all created system restore points becomes large.

Screenshots of the Restore Point Creator program

Video tutorial from the developer Restore Point Creator

Official site:
OS: 32.64 Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Supported languages: English
Version: 2.4
License:freeware (free)

File size 528 KB

More interesting programs:

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Program version: 3.3 Build 1
Official website:
Interface language: Russian
Treatment: not required

System requirements:Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)

NET Framework 4.0

Restore Point Creator is a free program to simplify the creation of system restore points. A recovery point is a copy of the registry and all critical files at some point in time. Using the program, you no longer have to go through a dozen windows and windows menus, but simply pin the program shortcut in a convenient place and create restore points with two clicks. In addition, you can give points a custom name and selectively delete them. For many, this will already be enough. But the program offers even more options, essentially being a shadow copy management and system recovery center. Unlike other similar programs, Restore Point Creator uses exclusively Windows API functions, i.e. is a tool for managing built-in Windows features.

Article about system recovery using Windows:
What is system protection?

System protection is a component that regularly creates and stores information about system files and computer settings. System Protection also preserves previous versions of modified files. These files are stored in restore points, which are created immediately before significant system events, such as installing a program or device driver. They are also created automatically once a week if no other recovery points were created in the previous week, but you can create recovery points manually at any time.

System protection is automatically enabled for the drive on which Windows is installed. System protection can only be enabled for drives formatted using the NTFS file system.

There are two ways to take advantage of system protection.
If your computer is running slowly or experiencing errors, System Restore can restore your computer's system files and settings to a previous point in time using a restore point. For more information about system recovery, see System Restore FAQ.

If a file or folder is accidentally changed or deleted, you can restore it to a previous version, which is saved as part of a restore point. For more information about previous versions, see Previous File Versions: Frequently Asked Questions.
How does System Restore work?

System Restore uses restore points to return system files and settings to a point in time without affecting personal files. Restore points are automatically created weekly and before significant system events, such as installing programs or device drivers. You can also create a restore point manually.

Opening System Restore

Before running System Restore, save any open files and close all programs. After confirming the restore point, System Restore will restart your computer.
Open System Restore. To do this, click the button. In the search box, type System Restore, and then select System Restore from the list of results. Administrator permission required. If you are prompted to enter or confirm an administrator password, enter the password or provide confirmation.
Can I undo changes made during a system restore?

Yes. Each time you use System Restore, a restore point is created before making changes, so you can always return to the original state if the steps taken do not resolve the problem. If you run System Restore while your computer is in Safe Mode or using System Recovery Options, you will not be able to undo the restore operation. However, you will be able to run System Restore again and select a different restore point, if one exists.

Undoing changes made by System Restore
Open System Restore. To do this, click the Start button. In the search box, type System Restore, and then select System Restore from the list of results. Administrator permission required. If you are prompted to enter or confirm an administrator password, enter the password or provide confirmation.

Click Cancel System Restore and click Next.

Review your selections and click Finish.
What files are changed during a system restore?

System Restore affects settings for Windows system files, programs, and the registry. Changes can also be made to scripts, batch files, and other types of executable files created under any account user on this computer. System Restore does not affect personal files such as email, documents, or photos, so it cannot recover deleted files. If an archive of files has been created, these files can be restored from the archive.

How do you select a restore point?

System Restore automatically recommends the most recent restore point created before you made major changes, such as installing a program. You can also select from a list of restore points. Try to use a restore point created shortly before the date and time when problems began to appear. Descriptions of automatically created restore points correspond to the event name, such as "Windows Update installing an update." System Restore returns the computer to the state that existed before the selected restore point.

How long are restore points saved?

Restore points are retained until the disk space reserved for system recovery is full. As new restore points are created, old ones will be deleted. If you disable system protection (the feature that creates restore points) for the disk, then hard drive All restore points will be deleted. After system protection is re-enabled, new restore points are created.

What should I do if applying System Restore did not fix the problem?

If System Restore does not resolve the problem, you can cancel the restore operation or try selecting a different restore point. If System Restore does not display any restore points, make sure that System Protection is turned on and that your hard drive has at least 300 MB of free disk space if it is 500 MB or more, or at least 50 MB if your hard drive is not. exceeds 300 MB. If system restore does not fix the problem, you can try using the advanced recovery method. For more information, see Selecting an additional recovery method.

If the program doesn't work:
Most users who have downloaded and used this program do not experience any problems with it. If problems are present, then most likely the problem is in the system on which the error occurs. The author recommends Windows Repair (All In One) for the following:

01 – Reset registry permissions

03 – Registration of system files

04 – WMI Repair

18 – Repair Volume Shadow Copy Service

25 – Restoring important Windows services

26 – Setting the default Windows services startup value

Or reinstall Windows.

Reg files:
No need to use when UAC is disabled

Restore Point Creator forced UAC Prompt.reg
Creation control point without UAC prompt

Restore Point Creator no UAC Prompt.reg
Returns a request when a checkpoint is created.

About the portable version:
Provided by the developer, does not require installation.

September 7, 2015 -- Version 3.3 Build 1
First version 3.3 build. Fixed a regression in which setting the system up for Safe Mode boot was broken.

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