From what month do they buy baby walkers for girls? When can a child be placed in a walker? Negative effect on the child’s physiology

The history of baby walkers goes back a long way. It is difficult to name the exact date of creation of this device. But the first mentions of walkers are found in works of art of the 15th century. Hieronymous Bosch's painting Christ Child with a Walking Frame, created in 1480, depicts a baby leaning on a three-legged device on wheels. The canvas of this artist hangs in Vienna, in the Kunsthistorisches Museum. Since then, walkers have undergone many transformations and changes, but the purpose of the device - to be a support for the baby when taking the first steps - remains the same.

Pros and cons of walkers

Baby walkers are still popular these days. Nowadays, almost no family with a small child can do without them. In the first months of a child's life, a walker will be a good gift. And parents are looking forward to trying out the device in action.

But when using walkers for children at an early age, parents can unknowingly harm the baby. Walkers place a strong vertical load on the child's spine and muscles - perhaps this is the main drawback of walkers for children. And if the muscles are not yet strong, this can negatively affect the child’s health. First, the baby must learn to sit, crawl, and thereby train the muscles and spine. If the muscles are not sufficiently strong during upright walking, the load on them increases.

But you shouldn’t completely abandon baby walkers. A few minutes of walking a day won't hurt. You just need to observe the child and his condition, whether he gets tired from walking.

It is believed that when wearing a walker, the baby begins to walk faster. But this fact has not been confirmed or disputed. After all, each child develops individually. And it can be quite difficult to say what exactly influenced his ability to walk.

But after using a walker, a baby may develop a fear of walking independently, without support. Therefore, if the child suddenly has a desire to “walk around”, it is better to simply support him while walking around the house. But don't overdo it. Remember: everything should be in moderation and on time.

After being in a walker for a long time, the baby may never learn to crawl. And this is also not good for him. After all, crawling improves the necessary further development child neural connections in the brain. If there is a lack of crawling, there will be no development of neural connections. And, of course, we should not forget about the benefits of crawling for strengthening the muscular system of the back, and in the future - for the correct formation of the biological mechanism of walking.

In addition, remember that in a walker the baby moves by pushing his legs off the floor. Because of this, the child may develop the incorrect ability to place his foot on the floor. Often, babies who often run around in walkers first begin to walk on their toes (on tiptoes).

The advantage of using walkers is that the world opens up much wider for little girls and boys. This has a positive effect on the child’s emotional state (he is interested, he is happy) and broadens his horizons.

When to put your baby in a walker

Some parents put their baby in a walker as early as possible, believing that this will help the child quickly learn to walk. Other mothers and fathers are in no hurry with this, arguing their choice by the fact that each stage of the baby’s skills has its time, and there is no need to rush to get ahead of it.

So at what age should you put your child in a walker? What are the benefits of walkers? And does the baby need them? Pediatrician, Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of popular books and television programs about the health and development of children, Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky, believes that the use of walkers is not the need of the child, but of the mother and father. Walkers are "useful" for parents because they can temporarily "neutralize" the baby while the mother takes care of business, a doctor says. He is of the opinion that there is no need to rush with walkers. Before the baby reaches nine months, Evgeniy Komarovsky categorically does not recommend using walkers. Until this time, it is best to replace them by keeping the baby in a playpen, where he can crawl, sit, and even stand if he needs it.

On average, the age when a child can be placed in a walker is 7-8 months (if we are talking about a baby born on time). If the child was born ahead of schedule (), add to the age as many weeks as the birth was earlier.

Reaching 7-8 months is considered a suitable age for walkers, because at this time children confidently hold their heads, can sit without support and stand near support. And this, in turn, indicates the maturation of the musculoskeletal system and readiness for upright walking.

But parents should know that even at 7-8 months the baby’s spine and muscles are not yet ready for long-term stress, which is walking. In addition, sitting in one position in a walker, the body weight is distributed on the pelvic bones and spine. Due to incomplete support on the foot, the baby may develop pathological curves of the spine or develop displacement of the vertebrae. Therefore, if you decide to use a walker, do not keep your baby in it for a long time. Be sure to take breaks and do not put too much stress on your child.

Safety precautions when using walkers

Do not leave your baby in a walker without adult supervision. A child at this age has poor balance and may fall out of the walker. And don’t forget: an unattended child in a walker is at risk even in an apartment.

When your child gets into the walker, close the cabinets so that he cannot open the cabinets and bedside tables. Hide breakable objects higher up so he can't reach them. Close sockets with special plugs.

Limit your baby's movement so that he does not go onto the stairs or into the street. Make sure that the child does not fall on the thresholds.


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Comment on the article "At what age can you put a child in a walker"

More on the topic “Walkers for children: pros and cons”:

My question is, is anyone from personal experience, did walkers help the child experience the beauty of an upright position? Maybe then the children didn’t want to crawl? Has this walker aggravated any problems for anyone? The neurologist will arrive tomorrow. I'll ask her too.

At what age can you put a child in walkers and jumpers? And in general, what are the pros and cons of these devices? Why are they not recommended for use by pediatricians and orthopedists? Recommend which ones you have.

Well, we have grown to the point - I want to walk!.. I really need your advice - is a walker necessary at all? If yes, which ones should I take? Your user experience is very important!

Girls, please tell me who consulted the doctor: how long can you run in a walker at 7-8 months? We really like to move around, but...

I'm somehow confused. It says on my walker - only from 9 months, but my friends say that when a child gets up in the crib and walks along the side, you can put him in a walker. Who put you in what time?

My relatives fitted us with a walker to make my life easier. Moreover, they assured us that it was time for us to arrive at 6.5. Well, I put the little one in them - but she crawls around in them like a sausage and her legs don’t reach the floor. At what age do walkers make sense?

Tell me, who has experience - are walkers necessary or not?

who at what age puts and wants to put in a walker.

Tell me, at what age can a child be put in a walker? And in general, is it a necessary thing? They gave it to us as a birthday gift, now they're gathering dust on the balcony, waiting... :)

They gave us walkers. Tell me how harmful or beneficial and safe it is for the child. Maybe there are contraindications? In general, I again have a question for those more experienced than myself)))

Question: We want to buy a walker, but don’t know if it’s necessary? And if necessary, which company should I buy from? Who will say anything about this?

At what age should I plant? How long does it take to start? height (to reach with your feet or just with your toes)? I understand that not everyone wants to bang on the keyboard on Friday, but think about the blue-eyed creature Vasilisa, who can be placed incorrectly in a walker and damage her spine or legs. 8-)) we are now 6.5 months old, we are not sitting on our own.

Is it possible to put a child in a walker if the child is not yet sitting??? He doesn’t want to sit in a car seat, he gets out of it, and if he fastens it in, he gets angry and cries. We tried sitting in a walker, he liked it...What is your opinion??? Thank you))))

When can I put my baby in a walker?

Is it possible to put a child in a walker if he does not yet sit independently, but we are already 7.5 months old?

Girls, tell me when can you identify a child in a walker?

I wanted to ask when you can put your baby in a walker. We have the simplest and cheapest :))), without a hard back. We are 5 months old. He himself still does not sit very confidently (for a few seconds), then he falls to the side or forward. But the legs are very strong (from a sitting position, with very little support from the toes, CAM stands up - like a spring). So I wanted to ask what is more important for a walker: to be able to sit confidently or to have strong legs. And, in general, 5 months is not too early?

At what age can a baby be placed in a walker? And is it worth doing?

Please tell me about walkers. Here, in her spare time, my mother suggested: “Shouldn’t we buy a walker so that our granddaughter doesn’t hit his head when he falls?” The fact is that he walks on the bed “okay”, but on the floor, despite the fact that he is holding on to something, his legs are still tangled and he falls - it HURTS:-((. Do you think walkers are harmful? If anyone has used them, please tell me good ones.

Almost every mother dreams of even ten minutes of free time. Sometimes there is not enough time to even wash your face. Small child cannot be left unattended and requires constant attention. Parents come to the conclusion that the child can be occupied for a while with a walker. In addition, it is useful for development.

But it's not that simple. It is important to know when to use a walker. A boy should not be able to use a walker at the same time. The physical development of boys is ahead of girls. There are still a lot of nuances to consider.

When can you use a walker?

It is believed that walkers can be used from four months. But this is a misconception. A child’s spine at this age is still very weak, and unnecessary stress should be avoided.

To begin with, the child must learn to independently hold his head and arch his back. Another condition is the ability to sit and place your foot completely on the floor. It is best to first consult with an orthopedist and pediatrician on this issue.

Boys can start using walkers at 7-8 months. Usually by this age they can already stand on a support. Their musculoskeletal system is actively developing.

Girls are allowed from 9-10 months. You need to approach this issue very carefully. If you have joint dysplasia, the use of such a unit is prohibited. It is necessary to take into account the enormous load on the pelvic bones expectant mother. Formation skeletal system does not tolerate heavy loads.

The use of walkers should be reduced to a minimum. It is better to use when urgently needed. Children often suffer from hyperactivity after being in a walker for a long time.

How long can you spend in a walker?

Even if the child is delighted with such a hobby, you should not keep him there for more than half an hour. The first lasts no more than three minutes, increasing the time daily. It would be optimal to stay in such a device for ten minutes.

When used correctly and in a timely manner, walkers help a child develop physical activity, learn to calculate speed, and sense his position in space. But there is still no need to rush to use them. There is no need for stress on the spine at this age.

Today there are a huge number of different devices on sale designed to entertain the child and, at the same time, relieve the mother a little. This becomes especially important after the baby reaches the age of 6 months, because he requires more and more attention and wants to explore everything around, but still cannot move independently. One of these devices for children over 6 months old is a walker, which allows the baby to move around the apartment on his own and explore places of interest to him.

The question remains open for a long time. Sometimes mothers get so used to this device that they can no longer live without it. Some doctors believe that there is nothing wrong with this device, while others, on the contrary, categorically prohibit putting the baby in a walker. In any case, it is absolutely impossible to do this before the child reaches the age of 6 months, and for older children it is not always harmless.

In this article, we will tell you at what age you can put a child in a baby walker, and also whether they will be beneficial if done in a timely manner.

At what age is a child put into a walker?

The average age at which mothers start using walkers is 7-8 months. Meanwhile, to a greater extent, the ability to place a child in this device is determined not by his age, but by physical and psychological readiness. A baby who can be safely placed in a walker for the first time must have the following skills:

  • stand independently at a support;
  • sit without falling over for a long time;
  • crawl on all fours.
In what cases should you absolutely not use a walker?

There are certain contraindications in which a child should absolutely not be placed in a walker, regardless of his age, namely:

  • decreased or increased, as well as uneven tone of the legs;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • the child has any damage to the skin in the places where he comes into contact with the walker.

At what age can a boy and girl be put in walkers?

Despite the significant physiological characteristics of boys and girls, pediatricians recommend putting them in walkers at the same age - no earlier than 6 months, provided the child is physically ready. It should be remembered that when in a walker, the baby’s legs should be flat on the floor. If this is not achieved, orthopedic sandals should be worn.

In addition, the device must be adjusted to the child’s height so as not to rub or injure the genitals. Finally, it is worth limiting the time the baby stays in the walker - the total duration of their use per day should not exceed 40 minutes, but you should start with no more than 3-5 minutes.

Which walker should you choose?

Currently, children's stores offer different kinds walkers, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

In any case, you should choose a walker with the maximum number of wheels, because the more wheels there are, the less likely it is that the baby will accidentally roll over. The optimal number of wheels is considered to be 6-8 pieces.

The older the child gets, the more actively he moves and requires more and more attention. Six-month-old babies have not yet learned to walk, but many of them really want to. Manufacturers of educational toys try to guess the interests of the baby and help moms and dads interest and captivate the baby. But at how many months can you put a baby in a walker and how can you avoid harming him?

Everything has its time

At what age can you put a child in a walker? These toys should not be used for babies under 6 months of age. Most walkers are equipped with a soft place where the child is placed. This device helps keep the baby in an upright position. Walkers help relieve mothers and keep children occupied, but it must be remembered that leaving a child in the device unattended can have very disastrous consequences.

There is no clear opinion among doctors on the question: when can you start using a walker? The decision should be made on an individual basis and preferably after consultation with a pediatrician. If a mother decides to buy a walker, taking into account the age of the child and not taking other factors into account, this can be dangerous for the baby’s health.

Baby walkers are allowed:

  1. no earlier than 6 months, it is better if the child is offered a walker even a little later at 7-8 months, when the baby is able to stand up independently using some kind of support;
  2. when a child sits well on his own and does not fall over on his side, some babies will learn to do this by 6 months, while others can sit down only by 8 months;
  3. if the baby is mentally ready for this and confirms this with all his actions: crawling, asking to walk with support.

When a child just begins to crawl, you should not choose a walker for him; it is better if he crawls fully first. This is a necessary period of development for the child and his muscles, which he risks missing in a device on wheels and not gaining the necessary skills later.

It is important not only at what age children can be put in walkers, but also to ensure their proper use. The device is adjusted in height according to the baby’s height and is adjusted to suit him so that the legs are level. In order for the baby to be comfortable, you should adjust the device and put on shoes that will form the correct position of the foot. If you can’t adjust the height so that the baby rests on the entire foot, it’s better to let the baby crawl for now and master the walker when he grows up a little.

Types of walkers

Before you go to the store to buy a walker, you need to know that there are several types of this device.

Classic model

Traditionally, it is a two-tier frame with a child seat in the center. Walkers of this type should have height adjustment, but not all manufacturers provide this function. Therefore, this nuance must be clarified before purchasing the product. Due to the large frame, the device has good stability.


As a rule, models of this type are large in size and stable on a support. In this case, the child does not need to be seated; he is placed behind the walker, pushes the structure in front of him and moves around. Wheeled walkers reduce the load on the spine and really help the child take his first steps. It is important to control when walking that the child places his feet correctly.

Transformable walkers

The device looks more like an educational play center rather than a walker. The devices are equipped with tables, musical and other toys. To make your baby happy with your purchase, you should choose bright walkers.

Who shouldn't use a walker?

If the baby is active and develops quickly, then you can put the child in a walker from 6 months, but this device has a number of contraindications, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with before use.

  1. Baby walkers should not be used if the baby has low or high muscle tone.
  2. You should not use a walker if it causes diaper rash or chafing.
  3. Children with suspected rickets or problems in the development of the musculoskeletal system should not be accommodated.

Walkers for children of different genders


The physical development of boys and girls is different, therefore there are differences in the age at which they can be used for children of different sexes. Some parents are convinced that if they put a boy in a walker, this will definitely result in problems with the genitourinary system in the future. To avoid chafing in the perineum and excessive pressure on the genitals, babies should not spend more than 40 minutes in a walker throughout the day, following general recommendations.


When and for how long can girls be put in walkers? Such a disease of the musculoskeletal system as underdevelopment hip joints It is more often diagnosed in children. If it was not possible to recognize the problem in a timely manner, and the girl was put in a walker, then the disease will begin to develop rapidly. It is better not to rush to put girls in walkers and do this only after the orthopedist’s permission.

Maintaining the health of joints, spine and reproductive organs is important for both girls and boys. The main thing is to be attentive to your children and remember that walkers have undeniable benefits. This device helps children develop coordination, teaches them independence and helps them explore the world from a completely different angle.

How to choose a walker?

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Having decided at what age your child is ready for a walker, you need to know which structures will be safe to use.

  1. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the base of the device. It must be strong, wide and stable. It is better if the base is triangular in shape.
  2. The design must have a high and strong rigid back to support the still fragile back muscles and spine.
  3. You don't want the seat to be too soft or too hard. The wide and deep seat, made of waterproof fabrics, will keep your baby comfortable.
  4. There are never too many wheels in a walker. The more of them and the better they spin, the better. They will help your baby move in the direction he wants without any extra effort. But it is desirable that these wheels be equipped with a stopper.
  5. The height of the walker must be adjustable.
  6. It is desirable that the panel with toys, music panels and tabletops can be removed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dr. Komarovsky classifies walkers as devices whose benefits are greater for parents than for the child. Their main function is not so that the baby can walk faster on his own, but so that the mother can make her life a little easier. Many people believe that they can put a child in a walker and calmly go do household chores, because he won’t get away from them or bump into them.

Unfortunately, some crumbs manage to fall out of this design. Walkers can only be used safely on level surfaces; they are not designed for thresholds or steps. In addition, toys that were previously left on the floor can get under the wheels. Also, one should not neglect the latches that securely hold the child and prevent him from getting out on his own.

A device on wheels does not have a particular impact on the development of walking skills. Although the baby will most likely like this kind of time more than staying in the crib. For a child, a walker is another toy that brings him a lot of positive emotions. The benefit in developing any skills in a child will most likely depend not on the walkers themselves, but on the musical, light or other devices with which they are equipped.

You should not expect that with the use of a walker the baby will walk faster on his own; most likely, on the contrary, because he practically does not need to exert his own strength to move in the device. When moving in a walker, balance is not trained and the illusion of safety is created. After such a device, children may be afraid to learn to walk on their own, because they have not learned how to fall correctly. Children can strengthen their muscles only with the help of gymnastics, crawling, trying to stand up and move along the support independently.

While parents find a lot of advantages in walkers, many doctors consider this device not just harmful, but also dangerous.

Parents must decide whether a child needs a walker or not, the main thing is a reasonable approach. An hour of independent “walking” a day cannot harm a child, but more intensive use of walkers can lead to unpleasant consequences, because we are talking about the load on the baby’s musculoskeletal system.

Proper Use

It is necessary to understand some rules for operating the device.

  • There is no need to force the child into the walker; perhaps he was simply frightened by the new and incomprehensible design.
  • Supervise your baby at all times while he is in the walker.
  • Do not put children diagnosed with “”, problems with the musculoskeletal system, or severe forms of neurological disorders (cerebral palsy) in walkers; the consequences can be very serious.
  • Talk to your doctor about using a walker.
  • Do not use the walker for more than 15 minutes at a time and no more than 1 hour per day.

With every day of life, the baby acquires skills and abilities that cause a lot of joy among parents and relatives: he holds his head, rolls over, tries to sit up. Meanwhile, not only certain manifestations are important, but also their timeliness. The main thing is not to force things and let nature itself decide when the baby is ready for the next stages of growing up. One of these important points is the baby’s ability to sit independently.

Optimal age for dropping off boys

A newborn begins to understand the world from a horizontal position. But the parents are looking forward to when he will take the initiative and try to sit down and then stand on his feet. Therefore, they try to help the baby sit down, thereby doing their child a disservice. Pediatricians argue that, for example, for girls, early planting is simply dangerous, as it can negatively affect the structure of the genital organs. In this regard, many mothers and fathers are wondering at how many months they can start baby boys. After all, they reproductive system developed by nature in a completely different way and, it would seem, does not need such precautions.

To understand the issue, it is necessary, first of all, to note a number of structural features of the musculoskeletal system of infants:

  • soft and elastic spine, which is not yet adapted to loads;
  • the cartilage in the spine is too light - any displacement can subsequently cause
  • curvature of the back;
  • weak abdominal muscles that cannot withstand the load in a sitting position.

By 5-6 months, the baby’s muscles, joints and bones become stronger, and he begins to make attempts to change his body position and see the world from a new perspective.

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How to determine whether a boy is ready to sit down?

All children are different, and their development is a purely individual process that cannot be slowed down or accelerated at your own discretion. The main criterion for moving to a new stage of development should be readiness. A little boy is quite ready to be dropped off if:

  1. holds his head well;
  2. actively moves arms and legs;
  3. holding your fingers, can take a vertical position;
  4. having support under his arms, he is able to stand on his own legs;
  5. knows how to independently change the position of his body, turning over from his back to his stomach.

If the baby can do all of the above, then the moment comes when the boy can be seated.

When can you start seating future men?

At what months can boys be seated and how can I help my child sit down faster? While doctors are unanimous in their opinion regarding girls (sitting down earlier is harmful to health), then regarding boys there are two schools of pediatric thought:

A little man should be seated for the first time every 3-4 months - he will remember how his usual horizontal world has changed, and will strive to sit down on his own.
It is better to wait until the baby sits up on his own, that is, wait until he is 5-6 months old. Until then, limit yourself to exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and abdominals.

You should sit the boy on your lap to create a reclining position. Gradually the angle of inclination is reduced.

However, when sitting a boy down or doing gymnastics with him, you should be very careful, as there are several dangerous moments:

  • by pulling a child by the arms, you can dislocate them in the armpit area;
  • in the area of ​​the shoulders there is a tone from overexertion;
  • there is a lot of pressure on the spine.

How to sit your baby down correctly?

For a child, acquiring new skills opens up a whole world, which can cause
a certain kind of stress. Therefore, the task of parents is to help the baby cope with the development of the surrounding space without unnecessary worry. To do this, mothers and fathers must know how to handle a child at different periods of its development. If the baby has reached the age of 3-4 months, then it’s time to sit him down. To do this you need to know certain nuances:

  • make sure that the baby’s legs do not bend too much;
  • You can only sit the baby on your knees so that musculoskeletal system the hard seats and backs did not press;
  • It is better to limit the first attempts to sit down to 20-30 seconds, gradually increasing the time;
  • Do regular exercises to strengthen your muscles;
  • Place the baby on his tummy.

But if the child does not try to crawl and reluctantly rolls over onto his stomach, then it is better to postpone sitting down: the baby is not yet ready for this serious event.

At what age can you put your child in a walker?

A walker is a device on wheels for moving a child up to one year old, supporting him in an upright position due to a soft seat. With its help, many parents teach their toddlers to walk. But the presence of a seat requires the baby to be able to sit. Therefore, a completely reasonable question arises: at what months can boys be put in walkers? Pediatricians say no earlier than 7-8 months. At the same time, the baby:

  1. must sit confidently and not fall over on one side;
  2. be psychologically prepared for a new way of transportation - demonstrate motor activity, desire to crawl.

For boys, sitting in a walker has a number of contraindications, since the perineum rubs and the genitals are compressed. Therefore, the future man is allowed to sit in a walker for a maximum of 40 minutes per day. This device is completely contraindicated for children:

  • who have problems with muscle tone;
  • in the presence of diaper rash in the perineal area;
  • who have been diagnosed with musculoskeletal problems or rickets.

In recent years, doctors have become increasingly inclined to believe that walkers are destructive in terms of baby development. A child who moves around in this “gadget” receives all the information about the world that interests him at this stage of development. That's why he doesn't strive to learn to crawl and walk on his own. Therefore, while wanting to speed up the child’s development process with the help of walkers, parents, on the contrary, unknowingly slow it down.

Thus, mothers and fathers who are concerned about the question of how many months it is possible to put boys, including in walkers, should, first of all, objectively assess how intensively their baby’s development is progressing. And if the child masters the skills and abilities in accordance with his age, then the parents can provide all possible assistance to the baby, including periodically sitting him down for a short time. By rigidly linking the ability to sit independently to any specific numbers, mothers and fathers can only harm the child’s development, although they are pursuing the exact opposite goal.

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