Care after cesarean section by day. How to quickly and properly recover after a cesarean section. Possible problems after surgery

Today, on average, every fifth birth is resolved by caesarean section - for medical reasons or at the request of the expectant mother. In order for the rehabilitation process to be as comfortable and quick as possible for a woman in labor, it is necessary to know exactly what measures include comprehensive recovery after a cesarean section.

Caesarean section is a full-fledged abdominal operation with a transverse incision, performed under anesthesia (local - epidural or spinal).

Indications for it may include:

  • diseases or characteristics of the mother’s body: cancer, diabetes, severe myopia, heart and vascular diseases, etc.;
  • non-standard development of pregnancy and the fetus itself: large size of the child or the presence of twins/triplets, insufficient opening of the birth canal in the last days before birth, features of the development of the placenta, non-standard position of the fetus in the womb, for example, facial, etc.;
  • mother's age;
  • previous births that were performed surgically;
  • voluntary choice of this type of birth by the future parent.

Regardless of the expectations of the expectant mother, doctors have the right to decide to perform a cesarean section even during a natural birth right in the hospital. This is justified when there is a real threat to the health of the baby and the woman in labor. Pregnant women should be mentally prepared for this course of events and well informed.

The recovery period after surgery often takes longer than rehabilitation after natural childbirth. If in the second case, nature itself took care of the woman’s easy transition to fulfilling a new role, then the “revival” of the body after a caesarean section can drag on in some cases for months. It must be comprehensive and include both moral and physical recovery.

Five days after surgery

It is believed that the first five days after surgical birth are the most difficult for a woman. How do they go?

  • First 24 hours

The woman in labor spends the day after a caesarean section in the intensive care ward. This is due to the fact that she needs constant medical supervision and qualified assistance from a nurse. On the first day, the woman is still under a drip and is unable to perform independent hygienic procedures due to the effects of anesthesia. The doctor prescribes active antibacterial therapy. Fortunately, antibiotics do not affect the quality of milk and immediately after waking up from anesthesia, the woman is ready to breastfeed her baby.

  • Second and third day

If everything goes according to plan, then the mother is ready to be transferred to the general maternity ward. The following days - the second and third - are aimed at strengthening the body and walking independently to the women's room. Establishing the functioning of the excretory organs is usually painful, however, it is necessary immediately after completing bed rest.

  • When is the discharge?

If recovery after a cesarean section proceeds without complications for the mother and her baby, and all possible inflammatory risks are under control, then by the fifth day of the baby’s life they are ready for discharge. Often, it is still difficult for mothers to even stand on their own, let alone hold their baby in their arms. Weightless three kilograms for a normal person feel like a burden for someone recovering from surgery. The medical staff always encourages the family to meet the newborn and mother if possible.

So, for the first five days after the operation, the woman in labor is surrounded by a doctor and nurses and does not take a single step herself. Her nutrition is controlled. It is completely excluded on the first day, then consumption of non-solid food (sweet tea, chicken broth, soft meat, rice, potatoes). The parents and baby are released with a whole list of recommendations to continue rehabilitation at home.

Typically, the list of prohibited items is not limited to vigorous physical activity and eating undesirable foods. What else should the mother remember upon discharge?

  • Special diet.

After five days of a frugal diet, mothers need energy. However, you should be careful when choosing food. The addition of ground foods, “mashed potatoes,” and all kinds of soups to the diet is encouraged. It should be remembered that during lactation, the mother's diet must be checked for the presence of allergens (alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits and seafood are not allowed in food).

  • Physical exercise.

Limitations in activity include lifting heavy objects, sudden movements, squats, and the “lying on stomach” position. It is recommended to leave exercises to restore abdominal tone “for later”: the first month is spent restoring muscles damaged after surgery.

  • Hygiene.

Involves gentle cleansing of the body with a soft gel. It is not advisable to wet the seam during the week, so when changing the bandage it is recommended to use wide, waterproof adhesive plasters for sensitive skin. At the same time, they can only be placed on top of a layer of gauze, and in no case directly on the seam: it can become inflamed from simple steaming.

  • Doctors warn that constantly wearing a abdominal bandage can lead to blood stagnation, so before going to bed it must be removed, and soft, wide pajamas or shirts should be chosen as clothing.
  • If any symptoms of the disease, poor health and inflammation occur, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Physiology: features of recovery of a young mother’s body

After discharge, the woman in labor will have to go through the difficult stage of returning to “herself.” The first month of this journey is the most difficult. The mother’s body adjusts to the child’s eating and sleeping schedule, lack of sleep affects the functioning of the nervous system, and the body itself still experiences stress after the operation.

What physical characteristics can make adjustments to the recovery program of a young mother? This is inevitable after any type of birth, restoration of the menstrual cycle, lactation (in cases where the young mother decided to breastfeed) and healing of the incision. To ensure a smooth transition to normal mode, it is important to pay attention to every detail.

Let's take a closer look at the physiological features of recovery after a cesarean section. Restoration of the functioning of female organs and resumption of the cycle.

Each case is individual. On average, uterine regeneration occurs two months after childbirth, and it does not matter how it happened. Healing of the surface is accompanied by discharge that is not menstrual. But the restoration of the cut on the walls itself can take up to two years. The gynecologist carefully monitors the process of fusion of skin layers through ultrasound.

Mothers who breastfeed usually wait longer for their period to begin than those who refuse lactation.

This is due to the hormonal levels in a woman’s body.

The following factors also influence the rapid return of menstruation:

  • stabilization of hormone production by the endocrine system;
  • lactation and its intensity;
  • physical activity;
  • general well-being, moral component of health;
  • sleep quality;
  • age;
  • presence of bad habits.

Normalization of the cycle is considered a signal that the woman has been restored to her childbearing function. Indeed, the possibility of repeat pregnancy immediately after the start of menstruation is high.

Breastfeeding the baby.

After a caesarean section, lactation is established differently than after a natural birth. Because of hormonal background the mother does not detect a surge of the hormone oxytocin; it is specially introduced into the body. It is responsible for a number of maternal reactions that are important during the birth of a baby, including lactation. Introduced artificially, it “belatedly” informs the mother’s body about changes.

So, milk may come on the second or third day after the baby is born. This is fine. Delayed lactation may be associated with the mother’s overwork and her modest diet during this special period. Under no circumstances should you worry that the baby will be hungry: nurses feed newborns with a special milk formula for the little ones. However, despite the fact that the baby will not be hungry, it must be put to the breast regularly. Usually in the maternity ward, for this purpose, the practice is for the baby to “visit” the nurse every two hours. When milk appears, the need for additional nutrition for the baby it disappears.

There are several methods for stimulating milk production in a young mother after a caesarean section:

  • frequent contact of the baby with the breast (attachment);
  • ingestion of special teas for lactation (decoction of dill, cumin and anise);
  • use of special active protein and vitamin supplements;
  • vibration massages (used in the maternity hospital);
  • selection of the ideal position for feeding (use of C-shaped pillows for lifting the baby, rocking chairs, “baby under the arm” position, etc.).

Suture healing.

The delicate incision area requires special daily care.

  • The seam. Today, in most cases, the doctor puts an absorbable suture on the woman in labor. This way there is no need to remove it. Sometimes a combined method is used: the length of the incision is sutured with absorbable material, and the edges are “strengthened” with removable sutures. After 7 days, a few stitches will need to be removed. This practice is used for aesthetic reasons.
  • Hygiene. For the first 6-7 days, it is not recommended to wet the seam, but only wipe it with an antibacterial solution. After a week of such care and the doctor’s permission, you can take a shower, but the use of soap or gel with abrasive particles and a washcloth is prohibited.
  • During the restoration of the upper layer of skin, a crust appears. Special gels can be applied to it to prevent the appearance of rough scars (Contractubex, Kelofibraz, Dermatix). Unfortunately, the cost of the drugs is quite high, due to the silicone content that the skin needs. The use of oils is also popular and has shown its effectiveness for many mothers (oil of amaranth, calendula, rosemary with the addition of vitamin E in liquid form). Even if there was a complication, the oil will not allow the wounds to become inflamed again.

When applying gel or oil to the scar, it is necessary to do a special massage: press on the upper and bottom part the skin one at a time, stimulating slight movement of its inner layers. The stroke should resemble “steps” with your fingers along the scar.

  • After a year, if desired, you can compare the scar using a laser. In the absence of recovery complications internal organs, the scar itself is not very noticeable.

Usually, dissatisfaction with the appearance of this zone is associated with a specific relief: above the incision, the abdomen is smooth, and below it there is static swelling. It can be minimized by wearing a bandage and performing special exercises.

Exercising after surgery

It is known that the best way to get in shape after pregnancy is through gymnastics. However, this rule only partially applies to young mothers after a cesarean section: with intense exercise, there is a risk of rupture of the uterine suture.

Therefore, exercises should be approached carefully, focusing on a number of simple rules.

It is prohibited to perform any physical training during the first two months of the baby’s life.

Carrying a child is the only exception. In this case, if possible, you need to help yourself: hold the child as close to the body as possible or use special carrying devices (kangaroos, slings, etc.).

After the first two months, you need to include the following activities in your daily schedule:

  • walking with a stroller in the fresh air;
  • transition to a quick walk and back when pushing the stroller;
  • sitting on a special ball in a position with legs wide apart, bouncing on it and rolling;
  • slight retraction of the abdomen and subsequent relaxation (after a few months you can perform it more boldly: inhale a large volume of air and exhale impulsively (“1-2-3”);

Gymnastics for a young mother includes stretching, breathing exercises and helps develop posture. The balance of a woman's body changes after the birth of her baby, and musculoskeletal system must be restored as soon as possible.

Proper nutrition to restore shape

As in the case of natural childbirth, proper nutrition of a young mother is designed to help her regain her previous shape. Only in the first week after surgery the diet is different and consists of liquid, gentle food. The classic diet for a young mother includes a number of restrictions. Basic principles of nutrition should be followed

  • Balance.

Food should not be low in calories in order to avoid a deficiency of essential substances for mother and baby. The amount of food during the day should correspond to the diet of one person. The quality of the food comes to the fore.

  • Lactation.

If a woman is breastfeeding, her diet is subject to a whole list of restrictions, which includes:

  • giving up alcohol;
  • carefully adding allergens to the diet (chocolate, citrus fruits, pure milk and all seafood, with the exception of non-exotic fish);
  • refusal of canned products and fast food;
  • minimal intake of spicy, fried, smoked and fatty foods.

In addition, it is important to remember about the special needs of the child in some periods, for example, during colic, you need to stop taking gas-forming foods; when the baby is growing rapidly, you need to add cottage cheese and yoghurt to the food.

Thus, lactation itself contributes to the restoration of the shape of a young woman in labor: the motivation for proper nutrition is much higher when it is designed to give strength to the baby’s development.

  • Lean meat, steamed or boiled fillet. Chicken, turkey, duck, veal are ideal for this purpose.
  • You can and should add fish to your diet: salmon, cod, perch.
  • Rice, potatoes, buckwheat and all kinds of vegetables. The green component of the diet is very important: vegetables can be steamed, boiled or stewed. Eating fresh vegetables is also encouraged.
  • Dairy products, with the exception of whole milk (for nursing mothers). Try including goat and sheep milk products as well.

About exceptional benefits goat milk known for infants. Its composition includes such valuable elements as vitamins A, B, C and D, fluorine, calcium. At high content fatty acids milk is easily digestible and does not cause allergic reactions.

  • Seasonal fruits: apples, pears.

Cosmetic procedures for quick recovery

Efforts to return to your previous figure must be comprehensive. An important component of this system is cosmetic care for problem areas:

  • the cut or seam itself;
  • abdominal area above the incision;
  • a zone measuring about 5 cm under the scar.

To these are added the classic problem areas for women who have recently given birth: the hips, buttocks and the so-called lifebuoy (sides).

Paying close attention to your body after surgery means avoiding invasive effects on the injured abdominal area: work on volumes will have to be postponed for six months. This is due to the fact that the uterus acquires its previous tone within 5-6 months, sometimes more. External influence on this area should be excluded. Only treatment of the scar with special means, which were mentioned above, is allowed. However, there are no restrictions on maintaining the elasticity of the skin of the thighs and buttocks.

Salon treatments

Beauty salons today offer a whole range of services for getting rid of extra pounds after pregnancy:

  • cryotherapy (exposure to the area with cold);
  • mesotherapy (vitamin injections subcutaneously);
  • hardware massages (vibrations that break up the fat layer);
  • ultrasonic liposuction;
  • laser exposure, etc.

These sessions give the desired effect. Their disadvantages include high cost and the need to plan visitation times in advance, which is not easy for a new parent.

Home treatments

At home, it is much easier for a mother to carve out half an hour of precious time for herself. What actions against cellulite and excess volume are time-tested and beneficial?

Massage and wraps. The method really brings results. Sequence of steps.

  • Intensive cleansing of the area under the shower using a washcloth and scrub (it is recommended to use a homemade scrub consisting of olive oil, baking soda and finely ground sea salt).
  • Applying a special mask. It may include clay, citrus essential oils, honey and coffee extract (in ampoules).
  • Intensive massage of the area. The area should be very warm - this stimulates the flow of lymph to the subcutaneous fat layer.
  • Wrapping with film and insulating the area. You can wear warm leggings or lie under a blanket.
  • After forty minutes, you need to wash off the composition under a contrast shower.
  • The final step is to apply cream to firm the skin.

It is important to exclude the baby from contact with the products during the procedure. When it’s time to feed your baby, do not allow his delicate skin to touch aggressive cosmetics. Experienced mothers advise performing procedures while the newborn is sleeping.

Regular application of oils.

The miraculous power of oils in the fight against extra pounds is known. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin in the morning and before bed will improve its quality, and a light massage will reduce the appearance of stretch marks and even out the relief.

TO healthy oils for this purpose include:

  • ylang-ylang;
  • citrus fruits: orange, grapefruit, lemon (classic against cellulite);
  • rosemary oil (removes excess liquid);
  • geranium oil (bonus – anti-edema effect).

It is important to remember that essential oils must be added to the base (olive, coconut) and should never be used on their own. Taking baths with the addition of 2-3 drops essential oil also has a beneficial effect on the skin.

The birth of a baby is an incredible joy for a young mother. In order not to be overshadowed by physical ailments, it is important for women to know how to quickly and efficiently restore the body after a caesarean section. At integrated approach rehabilitation takes place quickly and does not distract from long-awaited activities with the child.

According to statistics, today every 3-4 pregnancies end in surgery. A new mother will have to deal not only with the postpartum period, but also with the condition after surgery.

And this is doubly more difficult. Nobody canceled the responsibilities for caring for the baby. No one else can put your baby to your breast except you. It is not without reason that women are interested in how to quickly return themselves to their previous shape.

How to recover after a cesarean section?

Changes in your body begin immediately after the baby is removed, while still on the operating table. The uterus reacts to the decrease in volume and contracts sharply. Thereby helping to stop bleeding.

From now on, it will decrease in volume every day. It will completely decrease by about 2 months. After the operation, an ice pack is placed on your stomach - this is also a means of improving uterine contraction and stopping bleeding. They will definitely prescribe injections that contract the uterus.

Postoperative scars on the uterus, anterior abdominal wall and skin will make themselves felt almost immediately. The pain is especially severe in the first 3 days. Pain contributes to the release of stress hormones: adrenaline and norepinephrine, which negatively affects the condition of the body, as well as the healing of scars and the pelvic organs.

In addition, the tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall decreases in order to protect the cut stomach. This may lead to the formation of hernias in the future. You must be prescribed painkillers.

The suture after a cesarean section will be treated daily. It will be removed within 7-8 days.

Doctors will tell and show, but only you can help yourself.

14 ways to recover faster after a caesarean section

1.​Don't lie around after surgery! After the operation, 10-12 hours, and if you had spinal anesthesia, then 24 hours, you will have to remain in bed. The first time you need to go up in the presence of doctors. The sooner you get up, the better for you.

2.​ Physical activity. Almost immediately after the operation it is necessary to move and turn over in bed. The seam is tightly sutured with threads, it will not come apart. 3-4 hours after cesarean section you need to perform the first exercises. Bend and straighten your legs at the ankle and knee joints, hands.

3. Do breathing exercises.

  • Lying on your back, move your arm to the side - inhale, return to the i.p. - exhale.
  • Lying on your back, with your legs extended and arms along your body. Raise your straight arms up - inhale through your nose, lower your arms down - exhale through your mouth.
  • Lying on your left side, left hand under the head, right - along the body, legs straight. Raise your right hand up, touch the pillow, inhale, lower it, exhale. Repeat 1-2 times. Repeat on the right side too.
  • Lying on your back, legs extended, right hand on your stomach, left hand on your chest. Inhale through the nose - inflate the stomach, exhale through the mouth - deflate.

After you can get up, on day 2, start doing the exercises while sitting on the edge of the bed, with your legs down.

  • Flexion and extension of the legs at the knee joints.
  • Inhale - pull your knees to your chest, helping with your hands, exhale - return to standing position.
  • Inhale - spread your arms to the sides, exhale - draw in your stomach and return to the position.

From 3-4 days:

  • Lying on your back, bend your knees, arms along your body. Raise the pelvis and turn it to the right - left, lower it.
  • We lie on our backs, knees bent, arms extended. We lower our knees to the right, outstretched arms to the left, lower our knees to the left, outstretched arms to the right.
  • We lie on our backs, legs and arms extended, raise one leg and begin to draw numbers from 1 to 6. Then do the same with the other leg. Every day we add 1 digit and reach 20.
  • To restore the tone of the perineal muscles, there is a set of Kegel exercises.

If you do gymnastics, your recovery after a cesarean section will go much faster. There will be no adhesions, over time the former elasticity of the tummy will return, and the uterus will shrink in a short time. But first you should consult your doctor.

Against the background of fever, if there was a large blood loss during the operation, if you have thrombophlebitis, exercise is contraindicated. You should not perform gymnastics through force. Stop exercising if pain occurs.

Caesarean section is not compatible with intense physical activity. You can’t lift weights, pump up your abs, exercise on machines, run, or squat for the first 2-3 months.

Important! You should also remember that excessive exercise will not promote milk production. Therefore, it is contraindicated for nursing mothers.

3.​ Lactation. Breastfeed your baby. What will it give? When sucking a nipple, oxytocin is produced in the body. It stimulates the production of milk in the mammary glands and the contraction of smooth muscles, i.e. uterus.

In addition, it is a love hormone that helps develop maternal instincts. Oh beneficial properties There is a lot of talk about breast milk for a baby and everyone knows that there is nothing better.

4.​Anemia. The need for iron during pregnancy and breastfeeding is always increased. During a caesarean section, blood loss is several times higher than after a natural birth.

You may develop anemia after surgery. This disrupts tissue healing, uterine contraction and does not have the best effect on well-being. If the doctor says that your hemoglobin is low, then you need to take iron supplements.

5.​ Lie on your stomach. Already on the second day after cesarean you can lie on your stomach. This will speed up the contraction of the uterus.

You will have to endure a urinary catheter for the first 24 hours after surgery. This is not pleasant and makes movement difficult. It is placed before surgery to control the amount and color of urine, as well as to prevent injury to the bladder during surgery.

After the operation, they also calculate how much urine was released per day. This is important to assess whether there has been damage to the bladder or ureters. Empty bladder, important condition for proper contraction of the uterus, and you will not be able to get on the bedpan on your own for the first 12-24 hours.

After surgery, you may experience constipation. This occurs due to decreased intestinal tone, hormonal load and, of course, a sedentary lifestyle. If by the third or fourth day there is no stool, you will be given an enema.

Drink more water, move more. At home you should eat more vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, soups and cereals with buckwheat and pearl barley, vegetable oils.

7.​ Nutrition. The body needs strength to return to normal after surgery, as well as to feed the child. So eat more meat, protein is construction material, and you have scars that need to heal.

More fiber: vegetables and fruits, but exclude overseas fruits. Remember that you will be breastfeeding your baby. Therefore, your menu should not harm the baby. You should not eat food with preservatives, spices, hot sauces, smoked meats, grilled chicken, hot dogs, pizza, fatty or fried foods. Food should be stewed, boiled and steamed.

8.​ Massage and self-massage will help you recover. It improves skin tone, improves blood circulation and metabolism. Muscle tone also increases.

Interesting! In addition, massage has a positive effect on nervous system. Normalizes sleep, reduces pain sensitivity. You can perform self-massage.

There are 4 techniques in the technique: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

From the first hours you can stroke your stomach with your palm in a circle, from top to bottom and from bottom to top.

You can use a tennis ball. Make circular movements for them in a clockwise direction starting from the navel.

Perform a massage using a contrast shower.

9.​ Wear a bandage. It will relieve pain and support weakened abdominal muscles. The bandage is especially indispensable in the first days and weeks. When lying down, the bandage is not needed, only when moving. Do not wear the bandage for more than 3 hours. From 4-6 weeks the bandage is not needed, and wearing it for a long time can lead to the opposite effect, i.e. weakening the press.

10.​ Hygiene. Unfortunately, if you had a caesarean section, you will be allowed to take a shower only after the stitch is removed, and then only if it has healed well. This will happen in about a week.

Before this, you need to wash your face in parts so as not to wet the seam. Be sure to maintain intimate hygiene: you need to wash yourself with soap after each visit to the toilet.

11.​ Keep an eye on the discharge.

  • In the first 3 days they are bright red and very abundant.
  • From 4 to 10 days they are pink-brown or brown. Every day their number decreases, and the color becomes lighter.
  • By day 10, yellowish or white spotting.
  • By 3 weeks they contain streaks of mucus.
  • The discharge will stop completely by 6-8 weeks.

If they are very abundant, dirty in color and have an unpleasant odor, and you are worried about pain in the lower abdomen or have a fever, you should consult a doctor. Complications may have arisen that will slow down the recovery of the body after childbirth and the healing of the uterine scar.

12.​Dream. The body must rest well. Sleep during the day with your baby.

13.​ Take proper care of your skin scar. The stitches will be removed within 6-7 days. If there are no complications, take a shower at home every day, but do not rub the seam area with a washcloth. After a shower, treat it with brilliant green, unless the doctor prescribes anything else upon discharge.

To avoid a rough scar, after a month you can use special ointments (controctubex, solcoseryl, clearvin), if you wish, you can go to a beauty salon.

Important! If pain, swelling and pus discharge occur in the suture area, you should consult a doctor.

14.​ Walking in the fresh air. Rapid healing of wounds and nutrition of tissues is impossible without oxygen. In addition, it will be useful for your baby too.

After 6-12 months, the scars will heal, muscle and skin tone will return.

Getting your body in order after childbirth and cesarean section is not so easy, but the joy of the birth of your baby will outshine all the difficulties.

Every woman, preparing to soon become a mother, awaits with special trepidation the birth of a little person - her baby. And each has her own dreams, desires, worries and fears about the upcoming birth. When will that very day come? How will everything happen - quickly and painlessly or long and painfully? Should I be afraid? possible complications? A woman asks herself a million different questions, because she understands: the birth of a child is the most important thing that will happen in her life!

Of course, we all hope only for the best. However, unfortunately, no one is immune from possible surgical intervention in the birth process. In most cases, when it comes to surgery, a woman panics. After all, such a procedure implies complications, and any future mom. And first of all, these concerns concern the health of her unborn baby. This fear is especially justified when a woman is initially completely and completely committed to natural childbirth.

As a rule, the decision to perform a caesarean section is made by the attending physician if there are direct medical indications. And here the most important thing for a woman is the right attitude towards a favorable outcome of the situation. It is very important to understand that a caesarean section is by no means a death sentence! This is just an alternative to the natural course of the birth process.

All efforts of doctors during the upcoming operation will be aimed at ensuring the safety of the child and his mother. A correct, competent approach to choosing a maternity hospital and a candidate for a doctor, trust in the medical staff leading the birth - all this will undoubtedly add confidence to the mother in a favorable outcome of an artificial birth! After all, a happy mother and healthy baby on her chest - without a doubt, this is exactly the goal that everyone involved in childbirth strives for.

Women who have had a cesarean section need to pay attention to several important points. How seriously the young mother takes them ultimately determines her speedy recovery after a caesarean section, return to her usual lifestyle and, of course, further full communication with the small but most important member of the family!

  • Secretion of breast milk.

The recovery process after cesarean section concerns not only the health of the young mother and her physical fitness. First of all, all conditions must be created so that a newborn child receives adequate nutrition for full growth and development. A caesarean section is a serious stress for a woman’s body. Natural childbirth, in its essence, launches the natural process of caring for the child, signaling the need for active milk production to feed the baby. This factor is especially important in the situation of surgical childbirth, since in this case the body is deprived of such a unique “signal” about the birth of a new person.

In such a situation, it is important for the mother not to miss this moment and make every effort to stimulate the production of breast milk. Of course, the child himself will provide her with great help in this, since correct and regular latching of the baby to the breast stimulates the lactation process in the best possible way.

In the first days of his life, the baby should receive from his mother precious colostrum, which contains essential fats, vitamins and microelements to strengthen the immune system and protect the body from infections and pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, you should put your baby to your breast as early as possible! After all, the sooner you do this and the more often you feed, the better it will be with breast milk later.

In cases where the baby is not able to empty the mother's breasts during feeding, it is necessary to express the remaining milk manually or using a breast pump. Especially in the first time after a cesarean section. A woman can receive recommendations on how to properly attach a baby to the breast and on methods of expressing milk by seeking help from a representative of the medical staff of the maternity hospital department.

  • Harmony with your own body.

Hormonal changes in the body, weakness, fatigue and general exhaustion after childbirth, pain after surgery associated with contraction of the uterus and the need to treat the suture area - all these factors require special attention and care from the woman. In the first days after giving birth, it will not be easy for the mother: she takes care of the newborn baby and devotes herself entirely to the baby. She will need strength and energy so that, in conditions of extreme lack of time, she does not forget about herself, about her health, body and appearance, if she wants to remain no less attractive in the future than she was before the birth of the child!

A post-operative bandage will be of great benefit for the formation of the previous shape of the tummy. It helps speed up the contraction of the uterus, helps tone muscle tissue and reduces the load on the spine.

Pain in the suture area after a cesarean section and the presence of a scar very often cause a woman to have a huge number of complexes. She is embarrassed by her husband and worries that the stitch will ruin her appearance. There's really no need to worry. Modern surgery takes into account the aesthetic aspect of such an operation: a small incision is made (about 10 cm), in the lower part of the tummy, in the shape of a “smile”. So don’t worry: in a few months, when the scar on your tummy and the internal suture on your uterus heal, you can safely wear the most revealing bikini!

You should take the hygiene of the postoperative suture area especially seriously. Fortunately, there are now special means to speed up the healing of such scars, smooth out the tissue and give the seam a more aesthetic appearance.

In the end, a woman should not forget about her husband, who, with all his love, sympathy for his wife and desire to help her in everything and always, still sincerely wants to see his wife well-groomed and beautiful. Yes, it's definitely hard. But, as they say, that’s how it should be!

  • Physical exercise.

Of course, sports, going to the pool and sex are contraindicated in the first few weeks after surgery. Surgical intervention requires some time to restore the integrity of the uterus and complete healing of the sutures. But movement, walking, breathing exercises, simple postpartum exercises to strengthen the abdominal cavity are extremely important for the overall recovery of the body and its adaptation.

When will a woman’s body fully recover after a caesarean section? After one and a half months after birth, after the discharge has completely stopped, in the absence of complications and contraindications from the attending physician, you can completely return to your previous full life in all its spheres!

  • Dieting.

In the first two days after birth, the young mother is allowed to eat only a small amount of lean broth and non-carbonated mineral water with a drop lemon juice. From the third day you can switch to low-calorie dietary products: yogurt, jelly, porridge, lean meat, cottage cheese. Food should be easy to digest and not cause bloating. Starting from the seventh day, the woman gradually switches to a normal diet, subject to the recommendations of a nutritionist.

A proper balanced diet, avoidance of “heavy” spicy foods and allergens is of great importance not only for the recovery of a woman’s body after a cesarean section. Its main goal now is to provide adequate nutrition to a newborn baby in order to meet his needs for vitamins and minerals. So a young mother should make it a rule to eat cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, meat or fish, fruits and vegetables every day. Because she and only she is fully responsible for the health of her baby!

And the most important thing that a young mother should remember is that her patience, perseverance, positive attitude and, of course, care and love for a small, so beloved and such a wonderful person will help solve all problems and overcome any obstacles!

Surgical intervention in obstetric practice makes it possible to preserve the health and life of the mother and child in the event of a difficult pregnancy, the presence of contraindications to natural childbirth, or the development of unforeseen complications during the process. Many women consider this method of delivery to be more gentle, since it is not associated with the need for prolonged contractions and possible ruptures. All that is required of the mother in such cases is to be an outside observer of the work of the doctors involved in extracting the child. However, despite the seeming harmlessness of surgical childbirth compared to natural birth, this path is no less dangerous. Caesarean section is an open abdominal operation requiring anesthesia and is associated with extensive tissue trauma and massive bleeding.

The main difficulties for women arise in the postoperative period. Recovery after a cesarean section lasts several months, with the first day being the most unpleasant. At the same time, during the entire rehabilitation period, no one relieves the young mother of her duties to care for her newborn.

Recovery after anesthesia

Like any traumatic procedure, surgery Removing the child requires the use of anesthesia. During planned intervention, its type is prescribed taking into account the woman’s health condition. Emergency surgery is often performed under spinal anesthesia. Recovery after cesarean section, physical well-being and emotional state in the first days are directly related to the anesthesia used. The body's reaction to drugs can be unpredictable.

Immediately after the operation and for the next 6–8 hours, the woman is prohibited from getting out of bed and turning over on her side. Depending on complications, blood transfusion may be required during surgery. infusion therapy containing nutritional and rehydration solutions. Then movement becomes a necessity. To quickly recover and get rid of the effects of medication, it is recommended to sit down slowly and lower your legs from the bed. The next day you are allowed to get up. You should not be afraid of the sutures coming apart, since they are fastened until complete healing. The consequences of anesthesia bring much more trouble.


The advantage of this method of pain relief is considered by many to be the complete loss of consciousness and the absence of the need to monitor the progress of the operation. However, this type of anesthesia is associated with great risks for both doctors and patients.

An endotracheal procedure with provision of artificial ventilation leads to a decrease in blood pressure and slowing down cardiac activity for 40–60 minutes - while the operation lasts. During this time, doses of drugs are administered intravenously into the body. When all manipulations are completed, the supply of drugs is stopped. Their anesthetic effect wears off almost immediately. Consciousness gradually returns to the woman in labor after a few minutes. Almost immediately, severe pain begins to set in.

Within 30–60 minutes, residual effects of the drugs are observed, hallucinations, hysterical states, stupor, perceptual disturbances, and speech impairment are possible.

To relieve pain after general anesthesia, a woman in labor needs analgesic medications for several days.


One of the easiest anesthesia techniques to use. It involves a single injection of painkillers into the narrow subarachnoid space separating the spinal cord and the arachnoid membrane. The injection is placed in the spine area between the 4th and 5th vertebrae. The active substances almost instantly block the nerve endings, anesthesia completely relieves pain after 15 minutes. The lack of sensitivity in the lower part of the body allows the operation to be performed while maintaining consciousness in the patient.

Spinal anesthesia

Body type, nationality or type of appearance also do not affect the time of return of menstruation.

The physiological processes occurring in a woman’s body after the birth of a child ensure a prolonged absence of menstruation. If a young mother is breastfeeding, large doses are regularly released into her blood oxytocin And prolactin. These hormones are natural antagonists of estrogens, which are responsible for ovulation. Lactation amenorrhea is a normal condition provided by nature. This is a period of a kind of rest reproductive system after childbirth. Most women do not have periods until lactation ends spontaneously or artificially. The recovery period of the cycle in this case ranges from one to five months from the date of the end of feeding.

Don't expect your next period to be regular. In the first 2–3 cycles, discharge with the presence of blood clots is likely to be more scanty or abundant than usual. The breaks between them can vary from 21 to 50 days, the duration can be from 2 to 7 days, which is also not a sign of violations. All these phenomena are caused by changes that have occurred in the uterus and endocrine system. Over the course of several months, hormonal levels fluctuate, which affects the thickness of the endometrium.

In some cases, pain during menstruation in women who have previously suffered algomenorrhea, after childbirth may weaken or disappear altogether. This occurs due to changes in the shape and position of the uterus.

In almost 10% of young mothers who traditionally breastfeed, menstruation appears before six months after birth: in the second or third month. Such a surprise can be associated with hormonal disorders, insufficient milk production, and long breaks in feeding. Sometimes this is an individual characteristic of the body. It is not necessary to curtail lactation in such a situation, but then the mother will have to deal with the increased load: reconsider her diet and get plenty of rest. The diet must contain animal proteins, carbohydrates, a sufficient amount of fat, foods rich in calcium, iron, vitamins E, D, A, ascorbic and folic acids. It is necessary to supplement the menu with special complexes and dietary supplements.

In cases where circumstances force the child to feed artificial formula from the first days, and there is no need for lactation, recovery monthly cycle You can wait 1–3 months from the end of the postpartum period. Typically, for mothers who are not breastfeeding, their first menstruation occurs 6-8 weeks after the end of lochia.

Intimate life

Having sex after surgical childbirth should be postponed until the end of the postpartum period and the formation of a dense post-operative scar. The minimum period is about 2 months in the absence of any complications. If during the operation to remove the child the nerve endings were damaged, the suture became inflamed, or other health problems appeared, intimate life It will be possible to return no earlier than in 3-4 months.

Complete tissue restoration after childbirth by cesarean section occurs within several years. Despite the fact that a woman can start doing household chores, sports, working, and being active much earlier, the next pregnancy is possible only after two years. Otherwise, one cannot hope for a successful outcome: there may be a violation of the integrity of the uterus, its divergence along the suture, incorrect positioning of the fetus, detachment placenta or the growth of its tissues through the scar into adjacent organs.

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The danger of an early pregnancy makes sections more important than ever. To be on the safe side, it is advisable to use not just one method, but several. It is usually recommended to combine barrier protection and oral contraceptives. The former block the penetration of sperm, but are not reliable enough. Hormonal drugs have an almost 100% effect, but do not exclude the so-called “breakthrough” ovulation. The combination of several methods practically guarantees safety.

Hopes for the calendar method or lactational amenorrhea from a medical point of view, not serious. Their effectiveness is no more than 40–50%, since ovulation tends to occur suddenly. A woman should not expose her health to the risk of premature pregnancy after a cesarean section.

Figure restoration

The extra pounds gained during pregnancy and a stretched, protruding belly bring little joy to a young mother. Adding to the annoyance after the operation is the need to take care of your health, avoiding stress in the first months. Restoring your figure after a caesarean section really goes into the background. Compared to Necessity proper care looking after the baby and monitoring one’s own well-being, this aspect can be considered unimportant.

It is not always possible to return an elastic, flat stomach and a thin waist after a caesarean section. The reason for this is overstretching of the skin and diastasis - the separation of the abdominal muscles. This problem is especially common after multiple pregnancies or for women who have never exercised before. With such problems, slimness can only be restored with the help of plastic surgery. In all other cases, you need to be patient.


In the first days after a cesarean section, eat only light liquid foods. During the day, the intestines are unable to function, as they are under the influence of anesthesia. You can drink plain or mineral water with a small amount of fruit juice. Over the next four days, the menu is gradually expanded, gradually introducing broths, juices, dairy products, liquid cereals and pureed soups.

For several weeks after discharge from the hospital, it is recommended to follow a special diet for surgical patients. All dishes must be prepared without frying: steamed or baked, do not contain hard crusts, large quantity salt, spices, animal fats, artificial colors.

  • lean meats and fish: turkey, skinless chicken, veal, cod, chum salmon, horse mackerel;
  • cottage cheese and kefir with a fat content of no more than 5%;
  • chopped vegetables: first stewed and then raw;
  • berries, fruits;
  • whole wheat bread.

Dishes high in starch and sugar should be limited. These include:

  • potato;
  • pasta;
  • semolina;
  • polished rice;
  • products made from white flour: cookies, gingerbreads, buns, pies;
  • sweets: chocolate, candies.

It is necessary to completely exclude various delicacies and heavy foods from the menu:

  • salo;
  • sausages;
  • fast food;
  • ham;
  • margarine.

New mothers who are breastfeeding need to adhere to stricter restrictions. Often their diet in the first weeks consists only of porridge with water, pureed meat and vegetable stew.

Usually within 3–4 months with proper nutrition most of the extra pounds accumulated during pregnancy gradually disappear. More radical measures: various express diets and fasting days You can practice no earlier than the end of the lactation period.

Mothers whose children are bottle-fed, in search of how to quickly recover after a cesarean section, are also not recommended to torture themselves with a hungry diet. Energy value daily menu to preserve all body functions it should be at least 1500 kcal. For complete tissue healing, it is recommended to use meat products, aspic, fruit jellies, chicken eggs.


Any physical exercise associated with tension in the abdominal muscles, after cesarean section are resolved no earlier than after 4 months. Until this period expires, only walking is allowed.

In the first month, it is necessary to provide support to the abs and alleviate pain during the daytime. It is advisable to wear it for several hours a day.

Physical exercises aimed at strengthening the abs should be performed regularly, and the load should increase gradually. It’s better to work out in the gym under the guidance of a trainer, it disciplines you. If this is not possible, you should set up a place at home.

Additionally, you can go swimming, skiing, and cycling. These exercises gently stimulate the tone of the abdominal muscles and help tighten the abdomen.


From Eastern practices, breathing, static exercises, and muscle stretching movements help strengthen. They need to be performed in a calm environment, in the morning or evening, preferably daily. Many yoga exercises are great as a warm-up or finishing exercise.

Exercises at home

For home exercises, you can purchase a stepper or treadmill. Indoor furniture is suitable as auxiliary equipment: a chair or a sofa. In order for the abdomen to begin to tighten after a cesarean section, it is useful to perform twisting exercises, simulating cycling from a lying position, pulling the legs to the chest, and pumping the abs. It is advisable to practice at home daily, for 30–40 minutes. If there is no time, instead of a full-fledged complex, you can perform several approaches in different periods if possible.

When to see a doctor

If the recovery process after surgery is successful, you can appear for your next medical examination with a gynecologist six months after giving birth.

An earlier visit should be made if warning signs appear:

  • change in the nature of lochia before the end of the postpartum period: appearance of pus impurities, heavy odor;
  • the occurrence of frequent cramps or sudden cutting pain in the abdomen after the sutures have healed;
  • the appearance of swelling, redness, itching or suppuration in the suture area;
  • absence of menstruation for five or more months from the date of cessation of lactation.

Additional medical examination is also necessary in case of sudden changes menstrual cycle: discharge of blood or pus before or after menstruation, constant internal pain, attacks of weakness or dizziness.

While a woman is in the hospital, her condition may be relatively stable, and complications after surgery develop later.

What complications can there be?

In approximately 20% of cases of cesarean section, women in labor experience various kinds of complications. They are mainly associated with existing systemic diseases, circumstances that arose during surgery or during the early recovery period.

Most often these are various infectious processes, pathologies of the vascular system and hematopoietic functions.

Common complications:

  • inflammation or divergence of the postoperative suture, the formation of hernias;
  • the addition of a secondary infection: the development of an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity, adjacent pelvic tissue or appendages;
  • : During surgery, patients inevitably lose blood, on average about 500–600 ml.

Depending on the physical condition of each woman, other complications are possible. For these reasons, when figuring out how to recover from a C-section, it's important not to overdo it. If there are any strange changes in your health or appearance suture, if redness, burning or severe itching appears in this area, you should consult a doctor.

Doctors' opinion

Caesarean section is a complex surgical operation. It is prescribed to women in labor not on a whim, but for serious medical reasons, when there is a real threat to the health of the expectant mother or her child. It is no coincidence that maternity hospital doctors refuse to allow patients to undergo this procedure at will, without any reason. After all, natural childbirth is, although painful, a less dangerous process if we are talking about completely healthy women. After a natural birth, the mother can get up within a few hours and gradually return to normal life. Caesarean section requires a long recovery, sometimes lasting more than six months.

It is important that the first such operation is an almost unconditional reason for subsequent artificial childbirth in the same way. Although over time the incision site of the muscles and the wall of the uterus reliably heals, the structure of the tissue in the suture area is inelastic. A woman can give birth naturally after a cesarean section, but only if she is under 30 years old and more than three years have passed since the operation.

During repeated surgery, the surgeon makes the incision with the same suture, which significantly slows down subsequent healing and increases the risk of complications. The permissible number of safe caesarean sections that one woman can undergo is no more than four. In practice, successful and relatively rapid recovery after caesarean section occurs only after the first two interventions. Of course, each case is individual, there are mothers who were born in this way with 5 or more children, but these are exceptions.

A condition for the successful restoration of health after a cesarean section is compliance with all medical prescriptions. The first few days are especially difficult to bear. A young mother suffers from pain and residual effects of anesthesia. Almost everyone develops intestinal atony, so you should not eat solid food.

Staying in bed is not recommended. Within a few hours after the anesthesia wears off, it is advisable to move your arms and legs and begin to turn. On the second day, intestinal function should be activated: rumbling appears in the stomach, gases begin to escape. In the absence of signs of intestinal activity, stimulation with drugs is necessary.

Milk in such women comes with a slight delay - after 3–4 days. During this period, the child has to be supplemented with formula.

After discharge, the recovery process continues. You should not overload yourself with physical work, walk for a long time, carrying a baby in your arms, or lift a stroller up the stairs. To maintain the muscle corset, it is useful to wear a bandage. It is necessary to select not a squeezing side, but a comfortable elastic model. The structure should be worn no more than 6–8 hours a day and only for two months after surgery. The habit of sleeping in a bandage or using it to retract the abdomen for too long will lead to the opposite effect - the muscles will weaken and become flabby.

To get back into shape, you need to exercise carefully. In the first few weeks, daily exercise should not exceed 20–30 minutes. In this case, you should not use weights or do exercises that strongly strain your abs. Before starting classes, you must contact your supervising doctor to rule out possible contraindications.

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If a natural delivery is impossible for a woman for a number of reasons, the doctor prescribes a caesarean section. After this operation, proper recovery is necessary. Every woman preparing to become a mother should know about the recovery period.

Rehabilitation after caesarean section: features of the first days

A new mother immediately has a lot of responsibilities, which complicates recovery after surgery. The woman will have to spend a day in the block intensive care. Due to anesthesia, a woman in labor cannot get out of bed for 12 hours. To make recovery after a cesarean section easier, remember the following recommendations:

  1. You will lie on your back, but you will need to turn over on your side often to release blood clots and prevent adhesions from starting. Place your feet on the bed, lift your hips higher, turn them out and lower them. Take it slow. Smoothly expand your chest.
  2. When general anesthesia is restored, you will experience a cough as mucus builds up in your lungs. When coughing, press down the seam with a towel or diaper to prevent it from coming apart.
  3. To get out of bed, roll over onto your side and dangle your legs. First, get up and sit for a while. Move your legs, stretch them. When you stand up, try to take as even a vertical position as possible.
  4. Taking deep breaths will help you get rid of gases in your intestines during the recovery period. You can also rock in your chair.

How to quickly recover after a caesarean section - recommendations

Any woman wants to get back into good shape as soon as possible. A quick recovery is possible if you remember certain recommendations. Your entire lifestyle matters: nutrition, daily routine, intimate hygiene. Try to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions to avoid health problems in the future. To understand how to recover from a cesarean section, remember a few basic rules. This way you will protect yourself from a lot of troubles.

Proper nutrition after cesarean section

It is best to eat hospital food prepared taking into account the peculiarities of the recovery of the body of women in labor. Supplement your diet with what you can eat after a cesarean section. Diet according to recovery days for a young mother:

  1. After a caesarean section, you are only allowed to drink water for the first 24 hours.
  2. On the second day of recovery, lean meat broth with vegetables is suitable. Introduce dairy products into your diet: yogurt, cottage cheese. Eat a small piece of lean meat minced through a meat grinder.
  3. On the third day of recovery you can eat steam cutlets, meatballs, water porridge, cheese, cottage cheese, vegetable puree, chicken, beef. Food should not be hot. If you have problems with stool, drink kefir.
  4. In the subsequent days of recovery, include dairy products, meat, vegetables and fruits, eggs, butter and vegetable oil in your diet.

After a cesarean section, avoid eating the following foods:

  • natural honey;
  • garlic;
  • citrus and exotic fruits;
  • strawberries;
  • mayonnaise, mustard and other sauces;
  • marinades;
  • carrots;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • seafood;
  • sausages;
  • chocolate.

Physical activity

The sooner you start moving after a cesarean section, the less likely it is that adhesions will develop. While you are recovering from anesthesia, roll over from one side to the other, try to move your legs and rotate your feet. When you feel better, pull your knees towards your chest. Be sure to start doing Kegel exercises right away, this will help avoid difficulty urinating. After surgery, you will have to get out of bed on the second day.

Suture care after cesarean section

For 5 days in a row, all procedures will be carried out by a nurse. She should treat the wound with antiseptics and change the bandage. If the threads do not dissolve on their own, they will be removed after about a week, from which time it is allowed to wet the incision and not wear a bandage. Treatment with antiseptics should be continued independently. The seam should be washed with liquid soap and wiped with a disposable towel. After some time, you can use ointments to heal scars.

Wearing a bandage

Many doubt the need for this accessory and consider it too inconvenient. Modern experts say that it is necessary to wear a bandage for at least a month during the recovery period. It should not be universal, but special - postoperative. Wearing a bandage promotes proper and rapid recovery of the abdomen after a caesarean section. The accessory will protect your seam from damage, it will be much easier for you to walk and take care of your child.

Physical exercise

Remember that intensive restoration of your figure after a caesarean section is possible for you only after six months. In the first couple of months, you need to take care of yourself and not lift any weights other than the baby. One of the most dangerous consequences of overload is rupture of the uterine suture. Before you start physical exercise, consult your doctor. Until six months have passed, walk a lot, do simple exercises for your arms and legs, without straining your abdominal muscles. Don't forget about Kegel exercises.

Menstrual cycle

His recovery after a cesarean section proceeds in the same way as after a normal birth. For one and a half to two months, lochia will appear - a discharge similar to menstruation. The first two periods should be very heavy. The cycle should normalize in 3-5 months. If it does not stabilize, you need to undergo examination and make sure that there are no complications, for example, endometriosis. The process of restoring a normal menstrual cycle after a cesarean section depends on:

  1. Age. The younger the woman, the sooner she will begin menstruation and fully resume childbearing function.
  2. Lifestyle. It affects how a woman eats and whether she exercises.
  3. Lactation. If the mother feeds the baby with breast milk, menstruation will begin in approximately 6-8 months. In the absence of lactation, they appear after 8-12 weeks.

Sexual activity

Doctors recommend that patients after a cesarean section begin intimate relationships in one and a half to two months. If there were or are any complications, then the issue of resuming sexual activity after pregnancy should be discussed with a doctor. Don't forget about contraception, because you shouldn't get pregnant until two, or preferably three, years after your cesarean section.

Observation by a gynecologist

Visit a specialist for the first time 10 days after a caesarean section. He will definitely do an ultrasound of the uterus, register you and observe you for at least two years. Then consult a doctor when the lochia stops coming out, that is, after one and a half to two months of recovery. The next visit is six months after the day of abdominal birth. Then you need to visit your doctor every 6 months.

How to remove belly fat after cesarean section at home

Be sure to wear a bandage and use creams to restore skin elasticity, and do body wraps. If you don’t know how to restore your stomach after a caesarean section, then try to pull it in more often, this helps a lot and can be done in any conditions. Abdominal exercises, breathing exercises, and yoga will help. Training with a hoop will be effective. If possible, sleep on your stomach to help your muscles contract properly.

Video: effective exercises after cesarean section

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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