Choosing a profession: how to decide on a specialty in Unified State Examination subjects. Free education: how to assess your chances of enrolling on a budget Selection of an institute for Unified State Exam subjects

If you are a high school student, it's time to think about where to go to study next. There are many universities, but you only need to choose one. How to do it right so you don’t regret it later? We have compiled a list of basic selection criteria that will help you decide.

Start your search for a university as early as possible, attend days open doors and look for important information on the Internet

Basic criteria

1. Availability of a program of interest

If you have decided on a profession, then first you need find a university with your chosen specialty. Please note that specializations in the same area may differ at different universities. Study the programs carefully, look for the profile that you need. If you haven’t decided on your direction yet, choose a multidisciplinary university.

2. State or non-state

find out status property of the university, it is usually indicated in the full name of the institution. In most cases, public universities provide more budget places than private ones. In addition, you can count on social support and assistance from the state.

3. Availability of state accreditation

It’s easier to find a job with a state diploma

Important criteria

1. Budget places and competition

All universities in the country allocate a certain number of places: for budgetary and paid departments, for full-time or correspondence forms training. You can find out these numbers on our website in the Universities and Specialties section.” For comparison: « many places» - from 50 and above.« High competition» - from 25 and above. This is typical for most areas of training, except for medicine.

When choosing a university, adequately assess your chances of getting into the budget

2. Tuition fees

It is not always possible to enroll on a budget, so find out in advance the cost of studying at a paid department. Different programs usually have different prices. Lifehack: You can study at a top university relatively inexpensively using new or unpopular programs - look for them! AND specify how much the payment will increase every year taking into account inflation.

3. Availability of a hostel

If you are from out of town, this is one of the most important criteria. Find out if the university can provide housing for everyone. In some institutions there are few places in the dormitory; they are allocated on a competitive basis. Also find out payment amount, the condition of the buildings and the distance from them to the university.

Find out what living conditions are like in the hostel

4. Corruption

Corruption is rampant in some universities. To avoid running into such an educational institution, look for reviews online and monitor the news. Scandals of this kind are always covered in the press. Also look for thematic student communities in in social networks, where information can be obtained from trusted persons.

5. Number of cases

Some universities have several buildings in different locations. It is better when there are fewer of them, and they are close to each other. In this case, you will not have to travel to the other end of the city to get a certificate or to take a test. The smaller the buildings, the less often documents are lost and the more often they are signed, the better the communication with the management staff of the university.

6. Loyalty

In order not to drop out already from the first year, choose a university with a loyal attitude towards students. Find out what mistakes can lead to expulsion, whether it is possible to retake the exams, and how strict the teachers are. All this information can be found on student forums and thematic groups on social networks.

7. Teaching staff

The ideal option is when doctors of sciences and professors teach at a university, only a candidate of sciences can defend a master's thesis, and only a doctor of sciences can defend a candidate's dissertation. It is good if foreign lecturers are involved in teaching. It is always better to know about progressive foreign practices and not to get hung up on domestic approaches.

And a few more interesting points

Scholarship programs

Each institution has its own accrual system. Find out what the amount of payments is in a particular institution, whether it is possible to increase them for special academic achievements. Choose a university that definitely has scholarships if you plan to live at your own expense and separately from your parents.

International programs

A criterion for those who dream of overseas countries. In universities with international programs, it is possible to go on an internship either for free or for ridiculous money. In any case, it will be cheaper than using the services of agencies.

Master's programs

If you don't really like changes in life, then look for a university that has a large selection of master's programs. A master's degree is an excellent chance to delve deeper into science or change your field of study if you are disappointed in your choice of profession.

Accelerated programs

If you have the ability to quickly master information, you can switch to an accelerated program after 1 course. To do this you will need to undergo re-certification. And if you already have a college or technical school diploma, you can immediately enroll for a shortened period of study. This way you will save time and money, and get to work faster.

Studying radiophysics at VSU

Choosing a university is a confusing and lengthy task. Advice from friends is not always objective, but you need to form your own opinion. Let's look at 5 sites that will help you choose a university in your region and learn about the quality of education in a particular educational institution.

Do the right thing

How to use. This is the official service of the Ministry of Education, which will help you choose a university. To select a list of suitable educational institutions:

1. Indicate the level of education: bachelor's, master's, postgraduate studies

2. Choose your form of study and specialty

3. Indicate the regions and cities in which you would like to study

4. Indicate the Unified State Examinations you are going to take

As a result, you receive a list of universities that meet the specified parameters. Now you can compare specific educational institutions based on 13 parameters. Please note the following:

👌🏻 Form: state or non-state

👌🏻 Availability of a military department

👌🏻 Deferment from the army

👌🏻 Availability of hostel

👌🏻 Graduate employment rate

👌🏻 Average salary

National research, support and federal ones will have more funding from the state. Such a university should have good equipment and renovated classrooms. The average Unified State Exam score among applicants indicates the demand for the university. But this score is given for the entire university, so look Additional information for the required faculty, the service does not provide it.

When you decide on a university, go to its personal page on the website. There will be detailed information: groups on social networks, telephone numbers and all areas of training.


👉🏻 Convenient website, applications on iOS and Android

👉🏻 A detailed set of parameters for generating a list of universities


👉🏻 Little information about specific universities

If you don’t have enough information to choose a university, go to the RAEX ranking. Here you may not find the desired educational institution, since the list includes only 100 positions.

How to use. Here is the usual list in descending order of points. It is not possible to compare individual universities based on criteria. For convenience, you can use the browser search for the page; to do this, press Ctrl+F.

There are separate lists for employment, quality of education and research activities. But there are not 100 universities there, but 20.


👉🏻 Detailed analysis of 100 universities


👉🏻 Inconvenient site, you cannot compare the desired universities according to the criteria

Graduate employment monitoring portal

The Ministry of Education, together with the Tax Service and the Pension Fund, monitors employed graduates. All data is open and can be viewed on the website.

How to use. On the website you can view data by region and specific universities. Let's take data on universities.

1. At the very top, select the year for which the data is displayed. Now the last year is 2015. This is the most recent data because compilers wait a year after students graduate and then process the data. You can read more about the monitoring system on the main page of the portal.

3. Look at the specialty code. If the code is 03.03.03, then this is a bachelor’s degree, and if 03.04.03, then it is a master’s degree. The second two digits are responsible for the degree of study. Masters have higher salaries, but there will be significantly fewer graduates.

It is not possible to compare performance indicators in a specialty with another university directly on the website. We advise you to write out the data in a notepad or Excel to make it easier to compare.

On the university page there is a “Profile” tab, where you will find a brief summary about the educational institution, and “Geography”, where a map of Russia is presented with the number of graduates who have settled in different regions.


👉🏻 There is detailed information about all universities and specialties

👉🏻 Objective information supported by real data from the tax and Pension Fund of the Russian Federation


👉🏻 You cannot compare one specialty in different universities

👉🏻 The service only takes into account employment by profession. If you graduated from the Faculty of Physics and went to work as a programmer, you will not be counted in the share of employed people

Rating of the service “Superjob for students”

How to use. There are three ratings available on the site in different areas: technical, economic and legal. Classical universities can be on any of these lists or several at once. It depends which graduates earn the most salaries


👉🏻 Not very transparent evaluation criteria. It is not clear how large the sample of graduates is

👉🏻 Only three areas of activity in which compilers analyze data

👉🏻 You cannot compare specific universities, you need to write out the data

Monitoring the effectiveness of universities

Monitoring is carried out by the Ministry of Education. The site is aimed more at specialists in the field of education than applicants, which is why the data is written here complex language. It is more difficult to understand than the services above.

How to use. Monitoring results are sorted by region. On the region page you will see general statistics and data on the branches of science of each university. There are eight criteria in total, each with a complex evaluation system and many parameters. This is very similar to the RAEX ratings method.

1. Select the desired region from the list.

2. Indicate all universities and the distribution of students in different fields of science. For example, if you want to study in the field of arts and culture, look at which university has the most places in this specialty. Start studying the list of universities from this educational institution.

3. Once on the university page, you will see five sections.

In the first This section lists general information.

In the second The eight indicators you mentioned above are presented. For each of them there is a threshold that the university must exceed.

Pay attention to the indicators educational activities, employment and salaries of teaching staff (faculty). The latter is important because a teacher with a good salary does not need to earn money on the side and devotes more time to teaching.

In third This section presents all the parameters by which the eight main indicators are assessed. If you don’t want to understand this amount of information, look at the graphs. At each of them, your university is compared with universities in the region and with universities in the country. Find the parameters by which the university remains worse than others. It’s bad if the university has poor funding and a poor placement rate.

3. In the section “The role of the organization in training personnel for the region” you will find information on the distribution of specialists in the region. The most important one is the fourth column of the table. It shows the percentage of jobs by specialty that the university is closing.

If you see 75% there, it means 3/4 of all specialists in this field are trained by the chosen university. This is good, because there will be many companies near the university and basic departments will be opened.


👉🏻 Exhaustive amount of data

👉🏻 The results for each criterion are on the website and, unlike ratings, you can view them


👉🏻 The criteria are described very difficult, it takes a lot of time to understand

👉🏻 There is no comparison of specific universities according to one or more criteria

The budget in 2018 is still a test. There is a lot of information on the Internet on this issue; it is located on the websites of universities and other official sources. To help you figure it out, we've collected all the data in one article. In front of you step-by-step instruction, which will help you assess your chances of getting free training.

In Russia, the state pays for about 50% of places in universities

Step 1. Find out how many free places there are

Every state university is obliged to allocate places on a budgetary basis. The number of places in the free department depends on the popularity of the faculty and specialty. And get a budget higher education It is possible not only in Moscow universities. In some, the number of free places reaches 1.5-2 thousand. For example, in Belgorod, Voronezh, Volgograd, Kirov, Rostov-on-Don, Irkutsk, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk and other Russian cities.

Step 2. Understanding the terms

Let's consider the concepts without which it is difficult to assess your chances of admission:

  • minimum threshold of Unified State Exam scores;
  • minimum number of points for admission;
  • passing score for universities.

What is the threshold score?

To receive a certificate, you must score a certain number of points in each subject. Here's what it was like in 2017:

  • Russian language - 36 points;
  • mathematics - 27 points;
  • social studies - 42 points;
  • computer science - 40 points;
  • foreign language- 22 points.

For example, you chose a foreign language to take the Unified State Exam, then you need to score 36 points in Russian, 27 in mathematics and 22 in a foreign language - a total of 85 points. In theory, this is enough to apply to a university. But in practice, this is very little to enroll in a free department.

What is the minimum score?

Each university sets its own minimum number of Unified State Exam points for admission. Many technical schools are not ready to accept those who scored less than 50 points in mathematics. Humanitarian - put forward increased demands on languages.

What is a passing score?

The passing score depends on what Unified State Exam results applicants were enrolled last year. The result of the last lucky winner, who entered the budget with a minimum number of points, is especially important.

Example. 200 people wanted to enroll, but there were 50 budget places. The student with the lowest score is considered passing. For example, with 150 points, despite the fact that the rest had a higher score.

The average Unified State Exam score in 2017 was 68.2

Step 3. Select a university based on passing score

If you can estimate what score you will get on the Unified State Exam, then it’s time to select a suitable university. By the way, trial exams are a good way to assess your chances.

All universities with free places, they are also called budgetary institutions higher education, for convenience we will divide into three categories:

  • the most popular, or top;
  • average;
  • unpopular.

Typically, top universities set higher requirements, while others lower the bar in order to attract applicants. Let's look at the passing scores of universities in all three categories in 2017.

If your GPA is above 85: passing grades at popular universities

Conclusion. For admission to top universities GPA The Unified State Examination must be above 80-85. It’s difficult to become one of these excellent students, don’t you agree? If you are not sure of good results, consider schools with less stringent requirements.

If your average score is from 65 to 80 points: passing scores in secondary universities

Conclusion. With an average Unified State Exam score of 65-80 in 2017, it was possible to enter budgetary and leading regional universities.

If your GPA is 55-65 points: passing grades at unpopular universities

Conclusion.If you score less than 65, don't panic. Admission scores for many regional universities are below this level. And today you can get a good higher education not only in the capitals.

Step 4. Assess your chances by the number of points

280-300 points- the best universities in the country, any specialties.

200-250 points- popular universities, specialties: linguistics, foreign language, law, economics, management, healthcare, mathematics, physics.

200 points- secondary universities, specialties: information science and computer technology, pedagogy, chemistry and biotechnology, automation and control, electrical engineering, energy. Or leading regional universities, any specialties.

150-200 points- secondary universities, specialties: geology, ecology, vehicles, agriculture and fisheries. Or unpopular universities, any specialties.

Less than 150 points- unpopular universities, some specialties.

Sometimes, even with a high score, you may not get into the coveted top twenty, but with a low score, by luck, you can enter the desired university. The main thing is to take every chance and don’t forget about backup options.

Choosing a profession is a responsible matter, because it determines future life person. The beginning of a career path is laid in the learning process. Therefore, success in the labor market depends on the choice of specialty. To enroll in an interesting field of study, you need to pass the Unified State Exam in subjects that are needed at the qualifying stage.

Features of choice

Why do you need to choose the right subject for the state exam? Mathematics and Russian are mandatory throughout the country. All other subjects are chosen by students independently. At the same time, to enroll in certain areas of study, you need to pass specialized disciplines.

The main reasons motivating a deliberate decision about which USE exams will be taken by schoolchildren include the following.

  • Preparing for exams requires a lot of work. Changing the decision to select a subject in last weeks before the exam, there is a risk that the result will be low.
  • Subjects can differ significantly between undergraduate profiles, even within the same direction. For example, in management, a university may offer programs in state and municipal management and regional studies. Entrance exams will vary accordingly.
  • It is impossible to promptly retake a subject that was required for admission to an educational program.
  • If you pass the most popular combinations of subjects in the Unified State Exam, you can apply for admission not only to different universities, but also to different areas. If a student adds physics to the compulsory subjects, he can enroll in air navigation, instrument engineering, and biotechnology.
  • By choosing disciplines for the Unified State Exam in advance, the student can determine those where his knowledge is better. If he studies additionally, you can count on a higher score and a beautiful certificate.

What to study before choosing subjects?

Before choosing disciplines for the Unified State Exam, you should study a large amount of information:

  • university training programs;
  • entrance examinations and conditions for admission to specific training profiles;
  • the prestige and prospects of the profession that the student wants to get (there are statistics on the most popular specialties in a few years);
  • demand in the labor market for representatives of the chosen profession;
  • the level of remuneration usually offered to those who have received an appropriate education.

Studying this data will allow you to understand which exams you need to apply for.

How to determine your specialty based on passed state exams?

It happens that the Unified State Examination exams are passed, but for some reason the student changes his mind about enrolling in a previously chosen university or direction. This may even be due to the reorganization or liquidation of an educational institution in a region or city. In this situation, you need to quickly determine what can be done. The conditions for admission to universities determine the following opportunities:

  • submitting an application to a university in another region under the same conditions;
  • changing the profile and direction of study;
  • graduates of previous years can take exams during the admissions campaign;
  • enter a university in a field that is less interesting, and then switch to another educational program. Most of first year subjects is the same for different educational institutions. The student will have to pass several subjects in order to catch up with fellow students.

Knowing which direction their child gravitates towards, parents can help him determine his specialty.

Additional tools for self-determination

Choosing a future specialty is not easy. It is difficult for a student to understand his inner feelings and understand who he wants to become. Therefore, the following tools can help him:

  • tests for professional orientation;
  • self-determination tests;
  • trainings that allow you to understand your goals and desires in the future;
  • ability tests in various areas;
  • occupational ratings;
  • excursions to future places of work to get a feel for the atmosphere in which you will work.

Parents must accept Active participation in determining the list of subjects in which their child will take the Unified State Exam. After all, they know his strengths and weak sides, can help in in-depth study of the subject. The student must take exams that are taken into account when entering a program of study that interests him, even if the number of points in them is expected to be lower than in other disciplines.

If there is no motivation to acquire knowledge, then success in building a career will not be possible. When a student knows that he must pass exams with “excellence” and that this will help him get into a prestigious university, he will want to study more. Self-development will allow him to achieve other goals in the future.

Students must select subjects to take the Unified State Exam before February 1, 2018. It's time to decide on disciplines or think about the choice you've already made: there's still time to change your mind. You can add a subject to your application for the Unified State Exam until February 1, 2018.

Sometimes high school students cannot choose a future profession, so they follow the advice of parents, teachers and friends. Some go with the flow and enter the same specialty as their friends. Such situations result in a person devoting time, energy and resources to a direction for which he has no ability or interest for at least four years. Approach the choice of subjects for the Unified State Exam, and therefore training future profession, it is necessary consciously. If you don’t have a dream or a clear idea of ​​where you see yourself in five to ten years, don’t be discouraged, but try to make an informed decision. We have collected some tips for students and graduates that will help when choosing subjects for the Unified State Exam.

First step: self-analysis

At the first stage, you need to conduct a deep self-analysis, to do this, answer the following questions:

– What field of science or what disciplines do I like?

– In what area would I be interested in developing?

– What working conditions would I like?

– What salary level will suit me in the future?

– What opportunities, abilities and talents do I have?

– In what area can these opportunities and talents be realized?

These simple questions will help you analyze your wishes for your future specialty and objectively compare them with your capabilities.

Second step: choosing a direction

After the graduate has decided on the area of ​​interest, his capabilities and desired working conditions, he can begin to choose the direction of study. This way you can narrow down the number of options for admission and decide on the disciplines in which you should begin intensive preparation for passing the Unified State Exam.

The Unified State Exam is held in 14 subjects: two of them must be taken - Russian language and basic mathematics (if you are not going to take the specialized one). The remaining disciplines are optional, they are necessary for admission to a certain profile at a university:

  • Physics and mathematics majors require physics and specialized mathematics.
  • For natural sciences – chemistry, biology, specialized mathematics.
  • For the medical field - chemistry, biology, Russian language.
  • For the humanitarian profile - Russian language, literature, history, foreign languages.
  • For social sciences - Russian language, history, social studies, foreign languages.
  • The “Education and Pedagogy” profile requires exam results in the Russian language, specialized mathematics, social studies and the Unified State Exam in the profile.
  • For the “Culture and Art” direction, you need literature, Russian, and a creative entrance exam for the profile.
  • For the “Economics and Management” profile, you will need to pass specialized mathematics, social studies, and a foreign language.
  • For “Service and Tourism” – Russian, history, English.
  • For computer science and computer technology - Russian language, specialized mathematics, computer science.
  • The “Earth Sciences” direction is available to those who pass specialized mathematics, Russian language, physics, and geography.
  • For the direction “Geology, exploration and development of mineral resources” you will need specialized mathematics, Russian language, physics, and computer science.

We have listed only a few areas of training and sample exams that will need to be passed for each profile. Information about entrance exams should be found on the website or in the admissions office of the chosen educational institution. Some universities conduct their own entrance tests, which will require additional preparation.

Third step: labor market research

After self-analysis and choice of direction, several options will appear that you have identified for yourself as a future profession. At this stage you should find out:

– Are these specialties relevant: are they in demand in the labor market, are they in demand in the country of residence, what is written about them in forecasts about the future of professions.

– What working conditions and pay, guarantees and bonuses are provided to specialists in this professional field.

This small study of the labor market will allow us to weed out professions that have lost relevance, in which there are already too many specialists. Also at this stage, you can determine whether the proposed working conditions are suitable and whether the salary level corresponds to your ambitions.

Fourth step: choosing an educational institution

After two stages of selection, the list of desired professions has narrowed, so it’s time to consider educational institutions that teach in the specialties of interest.

Attend an open day at the university you like - this will help determine whether you would like to spend at least four years of your life within the walls of this educational institution. At such an event you can meet teachers and students, see the educational institution from the inside, learn about the quality of education and student extracurricular life. It is useful to study reviews from graduates and contact them on social networks - this will help you find out their opinion about the learning process and its results. The main thing is to interview several people: the point of view of one graduate may be radically different from the views of another; the more opinions, the more complete the picture.

So, in order to make an informed, balanced choice of your future profession, you need to follow three simple tips:

  1. Have an honest conversation with yourself: identify true desires and preferences, compare them with your mental, physical and material capabilities.
  2. Decide on the direction of future professional activity.
  3. Study the labor market: find out more about the professions that you have identified after the second stage.
  4. Select a university or college: learn more educational institution and its graduates.

And, of course, it’s difficult to get into your dream university without good results, which...

Work takes up a third of your life: it is important that it brings pleasure and contributes to self-development, so choose your field of study and exam subjects wisely!

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