Completion of the formation of a unified Russian state. Ivan III and Vasily II. The final stage of the formation of the Russian state Account replenishment and withdrawal of funds

Completion of the unification of Russian lands around Moscow at the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th centuries. Formation of the Russian state.

The process of completing the formation of the Russian state chronologically coincides with the formation of Western European countries and occurs during the reign of Ivan III (1462-1505) and Vasily III (1505-1533).

After the death of Vasily II the Dark, the Moscow throne was taken by his eldest son Ivan Vasilyevich, who became his father’s co-ruler during his lifetime. It was Ivan III who completed the two-century process of unifying Russian lands and overthrowing the Golden Horde yoke. Distinguished by his great intelligence and willpower, this great Moscow sovereign:

Finished collecting lands under the rule of Moscow; laid the foundations of the Russian autocracy;

Strengthened the state apparatus; increased the international prestige of Moscow.

Ivan III was the actual creator of the Moscow state. During his reign, the Grand Duchy of Yaroslavl was annexed to Moscow (1463), Perm region(1472), the Grand Duchy of Rostov (1474), Novgorod and its possessions (1478), the Grand Duchy of Tver (1485), Vyatka Land (1489). The great and appanage princes renounced their supreme rights in their domains and came under the political patronage of the Moscow prince.

As an independent sovereign, Ivan III began to behave towards the Tatars. In 1476, he refused to pay them an annual tribute and entered into an alliance with the Crimean Khan, an enemy of the Golden Horde. “Standing on the Ugra” (1480) put an end to the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The Russian state acquired formal sovereignty.

In 1472, Ivan III married the niece of the last Byzantine emperor, Zoya (Sophia) Paleologus, which increased the importance of monarchical power in Russia. At the Moscow court, a magnificent, strict and complex ceremony was established according to the Byzantine model. From the end of the 15th century. The seals of Ivan III depicted not only the Moscow coat of arms with St. George the Victorious, but also the coat of arms of Byzantium with a double-headed eagle.

The change in the socio-political status of the Grand Duke of Moscow was also reflected in his title; now he was called: “John, by the grace of God, Sovereign of All Rus' and Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow and Novgorod and Pskov and Tver and others.” In international relations, Ivan III began to call himself tsar, as previously only the Byzantine emperor and the Tatar khan were called.

In 1493, Ivan III formally accepted the title of “Sovereign of All Rus'.” The titles adopted by Ivan III - “tsar” and “autocrat” - emphasized the independence of the sovereign of all Russia.

Finally, at the end of the 15th century, the existence of the Moscow State (Muscovy) became known in the countries Western Europe. Under Ivan III, diplomatic relations were established with Germany, Venice, Denmark, Hungary and Turkey.

The son of Ivan III, Vasily III, annexed Pskov (1510), a grand duchy, to Moscow

Ryazan (1517), the principalities of Starodub and Novgorod-Seversk (1517-1523) and Smolensk (1514), actually completed the unification of Great Russia and turned the Moscow principality into a national state.

The princes in the annexed lands became boyars of the Moscow sovereign. These principalities were now called districts and were governed by governors from Moscow. The governors were also called “feeder boyars”, since for the management of the districts they received food - part of the tax, the amount of which was determined by the previous payment for service in the troops. Localism is the right to occupy a particular position in the state, depending on the nobility and official position of the ancestors, their services to the Moscow Grand Duke. Fragmentation gradually gave way to centralization. The control apparatus began to take shape.

The Boyar Duma consisted of 5-12 boyars and no more than 12 okolnichy (boyars and okolnichy are the two highest ranks in the state). The Boyar Duma had advisory functions on the “affairs of the land.”

The future order system grew out of two national departments: the Palace and the Treasury. The palace controlled the lands of the Grand Duke, the Treasury was in charge of finances, the state seal, and the archive.

In 1497, a new set of laws of a single state was adopted - the Code of Laws of Ivan III. The Code of Law included 68 articles and reflected the strengthening role of the central government in the state structure and legal proceedings of the country. Article 57 limited the right of peasant transition from one feudal lord to another to a certain period for the entire country: a week before and a week after the autumn St. George's Day (November 26). For leaving, the peasant had to pay “elderly” - payment for the years lived in the old place. Limiting the peasant transition was the first step towards the establishment of serfdom in the country. However, until the end of the 16th century. peasants retained the right to move from one landowner to another.

In general, unlike the advanced countries of Western Europe, the formation of a single state in Russia took place under complete domination traditional way the economy of Russia is on a feudal basis. This allows us to understand why a bourgeois, democratic, civil society began to form in Europe, while in Russia serfdom, class, and inequality of citizens before the law will dominate for a long time.

Thus, the process of uniting northeastern and northwestern Russia into one state was completed. The largest power in Europe was formed, which from the end of the 15th century. began to be called Russia.

Questions for self-control:

1. Name the prerequisites for the unification of Russian lands. Compare the reasons for the unification process in Rus' and in Western European countries.

2. What determined the victory of Moscow in its competition with Tver for the great reign. Describe the activities of I. Kalita.

3. What was the significance of the victory on the Kulikovo field.

4. Expand the meaning of the expression “standing on the Ugra River.” When did it take place?

5. What changes in the position of peasants were reflected in the Code of Laws of 1497?


1. Georgieva N.G. Russian culture: history and modernity: Tutorial/ N.G. Georgieva. – M., 1998.

2. Zuev M.N. History of Russia: Textbook for universities / M.N. Zuev. – M., 2005.

3. History of Russia from the 9th century to the present day. – Voronezh, 1996. Materials on the history of peasants in Russia in the 11th – 12th centuries. – L., 1958.

4. History of Russia. XX century. – M., 1997.

5. History of Russia: IX-XXI centuries. From Rurik to Putin: Textbook / Rep. ed. Ya.A.Perekhov. –M., Rostov-on-Don, 2005.

6. History of Russia: In 2 volumes / A.N. Sakharov, L.E. Morozova, M.A. Rakhmatullin. – M., 2003.

7. World and Russia: main trends in history. – Voronezh, 1999.

8. Orlov A.S. History of Russia from ancient times to the present day. Textbook / A.S.Orlov, V.A.Georgiev, N.G.Georgieva, T.A. Sivokhina. – M., 2003.

9. Ryabtsev Yu.S. History of Russian culture. Artistic life and life of the XI-XVII centuries: Textbook / Yu.S. Ryabtsev. – M., 1997.

10. Semennikova L.I. Russia in the world community of civilizations / L.I. Semennikova. – Bryansk, 1995.

11. Strukov A.V. Domestic history from ancient times to the present: Textbook / A.V. Strukov. – Voronezh, 2005.

12. Shapovalov V.M. Origins and meaning of Russian civilization: Textbook / V.M. Shapovalov. – M. 2003.

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Course of lectures on the discipline Domestic history Lecture No. 1 Topic: Education and development of the Old Russian state. Kievan Rus in the 9th-12th centuries

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History test The creation of a unified Russian state and the end of Horde rule for 6th grade students with answers. The test includes 2 options, each option consists of 2 parts (part A, part B). Part A has 5 tasks, Part B has 2 tasks.

1 option

A1. The annexation of Novgorod to the Moscow state refers to

1) 1453
2) 1478
3) 1510
4) 1521

A2. Read an excerpt from a historical source and indicate what event is being discussed.

“The news came to the Grand Duke that Tsar Akhmat was coming in full force, with his horde...
It was then that the glorious miracle of the Most Pure Mother of God happened: when our people retreated from the shore, the Tatars, thinking that the Russians were giving them the shore in order to fight them, overwhelmed with fear, ran. And our people, thinking that the Tatars had crossed the river and were following them, came to Kremenets. The great prince and his son... went to Borovsk... It was then that the miracle of the Most Pure One happened: some fled from others, and no one pursued anyone... And God and the Most Pure One delivered the Russian land from the infidels...”

1) Battle of Kulikovo
2) capture of Kazan
3) standing on the Ugra River
4) Battle of Kolka

A3. Under Vasily III, it was recaptured from Lithuania

1) Polotsk
2) Smolensk
3) Kyiv
4) Brest

A4. What contributed to the success of the Moscow princes in the fight against Lithuania for the Russian lands under its rule?

1) support for Moscow from Poland
2) dissatisfaction of the population of the Russian lands of the Principality of Lithuania with the adoption of Catholicism as the state religion
3) support for Moscow from the Golden Horde
4) the defeat of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as a result of an unsuccessful war with the Teutonic Order


1) Sergius of Radonezh
2) Elena Glinskaya
3) Dmitry Bobrok-Volynsky
4) Marfa Boretskaya

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between the names of the Moscow princes and the events associated with their reign: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

Moscow princes

A) Vasily III
B) Ivan III
B) Dmitry Donskoy

1) annexation of Ryazan
2) annexation of Kolomna
3) Khan Tokhtamysh’s raid on Moscow
4) battle on the Sheloni River

AT 2. Place in chronological order Horde rulers. Provide your answer as a sequence of numbers for the selected elements.

Option 2

A1. Which of the following was a consequence of the event that went down in history as “standing on the Ugra River”?

1) the fall of the Horde yoke
2) annexation of the Nizhny Novgorod principality to Moscow
3) the destruction of Moscow by the Horde army
4) seizure of the Moscow throne by Dmitry Shemyaka

A2. The annexation of Tver to the Moscow State refers to

1) 1392
2) 1425
3) 1464
4) 1485

A3. Under which prince did the unification of Russian lands end with the annexation of the Ryazan principality?

1) Vasily II
2) Ivan III
3) Ivan II
4) Vasily III

A4. Which of the listed historical figures are among the contemporaries of Ivan III?

1) Edigey
2) Khan Akhmat
3) Timur
4) Khan Tokhtamysh

A5. Read an excerpt from a historical source and indicate with what phenomenon the events described in it are connected.

“We don’t want for the Grand Duke of Moscow, we don’t want to be called his patrimony, we are free people, we don’t want to endure insults from Moscow, we want for the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Casimir” - this is what the boyars and their supporters shouted at the assembly.”

1) the fall of the Horde yoke
2) the conclusion of a union between Lithuania and Poland
3) the struggle of Novgorod to maintain independence
4) civil strife in the Moscow principality between the descendants of Dmitry Donskoy

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between events and their dates; for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

A) standing on the Ugra River
B) Battle of Kulikovo
B) Battle of Grunwald

1) 1380
2) 1410
3) 1445
4) 1480

AT 2. Arrange the territories in chronological order of their annexation to the Moscow Principality. Provide your answer as a sequence of numbers for the selected elements.

1) Novgorod the Great
2) Mozhaisk
3) Nizhny Novgorod Principality
4) Tver

Answers to a history test The creation of a unified Russian state and the end of Horde rule
1 option
Option 2

Having won the struggle for the great reign in Rus', the Moscow princes continued their efforts to unite the lands around Moscow. The reign of Ivan III (1462-1505) accelerated this process. In 1463, pursuing a unification policy, he annexed the Yaroslavl principality.

The Tver Principality and the Novgorod Republic offered active resistance to the unification. To maintain independence, the Novgorod boyars entered into an alliance with Lithuania and found themselves under the partial authority of the Lithuanian prince Casimir IV.

In 1471, Ivan III led an army to Novgorod and achieved victory in the battle on the Sheloni River. To completely conquer Novgorod, a second campaign was needed. In 1478, Ivan III finally conquered the city (after withstanding the siege) and deprived it of independence by abolishing the organs local government and the liquidation of symbols of independence (the Novgorod veche bell was taken to Moscow). With the fall of Novgorod, all of its vast territories came into the possession of Moscow.

In 1472 the Perm region was conquered. In 1474, the Rostov Principality was redeemed. In 1485, Ivan III, at the head of a large army, approached Tver and took the city in two days without losses, taking advantage of the betrayal of the Tver boyars. Grand Duke Mikhailo Borisovich fled to Lithuania.

Having annexed Tver, Ivan III created a unified state and began to title himself the sovereign of all Rus'.

In the middle of the 15th century. Golden Horde broke up into several independent khanates. Ivan III began to behave towards them as an independent sovereign. He stopped paying the ransom and created an alliance with the enemy of the Golden Horde - the Crimean Khan.

The Golden Horde Khan Akhmat tried to restore his power over Russia. In 1480, having concluded an alliance with the Lithuanian Grand Duke and the Polish King Casimir IV, he led his troops to Moscow.

It all ended in a confrontation between Russian and Tatar troops on the Ugra River.

Without waiting for his allies, Akhmat did not dare to start a battle and in November 1480 was forced to retreat. This meant the final fall of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, which had weighed on Russia for more than two centuries.

Ivan III sought to further expand the state. In 1487, Kazan recognized its dependence on Moscow. By the end of the 15th century. The state includes territories in the northeast. Ivan III conquers a number of Belarusian and Ukrainian lands from Lithuania and Poland.

The unification policy was continued by the son of Ivan III, Vasily III. In 1503, having destroyed the Pskov feudal republic, he annexed Pskov. In 1514, he recaptured Smolensk from Lithuania. In 1517-1523 Vasily III took Chernigov and the principality of Ryazan.

The process of formation of a single state involved significant internal socio-economic and political changes. This was expressed in the formation of a regime of class-representative monarchy, in which the autocracy is supported by various classes, primarily the nobility, townspeople and the top of the capital's boyars, interested in the creation of a state and the presence of a strong central government in it.

The years of the reign of Ivan III are characterized by changes in government bodies. The Boyar Duma becomes the supreme advisory body, institutions in charge of various spheres of state life are created, the first orders are issued, governors are involved in local administration and are supported by the territories they govern.

In 1479, the Code of Laws of Grand Duke Ivan III was published - a set of laws, the first code of the Russian state, which enshrined unified system government controlled and regulated the activities of government bodies. The Code of Law set a deadline for peasant transitions (once a year, on St. George’s Day) and payment for the use of the yard. The law limited the freedom of peasants and tied them to the land.

During the reign of Ivan III and Vasily III (1505-1533), the process of unification of Russian lands was completed, and the strengthening of Russian statehood continued.

Grade 10

Option 1. Part A.

  1. "Zadonshchina"
  2. "The Life of Mikhail Chernigovsky"
  3. "The Tale of the Massacre of Mamayev"
  4. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
  1. Mikhail Vsevolodovich Chernigovsky
  2. Epiphanius the Wise
  3. Safoniy Ryazanets
  4. Victor Hugo
  1. Metropolitan Cyprian
  2. Stefan Novgorodets
  3. Victor Hugo
  4. Afanasy Nikitin
  1. Saphrony Rezanets
  2. Boris Alexandrovich
  3. Epiphanius the Wise
  4. Victor Hugo



Final test on the history of Russia “The formation of a unified Russian state in the 14th-15th centuries”

Grade 10

Option 1. Part A.

1. The largest work about the Battle of Kulikovo:


"The Life of Mikhail Chernigovsky"

"The Tale of the Massacre of Mamayev"

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

2.One and best writers early 14th to late 15th centuries

Mikhail Vsevolodovich Chernigovsky

Epiphanius the Wise

Safoniy Ryazanets

Victor Hugo

3. Initiator of the creation of the all-Russian chronicle of 1408

Metropolitan Cyprian

Stefan Novgorodets

Victor Hugo

Afanasy Nikitin

4. To which of the princes was the word of praise dedicated to “Monk Thomas, a word of praise”?

Saphrony Rezanets

Boris Alexandrovich

Epiphanius the Wise

Victor Hugo

5. Name the most famous temple in Novgorod

Assumption Cathedral

Spassky Cathedral

Trinity Cathedral

Church of Peter and Paul in Kozhevniki

6. Where the author's signature was placed on the icon in the 14th-15th centuries?

In the lower left corner

Neither was put

In the middle

On the back of the icon

7. One of the great icon painters of the 14th-15th centuries was


Vasily the dark



8. What territories did Yuri Danilovich annex to his possessions in 1303?





9. Between which cities did a brutal war begin in the reign of Yuri Danilovich?

Tver and Pskov

Mozhaisk and Pskov

Moscow and Tver

Pskov and Moscow

10. In what year was Vsevolod’s first fortress, the Big Nest, built?





11. Who founded the dynasty of Tver princes?





12. Who killed Prince Yuri of Moscow in the Golden Horde?

Alexander Nevskiy

Yuri Danilovich

Mikhail Tverskoy

Dmitry Groznye Ochi

13.Who became the Prince of Moscow after the death of Yuri?





14. Which cathedral was consecrated in 1333?





15. Under what ruler did “Rus” turn into the “Russian state”?

Dmitry Donskoy

Vladimir Monomakh

Ivan III the Great

Vasily Temny

16. The conquest of which city is the greatest success of Ivan III





17. Who was Daniil Kholmsky?



The prince's right hand


18. How did the siege of Novgorod by Ivan III end?

Burning of Novgorod

Kostyn Treaty

Treaty of Novgorod

Moscow Treaty

19. In what year did Ivan III carry out his second campaign against Novgorod?





20. What new class did Ivan III create?





21.For what purpose did Ivan III send two “Germans” to Pechora into the northern forests?

Collecting tribute

Free settlement

Searches for silver and gold

Intelligence service

Part B

Q1 Match the dates of construction and the name of the cathedral

Name of the cathedral

Construction date

A. Spassky Cathedral of the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery

1. 1399

B. Church of the Deposition of the Robe of Our Lady p. Warts on Sheksna

2. 1485

V. Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on Gorodok

3. 1292

G. Church of the Savior on Ilyin Street

4. 1427

D. Church of St. Nicholas on Lipka near Novgorod

5. 1374

E. Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

6. 1423

Q2.Which artist are we talking about?

“In the 70s of the 14th century…….. was invited to Rus'. His first work was painting the Church of the Savior on Ilyin Street in Novgorod. Later he worked in Moscow, Kolomna, Nizhny Novgorod. Among the icons painted ..... “Our Lady of the Don” and “Transfiguration” are especially expressive.

AT 3. Match name and social status

Q4. Fill in the missing word

“Some historians were not satisfied with the traditional explanation of history “……”. They came up with their own interpretation. Prince Ivan was nicknamed “…..” not for his kindness, but for his stinginess. He collected hryvnia for every stupidity"

AT 5. Who are we talking about?

“In addition to valuable furs, Ivan III hoped to find silver and gold in the north. For this purpose, he sent “two Germans” to Pechora. On the Tsilma River, the left tributary of the Pechora, ……. We found silver and copper ore.

AT 6. Correlate the dates and stages of the formation of the serfdom system

Answers. Part A


Slide captions:

Presentation by a student of 9th grade: Nesterenko Ksenia Reform activities of Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel

Petr Nikolaevich Wrangel P.N. Wrangel (1878 - 1928) – baron, graduated from the Mining Institute in 1901. He served in Irkutsk as an official for special assignments under the Governor General. Graduated from Nikolaev Academy General Staff served in the guard. Participated in the Russo-Japanese War. During the First World War he commanded a regiment, brigade, and division. Since 1918, Wrangel fought in Denikin’s troops and commanded the Caucasian and Volunteer armies. Having become the head of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia, he developed a set of measures aimed at creating a broad social base for his movement.

He received the nickname “Black Baron” for his traditional everyday dress - a black Cossack Circassian coat with gazyrs. Black Baron Wrangel

With the support of the head of the Government of the South of Russia, a prominent economist and reformer A.V. Krivoshein, developed a number of legislative acts on agrarian reform. The basis of his land policy was the provision that most of the land belonged to peasants. He advocated a federal structure of the future Russia. He was inclined to recognize the political independence of Ukraine. P.N. Wrangel:

Wrangel, trying to win over the Cossacks, approved a new provision of autonomy for the Cossack lands. Workers were promised new factory legislation that would protect their rights. Volunteer Army an attempt was made to rethink the ideology and politics of the white movement. This attempt was made by General Wrangel, who at the beginning of April 1920 was elected commander-in-chief and evacuated troops to Crimea.

He recognized the legal seizure of landowners' lands by peasants in the first years after the revolution. Despite all the progressive measures, the whites in the person of the commander-in-chief did not gain the trust of the population, and the material and human resources of Crimea were depleted. During six months of 1920, P. N. Wrangel, Ruler of the South of Russia and Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, tried to take into account the mistakes of his predecessors, boldly made previously unthinkable compromises, and tried to win over various segments of the population to his side. Wrangel's policy in Crimea

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