4 tarot meanings in relationships. Emperor Tarot (4 lasso) - the meaning of the card in layouts. Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

Arcanum usually denotes logic in deeds and actions, the achievement of a set goal. Symbolizes a strong will and the right choice of path. It can also indicate success in social activities and at work.

Upright these are: strength, authority, efficiency, power, law, reason, command, domination. Often - self-control, strength of personality. In matters of personal and family - a man, father, head of the family. In some cases, it can mean security, legality, legality (especially when meeting in a scenario with Arcanum 1), receiving real income and profits. Denotes mature and accomplished people, with a stable and strong social position, endowed with the ability to persuade and influence people.

Upside down these are: immature emotions, obstacles to plans, subordination. Denial of any authority, lack of desire to take any part in the lives of other people, coldness, selfishness, suppression, conservatism, dictatorship. Failure to fulfill assigned responsibilities, in particular - as a man, father, head of the family. Ignoring and denying everything legal (violation of laws), decent, polite, inability to control one’s own shortcomings and vices. Public and social immaturity. Often there is a clearly expressed, sometimes even slavish dependence on strong and authoritative people. In other words, this card may mean that this person is completely subjugated and controlled by another person. Sometimes it also means: bad luck at work, the presence of blocking forces in business, etc.

Upright or inverted position Arcana can broadcast about the state of health. It should also be noted that there is a widespread cautionary interpretation of it as a card unfavorable (subjugating the masculine principle) for women.

In the “split hexagram” layout, this card means, by position:

1, 2. External Spiritual Influence. Both in the past and in the future - described in detail above. The reader of the layout only needs to keep in mind the topic of the question or problem in order to interpret the card that has been drawn directly or backwards in accordance with them.

3. Advice. In the upright position: usually - advice to show will, restraint, act in accordance with the law, claim rights, stand your ground, etc. Also, advice is to rely on the help of a more experienced or authoritative person. For women - a man, often a husband, on whom one should rely or influence, whose power one should succumb to.
In an inverted position: often a warning about falling under the influence or power of someone. Sometimes - advice to show greater tolerance, to succumb to someone's authoritative influence, to trust the flow of events.

4. Subconscious. In the upright position: the card means that a person has a kind of “iron rod” inside him, a feeling of being the master of life, confidence and self-confidence. Also - good health. For a woman - attraction to male society.
In an inverted position: a person is sick, scared or exhausted, unsure of himself. Subconscious fears, nightmares, sometimes - susceptibility to secret vices.

5. Consciousness. In the upright position: a person is unconditionally confident in his strength, power, authority, force of law, etc. For a woman - thoughts about a man, husband, home.
In an inverted position: fear, lack of self-confidence, concerns, fears, etc.

6. Advice. In the upright position: advice to demonstrate the qualities set out in paragraph 3; Also - advice to control your own emotions and feelings, to be more attentive to yourself, your business, your home.
In an inverted position: danger of illness or loss of strength, advice to think about your health and well-being; also sometimes - advice to succumb to influences, persuasion, power, etc.

7. Bottom line. In the upright position: an unconditional “yes” in a “yes” or “no” scenario; assertion of correctness, competence, legality, etc. For a woman - a man, husband, home or family.
Reversed: unconditional “no.” Subjugation, oppression, disorder, destruction, etc.

With the first Arcanum, depending on the position - agreement or conflict with the law. If they stand side by side (in positions, for example, 1 and 2, or 3 and 6) and are inverted, then arrest, prison or their threat.

The traditional meaning of the Fourth Arcana: stability, reliability, protection, assistance, promotion of growth and implementation of plans. Protecting what has been achieved, setting boundaries, accepting great responsibility. Clear, clear, useful and effective actions, prudence, closeness to reality. The presence of this card in the layout immediately adds strength and consistency to the matter. But that's not all - the Emperor controls such values ​​as influence, authority, power and glory. After all, it’s not for nothing that he’s the Emperor! This Arcanum is a symbol of strength and power.

The Emperor as a whole belongs to the group of positive Arcana and his appearance in the scenario is very, very good. It's just that many people find its impact too harsh. Well, it must be assumed that things are never easy with august persons. Some people have difficulty building relationships with the Empress. In relation to the Emperor, there are simply more such people. The card in the layout speaks of acting from a position of strength, with the conviction that one is right.

The main meaning of this Arcanum is the implementation of plans. That is why it can be considered positive. These are real prospects, continuous activity, the will to act, persistent implementation of a clear concept based on proven methods. In the reading, the emperor tells the questioner about the logic of actions at the present time, about achieving the goal, and the correctness of the chosen path. The Emperor’s energy helps, as they say, “bringing things to mind.” Based on this map, the creation of, finally, some kind of structure, concept, clear diagram, legal basis and the like. This is intelligent management of various aspects of life, stabilization, putting everything in order, accurate and precise implementation of plans, confident and successful actions, strengthening of existence. It often shows that what is happening is (or should be) included within the framework of social norms and rules, otherwise there is no other way. Public institutions, large organizations, the authority of laws - this is also the Emperor.

The Emperor shows that there are (or is needed) clear boundaries in the situation, speaks of the ability to establish laws and restrictions, to protect oneself from someone else’s aggression or from one’s own weaknesses.

The traditional interpretation without hesitation informed the questioner that “the fulfillment of your hopes depends more on some powerful person than on yourself.” If the person asking the question cannot find the energy of the Emperor in himself, well, it may very well be that the old the interpreter is right! Sometimes the Emperor describes a strong patron who has great influence (most likely, this is a man older than the questioner in age and higher in position). However, from the card environment you can try to determine whether his role will be so positive - sometimes the Emperor uses their influence in order to “put a spoke in the wheels” in every possible way.

One way or another, the Emperor shows that there is volitional control in the situation, some kind of structuring leitmotif. Surrounded by negative cards, it may indicate that the questioner is faced with strong opposition; the situation contains despotism, suppression, claims to leadership, someone’s tyranny and authoritarianism, direct pressure from the owner of the situation.

In very rare cases it means some kind of superhuman power, a “heavenly patron,” help from above.

Solid and definite. As they say, “with a clear mind and firm memory.” This is a map of maturity and understanding of reality. And when life seems to be falling apart on all fronts, and it seems to a person that he can no longer cope with anything, the appearance of the Emperor speaks of the gradual restoration of order - first in one issue, then in another, then in a third... and the rest is catching up.

The Emperor heralds contact with the Father archetype - hence firm and competent behavior, confident and successful actions. Bravery, perseverance, pragmatism, logic, certainty, practical earthly wisdom, initiative and independence in decision-making, the ability to solve life's problems - all this is him. There may also be direct volitional pressure, a kind of indomitability. The Emperor persistently strives for his goal. His main feature is authority, a desire for control. This card brings a sense of reality, the ability to create order in your own (and sometimes those around you) life and behave with royal dignity, without giving in anywhere.

As a person, the Emperor is strong, powerful and fortunate. This person is a leader in the work team and the head of his family; He may not always be the center of attention, but at the decisive moment, he (whether a man or a woman) will not hesitate to take power into his own hands and confidently see the matter through to the end. This card likes to personify mature people, with a stable position in society and high positions. However, the Emperor can also indicate a person of school age if he is characterized by power, strong will, authority, the ability to persuade and influence people. Someone at fourteen may have much more impressive management potential than someone at forty. Emperor means a “strong personality”, in whom reason clearly prevails over emotions and passions. The Emperor understands better than anyone what is possible and what is actually needed. Often, according to the Fourth Arcana, such qualities as discipline, amazing endurance, perfectionism, and at the same time a tendency to completely sweep away everything unclear or more or less dubious are manifested. The weakness of this strong personality is the rejection of chance and chaos. Life consists of them to a much greater extent than the Emperor would like. Too critical and therefore limited thinking, great ambitions and a tendency to control everything and everyone - this is what dries up his life, slowly turning it into a desert. Rain from the Empress would be very useful.

If he doesn’t forget about it, the whole world is his!

The Emperor is a creator and a creative nature, but his pathos is not at all self-disclosure or dedication, but self-affirmation. He expresses himself through conquering territory and shaping it according to his own rules. The character of the Emperor sometimes changes in the course of his life not in better side, but this is mainly due to the fact that he constantly feels responsible for someone or something, the need to ensure order, to defend his (and someone else’s) interests, and this is not always an easy and pleasant matter. The Emperor, like the Empress, is first and foremost a Protector. And he protects and strengthens what he feels responsible for, firmly and specifically. Everyone who has at least once had the opportunity to become the object of his care and patronage will agree with this. He is given great realizable power over earthly events (the Hierophant - over subtle, mystical events, sacraments, under which the earthly plane is built). Realizing power in this case means that a person may not have a high position, or obvious resources, or a noticeable position, but events still develop according to his will, shaping the final result.

Another trait of the Emperor is arrogance, but in this case this word must be understood correctly: he has high standards. He looks at everything from the highest standard. That is why it can be difficult with him (if the King of Swords is also looming nearby, then it is completely difficult). The Emperor is always a little pinched and constrained by the fear of not being able to cope with something unforeseen, random, incomprehensible, so his figure in many Arcana looks a little “wooden”, symbolizing a tough internal position. He thinks about how to stay on top and is not very ready to “fall” from it (as he understands it); self-control is very important to him.

IN traditional sense The emperor indicates a mature man with a fairly high position in society.

This is contact with the archetype of the Father ( male charisma) and experience associated with the paternal principle: authority, leadership, strength, power of order and law (father, husband). Masculinity as such, earthly male fertilizing power, perseverance and courage, competence and toughness, all the best that is in men. Active influence on all matters that he has to decide. When necessary, he is able to raise his sword.

The Emperor's strength is his willingness to fight, live and die for what he protects. The flip side of its pressure is submission to collective law. The Emperor symbolizes the unpleasant rules we must accept in order to become adults. Its “rigidity and callousness” are needed in order to protect us from weaknesses and guarantee the normal course of Everyday life.

He is a great organizer who does not allow chaos. But he is conservative and adamant, and it is not easy to appeal to his heart, given that he tends to impose his point of view, teach and control. He suppresses any rebellion in the bud. Psychologically, the Emperor corresponds to the ego, which protects our consciousness from those influences that for some reason it cannot successfully “digest” at the moment.

The Emperor is a structure-forming element, he symbolizes our desire for stability, security and consistency, and he brings them - everywhere and in every sense. He personifies the eternal desire of humanity for independence from the conditions of existence, from the whims and misfortunes of Nature and our own nature. Thus, it corresponds to the desire for civilization, thanks to which people do everything to protect themselves from heat and cold, hunger and danger, uncertainty and ignorance. Even the fact that much is done too persistently does not erase those positive aspects which this will to order possesses. The Emperor combines not only the desire for order, a sober mind, discipline, a sense of responsibility and pragmatism, but also their extremes - stubbornness, inertia, the desire to “improve” everything ad infinitum, the thirst for power and despotism. This is the crystallization of willpower - with all its pros and cons. Sometimes they try to find some softened and more “pleasant” image for this Arcana, but there is no point in running from the energies of the Emperor as they are - disciplinary, rational and obliging - they hold a lot on themselves, like the fundamental laws of the universe.

Just as the Empress is characterized by colossal elemental life-giving energy, like rain, fertilizing everything that is poured onto it, so the Emperor is characterized by a colossal structure-forming and ordering flow of rational will, which “processes” everything that falls under it (resistance is useless). We must not forget that all the Major Arcana are demiurges. They are not just “a little stronger” than the Youngers. They describe the forces that create the world. This idea is most accurately reflected in Kabbalah. It is generally accepted that the Major Arcana describe the inner, spiritual layer of existence, and Minor Arcana- external everyday situations. In general, this is true, but it does not follow from this that the Major Arcana are not reflected on the external plane. They are creating it! In the example of the Emperor this is quite obvious. As Banzhaf and Akron write, the Emperor gives each “sprout of life” (the gift of the Empress) a certain direction.

The Emperor is associated with the Great Deity, who was worshiped by the Pythagoreans in the form of a tetrad. The implementation of the ideas of being is commensurate with the quadruple work of the mind: Affirmation, Denial, Discussion, Decision. The symbols indicate that the Emperor is a demiurge, the great King of the Lower World, the Architect of the Universe. The emperor is dressed in armor, and on his stone throne you can often see an image of a phoenix. The Emperor personifies the “fire of life”, fueled by the Sulfur of the Alchemists. His cross-legged pose is the symbol of sulfur, the sign of the ancient "alchemical monarch" (this symbol is also found on the Hanged Man and the World). The stone throne suggests that exceptional Vital energy The Emperor and the irrepressible thirst for action are subordinated to Reason. He holds either a scepter in right hand, and a ball in the left (the ball is evidence that he is the main ruler of the world), or a scepter with a ball at the end, shaped like an Ankh (Crux Ansata, a symbol of life in the Egyptian tradition).

On the Emperor's chest are depicted the sun and the moon (symbolic eyes of the Supreme Deity). The Arcana often depicts a Lamb, either on a throne or as the tip of a staff. The Lamb indicates that he rules by humbly surrendering his lower self. This also corresponds to the astrological sign of Aries. Esoterically, the Emperor corresponds to the month of Nissan - this is the month of birth of the Jewish people, the month of the exodus from Egypt, the month of suffering on the cross and atonement. The sign of Aries symbolizes both the Lamb being sacrificed and the sheep flock obediently following the Shepherd. Those born under the sign of Aries are associated specifically with the leader, the shepherd, the leader. They are characterized by a sense of Mission, the mystery of their life - the search for their kingdom, the promised land. And misused leadership skills often lead to serious consequences, requiring an atoning sacrifice, which also fits into the symbolism of the month.

The moral categories that serve as a support for the Emperor are “sight” and “blindness”. "Sight" helps him to clearly see the world and the consequences of his actions. “Blindness” allows him not to notice the shortcomings and suffering of the world, and not to give up his free will for the sake of future progress. “Speech” also belongs to this card, and the spirit teaches a person to attach meaning to every word and handle them with care, because words are one of the means by which a person creates reality. In Crowley's cards, next to the Emperor, there is a coat of arms with kissing doves against the backdrop of the rising Sun, a symbol of the Holy Spirit and the selfless love that sends it.

Historically, the Emperor is an allegory of absolute power and a symbol of male rites of passage.

It can symbolize success in public affairs, at work, or work in a large company.

The card favors the conclusion of agreements and contracts.

The key words of this Arcana are organization, stability, power and order. All sorts of business plans, development schemes, business process matrices, creation of clear organizational structures and the like are under the jurisdiction of this card. Taking active steps to stabilize the situation, introducing all kinds of quality improvement procedures, measuring efficiency, etc. Association, merger of organizations under the auspices of a stronger one.

Sometimes this card indicates occupations where strict patriarchal discipline reigns, but whether it is the army or a ballet school is another matter.

Solving legal issues, managing finances, real estate and other important activities. The Emperor often points to the seriousness, thoroughness, continuity of some processes, the duration of projects - one can safely assume that the business will withstand any difficulties, especially provided that its creators do not get involved with unreliable business partners and confuse intimate partners.

Favorable - emperors usually do not live in poverty. Potential for success in the financial sector. Legal income. Wise management of financial resources. Stabilization of the financial situation. Favorable living situation. Solving legal issues and problems related to real estate.

“There is no happiness, but there is peace and will.” The Emperor is not particularly good for affectionate relationships. He is characterized by poverty of feelings and lack of flexibility, often manifesting such qualities as self-confidence and dogmatism, dominance, and a desire for control. The Emperor (of either gender) always wants to do things his own way. His partner will be faced not so much with feelings spilling out towards him, but with clear decisions made about him.
Sometimes the Emperor reports the appearance on the horizon of an interesting, influential, but very closed person, whose true feelings will never be known.

Compared to others, the Emperor can stand out for his “rigidity and soullessness,” restraint, prudence and a very sober view of things. He is attracted by certainty, thoroughness and clear formulations. He will measure seven times before cutting. But what you cut off, you can’t sew back on - it really will be a Solution with a capital letter. It is not easy to ring this bird, but if you succeed, then you can rely on the Emperor.

This Arcanum favors family affairs because it is the ancestor and head of the family. Dynasty issues occupy a significant place in his head (but primarily in his head, not his heart). In relationships, this is constancy and commitment, clarity and confidence, adherence to rules, non-romanticism, but absolute reliability.
The Emperor does not tolerate frivolity and ambiguity. He clearly knows what he wants and what he doesn't want. The classic Emperor will insist on legal marriage and clear principles, no casual relationships, only long-term and strong relationships. However, if we are not talking about marriage, then a rigid internal position in the relationship will still be present, expressed one way or another (the surrounding cards can tell you about what and how). This is a map of beliefs, confidence and loyalty to the chosen path.

The Emperor often describes a man who married not the woman he loved, but the one he decided to marry for one reason or another (the reasons can be very diverse, from pragmatic to dramatic). Traditionally, this is a very “masculine” card, but such an emotional experience can easily manifest itself in a woman’s destiny - in the form of a “smart marriage”. The raging heart is tamed, responsibility and will prevailed over personal vacillations, and the Emperor becomes an honest husband/wife, strictly observing marital duty, a responsible parent, a practical and thorough owner.

The emperor often turns out to be almost a despot - demanding, calculating, firm, strict and emotionally closed. He has had to rein in his turbulent feelings, which may make him seem a little harsh, but in fact he is secretly grateful to the one who allowed him to enjoy his own manhood. He draws a line under his past and devotes himself to marriage. Now he is ready to defend what he has with all his determination. The Emperor represents a mature and rational approach plus an outstanding ability to guard his territory, literally and figuratively. Simply put, trying to “steal” the other half from the Emperor is not recommended (and if the King of Swords or the Seven of Wands is nearby, it is dangerous to health). In a difficult situation, the Emperor gives the determination to fight for domestic harmony, to conclude or maintain a marriage (and almost certainly with success). He never compromises, and knows that there are forces that cannot be overcome by good will and “understanding” alone - sometimes you need the determination to raise the sword and take reasonable action to defend your honor and dignity. He always protects his home from external danger, and he is driven not so much by violent passions as by clear concepts.

The Emperor has good potency, thanks to which he never doubts himself as a man, but his peculiarity is that he is actually very conservative and reserved, and there are many taboos for him. Therefore, the only place where he still gets lost is the sensual realm of the bedroom. Here he cannot set any boundaries - here his Empress rules.

The Emperor determines paternity (at least the fundamental ability of a man to fertilize).

The Emperor is the ruler of the human body, “creating and reviving.” It is a symbol of the real physical world, revival and strengthening, therefore it is considered an indicator of good health

Sometimes it may indicate paternal inheritance.

The inverted Emperor can talk about headaches, lack of vitality (and sometimes vice versa, hypertension), and specifically for men - about problems of the sexual sphere such as prostatitis. Occasionally indicates wounds, injuries due to an accident, as well as apoplexia.

Here “sound mind and solid memory” are in short supply. Lack of clarity of thoughts, indecisiveness, lack of concrete actions, weakness of will. Immaturity, confusion, inability to achieve goals. Lack of energy or waste of energy. The traditional interpretation is a collapse of plans, the plan is not destined to come true. This position may warn of failures at work, or of the presence of forces that are hindering the development of affairs. Maybe we are talking about a “strong” (influential) person who is not on the side of the questioner and will rather oppose than help, or maybe in general the cosmic flows are going in the other direction.
The card often means unjustified inaction, but there is also senseless stubbornness. It can also be unfounded and failed claims to the “throne”, power, or high position.

Perhaps at the moment someone (or the questioner himself) is perceived as a hero who has been toppled from his pedestal.
Sometimes the inverted Emperor brings to light the fact that a person actually does not control or dispose of anything in his life, all the power that he has is nominal, unreal. Moreover, most likely the reason is deep dependence on strong, authoritative people. This position of the card may signal that there is someone in the questioner’s life who has completely subjugated him. As a result, the person is unable to solve even minor problems and is unable to control even the smallest emotions.

In an inverted position, the Emperor card symbolizes the denial of authority, reluctance to take part in the lives of other people, failure to fulfill one’s duties (in particular, paternal ones), and ignorance of everything legal and orderly. Sometimes indicates difficult relationships with the male (including paternal) principle in general. Occasionally indicates non-traditional sexual orientation (in both sexes).

Traditional interpretation: war, conflict, injury, insult.

With the Empress - guardianship and care. Another meaning (from the ancient ones) is floating wealth.

With the Hierophant - adherence to rules, integrity

With Lovers - the need to make some tough and definite choice

With Justice - attraction to legality, legality and transparency

With the Tower - the need to protect your business from great danger

With Moderation - advice to moderate activity and choose more flexible tactics

With the Seven of Cups - a bad combination, a disorderly life, senseless spending

With the Three of Swords - defiant behavior, causing pain to others

With the Five of Swords - circumvention of rules, violation of laws

With the Four of Pentacles - a huge craving for control and order

With the Seven of Pentacles - fee

With the Ten of Pentacles reversed - winning (from the old interpreter).

Father gods: Yahweh, Wotan (Odin), Zeus. Kronos. Patriarchs and ancestors.

As a negative example of the archetype - the Emperor himself from “ Star Wars", also Darth Vader (especially in the form of a father).

The Roman Empire at its height.

Basic values

  • Positive: management.
  • Negative: coercion.
  • Key words: organization, stability, management, control, law, right, decision, requirement.
  • Number: the number 4 ideally corresponds to the shape of a square, cardinal points, seasons, lunar phases, as well as the four principles of the world according to Pythagoras: air, water, earth and fire.
  • Description of the lasso: the ruler sits motionless on a throne decorated with the heads of Aquarius carved on it. Behind him lies a plain, rivers and high hills. His hair and beard are gray, he is thoughtful and peaceful. He has a crown on his head, and his rich clothes practically hide his armor from view. In his right hand is a scepter crowned with a sphere.


  • Ram's head: displays a connection with the astrological sign of Aries, symbolizing dynamics and impetuous energy, frozen in motion for only a moment, but ready to burst out at any second.
  • Scepter: represents power over the material world, and is also a symbol of achievement and power.
  • Armor: indicates a readiness for self-defense, as well as the Emperor's deep understanding of life's conflicts and violence in relationships between people.
  • Gray beard and hair: are a symbol of accumulated experience, maturity and wisdom.
  • The river plain and the hills: symbols of the Emperor's greatness, which, thanks to his power, can take different forms.

General meaning of the Tarot Arcana Emperor

The courageous figure of the Emperor is a symbol not so much of achievement as of control and power. The Emperor is not young, but very experienced and strong. He is not subject to vanity and greed. The Emperor is guided only by the responsibility entrusted to him and adheres to it with great will and determination. His strong point is stability and calm, but if necessary, he easily moves into action. That is why the Emperor card, more than other cards, personifies masculinity: any form of creative energy, the ability to take specific actions. The Emperor is first and foremost a father, so the Emperor card is interpreted primarily as a symbol of a father or any other influential figure.

Except in rare cases, the Emperor's influence extends to the sphere outlined by himself. This could be a specific sphere of authority, a certain territory, or simply the degree of participation in a particular situation. The scope of this influence is very precise. Moreover, very often the Emperor acts not directly, but through intermediaries, realizing that personal intervention can be perceived as an abuse of power. In this sense, the Emperor is very rational and stingy in expressing feelings and passions, which cannot be said about the Empress.

Extended values

Personal life

  • Love. A short separation can be beneficial. Feelings will flare up again with the fire of desire.
  • Job. You can be content with what you have achieved, but it is much better to devote yourself to searching for new horizons.
  • Money. It is necessary to provide assistance to those in need. Money is so powerful that it can enslave those who possess it.


  • Result. It is necessary to protect what we have and strengthen everything that is unstable and unstable in our lives.
  • Recommendation. Do not boast about the power you have, but remember your superiority.
  • Implementation time. The number 4 closes the square. Improve what you think is complete.

Soul and psyche

  • Self-esteem. Each personality is individual, but not unique. Satisfy your own “I”, but do not exalt it.
  • Meditation. In order to bring anything to life, consent is necessary: ​​any thing acquires value when the people around it approve of it.
  • Spirituality. Decide for yourself what you want to become and work on yourself like a sculptor works on a statue.

Esoteric meaning

  • Kabbalah. The letter “Daleth” means “gate” and symbolizes the transition from the abstract to the concrete.
  • Alchemy. The student works on himself, gradually turning rough material into the philosopher's stone.
  • Astrology. Aries. The spring equinox promotes stabilization and renewal.

In the foreground is a knight's tombstone, very typical of England in the 14th-15th centuries. Many such tombstones have survived and survived to this day. Moreover, it is even known which specific tombstone served as the prototype for Pamela Coleman Smith in her work on this map. The background of the map is clearly divided into right and left halves. The central place on the left side of the picture is occupied by a stained glass window. It is difficult to understand who exactly is depicted on the stained glass window. However, it is known that Pamela was inspired by the stained glass window of the church in Winchelsea, where the word "Peace" - "Pax" - depicted near the Virgin Mary.

The right side is occupied by the image of three Swords. And their grey colour makes us assume that these are not real swords, but bas-reliefs.

You should pay attention to an almost imperceptible detail in the center of the map: the head of a bull at the base of the slope of the stained glass window.


  • Recovery
  • Loneliness
  • Asylum
  • Concentration
  • Prayer
  • Solution

Key Ideas

  • Focus on the internal, ignoring the external
  • Listen to everyone, decide for yourself
  • Hide in a shelter to heal
  • Don't do this to anyone. Don't show off

Basic meaning

The meaning of Tarot card 4 (Four of Swords) indicates the beginning of overcoming the crisis. It may not be very noticeable externally, but internally the crisis has been overcome. We can talk about illness, financial crisis, relationship crisis.

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The 4 of Swords indicates a period of loneliness. But this is necessary, useful loneliness. Loneliness, during which a person deals with his internal problems, makes important, responsible decisions that will largely determine his future life.

The 4 of Swords may indicate the need for serious inner work. Prayers, meditations, reflections. Putting order in your mind and heart. According to this card, you need to step away from the hustle and bustle, get out of the daily routine. Calm your mind, your anxious heart and decide on the main and minor things in your life.

4 of Swords is a favorable card as much as possible for the suit of swords.

  • 4 (Four) of Swords Tarot in combination with the card: Solitude to make a strategic decision
  • 4 (Four) of Swords Tarot in combination with the card: Make a choice with a cold heart
  • 4 (Four) of Swords Tarot in combination with the card: Use all your powers to heal the situation

Meaning in relationships

Now let’s look at the interpretation of the meanings of the Tarot card 4 (Four of Swords) in relationships and love.

The card suggests that a person needs solitude. He does not cut off contacts with the outside world, but at the moment it is very important for him to be alone. Only in solitude does he feel safe. The 4 of Swords represents a kind of refuge.

It is very important not to force a person out of the shelter. The time will come, and he will come out of it himself. But those who do not understand this risk ruining their relationship with this person.

Open - hole card

The 4 of Swords is definitely a hole card. A person is focused on his inner work, whatever it may be. And he is not interested in either old or new relationships at this moment.

Relationship intensity

There is very intense work going on inside a person. But this has nothing to do with relationships.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

"The subscriber is temporarily unavailable." The key word is temporary. Sometimes, however, the situation reaches the point of absurdity, and people hide in their tower or in their cave for so long and feel so comfortable there that they simply do not want to leave.

A person at 4 of Swords behaves in such a way as to reduce the number of points of contact with other people to an absolute minimum. It doesn't matter if it's family, friends or work.

  • in combination with the map: Climb alone to the top of the mountain; watch the stone grow
  • in combination with the card: A heavy burden cannot be transferred to anyone. You have to deal with this yourself
  • in combination with the card: The period of sadness and longing ends

Psychological condition

The 4 of Swords describes a state when a person is focused exclusively on his internal processes. The most typical example is recovery from a serious illness, recovery from a mental crisis. The situation requires a person to make serious, informed decisions. He cannot afford to be distracted by external events or spend emotional energy communicating with other people.

Loneliness. A person feels the need to be alone. He does not permanently cut off contacts with the outside world, but at the moment he is temporarily withdrawing from the world. The emotional state is very similar to that of a wounded animal that retreats into a hole in order to focus on its recovery while feeling protected and safe.

J. Gray in the book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” describes the need to stay in a cave as absolutely normal male behavior.

Importance in health matters

A person is weakened after a serious physical illness. But the crisis has already passed, and recovery has begun. The card indicates the need for bed rest or treatment and rehabilitation procedures.

Although the physical body is still weak, the spirit has already recovered. And the restoration of the body is only a matter of time.

  • in combination with: A new union can be beneficial for a person
  • in combination with: Only in the circle of his loved ones will a person feel safe
  • combined with: Chances come from outside, decisions are made within

Business and finance, in professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

Stable, controlled, manageable situation.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

The map directly indicates an increase in income. The very beginning, the first drops of rain. The beginning of a natural, progressive, positive process, when all previous actions were correct and proportionate. The preliminary work is completed and the process has started. The task is to give up the fuss and implement the further plan.

However, the card sets a number of conditions for receiving income - do not tell anyone about your intentions, do not share information, do everything yourself. Even help provided with the most sincere intentions will be useless at best, and harmful at worst.

General state of finances and trends of changes

The main idea of ​​the 4 of Swords is that the financial situation is beginning to improve. The position in which it stabilizes will be better than the position from which you started. The map does not say how much or how little money you have at the beginning of the journey; moreover, right now there may be none at all. But the money begins to accumulate and be collected, step by step, penny by penny. The process has only just begun, but it is already accelerating.

A thin rope for mooring a ship.

Positive and negative impact on income

Your situation is starting to improve - this is good news. With a passive approach, the sheer confidence that everything, albeit slowly, is working has a very positive effect. The card also has a positive effect on those who prefer to work alone, not depend on collective decisions, and answer only to themselves. “You just need to learn to wait” is, of course, good advice, but sometimes the lack of quick and visible results can negate all preliminary efforts. Reading the meanings of Tarot card 4 (Four) of Swords, in matters of work, intellectual actions are much more important than physical ones. Outwardly, it seems that nothing is changing, and this is an unpleasant, destabilizing moment.

What your mind says is more important than what your environment says.

Card of the day Caution

Don't impose, don't ask for it, be alone. Don't let others disturb your solitude.

EMPEROR (Master)

This Arcana depicts a man who looks very tense. He sits on a rather simple stone throne. Although there is concern about something in his gaze, there is also a sense of firmness. Behind it one can see mountains devastated by vegetation, a sky in red shades - all this symbolizes Mars, a symbol of the male aggressive principle. In the decoration of the throne you can see the head of a ram, which corresponds to the zodiac sign Aries. The Emperor is the beginning of the zodiac circle in the Major Arcana.

The owner is the leader, boss, head of the family. In general, it represents a secular, rational power, but this power is ruthless and rude, since it completely denies feeling, and is based only on the idea and the superiority of reason. He seems to be trying to establish himself, to defend his authority, while being rather unscrupulous in his means.

Other names for this Arcana: Emperor, Lord, Master, Ruler on Rulers, Throne (in the Egyptian Tarot).


Strength and authority, which are based on experience, are the main meaning of this card, and if you pull out the Emperor, you either already have or want to have these qualities. You are a leader and you have both the opportunity and the desire to leave your mark. You treat both your family and your business with full responsibility and knowledge of the matter. You can be aggressive and stubborn, but at the same time you have an inner wisdom that balances your assessments and decisions.


You are a weak person and lack any kind of power, an irresponsible person who does not think about the consequences of his actions. You enjoy flattery and accept it; you are still an emotionally immature person. You are characterized by cruelty and petty despotism. All this is an indicator of an unjust, biased ruler.


In order to become a true leader, you need to have a balanced outlook on life. You should not impose your point of view on others and demand immediate execution of your will. True leadership is based on a broader, holistic understanding: you must consider the needs of other people, too.


The appearance of this Arcanum first of all means that you are striving for order and the fulfillment of your long-standing desires, intentions and plans. The emperor is, first of all, discipline, determination, perseverance and willingness to be responsible for his decisions. At the same time, you will have to put in a lot of effort and work conscientiously, since no one will simply give you anything or give you anything, and your success will depend entirely on your efforts.


In this subtext, the Emperor speaks of realistic thinking, a pragmatic approach to business, methodical adherence to the plan and sober reason. This is the period when shaky, disordered dreams acquire a clear structure. Your desires acquire a specific plan of action. At the internal level, this Arcanum may indicate a certain conflict between different sides father: -protector and benefactor, and -unapproachable, cold despot.


This is a period of strengthening your relationships, they become stronger and more reliable. However, if there was some kind of illusion in your relationship, the Emperor indicates the loss of this illusion and brings clarity. At the same moment, this Arcanum’s desire for maximum security and stability can lead your relationship to a dead end, limiting it to only what is necessary.

Straight position

Key words and phrases: self-affirmation, control, status, adult world, male power, temporary power, contact with government agencies, influential respectable man, external world, royalty, rationality, desire for success, stability and respect, desire to establish yourself in this world, dominance, regulation, security, ambition, strength, structure, luxury, firmness, fearlessness, leadership, stability, logic, wisdom, completion, self-control, achievement , board, recognition, independence, material well-being, promotion, management.

Situation and advice

The owner says that if you correctly use your ability to think rationally and move from thought to action, you will definitely achieve success. You have the opportunity to move up the career ladder, and your excellent organizational skills will be appreciated. Perhaps you will have an important rival or a person in a leadership position in your environment. This is a card of stability, respect, strength, rationality and leadership. It indicates that as you assert yourself in this world, you become independent.

Now is the time to act; perhaps we should organize some kind of structure, create a permanent environment. You may have the help of a mentor or partner. It is quite possible that in the near future you will have a high position in society. This Arcanum also means that dominance in love relationships, make sure that this does not lead to a loss of sensuality and affection for your partner. When looking at a situation, the card advises not to go to extremes, but to consider everything possible options, perhaps agree to some kind of compromise.

People : husband, father, a person who has power or holds a high position, an influential or important man, an opponent, a rival, a man who is ready to help, an employer, a president, a landowner, an organizer, your team, a mentor, a politician.

Upside down

Key words and phrases: lack of discipline and control, tyranny, pressure from superiors or authorities, insubordination, problems with authorities, immaturity, inferiority, dependence, rebellion, roughness in relationships, rudeness, belligerence, impatience, unreliability, indecisiveness, laziness, arbitration, limited thinking, difficulties, logic that oppresses feelings, following the “letter” rather than the “spirit” of the law, increased responsibility, reluctance to develop, avoidance of problems.

Situation and advice

At the moment, something is stopping you from developing. When thinking about a situation, you are guided only by your logic and close your eyes to your feelings. Absolute adherence to your principles may ultimately result in a violation of the spirit of the law. Perhaps you are in a situation in which you are incompetent, or you are being oppressed in some way, or you just want to get away from problems. Perhaps some immature, failed man is creating problems for you. Most likely, it is easier for you to be a subordinate than a leader; the main thing for you is to avoid responsibility. It's time for you to grow up and start making your own decisions, stop depending on others. You can also be a provocateur or a tyrant. There may be sadomasochistic elements in your love relationships. If you asked about work, then you shouldn’t expect a promotion.

People : a coward, a provocateur, a tyrant, a person who abuses his power or authority, a person who is useless at work, boring, immature, Sissy or a daughter, emotionally unstable, a “burden,” unwilling to grow, a rebel without an idea.

The meaning of the Emperor (Master) card

After your desire led nowhere, you resigned yourself and adapted to the world around you. And everything seems to be going according to plan, but recently it seems to you that everything could collapse. That's why you try to suppress your inner sensations, emotions and feelings. But you are making a mistake, give yourself free rein, listen to your intuition! There are more important things in the world than your grandiose plans. But remember, if you get lost, you can always go back and follow the right path.

In everyday life, this card advises you to use the help of your father, boss, etc., or to show your strength yourself. However, the main thing is not to overdo it, if you don’t stop in time - this force can become destructive. Less often, it can be a sign of some kind of superhuman power, a heavenly patron, help from above.

In the reverse position, this card, on the contrary, advises refraining from using force. If we are talking about an influential person, then he will oppose you. The same applies to superhuman strength, it will also be against you in this situation.

If you have received an inverted Emperor in the past, this indicates an excess of strength, which is why the result will ultimately be the opposite of what you expect.

Advice for businessmen: do not stand on ceremony with unscrupulous partners, employees, mistresses, otherwise you will ruin the whole business.


Implement your plans confidently and consistently.


Excessive rationality, prudence and pedantry can destroy any living feeling and business.

Card of the day

Today is the best day for you in resolving any issues. You are full of strength and energy, luck is on your side, you will be able to cope with any difficult task, business, sort out relationships, correct mistakes and finally finish what has been left unfinished for a long time. If today you don’t have any specific task, then it’s time to at least just clean the apartment, fix existing breakdowns, fix the bicycle lying on the balcony, or pay long-standing bills.

Card of the Year

This year will be very active for you. If you have unrealized ideas, plans or projects, this year is the most suitable for their implementation. The real will come true, but the far-fetched will have to be abandoned. In the coming year, you should show more patience, self-discipline and perseverance than before. Therefore, check which goal really corresponds to your inner desire, so that you can use these twelve months to bring it to life. Perseverance and flexibility are your motto for this year, following which you will definitely achieve your goal! Also, this year you may have to make some important decisions, maintain what you have achieved or take on new responsibilities.

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