Gay actors in the USSR. Soviet homosexual celebrities: truth and speculation. The love of manhood of the poet Nikolai Klyuev

IN Soviet period homosexuality was not only condemned by society, but also punished by law under the article “Sodomy.” Therefore, the vast majority of people with non-traditional sexual orientation hid it in every possible way. Among them were stars. Let's find out how their fate turned out.

Real name is Fanna Gishevna Feldman. Born in Taganrog in 1898 into a Jewish family. Since childhood, she loved theater and became an actress. She worked at the Theater for more than 20 years. Mossovet, where she gained fame. Then she began acting in films. She was called the “queen of the supporting plan,” and today Ranevskaya is recognized abroad as the best Soviet actress of the twentieth century.

However, his personal life was not as successful as his acting life. Contemporaries more than once noted her indifference to men and passion for beautiful women. She was credited with an affair with actress Pavla Wulf, with whom she lived together for several years. Some claim that this was the only love in her life. In addition, Ranevskaya was not seen in novels with men, which once again confirms her unconventional orientation.

The actress herself did not make an official confession on this matter, but once expressed the idea that lesbianism and homosexuality are not perversions.

Soviet pop singer, poet and composer. Born in 1903 in St. Petersburg. He began his singing career by dubbing silent films, and later began performing on stage. In the 1930s gained enormous popularity throughout the USSR. There were queues at his concerts and even riots broke out for the right to buy a ticket. During the Great Patriotic War spoke to the Red Army soldiers to raise morale.

In 1944, at the end of the war, he disappeared from the stage, and his records were no longer sold in stores. The reason is considered to be a conflict with Beria over the evacuation from besieged Leningrad Kozin's relatives who died there. In May 1944 he was arrested, and in February 1945 he was sentenced on three counts, including sodomy. He was given 8 years in the camps. However, the singer was released early in 1950 for exemplary behavior.

In 1959, he was re-convicted under the article “Sodomy” and spent another 2 years in the camps. Having been released in 1961, the famous singer completely disappeared from the Soviet stage. Died 1994

Kozin himself never made comments about sexual orientation, but his contemporaries did not doubt it. The singer did not have affairs with women, preferring the company of men. He tried his best to hide his homosexuality, but, as it turned out, he failed.

Born in Riga in 1947. He gained fame after the debut film by director Nikita Mikhalkov, “One Among Strangers, A Stranger Among Friend.” Then the actor received offers for film roles. However, fame did not bring joy in life, and Yuri developed depression. He began to suffer from alcoholism and cut himself off from society.

The reason for this behavior was non-traditional sexual orientation. The truth was revealed by his wife, actress Nadezhda Seraya, who admitted that the marriage was fictitious to hide Bogatyrev’s homosexuality. The actor died in 1989 after a heart attack. Doctors tried to save him by administering clonidine intravenously, but the antidepressants taken the day before caused anaphylactic shock and cardiac arrest.

Soviet ballet dancer. Born in 1938 in Irkutsk. He gained popularity in the USSR with his performances on stage in ballet productions. It was also popular in the West. During one of his tours in Paris, KGB officers who were monitoring Nuriev wanted to forcibly return the artist to the USSR for violating the regime. Rudolf Khametovich refused, for which he was sentenced in absentia for treason for a period of 7 years.

Nuriev did not return to the USSR and remained to live in Paris, later moving to Denmark, since France refused to grant political refugee status. In Copenhagen he met the Danish dancer Erik Brun. They were a couple for 25 years. Although there were rumors that Nuriev preferred to conduct a disorderly sex life, dating several men at the same time.

Died in 1993 from complications caused by AIDS.

Soviet theater and film director. Born in 1898 in Riga. Since childhood, he has been interested in art, in particular music and theater. After the advent of cinema, I became interested in a new form of art and became a director. He directed such films as “Alexander Nevsky”, “Battleship Potemkin”, “Ivan the Terrible”, etc.

He was married, but this did not stop him from dating men. He is credited with an affair with actor Grigory Alexandrov, which lasted several years. Eisenstein himself led a secretive life and did not advertise his gayness in order to avoid being put on trial.

Famous Soviet theater and film actor. Born in 1903 in Moscow. He became famous for his roles of negative characters, including the role of Baba Yaga in “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, the Executioner in “An Ordinary Miracle” and Miracle Yudo in the film “Varvara the Beauty, Long Braid”.

He was not married until old age. Little is known about his personal life. Didn't have affairs with women. Information about the actor’s unconventional orientation came from Millyar’s neighbors. He often threw loud parties only in the company of men. Married at the age of 65. As they say, in order not to be convicted of sodomy and to get rid of the reputation of a homosexual.

IN Soviet time non-traditional sexual orientation was persecuted by law. You could easily end up on trial and go to prison camps. This made life difficult for celebrities with homosexual tendencies, since their personal lives were in the public eye.

Open and voluntary recognition by our famous contemporaries of their non-traditional sexual orientation (coming out) has become a fashionable phenomenon and has become a trump card for attracting attention to one’s own person.

In the puritanical USSR there were also celebrities who at least once directly declared their belonging to sexual minorities. They definitely didn’t need PR for sin. Moreover, some of those who made that difficult coming out did not live even a few months after confessing. Why then did they do it?

The love of manhood of the poet Nikolai Klyuev

The peasant poet Nikolai Klyuev, Sergei Yesenin’s senior comrade, unlike his young friend, a mischievous reveler, did not have affairs with women throughout his 53-year life. And it was, apparently, not a matter of Nikolai Alekseevich’s religiosity. The poet repeatedly (including in his works) sang love for men, mentioning the handsome Caucasian Ali, who fell in love with him “as Kadra-night (Night of Predestination) teaches,” about the young artist Anatoly Kravchenko, for whom Klyuev composed poems full of passion and wrote over 40 love letters...

In fact, the passionate stanzas addressed to the subject of same-sex love served as an indirect reason for Klyuev’s first arrest: the poet decided to publish sensual poems not just anywhere, but in the newspaper Izvestia All-Russian Central Executive Committee. And its editor-in-chief, fighting off the annoying author, took and reported the persistent preacher of poetic sodomy to the NKVD. The authorities had long had a grudge against the rebellious poet - in his poems, Klyuev did not favor the Soviet world order.

During one of the interrogations, Nikolai Alekseevich admitted to sodomy, named the names of his lovers and the dates of intercourse with them. It is noteworthy that the corresponding Soviet law on criminal punishment for homosexuality was adopted only a few months after the poet’s arrest. However, having added the more menacing label of “counter-revolutionary behavior” to this charge, Klyuev was sent to Tomsk. But 3 years later, in the ominous 1937, he was arrested again and shot as an obvious enemy of the people.

The shameful confession of the “bloody dwarf” Yezhov

“Bloody dwarf” head of the NKVD Nikolai Yezhov, being in favor, was very popular among the people - songs and poems were written about him, the writing public with carnivorous pleasure relished in the press the common expression “take a tight rein”, applied to various enemies of the people - “already Our brave People’s Commissar will give the anti-Soviet evil spirits a light!”

But the Stalinist moloch ground Yezhov in his merciless millstones, as well as many other executioners of the regime. According to the tradition of that time, he was accused of being an anti-Soviet, a traitor, a terrorist. They were known to the “Bloody Dwarf” better than anyone, because until recently the People’s Commissar himself branded his victims with them.

Yezhov himself wrote a statement about his inclination towards pederasty to the Investigative Unit of the NKVD of the USSR. The document outlined in detail in what years and with whom he indulged in sodomy, more often in “interactive relationships.” Those “mutually active” officials (by the way, of a fairly high rank), whom the once all-powerful People’s Commissar dragged along with him, in turn, also admitted to a vicious relationship - like Yezhov, they hoped that a sentence for pederasty was better than a bullet in the back of the head for anti-Sovietism. But in the end, everyone was shot anyway.

Sad script by Sergei Parajanov

The outstanding Soviet film director and screenwriter Sergei Parajanov was arrested twice on suspicion of homosexuality, in 1947 and 1973. The first time he was acquitted, the second time he served 4 years in prison. Sergei Iosifovich, like the poet Nikolai Klyuev in his time, was not distinguished by his loyalty to the current government in the USSR. Those who do not believe in the veracity of the accusations of sodomy brought against Parajanov believe that the artist suffered solely for his political beliefs.

Parajanov made a confession of sodomy during the investigation - also detailed, detailed. But many are still wondering whether this accusation was fabricated or not: Sergei Iosifovich did not shy away from women, he was married, and a son was born from the marriage...

World-class artists strove for the famous director - Francois Truffaut, Fellini, Visconti... After the French communist writer Louis Aragon personally appealed to Brezhnev, Parajanov was released.

... In the USSR, openly admitting an addiction to same-sex love was very dangerous - criminal liability for sodomy (for some reason, lesbians were not touched) existed for almost 60 years: it was introduced in 1934 and the corresponding legal norms were in force until 1993. According to official statistics, during this time in the Soviet Union, tens of thousands of men were convicted and sent to colonies under the “shameful” article of the Criminal Code.

The LGBT community is developing every day. All new public faces come out and admit their sexuality without hiding anything. This is a serious trend, since in the 21st century the attitude towards gays has completely changed. And now you can almost calmly talk about who you really are.

In Russia, unlike in the world, this is a little more problematic. While Australia and Germany have legalized same-sex marriage, Russian Federation passed a law banning LGBT propaganda among minors. Therefore, in Russia, openly public gays are mainly LGBT activists who defend the rights of homosexuals. Among representatives of show business, politics and other fields of activity, there are only rumors. But no one openly admits their sexual preferences.

The most famous “gays” in Russia according to society

As he says, not only the Earth is full of rumors. Many fans and media conducted investigations, trying to figure out Russian pop stars. But in the end - only rumors, guesses and conjectures. To keep abreast of all the events, let’s go through the main list of who is included in the LGBT community.

Sergey Zverev. Famous showman, winner of the World Hairdressing Championship. His appearance can be described in one word – “shocking”. Due to his appearance and his occupation, Zverev is classified as a person of non-traditional sexual orientation.

According to the same criteria, the “rainbow community” also includes Boris Moiseev. In fact, his grandfather Boris Moiseev is a real gay, which he has spoken about publicly more than once.

An information boom was caused by the news that Sergey Lazarev- homosexual. He is a famous singer, presenter, and performed at Eurovision 2016. This is not the first time he has been credited with a fascination with men. This topic became especially relevant after he broke up with his girlfriend Lera Kudryavtseva. The media literally exploded with headlines that Lazarev was gay. According to them, this was confirmed by his mother ex-girlfriend, all his friends talk about it. The singer himself has never said that he considers himself to be part of the LGBT culture. He only advocates support, but, according to him, is not part of it.

Maksim Galkin- comedian, presenter, husband of Alla Pugacheva, has two children from her. But the label “gay” hangs on him even after the wedding. According to the majority of media: a handsome, well-groomed, successful man is necessarily homosexual.

For the same reason, the list included Nikolay Baskov. The media has visited the “Golden Voice” of Russia more than once: for the hairstyle, for the behavior, and for the songs. Like others, Nikolai does not say anything about his identity in the context of homosexuality.

The list of possible “gays” on the Russian stage does not end there. But these are just guesses, and you shouldn't pay much attention to them. Moreover, considering that they also like to call “non-traditional” Philip Kirkorov.

The most famous real gays in Russia

Moving from possible homosexuals to those who actually openly admit their orientation, it should be remembered that these are mainly activists who defend LGBT rights. You cannot hear about them on federal channels; they are not actors or singers. There is little, if any, information about these people. But they exist and are not ashamed to be themselves.

Pavel Samburov– coordinator of the LGBT Rainbow Association. A simple, kind person. His organization is engaged in promoting the ideas of tolerance, getting rid of various forms discrimination at different levels of life - from everyday to political.

Igor Kochetkov– LGBT activist, public figure. Considered one of the founders of the Russian LGBT Network. By education, he is a candidate of historical sciences.

Initially, Igor became known as a publicist. Worked in projects such as GayNews and GayRussia. After the creation of the LGBT Network, he was its executive director. Currently he is the head of the LGBT organization “Coming Out”.

Igor Kochetkov is a well-known human rights activist, author of reports and articles on the situation of LGBT people in Russia. Was nominated for Nobel Prize World in 2014. Married. But, since same-sex marriage is impossible in Russia, he got married in New York with his loved one.

Igor Kochetkov He is a very nasty and aggressive person. He is very hostile towards non-gay people.

Evgeny Pisemsky– head of the organization “Phoenix PLUS”, the main directions of which are information about sexual health and relationships of LGBT people. Talks about HIV in the gay community.

Maxim Lapunov– LGBT rights activist who suffered at the hands of homophobic offenders. He spoke at a conference on the persecution of LGBT people in Chechnya. He was forced to openly oppose the current situation because he was subjected to torture and death threats. According to him, Maxim is far from the only one who ended up in a Chechen prison on suspicion of homosexuality. But he is the only one who was not afraid to announce this to the whole world and at least somehow try to change the situation.

The most famous homosexuals in the world

Unlike Russia, in the rest of the civilized world things are much more positive with openly gay people. Many representatives of the LGBT community can be found among actors, singers, cultural figures and politicians.

Sir Elton John- composer, musician, singer. He received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II herself. At the same time, he periodically acts in films. Elton John is 70 years old today. In addition to his creativity, he is known as a public figure. Especially for his participation in the fight against the AIDS epidemic.

In 1994, Elton John was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Initially, he declared his bisexuality (gives equal preferences to both sexes), but later called himself a pure homosexual. In 2005, he legalized his relationship with David Fisher. Over time, the couple used the services of a surrogate mother, and their first son was born in 2010, the second in 2013.

Elton John is also known for writing the soundtracks for the cult cartoon “The Lion King.”

Sir Ian McKellen- the magnificent Magneto, the mysterious Gandalf... And these are not all of his roles! For his excellent acting talent, he was awarded the title of knight in 1990. At 78 years old, he is not giving up his acting career, having just recently starred in the film “Beauty and the Beast.”

McKellen came out back in 1988 live BBC radio stations. Then this step required extraordinary courage. Ian risked public wrath and a lot of problems. However, his talent could not be stopped - and after admitting his homosexuality to the whole world, the actor received his best roles.

Ian McKellen is a civil activist. He does not ignore events concerning the LGBT community. Including in the Russian Federation. He even called Sergei Sobyanin a coward when he decided to cancel the gay pride parade in 2011.

Neil Patrick Harris- the main “playboy” of the series “How I Met Your Mother”. For this role he received two Golden Globe nominations and four Emmy nominations.

Also known for the films “Gone Girl” and “Starship Troopers”. He became the first openly gay man to host the Oscars in 2015.

The actor admitted his sexuality in 2006 in an interview with People magazine. The actor said that he was glad to finally dispel misconceptions and rumors. And that he can openly declare that he is gay and lives a happy and fulfilling life.

In 2014, Neil Patrick Harris married actor David Burtka.

Jim Parsons became famous for his role in the series “Theory Big Bang", where he played Sheldon Cooper, a theoretical physicist who believes that he knows everything, that he is a genius, and loves to teach other characters.

For this role, the actor received four Emmy awards and a Golden Globe award.

Rumors about his orientation circulated for days. It was only in 2012 that he spoke about his relationship to the New York Times. His partner Todd Spivak is an art director. Jim also shared that he does not consider his life to be anything special. He never considered himself an activist. The actor lives an ordinary life with Todd: they have breakfast, drink coffee, and walk the dogs.

Matt Bomer is an actor who people remember as the charming swindler Neal Caffrey from the TV series White Collar. He also played in the film “The Normal Heart,” dedicated to the problems of sexual minorities.

The actor's coming out was quite simple - a correspondent from Details magazine simply asked him about Matt's orientation. However, the actor decided not to answer directly, but only hinted that he was gay. And only two years later, Bomer publicly admitted his homosexual orientation.

Xavier Dolan- a film director who dropped out of school at the age of 16 and was left without an education, but received a prize at the Cannes Film Festival at the age of 20 for the film “I Killed My Mother.” He is extraordinarily talented. In 2015, Xavier was already on the jury of the Cannes Film Festival - this is unthinkably fast. In addition to his directing career, he sometimes acts as an actor, but only in his own films - for example, “I Killed My Mother.”

Xavier Dolan's homosexuality is nothing new. The director never hid his orientation. His films often contain discussions about homosexuality. But that’s not all he films about. The paintings are distinguished by their depth.

Zachary Quinto I remember him as the villain Sylar from the series “Heroes” and as the unrivaled Spock from “Star Trek.” There was also an unusual, even partly tragic role - in “ American history horror" Zachary appeared in the role of a homosexual lead. While alive, it committed suicide along with its lover, and now the gay ghosts are unable to rest.

In 2011, Quinto publicly came out as gay in an interview with New York Magazine. It all started innocently enough - with a simple discussion of the prospect of legalizing same-sex marriage in the United States. But then he expressed his opinion from a gay point of view, which was the beginning of his coming out.

Moriarty also did not stand aside. Andrew Scott- an openly gay man who played the role of the main antagonist in Sherlock Holmes. Andrew is Irish-born and plays on television, film, and theatre. Won a BAFTA Award for Best Supporting Actor. He also participated in the next James Bond film, which was released in 2015.

When talking about the gay community, it is impossible to leave out of sight Stephen Fry. He is best known as a British comedian. But he is also an actor, writer, playwright. He became famous for such TV series as “Black Adder”, “Jeeves and Wooster”. His work together with Hugh Laurie also brought him popularity. Stephen has repeatedly been included in ratings of the funniest people on the planet. He played the role of a gay man in the dystopian film “V for Vendetta” based on the script of the Wachowski brothers (now transgender women, the Wachowski sisters).

For a long time, Fry hid his sexuality. He discovered it for himself a very long time ago, when he was at school. But information about his homosexuality became public only in 1997, when the actor was already 40 years old. Fry writes about this in his autobiography. From 1995 to 2010 he lived with his colleague Daniel Cohen. Since 2010, he dated another actor, Stephen Webb.

Later, Stephen entered into new relationships. And on January 6, 2015, he announced his future marriage to comedian Elliot Spencer, who was 27 years old at the time. The relationship was formalized on January 17. It is Spencer who is called the person who gave Fry a new thirst for life, thereby helping him get rid of depression and loneliness.

Fry became equally famous as an LGBT activist. He is interested in the problem of the homosexual community in Russia. In particular, in 2013, Stephen personally met with Vitaly Milonov, a homophobic deputy of the Russian Federation. Moreover, he expressed support for the campaign against the human rights-violating gay propaganda law in Russia.

The world did not stop at Sherlock Holmes's opponent. Hodor from Game of Thrones joined the rainbow ranks. Or rather, an actor Christian Nairn. His character is stupid, but also strong and loyal to the Starks. The actor admitted that he was gay during the filming of the fourth season of the famous series. This happened when the topic of same-sex marriage was raised on the Game of Thrones forum. Christian responded to everyone who was dissatisfied that when they try to hurt the LGBT community, they hurt his community.

After this, he stated that he had never been ashamed of his sexuality. And, moreover, he did not make it a secret. They just didn't ask him. Nairn's greatest pleasure was that he was able to destroy everyone's favorite stereotype of what gay people are like. After all, many see them as cute boys who for some reason are more inclined to wear feminine clothes, because they are so fragile and cute. And it was Christian who, with his powerful shoulders, destroyed this stupid stereotype, showing that gays are different. And for this, the “rainbow” community thanked him more than once or twice.

Wentworth Miller– the main sex symbol of all prisons. Leading actor in the TV series "Escape". Where, in order to save his brother from execution in the electric chair, he himself ends up in prison. And then he pulls him and himself out, relying on his brilliant mind and cunningly developed plan. After which, Wentworth can be found in series such as The Flash, where he plays Captain Cold. He later plays the same character in Legends of Tomorrow, where he happily kisses the hero Lucha.

And, although today Miller is openly gay, he had to go a long way to admit it. In 2007, Wentworth proudly announced that he was going to get married, after which he would have children and continue to happily build his own life. family life. The media never raised suspicions about his sexuality. And he explained his lack of a girlfriend quite easily - he was too busy filming.

The actor opened up to society in 2013, when he refused to attend the film festival in St. Petersburg. With this, he supported the action against the new Russian law “on the promotion of homosexuality.” It was strange for him to attend an event in a country where open love is prohibited and where there is no understanding of basic human rights.

Later, the actor honestly stated that it was difficult for him to admit to himself that he was homosexual. And, when he was 17 years old, he even tried to commit suicide, afraid of how society would react to his coming out. As an adult, Miller became terrified that coming out could harm his career or simply end it.

Ben Whishaw- a person who is easily recognized by his role as a maniac in the film “Perfume”. This film brought him fame in 2013. Like many stars, he did not hide his personal life, but simply did not talk about it. In August 2012, he entered into a civil partnership with Mark Bradshaw, an Australian composer. They met when they worked together on the film “Bright Star”, this happened in 2009. Mark did the music and Ben played the lead role. And they had an office romance, which eventually became something more. Ben announced that he has an official partner (common-law spouse) through his agent.

Ruper Everett ( Quiet Don), Richard Chamberland (“The Thorn Birds,” also played an older gay man in the TV series “Desperate Housewives”), Jesse Ferguson (“Class,” “Modern Family”).

The list of openly gay people in the world does not end there. But to describe all the people who are openly ready to admit their love and their true selves, several volumes the size of Les Misérables are not enough.

The issue of sexual orientation today seems to be of no concern only to babies and salespeople in intimate goods stores. However, as a rule, it is not customary to talk openly about one’s sexual preferences. However, many stars are not afraid to tell the whole world about who they want to see in their bed. We offer you a portion of celebrity revelations first-hand.

Cate Blanchett (46)

The other day, the Hollywood actress shared in an interview that she had affairs with women. When asked if she had to try on the role of a lesbian, Blanchett replied: “On screen or in life? “Many times in life.” What news!


Megan Fox loves to talk about her bisexuality. She once said in an interview with Esquare magazine that it is better to sleep with a woman who does not sleep with men. But apparently, this does not apply to Megan herself; she gives herself complete freedom.

Amber Heard (29)

Newly-made wife A (51), when asked about her affair with the artist Tasya Van Ree (age), always answered: “If I’m dating a girl, that doesn’t mean I’m a lesbian.” We willingly believe, it’s not for nothing that Depp had his eye on her...

Brian Molko (42)

The lead singer of the group Placebo comments extremely curiously on his personal life: “I am neither heterosexual nor homosexual. I am sex myself. And if every time you enter a room you think: “Everyone here wants me,” then everyone will really want you. Everything depends on our thoughts."


Angelina's stormy youth did not pass without sexual adventures with girls. In the 90s, Jolie dated model Jenny Shimizu. Shimizu once spoke about her relationship with the actress: “It was the peak of my career, I was cocky and self-confident. But I felt that Angelina was not the kind of girl you spend the night with and then banish from your life the next morning. We had a wonderful relationship. We became very close and experienced very strong emotions. Our meetings did not always end in sex. Sometimes we would go to Cambodia and climb in the jungle."

Michelle Rodriguez (36)

Michelle Rodriguez has always openly stated that she is more attracted to girls than men. The actress dated Zac Efron, and then she was in a relationship with Cara Delevingne (22). Increasingly, she can be found in female company.


But the model herself, after her relationship with Rodriguez, apparently decided to learn more about the girls. Kara has repeatedly posted pictures of her kissing women. There were rumors that Delevingne was dating singer Annie Clark.

Tom Hardy (37)

But who really surprised us was Tom Hardy. “I’m done with the experiments, but I’ll say for sure: there is so much more in relationships with men! You know, I have a little femininity, and among gays there are so many real men.” Tom also admitted that he doesn’t feel courageous at all: “Many people think that I look courageous, but I don’t think so. Inside I feel like a woman. I would like to be a boy, but I don’t feel like one.”


Drew Barrymore also had a fun youth. “I understand when women fall in love with each other. In the deepest female friendships there is always physical love. And if you ask me if I like women, I will answer yes. Do they excite me sexually? Yes, I personally put more than one of them into bed.” There were also rumors at one time that Barrymore and Cameron Diaz were having an affair. She also had a very close relationship with Courtney Love (50).

Cameron Diaz (42)

In turn, Diaz fully supports Drew’s opinion and believes that “it’s completely normal when one girl is attracted to another girl.”


Draws attention to women and Lady Gaga: “I love sex, and it doesn’t matter to me what gender my partner is, but my boyfriends don’t understand this. They're scared that I like women. Having learned about this, they begin to feel out of place, whining that we are good together and do not need a third person in our relationship.” But it seems that Lady Gaga's latest boyfriend, actor Taylor Kinney, supports her in everything.

Marlon Brando (1924−2004)

Even in his youth, Marlon Brando admitted that he had sexual experience with men. “Many people have had it, others just don’t talk about it, but I think there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Freddie Mercury (1946−1991)

Many considered Mercury to be gay, he did not deny this, but at the same time he was in love with Mary Austin, to whom he dedicated the song The love of my life.

Christina Aguilera (34)

But Christina Aguilera’s husband Jordan Breitman even left her, unable to bear the singer’s love for the fair sex.


Madonna is famous not only for her famous kisses with the young and Christina Aguilera. There have always been a lot of rumors and gossip about her unconventional orientation. Madonna herself says that she adores the female body.


Miranda Kerr recently admitted in an interview with GQ that she had relationships with both men and women. Still, appearances are deceiving!

Gillian Anderson (46)

“When I was in school, I had a long-term relationship with a girl. And it was a wonderful time,” Gillian Anderson once admitted.


But Miley Cyrus, after breaking up with Liam Hemsworth, seemed to go all out. We don’t know whether she really had relationships with girls, but she answers questions about this with giggles and continues to kiss women. For example, !

Mika (31)

English singer Mika talks about his sexual orientation: “I have never labeled myself. I would say that I have never limited myself in life... I have never limited myself in who I sleep with... If you need a term to define me, call me bisexual."

Alan Cumming (50)

Popular actor Alan Cumming has been married to a man for six years. Before this, he had relationships with women.

Kesha (28)

In 2013, the outrageous singer Kesha talked in all interviews about the fact that she likes not only men, but sometimes women too.


The scandalous Lindsay Lohan is always willing to experiment. “I feel equally good with both a man and a woman. I'm not a lesbian. I love people, and it doesn't matter to me what gender they are. If today I sleep with a woman, this does not mean that tomorrow I will not choose a man,” said the actress.

Fergie (40)

Fergie also speaks absolutely calmly about her passions. “I won’t hide the fact that I had sexual relations with women, but I never entered into long-term relationships with them. I admire female body, but now my life has a completely different story, I am a faithful wife and belong to the one and only beloved man.”


Apparently, the breakup with Ashton Kutcher hit the Hollywood actress’s psyche hard. She not only began to communicate closely with him, but was also noticed in the company of girls.

David Bowie (68)

David Bowie back in 1967 he told Playboy magazine that he was bisexual and he really liked it. “I don’t consider my confession a mistake. But for America it turned out to be a little reckless. I had no desire to hold signs or be a representative of any group of people. I think this prevented me from realizing a lot of what I dreamed of,” said the musician.

No matter how carefully the censorship hides the details intimate life Soviet society, information still leaked out. Today we will talk about Soviet celebrities who were gay.

1. Georgy Millyar

Georgy Frantsevich was very unsociable. There were various rumors surrounding the actor’s lack of personal life. Some attributed this to the trauma of his youth due to the betrayal of his first wife, others said that Millyar was not interested in marriage, since he knew that he could not have children. Of course, the actor was also credited with a love for men.
The actor himself did not admit this, but his personal description of himself is alarming: “I am all the evil spirits of our cinema.”
As a result, Millyar married at the age of 65 - to his neighbor in a communal apartment, with whom he had been friends for many years. Until the end of their lives, the couple maintained a warm relationship.

2. Sergei Eisenstein

A world-class director, Eisenstein, turned out to be a homosexual. Sergei had a wife, but he spent almost all his time with men. He once stated: “If it weren’t for Marx, Engels and Lenin, I would be the second Oscar Wilde.”
3. Yuri Bogatyrev
The magnificent actor could not accept his true essence. He himself perceived it as a disease. His behavior can be described as “a friend among strangers, a stranger among his own.”
Internal torment led Yuri to severe depression and alcoholism, which significantly shortened the life of the famous actor.

4. Faina Ranevskaya

The personal life of the famous actress is discussed even now. Most come to the conclusion that Faina still preferred women. This becomes clear if you carefully study her biography and statements.
Just remember the famous: “Lesbianism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism are not perversions. Actually, there are only two perversions: field hockey and ice ballet!”

5. Yulia Lemigova

Lemigova was the last Miss USSR. She moved to the United States a long time ago and has been dating tennis player Martina Navratilova since the early 2000s. In 2014, the lovers decided to get married in New York.

6. Sergei Parajanov

The brilliant director was openly bi*xual. Marriage did not prevent him from going to bed with men. In 1974, he was convicted of sodomy. Parajanov spent 4 years in prison, during which he tried to commit suicide several times.

7. Rudolf Nureyev

World fame would not have helped Nuriev avoid punishment for sodomy, so he had to flee to the West. This act was even symbolically called a “leap to freedom.” Rudolf loved to kiss strangers on the hickey, calling it an old Russian tradition.

8. Vadim Kozin

The legendary singer received the Order of the Red Star for inspiring soldiers on the front line. But his past merits did not help Kozin when they came for him with accusations of homosexual relations.
He was the only Soviet artist convicted of sodomy twice. As punishment for his sexuality, he spent 15 years in camps.

It’s a pity that great people had such a hard time because of persecution by the state. Orientation should not be a reason for imprisonment.
After all, if they felt safe, they could make art and continue to please their fans.
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