Asian makeup for European eyes. Makeup for Asian eyes: its features and advice from makeup artists on how to make your eyes more open. Nuances of choosing cosmetics

Asian women are charming and attractive, but they have some peculiarities that make classic makeup techniques useless. The special shape of the eyes, combined with a massive upper eyelid and short eyelashes, and a yellowish skin tone require a special approach to Asian eye makeup in order to highlight their advantages, making them even more attractive.

  1. Concealer. Due to the natural yellowish tint, milk, caramel, coffee and golden foundations are the most advantageous for Asian women. But there are also exceptions (whitish skin or, conversely, chocolate), for which you need to select other options.
  2. Eyeliner. You will need white eye corrector (eyeliner) to increase volume while maintaining natural attractiveness (a thin strip is drawn along the bottom) and black. For eyebrows - a little lighter than hair (for Asian women they are already quite expressive). A fixing gel will not be superfluous. It will secure the hairs in the desired position for a long time.
  3. Mascara. “Open” the eyes and correct the overall impression with the help of voluminous mascara.
  4. Shadows. Standard recipe cosmetologists - purchase a dark and light version of the same color. Several variations from the same range are allowed. The smooth transition adds mystery. It is better to give preference to a matte texture. Glossy and pearly ones are good for festive eye makeup.
  5. Pomade. Here the scope for creativity is enormous: naturalness, “classics of the genre” (cold red) or brightness, matte or shine. The main cosmic prescription: the more noticeable the eye makeup, the more natural the sensual mouth should look, and vice versa.
  6. Blush. Coral, peach, lavender refresh and create an attractive glow.

You should pay attention to creamy pigments; they make it easier to smooth out transitions. Dark ones are useful for shading eyeliner. If possible, you can additionally purchase a gel eyeliner; it is easier to give them narrow and neat outlines. Golden sparkles will also come in handy; with their help, you can create a playful festive look. To highlight your cheekbones, use a bronzer.

Basic order

The proposed procedure is traditional in the makeup of girls with Asian eyes, suitable for all occasions, for daytime and evening wear, you should deviate from it only for the sake of bold experiments or on the recommendations of experienced cosmetologists. This simple sequence will allow you to demonstrate your natural attractiveness and master the basics of a beauty portrait:

  1. They start with eyebrow correction. Remove excess hair, but only from below, to refresh the look and visually lift the “heavy” eyelid. A “falling” ponytail should be avoided: it only emphasizes the flaw. Shade the voids, placing emphasis on the bridge of the nose. Comb the hairs with a special brush and fix with gel.
  2. A little powder. The work begins by covering the eyelids with a small layer of powder. Or with a primer (fixes makeup).
  3. Working on the gradient. Place a small amount of the softest shade from the palette (light golden and others) on the moving part. Then create a smooth gradient in the form of a triangle in the corner of the eye. Sudden changes should not be allowed, but remember The best way adjustments - shading.
  4. Mark the contours. The line at the top should be thicker (it will visually widen the eyes) and not go too far beyond. It is not always worth bringing down below. If the eyes seem slanted (the outer corners, in comparison with the inner ones, seem to rise upward), only the outer edge is outlined with kajal and shaded with a brush (there is no need for clear boundaries here).
  5. Eyelashes. Since in Asian women they are usually short and sparse, they are curled with a brush and painted in 2-3 layers.
  6. Lips. A beautiful shape can be emphasized with a pencil. They also add volume (draw a millimeter above the natural border).
  • tracing the eye on both sides, the features do not connect near the nose;
  • the top line thickens towards the corner and ends with a raised arrow;
  • visually the width increases if you bring it from the bottom to the outside, gradually thickening it and ending at the border.

Almond shaped eyes

The charm of almond-shaped (oblong) eyes is demonstrated by a smooth gradient in makeup. It is created in at least three shades: calm, medium and the most saturated (in this order: from the inner corners to the middle and beyond).

Dark circles

“Circles” under the eyes of Asian women are a common problem. They are hidden with a concealer with a peach tint. For eye makeup you will definitely need a base and bright “colors” (they will act as a “distraction”).

Makeup for Asian eyes with drooping eyelids

Special makeup that hides this feature of Asian girls and changes the sad expression on their faces is created in several stages:

  1. A makeup base is applied to the eyelids, and matte shadows are applied on top of it (pearl shadows are not suitable). Cover the problem area with them: just above the moving part, without going to the bridge of the nose. To see the area of ​​work, just open your eyes.
  2. You can use a gel eyeliner and blend everything out.
  3. Apply thick mascara to your eyelashes.
  4. Avoid excess foundation. Concealer will help, its reflective properties concentrate attention on the contours of the face.
  5. The finishing touch is soft lips.

You should take warm and cold tones, but exclude all varieties of red (they increase the existing swelling). Don't push your eyeliner over the edge. It is better to go over the bottom of the eye with a white pencil. For the best result in makeup, shading is actively used.

Video: How to hide drooping eyelids

Basic mistakes in “Asian” makeup

Even with clear guidance, it is difficult to get excellent results right away. Girls often make serious mistakes:

  • drawing a line along the mucous membrane, connecting both, focusing on the Asian shape of the eyes;
  • abuse dark cosmetics;
  • selecting inappropriate means.

But don’t give up when mastering special makeup. Basic steps will help you choose your style, and experiments, even bold ones, will create a unique image.

Girls of Asian appearance look exotic and always attract the attention of others. Their brown eyes are called mysterious and alluring. But if a Russian girl sometimes just needs to apply shadow on her eyelids and apply eyelashes, makeup for Asian eyes has a number of differences.

Makeup Features

The main difference between the faces of Asian women is the shape of their eyes. Their shape is narrow, somewhat slanting, the movable eyelid almost always droops and does not have a fold. Eyelashes are rarely long and fluffy, which is why Asian girls have a harder time correcting the severity of their gaze. But in most cases, the cheekbones of such a face are very expressive, and the lips are small but plump. Added to the shortcomings of the general background is a yellowish undertone of the face and porous skin.

Despite such features, the basis of makeup for Asian women (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Uzbek, Kazakh girls, etc.) is an emphasis on flawless skin and a light, alluring look. To highlight your eyes, you will need to bring your skin into perfect condition. This necessary condition, without which beautiful makeup will not work.

The task of makeup for Asian eyes is to correct their shape: you need to visually increase their size, open your eyes, and make them expressive.

All the subtleties " open eye» make-up involves the use of special cosmetics. They are based on the culture and traditions of countries. This is not only eye makeup: to properly create an image, you need harmony of all facial features. When correcting the shape of the eyes, it is important not to lose their individuality.

A distinctive feature of Asian women’s makeup is naturalness. What is acceptable in our country is not always welcome in their country. Each make-up is tailored to a specific case and should look natural, as if all facial features are naturally ideal. The main thing is to demonstrate female beauty, not cosmetics.

In special cases (celebratory event, national holiday, wedding, etc.) some freedom is allowed, but taking into account the traditions of the country. Asian makeup is thought out to the smallest detail: every touch in it has its own meaning. Even worship fashion trends(anime, idol style) can affect eye makeup, as evidenced by the use of a special glue that lifts the eyelids.

Skin preparation

Asian woman style – natural charm and health. First you need to tidy up your skin: this will highlight the beauty of your eyes. Before applying cosmetics, you must cleanse and rinse your skin. cold water to tighten pores.

The skin tone is evened out using foundation, and due to the nature of the skin's natural color, pink shades of the product are unacceptable. The shade of the tone should perfectly match your complexion.

An important nuance is getting rid of dark circles around the eyes: they are unacceptable, as they make the eyes dull and painful. To eliminate these shortcomings, you need to use a concealer or foundation that is one tone lighter than your natural skin color.

The finishing touch to creating a flawless dermis will be a light layer of loose powder. Flawless skin should glow, say Asian women.

They use a highlighter and a small accent in the form of blush - so the skin glows with health.

Color solutions

Asian-style eye makeup sticks to natural shades. The palette can be varied: the base color is pleasant and natural, but allows for the addition of soft contrasts to the main tone. The main thing is to look natural and harmonious. This makeup will be appropriate in any look and is suitable for different styles.

Unlike European women, who often show off their eyes with aggressive colors, the Asian woman puts emphasis on natural beauty. An excellent result is achieved by combining smooth contrasts and shading of several natural tones close to skin color (ombre technique). There can be no accidents in choosing the color of shadows: you need to give your eyes visual depth.

The shadow palette for special occasions allows for darker and more saturated shades. It often contains dark gray and black tones. Cosmetics for national events are special. It may include bright and unusual colors, including bright pink, blue, purple, and silver.

Red shadows are taboo: they make the eyes look sick, swollen and tear-stained; the ideal ones are those whose color is close to the natural blush, but a little darker.

Types of make-up

Asian makeup is multifaceted and national. Regardless of the chosen image, it turns out rich and harmonious. Brown-eyed beauties know a lot about applying makeup, so their eyes are always beautiful, and their image is distinguished by subtle taste and some aristocracy.

Makeup for Asian women can be:

  • everyday(daytime), made in the style of minimalism;
  • evening, marked by brighter contrasts;
  • national, demonstrating the cultural characteristics of a particular country;
  • scenic(variety), presenting the artist in the best light.

Depending on the specific case, methods of applying cosmetics may vary.. Makeup options vary depending on the girl’s country of residence. Great interest in the peculiarities of applying cosmetics in order to change the shape of the eyes makes makeup for Asian women in demand. Trying on this style, European girls are looking for new way self-expression, tired of massive makeup.

It is worth noting that Asian makeup does not imply sculpting the face. It is important to remain yourself, so visual changes in facial features are not welcome. In addition, this approach does not fit into the light and mysterious image of an Asian woman.

How to apply it correctly?

Beautiful makeup is the dream of many girls. And if the national make-up varies, the classic one remains the same: it doesn’t matter what country the girl lives in (China, Korea, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia).

Doing Asian eye makeup is actually not as difficult as it might seem.. If you follow each step step by step, you can quickly master the technique of an expressive and alluring look.

The work of creating beautiful eyes begins with applying an eyeshadow base. If this step is ignored, the cosmetics may look sloppy within a couple of hours after application.


Discreet and everyday make-up is a universal solution. To create it you don’t need a whole artillery of cosmetics: just enough standard set cosmetic bags:

  • forever apply light shadows, creating the effect of large eyes and depth;
  • upper eyelid tint with a dark tone of cosmetics, not forgetting the outer corner;
  • at the base of the lash line the contour of the moving eyelid is drawn with liquid eyeliner;
  • upper eyelid center highlight with white shadows, creating a volume effect;
  • use the same color to draw a couple of strokes along the lower border of the eyelashes and at the outer corner;
  • It's mascara time: it is applied in two layers to the top and very little to the lower eyelashes, not forgetting to comb them thoroughly, eliminating the sticky effect;
  • remains to be emphasized eyebrow line natural eye shadow color, adjust your face tone, apply light lipstick or clear gloss on your lips.

Due to the natural color scheme of the shadows, such makeup will not look bright, even if the eyes are accentuated with eyeliner.


Evening makeup can be brighter than daytime makeup. It allows the use of a wide line of eyeliner and several layers of mascara. One of the most popular techniques for applying shadows is ombre. Her principle adheres to the rule: the closer the shadows are applied to the eyelash line, the darker their color. With this technique it is possible to make your eyes expressive and your eyes large.

The technique itself is no more complicated than the previous one:

  • before application for decorative cosmetics, the eyelid is prepared using a base;
  • then light shadows create the appearance of depth at the outer corner from the eyelid to the eyebrow line, applying shadows along the upper and lower eyelids;
  • careful shading– a mandatory technique that allows even dark shades to look beautiful and natural;
  • dark shades draw the lower and upper eyelids, smoothly stretching the tone;

  • ombre effect secure with a brush;
  • remaining funds on the brush you can go along the eyebrow growth line (literally a couple of strokes);
  • for eye enlargement you can use eyeliner: first draw a thin line from the inner corner (at the very line of eyelash growth);
  • without touching the inner corner, add thickness to the eyeliner line;
  • remains to apply eyelashes and make your eyes wide open with the help of an eyelash curler.

Korean style

The technique of Korean idols does not leave many girls indifferent. This is a unique doll image, which, despite its unusualness, looks natural and beautiful. The basic rule remains unchanged: perfect skin is the basis for success and expressiveness of the eyes.

The method of applying cosmetics allows the use of a pencil and work with the lower eyelid:

  • to the upper eyelid area apply the base;
  • after the base the eyelid is shaded with light brown cosmetics, slightly darker than the skin tone;
  • the closer to the border of eyelash growth, the darker the shade of shadow is chosen, not forgetting to stretch it upward;
  • along the border the lower eyelid is applied with a barely noticeable touch with light shadows: this will enlarge the eyes;

  • dark shadows needed to accentuate the outer corner: they are applied in the direction from the outer corner to the middle, not forgetting to add a drop of product to the lower eyelid;
  • no eyeliner needed: draw a line along the eyelash line with a brown pencil;
  • eye accent should be soft: the line should be gently shaded;
  • after the shadows next comes the turn of mascara: it is applied in two layers to the upper eyelashes and barely combed through the lower ones;
  • All that remains is to add blush– and the image of the Korean woman is ready!

How to choose cosmetics?

Choosing the right cosmetics is not an easy task. The difference between Asian eye makeup is the use of special cosmetics, Most of them are made specifically for this type of skin and eyes. European analogues do not always give the desired effect, since their purpose as a whole is a decorative function. In addition, you need to select cosmetics taking into account your facial skin type.

Special products are developed taking into account the additional effect and are intended not only for correction or care, but also to protect the face from ultraviolet radiation, as well as other negative factors. environment. This is long-lasting cosmetics that do not slip or smear throughout the day.

Eyeliner is one of the favorite techniques of Uzbek, Chinese and Korean makeup. Its consistency should be liquid, and its color should be exclusively black. The shade of the pencil can be black and brown. Some girls add a white pencil to their makeup bag.

A standard makeup set should include foundation, concealer, eyeliner, pencil, eye shadow, mascara, blush, clear gloss and lipstick. Advanced fashionistas use special cosmetics: cushions and tints. A cushion (a special pad impregnated with foundation) is a good replacement for foundation and is applied in a thin, natural layer. Tints are cosmetics for eyebrows, eyes and cheeks. By choosing such products, you can be confident in the durability of your makeup.

When buying Asian-style cosmetics, you need to consider a number of nuances:

  • perfect shadows– matte and similar in tone in the palette;
  • flawless foundation– one whose texture is light and uniform;
  • good mascara– medium texture product with a lengthening effect and a comfortable brush;
  • mascara color dark brown for daytime makeup, black for evening makeup;
  • day lipstick should be almost unnoticeable, evening color allows for a hint of richness.

In addition, when purchasing cosmetics, you need to pay attention to the expiration date. You should not apply makeup with expired products, so as not to harm the health of the skin.

Models of Asian appearance are in great demand today. And all because of their slanted eyes. They are seductive and mysterious. In order to highlight the beauty of their eyes, women with Asian appearance use a special makeup application technique that “opens” narrow eyes, making them more expressive and bewitching.

Step-by-step instructions for doing make-up for Asian eyes

Since women with Asian appearance mostly have brown eyes, let's talk about the technique of applying makeup for narrow brown eyes.

Step 1. Even out skin tone

Like any make-up, makeup for narrow eyes needs to start with evening out the skin tone of the face. To do this, moisturize your facial skin using your regular day cream. Then all imperfections, such as pimples and redness, are masked with a corrector that matches the tone of the face. Since Asian women have a yellowish skin tone, Asian makeup excludes pink tones.

Step 2. Correction of cheekbones

Asian women are also popular because of their pronounced cheekbones. Therefore, when creating makeup for an Asian face type, you should emphasize the contours of the face. This can be done with the help of a highlighter, which visually changes the contours of the face thanks to the reflective particles it contains. When choosing blush, Asian makeup prefers to use bronze, peach and plum shades.

Step 3. Selecting Shadows

After we have evened out the tone of the face, we move on to the eyes. Since Asian women have narrow eyes and drooping eyelids, this makeup technique is aimed at “opening” them. To do this, we use shades of green, beige, pearl, cream and dark gray shades. For daytime Asian make-up, you should not paint your eyes with pearlescent shadows; matte ones are better for this. But evening Asian makeup allows the use of pearly light shadows, emphasizing the inner corners of the eyes. This technique will open up the look and give it lightness.

The evening make-up technique allows you to use more saturated colors of shadows, such as dark blue, dark brown and dark purple. Evening makeup for narrow brown eyes can also be done in the Smoky Eyes style.

Step 4. Choosing an eyeliner

Asian eye shape involves creating a make-up that maintains a clear eyelash line. This line can be achieved by using liquid eyeliner. The color of this eyeliner can be any - black, blue, brown, it all depends on the selected color scheme, which will allow you to perform makeup for Asian eyes. You should use eyeliner very carefully to avoid a crooked line. Apply eyeliner in a thin line from the inner corner to the outer corner of the eye, gradually widening. You can finish the line with a small arrow directed towards the temple.

Step 5. Paint the eyelashes

Now we paint the eyelashes. Since women of Asian appearance have short eyelashes, it is worth using lengthening mascara, applying it in several layers. It is also a good idea if you use bunched false eyelashes. This will give the look expressiveness and significantly increase their size.

Step 6. Make up lips

And at the last stage of step-by-step Asian makeup, we paint our lips. Women with Asian appearance can use lipstick in different shades, from natural to bright and rich.

Makeup Techniques for Asian Eyes

Asian eye shape can be distinguished by two different makeup techniques:

  1. makeup for narrow eyes whose shape does not change;
  2. makeup for Asian women, with changing the shape of the eyes.

In the first case, only light shades of shadows are used, which are painted on the moving eyelid. And by applying dark shadows on the outer corners of the eye, depth is added to the look.

In the second case, makeup for Asian women includes a special technology. On upper eyelid We draw an imaginary fold, thanks to which the height of the eyelid visually increases.

Daytime makeup option for Asian women

Girls with narrow eyes often ask the question: “How to properly do daytime makeup for narrow eyes?” One of the ways to help create daytime makeup for Asian eyes is the following step-by-step guide.

  • Step 1. Even out the tone of the face.
  • Step 2. Emphasize the shape of the eyebrows using a special pencil.
  • Step 3. Paint the eyelids. To do this, you will need shadows only in natural tones. For example: golden, bronze or yellow shadows. Apply light shadows to the eyelid; the moving eyelid is highlighted with bronze-colored shadows.
  • Step 4. Using a dark brown pencil, draw a line clearly along the growth of the upper eyelashes, then shade it slightly. A line is also drawn along the lower eyelid, which must be shaded with dark shadows.
  • Step 5. Paint the eyelashes. We use only lengthening mascara or false eyelashes.
  • Step 6. Paint the lips. For daytime makeup, lipstick in natural shades is suitable.

Evening makeup option

Every woman with Asian appearance can do stunning evening makeup for Asian eyes using this technique. Evening makeup for Asian eyes involves the use of several shades of eye shadow. In this case there will be three of them.

  1. Light shadows are applied to the upper eyelid, then shadows of a medium shade, but not very saturated, are applied to the moving eyelid. And in order to emphasize the depth of the look, emphasis is placed on the outer corner of the eye using dark, rich shadows.
  2. From the inner corner of the eye, draw an eyeliner line to the outer corner, expanding. The line should be extended to the temple. The eyeliner should be shaded with rich dark shadows. This will give a soft look. Eyelash curlers are used to curl eyelashes and apply mascara.

A makeup artist should abandon the usual techniques of applying cosmetics when working with a Korean or Japanese woman. European makeup will look bad on Asian eyes. It is necessary to take into account the shape and location of the eyelid.

The brow ridge in Eastern women is not very pronounced, so the eyelid looks straightened or as if absent. Moreover, this facial structure of modern Mulans implies prominent cheekbones, which makes the eyes deep-set.

They also differ noticeably in shape:

  • round;
  • elongated and narrowed towards the outer corner;
  • hemisphere (the line of the lower eyelid is straight, the line of the upper eyelid is arched).

The secret of a geisha's beauty lies in the purity of her skin. Girls carefully choose not only skincare products, but also decorative cosmetics. Only products containing natural ingredients can ensure radiant and healthy skin. The mineral base of powder, blush or eye shadow makes it easy to apply and does not clog pores.

Makeup for Asian women is fresh. It seems that the artist’s brush did not touch the girl’s face at all. Residents of the Celestial Empire rarely resort to creating a bright accent on their lips. Such a catchy accessory as scarlet lipstick is the exception rather than the rule.

Despite the special cut, smokey eye makeup of various shades is perfect for Asian eyes. A look with a mysterious veil gives the charisma of oriental seductresses a truly fatal power. This has been proven by many Hollywood actresses - even in photos, girls with Asian appearance can convey their mystery.

Vivid examples of the fact that exotic beauty can conquer the world film industry are oriental divas Francoise Yip, Liu Yifei, Shu Qi, and Lucy Liu. European fashionistas also want to imitate them, this explains the relevance of the question of how to create Asian eyes with makeup.

In addition, tips for creating an image for oriental beauties will also be suitable for other girls who have a similar facial structure.

Makeup tutorials for Asian eyes

It doesn’t matter whether you do the makeup yourself or turn to a specialist for help, try to preserve your natural uniqueness. Makeup for an Asian face type is different in that it emphasizes all the highlights, and does not try to Europeanize the appearance.

There are a number of universal tips for giving a well-groomed appearance to your face:

  • You should always start by shaping the eyebrow line. You need to approach thinning especially carefully, since hair often has dark color and on light skin, individual hairs will be very noticeable.

  • You should not create an unnatural bend; it is better to preserve the natural shape; it is most often straight or directed upward to the temple.
  • A white pencil and mascara with a lengthening effect will help to “open” your eyes. Draw a confident outline along the edge of the lower eyelid white color, the closer to the lash line, the better. Mascara should be applied twice to give your eyelashes a beautiful volume.

An important point in how to make up Asian eyes is the purpose of applying the makeup. If it’s an everyday walk with the dog or a trip to the movies with girlfriends, then you can get by with a minimal set of cosmetics. However, daily makeup for Asian eyes also has its own subtleties.

The main secret of both an everyday look and a formal one is to balance the corners of the eyes. To make the inner edge look less massive compared to the narrowed outer edge, it is worth applying white or light gray pearlescent shadows to it. The lighter the texture, the more unobtrusive the makeup artist’s efforts look. For these purposes, shimmering mono shadows from Dream Minerals are suitable, the color palette of which includes both warm and cold samples.

When applying cosmetics, in particular when working with dark eyeliner, you should be careful - the lines should be perfectly even. You can learn how to do daytime makeup for Asian eyes with drooping eyelids step by step if you look at photo examples.

  • First you need to decide on the color scheme. To go out into the city, ladies choose rather restrained colors. The following shades are suitable for fair skin: peach, golden, greenish, turquoise and lavender.

  • To others important rule daily make-up is the application of shadows to the entire moving eyelid up to the growth of the eyebrows. The colors of such a foundation should be barely visible - instead of shadows, you can use a veil, it will not roll in the crease and will matte the eyelid well.

  • Makeup for the Asian type of appearance is particularly harmonious. To balance out prominent cheekbones, you can apply the same shade to your cheeks and eyelids.

When applying products with structure, shading is of particular importance; the smoother you create the transitions, the more delicate and neat the image will be. How to properly paint Asian eyes if you want to visually correct their shape?

  • A clear drawing of the eyebrows will help increase the size of the eyelid; if the natural shade is light, then it is better to choose a pencil or eyebrow powder that is a shade darker. Emphasize their contour with concealer.

  • Apply light shadows to the entire eyelid, and highlight the orbital fold with a darker shade. This will help create the effect of depth.
  • Apply velvety dark shadows to the outer edge of the eye; this technique will create a real foxy look.
  • Line your eyelashes with mascara.

For a date or a party, follow the same rules so as not to distort the proportions of the face, but the brush pressure can be made stronger, then the colors will be more intense.

Going out: evening makeup for Asian eyes

If for everyday makeup the presence of a foundation is not necessary, since daylight conceals imperfections, then in the light of safits or the neon flicker of clubs, the secret becomes clear. Therefore, evening makeup for narrow eyes involves applying a mattifying foundation. It is better to choose sand, golden or peach shades.

Deep dark colors are suitable for festive makeup:

  • plum;
  • jet black;
  • grey;
  • blue.

If you want to create a rich and spectacular make-up, then the smokey eye technique would be an excellent solution. The main nuance of this eye makeup for Asian women is highlighting the center with contrasting shadows, as can be seen in the photo.

  • First of all, apply the main color to the entire eyelid and shade it well.
  • Next comes the turn of the first of the dark shades - the intermediate one. We paint it over the base, without going to the inner corner.
  • Draw the orbital fold with a dark pencil. Shade the resulting arcuate line with a soft brush.
  • Next we draw the lower eyelid. It is better to use a brush with an angled edge and a soft eyeliner. The line should be drawn from the center of the eye to the outer edge. Then soften the outline a little with a soft brush.
  • Apply white shadow just under the eyebrow. To add a pop of color, blend gold or silver pigment into the center of your eyelid in a circular motion to create a more rounded, voluminous eye shape.

Special occasion: wedding makeup for Asian eyes with photo

On this holiday, every girl wants to look special. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event, so for such an occasion, you can try techniques that you do not use in everyday life.

In wedding photos, eyelash extensions on Asian eyes look simply magical. The look becomes open and clean. Also, to add shimmer, a small rhinestone is placed on the girl’s cheekbone.

The trick of oriental brides is that they make the most simple, nude makeup to highlight porcelain skin.

Ideal are natural shades of pink, peach, gold, pearl, which will revive natural beauty.

You can add a bright accent to your lips. It is better to choose matte textures, they are more durable. The bride will be able to drink drinks and try dishes without fear of spoiling. You can choose a bouquet or wreath on your head to match your lipstick, which will add even more harmony to the whole look.

Despite the fact that most girls prefer natural makeup on this holiday, bright accents such as arrows on Asian eyes are also welcome. A black glossy line will highlight the fox look.

  • It is better to choose liquid eyeliner with a soft brush, so the contour will be smoother. The line should be drawn in an arc from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner.
  • Draw the arrow as close as possible to the growth of the eyelashes, do not make it upward, slightly compact it at the center.

In order for the make-up to remain intact at all stages of the celebration, it is necessary to secure it with a special matting spray or a light mineral veil.

Let's adopt the secrets of mastery: how to do Asian makeup for European eyes

Girls from all over the world read Memoirs of a Geisha and wanted to have the same gift of charm. The fashion for oriental femininity has not passed, and women from Europe are still wondering how to create an Asian eye shape.

Here are a few secrets:

  • You can subtly change your facial structure with contouring. Create the same sensual cheekbones as Japanese and Chinese women.
  • If you are good at liquid eyeliner, you can specially make a narrowed tail between the arrows of the upper and lower eyelids. Do not draw lines from the inner edge, start them from the middle of the eye.

To better master these and other techniques for adding oriental magical charm, watch the video on how to do makeup for Asian eyes without lids.

Since ancient times female beauty was considered an undoubted value, the possession of which could make not only the woman herself happy, but also the man next to her. In all centuries, the beautiful half of humanity has been ready to make many sacrifices in order to emphasize and increase their external advantages. Makeup has always been and continues to be a faithful assistant in this.

It's hard not to admire the charm of young Asian-looking models. The combination of fragility, some kind of primitive innocence and purity with the burning passion of slanted eyes makes them irresistible. And sometimes European girls make a lot of effort to add an Asian touch to their appearance. By the way, many Asian women who delight the world with their beauty have achieved recognition by slightly changing their facial features, making their eye shape a little more European.

Distinctive Asian facial features

  • Beautiful, clearly defined lips;
  • Noticeable, prominent cheekbones;
  • Yellowish skin color;
  • The shape of the eyebrows is very beautiful, but their color may not be saturated enough;
  • Dark, narrow eyes with raised upper corners;
  • Short and rather sparse eyelashes;
  • Upper eyelids hanging over the eyes, as if swollen, without the folds characteristic of Europeans.

Rules for applying makeup for Asian eyes

An Asian woman's makeup, in principle, follows the same rules and is applied in the same sequence as is generally accepted in the world.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of your appearance, using makeup correctly, it is easy to amaze others with the beauty and uniqueness of your face.

Makeup for Asian eyes photo:

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