The current population of the earth. How many people are there on earth? Most populous cities

Data on the number of countries on the planet can be found on official resources via the Internet, and they are provided by leading analysts of specialized world organizations. Taking this nuance into account, it is worth noting that this information is quite accurate and with its help you can see the whole picture of the population on the globe.

A natural question arises: how is this type of data analyzed? Statistics are compiled through the population census, registration information and other available information sources. Civil and legal acts can be used in their capacity. Maximum accuracy and reliability of the data is achieved by mathematically calculating the average life expectancy for each individual state. This indicator is also an estimate.

Among other things, we must not overlook the fact that the population on earth is constantly undergoing transformation: countries can arise, disappear or unite. In some territories, it is simply not possible to accurately count citizens. And this is due to the process of their growth and population migration. Until now, the globe has seen such a phenomenon as the emergence and disappearance of new uncontrolled territories.

For example, in Brazil there are entire settlements of unregistered citizens. The same can be said about Bhutan.

About the population density of the countries of the world

An equally important indicator is population density. This value represents the number of inhabitants per 1 square. km. The calculation of the population density of each country in the world is carried out excluding uninhabited territories, as well as minus vast expanses of water. In addition to the general population density, individual indicators can be used for both rural and urban residents.

Considering the above facts, it should be borne in mind that the population on the globe is unevenly distributed. The average density of each country differs quite significantly. In addition, within the states themselves there are many uninhabited territories, or densely populated cities, in which per square meter. km there may be several hundred people.

The most densely populated areas of South and East Asia, as well as the countries Western Europe, while in the Arctic, in deserts, tropics and highlands it is not at all dense. absolutely independent of their population density. When examining the uneven distribution of the population, it is advisable to highlight the following statistics: 7% of the globe’s territory occupies 70% of the total number of people on the planet.

At the same time, the eastern part of the globe occupies 80% of the planet's population.

The main criterion that serves as an indicator of the placement of people is population density. The average value of this indicator is currently 40 million people per square meter. km. This indicator may vary and is directly dependent on the location of the area. In some territories, its value may be 2 thousand people per square meter. km, and on others - 1 person per sq. km.

It is advisable to highlight the countries with the lowest population density:

  • Australia;
  • Namibia;
  • Libya;
  • Mongolia;

Greenland is one of the countries with the lowest population density

And also countries with low density:

  • Belgium;
  • Great Britain;
  • Korea;
  • Lebanon;
  • Netherlands;
  • El Salvador and a number of other countries.

There are countries with medium population density, among them are:

  • Iraq;
  • Malaysia;
  • Tunisia;
  • Mexico;
  • Morocco;
  • Ireland.

In addition, there are areas on the globe that are classified as unsuitable for life.

As a rule, they represent areas with extreme conditions. Such lands account for approximately 15% of all land.

As for Russia, it belongs to the category of low-populated states, despite the fact that its territory is quite large. The average population density in Russia is 1 person per 1 sq. km.

It is worth noting that the world is constantly undergoing changes, during which there is a decrease in either the birth rate or the death rate. This state of affairs indicates that population density and size will soon remain at approximately the same level.

The largest and smallest countries by area and population

The largest country in the world by population is China.

The number of people currently in the state is 1.349 billion people.

Next in terms of population is India with a population of 1.22 billion people, then the United States of America: the country is home to 316.6 million people. The next largest country in terms of population belongs to Indonesia: today there are 251.1 million citizens living in the country.

Next comes Brazil with a population of 201 million people, then Pakistan, the number of citizens of which is 193.2 million, Nigeria - 174.5 million, Bangladesh - 163.6 million citizens. Then Russia, with a population of 146 million people and, finally, Japan, whose population is 127.2 million.

For a more detailed understanding of the issue, it is advisable to study statistics regarding the smallest countries in the world by population. In this situation, it will be enough to consider the gradation of several independent states, which also include associated countries. The number of people in countries, in descending order, is as follows:

  • Saint Kitts and Nevis with a population of 49 thousand 898 people;
  • Liechtenstein, with a population of 35 thousand 870 people;
  • San Marino, the number of citizens of the country is 35 thousand 75 people;
  • Palau, a state in the Association of the United States of America, whose population is 20 thousand 842 people;
  • with a population of 19 thousand 569 people;
  • The Order of Malta, which consists of 19 thousand 569 people;
  • Tuvalu with a population of 10 thousand 544 people;
  • Nauru - the population of the country is 9 thousand 322 people;
  • Niue is an island with a population of 1 thousand 398 people.

The Vatican is considered to be the smallest state in terms of population.

At the moment, only 836 people live in the country.

Table of population of all countries of the world

The table of the population of the countries of the world looks like this.

No. Countries Population
1. 1 343 238 909
2. India 1 205 073 400
3. USA 313 847 420
4. Indonesia 248 700 000
5. Brazil 199 322 300
6. Pakistan 189 300 000
7. Nigeria 170 124 640
8. Bangladesh 161 079 600
9. Russia 142 500 770
10. Japan 127 122 000
11. 115 075 406
12. Philippines 102 999 802
13. Vietnam 91 189 778
14. Ethiopia 91 400 558
15. Egypt 83 700 000
16. Germany 81 299 001
17. Türkiye 79 698 090
18. Iran 78 980 090
19. Congo 74 000 000
18. Thailand 66 987 101
19. France 65 805 000
20. Great Britain 63 097 789
21. Italy 61 250 001
22. Myanmar 61 215 988
23. Korea 48 859 895
24. South Africa 48 859 877
25. Spain 47 037 898
26. Tanzania 46 911 998
27. Colombia 45 240 000
28. Ukraine 44 849 987
29. Kenya 43 009 875
30. Argentina 42 149 898
31. Poland 38 414 897
32. Algeria 37 369 189
33. Canada 34 298 188
34. Sudan 34 198 987
35. Uganda 33 639 974
36. Morocco 32 299 279
37. Iraq 31 130 115
38. Afghanistan 30 420 899
39. Nepal 29 889 898
40. Peru 29 548 849
41. Malaysia 29 178 878
42. Uzbekistan 28 393 997
43. Venezuela 28 048 000
44. Saudi Arabia 26 529 957
45. Yemen 24 771 797
46. Ghana 24 651 978
47. DPRK 24 590 000
48. Mozambique 23 509 989
49. Taiwan 23 234 897
50. Syria 22 530 578
51. Australia 22 015 497
52. Madagascar 22 004 989
53. Ivory Coast 21 952 188
54. Romania 21 850 000
55. Sri Lanka 21 479 987
56. Cameroon 20 128 987
57. Angola 18 056 069
58. Kazakhstan 17 519 897
59. Burkina Faso 17 274 987
60. Chile 17 068 100
61. Netherlands 16 729 987
62. Niger 16 339 898
63. Malawi 16 319 887
64. Mali 15 495 021
65. Ecuador 15 219 899
66. Cambodia 14 961 000
67. Guatemala 14 100 000
68. Zambia 13 815 898
69. Senegal 12 970 100
70. Zimbabwe 12 618 979
71. Rwanda 11 688 988
72. Cuba 11 075 199
73. Chad 10 974 850
74. Guinea 10 884 898
75. Portugal 10 782 399
76. Greece 10 759 978
77. Tunisia 10 732 890
78. South Sudan 10 630 100
79. Burundi 10 548 879
80. Belgium 10 438 400
81. Bolivia 10 289 007
82. Czech 10 178 100
83. Dominican Republic 10 087 997
84. Somalia 10 084 949
85. Hungary 9 949 879
86. Haiti 9 801 597
87. Belarus 9 642 987
88. Benin 9 597 998
87. Azerbaijan 9 494 100
88. Sweden 9 101 988
89. Honduras 8 295 689
90. Austria 8 220 011
91. Switzerland 7 920 998
92. Tajikistan 7 768 378
93. Israel 7 590 749
94. Serbia 7 275 985
95. Hong Kong 7 152 819
96. Bulgaria 7 036 899
97. Togo 6 961 050
98. Laos 6 585 987
99. Paraguay 6 541 589
100. Jordan 6 508 890
101. Papua New Guinea 6 310 090
102. 6 090 599
103. Eritrea 6 085 999
104. Nicaragua 5 730 000
105. Libya 5 613 379
106. Denmark 5 543 399
107. Kyrgyzstan 5 496 699
108. Sierra Leone 5 485 988
109. Slovakia 5 480 998
110. Singapore 5 354 397
111. UAE 5 314 400
112. Finland 5 259 998
113. Central African Republic 5 056 998
114. Turkmenistan 5 054 819
115. Ireland 4 722 019
116. Norway 4 707 300
117. Costa Rica 4 634 899
118. Georgia 456999
119. Croatia 4 480 039
120. Congo 4 365 987
121. New Zealand 4 328 000
122. Lebanon 4 140 279
123. Liberia 3 887 890
124. Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 879 289
125. Puerto Rico 3 690 919
126. Moldova 3 656 900
127. Lithuania 3 525 699
128. Panama 3 510 100
129. Mauritania 3 359 099
130. Uruguay 3 316 330
131. Mongolia 3 179 917
132. Oman 3 090 050
133. Albania 3 002 497
134. Armenia 2 957 500
135. Jamaica 2 888 997
136. Kuwait 2 650 002
137. West Bank 2 619 987
138. Latvia 2 200 580
139. Namibia 2 159 928
140. Botswana 2 100 020
141. Macedonia 2 079 898
142. Slovenia 1 997 000
143. Qatar 1 950 987
144. Lesotho 1 929 500
145. Gambia 1 841 000
146. Kosovo 1 838 320
147. Gaza Strip 1 700 989
148. Guinea-Bissau 1 630 001
149. Gabon 1 607 979
150. Swaziland 1 387 001
151. Mauritius 1 312 100
152. Estonia 1 274 020
153. Bahrain 1 250 010
154. East Timor 1 226 400
155. Cyprus 1 130 010
156. Fiji 889 557
157. Djibouti 774 400
158. Guyana 740 998
159. Comoros 737 300
160. Butane 716 879
161. Equatorial Guinea 685 988
162. Montenegro 657 410
163. Solomon islands 583 699
164. Macau 577 997
165. Suriname 560 129
166. Cape Verde 523 570
167. West Sahara 522 989
168. Luxembourg 509 100
169. Malta 409 798
170. Brunei 408 775
171. Maldives 394 398
172. Belize 327 720
173. Bahamas 316 179
174. Iceland 313 201
175. Barbados 287 729
176. French polynesia 274 498
177. New Caledonia 260 159
178. Vanuatu 256 166
179. Samoa 194 319
180. Sao Tome and Principe 183 169
181. Saint Lucia 162 200
182. Guam 159 897
183. Netherlands Antilles 145 828
184. Grenada 109 001
185. Aruba 107 624
186. Micronesia 106 500
187. Tonga 106 200
188. US Virgin Islands 105 269
189. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 103 499
190. Kiribati 101 988
191. Jersey 94 950
192. Seychelles 90 018
193. Antigua and Barbuda 89 020
194. Isle Of Man 85 419
195. Andorra 85 100
196. Dominica 73 130
197. Bermuda 69 079
198. Marshall Islands 68 500
199. Guernsey 65 338
200. 57 700
201. American Samoa 54 950
202. Cayman islands 52 558
203. Northern Mariana Islands 51 400
204. Saint Kitts and Nevis 50 690
205. Faroe islands 49 590
206. Turks and Caicos 46 320
207. Sint Maarten (Netherlands) 39 100
208. Liechtenstein 36 690
209. San Marino 32 200
210. British Virgin Islands 31 100
211. France 30 910
212. Monaco 30 498
213. Gibraltar 29 048
214. Palau 21 041
215. Dhekelia and Akroiti 15 699
216. Wallis and Futuna 15 420
217. England 15 390
218. Cook Islands 10 800
219. Tuvalu 10 598
220. Nauru 9 400
221. Saint Helena 7 730
222. Saint Barthelemy 7 329
223. Montserrat 5 158
224. Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 3 139
225. Norfolk Island 2 200
226. Spitsbergen 1 969
227. Christmas Island 1 487
228. Tokelau 1 370
229. Niue 1 271
230. 840
231. Cocos Islands 589
232. Pitcairn Islands 47

As of January 1, 2010, the world population was about 6.9 billion people. The 6 billion mark was passed in 1999. According to scientists' forecasts, the 7 billion mark will be surpassed by the end of 2010.

Here's how our planet's population grew:

Graphically it looks like this:

As can be seen from this graph, somewhere 8-10 thousand years ago there was a jump in the growth rate of the number of people on our planet. And in the 18th century there was another breakthrough - the rate of population growth became many times higher than before. What explains such jumps?

The main factor that determines the population on Earth is human economic activity. Until 10 thousand BC e. people were mainly engaged in gathering and hunting. The planet's population then was about 10-15 million people (this is the size of a modern large city, for example, New York or Moscow). Many scientists believe that primitive people had a very high birth rate - 35-55 people per year per 1000 and an equally high mortality rate. During her life, the woman had approximately 5-10 children, many of whom died in childhood. Average duration life was only 30 years.

Approximately 10 thousand years BC. an important event occurred - agricultural revolution: People have domesticated some animals and learned to grow some plants. Humanity has moved on to producing food. And this made it possible to increase the volume of consumption, and a higher population density became possible than with gathering farming. There was a first surge in population, and its numbers gradually increased several times - to about 50 million.

For several millennia, the Earth had a relatively stable population size. People could not control weather conditions, and therefore population growth in harvest years was destroyed by famine in lean years. The population often declined as a result of wars, epidemics and famine.

In the 18th century, another major event occurred - industrial Revolution: manual labor began to be gradually replaced by machine labor. It became possible to produce much more goods at lower costs. In addition, there was a leap in the development of medicine, which made it possible to reduce mortality from many diseases. The population of the planet began to grow sharply - there was population explosion.

Until the 70s of the 20th century, the population grew very quickly (as mathematicians say - according to the hyperbolic law, that is, when the rate of growth of the Earth's population is proportional to the square of its size). Then the rate of population growth decreased. Now population growth occurs according to a different law - logistic:

That is, we are moving towards a model in which population growth approximately equals mortality, and the total population remains stable. Scientists believe that the reason for this phenomenon is a decrease in the birth rate, which occurred first in economically developed countries, and is now observed in Third World countries. Parents in modern world They prefer to raise 1-2 children “high-quality” than to give birth to many children. At the same time, mortality in the modern world is also decreasing: thanks to the development of medicine, life expectancy is increasing. The transition from high levels of fertility and mortality to low levels is called demographic transition.

We can already say with confidence that the majority of people in the 21st century will live in cities. The average life expectancy will approach 90 years, and the maximum, quite possibly, will be 130 years. There will be twice as many elderly people on the planet as children.

By the way...

How many people can the Earth feed? There are many opinions, from the most pessimistic (1 billion or less) to very optimistic. Academician Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa believes that “under reasonable assumptions, the Earth can support up to 15 - 25 billion people for a long time.”

While you were reading this page (about 20 minutes, no more, right?), 4.5 thousand people were added to the Earth. This is a whole village!

Many experts believe that there is currently a threat of overpopulation of the Earth, which will lead to mass famine. It will be aggravated by a global environmental catastrophe. And therefore, urgent measures are needed, thanks to which it would be possible to regulate the number of people. But before you do anything, you need to ask yourself: how many people can live on Earth?

The same environmental law applies to all living organisms inhabiting our planet. It consists of the following phases following each other: explosion, a crisis, collapse, stabilization. Any living species, once in a favorable environment, sharply increases its numbers. This is an explosion. But a huge number of individuals begin to destroy the habitat. Therefore, a crisis comes, followed by collapse. It is expressed in a catastrophic decline in population to a lower level than it was originally. During the collapse environment is restored, and the population size increases to a reasonable level. After this, stabilization occurs. Humanity is currently in a phase of crisis.

It should be noted that there are 3 periods of increase in the number of people. The first period dates back to the end of the Pleistocene (2.6 million years - 11.7 thousand years ago). It was characterized by the settlement of hunting tribes throughout to the globe. The second period was observed 9 thousand years ago, when humanity mastered agriculture. The population of the Earth then increased 20 times. And the third period is associated with the industrial revolution. This process has not died out these days, but is only gaining momentum. At the same time, the Earth's population increased 30 times. The area of ​​cultivated land increased by 3 times, and productivity by 7 times.

10 million people lived on our planet 10 thousand years ago. By the beginning of our era, there were already 200 million people. By the middle of the 17th century, when the industrial revolution began, the planet was inhabited by 500 million people. At the beginning of the 19th century there were already 1 billion, and at the beginning of the 20th century there were 2 billion. At the beginning of 2016, 7.3 billion people lived on Earth. Every year the population increases by 2%. It took humanity 200 thousand years to reach the first billion. The second billion was achieved in 100 years, and the third in just 40. The fourth billion in 15 years, and the fifth in 10.

Nowadays, humanity doubles every 35 years. And the amount of food doubles every 30 years. This is the main indicator of our existence. But it does not increase on its own, but due to the development of new lands. And every year it becomes more and more difficult to ensure crop growth. We must also not forget about electricity and water, which are required more and more. As a result, resources are depleted and the natural environment is destroyed. Reserves of coal, oil, gas, and mineral raw materials are being used to the limit. But these reserves are not renewed in any way.

Therefore, the present unlimited well-being is finite in time. It will end because the habitat will be destroyed, food production will fall, and after this the population will decrease to the level that the remaining resources can provide.

Ecologists answer this question quite definitely, since the biosphere exists according to a simple law. It relates the size of organically consuming species to their numbers. The main role in the flow of energy and substances is given to small organisms. But the big ones play only a supporting role. Therefore, the main consumers in the biosphere are arthropods, mollusks, and worms. Wild vertebrates, which include amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds, consume only 1% of biosphere production.

A person with domestic animals should be part of the group of wild vertebrates, that is, consume less than 1%. But modern humanity consumes 7% of the biosphere's production. That is, much more than it should be. As a result of this, all biosphere patterns are violated. And how many people can live on Earth?

Here we must understand that the biosphere is a self-regulating system. Therefore, she strives to return the number of people to normal level. It is 25 times lower than the modern one, that is, about 300 million people. And this is for the entire planet. A maximum of 500 million people can live on Earth, but not 7, 8 or 10 billion. This is why the productivity of valuable ecosystems is falling and they are dying out people need animals and disappear necessary plants. All this is connected with the self-regulation of the biosphere, which seeks to limit the number of humanity.

Earth population in millions of people

What will the collapse be like?

A decrease in the Earth's population will certainly occur, since the biosphere will not allow its destruction. But this can happen in different scenarios. First scenario, which still works in some countries, is hunger. Today, only 500 million people on the planet have adequate nutrition, and 2 billion are regularly malnourished. 20 million people die from hunger every year, and the human population during the same time increases by an order of magnitude.

If there are 200 million people dying of hunger per year, then population growth will stop. And if the number of deaths increases further, then the population will begin to decline. But this is a terrible and inhumane process. It will bring so much grief that it’s even scary to think about.

Second scenario purely political. It is connected with a nuclear disaster. A global conflict over non-renewable resources will begin, and a nuclear war will break out. It is capable of completely destroying all of humanity, leaving only a few intelligent beings on Earth. And then civilization will begin to be reborn in a new way. And this may take thousands of years.

Third scenario designed for people's awareness. State governments will introduce birth restrictions, which will lead to a decrease in population. However, this development of events raises serious doubts, since birth control in some countries has not yet led to the desired results.

Fourth scenario connected directly to our planet. To save herself, she can weaken the Earth's magnetic field. In this case, we will find ourselves defenseless against solar plasma. It will burn everything out, but nature will quickly recover, but humanity will be almost completely destroyed. This scenario is similar to a nuclear war, only the Earth itself will be the initiator here.

There are also fifth scenario. In this case, the biosphere will begin to send signals to people on a subconscious level. They will act on the mechanisms responsible for fertility, and humanity will begin to respond to them. This will be expressed in a natural decrease in population growth, as occurs in many animal species. But here it should be understood that a person has long been cut off from nature, and therefore may not perceive the corresponding signals entering the subconscious. Who knows, maybe they are already coming, but only a few react to them.

In a word, the situation is not very rosy. We learned how many people can live on Earth, and also realized that the current population has long surpassed all norms. All we have to do is wait further development events, since this situation cannot continue forever. Let's hope that humanity will painlessly emerge from such a sensitive and critical situation.

Every day the number of inhabitants on our planet is growing. This is due to many factors and varies from person to person. Therefore, it is very difficult to keep track of how many people live in the world. However, approximate data still exists.

Population of the planet

Today there are about 7 billion people living in the world, it is difficult to give exact data, since someone is constantly being born and someone is dying. For the most part, the population size of a given country depends on several factors, including the level of development of the state and, in particular, medicine, standard of living and even human temperament.

Many centuries ago on Earth there was much less people, but over time this figure grew rapidly. Despite global epidemics, diseases and horrors continue to multiply and populate every piece of the planet. The largest population lives in the most developed megacities, where the standard of living is higher than in small cities, the same applies to countries. About half of the people live in the most populous countries.


This country rightfully occupies first place, almost reaching the figure of 1.5 billion, that is, almost 1/5 of how many people there are in the world today. Despite the fact that government authorities are trying in every possible way to regulate the birth rate, the number of people in the country is still growing rapidly, increasing by about 8.7 million annually.


If we talk about how many people there are in the world now, then the second place among the most populated states belongs to India. About 1.17 billion people live here, which is about 17% of the total world population. The annual population growth in this country is about 18 million people, which means that Indians have every chance of surpassing the Chinese in number.


Thanks to a constant influx of immigrants from less developed neighboring countries, the United States ranks among the most populous countries in the world. About 307 million people of various nationalities live in this state.


The fourth position on the list is occupied by a state located in Southeast Asia. About 240 million people live on its territory, which is about 3.5% of the total


The top five is completed by this sunny country, which is also the most populous state South America. Exactly 3% of the world's people live in Brazil. The number of inhabitants of this state reaches 198 million inhabitants.


Sixth place belongs to Pakistan, which, according to the latest data, has about 176 million inhabitants, who make up 2.6% of the total population of our planet.


The country, located in South Asia, is home to 156 million people. That is, the number of Bangladeshis is about 2.3% of the inhabitants of planet Earth.


This African country is also in the top ten in terms of population. The number of people living here reaches 149 million, that is, 2.2% of all people on the planet. In addition, Nigeria also occupies a leading position in terms of birth rate, which may soon help it overtake Bangladesh.


A significant part of how many people live on the planet is in Russia. Despite the fact that Russia is only in 9th place in terms of population. This is due to the fact that here the mortality rate significantly exceeds the birth rate. The territory of this state accounts for about 2% of the population of the entire Earth, that is, about 140 million people.


The top ten is completed by the Land of the Rising Sun, which, however, is the most developed of all those presented above. Approximately 127 million people live here, that is, 1.9% of the earth's population. What is important, since the country is in a somewhat conserved state, almost its entire population is indigenous Japanese.


The World Health Organization regulates the population of states and controls how many people there are in the world. In order to somehow reduce the birth rate in very poor African countries, missionaries are regularly sent there to give lectures to the local population and provide them with the necessary contraception. Other states are taking different measures. For example, in China, authorities are combating too high a birth rate by imposing taxes on families who want to have more than one child. But such measures are extremely necessary, because the resources of our planet are limited, and they are greatly influenced by how many people there are in the world. Therefore, it is simply necessary to avoid in order to prevent an environmental catastrophe and serious depletion of all natural resources our planet Earth.

This spring, American demographers calculated the growth rate of the earth's population, starting with the first representative of Homo Sapiens. The figure turned out to be impressive: 108 billion.

Journalist and director Paul Ratner made a short video about the study and described its results in the portal "Big Think ".

Many take it for granted that we live in a unique time - at the cutting edge of history. But you just have to think how many people have already lived on the planet, and not a trace remains of our arrogance. And the main question is not even how many people lived, but how many died.

As of 2015, the total global population throughout history is 108.2 billion, according to demographers at the Population Data Bureau, a Washington, D.C.-based NGO. If we subtract the approximately 7.4 billion who trample the planet today, we get 100.8 billion earthlings who died before us.

So, there are almost 14 times more dead than alive! The result would be an impressive army of zombies, ghosts or White Walkers from Game of Thrones. If you consider yourself an optimist, then you can assume that your contemporaries are approximately 6.8% of everyone who has ever lived in the world. For the sake of simplicity (and to take into account people born in Last year), round the figure to 7%. We are 7%. Let's not lose face!

How did scientists get this result? There is a demographers' report on the Washington Bureau's website. It says that the starting point was the year fifty thousand before the birth of Christ. It was then that modern Homo Sapiens are believed to have appeared. The dating may be disputed: early hominids walked the Earth millions of years ago. But 50,000 BC is the date that the UN uses when calculating demographic trends.

Of course, no one knows exactly how many people have been born since then. The estimate is based on "informed speculation." Experts take into account many factors, such as the high mortality rate in early stages the evolution of our species (during the Iron Age the average life expectancy was 10 years), lack of medicine and food, climate change and much more. When you take all this into account, it is no wonder that the world's population has grown so slowly. Among our ancestors, infant mortality could reach 500 cases per 1000 births.

The organization's specialists have collected all their data on population growth rates in one table.

Population growth rate from 50,000 BC to 2011; the number of births per thousand people and the total number of births between each two marks are also shown

Interestingly, the growth rate slows down between the beginning of our era and 1650. In the Middle Ages, a plague epidemic raged in Europe - the Black Death. There is also a noticeable population explosion after the industrial revolution. In the century and a half since 1850, the world's population has increased approximately 6 times!

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