What does winning a competition mean to you? Wishes for the winner of a competition or competition. Internal attitude to win

Bookstore shelves are replete with all sorts of manuals with colorful titles “How to Succeed,” and all of them, of course, contain rational grain, but they do not provide ready-made recipes. Each person must define for himself what success is and achieve his own success. You don’t have to wait for a special reason to be happy; you need to program in yourself a willingness to enjoy life in all its manifestations. And when troubles come, remember the phrase of the great Solomon: “This too shall pass.”

Success, luck. Actually, what is it?
I think luck is something that suddenly falls on your head out of the blue, and the next day there is something so good. Unusual. And for free!
Luck leads to degradation of a person, while well-deserved success ennobles him! After all, in order to be successful, you don’t need to do anything, and, therefore, you don’t need to improve yourself. That is, dreaming about luck and relying only on it, your personality simply turns into a sick dystrophic person incapable of functioning!
Another disadvantage of luck is that it divides! If you want to achieve fame or etc., then you don’t need anyone, otherwise, God forbid, he will get more! This means that a person turns into a lone player. And the game itself becomes the goal of his life, which, in my opinion, is also wrong!
But success is completely different; it will be more difficult! For a business to be successful, you need to work hard! It is important to know that success is not a destination, but a lifestyle. You need to create in your mind a certain image of success that will be with you forever in the future. Thoughts are material and corresponding life situations will be attracted to you.

I realized for myself that the main thing is To succeed, you need to participate in competitions.
There is no need to be afraid of being a loser, there is no need to be ashamed of defeat, it still leads to victory. My mother always told me from childhood: “Be sure to take part in competitions. If you don’t win, we won’t be surprised, but what if?!”

And this “suddenly” happened to me often:
I won for the first time at the age of 8, participating in a drawing competition on asphalt for Children's Day. Not because she drew well, but all the characters, from flowers to little men, smiled.
My New Year's Cinderella costume, made of gauze, was recognized as the best in the third grade, but I was embarrassed by the attention and ran away from the reward - orange slices and a doll.
I first learned about failure at the age of 10, when I took part in a sports race and came last, my sneakers came untied and the boys pushed me off the treadmill. I remember our class started yelling at me, which I destroyed out of hope.
But a year of training and jogging around the house and I became a runner not only in class, but also in school for three years. Self-discipline became second nature to me.
Then there was a victory at the age of 12 in the school theater, when I, wearing galoshes and my grandmother’s scarf, portrayed Baba Yaga. And before that there were tears that they wouldn’t take me for the role of Alyonushka’s sister. Gift - a book about cutting and sewing.
And there was a defeat in the chemical regional Olympiad. And classes with tutors during the holidays, reading, and then it helped in life.
I lost at chess, I didn’t pass the city poets’ competition, I didn’t get into teacher training school. How many tears and what disappointment in myself. But you need to try, look for yourself.
I learned to play the piano. I did not become a composer, but I play well and music comforts my heart.
I entered a technical university and graduated with honors. But it’s not just my success and effort - it’s the dedication of my mother, who taught me.
I won the competition for the vacant position and am very pleased with my job.
I took part in promotions and won an apron from Gallina Blanca cubes, a beer mug from Lviv Beer, and samples of shampoos while dancing on the beach of Yalta.

I realized that in order to overcome difficulties, you need to rejoice in the victories of other people, and admire that someone worked harder than me. You must not be afraid of being ridiculed. And laugh at failures. Here's the great rule for success: your life will only get better as you get better.
It’s better to do it and regret it than not to do it and regret it.

If I lose, then I don’t care how it looks from the outside.
Important for me:
1) make every effort, that is, do everything to win;
2) to gain positive experience, that is, I am not so proud as to say: “All or nothing,” I can also play a supporting role;
3) don’t blame anyone for your defeat (“Yes, they bought all the places”, “The judge condemned”, “They just gave them a hard time”, etc.).

If you don't believe in yourself and your success, how are you going to achieve anything in your life? Many people believe that successful people are confident precisely because they have achieved success and can afford it. And few people realize that these people achieved success thanks to their confidence. That is, confidence appears first, and then success. And not the other way around. Success doesn't stick to losers. It is very difficult to be confident in yourself when life is not going well, the job is not the same, and the salary is not particularly encouraging. But this is precisely the strength of this test. Be confident and happy no matter what. And success and luck will not keep you waiting long.

Therefore, I will tell you a secret that people stubbornly do not want to notice: “Simply reading books will never change your life.”
Your life will only change when you roll up your sleeves and take action.! From tomorrow, become fully responsible for everything that happens in your life. You need to read good books and be a kind and sympathetic person. Only then will your life begin to change.

You just have to remember one very important thing. No one is better than you, and no one is smarter than you. Let me repeat these words again.

1. Set yourself a goal.
2. Go and strive for this goal.
3. Perseverance and composure.
4. Do not retreat from the steps taken.
5. Persistence.
6. Zeal for victory.
7. The ability to prove yourself.
8. Communication skills.
9. Don't forget about your friends.

What's it worth remember when achieving success:
1. Don’t be too preoccupied and don’t turn up your nose.
2. Remember that you have friends.
3. Treat people the way they treat you and the way they deserve it.

At first I just liked playing chess, and then my coach appeared on Skype. In addition, every day I study for three hours myself and with a trainer in Voronezh, and my parents and I also teach YouTube blog. I have a store at home - I sell sweets there, and a hairdresser where I do my mother’s hair.

I've been going to competitions for a long time, and I like everything there. Especially to win! When I win a tournament, they give me a cup. And mom and dad buy a large chess piece. When I win many, many times, I will collect a complete set! We will make a chess floor in the room and put all the pieces there.

I go to school, I'm in first grade. What I like most is mathematics and drawing. More reading: My favorite book is The Wizard of Oz. In the future I want to be a teacher, a candy seller or a hairdresser. I don't want to teach chess. If I become a coach, then it will be difficult for me to move forward, but I want to become a world champion.

Good day, dear reader! This article is entirely devoted to an issue that worries many ambitious young people: how to win the competition? How to do it? What qualities should a contestant have in order to prevail over his opponents? Do you think there is no way you can win the upcoming competition? To hell with doubts, take it and win! Now we will show how this is done.

The following recommendation is suitable for almost any type of competition that people have come up with. After all, in essence, they are all the same. Their main meaning is to select from the best the very best who are more worthy of victory than others, and, accordingly, prizes, awards, certificates, honor, success, etc. It's good to win, isn't it? Everyone around is looking at you and secretly envying you! They envy, they envy, how they envy! After all, the one who is “on horseback” arouses, first of all, respect, and with it, envy.

This is fine. Man is designed this way, nothing can be done about it.
But what sorrow does this bring to us? After all, this is US, i.e. They will envy YOU, YOU will be the winner! Don't be afraid to go where you want to go. If you want to be a businessman, open your own business, if you want to become a doctor, get a medical education, if you want win the competition- win, and don’t ask anyone. Just do it! Wipe everyone's nose, let them envy you!

We hope that our victorious calls will not go unnoticed. We simply sincerely want to awaken in you the desire to win, which is very important for winning any competition, even one as complex and contradictory as life. After all, all your successes and victories on the life front depend on your desire, determination and hard work. Do you have all these qualities? Then we begin!

1. Internal attitude to win.

You can't go anywhere without attitude. No one, not even the most experienced violinist in the world, goes on stage to play without first tuning their instrument. In fact, he rather tunes not the instrument itself (since we think that a world-class violinist’s violin can withstand more than one performance without tightening the strings, although who knows), but, first of all, himself.

Therefore, you must immediately decide for yourself why you want to compete in the upcoming competition. Show yourself and see others? If so, then you can stop reading this article. Then you will not find anything useful that could be useful to you in life. If you passionately desire to win at all costs, then you are on the right path! You have the main thing - the mood and desire for future victory. This is the basics. You can’t go anywhere without these qualities.

Conclusion: Do you want win the competition- conquer yourself first. Don’t be afraid of the upcoming battle, don’t belittle your merits, don’t stick out your shortcomings. Charge yourself with energy for the upcoming competition, because a competition is real work, work that will require a lot of energy and strength. Give yourself wings. Connect with a successful person who can encourage you if you lack confidence.

Read books. Read books by successful people who have already achieved success, who have already won their competitions, competitions called life... In short - be charged with enthusiasm! By the way, this word “enthusiasm” means “together with God.” This word has the root "Theo", in Russian spelling, which means "God".

Just don’t run to check a new fact, first read this article to the end. Otherwise, we know that a person who likes to learn new things almost always looks for confirmation of the information received. Such people deserve respect, because they act with a divine sparkle in their eyes - they trust, but check. One word - enthusiasts!

2. Homework must be done with a bang!

Usually in any competition, especially those held between students within a university or between different universities, there is always such a competitive component as homework.
We will immediately warn you that we will show all our “dry” recommendations using a specific example, so that you can understand as much as possible what and how to do based on our advice.

So, homework. What is it? Of course, like a competition, so does homework. Here the organizers of the competition are free to create and come up with a wide variety of challenges. However, the essence of all these competitions is the same. It consists in the fact that your homework, i.e. the way you prepare it, how you present it to the authoritative jury during the competition, will say a lot about you.

The extent to which you invest in preparing for your homework and the extent to which you prepare for its presentation in the competition, the extent to which you can count on winning the competition. After all, your first appearance before the jury is the most important thing. Remember that you won't get a second chance to make a first impression.
Therefore, pay special attention to your homework.

You may need an assistant to complete it successfully. Find such a person among your friends or acquaintances. Only you need a reliable person who will allow you to safely delegate some aspects of your homework to him. This person should be close enough to you; it is best that this person is your friend.

However, finding the right person is another quarter of the battle. The most important thing for you is that this person has a sincere, passionate desire to help you. To do this, you need to motivate him in some way. How? It’s worth writing a whole article on this subject.

If you want to know how you can motivate others to work for you, then subscribe to updates and you will be the first to know about it.

The most commonplace way of motivation is the carrot method. For example, you tell your friend that if he can give you a few hours of his time, you will help him write a term paper. Or draw him the drawing he needs so much... Introduce a friend to a girl... Help him reinstall the operating system... This list can be endless. It all depends on your imagination, and on your available skills, of course.

Now let's look at a specific example of homework. Suppose you are to take part in an interuniversity event called “Young Politician”. The homework for this competition is to create an impressive greeting for yourself. After all, this competition will most likely be held in another university, where no one knows about you and has no idea who you are. Your self-presentation will solve the problem described. Plus, you have a unique opportunity to make the right first impression - an impression that will be “imprinted” in the minds of the jury members.

Yes, you have serious work ahead of you, however, if you successfully introduce yourself to the public (while completing your homework), then the likelihood of winning this competition will increase significantly. Don't be like everyone else. Come up with something original and memorable. To do this, work closely with your assistant, conduct a brainstorming session that will help generate interesting proposals for a more unforgettable self-presentation for the public.

In short, surprise people! He loves the show. And since he loves the spectacle, give it to him! Immediately!

This is especially true for jury members. Most likely, people of a respectable age will be sitting there, with various regalia and a “blurry” eye. Believe me, they already have dozens of different competitions behind them, where, in most cases, the same thing happens. The same thing...The same thing. Agree that even reading the phrase “the same thing” several times is boring, and what can we say about the jury members who look at the same program year after year.

Break stereotypes, express yourself one hundred percent. Let them talk about you in the auditorium. Light up the crowd!

3. Find out anything and everything about the competition.

In addition to preparing for any homework, in order to win the competition Homework alone is not enough. To win, you need to thoroughly study the entire competition program.

You should know the following: What events will take place at the competition? How many people will take part in the competition? Which institution will host the competition? Who will be the jury members for this competition? Who is organizing this event?
Answering these and other related questions will give you an undeniable competitive advantage.

Where can I get information on these issues?

Firstly, if you participate in a competition, then someone should inform you about the existence of this competition. It is so? So. Accordingly, this person must have a competition program, i.e. approximate plan for conducting competitive events. Such a program must definitely exist, at least in serious competitions for sure. You don't even have to doubt it.

Information from the program (regulations) about the competition will give you primary (starting) information, which will give you a lot of food for detailed understanding. Remember that whoever owns the information owns the world. Primary information, in most cases, is not enough. We need to “dig” further. You will need more detailed information.

Where can I get it? We think you already understand this. You can now find a wide variety of information on the Internet. There would be a desire. Why, you ask, do you need this additional information? Everything here is extremely simple. You need to find out what your potential competitors and competition opponents won’t think of knowing.

For example, you know the list of jury members. Well, you know, so what now? This is what an amateur thinks. And a pro will immediately realize that if he learns something similar about any member of the jury (and especially about the chairman of the jury, since it is he who makes the final decision), for example, the areas of interest or hobbies of the jury members (someone some of them are fond of fishing, some of them are interested in tennis, etc.), then this secondary knowledge can be well “attached” to your participation in the competition.

For example, in the same homework where you will have to introduce yourself, say that you are very passionate about... what do you think? That's right - fishing, tennis, something else, in general, everything that the jury members are interested in. We think that you have grasped the idea, and it will not be difficult for you to develop it further.

Now you know that collecting primary and secondary information regarding the upcoming competition is the trick that will help you get the coveted prize and win the competition.

4. Dress properly!

It seems like a banal reminder, but few of the competitors, as a rule, pay increased attention to this component. Dress more decently and okay. No, it's not okay! You need to dress in such a way that ah... knock everyone out! Everyone knows that a person is greeted by his clothes... And if you add a sparkling self-presentation to first-class clothes, which will be built taking into account the analyzed primary and secondary information that we wrote about earlier, then you can consider that you will make a good start for the final victory.

remember, that victory in the competition, as a rule, consists of several components, i.e. from several competitions included in the competition itself. At the same time, no one ever announces such a “competition in clothing” (unless, of course, you have to participate in a beauty contest). However, a good choice of clothes, clothes chosen with taste, will give you that additional hidden advantage that will certainly contribute to your advancement to the top of the competitive race.

Therefore, remember that good clothes are always a big plus in any competition. Nobody has yet canceled the psychology of people...

5. Be active and you will be appreciated.

Now let's move on to the competition. Here you are or have arrived at the competition. What's next? First of all, don't worry. Walk around the room and calmly assess the situation. Look at your competitors (competitors are usually always noticeable - they are more worried than others). Evaluate them with your eyes and... don’t pay attention to them anymore, until the start of the competition. Why should you worry once again, looking at the semi-convulsive state of your opponents? Nerves and perseverance will come in handy.

But here comes what you have been preparing for over the past weeks. The chairman of the jury says welcoming words and off we go... Again, we urge you to think only about yourself, don’t look around, don’t “collect” extraneous fears. First of all, as is usually the case, the main competition begins with homework. This competition is designed to “warm up” the participants. Due to the fact that we spent a lot of time preparing homework a little earlier, we hope that you do not have any questions about this competition.

The main thing to remember is that expressiveness, activity and joyful happy eyes are what you need in order to impress the public.

It would be good to “carry” all these qualities with you throughout the competition, because their presence always has a favorable influence on the jury members. People like to see confident, happy people. And since people like something, then, accordingly, they evaluate it as it should, i.e. at the highest level. Radiate positivity during any competition, because people, rather than looking at what you say or do, people, to a greater extent, look at everyone for the spark of self-confidence that most people, including your opponents, lack. competition.

Conclusion: In this article we examined the question: “How to win a competition.” We told you about some of the intricacies of preparing for the competition, about psychological techniques as one of the fundamental components of assessing your person at the competition by the jury.

Now let's briefly recap the most important points. So you should:

1) be internally determined to win.

2) collect all possible information about the location of the competition, the jury members and their hobbies, etc.

3) prepare your homework so that everyone gasps.

4) dress brand new.

5) radiate positivity and be active during the competition.

However, the most important thing of all this, in our opinion, is preliminary preparation. Consider the maximum possible scenarios for the development of events!

Now you know, how to win a competition. We wish you good luck!


The results of the III All-Russian competition “Librarian of the Year - 2015”, founded by the Russian Library Association and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, have been summed up. The name of the winner was kept secret until the last moment, which made the contenders for the high title quite nervous.

In the Year of Literature, 184 employees of public municipal libraries from 52 regions of Russia competed for the title “Librarian of the Year - 2015”. They sent reports on the library’s achievements for the current year, their publications, projects and essays on the topic “Library of the Future” to the jury. After studying the submitted materials, the jury selected 20 finalists. Next came the stage of online voting; the library’s task was to involve as many readers, like-minded people, friends and partners in voting as possible in two weeks.

Based on the results of this stage, 5 leaders with the most votes were identified. The finalists prepared projects dedicated to the work of libraries during the Year of Literature. After this, during a face-to-face meeting at the end of October, the jury made its final choice. And the name of the winner was revealed during the award ceremony, which took place on December 15 as part of the V All-Russian Forum of Public Libraries and the IV St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum. Tatyana Nikolaevna Charikova, head of the Solar Model Library of the Surgut regional centralized library system, was recognized as the best librarian of Russia.

AND OF COURSE Colleagues could not ignore this large-scale event; on December 21, they gathered in the conference hall of the Central Regional Library named after. G.A. Pirozhnikova to congratulate Tatyana Nikolaevna Charikova on the title of “Librarian of the Year - 2015”.

- Firstly, this is the trust that the management showed me by nominating my candidacy for the All-Russian competition. But this is also a serious test of professionalism, of creative abilities that had to be demonstrated in writing an essay. For me, the competition was also a big test of endurance; the voting stage was very difficult for me.

- What does winning this competition mean to you?

- I view and feel victory from two sides. On the one hand, this is the result of many years of work in the library field and accumulated experience, which I am undoubtedly happy about, but on the other hand, it is a great responsibility. I was lucky enough to set such a high bar, which imposes an obligation on you to meet it in the future.

ALONE One of the pleasant moments of the ceremony was the congratulatory telegrams read by Tatyana Vidova, which were sent to the winner.

“It is gratifying that in our country there are such village public libraries as the Solar Model Library in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. People who work here are sincerely devoted to their chosen profession, successfully and courageously implementing socially significant projects. I am sure that you will become a worthy example for many colleagues, and winning the All-Russian competition “Librarian of the Year” will provide you with significant support in your important and responsible work aimed at the development of librarianship.”

Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko.

“Being a librarian of the year means being an example for colleagues, being aware of the high mission of libraries and their social significance, and striving for the ideal image of a profession that is so important and necessary in modern society. I wish you to bear this title with dignity! I wish you success and the implementation of your most daring ideas.”

Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Rostislavovich Medinsky.

“Dear Tatyana Nikolaevna! Congratulations on your victory! We highly appreciate your professionalism, talent and interest that you show in your work. It is gratifying that your significant personal contribution to the development of library science in Ugra has earned respect and authority not only in the district, but also beyond its borders. We wish you health, long years of work, inexhaustible inspiration, further victories and the implementation of all creative plans.”

Employees of the State Library of Ugra.

To achieve high results, you need three main components. The first component is opportunity. We are lucky, we have the opportunity - at the level of the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, and at the district level,” said Nadezhda Kurasanova, head of the cultural department of the UKTiS of the Surgut district administration. - The second component is desire and action. And when a person takes advantage of this opportunity, the third component comes - his like-minded people, the team, because one person in the field is not a warrior. These three components made it possible to achieve such a high result. This is a well-deserved victory! You are our pride!

Tatyana Nikolaevna, I have known you for more than 30 years and am always surprised and admired by your energy, efficiency, modesty, openness and humanity,” Olga Zyryanova, director of the Surgut regional centralized library system, joined in the congratulations. - You need to be able to write such an essay to interest the jury members! There are so many libraries, so many librarians, and you are the first! This is pride not only for our institution, it is pride for the entire Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, for Western Siberia!

Olga Albertovna thanked Tatyana Nikolaevna for her enormous contribution to the development of librarianship, to the education of young personnel and wished her strength of spirit and many, many years of work in the library field.

I grew up in a small village. And the library became the first temple for me,” Nina Dmitrenko, chairman of the trade union committee of the cultural sector, took over the baton. -When I was 5 years old, I started running there, and our librarian taught us to read. For me, a librarian is something so unearthly, for some reason I thought that librarians don’t even eat. We idolized Aunt Nadya since childhood, to us she seemed the smartest, the most literate... And today I would like to wish you that the children of the Solnechny settlement idolize you in the same way.

The chief specialist of the local history department, Natalya Tokmakova, also asked to speak:

I wanted to say kind words to you from our department. The fact that you won is not a lucky lottery ticket, not an accident, but a pattern. Because besides all your library talents, you have the most important talent - the talent of humanity.

ALL PERFORMANCES characterized the winner in the best possible way, giving a complete portrait of a worthy person, modest and hard-working, kind and talented, passionately loving his profession and rightfully becoming the best librarian in Russia.

Thanks to her colleagues for their support and attention, Tatyana Nikolaevna Charikova said: “Everything that I achieve as a manager, I do not achieve alone, I am followed by a team that believes in me. Thanks a lot, everyone!"

  • Open Day

    The territorial department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office informs that September 19, 2019 there will be a promotion “Open Day for Entrepreneurs: consulting on legislation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population
    and consumer protection."

    We are waiting for everyone at the address: Rostov region, Novocherkassk,
    lane Yunnatov, 3.

  • Traffic police services can be obtained online

    Receive government services
    in the registration and examination departments of the traffic police located
    in Rostov-on-Don, citizens can daily.

    Improving the quality of public services provided to citizens by registration and examination departments is one
    one of the priority areas in the activities of the State Traffic Inspectorate. In this regard, the work schedule of the traffic police MREO points located
    on the territory of Rostov-on-Don, is organized in such a way that citizens have the opportunity to contact these units on any day of the week.

    You can contact the traffic police MREO office, located at the address: 50th anniversary of Rostselmash, 15, on Sunday from 08-00 to 17-00, from Monday to Wednesday -
    from 08-00 to 18-00 hours, on Thursday – from 09-00 to 13-00 hours.

    On Friday and Saturday, public services are provided by the traffic police MREO station, located at the address: st. Dovatora, 154-a, from 08-00 to 18-00 and from 08-00 to 17-00 hours, respectively.
    On Tuesday and Wednesday this unit is open from 08-00 to 18-00, on Thursday -
    from 09-00 to 13-00 hours.

    To reduce the time spent at the MREO, you can pay the state fee in advance using the details posted on the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate
    https://traffic police.rf/r/61/divisions/4334.

    We also remind you to sign up for a convenient time to receive government services.
    You can go to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate through the Internet portal www.gosuslugi.ru.

  • Cinema about our area!

    The “Guberniya” program made a film for the anniversary of the Aksai region. On Saturday, August 24,
    The Rossiya-1 TV channel released a documentary about the Aksai region, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the municipality.

  • Raspberry ringing for Aksai

    The Holy Assumption Cathedral in Aksay is raising funds for a new belfry. It will consist of nine bells, spreading a velvety ringing throughout the city.

    As you know, the financial situation of the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church has always been not very favorable. It depends
    from the well-being of our people. Our people are rich - our church is rich. If the people are poor, the churches are also poor. Sometimes church incomes are lower than expenses, so churches are forced to turn to parishioners and people who are not indifferent to the problems of the church for help.

    There were no bells in the Holy Assumption Cathedral for many years, despite the fact that the temple is central in our city. To date, the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God has organized a collection of donations for the purchase
    and installation of the belfry. The total amount is quite impressive - almost 2,000,000 rubles. The manufacturer made concessions and gave the temple the opportunity to pay in installments with the condition that the full amount would be paid within a month. Therefore, the cathedral organized the collection of part of the required amount.

    We ask all caring people to help the temple in this beneficial work. Let's gather together at the belfry, and the temple will have its own voice!

    Details for helping the cathedral:
    Full name: local religious organization Orthodox parish of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Aksay, Rostov region Religious organization Rostov-on-Don Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate).
    Abbreviated name:
    MRO Orthodox parish of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Aksay.
    INN 6102007870 Checkpoint 610201001
    R/ac. 40703810000100000016
    at PJSC CB "Center-invest", Rostov-on-Don
    BIC 046015762
    Corr./account 30101810100000000762
    Address: 346720, Rostov region,
    Aksai, st. Chapaeva, 175.
    Head: parish rector Gennady Borisovich Makarenko.
    Phone number of the Holy Assumption Cathedral:

  • Together against corruption!

    The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation organized a competition “Together against corruption!”

    The competition is held as part of the activities of the Interstate Anti-Corruption Council, created to organize constructive international cooperation and take joint effective measures in the fight against corruption.

    The rules of the competition can be found on the official website of the competition
    on the Internet: www.anticorruption.life.

    Acceptance of works will be carried out on the official website of the competition www.antukorruption.life from June 1 to October 1, 2019 in two categories – “Social Poster” and “Social Video”.

    The awards ceremony for the winners of the competition will be held
    for International Anti-Corruption Day
    (9th December).

    R.A. Sinelnikov, acting district prosecutor

  • News calendar

  • If you hear a siren, be alert!

    September 18, 2019 from 11-20 to 12-00 hours An annual comprehensive training will be conducted to alert the population of the region
    with the launch of electric sirens and text transmission
    on radio, television and radio broadcasts
    and telephone networks.

    If there is a threat or in the event of an extreme situation - an accident, catastrophe, natural disaster, air hazard, threat of chemical or radioactive contamination - sirens, horns and other sound signaling devices are turned on in populated areas and national economic facilities. THIS IS A SINGLE SIGNAL MEANING “ATTENTION EVERYONE!”

    Having heard the signal, you must turn on: the radio broadcast receiver to the first or second wire broadcast program; radio for one of the programs
    VHF band: GTRK Don TR (frequency 72.95 MHz), Humor FM (frequency 91.2 MHz), Hit FM (frequency 100.1 MHz), Radio Record (frequency 100.7 MHz), Radio Rostov (frequency 101 ,6 MHz), Radio 7 (frequency 102.2 MHz), Russian Radio (frequency 103.0 MHz), Monte Carlo (frequency 103.7 MHz), Di FM (frequency 104.6 MHz), Mayak (frequency 107, 5 MHz) or a television receiver to the channel "Russia 1" or to one of the television channels: 3, 7, 28, 32, 35, 38, 49 - and listen to a message about possible natural disasters, major industrial accidents, disasters and your actions in the current situation.

    The message indicates: the fact of the threat, the direction of spread of contaminated air, populated areas falling within the contamination zone, the nature of the actions of production personnel and the population. Civil defense signals in wartime are: “Air raid warning”,
    “Air alarm clear”, “Radiation danger”, “Chemical alarm”.

    Dear residents of the region!
    Be alert to warning signals, act skillfully on signals
    Alerts are the key to your safety!

    To receive an individual SMS message to your own mobile phone number in the event of a threat or emergency, any resident of the Aksai region can apply by calling the phone number:
    8(863-50) 5-51-75 to the duty dispatcher EDDS-112 of the Aksai region. This service is provided free of charge to the population of the Aksai region at the expense of funds from the Department for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations.

  • SMS will tell you about an emergency

    Dear residents of Aksai region!

    In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 13, 2012 No. 1522 “On the creation of a comprehensive system for emergency notification of the population about the threat of or about the occurrence of emergency situations,”
    as well as for timely and guaranteed delivery to every person of reliable information about the threat of occurrence or
    about the occurrence of an emergency, rules of conduct and methods of protection by the municipal budgetary institution of the Aksai region "Management
    for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations" an agreement was concluded
    with a cellular operator for the transmission of SMS messages from the unified duty dispatch service 112 of the Aksai district
    (hereinafter referred to as EDDS-112).

    To receive an individual SMS message to your own mobile phone number
    from EDDS-112 we invite residents of the Aksai district to submit an application by phone:
    8(863-50) 5-51-75, 5-82-69 to the duty dispatcher EDDS-112. Mailing service
    SMS messages are provided free of charge.

    Department for Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations of the Aksai District Administration

  • Your opinion is important to us

    During from January 1 to December 31, 2019 held assessment survey by the population of the activities of heads of local government bodies, as well as organizations at the regional and municipal level that provide services to the population in the field of housing and communal services, road infrastructure and transport services.

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