What to do after gallbladder removal. How does life change after surgery to remove the gallbladder? How does pregnancy proceed after cholecystectomy?

Among diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the third place is occupied by pathologies of the biliary system. In most cases, the problem is solved by removing the gallbladder, and the consequences and reviews from patients after surgery are usually positive. A person gets rid of everyday pain and discomfort.

What pathologies are operated on?

Gallstone disease is a multivalent pathology during which stones form in the gall bladder. The mechanism of formation is as follows: as a result of a congenital or acquired disorder of the metabolism of cholesterol and bile acids, stones are formed. A concomitant factor is the disruption of the coordinated functioning of the ducts that remove bile, and the addition of infectious agents. Clinical manifestations of the disease, removal of the gallbladder, consequences and prognosis in each separate version will depend on the stage of stone formation, the primary site of localization, as well as on the individual specificity of the patient’s body.

The second most common pathology that requires surgery is acute cholecystitis. Simply put, inflammation of the gallbladder. It is mostly caused by infectious agents. In 80% of cases, patients come in when complications develop, and this entails immediate removal of the gallbladder. Consequences and reviews after the operation indicate good prognosis. To carry out surgical intervention, we need to understand which morphological component we are dealing with.


Cholecystectomy is the only possible way to remove the gallbladder. But if there are no indications for surgery, you can try conservative treatment. It is based on taking antibiotics, analgesics, and antispasmodics.

Indications for surgery

They are conventionally divided into absolute and relative. Absolute indications for cholecystectomy:

  • acute cholecystitis;
  • chronic course of cholecystitis, no history, and gallbladder with complete dysfunction;
  • Common bile duct stones:
  • complete or partial melting of the gallbladder - urgent cholecystectomy (higher safety indicator), but plastic closure of the wound canal is quite rare.

Relative indications for surgery are cholecystitis in a chronic form, if the symptom complex indicates the presence of stones in gallbladder. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct a thorough differential diagnosis in order to exclude other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. An example of such diseases could be peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

Contraindications to cholecystectomy

But there are also contraindications to this surgical intervention. And if you do not take them into account, then removing the gallbladder can have fatal consequences for the patient. They are also conventionally divided into general and relative. If patients have acute coronary (heart) failure, diffuse peritonitis, a significantly reduced blood clotting rate, as well as in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the operation is postponed. Relative ones are identified by each surgeon separately, but often these are acute inflammatory processes of the pancreatic gland, gallbladder, the duration of which is more than 3 days, tumor-like formations of the bladder of unknown etiology.

Progress of the operation

After opening the abdominal cavity, the gallbladder and common bile duct are examined. If an inflammatory accumulation of fluid is detected in the thickness of the hepatoduodenal ligament, the pathology is removed from its distal end to the proximal one. A clamp is placed at the bottom of the bubble. A nicotinamide solution is injected under the outer shell in the bladder bed. They dissect it, after which the desired cystic duct is isolated. Having retreated 0.5 cm from this place, the cystic duct is cut and tied with two ligatures (special threads of natural origin). Abdomen drained so that inflammatory accumulations come out and do not provoke suppuration of the wound. After this type of gallbladder removal, the consequences are impeccable. This is because during the procedure the entire bladder is removed at once, while the likelihood that its contents will enter the abdominal cavity is minimal.

Cholecystectomy technique from the cervix to the fundus

Such removal of the gallbladder (and the consequences, and reviews about it) in the practical work of a doctor cannot be compared with that described above. Since with this option there is a high probability of developing postoperative peritonitis. So, after revision of the gallbladder, it is grabbed with a clamp closer to the neck and cut off.

In order to protect yourself, your health and not visit in the near future medical institutions, everyone needs to reconsider their lifestyle and diet. Behind festive table don’t overeat, try to eat in moderation, in a balanced manner, and then your body will thank you.

If there are stones that begin to stand out and form for a reason. Otherwise, stretching and injury to the organ occurs. Lack of treatment leads to the development of inflammation and infection; in advanced cases, the walls break through.

The removal operation itself causes stress on the human body, which is called cholecystectomy. It leads to changes in the functioning of the internal digestive organs, as they need to compensate for the absence of the affected organ.

As a result, peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis, enterocolitis, enteritis and other disorders may develop.

Consequences of gallbladder removal

Surgical removal of the bladder leads to various biochemical changes:
- motility of the muscles of the duodenum is impaired;
- bile dilutes;
- protection from harmful microorganisms is reduced;
- the balance of microflora is disturbed;
- flatulence appears;
- violated physical activity food masses;
- secondary absorption of bile is impaired;
- disruptions in digestion of food appear;
- the contours of organs change;
- other echo signs.

It is important to note that after removal of the diseased organ, the composition of the “spoiled” bile remains unchanged, which is why negative impact toxic liquid on the mucous membranes of human internal organs. Therefore, after surgery, the patient should carefully monitor the composition of bile and regularly visit a gastroenterologist.

Common procedures for studying the functioning of internal organs are ultrasound and duodenal examination.

If any changes occur, a consultation is required. special drugs aimed at restoring the body:
- for biliary insufficiency, drugs containing bile are prescribed - “Liobil”, “Allohol”, “Cholenzim”;
- to stimulate bile production, it is recommended to take Osalmide, Cyclovalon;
- “Essential” is prescribed to improve liver function;
- to restore the body, you need to take Odeston.

Plays an important role proper nutrition in the absence of a gallbladder. Daily ration should be divided into 5-6 doses in small portions, which allows bile to accumulate. As a result, stagnation of bile and re-formation of stones are prevented. The benefit of a special diet is to reduce irritation and activity of other organs digestive tract. The list of permitted and prohibited products is determined by the attending physician. As a rule, it is recommended to avoid salt, fresh bread. Include vegetable broths and noodle soups, low-fat dairy products in your diet. Be sure to drink at least one and a half liters of fluid daily, which is necessary for the normal digestion process.

The body will not immediately adapt to new conditions, so treatment after removal of the gallbladder is extremely necessary for the patient. If the operation was done on time, then perhaps there will be no complications. But still, no one can give a complete guarantee that no consequences will arise.

Losing an organ is stressful, and the body must get used to doing without the gallbladder, even if the situation with it was quite alarming. Some patients delay surgery and this leads to serious problems.

After cholecystectomy, they are prescribed antibacterial drugs. This is necessary to avoid complications. The patient must take medications during the first three days while he is still in the hospital.

If there is pain, analgesic drugs are used.

First, the patient takes them for 2-3 days, then he is prescribed antispasmodics (“Drotaverine”, “No-shpa”, “Buscopan”). The tablets should be taken for no more than ten days.

When the patient is at home, his treatment continues. Therefore, drugs containing ursodeoxycholic acid are recommended. Thanks to them, the risk of stone formation is reduced to a minimum. For example, Ursofalk is effective, which can be produced in the form of capsules or suspensions. If necessary, it will need to be used for about two years.

Since the concentration of bile is weakened after surgery, problems with digestion of food may occur. Thus, the process needs to be accelerated.

Products containing bile, bile acids and enzymes will help with this.

This is about:

  • "Allohole";
  • "Liobile";
  • "Holenzime" and so on.

Such medications also prevent the formation of stones, which is of great importance in the current situation.

To produce your own enzymes more intensively, use:

  • "Cyclovalon";
  • "Hepatosan";
  • "Ursofalkom";
  • "Ursosan."

Bile, the concentration of which is insufficient, provokes stool upset, since it is difficult for it to resist foreign microorganisms. Therefore, the patient needs to take medications that will support the intestinal microflora.

For constipation, lactobacilli and other drugs are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at stimulating intestinal motility and regulating its microflora.

Help from traditional medicine

The liver definitely needs protection after surgery. Therefore it is worth paying attention to folk remedies, which successfully help restore strength in the postoperative period. It is useful to use herbs to stimulate bile production.

For example, you can be treated:

  • immortelle;
  • yarrow;
  • tansy;
  • St. John's wort.

But milk thistle is especially valuable.

For the liver to work well, you need to take dried immortelle flowers (1 tsp) and dry mint (1 tbsp). The herbs are flooded cold water(400 ml), place on low heat and, heating for 12 minutes, slowly bring to a boil. Then the broth needs to be covered and cooled. It is recommended to drink 2 tbsp before meals. l. the resulting infusion. The course lasts 5 weeks.

It is not for nothing that milk thistle is considered a unique plant. You can drink it for a wide variety of health problems, and there will be no harm to the body. The main thing is not to overdo it with dosages.

Thanks to the action of the plant, thickened bile is better removed and the liver is cleansed of toxic substances.

Milk thistle grows in many places, so it is used as a raw material to make an inexpensive medicine.

Based on herbs they produce:

  • oil;
  • extract;
  • powder (meal).

To obtain the powder, the seeds are ground and dried. This medicine is easy to make at home.

Milk thistle in the form of meal is taken one teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. The product can be given even to children, only the dose will be smaller.

Milk thistle is also harvested to obtain oil from its seeds. The product has a wound healing and anti-burn effect. It is best if the seeds do not heat up during processing. The cold press method allows you to preserve everything useful material a plant such as milk thistle.

The oil will be effective in the presence of erosions in the stomach and duodenum.

In general, it is also taken one teaspoon 30 minutes before each meal. Thus, the drug is completely absorbed and has the desired effect on the body.

Milk thistle in the form of oil is also used for prevention. It is eaten along with salads, soups, and cereals. It’s just important not to heat the product, that is, it is added to an already prepared dish.

Milk thistle is available in capsules, which is very convenient to use. You can take 3-4 of them at a time, 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment will depend on how you feel.

Since milk thistle contains many beneficial components, a tincture is made from it. The base is water or alcohol. For the tincture you will need powder (50 g) and vodka (0.5 l). Half an hour before breakfast, lunch or dinner, take 20 drops.

Some preparations contain an extract of this plant. These are “Gepabene”, “Karsil forte”, “Silimar”.

Features of dietary nutrition

Diet for patients with removed gall bladder is absolutely necessary. After all, with its help you can avoid problems with digestion of food. In addition, if the diet is prepared correctly, you do not need to resort to medication.

The main focus is not on the products themselves, but on the diet. The patient should eat a small amount of food at a time, but there should be 5-6 meals throughout the day. This is the so-called fractional nutrition, which is always developed individually for patients after cholecystectomy.

The following foods are prohibited:

Carbonated drinks are prohibited. But drinking water should be consumed regularly. Water is required to relieve the aggression of bile acids. It protects the mucous membranes of the duodenum and gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a glass of water is recommended before meals.

After gallbladder removal

Traditional methods of treatment after gallbladder removal

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Accordingly, the number of patients undergoing surgery to remove the gallbladder is increasing. The question of how to live without a gallbladder is becoming increasingly relevant.

● To find the answer to this problem, let's look into the person. Hepatocytes in the liver produce bile, which goes into the gallbladder (its storage reservoir).

When food arrives, bile reflexively enters the duodenum, ensuring the digestion and absorption of fats into the blood.

● After cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder), the body undergoes a sharp change in the digestion process for the worse - the system for regulating the flow of bile is disrupted.

First of all, the motility of the muscles of the duodenum is impaired. Becoming more liquid, bile is more susceptible to attack by pathogens.

● Bacteria do not die, they multiply vigorously, thereby disturbing the balance of microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. If before the operation bile brought only benefits, now its acids become aggressors to the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum. As a result of this attack, the duodenum (12) becomes inflamed and its motor activity is disrupted.

● With such “chaos”, the food mass is thrown reflexively back into the stomach and esophagus, causing diseases:, enteritis,.

Due to the lack of a reservoir, the secondary absorption and use of bile is impaired. Before the operation, usually bile acids circulated 5-6 times a day: liver-intestines-liver, but now bile is excreted earlier and lost by the body.

● Lack of bile acids impairs the process of digestion and fat breakdown. Undoubtedly, the compensatory reserves of the human body are large, but it is impossible to do without additional external intervention.

Moreover, the formation of stones does not stop after removal of the gallbladder: the liver continues to produce the same “spoiled” stone-forming bile. This phenomenon is called biliary insufficiency.

● Removal of the gallbladder has a negative impact not only on the digestive organs, but also on other systems. The amount of bile produced sharply increases, its pressure on the bile ducts increases, violating physiological norms.

The structure of the delicate mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines changes under the influence of toxic bile acids.

● The constant supply of poisonous bile can subsequently lead to. The main task after surgery is to study bio chemical composition bile.

This will require a not entirely pleasant, but reliable procedure - duodenal examination. Keep in mind that this test cannot replace an ultrasound.

Rehabilitation of a patient after removal of the gallbladder

Attention: only a doctor can provide clinical observation of the patient after removal of the gallbladder and prescribe conservative treatment. You should discuss the recommendations below with your doctor.

● To determine whether bile is capable of forming stones again, it is enough to place it (5 ml) in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Precipitation indicates stone-forming bile.

In such cases, drugs containing bile and bile acids are prescribed: lyobil, cholenzyme, allohol. These medications are used for replacement therapy for biliary insufficiency due to the absence of a gallbladder.

● There are other stimulants of bile production: cyclovalone, osalmide. To prevent the toxic effects of bile acids on the mucous membranes, ursodeoxycholic acid is prescribed at a dose of 250-500 mg. for the night.

This acid is contained in the domestic preparations hepatosan and enterosan, as well as ursosan and ursofalk. The last two drugs are absolutely identical in properties, although the first is common in Europe, and the second in the East.

● To ensure normal functioning of the duodenum and sphincter of Oddi, so-called prokinetics are usually prescribed 15 minutes before meals: debridate, motilium, cerucal, as well as restorative and multienzyme drugs: vitamins, Essentiale Forte, Festal, Creon.

● Some patients experience diarrhea or constipation and flatulence after surgery. This occurs due to microbial contamination and overcrowding in the intestines.

Diet of a patient with a removed gallbladder

● The patient must clearly understand that proper nutrition can ensure the speedy restoration of lost body functions. The fact is that after removal of the gallbladder, bile constantly flows directly into the intestines.

Our goal is to protect the delicate wall of the intestinal mucosa from its toxic effects.

● With each meal, the secretion of bile increases and the more often this happens, the greater the chance of preventing stagnation in the bile ducts with subsequent stone formation.

You should eat 5-7 times a day and eat little by little. Rare, large meals should not be allowed to overload gastrointestinal tract.

● Food should be gentle: stewed, baked or boiled. You need to chew for a long time to awaken the enzymes being produced and give the liver time to start working.

The diet is low-calorie with limited fat (butter no more than 20 grams per day). Completely exclude lamb fat, seasonings and spices (marinades, tkemali sauce, soy sauce, adjika, mayonnaise).

● There is only stale bread. Six months after removal of the gallbladder, you can add more vegetables and fruits to your diet, excluding lemons and onions. Freshly frozen vegetables and fruits retain their mineral composition and vitamins and have bactericidal properties.

● It is useful to consume prebiotics - preparations with dietary fiber that are food for beneficial microflora: lactulose from whey or prebiotics contained in chicory, apples, herbs, bananas, wheat bran, asparagus.

General treatment and preventive measures after removal of the gallbladder

● Small meals must be combined with frequent fluid intake. Before meals and every 2.5-3 hours you should drink approximately 200-250 ml. water.

This is the only way to protect the mucous membrane of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum from the aggression of bile acids.

Inna Lavrenko

Reading time: 4 minutes


The gallbladder is an important part of the biliary system of our body. It is responsible for the accumulation, concentration and timely release of bile produced by the liver into the digestive system. Alas, for some diseases of this organ, treatment is only possible through surgery (for example, the organ can be removed for gallstones, empyema of this organ, or acute calculous cholecystitis).

This operation is called cholecystectomy and it consists in the complete removal of this internal organ either by laparoscopy or using traditional abdominal intervention. After laparoscopy of the gallbladder, recovery is faster, and the risk of complications is minimal, since laparoscopic instruments reduce internal damage to a minimum.

However, this surgical intervention only removes the consequences of internal pathologies of the digestive system, but does not eliminate their root cause, therefore, even after excision of the organ, relapses of the disease that led to the operation are possible.

For example, cholelithiasis can still cause recurrences in the bile ducts. The patient's condition is improving, the risk of serious complications is minimized, but the disease does not go away and continues to bother the patient, so treatment for the removed gallbladder should be continued.

After removal of the gallbladder, proper nutrition is necessary (diet No. 5 is the most important factor for successful recovery), in combination with drug therapy.

I would like to warn you right away that self-medication can only aggravate the situation. What to drink after removal of the gallbladder, the regimen and dosage of medications used is determined only by a qualified specialist, based on anamnesis data and the results of instrumental and laboratory tests, who can prescribe effective and safe treatment. What is the treatment after removal of the gallbladder and what medications are prescribed after cholecystectomy will be discussed in our article.

What changes in the body in the absence of this organ?

The main change in the absence of this removed organ is that after resection of the bile reservoir, the normal digestive process is disrupted, since bile does not reach the required concentration and enters the intestine constantly, regardless of the presence of food in it. This impairs the digestive properties of this liver secretion. Bile deficiency negatively affects the digestion process. In addition, this liquid is quite aggressive, and in the absence of food it can cause inflammation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

If malfunctions are observed in the functioning of the sphincter of the bile ducts, this leads to stagnation of this liver secretion, which greatly irritates the mucous membrane of these ducts, as well as the mucous membrane of the duodenum. Against this background, duodenitis may develop, and bile reflux occurs (the reflux of this substance into the stomach, which causes severe heartburn). Constant attacks of heartburn indicate the development of a pathology such as gastritis.

In connection with this, it is necessary to take medications that will help protect the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate congestion in the bile ducts. In addition, it is necessary to take drugs that stimulate bile secretion in order to eliminate the deficiency of this secretion, which interferes with the normal breakdown of fats supplied with food. Against the background of impaired digestion, stool disorders are possible (diarrhea alternating with constipation), as well as disorders associated with the digestibility of cholesterol, calcium and other substances consumed in food.

Drug treatment after gallbladder removal

To improve the breakdown of food in the intestines, it is recommended to take enzymes after removal of the gallbladder. The most popular and widespread drugs are drugs called “Mezim” and “Festal”.

After removal of the gallbladder, they compensate for the lack of enzymes contained in bile. With their help, there is a better breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, the components included in these drugs have a slight analgesic effect.

Such medicines includes enzymes produced by the pancreas. With a normally healthy gallbladder, the concentrated bile contained in it, entering the duodenum, has a stimulating effect on the secretion of pancreatic enzymes, but in the absence of this organ, the quantity and concentration of bile is not enough to fully stimulate the work of this gland. It is the intake of enzyme-containing drugs that helps compensate for this deficiency and helps the normal course of the digestive process.

Despite the fact that Mezim after removal of the gallbladder is the most popular drug in this group, in Lately An enzyme-containing product such as Creon is becoming increasingly popular.

After removal of the gallbladder, its unique structure makes it possible for its microcapsules to be evenly distributed throughout the entire area of ​​the small intestine, thereby ensuring:

  • improved breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins;
  • more complete absorption of nutrients contained in food by the body;
  • normal bowel function.

Designed to relieve pain caused by spasms.

The most famous medicine of this group is “No-spa”, which relaxes the smooth muscles of internal organs well.

In many cases, after cholecystectomy, a spasm occurs in the biliary tract, which leads to pain in the right hypochondrium. No-spa has a relaxing effect on the sphincter of these ducts, and the bile calmly leaves them. This drug is well absorbed and quickly enters the bloodstream. As a result, relief occurs within ten minutes after administration.

It is allowed to use drugs for intramuscular administration to increase their effectiveness.

In addition to No-shpa, the antispasmodics Duspatalin and Mebeverine, which have a myotropic effect, are widely used.

They also relieve spasms well by relaxing the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and disintegrate in the human body without a trace. They also help with intestinal disorders and relieve discomfort. These drugs begin to work twenty minutes after you take them. Extremely rare cases of negative side effects made these antispasmodics very popular along with the well-known “No-shpa”.

Choleretic drugs

The question of the advisability of taking choleretic medications is in exclusive competence attending physician. As a rule, these drugs have a beneficial effect on liver secretion and help avoid stagnation of bile in the hepatic ducts. However, you need to be careful with them and strictly follow the prescribed dosage and dosage regimen. It is imperative to follow diet No. 5 to organize effective bile excretion and normalize the digestive process.

In this group of medicines, the most famous is “Allohol” - a natural drug, 70 percent of which is pork bile, and 10 percent is activated carbon.

The remaining components are nettle and garlic extracts. This composition allows you to increase bile secretion and help the normal functioning of the liver. In addition, it is a good preventative against recurrent stone formation in the bile ducts, since it dilutes the liver bile. Another positive effect of Allochol is minimizing the occurrence of putrefactive processes in the intestines. It helps against constipation and flatulence. How to take Allohol after removal of the gallbladder is prescribed by the attending physician.

Another drug in this group is Cholenzym.

Another herbal choleretic drug is called “Holosas”.

Its basis is rose hip extract, which contains many flavonoids, pectins, beneficial acids, vitamins and essential oils. It looks like a dark, very sweet liquid. Improves liver function, stimulating its secretory function, and also dilutes bile and improves its fluidity. It has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, Holosas stimulates the pancreas and intestines. The complex of acids and vitamins it contains has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and restorative effects. This drug completely disintegrates without a trace and provides a bactericidal effect on the liver.

Another drug in this group is Cholenzym (some incorrectly call it Cholinizim).

It contains a whole complex of natural components, such as dry bile, dried pancreas and large intestinal mucous membranes. cattle. This medicine stimulates the secretion of bile and improves its flow through the bile ducts. The enzymes included in Cholenzym promote the rapid breakdown of food and also help fight the feeling of heaviness, bloating, constipation and other manifestations of discomfort.

It is worth saying that “Cholenzim” for gallstones, like any other choleretic drug, is very dangerous to take, since in the case of cholelithiasis this can provoke migration of stones into the bile ducts, and the stone can clog them.

Remember: whether you can take choleretic drugs after removing the gallbladder or not - only the doctor decides! Taking these medications on your own can seriously harm your health.

Preparations based on urso- and chenodeoxycholic acid

Such drugs are designed to compensate for the deficiency of bile acids in the liver bile and normalize its chemical composition. This helps prevent recurrent stone formation in the bile ducts. In addition, these drugs are used for polyps in the gallbladder and for cholelithiasis to resolve these tumors.

The most famous of these drugs are Ursosan, Ursaofalk and Henofalk. How to take Ursosan or its analogues should be decided by the doctor based on the patient’s current condition.

Liver protectors - hepatoprotectors

These drugs restore hepatocytes (liver cells), increase bile secretion, improve the chemical composition of liver secretions, and also support and protect the liver, the load on which increases when the gallbladder is removed. These drugs are also effective in the treatment of biliary cirrhosis, which occurs when bile excretion from the hepatic ducts is impaired. They are also prescribed for elevated level bilirubin.

A natural hepatoprotector is a drug such as “Karsil”, which is based on an extract of this medicinal plant, like milk thistle.

The active ingredient of this drug restores hepatocytes and also blocks harmful effects viruses and toxins. By relaxing the sphincters of the bile ducts, Karsil accelerates bile excretion. According to reviews from patients who took this drug, they experienced an improvement in their overall health and normalized digestion. This medicine also normalizes the chemical composition of bile. This natural medicine helps stabilize the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract and helps prevent the occurrence of liver inflammation.

Other drugs that help digestion in the absence of this organ

Since without the gallbladder the load on the other organs of the digestive system increases, the doctor may prescribe other medications to normalize their functioning. For example, an increase in the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which causes a strong burning sensation in the chest, belching and heartburn, is well treated with Omez or Omeprazole.

“Omez” after removal of the gallbladder allows you to cope with these negative symptoms and normalize the functioning of the digestive system. For this purpose, they also drink it for gallstones. The effect of these drugs is similar, therefore Omeprazole after removal of the gallbladder will be no less effective.

In conclusion, I would like to say that whatever the treatment after removal of the gallbladder, its effectiveness directly depends on compliance with all medical recommendations regarding not only the course of medications, but also compliance with the diet and diet, as well as limiting physical activity.

The medications you take after gallbladder removal must be prescribed by a doctor, and not “advice” from friends and acquaintances. If you eat only approved foods, eat right and protect your body from excessive physical stress, then this A complex approach can give you back a full life after cholecystectomy.

And yet, it is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later.

Maintaining healthy image life and proper nutrition will help to avoid problems not only with gallstones, but also with other internal organs. Be healthy!

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