CMV positive during pregnancy first trimester. Cytomegalovirus in pregnant women: what does igg positive mean, what is dangerous. Effect of treatment on the fetus

Greetings, dear readers! It often happens that children accidentally fall and hit themselves and get a concussion. But parents do not always notice that the baby has suffered a serious internal injury, while its consequences may be far from rosy. How to recognize a concussion in a child, its main signs and symptoms, first aid methods and, of course, the consequences of the disease.

Symptoms of concussion in children

Children are restless creatures, so most injuries occur between the ages of one and 12 years.

Concussions are divided into three categories based on the danger to the body:

  • Concussion of brain structures. This is the most light form damage that the child may receive.
  • Brain contusion. It is considered a moderate injury, in which a fracture of the skull bones is possible.
  • Bruise with hematoma. The most severe injury in which a hematoma is formed and the cranial vault is damaged.

Depending on the severity of the injury and the age of the child, symptoms may manifest differently. For example, in infants, concussions are rare and the signs are almost subtle. In school-age children, symptoms may not appear immediately, so the baby should be monitored for several hours. In the first days, parents should pay attention to the following features:

  • Pale skin. After a bruise, the skin looks paler than usual, then redness occurs. The symptom appears in 70-80% of cases, but it may not exist.
  • Astigmatism. The movements of the pupils are asynchronous. One of the manifestations is nystagmus (fluctuations of the pupils, reaching several hundred per minute).
  • Nausea and vomiting . They can be single or multiple, but it is impossible not to pay attention to this symptom.
  • Headache. If children of the first year of life cannot report their feelings, then in adolescents and preschoolers you can find out whether headache, indicating a bruise.
  • Loss of consciousness . Fainting can be either short or long lasting.
  • Increased or slow heart rate. To observe this symptom, just put your hand on the baby’s wrist.
  • Hesitant breathing. In some cases, it may indicate a concussion.

  • Nosebleeds. They can be a sign not only of a concussion, but also of more serious injuries.
  • Enlargement or reduction of pupils. Along with the lack of response to stimuli, this symptom indicates a concussion.

Along with these, other symptoms may also appear. They can be less or more pronounced, short or protracted:

  • lethargy, drowsiness, lack of interest in favorite activities;
  • aching headaches;
  • sensation of tinnitus;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disorder

During a concussion, the integrity of the cranial bones may be damaged, but it is impossible to establish this fact at home. The parents’ task is to quickly deliver the child to a medical institution, where instrumental diagnostics will be carried out.

Remember: body temperature does not increase during a concussion. If fever and chills appear along with headaches, you are dealing with a viral infection.

What to do if you have a concussion?

The action plan of the person next to the injured child should be aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition until the ambulance arrives:

  • As soon as you call a doctor, carefully examine the surface of your scalp. If there are damages, treat them with an alcohol-free antiseptic (Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide).
  • If there is bleeding, apply a cotton swab to the damaged area and apply a bandage.
  • In the first degree of concussion, when there is a slight headache, dizziness, weakness, but the baby is conscious, you can take him to the hospital yourself, giving the body a horizontal position. Do not take your child on public transport under any circumstances: shaking will only worsen the injury. At the clinic, get examined by a traumatologist and neurosurgeon.

  • In the second degree, accompanied by vomiting, short-term loss of consciousness, place the baby in a horizontal position and call ambulance.
  • In the third degree, which is accompanied by loss of consciousness, place the child on his right side. Your right hand should be under your head, and your legs should be bent at the knees. This way you can protect your baby from vomiting and convulsions and wait for the doctors to arrive.

In the third degree of concussion, never place the child on his back and make sure that the head is higher than the body.

Treatment of concussion

Before deciding whether a child requires hospital treatment, doctors prescribe diagnostics, which include:

  • neurosonography;
  • X-ray of the skull;
  • echo-encephalography;
  • CT m MRI;
  • electroencephalography;
  • lumbar puncture (performed according to indications if meningitis or hemorrhage is suspected).

During the diagnosis, the baby may be hospitalized. If no serious violations are found, the time of stay in the hospital can be reduced to 4 days.

Treatment in a hospital has several advantages:

  • it is easier to provide the child with bed rest;
  • there is constant medical monitoring if the baby suddenly becomes ill;
  • TV and computer viewing time is limited, which is difficult to achieve at home.

The following is prescribed as a course of therapy:

  • diuretics (Furosemide, Diacarb);
  • to replenish the level of potassium salts (Asparkam);
  • sedatives (valerian tincture);
  • antihistamines (Suprastin, Diazolin);
  • for headaches (Sedalgin, Baralgin);
  • for nausea (Cerucal).

At home after discharge, it is recommended to maintain a regimen of calm and limited physical activity for some time. Bed rest is indicated for 2 weeks. If necessary, nootropic drugs and vitamin complexes are prescribed. If all rules are followed, recovery occurs within 3 weeks, and the baby can return to school or kindergarten.

Consequences of a concussion

A concussion is dangerous due to its complications. If the injury is left untreated, the consequences can be serious:

  • increased sensitivity to temperature changes in the external environment;
  • the appearance of phobias;
  • sudden changes in mood, which are associated with headaches;
  • convulsions;
  • decreased immunity;
  • problems with concentration and memory.

Complications may not appear immediately. Sometimes they make themselves felt after a few weeks, and sometimes after a few years.

If concussions often occur in a child, adults should reconsider the child’s lifestyle and attitude towards his safety. Injuries may be the result of insufficient supervision of the baby, which will invariably affect his health in the future.

After a bruise, parents should carefully monitor the condition and the slightest changes in the child’s behavior. If headaches, dizziness, or nausea continue for more than four weeks, you should consult a doctor, even if you have completed a course of treatment.

Do not ignore the slightest disturbances and changes in the child’s condition! The quality of his future life may depend on this.

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A concussion in a child is a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), which is caused by a strong physical or mechanical impact on the child’s head. It should be noted that in this case injury is implied without violating the integrity of the skull.

The clinical picture of this pathological process is clearly expressed, but the symptoms are rather nonspecific, so the diagnosis of concussion in children is carried out only by a qualified doctor using laboratory and instrumental methods. A physical examination alone is not enough in this case.

Despite the fact that injuries of this type are considered moderate or moderate in severity, hospitalization of the child is required. Treatment is based only on integrated approach, with sedative and nootropic therapy.

Provided that parents promptly seek competent medical help and treatment is started in a timely manner, complications can be avoided and the child will fully recover.


The main cause of a concussion in a child is trauma. In general, we can identify the following etiological factors that can lead to the development of this pathological process:

  • up to one year - inattention of parents or rough treatment of the child;
  • excessive physical activity of the baby;
  • lack of control on the part of parents during games, movement around the house (special attention is required at the time when the baby has just learned to walk and falls are inevitable);
  • insufficient development of coordination of movement and motor skills;
  • sudden braking or acceleration - in preschool age, such sudden movements can also lead to a concussion;
  • bruises, blows to the head when falling;
  • “shaken baby syndrome” - careless movements of parents while rocking the baby, carrying them in their arms or during games.

In addition, one important factor should be noted, which concerns children of preschool and primary school age (mainly) - a child may deliberately hide the fact of injury from his parents for one reason or another, so the initial symptoms are often interpreted incorrectly and a doctor is not contacted in a timely manner.


The generally accepted classification involves dividing the pathological process into several stages according to the nature of severity:

  • first degree (mild) - consciousness is present, symptoms are observed within 15 minutes;
  • second degree (moderate) - a pronounced clinical picture lasts more than half an hour;
  • third degree (severe) - loss of consciousness may be present at any time (that is, it implies the fact that unconsciousness can occur after a couple of hours after the injury). The clinical picture lasts up to a day, in some cases more.

Even if a child exhibits symptoms that are characteristic of a mild degree of development of the pathological process, consultation with a doctor is required. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to determine the nature of the injury only by the course of the clinical picture, and therefore ignoring the symptoms or self-medication can lead to extremely negative consequences in the future.


The nature of concussion symptoms in children will depend on the severity and age of the child. Thus, it is extremely difficult to diagnose such an injury in a newborn baby, since the child cannot explain the nature of the symptoms, and the outward clinical picture can only be characterized by moodiness, crying, and short-term disruption of the sleep cycle. However, for moderate and severe injuries, the following symptomatic complex will be present:

  • regurgitation during feeding occurs more often than usual;
  • swelling of the fontanel;
  • single vomiting for no apparent reason;
  • lethargy;
  • poor appetite or its complete absence.

In younger children preschool age The first signs of a brain injury can be characterized as follows:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • pale skin;
  • increased sleepiness or, on the contrary, baby long time can't sleep;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • slow pulse;
  • increased sweating.

If the cause of the traumatic brain injury is a strong blow, then a short-term decrease in visual acuity is possible. It should be noted that temperature during concussion is not a defining clinical sign. Its increase or decrease may be due to psychosomatics.

Signs of a concussion in an older child are characterized as follows:

  • severe headaches for no apparent reason;
  • nausea with repeated vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • short-term memory loss. It is because of this that the child often cannot explain why he lost consciousness and what kind of injury was inflicted on him;
  • impaired coordination of movements, problems with motor skills.

In addition, the clinical picture may also contain external signs - bruising, hematoma, abrasions in the area of ​​impact. Therefore, if such factors are present, you should consult a doctor rather than engage in self-treatment. Only a doctor can diagnose a concussion.

It is very important for parents to understand the following - due to the fact that the clinical picture of this type of injury is non-specific, in no case should you independently compare symptoms and treatment, this can lead to extremely negative consequences.


Only a doctor can determine a concussion in a child. In this case, diagnosis is carried out in two stages - physical examination and instrumental examination methods.

The initial examination of the child, regardless of his age, should take place together with the parents. During the physical examination, the doctor should determine the following:

  • were there any bruises or injuries in the head area the day before;
  • how long ago the symptoms began to appear;
  • the nature of the clinical picture - the frequency and intensity of manifestations of signs of TBI.

Instrumental diagnostics involves the following activities:

  • neurosonography - in most cases prescribed to children under two years of age;
  • X-ray examination;
  • CT or MRI of the brain;
  • Echo-encephalography.

As for laboratory diagnostic methods, they are used only when necessary, since they do not provide informational value in diagnosing this pathological process.

Based on the results of the study, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and, accordingly, prescribe effective treatment.


In most cases, treatment of concussion in children is carried out in a hospital setting, since observation is required on the first day to exclude complications. In addition, the parents themselves, before contacting doctors, should provide first aid to the baby - they should provide him with complete rest, and, if possible, question him about the nature of the injury. It is strictly prohibited to give any medications to determine the diagnosis without a doctor’s prescription.

Treatment should only be comprehensive, namely:

  • drug therapy;
  • compliance with bed rest;
  • proper nutrition.

The medicinal part of treatment may include drugs with the following spectrum of action:

  • antihistamines;
  • diuretics;
  • sedatives;
  • painkillers;
  • to eliminate nausea;
  • to improve cerebral circulation.

As a supplement, the doctor may prescribe a vitamin and mineral complex.

In most cases, a concussion is not dangerous to the child’s health, but only if all necessary therapeutic measures are taken.


The consequences of a concussion may include the following:

  • chronic headaches;
  • periodic vomiting, without any apparent etiological factor;
  • weather dependence;
  • sleep cycle disturbance.

In general, the nature of possible complications will depend on the severity of the injury, the state of health of the child and his age.


It should be noted that even if parents follow preventive recommendations, it is almost impossible to exclude a concussion in a child. You can reduce the risk of injury by following these rules:

  • do not make sudden movements while rocking, playing, or walking in a stroller;
  • monitor your child as he learns to walk;
  • talk with the child about how his day is going without his parents (in kindergarten, at school) in order to promptly establish the fact of injury.

In addition, for preventive purposes you should periodically visit your pediatrician.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Cerebral edema is a dangerous condition characterized by excessive accumulation of exudate in the tissues of the organ. As a result, its volume gradually increases and intracranial pressure increases. All this leads to disruption of blood circulation in the organ and to the death of its cells.

Eternal “jumping engines” - this is what children are often called, unable to sit still for a second. Little fidgets explore the world: they climb dangerous heights, climb into hard-to-reach places, and therefore are often susceptible to injury. Unfortunately, even the most attentive parents are not immune from the fact that their little one hits his head hard and gets a concussion. For each individual child, the first signs manifest themselves differently. Your main task is to notice the symptoms in time and provide first aid to the baby.


They are completely different and mainly depend on the age of your heir. Traumatic brain injuries are most common among schoolchildren. Climbing the tops of trees near the house or doing pull-ups in educational institution, the child may slip and fall from a height. The cause may also be a blow to the head from a swing, ball or other object. At the same time, signs of a concussion in children do not always appear immediately, so a student may notice the discomfort only after some time. In order not to lose precious minutes in the future, conduct preventive conversations with your son or daughter from an early age: they should immediately report all blows and bruises received.

Sometimes you can get a concussion for no apparent reason. In medicine they even use the term “shaken baby syndrome.” The little one gets similar damage when he suddenly starts running or slows down. Concussions can also be caused by jumping from great heights, car accidents, and fights. In infants, the most common cause is a fall due to oversight.

Skin changes

This is one of the most important symptoms, as it appears almost immediately. Pay attention to the baby's skin if you suspect a concussion in a child. The first signs: pallor of the epidermis, lack of elasticity. First the skin changes on the face, then on the limbs. It may appear transparent, sometimes taking on a blue or greenish tint. Capillaries are clearly visible on the arms and legs. Paleness accompanied by increased sweating is a very alarming signal indicating the poor condition of the baby.

Symptoms and signs of concussion in children sometimes appear instantly. For example, a lump may form immediately after a blow. Be sure to feel the baby's head, just do it carefully so as not to cause pain to the child. A small hematoma indicates swelling of the soft tissues. Apply something cold to the damaged area, periodically changing the item as it warms up. If the lump grows before your eyes and becomes huge, call an ambulance. This is a serious cause for concern.

Headache and accompanying symptoms

It appears already in the first hours after the injury. The baby complains of a buzzing in the head: often the pain is pulsating in nature, its epicenter is located in the back of the head, sometimes it radiates to the temporal region. If you do not take immediate action, over time the pain will only intensify and become unbearable. The child will say that his head is splitting. Timely treatment will help relieve pain. But be prepared for the fact that for several weeks it will not go away, although it will be duller and less painful.

Signs of a concussion in children that go hand in hand with a headache are blurred vision, a veil of fog that appears before the eyes. The baby may say that he has “midges running” or “swimming circles.” In this case, temporary loss of consciousness or slight fainting is possible. In some cases, post-traumatic blindness is observed: the causes of its phenomenon have not yet been studied. Be sure to look at the baby’s pupils: their narrowing should signal that the disease is progressing.

Other signs

Immediately after the impact, breathing increases greatly. It seems that the little one does not have enough air. This symptom goes away quite quickly, so parents breathe a sigh of relief and do not immediately consult a doctor. In this regard, pay attention to other signs of a concussion in your child. The symptoms that are actually right in front of your nose are a violation of the normal functioning of the heart and the frequency of the pulse. To find out their condition, just put your finger on your wrist. A rapid pulse indicates tachycardia following an injury and is an important symptom of a concussion.

If it is possible to measure your blood pressure, do so. After the baby is injured, it is unstable: it rises and falls every minute. The child feels unwell: weakness, tinnitus, weak legs, trembling hands. One of the very first signs of a concussion is nausea and vomiting. They are optional, but are quite common in children. If the blow is very strong, the child may not remember some events: a few minutes before and after the injury, as well as the moment of the blow itself.

Secondary signs of a concussion in a child

It happens that parents do not immediately find out about the toddler’s injury. For example, in the summer a student was vacationing at a camp where he hit his head while playing on the basketball court. The child himself waved away alarming symptoms or was embarrassed to report the illness to adults, and the counselors, in turn, did not notice this. After some time, your child comes home and starts complaining about feeling unwell, but you don’t understand the reason.

Secondary signs of concussion in children are photophobia and increased sensitivity to sounds. Any slight slam of a door or the grinding of dishes causes a discomfort in the baby. He rapidly loses his appetite, even refusing his favorite foods and sweets. At night the child suffers from insomnia or severe nightmares. A few days after the trauma, lethargy develops. The baby looks with an absent gaze, does not understand what they want from him, he is indifferent to requests, his mood changes every second. Sometimes children develop retrograde amnesia, when there is a complete absence of memories of the “traumatic” day.

Concussion in infants

Injuries in infants occur solely due to the fault of the parents. Adults may not notice how the baby confidently climbs to the very edge of the sofa, from which a moment later he flies headfirst onto the hard floor. Carelessness and inattention of mom or dad - doctors associate concussions in children with them in 90% of cases. What are the signs of illness in infants? Firstly, the physiology of infants is such that their head weighs much more than their torso. Therefore, when falling, he hits the crown of his head, and not the back of his head or forehead. In this regard, an infant is injured much less often than an older child.

Secondly, the baby will not tell you where it hurts or how he feels. Therefore, watch the baby. By the way, a lump may appear almost immediately. Attach it to her cold compress: Ice cubes from the freezer, wrapped in cheesecloth. Keep it for at least 15-20 minutes: the cold will narrow the blood vessels, swelling will stop developing, and the pain will go away. Examine the baby's skin and eyeballs, feel the pulse. Even if nothing suspicious is found, still visit a neurologist.

First aid

The first and most basic rule is don't panic. An unforeseen circumstance has already happened, so pull yourself together and call an ambulance. While the doctor gets to your home, relieve the victim's condition. Place the baby on the sofa, create all the conditions for his comfortable rest: turn off the TV, dim the lights, close the windows so that noise from the street does not irritate the child. Try to speak as quietly and calmly as possible. Put your phone on silent mode: you should not turn it off completely, since the doctor who responded to the call may call you to clarify the route or inquire about the dynamics of changes in the baby’s condition.

Signs of a concussion in children, such as nausea and vomiting, also require proper action. You must turn your child on his side so that another attack of stomach contents does not lead to asphyxia. Do not forget to control the pulse: in infants it is easy to feel it in the fontanel area, in one-year-old children - in the armpit area. Attention: in order for the doctor to quickly and accurately diagnose the severity of the injury, do not let the child fall asleep until the medical team arrives.


Signs of concussion in children, symptoms and treatment of the disease, prevention and consequences - all this is studied in detail by medical workers at specialized universities. They are professionals: it is they, and not you, who decide which therapy to choose for the quick healing of your little one. Therefore, before the ambulance arrives, there is no amateur activity. Do not give pills or other medications to your baby at your own risk: this can only make the situation worse.

After the doctor arrives, tell him in detail how the baby was injured, describe the first symptoms and the algorithm for their manifestation. A medical professional can diagnose a concussion by the condition of the pupils: after a strong blow, they narrow and the eyeball twitches. Already in the hospital, the child will have an x-ray, with the help of which they will determine whether there is a fracture of the skull bones. The baby will also undergo neurosonography - a sound study of brain vessels, which will assess the possibility of hemorrhages and internal hematomas. In addition, an echoencephalogram will detect displacement of gray matter structures.


Be prepared for the fact that the baby will be admitted to the hospital for several days. This is necessary in order to prevent possible complications: cerebral edema, the appearance of seizures and epilepsy, the occurrence of hematomas. In addition, the hospital maintains a routine and peace, which the little one simply needs now.

How to treat concussion in children? Firstly, the baby will be prescribed diuretic medications (Diacarb or Furosemide) in mandatory combination with potassium supplements (Panangin, Asparkam). This is necessary to prevent cerebral edema. Secondly, sedative therapy is also mandatory: the child is given an infusion of valerian root or Phenazepam. For nausea, the baby is prescribed "Cerucal", for severe headaches - analgesics "Baralgin" or "Sedalgin". The baby will also take antihistamines: Diazolin, Suprastin. After some time, nootropic medications may be prescribed to normalize brain function, as well as vitamins.

After being discharged home, the regimen must be followed for another two weeks. Read in detail the information on how they affect further work gray matter consequences of concussion in children. Symptoms and treatment, as well as rehabilitation after injury, are described in any medical reference book. After reading it, you will see that for the baby to quickly recover, the following conditions are necessary: ​​complete rest and silence. In the first two weeks, be sure to protect him from watching TV, computer games and even reading. The child is also prohibited from playing sports for a month.

See a neurologist and take prescribed medications. If you do everything correctly, then within three weeks your baby will fully recover. During the year after the injury, try to give him more rest, try to take him to a sanatorium. And be warned: even the lightest blow can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, if your baby complains of even minor pain, immediately take him to the doctor. Concussion in children, symptoms, signs, treatment and rehabilitation after illness require a responsible approach and strict adherence to the instructions prescribed by the doctor.

Parents try to protect their children from all kinds of injuries, but there are times when this does happen. One of the most common injuries is concussion in young children. What is it and what is the treatment for the injury?


A concussion is a type of closed head injury. In this case, a short-term loss of consciousness is possible. As a result of a concussion, small blood vessels in the brain are damaged, which can lead to headaches, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms. In most cases, the injury is not dangerous to the life and health of the child, and the symptoms of concussion in children quickly disappear.


Absolutely all children are susceptible to concussions, even babies under one year of age. From the moment a child begins to independently attempt to roll over or crawl, he requires increased attention, since a fall from a sofa or bed can lead to a concussion. An accident can happen in a matter of seconds, so babies should not be left unattended even for a short period of time. It is a misconception that children are injured only by irresponsible parents. Unfortunately, even an attentive mother can encounter this.

In older children, other causes of concussion include:

Concussions in newborns in the first few days of life are considered the most dangerous, as they can lead to long-term disruption of brain function.

Severity of injury

Concussions can vary in severity:

  1. A mild degree occurs after a mild blow. With such an injury, the child complains of headaches and dizziness, which pass rather quickly. However, you still need to show the baby to the doctor.
  2. The average degree is expressed in disorientation in space, as well as symptoms that persist for a longer time.
  3. Severe degrees can be complicated by loss of consciousness and amnesia. Poor health persists for several days.

Depending on the severity of the injury, the treatment strategy for a concussion is determined.

Signs of injury

How do you know if your child has a concussion? First of all, you need to pay attention to these first signs of a concussion in a child:

  1. The skin suddenly becomes pale, and after some time its shade changes to red.
  2. Temporary visual impairment or motor function eye. A squint may form and one pupil may become larger than the other. In addition, there is gaze paralysis and involuntary eye movements.
  3. Single or repeated vomiting.
  4. Acute headache that is difficult to tolerate without taking painkillers. At this time, children cannot hold back their tears and moans.
  5. Brief loss of consciousness (fainting). Most often, the duration of this state varies from several seconds to several minutes. Longer loss of consciousness is a reason for hospitalization of the baby.
  6. Change in heart rate. At the same time, it is not necessary that it will become more frequent; a slowdown in the heart rate may also be observed.
  7. Respiratory dysfunction. As a result, breathing becomes uneven, intermittent and shallow.
  8. Bleeding from the nose, and in rare cases from the ears, is a symptom of severe concussion in children.
  9. Dizziness, which in case of severe concussion is accompanied by loss of coordination (drunken gait).
  10. A fall blood pressure.
  11. Increased sleepiness. The child tends to put his head on the table or throw it back. Also, children who, according to their age, are already able to speak clearly, complain of weakness in the body.
  12. Memory impairment. For example, a child may not remember what happened some time ago. In rare cases, severe amnesia has occurred.

Depending on the severity of the injury, concussion symptoms in children may vary slightly. Sometimes there are disturbances in hearing, vision or speech.

Symptoms of a concussion in children under one year of age differ from signs of injury in older children. For example, they experience:

Recognizing a concussion in infants can be very difficult, since symptoms may not always be observed. However, in any case, it is necessary to provide the victim with peace and show him to the pediatrician.

How long does it take for a child to develop a concussion? Symptoms are not always determined immediately after injury; sometimes manifestations can occur within 24 hours after the incident or even later. It is important not to hesitate, but to immediately contact a medical facility.

First aid

If the child is left without proper attention immediately after an injury, the symptoms may worsen, which will lead to negative consequences. What to do if a child has a concussion? It is necessary to provide first aid to the victim:

  1. If a concussion occurs as a result of a blow to the head, then it is necessary to examine it for scratches or abrasions. They must be treated with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. It is not recommended to use alcohol-containing solutions for these purposes, especially if the victim is infant.
  2. After this, it is necessary to call an ambulance so that doctors can assess the child’s condition. In some cases, hospitalization is indicated.
  3. You need to lay the child on a horizontal surface and turn his head to the side. It is also recommended to cover him with a warm blanket if the concussion occurs during the cold season.
  4. It is necessary to create a calm atmosphere in the room where the victim is located; you can close the curtains on the windows.
  5. It is important to keep your child awake until the medical team arrives, as this may worsen the symptoms of the concussion.
  6. During this period, children are prohibited from any activity, even if their health is acceptable.

If there is a loss of consciousness, then the following first aid is required for a concussion in a child:

  • it is necessary to help the victim take a position lying on the right side;
  • legs must be bent at the knees;
  • right hand should be placed under the head, and the left one extended along the body.

It is important to monitor the condition of the victim, since a child with a concussion may vomit at any time. Therefore, if his head is not turned to the side, then there is a possibility that the baby will choke on vomit.

If you suspect a concussion in a child, but have mild symptoms, you can take him to the clinic yourself. However, it is important that it is in a lying position and that the ride is comfortable.

Diagnosis of injury

Upon arrival at the hospital or the arrival of the medical team, parents must accurately describe the symptoms that they observed in the baby. It is also necessary to report the first aid they provided for a child’s concussion.

It is important that after the incident the victim is examined by specialists such as a traumatologist and a neurologist. They should test the sensitivity motor activity, reflexes, measure intracranial pressure, look at the pupils (if a child has a concussion, their size changes). Even if the symptoms are not too pronounced, and the baby feels fine, this does not mean that the injury can pass without a trace.

How is a child’s concussion diagnosed using medical equipment? The following studies are prescribed:

  1. An X-ray is necessary to rule out the possibility of a fracture or crack in the bones of the skull.
  2. Neurosonography determines the presence of internal edema, hemorrhages or hematomas in the brain.
  3. Ultrasound of the head evaluates general state the affected organ.

In rare cases, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is used.

Therapy for trauma

Having received the research results, parents have a question: “How to treat a concussion in a child?” Therapy can be carried out both at home and in a hospital setting. The choice of techniques depends on the severity of the injury.

Children of primary school and preschool age are necessarily placed in a hospital, since in this way it is much more convenient to monitor the child’s condition and assess the consequences. If no concomitant pathologies are detected, the length of stay in the clinic is several days. Also, being in a hospital has a positive effect on the child’s health, since noisy active games, which are contraindicated in the post-traumatic period, are not allowed there.

As part of treatment, the following medications are prescribed:

With such therapy and the absence of serious damage to the skull and brain, the child is discharged from the hospital on the 7th day of treatment. After which he should be at home under parental supervision for 2-3 weeks. It is important to minimize vigorous activity. It is not recommended to run and play, watch TV, as it is annoying nervous system and brain.

Nutritional Features

After treatment is prescribed for the child, you need to take care of the correct daily routine and adequate nutrition of the injured person. Since during this period the victim feels tired and weak, his appetite decreases significantly.

During the period of treatment and recovery of the body after an injury, it is recommended to eat more foods that contain vitamins B, C, magnesium, calcium, lecithin, fatty acid Omega-3:

  • meat and offal (liver, heart);
  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat);
  • legumes (beans, peas, lentils, peanuts);
  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • any types of fish;
  • fruits vegetables.

What not to do

Some parents don't give of great importance bruises that their children receive, but this should not be done. You should also know that you cannot:

  • leaving the injured child unattended, as important symptoms that indicate a concussion may be missed;
  • shake a baby who has lost consciousness to bring him to his senses (for this it is better to use ammonia, which must be brought to the victim’s nose);
  • lay the child on his back, as there is a chance of choking when vomiting;
  • self-medicate without consulting specialists;
  • make noise near the victim, as this may worsen his well-being.

If you comply simple rules behavior when a concussion is detected in a child, recovery will proceed noticeably faster and without complications.


Most often, after the symptoms of injury disappear, parents do not continue the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, and the child no longer observes the silence regime for the prescribed time. If treatment is not completed, a concussion may appear much later, for example, in adolescence in the form of the following symptoms:

Unfortunately, these consequences can last a lifetime, so it is very important to complete the course of treatment for a concussion.


Of course, it is impossible to completely protect a child from receiving any injuries, even with tireless monitoring. However, you can minimize the risk by following these recommendations:

All children fall and hit their heads sooner or later. Therefore, it is important to monitor the subsequent condition of the baby and look closely at the symptoms that may appear after injury.

Head injuries in infants: a very serious and sensitive topic. Parents should not only be aware of the symptoms of a concussion, but also know what to do in such situations.

What can cause a concussion in a child under one year old?

The skull of the head in newborn children is very fragile and even the most minor damage and bruises can cause serious negative consequences. Therefore, it is very important for parents to properly care for the child, especially the most important part of the baby’s head - the fontanelle.


In most cases, a baby suffers a traumatic brain injury due to the parents’ negligence in raising and caring for the little one. Such situations occur especially often when the child is 7-8 months old. At this age, infants are already more active: they can roll over from their backs to their stomachs and sit up independently from a lying position, which is the cause of many falls. So, the baby can fall from the sofa, changing table, cribs during sleep. Therefore, at this stage of development, adults You should not leave the baby unattended even for the shortest time.

Also, one of the causes of concussion can be rough handling of newborns. Moms and dads should remember that even the slightest blow or sudden shaking during motion sickness can threaten the baby’s health.

Signs of a concussion in a child before 1 of the year

Usually a concussion occurs in infant occurs without pronounced symptoms. This, in turn, causes difficulties in recognizing and diagnosing traumatic brain injury.

Presence of the following symptoms in the behavior of a newborn should alert parents and cause an urgent visit to the doctor:

  • anxiety and unreasonable crying;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • weak appetite or its complete absence;
  • frequent regurgitation during feeding;
  • vomit;
  • pale facial skin;
  • drowsiness and others.

ATTENTION! Experts say that when a head injury occurs, children under 1 year of age very rarely lose consciousness, unlike children of preschool and school age. Therefore, you should not focus on this sign.

Externally, after a fall and blow, scratches, bruises and bleeding wounds may appear on the head of a small child. Also, a reason to panic and urgently call an ambulance is enlarged fontanel. Such a symptom may indicate not only a concussion in the baby, but also a more severe degree of traumatic brain injury (cerebral edema, intracranial hematoma, etc.).

It is worth noting that concussion symptoms in an infant, they can appear both immediately after a head impact, and after some time has passed. If the child begins to behave strangely and capriciously after an accident, we strongly recommend that parents seek advice from a doctor. Slowness in such situations can not only worsen the child’s condition, but also cause dire and irreversible consequences.

Next video consultation with a specialist will help adults will not only learn to identify signs of head injuries in children, but also to prevent falls:

How to treat concussions in young children

The doctor must ask the parents about all the details of the fall and the condition of the baby before the ambulance arrives, and also conduct a comprehensive and thorough examination.

Children, especially young children, with suspected traumatic brain injury in most cases hospitalized. This helps to comprehensively investigate the problem and prevent the occurrence of more serious complications.

A very important and effective method for diagnosing traumatic brain injury is neurosonography. The essence this method- study of the structure of the brain through the fragile bones of the skull of a one-year-old baby. This helps not only to make the correct diagnosis, but also to determine effective treatment tactics. More details about the methods of diagnosing head injuries can be found in this article: (article: concussions: symptoms, signs)

ATTENTION! The main rule in the treatment of concussion is complete rest and careful monitoring of the little patient’s condition.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe drug therapy. The following drugs are often prescribed:

In most cases, after a concussion, no complications are observed and, usually, after 3-4 weeks the toddler’s health is restored.

WITHconcussion in an infant: Oreviews from parents

Diana, 25 years old, Voronezh

When my child was 5 months old, he accidentally fell out of the hands of my 12-year-old daughter. Swelling and bruising instantly appeared on my forehead. I didn’t wait for symptoms and immediately went to the clinic. The doctor, after conducting an examination, diagnosed a mild concussion. We were observed in the hospital for approximately 1 week, there were no complications. We did not use any drugs.

Elena, 34 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

Our baby fell out of bed while sleeping at the age of 8 months. To my surprise, my daughter didn’t even cry and I thought there was no reason to worry. The next morning, my daughter behaved very strangely: she refused to eat, slept more than usual, was capricious and cried. In the evening she started vomiting, after which we called an ambulance. Using diagnostics, my daughter was diagnosed with a concussion. Vitamins and medications were prescribed: Furosemide, Panangin and Kaviton. After 3 weeks everything went away. The doctor said that if we had delayed our visit to the hospital, things might not have ended so well.

Sergey, 39 years old, Vladivostok

We also had a similar bitter experience. By nature, my son is a very active child, he cannot be stopped, and at 11 months he could already walk and climb onto sofas and chairs. One fine day, when his wife turned away just for a minute, the son fell off the sofa and hit his head. An ambulance was immediately called. Already in the hospital, the traumatologist diagnosed a concussion and the son, naturally, was hospitalized. My wife and I insisted on additional diagnostics, after which the diagnosis was only confirmed. We were prescribed diuretics, antihistamines, sedatives, as well as vitamins and a remedy for nausea and vomiting. And, of course, bed rest. The last one was the hardest. Our baby really loves to run. After 2.5, the child’s condition completely stabilized.

How to recognize a concussion in an infant

Don't know how a concussion manifests itself in an infant? We advise moms and dads to watch a video in which a neurologist gives advice on what symptoms parents should be wary of and what first aid an adult can provide.

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