Gta 4 how to make a date on the Internet. Friends and girlfriends of Niko. Best friends on the other side of the law

Every girl has her own preferences and whims that you must cater to in order to get the most out of your date. Every girl has an initial opinion about each type of recreation. After visiting...

When building relationships with friends, you need to consider one most important factor. Every girl has an "initial attitude". It is individual and can change in steps of 1 or 5 points in each direction.

MICHELLE Michelle appears in the mission Three's a Crowd. After its completion, Niko must buy clothes and make an appointment with the girl. Clothing preferences: Michelle only likes clothes...

KATE MCREARY Katie appears in the mission Harboring a Grudge. And after completing the Waste Not Want Knots mission, her brother Packy McCreary will call Niko and ask him to set up a date with the girl. Preferences...

After the mission for Brucie called Out of the Closet, you will be able to search for girlfriends via the Internet, on the sites and 12 or 24 hours after the letter, the girl answers Niko,...

CARMEN ORTIZ (SoBoHoe) You can find a girl on Love-Meet, SoBoHoe profile. The first date will be at midnight on Monday. Clothing preferences: loves expensive clothes, Modo or Perseus. P...

KIKI JENKINS (LawChick) The girl can be found on Love-Meet, LawChick profile. Preferences in clothing: good with both Russian clothes and expensive ones. But he doesn't like glasses. Preferences in car...

ALEX CHILTON (Liberated Woman) A girl is looking for happiness on Preferences in clothing: everything is strict here - Perseus. Preferences in cars: expensive sports cars. For example, Turismo. Pre...

Maintaining relationships with girls has become more difficult than in San Andreas. The outcome of the date depends not only on visiting a particular establishment, but also on Niko’s clothes, as well as the car he drives. After scheduling a meeting, you will have an hour of game time (2 minutes of real time) to get to your chosen one’s house and take her to one of the places marked on the map. After the date, you will have to wait 5 hours (10 minutes in real time) before you have the opportunity to call again, but try not to call too often - girls in Liberty City do not like annoying guys, and the best option would be to meet once every three days.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. In order to organize a meeting, you first need to take the necessary steps to meet the girls. Michelle and Kate will meet during story missions, so you won't be able to get away from them. Whether you want to have affairs with them or not is up to you. Let's just say that there are no special bonuses for this.

The system of relationships with girls has undergone many changes and additions, and has become much more detailed. Now you need to be on time for a date after your crush calls (2 minutes), and it’s advisable to meet no more often three days. It is also important how Niko will be dressed and what car he will arrive in, where he will be lucky, and so on. If the girl called at the wrong time, there is no need to refuse, but then you should call back and cancel the meeting - this way the relationship will not deteriorate. I note that no relationship affects 100% completion. There are only pleasant bonuses from three of them. There are no more incentives. Well, the two girls who do not give bonuses are the ones with whom relationships will begin during the passage of missions. This is Michelle, Mallory's friend, and Kate from the McReary dynasty. The player can meet the rest of the girls (Carmen Ortiz, Kiki Jenkins and Alexandra Chittleton) on in-game sites: the first two on, the second on It’s easy to get to know them: when access opens, write a letter by e-mail, and, having received an answer, go to the girl.

Niko can meet five girls, two of whom are related to the plot of the game, and, as a result, will become unavailable after completing the missions, while the remaining three can be found in the game version of the Internet and continue to communicate with them even after completing the game.

Perfect date

Maintaining relationships with girls has become more difficult than in San Andreas. The outcome of the date depends not only on visiting a particular establishment, but also on Niko’s clothes, as well as the car he drives. After scheduling a meeting, you will have an hour of game time (2 minutes of real time) to get to your chosen one’s house and take her to one of the places marked on the map. After the date, you will have to wait 5 hours (10 minutes in real time) before you have the opportunity to call again, but try not to call too often - girls in Liberty City do not like annoying guys, and the best option would be to meet once every three days.

Other important thing, which should be taken into account is that each lady has a certain time when she is awake and free for a date. Of course, few people would like to be woken up at three in the morning to go bowling, so avoid such situations, otherwise you risk ruining your attitude towards yourself. If for some reason you don’t have time to arrive, then be sure to call and let them know - ignoring the date will cost more. And if a girl calls at an inopportune moment and asks for a meeting herself, then it is better to agree and quickly call back with a refusal - this way, the relationship will remain intact.

Once you've done everything you need to do to start dating, there are two things you should think about before calling your friend: how you're dressed and what you're driving. Every girl wants to see her chosen one in certain clothes and in a car she likes: if you make a mistake with your choice, you will only receive criticism, but this is not The best way start a date. Below, along with the girls’ descriptions, you will find tables of their preferences that will help you show up to the meeting in the best possible way.

So, you stole a brand new car, got dressed like a glove and think the job is done? No matter how it is! The problems are just beginning. Try not to run over anyone and, at all costs, avoid the attention of the police. To get the most out of your date, you should also follow the ladies' preferences in how you should spend your time. Their favorite places are listed in the table below, but keep in mind that after a visit to a certain establishment, a girl’s attitude towards it decreases by 5%, and her attitude towards all establishments of this type - by 1%. For example, if you decide to have dinner with her at the Cluckin' Bell on Star Junction, then her opinion of that particular place will drop by 5%, and of all other Cluckin' Bells in the city - by 1%. If, as a result, her opinion about the establishment is below 25%, your companion will simply refuse to enter it.

Therefore, in addition to the requirements already stated above, the key to a successful date is to follow the girls’ favorite pastimes listed in the tables and try to alternate them from date to date.

After visiting the establishment you have chosen and returning to the girl’s house, you will be faced with a choice: bow out or try your luck and ask for “coffee.” But before choosing the second option, you need to think about the whole date. If it was successful, then the girl will allow you to go up to her, but if you spoiled her mood, then it’s better not to even try (the exception is Kate, with whom you don’t have to try to continue the evening with closer communication - it won’t work anyway). In general, we would advise using the “third date” rule: if the first one went well and increased your sympathy, then repeat the same thing the third time and take the opportunity to drink “hot coffee”.

Virtual date

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. In order to organize a meeting, you first need to take the necessary steps to meet the girls. Michelle and Kate will meet during story missions, so you won't be able to get away from them. Whether you want to have affairs with them or not is up to you. Let's just say that there are no special bonuses for this.

To meet the other three, you need to complete the “Out of the Closet” mission, after which you can invite the girls you need on a date on the gaming sites and, and you also need to gain access to Algonquin Island in the “Blow Your Cover” task, since two misses from the Internet trio live on the second island.

Carmen and Kiki posted their profiles on the website, and Alexandra is registered on Accordingly, to get to know the first two, use the form on the dating site, and you can contact Alexandra through the Contact me link in her ad on Craplist.

If you sent a message to one of them, you will soon receive an email, by replying to which you will be able to set up a first date. Well, after that, when the lady of your heart tells you her phone number, the rendezvous can be organized in the usual way.

Dating with Kiki, Carmen and Alex differs from dating Michelle and Kate in that you have the opportunity to break off the relationship with the girl or receive a special bonus if you reach a certain level of sympathy (60% and above). However, even if you broke up with any of the three girlfriends, after a while she will appear online again, and you can start building love again.

Below is all the information you need about each of the five girls. Don't lose face!

Michelle (Michelle)

Special bonus: no

One of Niko's possible girlfriends and the first one you'll meet. Getting to know Michelle will take place in the mission “Three's a Crowd”, in which Mallory - Roman's friend - will introduce you to each other. This task was created for educational purposes, to show you how dating happens, so just try to avoid big accidents on the road and deliver girls by appointment.

Michelle asks a lot of questions and sometimes seems confused about her past. Even though she will ask you out on dates, improving your relationship with her will not affect the plot of the game in any way, and after the mission “The Snow Storm” you will no longer be able to communicate with her. Michelle can be reached from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Cluckin' Bell 50% Comrades Bar 60%
Burger Shot 50% Steinway Beer Garden 70%
Any restaurant 60% Lucky Winkles 70%
Pizza This 60% Jerkov's 50%
Mr. Fuk's Rice Box 50% Club Liberty 50%
Superstar Cafe 50%

Kate McReary

Special bonus: no

Only sister of Patrick, Gerald, Derrick and Francis McReary. As with Michelle, you'll meet her during Patrick's story mission, “Harboring a Grudge.” However, you will be able to start a relationship only after completing the task “Waste Not Want Knots”, when “Paki” asks you to go on a date with Kate: you see, the brothers are worried that she has not appeared in public for a long time.

However, regardless of which path you choose in the final missions, you will not be able to meet Kate after completing the last story mission.

On a first date, it is best to show up in a simple outfit, without glasses or a hat. Rebla is suitable as a car. It is advisable to go to Steinway Beer Garden and play darts. Don’t try to ask for “coffee” after the first meeting! Kate is free from 8:00 to 00:00.

Cluckin' Bell 50% Comrades Bar 60%
Burger Shot 50% Steinway Beer Garden 70%
Any restaurant 60% Lucky Winkles 70%
Pizza This 60% Jerkov's 50%
Mr. Fuk's Rice Box 50% Club Liberty 50%
Superstar Cafe 50%

Carmen Ortiz (Carmen Ortiz, nickname "SoBoHoe")

Special bonus: restores a certain amount of health

You can find Carmen on the dating site, where she goes by the nickname "SoBoHoe". Despite the fact that access to the game version of the Internet will open during the “Logging On” mission, you will not be able to send a virtual invitation to a date to Carmen until you reach the “Out of the Closet” mission, which is educational in this regard.

Carmen lives in Bohan County and works as a nurse. The bonus for having a good relationship with her is also related to her profession - after phone call Niko's health level will rise. Carmen is a big drinker, so take this into account when choosing your date spots. You can call her from 13:00 to 6 am.

Cluckin' Bell 50% Comrades Bar 90%
Burger Shot 50% Steinway Beer Garden 90%
Any restaurant 50% Lucky Winkles 90%
Pizza This 60% Jerkov's 90%
Mr. Fuk's Rice Box 50% Club Liberty 90%
Superstar Cafe 50%

Kiki Jenkins (Kiki Jenkins, nickname "LawChick")

Special bonus: removes up to three wanted stars

Kiki is another visitor to the site. She hides there under the name "LawChick". Since Kiki lives on Algonquin, to meet her you need to complete the mission “Blow Your Cover” and gain access there.

Kiki did not choose her virtual nickname by chance - she really works as a lawyer and really values ​​her work. Apparently, because of this, she is very busy and you can only find her free from 18:00 to 2:00. She is also extremely jealous, so it will be extremely difficult to communicate with her if you already have friends with whom you are also dating.

Developing a relationship with Kiki is quite rewarding. Calling her will help you get rid of several wanted stars, but keep in mind that this option does not work in some missions.

Cluckin' Bell 65% Comrades Bar 65%
Burger Shot 65% Steinway Beer Garden 70%
Any restaurant 65% Lucky Winkles 70%
Pizza This 65% Jerkov's 85%
Mr. Fuk's Rice Box 65% Club Liberty 85%
Superstar Cafe 65%

Alexandra Chilton
(Alexandra Chilton, nickname "Liberated Woman")

Special bonus: organizes a 50% discount in all clothing stores

You can find this girl on the Internet at And you can get to know her using a profile on the website (screenshots: | ). Like Kiki, Alexandra lives on Algonquin, so first take care of gaining access there by completing story missions.

Alex is peculiar Paris Hilton(which, in fact, is what her last name hints at) peace GTA IV. She doesn't work and apparently her favorite pastime is blogging. After each date, she will leave a message there, describing what she liked and what she didn’t like. Just the thing for beginners Romeo.

Following her role as a fashionista and socialite, Alexandra can organize a 50% discount in all clothing stores for 24 hours after calling Niko. You just need to “pump up” the relationship to at least 60%. You can call her from 6:00 to 2:00.

Cluckin' Bell 50% Comrades Bar 60%
Burger Shot 50% Steinway Beer Garden 70%
Any restaurant 60% Lucky Winkles 70%
Pizza This 60% Jerkov's 50%
Mr. Fuk's Rice Box 50% Club Liberty 50%
Superstar Cafe 50%

During the game, as you progress through the storyline, you will make new friends. In total, there are five friends and five girlfriends available in the game. Each of the friends has unique preferences and interests. In return friendly relations you will receive a special ability. To obtain these abilities, you must achieve high friend's sympathy for you. Sympathy can be increased by walking together, going to bars, clubs, and so on. If you go to an establishment that your friend doesn't like, your liking level will decrease.

Friends in GTA 4.

Access to friendships with Roman opens after the mission "Bleed Out".
Access time:
Roman is always available, you can call him at any time.

  • Bowling
  • Darts
  • Binge
  • Food (at first he eats anywhere, but later he will prefer high-level establishments). Burger Shot is his favorite place.
  • Billiards
  • Strip clubs
Call Roman and select "Car Service". He will send one of his taxi drivers to you to take you anywhere in the city.

Access to friendship with Jacob opens after the mission "Shadow".
Access time:
Jacob is available from 1:00pm to 4:00am, call him during this time.

  • Darts
  • Drinking (prefers to drink at the Liberty club in Northwood)
  • Food (loves fast food, especially the Cluckin' Bell establishment).
  • Billiards
  • Strip clubs
Call Jacob and select "Guns". He will come anywhere in the city and sell you weapons at big discounts.

Access to friendships with Brucie opens after mission "No.1".
Access time:
Brucie is available from 7:00am to 1:00am, call him during this time.

  • Boat trips
  • Bowling
  • Drinking (prefers expensive drinks)
  • Food (prefers to avoid fast food restaurants and goes to high-level establishments). Burger Shot is his favorite place.
  • Helicopter rides (Brucie likes to fly the helicopter himself)
  • Strip clubs
Special ability unlocks at 75% sympathy: Call Brucie and select "Chopper". He will fly for you by helicopter and take you anywhere in the city.

Access to friendship with Dwayne is unlocked after the mission "The Holland Play".
Access time:
Dwayne is available from 11:00am to 3:00am, call him during that time.

  • Bowling
  • Drinks (prefers Liberty in Northwood)
  • Food ("Cluckin' Bell" or any other high-level establishment).
  • Strip clubs
Special ability unlocks at 60% sympathy: Call Dwayne and select "Backup". He'll send you a couple of his guys to help.

Access to friendships with Packie is unlocked after the mission "Three Leaf Clover".
Access time:
Packie is available from 3:00pm to 6:00am, call him during this time.

  • Bowling
  • Darts
  • Billiards
  • Booze (Donnie's Bar)
  • Strip clubs
Special ability unlocks at 75% sympathy: Call Packie and select "Bomb". He will make you a bomb that explodes when the phone rings.

Girlfriends in GTA 4.

As already mentioned, there are only five girlfriends in the game, two of them become available when completing the storyline, and the rest you will find on the Internet. Call one of the girls and make an appointment with her, pick her up within an hour of game time (2 minutes of real time) and spend time with her in one of her favorite places. Remember that you cannot ask a girl out while you are on a mission. After the meeting, you need to wait 5 hours (10 minutes in real time) in order to invite her again. Don't call your friend very often, otherwise you will lose respect in her eyes. We don’t recommend dating several friends at once, because if they meet... Well, you understand

Michelle becomes your friend after the mission "Three"s a Crowd". The relationship ends after the mission "The Snow Storm".
Access time:
You can call Michelle from 6:00am to 11:00pm.
Like / Dislike

Like I do not like Like I do not like
- Roman's Cab - Merit - Voodoo - Banshee - Blista - Futo - Fortune - Uranus - Primo - Solair- Russian - Hats - Glasses- Modo - Perseus

Kate becomes your friend after the mission "Waste Not Want Knots".
Access time:
You can call Kate from 8:00am to 12:00am.
Like / Dislike

Like I do not like Like I do not like
- Rebla - Patriot - Comet - Habanero - Super GT - Peyote - Voodoo - Sultan RS - Moonbeam - Solair - Stretch- Russian- Modo - Perseus - Hats - Glasses
No special ability.

Carmen Ortiz ("SoBoHoe")

Carmen is available on "" after the mission "Out of the Closet". Her online nickname is "SoBoHoe".
Access time:
You can call Carmen from 1:00pm to 6:00am.
Like / Dislike

Like I do not like Like I do not like
- Sultan RS - Dukes - Stallion - FXT - Contender - Marbella - Dilettante - Minivan - Stratum - Merit- Modo - Perseus- Russian - Hats - Glasses
Special Ability: Call Carmen, she will come and restore your health.

Kiki Jenkins ("LawChick")

Kiki is available on "" after the mission "Out of the Closet". Her online nickname is "LawChick".
Access time:
You can call Kiki from 6:00am to 2:00am.
Like / Dislike

Like I do not like Like I do not like
- Washington - Chavos - Dilettante - Marbella - Willard - Saber GT - Turismo - Infernus - Coquette - Super GT - Russian - Hats - Glasses - Perseus- Modo - Perseus
Special Ability:
Call Kiki and she will give you one to two wanted stars.

Alex Chilton ("Liberated Woman")

Alex is available on "" after the mission "Out of the Closet". Her online nickname is "Liberated Woman".
Access time:
You can call Alex from 6:00am to 2:00am.
Like / Dislike

Like I do not like Like I do not like
- Huntley - Turismo - Stretch - Infernus - Cognoscenti - Dukes - Bobcat - Pony - Emperor - Willard- Perseus- Modo - Russian
Special Ability:
Call Alex and she will give you a 50% discount at all clothing stores in Liberty City for 24 hours of play.

Dating and preferences.

Each of the girls has a certain set of preferences and favorite places. When you bring a girl to some place, her interest in this place drops by 5 points, and in all similar establishments by 1 point. For example, if you take a girl to Cluckin' Bell in Star Junction, then her interest in this establishment will drop by 5, and in all other Cluckin' Bells by only 1. When a girl's interest in a certain place drops to 25, she refuses him to go. To get the most out of your date, use the table below. Example: To get the most out of your date with Carmen, you need to arrive in a Sultan RS, wearing clothes from the Modo store, and take her to Comrades Bar in Hove Beach. On your next date, you just need to change the place, for example, take her to the Liberty club.

Preference table.


As you progress through the game, you will have friends and girls. Just five friends and five girls. Friendship with each character will grant you privileges. Each friend (and three girls) will offer you unique opportunities, so it's important to be on good terms with them.


There are a total of five friends in the game. Each friend will open up unique opportunities for you when you reach a certain level of relationship. The success of each of your friends depends on how often you meet with them. Call him, invite him for walks and to various establishments and then you will have a good relationship with him. You can look at the level of your relationship with a friend in the Stats section in the pause menu.

Don't invite your friend to places he doesn't like, otherwise your relationship will get worse. During each meeting, you and your friend can go to four different places. If a friend calls you, and you cannot meet with him at this time, then agree to the meeting and immediately call him back and cancel the meeting, then your relationship will not be disrupted.

Friendship with Roman will become available after the mission "Bleed Out." Meeting time: You can call Roman at any time of the day. Favorite activities:

  • Bowling
  • Darts
  • Alcohol
  • Food (Loves to eat everywhere, but prefers Burger Shot the most)
  • Strip club

Call Roman and select "Car Service", then he will send you a taxi that will take you to any place on the map.

Friendship with Jacob will become available after the mission "Shadow." Meeting time: You can call Jacob from 1:00 pm to 4:00 am. Favorite activities:

  • Darts
  • Food (likes fast food, especially Cluckin' Bell)
  • Strip club

Call Jacob and select "Guns" and he will come to you wherever you are and supply you with guns, ammo and gear at discounted prices.

Friendship with Brucie will become possible after mission "No.1." Meeting time: You can call Brucie from 7:00 am to 1:00 am. Favorite activities:

  • Boating
  • Bowling
  • Liquor (prestigious bars)
  • Food (doesn't really like fast food)
  • Helicopter rides
  • Strip club

A special opportunity appears when you reach 75%: Call Brucie and select "Chopper", then he will fly for you by helicopter and take you to any point on the map.

Friendship with Dwayne will become available after the mission "The Holland Play." Meeting time: You can call Dwayne from 11:00 am to 3:00 am. Favorite activities:

  • Bowling
  • Liquor (Club Liberty in Northwood)
  • Food (Cluckin' Bell or prestigious restaurants)
  • Strip club

A special opportunity appears when you reach 60%: Call Dwayne and select "Backup", then he will send a couple of his thugs to help you.

Friendship with Patrick will become available after the mission "Three Leaf Clover." Meeting time: You can zone Patrick from 3:00 pm to 6:00 am. Favorite activities:

  • Bowling
  • Darts
  • Liquor (Donnie's Bar)
  • Strip club

A special opportunity appears when you reach 75%: Call Patrick and select "Bomb", then a radio-controlled bomb will appear near you. Find it and attach it to the car.


There are several girls in the game that Niko can date. Two of them will be available as you progress through the game's storyline, and the rest can be found through the in-game Internet. Call a girl to set up a date with her, and then pick her up within 1 in-game hour (2 minutes of real time) and take her to some establishment on the map. Note that you will not be able to ask a girl out on a date during a mission. After the date, at least 5 in-game hours (10 minutes of real time) will have to pass before you can ask your girlfriend out again. Don't call her too often, otherwise you will ruin your relationship with her.

Carmen and Kiki can be found on Love Meet (left), and Alex can be found on Crap List (right)

You can date several girls at the same time, but the more you have, the more difficult it is to maintain a relationship. It's better to go through the main storyline first before dating girls from the internet. Remember, the more girls you have, the more attention they require and the more often they will call you. Dating multiple girls at the same time is a dangerous business if one of those girls is Kiki Jenkins. She will keep an eye on you and will leave you if she finds out that you are dating another girl.

Michelle will become your girlfriend after the mission "Three"s a Crowd." After the mission "The Snow Storm" you will no longer be able to date Michelle. Meeting times: You can call Michelle from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm. Preferences:

LovesDoes not loveLovesDoes not love
- Roman's Cab - Merit - Voodoo - Banshee - Blista- Futo - Fortune - Uranus - Primo - Solair- Russian - Hats - Glasses- Modo - Perseus

Kate will become your girlfriend after the mission "Waste Not Want Knots." Meeting time: You can call Kate from 8:00 am to 12:00 am. Preferences:

LovesDoes not loveLovesDoes not love
- Rebla - Patriot - Comet - Habanero - Super GT- Peyote - Voodoo - Sultan RS - Moonbe am - Solair - Stretch- Russian- Modo - Perseus - Hats - Glasses


Carmen can be found on after the mission "Out of the Closet." Her online nickname is "SoBoHoe." Meeting time: You can call Carmen from 1:00 pm to 6:00 am. Preferences:

LovesDoes not loveLovesDoes not love
- Sultan RS - Dukes - Stallion - FXT - Contender- Marbella - Dilettante - Minivan - Stratum - Merit- Modo - Perseus- Russian - Hats - Glasses

Special Feature: You can call Carmen to replenish your health.


Kiki can be found on the site as soon as you open the Algonquin district and complete the mission "Out of the Closet". Her online nickname is "LawChick." Meeting time: You can call Kiki from 6:00 am to 2:00 am. Preferences:

LovesDoes not loveLovesDoes not love
- Washington - Chavos - Dilettante - Marbella - Willard- Saber GT - Turismo - Infernus - Coquette - Super GT- Russian - Hats - Glasses- Modo - Perseus

Special Feature: You can call Kiki to get rid of the two chase stars.

ALEX CHILTON ("Liberated Woman")

Alex can be found on the website as soon as you open the Algonquin area and complete the mission "Out of the Closet". Her online nickname is "Liberated Woman." Meeting time: You can call Alex from 6:00 am to 2:00 am. Preferences:

LovesDoes not loveLovesDoes not love
- Huntley - Turismo - Stretch - Infernus - Cognoscenti- Dukes - Bobcat - Pony - Emperor - Willard- Perseus- Modo - Russian

Special Feature: Call Alex and she'll give you 50% off all clothing in Liberty City for the next 24 hours.

Dating and preferences

Every girl has her own preferences and whims that you must cater to in order to get the most out of your date. Every girl has an initial opinion about each type of recreation. After visiting one of the vacation spots, the girl’s opinion about it will drop by five points, while her opinion about other similar vacation spots will drop by 1 point. For example, if you and a girl visited Cluckin' Bell in the Star Junction area, then her opinion of this place will drop by 5 points. At the same time, her opinion of all other Cluckin' Bells will drop by 1 point. When her opinion about some establishment falls below 25 points, she will refuse to go there.

Take your girl where she likes (left) and then try her luck (right)

To get the most out of your date, you should consider the girl's initial opinions about all activities. To do this, use the table below and try to diversify your dates from time to time. The better the date, the more the girl will love you. After that, you can try your luck and try the “hot coffee”.

Example: To get the most out of your first date with Carmen, pick her up in a Sultan RS while wearing Modo clothes and take her to any place she thinks highly of (eg Comrades Bar on Hove Beach). On the second date, take her to another place she thinks highly of, but make sure you haven't been there with her yet (if you went to Comrades Bar the first time, now go to Club Liberty, for example).

Girls' initial opinions about vacation spots

Kate KikiAlex
Cluckin' Bell
Any Diner
Mr. Fuk's Rice Box

Once in Liberty City, Niko Bellic recognized many different people who were different sides barricades But among hundreds of gangsters, bandits, mafiosi and corrupt police officers, only a few people can be called true friends. Each of them has their own character and preferences, and in gratitude for their strong friendship they are ready to present something useful to us. In addition to friends, Niko can make a girlfriend with whom he will meet and go on dates. We will talk about relationships with girls and guys in Liberty City in this article.

Best friends on the other side of the law

In total, Niko can meet five potential friends in virtual New York. Their attitude towards the player is measured by a special “liking” parameter, which can be viewed in statistics by pausing the game. This characteristic depends on your attitude towards your friend, on how often you meet and how well you know where you can go with a friend and where you shouldn’t go.

For example, there is no need to take a friend to billiards if he is a fan of bowling, and vice versa. You shouldn’t eat at an expensive restaurant if your friend prefers hearty fast food. Wrong actions will not make you respected any more; you will only waste your time. During one friendly meeting, you can visit up to four different establishments, and if everything goes smoothly, you will receive a ton of sympathy points. Your friend will not want to return home until you visit the establishment you agreed on in advance. Therefore, before you roll bowling balls, you can first have a hearty meal, drink vodka, go to a strip club or go somewhere else. Everything is as in real life!

This is interesting: sometimes, usually at the most inopportune moment, friends themselves will call you and offer to spend time together. Even if you are now preparing to perform a difficult task on the other side of town, agree. When the task begins, be sure to call your friend back and tell him that you have important things to do (Cancel plans). If you do this, then the previous level of sympathy will remain. But it will fall if you refuse your friend directly when he invites you to spend time together.

Now let's take a closer look at each of our potential friends...

Roman Bellic

Our dear cousin Roman will also be our best friend. After all, brother will tear off anyone’s head for brother! Your friendship with Roman will begin to strengthen after the mission "Bleed Out". The cousin will periodically call and offer to go have a drink, eat or look at pretty girls. To maintain good brotherly relations, you need to agree to such trips, and even better, sometimes call Roman yourself. Moreover, the cousin is ready to drop everything and go with Niko to the nearest pub at any time of the day or night.

Cousin’s favorite pastimes are billiards, bowling and darts, but you can’t even keep him away from a strip club. My brother is not picky about food and will eat anywhere. His favorite place is Burger Shot. Although towards the end of the game Roman will begin to prefer more expensive restaurants.

At the beginning of the game, Roman will help you make money. It is enough to call your cousin, take his taxi and transport various passengers around the city. Essentially, this replaces the random taxi driver missions from previous parts of the game.

If you don't communicate with your brother for a long time, the level of sympathy will begin to fall. If it decreases to 15%, friendship with Roman will be lost. But when sympathy reaches 60%, there will be advantages that are directly related to Roman’s work in the taxi company. When calling your cousin, you just need to select the Car Service option, and a black taxi will immediately come for you and take Niko to any area of ​​the city for free. Please note that after the mafiosi burn down your first apartment in Bohan and the taxi depot, this unique ability of Roman will disappear for a while. Black taxis will return to you only when Algonquin Island opens up for Niko.

Little Jacob

The long-haired Rastafarian Jacob will become one of the best friends of the emigrant Niko in Liberty City. The relationship will begin after the mission “Shadow” and, most likely, will last until the finale. Jacob smokes a lot, so his speech is slow and unclear. Apparently, he is tongue-tied from too much marijuana.

Jacob's arsenal is rich. The only thing missing is a grenade launcher. And MANPADS.

This friend is ready for exploits from 13:00 to 4:00. He's always happy to have a few games of billiards or darts. He doesn’t like bowling, it’s probably a Rastafarian dislike for pins or big balls... It’s preferable to have a meal with Jacob at fast food, for example at Cluckin’ Bell. You can have a glass at Steinway Beer Garden. In the evenings, he’ll happily visit Club Liberty in Northwood . But our baby doesn’t like striptease. Be careful that Jacob’s level of respect for you does not fall below 40%, because then he will stop treating you as a close friend, and this is very bad...

But to raise respect to a decent level, it’s not enough just to get together! Jacob still has some work to do. A specific job - selling weed. Essentially, all tasks come down to racing against time around the city. First, you drive to a wreck parked in the backyard, which contains another package of goods, after which you rush as fast as you can to another part of the city, where a buyer is waiting for you in some gateway. For these tasks you need to take a sports car - otherwise you simply won’t make it in the allotted time. A failed mission will result in Jacob's sympathy for you decreasing. But we don’t need this!

When reaching 75% respect it is activated new opportunity- buy almost any weapon cheaply. After your call, Jacob will tell you the address where you can find him next to the car, the trunk of which is filled with various guns and grenades. There is also a very useful body armor.

On a note: unlocking this ability is a prerequisite for completing the game 100%.

Brucie Kibbutz

The steroid-pumped muscleman Brucie considers himself the toughest macho man in all of Liberty City. Fate will make friends with Niko and Brucie after the successful completion of mission “No.1” and, if you play well, will not separate you until the end. Although it is not difficult to lose friendship - it is enough to lower the level of sympathy below 40%.

Brucie is ready for exploits from seven in the morning until one in the morning. He loves luxury, so it’s best to visit expensive bars like Jerkov’s and glamorous clubs like Split Sides together. What does a real macho need, besides luxury? Naturally women, a lot of women! Brucie will never refuse to visit a strip club together, but sometimes he will suggest it himself. Brucie has only one favorite game - bowling. Winning against him is not so easy!

The Grotti car dealership will supply you with sports cars throughout most of the game.

If you would like to take a helicopter or motorboat tour around the city, don't hesitate! Brucie has both. It is with the helicopter that Brucie’s unique ability is associated, which becomes available when your relationship is strengthened at the 75% level. After activating the Chopper function in the phone menu, after a while Brucie will land near you in a helicopter. After that, he will deliver Niko to any area of ​​the city, without tedious traffic jams and travel over long city bridges. Comfortable!

It is important: As with Jacob, you should definitely get this ability if you want to complete the game 100%.

In addition to spending time together, in order to maintain friendly relations, you will have to complete a series of tasks for Brucie, which can be divided into two categories. Tasks to steal and deliver certain cars will become available when you have your own mail on the in-game Internet. All letters from Brucie with hijacking tasks are marked there with a special icon. If the job interests you, respond to the letter. The desired car will be marked on the city map, all that remains is to steal it and take it to a special garage.

In addition to theft tasks, Brucie will invite you to take part in street racing. You just need to call him and ask if there are any races now. After your consent, a marker will appear somewhere on the map, near which other racers will wait. You can take your time and take care of your racing car. After all, you can participate in races in any car. Therefore, feel free to go to the Grotti showroom in gaming Manhattan and take the racing Turismo straight from the display case. After all, winning races is more interesting than losing! It is not forbidden to use a machine gun and a grenade launcher to slow down or even stop your racing competitors. This is how life is here...

Patrick McReary

Sorry, guy. Friendship is voluntary.

Patrick is one of the many members of the Irish MacReary family that Niko will deal with throughout the game. Friendships will begin after completing the Three Leaf Clover quest, and even killing one of his brothers will not affect your relationship. They will continue as long as the sympathy level is above the 30% mark.

Patrick is free from 15:00 to 6:00, and his favorite pastimes are darts, bowling and billiards. He won’t refuse a drink either; his favorite place is Donnie’s Bar. He also loves the Split Sides club, which is on Star Junction. In general, if Packy calls you and offers you somewhere to eat, take him straight away for a drink, he won’t mind .

When the relationship exceeds 75%, Packie's special ability will open - a unique bomb activated by a call from the phone. After selecting the Bomb function in the phone menu, Patrick will tell you where you can pick up the bomb. After which it can be installed in any car at your request. Calling again will activate the detonator. This ability is also required to complete the game 100%.

Dwayne Forge

When going to gang wars, you can always take old Dwayne and his tough guys with you.

The surly criminal Duane Forge can become your friend if you kill Playboy X, and not Duane himself, during the quest "The Holland Play". If you did right choice and killed a pimp, not a former prisoner, then after completing the mission Dwayne will call you and complain about his hard life and lack of friends. You will become friends.

You can call Dwayne from 11:00 to 3:00. His favorite game is bowling, because the game balls look so much like his bald head. He is not picky about food - he is ready to eat both in eateries like Cluckin' Bell and in expensive restaurants like Jerkov's. It is also not forbidden to have a drink with him at Club Liberty in the Northwood area or look at the girls in one of the strip clubs. By the way, one of them belongs to Dwayne.

When the level is 60% or higher, a unique Backup function will appear in the phone menu. After using it, Dwayne will send several of his brave black guys to your aid, who can help you in dealing with enemy bandits or the police. Their main role is cannon fodder. While the enemies are dealing with the mercenaries, you can freely enter from the rear.

To love and to be loved

In the huge Liberty City there are only five girls who are ready to have a close relationship with the criminal Niko Bellic. Two girls are directly related to storyline, and you can get acquainted with three more on the gaming Internet if you wish. Relationships with them can last even after completing the story.

In general, relationships are not necessary to complete the game, but they diversify the gameplay and make the player fun. What needs to be done to successfully develop relationships?

The first step is to simply meet the girl. You won't be able to get away from Michelle and Kate McReary, as relationships with them will begin during story missions. It is up to the player to decide whether to have affairs with them or not, but no advantages are expected for this. Close acquaintance with three other girls gives, among other things, unique abilities, like those best friends give.

The opportunity to meet them will appear only after completing the task “Out of the Closet”. You can go to an Internet cafe, and then go to the dating site or the blog There are many different girls on the Internet, but not all of them will reciprocate your feelings. Dating them is different from dating Michelle and Kate. After all, you can break off relationships with girls found on sites, which, if desired, can later be restored on the same sites.

Maintaining relationships with girls is not easy. They demand a lot of attention, are jealous of their rivals and do not tolerate showdowns with the police during dates. You need to invite a girl on a date strictly at a certain time, when she is free. After making an appointment, you will have an hour of game time to pick up a girl near her home or place of work. This time is enough to get to her from anywhere in the city without delays. If you decide to start a war with the police or start a story mission, be sure to call your friend and cancel your plans, because then you won’t be able to get there on time.

In the same way, if a girl calls herself at an inopportune moment, be sure to agree, and then quickly call back with a refusal. In this case, your relationship will not suffer. By the way, after a successful date, you should not call the girl for at least five game hours; she should take a break from you for at least some time. Don’t try to call too often - girls in Liberty City don’t like annoying guys, and the best option would be one date every three days.

Cluckin' Bell. Not the best place for dates.

Your personality plays a huge role in the success of a date. appearance and your "wheels". Before the meeting, be sure to take the trouble to visit a clothing store and dress up to suit the girl’s taste, and also steal a car from the list of those she likes. Every girl wants to see her boyfriend in certain clothes and in a car she likes. A small mistake in choosing your style and Niko will only receive criticism, and this is not the best way to start a date. All girls have different preferences that must be taken into account.

Your friends’ tastes are connected not only with cars and clothes, but also with the establishments that you are going to visit together. Each beauty has her own favorite places, games, restaurants. Some people like to get extremely drunk and then wander around the doorways, while others prefer social clubs and expensive bars. Girls' attitudes towards various establishments are expressed as percentages, and opinions here are completely different, which only adds variety to the gameplay. It is interesting that after a visit to any establishment, a girl’s attitude towards him decreases by 5%, and her attitude towards all establishments of the same category by 1%. Looks like they're getting bored.

If a girl’s attitude towards any establishment decreases to 25%, she will simply refuse to go there. Therefore, the key to a successful date is to follow the girls' favorite pastimes and alternate them from meeting to meeting. A detailed analysis of the establishments that girls love and hate can be found in the table.

Where to go with a girl
Institution KateCarmenAlexandraKikiMichelle
Cluckin' Bell 50% 50% 50% 65% 50%
Burger Shot 50% 50% 50% 65% 50%
Any Diner 60% 60% 60% 65% 60%
Pizza This 60% 60% 60% 65% 60%
Mr. Fuk's Rise Box 50% 50% 50% 65% 50%
Superstar Cafe 50% 50% 50% 65% 50%
Comrades Bar 60% 90% 60% 65% 60%
Steinway Beer Garden 70% 90% 70% 70% 70%
Lucky Winkles 70% 90% 70% 70% 70%
Jerkov's 50% 90% 50% 85% 50%
Club Liberty 50% 90% 50% 85% 50%
Bowling 0% 70% 80% 80% 60%
Darts 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
Pool 80% 60% 80% 80% 80%
Strip Club 0% 80% 80% 0% 0%
Perestroika 0% 80% 80% 80% 50%
Split Sides 0% 80% 80% 80% 75%

After the date ends, the girl will share her impressions with you and ask you to take her home. Before you let her go, you will have a choice: say a quick goodbye and go your separate ways, or try your luck and ask to come to her house for a cup of “hot coffee.”

This is interesting: Hot Coffey is the same scandalous mod that revealed the sexual side of the lives of African Americans in Rockstar's previous creation - GTA: San Andreas. The scandal served as advertising for the game, and the developers do not forget this. In addition to the actual phrase about hot coffee during a date, there is a cafe with the same name in Liberty City. Unfortunately, it is impossible to visit it.

If the date went so-so, and you want to maintain your relationship with your friend, then it’s better to choose the first option. The second one in this case will only worsen your relationship. If you have analyzed the date and are confident in yourself, feel free to offer the girl everything you can offer.

With a low level of sympathy, everything will end only with a romantic kiss, but in the best case, Niko will have a fun night. Practice suggests using the “third date” tactic, provided that the girl liked all the meetings. In this case, you are practically guaranteed a cup of “hot coffee”.

Finally, it should be noted that girls really don’t like your gangster tendencies. Therefore, drive the girl carefully in your car, do not hit pedestrians, do not attack the police under any circumstances, and behave like a decent young man.

Now let's talk about our beautiful companions in more detail.

Michelle (Michelle)

And many girls like this style!

Michelle will be the first girl whose fate line will intersect with the emigrant Niko. The first meeting will take place during the mission “Three's a Crowd” at the beginning of the game. You will be introduced to Mallory, the future bride of our cousin Roman. At first Michelle seems sweet and pleasant, but over time it becomes noticeable that she asks too many questions and periodically gets confused own past. No matter how much Target is in love with you, it will not affect the plot of the game. As a result, after completing the task “The Snow Storm” it will still turn out that Michelle is not really Michelle at all, but Karen and Karen works for the government United States Despite this, Niko may have time to ask Michelle for a cup of “hot coffee”.

Michelle is free and ready for action every day from 6 am to 11 pm. She loves it when Niko is dressed in national Russian clothes from an emigrant store, she likes hats and glasses. He treats the goods of expensive Modo and Perseus stores with disgust. She loves modest cars - Banshee, Blista, Merit, Roman's Cab and Voodoo, which drive in abundance on the streets of Liberty City. With Michelle you can play darts, billiards or bowling. The girl also likes the comedy Split Sides and the Perestroika cabaret, but You shouldn't go to a strip club.

Michelle is not picky when it comes to food and will happily go to any establishment. Her favorites are Steinway Beer Garden and Lucky Winkles, followed by Pizza This and Comrades Bar. In general, the choice is yours!

Kate McReary

They say that the Irish love to drink. And the Irish?

The only girl in the large Irish MacRirie family. The sister of Patrick, Gerald, Derrick and Francis, whom you will meet during the story mission for Packie "Harboring a Grudge". But you won’t be able to start a relationship right away. Only after completing the task “Waste Not Want Knots” will Patrick call you and ask Niko to go on a date with his sister. They say that Kate constantly sits at home and has not appeared in public for a long time, and her brothers are worried about her. After Niko and Kate begin an affair, the McReary brothers will periodically call you and hint that you can only be friends. However, it's up to you to decide whether to date Kate or not. There are no special abilities for relationships with Kate, and your relationship will last the second half of the game. Regardless of which path you choose in the final missions, you will not be able to meet Kate after completing the last task. The choice of whether Kate will live or die is quite tragic and interesting.

The gastroenterologist told me that I need to drink less!

For your first story date, it is best for you to show up in simple clothes, without glasses or a hat. Yes and in the future the best option appear in Russian clothes, because Kate doesn’t like expensive suits. Expensive and luxurious cars are suitable for travel. Comet, Habanero, Patriot, Rebla, Super GT or Turismo will be best choice. The girl really doesn’t like cheap cars and gets upset when she sees you in them. It's best to call Kate between 8 a.m. and midnight. And most importantly, don’t try to ask for “hot coffee” after the first meeting!

This is interesting: On any other date, feel free to try your luck by saying goodbye to Kate. Even if she is against it, your relationship will not deteriorate.

Like Packie's brother, Kate's love for billiards and darts is great. But for some reason she despises bowling. You should not visit strip clubs, Perestroika cabarets and comedy clubs with Kate. Dine with her at either Steinway Beer Garden or Lucky Winkles. Slightly less loved are Comrades Bar and Pizza This, as well as any expensive restaurant. Well, she doesn’t like cheap places at all.

A special entertainment is to go with Kate to a bar and get drunk there. It’s very interesting to watch and, most importantly, listen to drunk Kate, cursing everyone and everything, and then crying because she got so drunk. Rockstar made it look very realistic!

Carmen Ortiz (Carmen Ortiz, nickname SoBoHoe)

Meeting the beautiful Carmen becomes possible after accessing the in-game Internet during the task “Out of the Closet”. The girl is on the dating site under the nickname SoBoHoe. To start a relationship, use the form on the website. After some time, you will receive her phone number by email.

This is the place to meet the fair sex.

Carmen lives in the Bohan district and works as a nurse at a local clinic. Apparently, she works in the mornings, since you can call her any day from 1 pm to 6 am. Carmen's special function is directly related to her profession. Immediately after the phone call, Niko's health level will rise. This ability becomes available after your relationship level exceeds 60%.

The best way to go on a date is in executive class cars such as Contender, Dukes, FXT, Stallion and Sultan RS. The girl doesn't like vans and big jeeps. When it comes to clothes, Carmen prefers expensive suits from Modo and Perseus, and everything that Michelle loved, she hates. Don’t even think about showing up on a date wearing a hat with earflaps, glasses and Russian clothes.

Carmen is a very interesting person. She loves strip clubs and cabarets, and does not disdain comedy clubs. She loves darts just as much, but bowling and billiards not so much.

The second “wonderful” feature of the girl is her great love for drinking. Keep this in mind when choosing a place for a date. The establishments Comrades Bar, Steinway Beer Garden, Lucky Winkles, Jerkov's and Club Liberty are best suited. Carmen has a so-so attitude towards cheap fast food and expensive restaurants and only likes the Pizza This pizzeria a little more.

Kiki Jenkins (nickname LawChick)

An unusual girl, Kiki, is the second visitor to the site who agrees to meet. Since she lives on Algonquin Island, to meet you you need to gain access there by completing the mission “Deconstruction for Beginners”.

Kiki is a very busy girl; you can only find her at home from six in the evening to two in the morning. It was not by chance that Kiki chose her nickname on the dating site - she really works as a lawyer and really values ​​her work. If your relationship exceeds 60%, then Niko himself will feel the benefits of working as a lawyer. After calling her beloved, she will settle your relationship with the law, saving Niko from three wanted stars.

You will play darts! I said...

It is important: In some story missions this ability does not work. Always be prepared to evade police pursuit on your own.

She likes it when you dress in Russian emigrant clothing, preferably with a hat and glasses. Doesn't like luxury clothes or cars. Prefers middle-class cars: Banshee, Chavos, Dilettante, Marbelle, Washington and Willard.

Kiki is very jealous, so don't even try to flirt with her if you're already with another girl. It is logical to assume that during a date with Kiki you should not even hint to her that she is not the only one with you.

She has an equally strong affinity for bowling, darts, billiards, Perestroika cabaret and the comedy Split Sides. But he doesn’t like strip clubs. He prefers to dine at Jerkov's or Club Liberty (85% each), as well as Steinway Beer Garden or Lucky Winkles. He has a positive attitude towards all other bars, restaurants and fast foods, although to a lesser extent. So if in a relationship you like stability and Consistency, Kiki girl is your choice!

Alexandra Chilton (Alexandra Chilton, nickname Liberated Woman)

The last of the girls available to Niko also lives on the virtual Internet. Alexandra blogs under the moniker Liberated Woman at But you need to get in touch with Alexandra differently. On the website in the “Women Seeking Men” section there is a message from her. By sending the letter, you will receive the socialite's phone number and will be able to organize a date in the usual way. It is worth noting that Sasha, like Kiki, lives in her luxurious house in Algonquin, so you can get to know her only after completing the necessary story missions. Alexandra Chilton in Liberty City is the local Paris Hilton, as her last name suggests. She does not work, constantly appears at all sorts of social parties and expensive clubs, and her favorite pastime is blogging, where she describes her adventures.

And an expat can be stylish.

This is interesting: after every date, successful or not, Alexandra will leave a message in her diary in which she will describe her attitude towards you, what she liked and what she didn’t like. Very useful for our hero-lover.

Following her role as a socialite and fashionista, after reaching a relationship level of 60%, Alexandra can arrange for Niko a fifty percent discount in all clothing stores for the day after your call. During this time, you can buy yourself all the clothes that are on sale, and then get dressed not in stores, but at home, just going to your closet.

You can invite Sasha on a date from six in the morning to two in the morning. Apparently, she is free at all times, except for four hours of sleep. Naturally, a fashionista wants to see luxury in everything, so come on a date in the most expensive cars Cognoscenti, Huntley, Infernus, Stretch or Turismo, and dress exclusively in expensive suits from Perseus.

Sasha will love any place you take her to. Everything causes her the same joy, any games and entertainment. However, she loves expensive restaurants and pizzerias a little more than fast food and cafes. Alexandra doesn't mind drinking - take her to Steinway Beer Garden or Lucky Winkles.

In conclusion, I would like to note that both friends and girlfriends brought a bit of realism to the game, ours real life. After all, we also take our phone out of our pocket, write a text message to a friend, or invite girls on dates. On the one hand, this makes GTA IV in some ways similar to The Sims series, but it does not interfere with the game at all. With all the variety of crime, the opportunity to take a break from murder and spend an evening with a girl enriches the experience of the game world. You really are taking a break from the harsh everyday life of a gangster! And life in virtual New York looks more realistic. Guys and girls are absolutely different from each other, each is a unique personality with long lines of dialogue, with interesting non-plot stories. Seeing how well and originally Rockstar implemented this part of the game, there is no doubt that many other aspects of Niko Bellic’s American destiny were brought to life with the same quality. This means that we will return to the vastness of Liberty City more than once. See you again!

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