Storing dried mint. How to harvest and store mint for culinary and medicinal purposes. How to dry a plant correctly

Mint is a healthy spice that adds a refreshing, cool note to a variety of dishes and drinks. Unfortunately, like other greens, it is not stored fresh after cutting for long, but its shelf life can be significantly extended if you know certain tricks. Keeping the spice fresh for the winter is difficult; most often it is stored dried, but then dishes with it turn out less aromatic and rich. How long does mint last in the refrigerator and freezer? What ways can you keep it fresh for a long time? The various storage methods and nuances are discussed further in the article.

  1. The plant accumulates the maximum amount of useful components at the beginning of summer. This is the period when it blooms. The natural process indicates the need for harvesting for later storage.
  2. For long-term storage, choose young plants with densely planted leaves. They contain the maximum amount essential oils.
  3. You need to cut mint and lemon balm in the morning, after the dew has disappeared.

Before storing, you need to prepare the raw materials:

  1. Sort the stems, remove dry leaves, remove other herbs and other debris.
  2. Rinse the plant under running water and shake off the water.
  3. Place on newspapers or paper towels and leave until moisture has completely evaporated from the surface of the leaves.

Attention! If only leaves are used to create the blank, they need to be separated from the stems. It is better to work with your hands, contact with metal tool accelerates product spoilage.

How to keep mint fresh

Mint leaves have delicate outer tissue, so they quickly wither after picking. The branches retain their turgor for no more than 2-3 hours after cutting, but knowing certain secrets, the duration of fresh storage without freezing can be significantly increased.

There are several simple methods:

  1. Picked mint is stored at room temperature in a container with clean water (like a bouquet). In this case, the stem is first cut obliquely with a sharp knife, and the leaves are cut off at the base to prevent rotting. The water should be changed every day. A simple method allows you to extend the freshness of the plant for 3-5 days (depending on the quality of the raw materials); if the mint has been without water for a long time, its freshness period will decrease to 2 days.
  2. Mint is washed under cold water and dry on a paper towel. The plant is placed in a sealed plastic container and placed in a cool place; contact with sunlight must be avoided. The maximum duration of freshness is 4 days.

You can preserve the juiciness of mint leaves for 10 days or more by storing it in the refrigerator. In this case, attention is paid to the original quality of the raw materials; damaged branches are not suitable for long-term storage. The spread of rot and other lesions can cause the entire stock to be lost. The branches are placed in a plastic container or wrapped in a paper towel and stored in the vegetable compartment.

If after collecting the mint it is not possible to immediately place it in a container with water, it is recommended to wrap the stems in a damp cloth and place them in a plastic bag. Then the plant will not begin to wither immediately.

Attention! When stored in the refrigerator, mint should be “isolated” from other foods because it has a rich aroma that can spread to other foods stored in the refrigerator.

If mint needs to be kept fresh for about 10-14 days, the best solution is to store it in the refrigerator. If the conditions are met, the spice will retain its smell and taste. Appearance may be slightly altered because the leaves darken quickly after harvest.

Freezer storage

For long-term storage, mint should be frozen. To do this, the spice must be properly prepared:

  • the raw materials are washed under running water;
  • lay out on newspapers or paper towels and wait until the moisture is completely removed;
  • If you plan to freeze only the leaves, you need to remove them from the stem.

It must be remembered that mint, like any greens that have been frozen, should not be subjected to it again after thawing. Periodic temperature changes during storage will inevitably lead to loss of taste and aroma, then please your loved ones with mint tea in winter period will not work.

Freezing mint leaves

Leaves should be removed from the stem by hand, without using metal scissors or pruners. There should be no traces of moisture on their surface. The raw materials are placed in a thick plastic bag equipped with a zip fastener. If there is no special bag for freezing, the air from the package must be removed using a straw. Mint leaves frozen using this method in compliance with all conditions retain their taste and beneficial qualities for 1 year.

Freezing whole branches

Raw materials are used to create various dishes and cocktails, cooking medicinal decoctions and infusions used for cosmetic purposes. To ensure freezing, washed and dried raw materials are packaged in ordinary plastic bags, placing 3-5 branches in each. Freezing in large portions is pointless; the required amount of frozen mint will be difficult to separate. Packets of mint are rolled into a tight tube and placed against the back wall of the freezer, in the compartment with vegetables and fruits.

Freezing leaves in ice cubes

The advantage of this method is the portioned packaging of greens. Mint is frozen in ice cube trays or candy boxes. The cooking process is as follows:

  • 2-3 washed mint leaves are placed in each compartment of the mold;
  • add water, filling it completely;
  • place in the freezer for 3-4 minutes.

It is not necessary to store the product directly in ice trays. You can remove the cubes after freezing and place them in a plastic container so as not to occupy the mold.

There are enough ways to ensure mint is frozen for the winter, so the housewife can choose the optimal method at her discretion. If fresh mint is used for cooking, consider freezing the leaves and whole branches. If the main purpose is making cocktails and using them in cosmetology, the method of freezing in cubes is convenient. You can make the preparation in several versions, in small portions.

Dried mint

Most often, mint is dried for long-term storage. The optimal collection time is July-August. At this time, the leaves retain essential oils in maximum concentration, which is why the pleasant menthol smell when proper storage dried raw materials last for several years.

  • the branches are washed and slightly dried;
  • collected in bundles of 10-15 pieces. and hung or laid out in a dry, dark place (contact with sunlight should be excluded);
  • after complete drying, remove leaves and inflorescences from the branches;
  • the raw materials are ground in a mortar or crushed by hand.

You need to store mint in linen bags or jars with a lid. The spice is added to ready-made dishes: soups, roasts, pilaf. In this form, it is stored for 1-2 years, but if the expiration date has expired, you should not throw it away. You can prepare a decoction based on it for taking baths.

Attention! Do not dry mint in the oven or microwave.

Is it possible to store lemon balm in the refrigerator and freeze it for the winter?

Melissa - fragrant medicinal plant, common in central Russia. When a few leaves are added to ordinary tea, it becomes medicinal: it normalizes work nervous system and stabilizes arterial pressure. But, you can use such a decoction only in the summer, to keep the plant fresh for a long time pretty hard.

Homemade lemon balm, collected from summer cottage retains its freshness for about 7-10 days. The concentration of beneficial properties is constantly decreasing. To preserve lemon balm for a week, it should be placed in a vessel with water immediately after collection. The container is sent to the refrigerator. It is not recommended to freeze plant stems. Under the influence of low temperatures, most of the beneficial properties are destroyed, therefore the optimal solution to ensure long-term storage is drying.

The best method for long-term storage

The simplest, most convenient way to store mint for a long time is in dried form. But, if you plan to use mint to create cocktails, drinks or any savory dishes, it is better to freeze it fresh. The best method is freezing in ice cubes. A lot of useful properties are partially lost in any long-term storage option.

The maximum duration for storing mint in the refrigerator is no more than 2 weeks, but it must be taken into account that the plant will gradually lose some of its beneficial properties. Freezing the plant allows you to preserve its benefits and freshness throughout the year. There are several ways to provide it: mint is frozen with leaves and stems, as well as in ice cubes. With so many options, choosing the one that suits you is very easy. It is much more difficult to ensure long-term storage of another aromatic herb– lemon balm. It retains its freshness in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days, and cannot be frozen. The optimal solution is drying raw materials for the winter.

One of the most popular herbs is mint. And this is not surprising. Due to its beneficial properties, mint is widely used in traditional medicine recipes. And the universally recognizable aroma of spicy grass has made it a popular component of many drinks and culinary recipes. The mint harvest season is in August. How to save this plant to use it throughout the year?

Storing mint in the refrigerator

If you plan to store the spice for a short time, it is enough to place the plant in the refrigerator after performing the following manipulations:

  • Rinse freshly cut mint branches under running cold water.
  • Shake the plant to remove excess moisture.
  • Prepare a damp cloth (preferably a waffle towel) or gauze.
  • Wrap the mint in a cloth soaked in water.
  • In this form, place the spice in the refrigerator.

An alternative to a wet towel is a plastic container. Place the branches in a container and seal it with a lid. If you don’t have a suitable plastic container at hand, don’t despair. Use a regular plastic bag - place sprigs or just mint leaves in it. Next, the “storage” must be tied tightly. This form of storing mint allows you to preserve the spice for 3-5 days. If longer storage of the product is required, it must be frozen or dried.

Storing mint in the freezer

Freezing without blanching

  • Wash fresh herbs under running cool water.
  • Dry the plant slightly.
  • Place the mint in a plastic bag and then in the freezer.

You can freeze whole branches or individual leaves. The latter can be pre-chopped if desired. This or that form of storage of the product depends on personal wishes, as well as the further use of the plant. If you plan to later include the spice, for example, in confectionery, then it is more convenient to chop the mint in advance, when the plant is fresh. Frozen mint can be stored for 4-9 months. However, it is worth considering that prolonged exposure to cold slightly changes the taste and aroma of the plant.

Freezing and blanching

Longer storage of mint is possible if you first carry out a short heat treatment.

  • Wash the mint.
  • Dip the branches of the plant in boiling water for a few seconds, and then immediately into cold water.
  • Shake off the grass and place in a plastic container or plastic bag.
  • Place the packaged mint in the freezer.

Freezing mint for drinks

If you are a fan of mint cocktails and chilled drinks, prepare the spice as follows:

  • Wash and dry the grass.
  • Separate the leaves.
  • Chop the greens.
  • Distribute the shredded leaves among ice trays.
  • Fill the mold with water and place it in the freezer.

Storing dried mint

The best way to store mint is to dry it. When dried, the plant can be freely stored for more than a year without fear of spoilage or loss of beneficial properties.

  • As soon as you cut the mint sprigs, immediately send them to the shade. Under the influence of direct sun rays the plant loses essential oils, but they contain the lion's share of healing components.
  • The stems with leaves are tied several times in bunches and hung in a well-ventilated and shaded room - in the attic, in a secluded place on the balcony or veranda. Inflow fresh air will prevent leaves from scorching and will help the plant dry out faster.
  • If you plan to dry the leaves exclusively, separate them from the mint stems and place them on paper or a clean cloth (still out of direct sunlight). From time to time the leaves need to be turned over.
  • When the spice dries, it should be transferred to paper bags or bags. An alternative is glassware with a lid - jars and containers.
  • Dried herb can be stored in a dark place at room temperature for two years.

Everyone knows what menthol is. But many people do not know that menthol is obtained from mint essential oils. Mint is widely used in cooking and folk medicine, and in cosmetology. The characteristic smell of mint can refresh a room, which is why in the old days there was no home that did not have bunches of mint hanging in it. But mint is an extremely delicate plant; it withers literally before our eyes, so those who want to preserve mint for a few days or for a longer period need to know how to properly store this fragrant herb.

How to properly store mint

How to store fresh mint

In order to keep mint fresh for several days, it is washed well, carefully laid out, blotted with a towel or paper napkin and placed either in a paper bag with a zipper or in a container with a lid. Place a damp towel, preferably a waffle towel, over the bag or container and place it in the refrigerator in this form. In this case, mint can be kept fresh for 2 to 4 days.

How to preserve mint for the winter

In order for mint to be preserved for the winter at home, it must be frozen. There are several ways of freezing, but, in any case, you need to collect mint at the height of its flowering - late June - early July, during the period when it contains the highest level of essential oil.

In order to stock up on mint for the winter, you need to rinse it well and dry it with a towel or paper napkins. The mint is carefully placed in a container, leaf by leaf, no need to tamp, and placed in the freezer. After a few hours, the frozen leaves can be folded more tightly, but this must be done quickly so that the leaves do not begin to thaw. Can be stored in the freezer of a regular refrigerator.

You can take leaves and twigs and cut them into strips, put them in a container, close them and put them in the freezer.

You can finely chop the mint, place it in ice containers, add water and freeze. The resulting cubes are good for making cocktails.

How to store dried mint

Only mature plants need to be dried when they contain the highest content of essential oils. Leaves and stems are collected in loose bunches and hung in a dry place. Leaves without stems are laid out on a sheet of paper or fabric. In both cases, you need to keep the plants out of direct sunlight. Well-dried raw materials are laid out in glass jars with tight lids. Storage in linen or cotton bags is allowed. Of course, you can use wooden or ceramic dishes, plastic, but this is not very advisable, since this material tends to absorb essential oil.

Dried mint should be stored in a dry and dark place, away from heat sources.

Everyone knows what menthol is, but not everyone knows that it is made from mint essential oil. Mint is common everywhere: in cooking, in folk medicine, in cosmetics. The aroma of mint has refreshing properties: it is not surprising that tiny bunches of mint have been hanging in homes since ancient times. Mint is a very useful, but delicate plant that withers within a few days and even hours after collection, and anyone who wants to preserve mint for a long time needs to know the rules for storing it.

How to properly store mint

There are several simple and effective ways how to preserve mint. When fresh, it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator, freeze or dry it.

Ways to preserve fresh mint

To preserve this plant for a long time, the mint bunches are thoroughly washed, laid out and gently blotted with a napkin. Then the mint can be placed either in a paper bag or in a container, while placing a damp towel on them. It is recommended to use a waffle towel for best results. In this form, the bag or container is placed in the refrigerator. Using this method, you can keep mint fresh for two to four days.

Mint for the winter: how to preserve it?

To preserve mint until winter, you should freeze it. There are several proven ways to freeze mint, but in order for mint not to lose its healing properties, it is necessary to collect it in the summer during the flowering period: from late June to early July. It is at this time that mint contains greatest number beneficial essential oil.

As in the previous method, the mint should be washed and dried thoroughly with a napkin or towel. Next, there are several options for packaging mint.

  1. You can carefully and not too tightly put the mint in a small container and put it in the freezer. After a few hours, you need to fold the leaves more tightly, but do it quickly so that the mint does not have time to melt. You can then safely store the mint in the freezer compartment of a simple refrigerator.
  2. Another way is even simpler: you will need to cut mint leaves and sprigs into sticks, put them in a container and put them in the freezer.
  3. If you like to add mint to various drinks or use it for cosmetic purposes, you can make ice cubes with mint leaves. To do this, you just need to finely chop the mint and put it in special molds or ice containers, add water and freeze.

How to Preserve Dried Mint

Mature plants containing a large supply of essential oils should be dried. Bunches of mint are hung in a dry and clean place without direct sunlight. If you only have mint leaves, then lay them out on paper or fabric. When the mint is well dry, it can be placed in small glass jars and tightly closed with a lid. It is also possible to store dried mint in cotton or linen bags. Remember that when drying mint, it is highly recommended not to use wooden, ceramic and plastic dishes, as these substances can absorb essential oil. Dried mint should be stored in dark, dry and cool places.

Cultivated and wild species of mint are actively used in cooking, folk and traditional medicine. This is a fragrant plant, rich in essential oils and has long been famous for its healing properties, today can be seen in garden beds and gardens.

But if in the summer, having picked a few fragrant twigs, it is so easy to prepare a healthy tea or decoction, use fresh leaves in soft drink or baking, then in winter everything ends up covered in snow. How to keep mint fresh for the winter? Are there ways to use it until spring? medicinal properties plants and enjoy its aroma?

If a couple of decades ago Russian housewives, out of habit, only mint sushi, today, thanks to the development of technology and the influence of culinary traditions of other countries, the possibilities have increased significantly. But before you prepare mint for the winter, it needs to be collected and prepared for processing.

Harvesting mint for the winter

The best season to harvest mint for the winter is July and August. In most regions of the country, mint is about to bloom at this time or is already crowned with pinkish or pale lilac inflorescences. During this period, the foliage, tops of shoots and flowers accumulate the largest amount of essential oil and other active substances, for which culture is so valued.

The best raw materials can be obtained:

  • from plants 2–3 years;
  • in the morning or evening hours, when there is no dew on the plants;
  • in dry, cool weather.

Cutting is carried out at 1/3 of the length of the stem, since its hard part is not suitable for winter storage, but it can still produce new growth before the end of the season.

Collected greens before storing in the refrigerator or before drying mint , freeze, carefully sort through, removing dry, damaged parts of the plant and impurities, wash and be sure to dry. If you want to keep mint fresh for the winter, place the prepared greens in bunches in containers with a small amount of water, cover the top with film or a transparent plastic bag and transfer to the refrigerator.

Mint shoots or leaves separated from the stems can be wrapped in paper towels and placed in resealable bags or containers.

In this form, mint “bunches” and green leaves retain their freshness and original appearance for up to 4 weeks, but then nature takes its toll. Greens lose color and elasticity, moisture and useful material disappear.

How to store mint if it is impossible to preserve plants in the refrigerator for a long time? You can use one of the oldest ways– dry the mint, which in this form will retain both the aroma and valuable oils.

How to dry mint at home?

Drying mint does not require much labor or complex preparations. Prepared, clean, without traces of moisture mint:

  • disassembled into small bundles;
  • the tops of the shoots are dropped into spacious paper bags;
  • bandaged and hung in a dry, ventilated place without access to sunlight.

With this method of drying, the grass is not exposed to ultraviolet radiation and thermal radiation, wind and dust, and it is also inaccessible to insects.

If desired, other spicy-flavoring herbs are included in the bunches, for example, oregano, St. John's wort, thyme or sage. Such sets will not only help to diversify winter tea drinking, but will also become an excellent healing remedy.

If mint is dried on pallets, the plant material is spread in a thin layer and also provides protection from the sun, draft, insects or pollution. In this case, in order for the process to proceed more evenly and quickly, the grass will have to be carefully stirred from time to time.

Features of drying and storing mint greens

Mint greens, like other herbs, can be dried in modern electric dryers, however, in this case, it is important to remember some of the features of the herb. How to dry mint so that it retains as many essential oils, vitamins and healing substances as possible? First of all, you should not expose raw materials to elevated temperatures. Optimal temperature regime for drying herbs is 20–35 °C. Therefore, the most gentle mode is used in an electric dryer, and it is not recommended to dry mint in the oven for the winter.

Tender greens lose moisture quickly, so the drying process is very intensive. You should not overexpose mint in an electric dryer, as this will lead to excessive fragility of the leaves and loss of some of the beneficial properties.

If the room where the mint bunches are hung is humid, the herb must be moved to another place as soon as possible, otherwise mold will settle on the stems and leaves and make the raw material unsuitable for consumption.

Overdried or subjected high temperatures Mint is easily recognized by the brown color of its leaves. This herb has virtually no odor and is useless for health.

How to properly store dried mint?

At room temperature, drying takes several days. You can determine the readiness of dried mint by pressing on the leaf plate; if it is easily separated from the stem with a rustling sound and crumbles, drying can be completed, the raw materials can be crushed and packaged for long-term storage.

Don’t forget how to properly store mint after drying. Although crushed herbs take up less space, they quickly lose their taste and aroma, so it is wiser not to turn dry herbs into powder, but when grinding, use gentle manual methods rather than a coffee grinder.

The best containers for storage are clean, dry glass jars with tightly sealed lids that prevent moisture, pests, or foreign odors from entering. At the same time, in a cool, dry place, herbs retain their aromas and taste for up to 6–8 months.

How to freeze mint for the winter?

With the advent of powerful modern freezers in homes, housewives have another opportunity to prepare mint for the winter. Under the influence of low temperatures, the plant seems to be preserved; all processes in it stop. As a result, mint retains its color, aromatic and taste properties. You can freeze mint for the winter either in bunches or individual leaves by packing the washed and dried raw materials in cling film, bags, foil or plastic containers.

Lovers of aromatic refreshing drinks can use mint leaves to make portioned ice cubes. Chopped grass or individual whole leaves are placed in molds, filled with boiled water, and placed in the freezer.

For medicinal tea, extremely useful for winter colds, you can freeze a slice of ginger or a little lemon zest along with mint.

Once hardened, the cubes can be conveniently stored in resealable bags to prevent them from melting and re-freezing.

Fragrant sugar from fresh mint

Another way to keep mint fresh for the winter will appeal to all sweet tooth lovers. Aromatic sugar based on selected mint greens is suitable for preparing a wide variety of culinary dishes; it can be added to baked goods, drinks, fruit salads and desserts. At the same time, sweetness takes over everything beneficial features plants, and the mint is kept fresh for the winter.

For 200 grams of chopped mint, take the same amount of sugar. The ingredients are thoroughly crushed and mixed in a blender until smooth, and then placed in dry, clean jars, simultaneously compacting the sugar.

Sugar with mint can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time, and in order for food to acquire the real aroma of this fragrant plant, it should be added to the finished dish.

Mint Green Syrup

For one and a half glasses of chopped mint greens, you will need a glass of sugar and the same amount of water. Sprinkle mint leaves with half the sugar and leave for several hours so that the herb gives juice and the sugar begins to dissolve. Make syrup from the remaining sugar and water, checking its readiness after boiling, drop by drop on a saucer. If the drop does not spread, the sugar syrup is ready and you can pour it over the mint.

To preserve all the properties of the plant, the syrup should not be kept on fire for too long. Immediately after boiling, remove the pan, cool the syrup and, after rubbing it through a sieve, pour it into sterilized dry bottles or jars.

How to properly store mint syrup? The vitamin-rich and very aromatic syrup can be stored well for up to two months if the sealed jars are stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

How to freeze mint - video

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