Ilya Averbukh personal life. "he acts like a rat, on the sly, and smiles in your face." Social life is in full swing in Sochi: the resort has become home to star skaters involved in the new production of “Carmen”

Irina Lobacheva believes that ex-husband found a good match

Until recently, the personal life of the famous figure skater, creator and producer of the mega-popular show “Ice Age” remained a secret. Ilya AVERBUKH left his wife Irina LOBACHEVA at the end of 2007. And since then he has not been seen in “defamatory” connections. Until unexpected facts became known to us.

An incident helped lift the veil of secrecy: our correspondent was lucky enough to fly on the same plane with the stars of the Ice Age. They were returning from a tour from Novosibirsk. For four hours the journalist watched the fascinating show in amazement: love games Ilya Averbukh And... Valeria Lanskaya. They not only sat next to each other (while other artists - Peter Chernyshev And Irina Slutskaya- they were seated separately), but they also openly flirted. However, in order. The flight began with a scandal.

Averbukh and Lanskoy got places in different rows. Walking around the cabin, he saw that there was no one in business class, and demanded that he and Valeria be transferred there, says the flight attendant of the Transaero company. Julia. - We had no right to do this. He got angry and even yelled at one of the flight attendants.

Lera tried to calm Ilya down: she asked the passenger next to him to change seats and called out to the skater: “Ilyusha, dear, I took a seat for you, come to me!” He immediately calmed down. Throughout the flight, Valeria and Ilya held hands, hugged, and by the end of the flight, Lanskaya fell asleep peacefully on her friend’s shoulder.

Room for two

It turned out that for people from Averbukh’s inner circle, this novel is not a secret. The 36-year-old trainer has been dating the 23-year-old Circus Princess star for several months. But they don’t want to advertise their feelings. In public they keep their distance and give vent to emotions only where there are no journalists. As we learned, Ilya even made several amendments to the rider of the Ice Age show. Now two single deluxe rooms are being booked for him and Lanskaya - always next door. The remaining participants live in inexpensive double and triple rooms. Employees of the Novosibirsk Hotel, where the touring performers stayed, say that Ilya and Valeria spent the only night in their city in the same room. They also went down to the restaurant for breakfast together.

“We’ve been feeding Ice Age actors for many years,” says a waiter at the hotel restaurant. Vadim. “Ilya always sat at the head of the table with all the participants, but here for the first time he retired with Valeria at a table hidden by a screen. The exceptional position of the actress under Averbukh is confirmed by another fact.

Our agency organized the “Ice Age” show in several cities,” says an employee of the Sibir tour agency. Milena Maslovskaya. - Averbukh wrote down the conditions for travel between cities in the rider: a separate compartment should be provided for him and Lanskaya on the train.

Pleased mom

Averbukh’s ex-wife finally dotted the i’s Irina Lobacheva. Not only was she not surprised by the news, but she also admitted that she knew about the affair.

“They suit each other,” the figure skater was happy for her “ex.” - Valeria is a beautiful, kind, devoted girl. Ilya is also very good man, so everything will be fine for them.

Lobacheva wished the couple a happy family life. It’s easy to believe in her sincerity - she has improved her personal life. For more than two years now, Irina has been dating her Ice Age partner, an actor. Dmitry Maryanov, who came to the project in 2007. Lobacheva was going through a difficult divorce from Averbukh, and with the appearance of Dima she was literally transformed. They began to leave training together, rumors began to spread about an affair... Friends of Ira and Dima say that the couple is thinking about a baby: she has long dreamed of a second child, he also does not mind giving his 12-year-old son a brother or sister. The lovers are not going to get married - they are already happy together. Just the other day, the paparazzi photographed them at their 30th anniversary Ani Semenovich: today they no longer hide their feelings.

Luck finally smiled on Averbukh. It is known that his mother greatly contributed to the divorce from Lobacheva. The marriage was early: at the time the relationship began, Ilya was only 16 years old. Ira became his first woman.

They started skating as a couple later. The skater’s parents, Yulia Markovna and Vyacheslav Naumovich, did not think that teenage feelings would result in marriage. My mother was especially opposed to this: the bride was not Jewish and could not fully join the Orthodox family. Ilya went against the family.

“I made it clear to my parents that this is my life, my decision,” Averbukh said in an interview. “I started renting an apartment, earning money by driving privately. Falling in love did not save the marriage. Family relationships things were complicated, and the birth of their son Martin in 2004 only worsened the relationship. When divorcing Averbukh in 2007, Ira set the condition that his mother should not approach Martin “at gunpoint.” The hostility between women has not gone away to this day.

Today Yulia Markovna Averbukh I'm quite happy with my upcoming marriage. Lera’s mother doesn’t object either - Elena Maslennikova. She also works as a choreographer on Ice Age, so her daughter’s romance developed before her eyes.

Just a fact

Lanskaya is Valeria’s pseudonym after her grandmother’s maiden name. According to her passport, the actress is Valeria Zaitseva.

Before Averbukh, Lanskaya dated her partner in the musical Monte Cristo, Andrei Alexandrin, for three years.

Until recently, the personal life of the famous figure skater, creator and producer of the mega-popular show “Ice Age” remained a secret. Ilya AVERBUKH left his wife Irina LOBACHEVA at the end of 2007. And since then he has not been seen in “defamatory” connections. Until unexpected facts became known to us.

An incident helped lift the veil of secrecy: our correspondent was lucky enough to fly on the same plane with the stars of the Ice Age. They were returning from a tour from Novosibirsk. For four hours the journalist watched in amazement a fascinating show: the love games of Ilya Averbukh and... Valeria Lanskaya. They not only sat next to each other (while other artists - Pyotr Chernyshev and Irina Slutskaya - were seated separately), but also openly flirted. However, in order. The flight began with a scandal.

Averbukh and Lanskoy got places in different rows. Walking around the cabin, he saw that there was no one in business class, and demanded that he and Valeria be transferred there, says Yulia, a flight attendant of the Transaero company. - We had no right to do this. He got angry and even yelled at one of the flight attendants.

The famous figure skater showed his sympathy for the young beauty even during the filming of the TV show

Lera tried to calm Ilya down: she asked the passenger next to him to change seats and called out to the skater: “Ilyusha, dear, I took a seat for you, come to me!” He immediately calmed down. Throughout the flight, Valeria and Ilya held hands, hugged, and by the end of the flight, Lanskaya fell asleep peacefully on her friend’s shoulder.

Room for two

It turned out that for people from Averbukh’s inner circle, this novel is not a secret. The 36-year-old trainer has been dating the 23-year-old Circus Princess star for several months. But they don’t want to advertise their feelings. In public they keep their distance and give vent to emotions only where there are no journalists. As we learned, Ilya even made several amendments to the rider of the Ice Age show. Now two single deluxe rooms are being booked for him and Lanskaya - always next door. The remaining participants live in inexpensive double and triple rooms. Employees of the Novosibirsk Hotel, where the touring performers stayed, say that Ilya and Valeria spent the only night in their city in the same room. They also went down to the restaurant for breakfast together.

The lovely body of Valeria Lanskaya is now in good hands

We have been feeding Ice Age artists for many years,” says Vadim, a waiter at the hotel restaurant. “Ilya always sat at the head of the table with all the participants, but here for the first time he retired with Valeria at a table hidden by a screen. The exceptional position of the actress under Averbukh is confirmed by another fact.

Our agency organized the “Ice Age” show in several cities,” says Milena Maslovskaya, an employee of the Siberia tour agency. - Averbukh wrote down the conditions for travel between cities in the rider: a separate compartment should be provided for him and Lanskaya on the train.

Pleased mom

Averbukh’s ex-wife Irina Lobacheva finally dotted the i’s. Not only was she not surprised by the news, but she also admitted that she knew about the affair.

“They suit each other,” the figure skater was happy for her “former.” - Valeria is a beautiful, kind, devoted girl. Ilya is also a very good person, so everything will be fine with them.

Lobacheva wished the couple a happy family life. It’s easy to believe in her sincerity - she has improved her personal life. For more than two years, Irina has been dating her Ice Age partner, actor Dmitry Maryanov, who came to the project in 2007. Lobacheva was going through a difficult divorce from Averbukh, and with the appearance of Dima she was literally transformed. They began to leave training together, rumors began to spread about an affair... Friends of Ira and Dima say that the couple is thinking about a baby: she has long dreamed of a second child, he also does not mind giving his 12-year-old son a brother or sister. The lovers are not going to get married - they are already happy together. Just the other day, the paparazzi photographed them at Anya Semenovich’s 30th birthday: today they no longer hide their feelings.

Luck finally smiled on Averbukh. It is known that his mother greatly contributed to the divorce from Lobacheva. The marriage was early: at the time the relationship began, Ilya was only 16 years old. Ira became his first woman.

There was a strong passion between AVERBUKH and LOBACHEVA, but this did not save the family

They started skating as a couple later. The skater’s parents, Yulia Markovna and Vyacheslav Naumovich, did not think that teenage feelings would result in marriage. My mother was especially opposed to this: the bride was not Jewish and could not fully join the Orthodox family. Ilya went against the family.

“I made it clear to my parents that this is my life, my decision,” Averbukh said in an interview. “I started renting an apartment, earning money by driving privately. Falling in love did not save the marriage. Family relationships were difficult, and the birth of their son Martin in 2004 only worsened the relationship. When divorcing Averbukh in 2007, Ira set the condition that his mother should not approach Martin “at gunpoint.” The hostility between women has not gone away to this day.

Today Yulia Markovna Averbukh is quite happy with her upcoming marriage. Lera’s mother, Elena Maslennikova, does not object either. She also works as a choreographer on Ice Age, so her daughter’s romance developed before her eyes.

Just a fact

Lanskaya is Valeria’s pseudonym after her grandmother’s maiden name. According to her passport, the actress is Valeria Zaitseva.

Before Averbukh, Lanskaya dated for three years with her partner in the musical “Monte Cristo” Andrei Alexandrin.

“I will remember my first victory for the rest of my life. The children's figure skating tournament at Luzhniki, I think, was called “Zvezdochka.” I skate as a single skater. I'm seven years old. Mom was in the hospital at that moment, I was worried, I missed her, I wanted to somehow cheer her up and make her happy. And suddenly an idea came: “I have to win!” I understood that there was practically no chance, but I was expelled from the section three times as unpromising. But I won! For mom's sake. And, having received a diploma with a portrait of Lenin, he rushed with it to the hospital as fast as he could. I sincerely believed that it was after this that she began to recover.

— Ilya, in life you belong to a rare category of winners. But, unfortunately, they could not become an Olympic champion. At the Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002, you and Irina Lobacheva won only a silver medal. How did you survive that moment?

— All athletes strive for Olympic gold, this is the main goal, main result many years of physical overload and nervous strain. Of course, Ira and I were no exception. The most annoying thing is that we were just a little short: we lost by one tenth. Agree, the loss is quite conditional. I remember that Ira was then in wild despair, very worried, crying. And my mood didn’t even deteriorate.

- Did this really not bother you?

— Perhaps, at my core, I am not an athlete to the core, in the sense of a champion athlete. Well, I didn’t experience much pleasure either from being in sports or from the victories that came. In my perception, life in sports was associated with imprisonment, if such a comparison can be allowed. Yes, that is right. If we put aside the ceremonial side associated with fame, awards, the opportunity to travel abroad and earn good money, I really was in a very compressed space - both in time and place. And, like a prisoner, he suffered internally. Therefore, I began to think early on how to break out of sports after finishing my sports career. Which helped me move on. Psychologically, I was ready for a new life, because I clearly understood: whether I become an Olympic champion or not, the world will not turn upside down, the congratulations will soon end, and everyone will switch to new stars. Unfortunately, most athletes step on this rake: it seems to them that

Having achieved the main result, they gain lifelong fame and financial well-being. I had no doubt that this was not so and that I would need to somehow radically change my life.

After the Olympic Games, I clearly realized: I don’t want to depend on anyone anymore, I don’t want the situation to control me, I want to manage it myself, and for this I need to create something of my own. I already had some ideas in my head. That's why I, like the prisoners who prison term coming to an end, I was in high spirits. And right there, in the Olympic Village, I began to negotiate with people about new projects.

— At some point, it became clear that, in principle, apart from ice and a child, Ira and I had nothing in common. With ex-wife and partner Irina Lobacheva and little Martin (2004). Photo: From the personal archive of Ilya Averbukh

— Then the idea of ​​ice shows came to you?

— What is more important here is not the idea itself, but its implementation, since this format has existed in one genre or another for as long as our sport has existed. Another thing is that in Russia the niche for such shows was free. Along with me, several famous athletes tried to make them, but only I really succeeded. Obviously, they hoped that it was enough to give the project their name and everything would happen by itself. No, it won't. My position on this issue was initially clear: I am completely immersed in the process and am present at all stages of the creation of the program.

In 2003, the first, extremely complex project “Ice Symphony” and at the same time a production company was born. I started cautiously - with a small tour of five cities in Siberia. I acted as a producer and guarantor of the financial component. I invested almost all the money I had, plus I managed to find some kind of financial support. But I was essentially selling a pig in a poke - the sponsors didn’t really understand what they were giving the money for. The athletes I invited to participate in my show looked at me like I was crazy. Figure skating in Russia was then buried; if the skaters skated, it was for free, at the command of the Federation figure skating skating in Russia. And there was zero hope that I would be able to pay. Only my name worked in my favor - everything was based on trust. But, as you know, in business, whoever starts first wins. And in this situation, I really turned out to be a pioneer.

Naturally, at first my idea did not bring any profit. And I also owed more than $100 thousand. But I had no doubt: the business was promising. And I was very passionate about this. The courage was enormous. Gradually the company grew and a team was assembled. Many still continue to work with me. For example, project director Ekaterina Tsanava, who cemented this company, attracted sponsors.

We have hundreds of performances behind us in many countries around the world, and annually host tours that are unprecedented in scale and geographic scope. Every time we bring something new, exclusive, something that the audience has never seen before. The coming year will be no exception. At the end of January, our entire star cast is going on tour with the new project “Odnoklassniki”. This is the story of people who studied in the same class and met many years later. With the help of choreography, they talk about what happened to them during this time. The performance will be seen by audiences in Vladivostok and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Tyumen and Yekaterinburg, Omsk and Novosibirsk, Yaroslavl and Syktyvkar, Moscow and St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don. More than 30 cities.

And the first show in Moscow took place in 2004. This happened when figure skating in our country did not attract spectators at all. The championships were held in front of empty stands, except for the relatives of the participants. I was incredibly worried. But eight thousand (!) spectators gathered for the “Together and Forever” program at the Small Sports Arena in Luzhniki - an absolute sellout. A lot of famous people came. We went backstage and congratulated. One of the brightest, forever remembered moments is applauding with a huge bouquet of flowers... And soon, in 2006, I received an offer from Channel One to create the “Stars on Ice” project.

- They kept me under a tight rein. But my mother promised: “You will thank me again.” And so it happened. With parents and younger brother Daniil. (USA, 2008). Photo: From the personal archive of Ilya Averbukh

“Didn’t you come up with this program?”

- No. The authors of this television format are English. And then it spread all over the world. Another thing is that all those projects died two years later due to rather weak implementation: the emphasis was placed only on figure skating stars. Only in its homeland, in England, does the project continue to live and has almost become a national treasure. I hope the same will happen in Russia. Moreover, we greatly changed the program, established new rules and, most importantly, focused attention not on the technical component of the performances, but on the creative one. As a result, I became a winner of the TEFI award. For me this is a huge reward, no less than a sports one.

- You, a famous figure skater, suddenly become a TV star... You are no stranger to fame. How did you adapt to the TV backstage?

— Having escaped from sports, as they say, in great life, I was very hungry for everything in the world, everything was interesting to me. And the crazy rhythm of television life came at just the right time. I rushed into this new field with insane enthusiasm. In general, I was ready not to eat or sleep. But, probably, he was the only one of the project participants who, after the first broadcast, did not feel the wave of gigantic popularity that hit us. Because I sat at Mosfilm around the clock, practically without going outside.

— Was it difficult to persuade famous artists to take part in the show?

— In the first season, when everything was just getting started, I was very scared. Well, imagine, a person lives his life, works, acts in films, plays on stage, and suddenly someone offers him a ridiculous adventure, and even on ice skates.

I remember how the recruitment of each of the participants in each of the seasons took place. First of all, I was looking for motivation that could attract a person to the ice and keep him there. I found out that Katya Guseva dreamed of figure skating as a child. And I gave her the opportunity to become a partner of Roman Kostomarov himself! Here's your motive. Ingeborga Dapkunaite divides all proposals according to the principle: interesting or not. Mine interested her almost immediately. And Chulpan Khamatova later funnyly said: “The main thing is not to look in Averbukh’s direction and not to hear his voice. As soon as he starts convincing you of something, it’s unclear why you involuntarily agree to everything.” But seriously speaking, it was important for Chulpan to promote the idea of ​​her “Give Life” foundation, and this became a fundamental condition for her participation in the project. There were no problems at all, and subsequently he became not only the TV presenter of the project, but also one of the main characters in my musical on ice “City Lights,” where he works both as an actor and as a figure skater.

But there were many difficulties. At first, he didn’t care about the project, and I can now admit that I didn’t rule out the possibility that he might run away, citing some kind of abnormal story. By the way, Misha actually tried to do this when he felt that he couldn’t skate. And I had to run after him thoroughly. Then Mikhail told me: “Only when I finally realized that it was impossible to hide from you, did I start training seriously.” And we all remember how great he started skating from the middle of the project. And now we are doing it together, the premiere of which will take place on December 27 at the Sokolniki Ice Palace in Moscow.

It must be said that Misha Galustyan had no competitors for the role of Carlson. He is a very gifted person, a person of great positivity. Mikhail himself is a gift. I think that all viewers who come to watch the incredible adventures of Carlson and Galustyan will be able to recharge themselves with good energy, which will help them get through everything. new year holidays in a very good mood.

Misha will have numbers both on the ice and in the air. In a word, the viewer will be able to see him in various roles. Preparations for the performance are quite serious. This is a big exercise stress, and Misha keeps asking me a question, will he survive

whether he. But I believe in his athletic potential. Now we are rehearsing with all our might. The duet between Carlson and Freken Bock, played by Alexey Tikhonov, turns out to be very funny. And in the role of the Kid, viewers will see Maria Petrova.

I would really like it to New Year Our viewers associated it not only with a home celebration, but also with a beautiful family tradition when all family members go to a beautiful performance together.

“I didn’t exclude the possibility that Mikhail could escape.” And he really tried to do it... With Mikhail Galustyan and Maria Petrova. Photo: Daniil Kolodin/production company “Ilya Averbukh”

— Returning to the conversation about your activities. It turns out that you are also a psychologist: you find your own thread for each person, by which you pull...

— And here it’s impossible without psychology, because the project is really difficult, and above all psychologically. To myself I compare it to an airplane. That is, first it is very important to gather passengers - famous, talented, capable of expressing themselves. Then overcome the difficulties of organizing takeoff and climb. And when the flight seems to be going well, an equally difficult process of relationships begins: leaders appear who are doing well, and those who expected to be leaders, but understand that they are inferior, and they want to get out of this story with dignity.

Because stars, as a rule, are ambitious, each counting on their own superiority. And it is very important that none of them jump out with a parachute. Or even without him. This is where psychological techniques have to be used.

I start talking a lot with the participants, convincing everyone how important they are for the project, proving that sometimes grades are not important. By the way, I sincerely think so. And of course, in the finale the plane must be landed so that it does not crash. And so that the audience will have a desire to watch the next flight. That’s why you have to be a psychologist, while remaining a producer, choreographer and stage director.

— Where did such a range of talents come from? Do you have any special family?

— The most ordinary one is a good, friendly Soviet family. My parents and I and my brother, who is 16 years younger than me (Daniil Averbukh is a coach, physical education teacher, was the European champion in fencing among cadets. - TN note). We lived in Perov. My mother is a microbiologist by profession, but in order to be able to take me to training, she began working in a kindergarten - she taught music classes, and also worked as an accompanist in choreography classes at school. She continues to work there now, staging plays. I think I definitely get my creativity and hard work from my mother. Both of us were born in the year of the Ox, and this is a hardworking, persistent sign. My father is a mathematician engineer; he worked at the Kompressor plant for many years. During the period of perestroika, when cooperatives began to appear, he opened a small restaurant, which, however, has been gone for a long time. Now my dad works with me and is involved in a rather important part of the work - souvenir products.

— Boys usually prefer more masculine sports. Why did you decide to go into figure skating?

— In my Soviet childhood, figure skating was treated with great respect, the whole country was proud of the successes of Belousova and Protopopov, Pakhomova and Gorshkov, Zaitsev and Rodnina... But to be honest, no one asked me what I wanted to do. This was the decision of the parent council, primarily my mother, who loved figure skating. And my mother, as I already said, is a very purposeful and unbending person. So, by a willful decision, she brought me,

five-year-old, to the section and forced him to go to training. The regime turned out to be quite tough; they kept me under a tight rein. Of course, I wanted more to kick a ball with the boys or play hockey, but... The discipline was the strictest, endless exhausting training plus the journey - an hour and a half each way. To outsiders, such a regime seems unnatural, but for me it was absolutely normal - a given that cannot be canceled. I got used to living like this, and now I work in exactly the same way, irregularly, with a short break for sleep. And I still don’t think there’s anything extraordinary about it, I’m so comfortable. Moreover, now I am doing what I really love. I remember how my mother promised: “You will thank me again.” And so it happened. Now I sincerely say thank you to my parents for giving me such a Destiny.

— But with such a busy schedule and strict regime, how did you find time to fall in love and court girls?

“Somehow I didn’t attach much importance to this.” No, some youthful outbursts certainly arose, but there were no global romantic stories. By and large, all this passed me by; I don’t even remember anything special. Indeed, sports took up a lot of time. For several years I trained as a singles skater. I wasn’t very good at jumping, but I skated very emotionally and loved to improvise. So I was transferred to ice dancing. Together with Marina Anisina, I won the junior world championship twice, and we were considered promising. However, our coach, Natalya Linichuk, decided to pair me with Irina Lobacheva, with whom we already had a close relationship at that time. We skated for 12 years, and I never regretted it. We were essentially together around the clock. I can’t say that after the stamps appeared in our passports, something in our lives has changed. And I don’t think that we have a family in the usual sense. Although Ira is a wonderful housewife, she was very sensitive to everything related to everyday life. In 1995 we moved to live in the USA. We were forced because here we simply had nowhere to train and no one with - our coaches left. In general, it so happened that we spent eight years in America.

— When did you start thinking about having a child?

“Ira always dreamed of this, and Martin appeared soon after the end of our sports careers. Martin - main man in my life, in which I see both my continuation and the embodiment of hopes.

— Why did your family break up?

— We lived together for almost 15 years. Why did you break up? I think the main reason is that over the years, the marriage began to burden both of us, communication reached a dead end, and we could no longer find a way out of it, since in any disagreement everyone considered himself right. And all this happened, it seems to me, because sport disappeared from our lives. It became clear that, in principle, apart from ice and a child, we had nothing in common. But even the expectation that Martin would cement our crumbling relationship did not work. The atmosphere in the family became increasingly tense. And gradually it became obvious that divorce was the only right decision. First of all, for the sake of Martin, who was then three and a half years old, so that he would not see the worries of his parents, quarrels and scandals between them. It is much better for him to watch mom and dad happy, even if they live separately, but still in mutual immeasurable love for him. So, in my opinion, it’s more honest. I left and began to live separately.

— Does your son play any sports?

- No, not at all. That is, Martin plays a little tennis - he was interested in it for a while, I took him to football, but he never seriously trained anywhere. I am quite happy that Martin studies in a good school and at the age of 10 devotes a lot of effort to his studies. So, I hope he will grow up to be a fairly educated person.

— Martin is the main person in my life, in whom I see both my continuation and the embodiment of my hopes. I’m thinking about how to change the schedule of my life in order to devote more time to my son. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- How does he feel about his parents’ fame?

- Calmly. He certainly isn’t bursting with pride: they say, do you know who my ancestors are?! My son has long been accustomed to the fact that Ira and I can be approached for an autograph. He used to constantly ask me: “Dad, what do they want from you?”

— Did you somehow explain yourself to your son after breaking up with his mother?

“It so happened that, in fact, he grew up in such a situation and therefore never asked questions on this topic. Yes, in fact, for Martin, with my departure, by and large, nothing has changed: I had been missing from work for days before.

And we meet regularly. Martin visits me at home - he comes, does his homework, we communicate well. It’s just a pity that this happens less often than I would like. I’m thinking about how to change the schedule of my life in order to devote more time to my son, because I see that now he really really needs me. We are already having men's conversations. Especially when traveling. We recently went on a kayak trip - we walked along the river in Valdai for two days. My friend was also there, also with his son. And so the four of us spent the night in tents, made fires, and fought hordes of mosquitoes. I had a great desire to divert Martin’s attention from the tablet - he has a bunch of games downloaded there. And here came the opportunity to look around, see the real world, communicate without any electronic gadgets. I won’t lie, I wasn’t able to completely free my son from the tenacious clutches of the games, but I still made an attempt. Martin and I travel a lot around the world together, we’ve been to different amusement parks, walked around historical places. If we go to Disneyland Paris, naturally we take a big excursion around Paris; After Legoland, we accordingly get acquainted with Denmark. We had a great time flying to Mexico, where we visited all the extreme parks. In the Maldives, Martin learned to swim well, and in the Alps, he learned to ski. We are waiting for winter so we can go to the mountains again. Maybe we’ll go to Sochi, where there are wonderful new tracks. And, of course, Martin happily comes to all New Year’s ice performances, and this year he is already looking forward to meeting Carlson.

— Ilya, have you ever wanted to stay abroad forever? For example, in America?

- That's what's amazing - never. And such a thought did not appear. Even when very big problems began in Russia, total shortages and unclear prospects. My ambitions exceeded the desire to live according to the average American scheme, as in the pictures: a house with a lawn and a pool, a car, a barbecue on weekends; and everything is on a loan that you pay off throughout your life. And I understood: you may be allowed into some zones, but there are others where you, as an emigrant, will never get in anyway. You will not be allowed to climb to the next step, much less jump over it. Therefore, my destiny was clearly outlined: to be one of the ordinary trainers who serve everyone who wants to skate. And practice has shown that this is what happened with those of our great athletes in the past who remained there. Yes, America is a very hospitable country, but it is extremely strict in its rules of residence. That’s why I saw myself here, in Russia, which, along with its ailments and problems, remains a country of exceptional energy charge. All our guys, having learned that I decided to return to Russia, considered me crazy and dissuaded me, saying that only a crazy person could hope to organize a business here. But I was convinced: this is where you can find enormous scope for your own realization.

— And you, it seems, really managed to realize yourself to the fullest.

— I’ll be honest: I perceive the fact that I had the opportunity to do an ice television project as a win-win lottery ticket. Fate just gave me a chance, and, thank God, I took advantage of it. Exactly. I am no longer 15 years old, and I look at things realistically. And out of a hundred percent, I will give only no more than ten to my abilities, talent, hard work, professionalism, etc., and ninety is just luck. Probably, a lucky chance falls to each of us at some point, but some grab luck by the tail, and some don’t. I managed to grab it. Therefore, I attribute all the kind and warm words addressed to me not to my own account, but to divine providence. And inside there is always a feeling of duty - both to this luck and to those people to whom she smiled less. I feel indebted for being so lucky.

Family: father - Izyaslav Naumovich Averbukh, mathematical engineer, entrepreneur; mother - Yulia Markovna Burdo, microbiologist, teacher; son - Martin (10 years old)

Education: graduated from Moscow state academy physical culture

Career: paired with Irina Lobacheva: silver medalist of the 19th Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City in ice dancing, world champion, European champion. Producer and director of shows with the participation of figure skating stars. In 2004, he founded the Ice Symphony company, whose hallmark are the television projects “Stars on Ice”, “Ice Age”, “Ice and Fire”, “Bolero”, the ice musical “City Lights”, children’s New Year’s fairy tales “The Mystery” Treasure Islands", "Morozko", "Mama". Starred in the films: “Time for the Cruel,” “Hot Ice,” “After School.”

The skater demands 200 thousand rubles from his ex-passion.

Ilya AVERBUKH does not comment on rumors about his novels. The skater didn’t say a word about his divorce from his wife Irina LOBACHEVA. But recently a scandal surfaced in the media with Chelyabinsk resident Daria GARTUNG, who was trying to organize a local tour of the Ice Show. Ilya called the girl a fraud and said that he didn’t know anyone like her. Daria in exclusive interview Express Gazeta told her truth about her relationship with the Ice Age star.

Daria Hartung met Ilya Averbukh at the age of 17. Ironically, on the fateful day of their meeting, she divorced her husband.
“I got married for the first time at the age of 16 to the son of a major official,” says Daria. - We met in a nightclub, where I often visited. Once we were playing in a casino. Andrei took out a coin and said: “Dasha, if it lands on tails, you will marry me, if it lands on heads, we’ll separate!” After the wedding, we moved to our husband’s two-story house, but a happy family life did not work out: they lived for a year and a half and separated. I found out that Andrei was taking drugs.

Basharov brought him together with Averbukh

How did you meet Ilya?
- On the day of my divorce from Andrey, my friends invited me to the “Ice Symphony” show at the Chelyabinsk Sports Palace “Youth”, which was brought by Averbukh. I was given an organizer's badge and told that I could watch the skaters' performance at the edge of the ice. Actor Marat Basharov was the first to approach me: “Hello, beauty! Sit down with us, Ilya liked you.” They put a chair for me on the ice, where they themselves were sitting. Ilya started to say that it was Marat who insisted on my invitation, but he objected: “What are you doing? You yourself told me to call her!” When the show ended, Ilya took me aside and invited me to dinner.
- How did you react?
- An awkward moment arose, which is embarrassing to remember. My legs were not shaved, and I suggested: “You go, and I’ll be there in an hour.” I cleaned myself up and, putting on Evening Dress, arrived at the hotel restaurant where all the Averbukh artists were staying. We had a great time in the lobby bar. That evening nothing happened between us: Ilya turned out to be gallant and careful. Having put me in a taxi, he just kissed me passionately on the lips goodbye.

So what is next?
- We started writing text messages to each other, and soon it came to virtual sex. Averbukh had just divorced Irina Lobacheva and was ready for new adventures. Soon Ilya invited me on a tour of the cities of Perm, Omsk, Tomsk. There I learned about my loved one’s passions. Averbukh admitted: he is attracted to girls who dominate him. Emotional, passionate, capable of hitting without thinking that there is a star in front of them. Apparently, I lived up to his expectations: I once threw an ashtray at his head. But that was later, and in the first months we enjoyed the romance. In Perm we checked into the same hotel, and for the sake of secrecy we booked different rooms, although in the end we slept in the same bed.
- What was your first sex like?
- This is something! Ilyusha is a very temperamental man. He called me into his room, grabbed me from the doorway and started kissing me, so much so that he bit my lip until it bled, for which he later apologized profusely. It is important for him that the woman has pleasure. His wife taught him to do strange positions in bed - the stretching of figure skaters, you know, you’ll envy. In general, Ilya surprised me five times during the night. He said that he missed passionate sex, and his wife Irina Last year he was not satisfied in bed. And then, lying down, he said: “Ira and I were a wonderful couple on the ice, and then we began to live just as synchronously.” family life. There was no other choice. In a word, Dasha, boring, cloying, unemotional! True, Irina cooks such thin pancakes!”

Ilya also talked a lot about the intricacies of secular cuisine: they allegedly came up with an affair with actress Valeria Lanskaya for the sake of PR. I asked about the child from Alisa Grebenshchikova, but Ilya just laughed and said that he did not debunk the rumors then.

Did you just have sex or something more?
- In Perm, I realized that I had hooked Ilyusha. The next morning he gave me a huge bouquet of flowers and offered to move to Moscow. In the capital, he rented me a two-room apartment with European-quality renovation on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, where we lived together. Sometimes he went to his son Martin. He didn’t deprive me of money either: he allocated five to ten thousand dollars a month for pocket expenses, plus gifts - Louboutin shoes, Chanel perfume, etc. One day we were sitting at home, and out of boredom he suggested that I run away somewhere. We rushed to the airport and flew to Cuba, where we rented a car, which we drove around for five days.

I will destroy you

How long did the fairy tale about Cinderella last?
- Averbukh and I lived together for nine months. Soon I became pregnant. Without telling Ilya anything, she had an abortion: the term turned out to be 12 weeks. I understood that he didn’t need a child, we had a “light” relationship. The maximum he was capable of was to start Yorkshire Terrier, whom I named after his dad - Izya. By the way, I affectionately called Ilya Mowgli.
During our close relationship, he introduced me to the ice business, introduced me to famous figure skaters - Maxim Marinin, Alexei Yagudin, who became my friends. There was a case: I invited my friend Nastya Buchina to one of the shows. On the same day, an affair broke out between her and figure skater Maxim Marinin. Max was married, but he could not resist the charms of the vice “Miss Chelyabinsk”. True, Max was in no hurry to provide for Nastya: Marinina arranged rare meetings somewhere on the side so that his wife would not find out. In their company, this pattern of behavior is absolutely normal: Averbukh has also been cheating on his wife for the last three years.

- Ilya wasn’t jealous of your friends?
“I tried not to show it, but he wasn’t very good at it.” Marinin and I became friends, spent a lot of time talking and hanging out together. Ilya, of course, didn’t like his friend’s attention to me - during drinking bouts in restaurants, and figure skaters abuse a lot, he took me to a room away from other men. Although I was not the only woman in their company - Nastya Volochkova loved to spend time with the guys: in the evening she could empty a bottle of tequila alone. Averbukh thought that I was cuckolding him with Marinin, so at some point he stopped giving money. Max helped out - secretly from Ilya, he regularly helped financially, although there was no sexual connotation here, since I did not perceive him as a man. I had suspicions that Marinin might be in love with me, but I didn’t openly talk about it with him.
- What scandalous story happened with the ice show in your native Chelyabinsk?
- During my life with Averbukh, I watched how he wisely earned money - seven million dollars a year. Since Ilya taught me the wisdom of “business on ice,” I decided to organize a show in my city. I agreed with Marinin and Yagudin, since Averbukh refused to organize a master class under his own name, put up posters, and set a date for the event. But when the skaters arrived in Chelyabinsk, Averbukh got involved. Furious that I was taking away a piece of bread from him, he threatened Marinin and Yagudin over the phone, and they refused to take part in the show. Max just said: “Dasha, you understand that he will cut off our oxygen.” Then Averbukh called and croaked: “Don’t interfere! I will destroy you, this is my business." Later I found out: he agreed with local skating rinks so that I would not be allowed on the ice. At the same moment, he made an announcement in the press that I was a swindler and that supposedly the skaters whose interests he represented did not agree to perform in Chelyabinsk.
- It turns out that the love story was stained by greed?
“I had a hard time with Max Marinin’s betrayal and ended up in the hospital with a stroke. I didn’t communicate with Averbukh for exactly a year after this incident. After this time, on his birthday, I wrote a short SMS: “Happy birthday, Ilya!” He replied: “Hello, Dasha! Thank you! How are you doing? Come to visit". At that time, Ilya bought an apartment in the prestigious new building “Triumph Palace” and was doing luxurious renovations. He showed us a new home, and we slept together as a truce. Averbukh, as I understand it, has this tactic: he acts like a rat, on the sly, while smiling in your face. For me, if there is war, then it is open.
- And yet Ilya did a lot of good things to you, are there really no good memories left?
- The story did not end at that ill-fated Chelyabinsk show. A year ago I dated a musician named Dovlat. A handsome DJ from Iran captivated me, so much so that I fell madly in love. Because of him, she converted to Islam and got a tattoo on her arm with his name. Dovlat is talented, and I wanted to help him. On December 15 last year, Dovlat was invited to organize the opening of Sokolniki Park. Stars were needed for the gala event, and to my misfortune, I remembered Averbukh. I called Ilya and offered to give a master class, he happily agreed. However, he immediately announced the amount of the fee: 200 thousand rubles. Since Dovlat did not have this amount, they decided to pay from the proceeds from the tickets sold. In love with Dovlat until I lost my pulse, I wrote a receipt that I undertake to pay Averbukh 200 thousand rubles for the performance. Ilya agreed. When the show ended, Dovlat threw up his hands and said that there was no money and all the funds were spent on the promotion.
- I won't envy you.
- Averbukh waited patiently for three months. But in March he came with people to Dovlat’s home. He disowned himself and turned the arrows on me. I begged Ilya: “Wait a little longer, what do two hundred ‘pieces’ mean to you?” To which he replied: “Dasha, this is a business, I need to settle accounts with people.” Averbukh’s money has still not been returned, I heard that he is going to sue us. After this story, I stopped communicating with Dovlat. He turned out to be dishonest: he threatened my mother that if I did not pay off my debts, he would help me disappear. They had already shot at the windows of our Chelyabinsk apartment. You don’t need to go to a fortune teller to understand whose handiwork it was. It turns out that both men dear to me treated me equally vilely. At one time, Averbukh laughed when he saw my last lover: “Dasha, you have a certain taste. He and I are alike, like brothers.”

The creative fate of the young and promising famous Ilya Averbukh has recently become the subject of discussion on the Internet and in the press. Numerous fans who have admired his colorful performances on ice for several years now want to know more about his creative plans, family and children.

Childhood, the path to success

The future famous athlete was born on December 18, 1973 in Moscow. Ilya’s parents, Izyaslav Naumovich and Yulia Markovna, were far from sports. My father was an engineer, but in the “roaring nineties” he became an entrepreneur. The mother, in order to be closer to the child, parted with the profession of a microbiologist and got a job as a music director in kindergarten. She loved figure skating and dreamed that her son would someday become a famous figure skater. Younger brother Daniil is also an athlete, a champion in foil fencing.

At the age of five, Ilya first stepped on the ice at the Avangard stadium, but several days passed and he was expelled due to physical unpreparedness. After this, the mother received several more refusals with similar explanations. Finally, persistence won out: Zhanna Gromova agreed to train Ilyusha and soon discovered extraordinary abilities in him. Ilya recalls that if it weren’t for his mother’s persistence, he would not have become a famous figure skater, especially since he didn’t want to do it at all, dreaming only about football.

At first, Ilya was engaged in single skating, but at the age of thirteen, some problems with coordination of movements were discovered, and he was transferred to a sports dance group. He trained with Natalya Dubinskaya and Oleg Epstein, then Natalya Linichuk took him on. In 1989 he joined the national team, and in next year, dancing with Marina Anisina, became a two-time national champion among juniors.

There was hope that the couple had a great future, but there were constant scandals between them, and the coaches decided to change their partner. Since 1992, he has been skating in tandem with Irina Lobacheva, and in 1994 they took second place at the national championship, and then received bronze awards for two years in a row.

They had known Irina since childhood, but seeing her as an adult beauty, Ilya fell in love at first sight. In 1995, having become a married couple, they and their coaches left for the USA and trained there until 2000. In 1997, victory in the national championship in ice dancing, and in 1998 in winter Olympic Games they were fifth. Having won the World Championship in 2003, the star couple returned to Russia, deciding to engage in coaching and producing activities.

Creation of the “Ice Show” project

December 25, 2004, when the couple performed at a farewell show in front of their audience, can be considered the day of farewell to amateur sports. She and Irina could have stayed in America, trained amateur teams and had a decent life. But Ilya dreamed of creating such an ice show in his homeland that it would have no equal in the world.

In 2004, Ilya Averbukh founded the Ice Symphony company. It is worth noting that no one believed in this idea except himself. But after five years it was possible to say that the dream had come true. He managed to restore the former authority to Russian figure skating, popularize it thanks to the performances of the best skaters and regain the well-deserved love of the audience.

The company organized the following events:

  • show tour “Russia is waiting”;
  • "Italian Carnival";
  • In 2007, a show for the anniversary of Tatyana Tarasova.

Together with Channel One, the company provided viewers with:

  • 2006 - “Stars on Ice”;
  • 2007 - “Ice Age”;
  • 2008 - “Ice Age 2”;
  • 2009 - “Ice Age. Global warming" and others.

After each season, tours are planned around Russian cities, where Averbukh acts as a presenter. Many movie and show business stars are happy to take part in the project. The fact is that the director of the project gives the opportunity to actors and others famous people try yourself in a new image. and character. In addition, participation in the project increases popularity and ratings. From December 2007 to June 2008, the project’s artists with their “Ice Age” visited 60 cities in Russia, Spain, Germany and the USA.

It was a beautiful and significant event ice musical"Carmen", which premiered in Sochi in June 2015. The meaning of this ice performance was different from the traditional one that spectators were accustomed to seeing. For example, in one act 60 actors appear at once, in another there is an unexpected explosion of music and the viewer sees a fiery flamenco dance. Averbukh slightly changed the plot, adding new events and selecting appropriate music. Here you can hear melodies by Bizet, Ravel and Shchedrin and modern music by Roman Ignatiev.

In 2014, Averbukh produced a television project on Channel One, “Professionals’ Cup,” and in the same year, the New Year’s premieres of “Mom” and “Baby and Carlson” were shown. Ilya Averbukh also took part in the filming of many documentaries and feature films. Ilya Averbukh first appeared in films in 2004, it was the crime drama “Time of the Cruel,” where he played the role of a journalist.

Subsequently, many more roles were played. Today “Ice Symphony” is a rapidly developing project that can be called an unsurpassed leader in directing ice programs not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Personal life of a sports star

In 1995, they married Irina Lobacheva. But when they first became skating partners, he was only 16 years old. It was a beautiful, amazingly romantic relationship. In 2004, son Martin was born. When the couple returned to Russia, Ilya began creating his own show, Irina opened a figure skating school for children and at the same time performed in ice shows.

Cooling between them came after Ilya got really interested in the “Ice Symphony”, disappeared at work day and night, the spouses communicated only by phone. In addition, rumors arose one after another about his infatuation, first with the young actress Valeria Lanskaya, then with Alisa Grebenshchikova, the daughter of the lead singer of Aquarium. All this strained and offended Irina as a woman.

Relations with Ilya’s mother, Yulia Markovna, were also far from ideal. The mother-in-law believed that their marriage was inferior, since Irina was not Jewish by nationality. When Martin was born, her dislike for Irina became even stronger. According to the skater, Ilya always listened to his mother and could not truly stand up for his wife. In 2014, the divorce was announced, which came as a surprise to everyone around. They thought that a breakdown would occur in his work, because Irina took part in all of his ice performances. But this did not happen, they remained on friendly terms.

Now he answers questions about his personal life unequivocally: “I’m married to my work.” Ilya helps the family, sometimes takes his son home, takes him to his rehearsals to distract him from computer games, which the boy, in his opinion, was carried away beyond measure.

The son does not dream of following in the footsteps of his parents, early years hates skates. They don’t insist: to each his own. Martin Averbukh studies in a good school, does excellent academically, sports activities prefers tennis.

U ex-wife Averbukha has now appeared new man. The chosen one's name is Ivan, he works as the second coach on her team. He is 16 years younger than Irina, and she did not pay attention to him as a man. But one evening after work they went out together, got to talking, it turned out that he had loved her for a long time, but was afraid to admit it. Found common interests and hobbies, Ivan became a person close to her, and they also have a good relationship with Martin. Now they live in a civil marriage, are happy and are thinking about having a child together. According to Irina, this is a reward for all the trials that she had to endure.

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