How to bleach tulle curtains at home. Whitening tulle at home: the best way. With salt

The presence of tulle in the interior brings daily life aesthetic joy. Its openwork and airy texture not only decorates the windows, but also dictates the style of the entire room. Accordingly, all dirt, grayness or yellowness will be the first to be noticed.

The delicacy of the material from which the curtain is made requires a special approach to washing.

The main factors spoiling appearance curtains, the rays of the sun, dust, and nicotine smoke usually appear. Heating appliances, which are often located under windows, also do not contribute to maintaining whiteness.

If openwork drapery decorates the kitchen, then oil fumes, spilled liquids and combustion products are added to the listed reasons.

All this contributes to the appearance of spots, stains and unpleasant shades.

Pitchfork tulle

  • Before you begin restoring the purity of tulle, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its material: The fabric used is natural
  • – silk, linen or cotton; or artificial: nylon or polyester. It sometimes has lurex or various rubber threads woven into it.
  • The texture of the curtains is smooth, embossed or patterned.

The most common types of weaving are organza and veil. But there is also muslin and mesh.

All these features must be taken into account when choosing washing methods, because each material requires individual handling.

  1. Set of rules for cleaning products made from thin and airy materials from contamination: First you need to thoroughly shake out the dust from the curtain.
  2. It is better to do this from the balcony or on the street. The next stage is soaking.
  3. This procedure is recommended to be carried out in warm salty water. The amount of salt depends on the volume of liquid, and this, in turn, depends on the size of the canvas. The main thing is that the solution is noticeably salty, this will make it easier for dirt to lag behind. The duration of the process is from two hours.
  4. Next, the tulle is rinsed in warm water. When bleaching
  5. Preparations containing chlorine are strictly not used. They greatly wear out and thin the already airy fabric. For washing
  6. It is necessary to use only special powders for curtains or for children's clothing. You can use gels, shampoos or folk remedies. The maximum is to squeeze it lightly without applying strong pressure. And in automatic mode, the “spin” function must be turned off altogether.
  7. You should not wait for complete drying; a slightly wet curtain should be hung on the curtain rod. There it will smooth out perfectly under its own weight. The use of an iron is generally not advisable, since such a product does not like the impact high temperatures.

Features of washing different types of tulle fabric

The purchase of such a delicate piece of furniture as tulle is usually accompanied by detailed instructions manual.

But if the passport is lost, or it was not there, then below will be given the basic recommendations and nuances for washing the most popular fabrics.

Organza is the most popular way to weave curtain fabric.

Most often it is made from polyester, less commonly found are items made from silk or viscose. The characteristics of such tulle will be light transmission and wear resistance. It is difficult to wrinkle and relatively easy to wash. Due to its peculiarity, it is difficult to allow air to pass through; this curtain is less easily soiled.

It is better to wash this curtain by hand.

The algorithm should be as follows: only delicate mode without spinning, temperature no higher than 30 degrees, wash manually, do not have an aggressive effect (do not wrinkle, do not rub, do not twist).

If ironing is required, the iron should be slightly heated. In case of light contamination, it will be sufficient easy manual

wash after a short soaking.


Nylon is a synthetic material that quickly fades in the sun and is difficult to restore color. It is picky about washing conditions and does not tolerate high temperatures, which means it is more difficult to restore its original appearance and whiteness. When using the machine, the automatic temperature is set (or the appropriate mode is selected) to 30 degrees. In this case return White color

you can use 10 tablets of hydroperite, which is loaded into the powder compartment.

Hand washing also takes place at a gentle temperature and only with gentle, delicate movements. And you can bleach a nylon product in several ways - using blue, brilliant green, salt and potassium permanganate. Detailed

step by step instructions

These methods will be discussed below. Veil

The machine washing method provides a delicate mode at temperatures up to 30 0. Spin is not applied.

This drapery is washed neatly and gently by hand. Instead of twisting, you need to squeeze lightly. This method is considered basic and sufficient if there is no heavy contamination.

This tulle can only be ironed through cotton fabric. This is the case when he did not straighten up from his own weight.

Kisey is a kind of thread or rope that hangs freely from the curtain. They can be made from natural and synthetic fibers.

The peculiarities of washing such tulle are in manual mode. The temperature is kept to 35 degrees, either special or folk remedies are used, and you need to squeeze it delicately.

If you still cannot avoid machine washing, you will definitely need a special mesh bag or a regular white pillowcase.

It is also better to braid the threads in a loose braid. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to untangle the resulting tangle.

This tulle is not ironed.

There is a popular opinion that prohibits the use washing machine for cleaning dirt from such a delicate product as tulle.

This judgment had a right to exist in the days of old activator-type machines, which hopelessly tore and spoiled thin fabric.

The developers of modern machines have provided the ability to wash delicate materials.

  • To do this you need to manipulate the software:
  • If the machine automatically sets modes, then you need to select the “silk”, “wool” or “delicate” program.

in case of manual program selection, the temperature switch is set to 30 degrees and the “hand wash” type is set.

  1. A number of universal tips for washing tulle in an automatic machine: You need to carefully fold the product before loading it into the drum.
  2. This will prevent the formation of creases; It is recommended to use a mesh bag
  3. or a regular white pillowcase to hold the drapery. This will ensure a more delicate effect; Apply special types powders or liquid gels and shampoos.
  4. They contain fewer aggressive chemical elements; Use detergents

required in an amount twice as small as usual. And put it on for additional rinsing. This is due to the increased foam production of the fabrics used for tulle;

Hand wash tulle

The most important thing is to achieve the desired temperature of 30-40 degrees.

To do this, they usually test the water with their elbow, because the skin on this part of the body is the most sensitive.

If you feel comfortable (not cool or hot), then the goal has been achieved. Next, powder for delicate fabrics or children's clothing is added to the basin and whipped into foam.

You can use liquid laundry detergents (for example, soap) at the rate of a tablespoon per liter of water.

To further add shine to the fabric, it is recommended to add vinegar in the proportion of one tablespoon to a liter of water.

For manual rinsing, use cool water. This process requires thoroughness, since tulle is reluctant to get rid of the resulting foam.

How to bleach tulle?

Openwork tulle is very susceptible to the influence of time. This manifests itself not only in the appearance of spots, but also in a change in shade - gray or yellow. And this happens due to exposure to the sun, dust, smoke and hot water. The last reason is the most dangerous, as it irreversibly changes the structure of the tissue.

Allows both manual and automatic mode.

  • For manual bleaching The curtain fabric must be immersed in the solution all at once. Uneven descent may result in yellow spots.
  • Automatic lightening consists of adding special products directly to the washing powder.

You can achieve crystal whiteness using both homemade and store-bought products. An important point is that this procedure is carried out only after washing, otherwise the dirt will become embedded in the structure of the fabric, and it will be almost impossible to remove it from there without consequences.

Special bleaches

Only optical or oxygen bleaches can handle this delicate process. In no case should they contain chlorine, which will destroy and damage the delicate fabric.

  • Optical means consist of luminescent dyes that settle on the fibers and create a brightening effect. The bleaching process itself is not provided.
  • Oxygen-containing compounds consist of hydrogen peroxide and are intended specifically for whitening. At the same time, they work even at low temperatures and are loyal to colored overlays and patterns.

Folk remedies

There are many such products, and the choice must be made taking into account the characteristics of the tulle and the availability of the ingredients.

  • Salt. It copes with both gray and yellow tints, cleaning the white fabric from stubborn particles. The method is as follows: exclusively rock salt (without iodine content) is diluted in forty-degree water at the rate of a tablespoon per liter.

Laundry detergent is also added here in the usual proportion. Everything is thoroughly stirred until all the grains are completely dissolved. Then the tulle is lowered and wrung out several times directly in the solution.

The procedure lasts two hours, followed by the usual washing and rinsing.

  • Soda. Its effect also copes well with grayness and yellowness. The bleaching process with soda solution is carried out after soaking, but before the normal washing procedure.

The recipe is as follows: 2 tablespoons of soda are added to 100 g of powder and filled with 10 liters of warm water. All particles should dissolve. Then the curtain is immersed and kept in this bleach for half an hour to two hours.

  • Zelenka. This product must be used with great caution. It is very effective and the effect lasts for a long time, but there is a danger of dyeing the fabric a soft green color.

To avoid this, you need to scrupulously follow all the recommendations:

  1. half a liter of warm water two tablespoons of salt are thoroughly dissolved;
  2. 15 drops of brilliant green are also added there, stir and leave for 4 minutes for a sediment to appear;
  3. the resulting solution pours out carefully into the rinsing container (it is very important not to get any settled particles);
  4. washed tulle dips into a container with brilliant green for a final rinse for 4-5 minutes;
  5. the canvas turns over all the time and lightly squeezed to absorb liquid evenly; sixth - the curtain is taken out and hung.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

This budget set is considered the most effective in the process of bleaching artificial fabrics. The order is as follows: soaking, main wash, bleaching and final rinse.

Bleaching consists of the following stages: add 2 tbsp to 5 liters of sixty-degree water. spoons of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia; when the thoroughly mixed solution has cooled to 35 degrees, the tulle is immersed for 1/3 of an hour; During the entire process, care must be taken to ensure that the fabric does not remain above the surface, which can lead to the formation of yellow streaks and stains.

This method of lightening is very simple: first, the fabric, soaped with laundry soap, is soaked for half an hour in warm water;

  • then citric acid is added there in the proportions of 6 tablespoons per bucket of water, and the curtain simmers for another 1/3 hour; Finally, the drapery is rinsed and sent to dry. Lemon can not only wash clothes, but also clean the washing machine. You can find out how it works here. Blue.

It can be used both during manual rinsing and when rinsing in automatic mode. This process is preceded by regular washing.

with the help of manganese. Then you need to add a glass of powder there. After the main wash, the tulle is dipped into the prepared liquid and remains in it until it cools.

Next is the final rinsing process.

Severely yellowed or grayed old tulle - how to bleach it?

  • Before throwing away yellowed tulle, you can try to revive it using the following recipes: In automatic mode
  • The “pre-wash” or “soak” program is used. The powder compartment contains 10 hydroperite tablets. Digestion.

Only natural materials are allowed for this process.

After such a procedure, synthetics tend to turn gray irrevocably. The method is as follows: an enamel or stainless steel pan is half filled with water; then 100 g of laundry soap is rubbed there (you can also add 150 grams of powder); then the container is placed on the fire and heated until the ingredients are completely dissolved; Then the tulle is immersed in the solution for 1-2 hours (depending on the intensity of the contamination).

  • When rinsing after such a process, sudden temperature changes should be avoided, so first the curtain is dipped in warm water, then in cold water. Salt and soda solutions are also effective for old stains.
  • Only the soaking period needs to be increased from 2 hours to 8. And then everything according to the recommendations described above. The use of brilliant green also shows good results.

The procedure time for old tulle increases from 5 minutes to 1.5-2 hours. And then everything is according to the described recipe.

How to remove stains on tulle?

Soot and grease stains are the worst to wash and require special attention. But this is not a reason to grieve.

There are ways to improve the situation:

Oily stains

  • respond well to dishwashing detergent. It should be applied to contaminated areas and lightly rubbed. Next is the usual washing process;
  • You can make your own stain remover. To do this, mix 4 tablespoons of ammonia and 6% vinegar with a tablespoon of salt. The mixed components are rubbed into the stains and left for a quarter of an hour. Then you can wash it as usual.

Soot stains

The method is like this:

  • soak the product for 30 minutes in warm water, after pre-treating the stains with laundry soap;
  • then using dishwashing detergent you need to degrease contaminated areas by rubbing;
  • without washing off the product, add two tablespoons of soda per bucket of water to the rinsing container, mix everything, distribute evenly and leave for 9 hours.
  • followed by washing, rinsing and drying.

The more beautiful a thing is, the better care it requires. In order for tulle to please the eye with its cleanliness and snow-whiteness for a long time, it is recommended to wash it every three months. Otherwise, this airy and delicate product quickly loses its attractiveness.

But with the availability of the above methods, you can always correct a situation of any complexity (or almost any).

The most important thing is to follow the requirements of the tulle manufacturer or the recommendations outlined above regarding temperature, washing and rinsing agents and their quantities.

Weightless tulle curtains decorate window openings, bringing comfort and harmony to the interior of the room. However, even with careful handling, the delicate fabric becomes dirty from dust and turns yellow.

Therefore, many housewives are concerned with the question of how to bleach yellow tulle and return it to its original beauty and freshness. There are many options for whitening, both industrial compounds and simple home remedies. Some of them are worth checking out.

Popular whitening methods

When choosing one or another washing method, you must take into account the characteristics of the material from which the tulle is made. The following recipes will help correct the situation and return the curtains to their original appearance.

  1. A concentrated saline solution will cope with even severe yellowness. To prepare it you will need 3 liters of hot water and 1 glass of salt. Soak pre-washed fabric in this composition, cooled to 40°C for 12 hours. After this, rinse and dry the product.

Another way to bleach yellow tulle using salt at home. Stir 2 tbsp in 2 liters of hot water. l. coarse salt, add a little detergent. Dilute the resulting composition with the required amount of warm water and soak the fabric for at least 6 hours. A soap and salt solution will do the job perfectly; all that remains is to wash and rinse as usual.

Other methods to recreate original whiteness

Not many people know that special substances such as blue or brilliant green can help cope with the problem. To remove yellowness from fabrics at home using brilliant green, you need to dilute 15 drops of the product in 1 glass of water. room temperature. Mix the composition thoroughly so that there is no sediment. The prepared mixture can be added to the water during the last rinse.

Blue is used in a similar way when rinsing. The second option for using blue is simpler. It is added to the conditioner compartment during machine washing.

When using brilliant green or blue, you should take into account one important nuance. To avoid leaving traces or stains on the white tulle that are difficult to get rid of, these substances must be thoroughly stirred.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to bleach tulle, you can use the boiling method. This simple and affordable procedure is suitable for canvases made from natural materials. Take a large container of water, add soap shavings or other detergent, stir and lower the item. Boil for at least an hour, let cool, rinse and dry.

There is a huge range of industrial products on store shelves. household chemicals, which can easily perform whitening at home. Following the manufacturer's instructions, this manipulation is not difficult to perform, but when using this technique, it is worth considering some aspects.

Not all types of bleaches are suitable for whitening delicate fabrics. Chemical preparations negatively affect the structure of fibers and lead to their damage. Delicate material will not withstand constant treatment with such substances. Also, do not forget that after using chemical bleaches once, you will most likely have to use only them in the future, since other methods will be powerless.

Old sun-bleached tulle is difficult to tidy up using just one method. Required here A complex approach. First, it is recommended to boil the fabric in a soap solution, then rinse it in peroxide and ammonia, and only then bleach it in salt or starch.

  • if not indicated on the label temperature regime washing, then the optimal value will be about 40°C. In some cases, when boiling, the yellowness eats into the fabric even more;
  • It is recommended to soak and wash the fabric folded. This will prevent the appearance of numerous creases that are very difficult to smooth out;
  • when rinsing, add a little vinegar to the water to give the material freshness and shine;
  • It is not necessary to iron the tulle after washing. It is enough to let the curtains drip, gently wring them out and hang them on the curtain rod, where they will straighten out under their own weight.

Using tips that have been tested in practice for decades, you can bleach yellow tulle at home without harming the delicate and delicate material.

Over time, tulle loses its snow-white appearance and becomes gray, so any housewife needs to know how to bleach transparent curtains at home. There is no need to exhaust yourself by repeatedly washing matter that has lost its attractive appearance; such a procedure will not bring any results. Use modern bleaching agents or ancient tips, and in one wash your curtains will become even whiter than when you bought them.

Caring for sheer curtains

Tulle is needed not only to protect the room from the bright sun and prying eyes. A bare opening, even framed by beautiful curtains, creates a feeling of incompleteness; the room becomes uncomfortable. The stores offer many types of transparent textiles for window decoration. Housewives usually buy synthetic fabric: nylon, organza. There are also supporters of environmentally friendly materials; they prefer traditional curtains made from natural threads.

If the windows face a busy street, the snow-white tulle quickly becomes dirty and takes on a gray tint. Curtains made of synthetic materials are easy to clean from dust; after regular washing they regain their original beauty. Set the machine to delicate mode and heat no higher than 30⁰C. Do not use chemical bleaches as they may damage delicate fabric. If after several washes the tulle curtains have lost their attractive appearance, you need to use traditional methods of restoring their whiteness.

Before washing, shake the tulle thoroughly to remove dust. If you immediately throw the removed curtains into the washing machine, the dust will penetrate into the fibers, making it very difficult to wash the curtains until they are white.

If there is tulle made of natural threads hanging on the window, after the first time you can take out the ugly grayish rag from the washing machine, which can only be used to curtain the window in the closet. But when using curtains made of white cotton or linen, there is one big advantage: these fibers tolerate washing and the use of strong bleaches well. Previously, such curtains were simply boiled, and they became snow-white. Nowadays there is no need to put a huge tank on the stove and breathe steam for several hours; washing machines successfully cope with this work. But if the airy one, obtained by a rare interweaving of thin threads, has turned gray, it must be handled with special care.

To put your curtains in order, you can use the services of a laundry or dry cleaning service. This work is expensive, and you will have to constantly carry heavy bales to and from the service station. Calculate how much time it will take to travel and place an order, and think: wouldn’t it be better to learn? There are many ways to get this job done quickly and efficiently.

Why does tulle lose its whiteness?

Any housewife knows that without the use of special products, white fabric over time acquires an unpleasant yellow or grayish tint. Blouses, shirts and T-shirts that were previously snow-white have to be soaked in bleach or re-dyed after a few washes. If durable fabrics can be soaked in strong solutions containing aggressive substances, then when cleaning delicate organza or nylon in this way, you will spoil it and will no longer be able to restore it. Synthetic tulle can only be bleached using gentle means.

The tulle constantly hangs on the window opening, dust settles on it. When people pull back the curtain, fingerprints are left on the fabric. If there are children or pets in the apartment, the bottom edge of the curtains gets dirty very quickly. It is impossible to subject delicate fabric to strong mechanical stress; washing in a delicate mode will only remove surface dirt, and the particles embedded in the fibers will remain and will soon give the snow-white fabric an unpleasant tint.

In rural areas or dachas, people still use stove heating, and particles of ash settle on the curtains. In the kitchen, tiny droplets of evaporated fat settle on the fabric, onto which dust adheres. Smoke from cigarettes will also not bypass transparent curtains; it will leave a dirty coating on them and an unpleasant odor. Direct Sun rays They act differently on different fabrics: they can bleach, or they can leave yellow marks. All these factors gradually turn beautiful snow-white tulle into an untidy, gray rag of a dirty shade.

What is the best way to bleach tulle?

Before bleaching the tulle, figure out what caused it to lose its attractive appearance. If the fabric is simply covered with dust, you need to shake it out and spin it in the washing machine; sometimes this procedure is enough. Over time, the curtains acquire a gray tint that cannot be removed with plain water and detergents. Hydrogen peroxide will help restore whiteness. Sometimes the threads turn yellow; this phenomenon is often found in apartments where people smoke a lot. In this case, it is better to use soda or salt for bleaching. For this procedure, you need to take only salt with large crystals. The fine white powder intended for salt shakers on the table is not suitable for washing.

If the tulle has turned yellow, do not wash it in hot water, the temperature should not exceed 30⁰C. With strong heating, the yellow pigment will penetrate into the fibers, and it will be very difficult to remove it.

The appearance of tulle on the windows has always been considered an indicator of the housewife’s neatness. If the opening was covered with ugly gray rags, no one thought about how much work the woman put in to bleach the yellowed tulle, everyone only noticed the result. We often bleach sheets and duvet covers in strong solutions, which can be used for durable tulle made from natural materials, but will destroy organza or voile. The secrets of washing capricious matter have been passed down from generation to generation. You, too, can use the experience of your great-grandmothers to make the fabric on the windows white.

  • Add 1 tbsp to 5 liters of cold water. a spoonful of ammonia and 2 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide. Soak the fabric in the solution for 30 minutes.
  • Dissolve 2 tbsp in 5 liters of warm water. spoons of salt and soak the tulle for half an hour.
  • Pour a tablespoon of baking soda and washing powder into 5 liters of water and soak the curtains for 3 hours.
  • Add a solution of potassium permanganate to a bucket of water with a temperature of about 40⁰C so that the liquid turns pale pink, and 3 tablespoons of washing powder. Wash tulle in the solution.
  • Soak the yellowed fabric for 5 hours in a solution of laundry soap. Rinse in clean water and immerse for 10 minutes in a solution of potato starch: 250 g of powder per 5 liters of water.

Do not throw dirty curtains into the solution. Wash them first to remove surface dirt. Bleaching compounds are not designed to remove dirt and dust from fabrics, but to remove any remaining gray or yellowish tint. Make sure that the curtains are completely immersed in the composition - if even one corner peeks out of the water, a yellowish tint will remain on it.

After washing and processing, the curtains need to be rinsed properly; this procedure also has its secrets.

  • Add a cap of washing blue to 10 liters of rinse water.
  • In the basin with cold water add a little salt and 3 drops of brilliant greens.
  • Add the bag to the rinse water citric acid or 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar.

Don't wait until the color change in the curtains becomes noticeable. It is very difficult to remove ingrained old grayness or yellowness. As soon as the fabric begins to lose its original beauty, take action immediately, then the tulle will look like new even after many washes. It is important to observe one condition: you can wash delicate fabrics only in soft water, this is the only way you can return the whiteness to the curtains. Since in most apartments a cocktail oversaturated with dissolved salts flows from the taps, use special drugs, softening water. In this way, you will protect both your laundry and your washing machine from damage.

How to properly wash tulle curtains

You may find recommendations to wash and rinse tulle only by hand. Such advice is copied from old books, when washing machines were imperfect and could ruin delicate fabric. If you have a museum piece in your bathroom that has been asking for scrap for a long time, it is better to wash delicate fabrics in a basin. Modern devices can be set to the most delicate mode, programmed to the desired water temperature, and they will not ruin your curtains. In a good machine, all the bleaching of the tulle will be done automatically; all you have to do is dry the fabric.

To wash the tulle well, do not throw it into the drum in a lump; carefully roll the curtains to the desired size. Place very capricious fabrics or curtains that may get tangled during washing in a special bag.

There are many means for bleaching from grayness and yellowness, and you need to choose the right methods depending on the type of fabric:

  • for nylon - salt, blue, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, starch;
  • for organza - hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, salt, brilliant green;
  • for the veil - hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

When washing, you can add a couple of tablespoons of salt or 10 tablets of hydrogen peroxide to the powder. Do not use chlorine bleach; there are better products available now. Oxygen-based products destroy dirty shades without harming the fabric. Optical effect powders leave particles on the fabric that create the visual illusion of whiteness. Such substances can only be used on curtains without a pattern, otherwise the pattern will lose its brightness. Under no circumstances should you forcefully twist the tulle, just squeeze it in your hands. Carefully hang the canvases to dry - if the material lies on the rope without folds, you don’t have to iron it, but immediately hang it on the window. Try to secure the white curtain to the curtain rod while it is still damp so that when it dries the curtain will take the correct shape.

After each wash of tulle, add 2-3 tablespoons of ammonia to a bowl of rinse water. Let the fabric sit in the solution for about 20 minutes and then rinse.

In the comments, sometimes there are complaints from housewives who used blue, brilliant green or potassium permanganate and received tulle with stains and colored streaks. This happens if the dyes are not completely dissolved. It is not difficult to make a solution without grains: take a small jar of water, add powder or solution of the drug there and stir well. Wait a few minutes until the color of the liquid becomes uniform and small particles settle to the bottom. Drain the top layer of the composition into a basin or washing machine, and bottom part pour it down the drain. The pigment will be evenly distributed throughout the entire volume, will not leave stains, and you will be able to process delicate fabric so that it is snow-white.

Dirty tulle curtains not only make the room look sloppy. The dust collected on them contains many harmful particles and microscopic mites that cause allergic reactions. Don’t wait until the whole family starts sneezing continuously; wash tulle and curtains in a timely manner. If you don’t have the strength to put all the windows in order, decide to wash the curtains on at least one opening. When you see snow-white muslin framed bright curtains and lambrequins, you won’t be able to look at the gray rags hanging on the other windows. Your hands will naturally reach for detergents, and soon the whole apartment will become clean and beautiful.

Light, transparent curtains on the window can enliven and decorate any interior. As a rule, tulle is selected in white so that it harmonizes with thick curtains, does not distract attention and creates a feeling of spaciousness and air in the room. Over time, white fabric turns gray and may acquire a yellowish tint from washing. Tulle in the kitchen can be ruined by annoying stains. It is not possible to return the curtains to their original whiteness during normal washing; bleaching is required. This process is not complicated, but it is important to select methods that do not damage textiles, are optimal in terms of time, and are accessible in technology and cost.

There are many ways to return the white color to an old curtain.

Caring for tulle curtains depends on the quality of the material and differs in the choice of means and technologies used. Sheer curtains are made from several types of materials:

  1. Capron. Bleaching should be gentle; it is allowed to use only those products that are indicated on the label by the manufacturer. It is allowed to use products that do not require boiling; you can use improvised substances - starch, salt, brilliant green, potassium permanganate.

    Nylon has a low melting point, so the curtain can “sink” in hot water

  2. Organza. Thin material that requires careful handling. You can’t boil it or wash it in hot water, however, organza absorbs dust and becomes gray over time. For bleaching, use salt, ammonia with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green.

    Organza tulle can only be washed in warm water

  3. Veil. This fabric cannot be bleached with chemical bleaches or household chemicals. When washing, starch or ammonia works well.

    The veil is easily damaged; it is not recommended to wring out this fabric.

  4. Linen. Stable and durable linen textiles can be boiled, but you need to remember about the shrinkage of natural fabrics. The fabric must be shrunk before sewing. You can use household bleach, but with caution. Ammonia whitens well.

    Linen fabric is a natural material that wrinkles easily and is difficult to iron; it is better to use a steamer

  5. Cotton woven fabric. Easily washed, bleached with household chemicals and many folk remedies, starch is especially suitable. Do not squeeze or twist too much, as the weave of the threads may shift.

    Cotton and linen can be starched; synthetic fabrics and silk cannot be treated with starch solution

  6. How to bleach tulle at home

    For home bleaching tulle, everything you need can be found in the medicine cabinet and kitchen cabinet. Old traditional methods They work softer than modern household chemicals, so ordinary powder, laundry soap and warm water are well suited for delicate fabrics. Some curtains can be machine washed; for particularly delicate textiles, only hand wash and rinse is suitable.

    Before washing tulle made of any material, be sure to read the manufacturer's recommendations on the label.

    Means for bleaching fabrics from gray tint

    Home whitening remedies can be used one at a time or sequentially. Old recipes recommend the following options:

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • starch;
  • brilliant green;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Coarse salt

Soda ash

Potato starch

Diamond Green

Ammonia solution

Hydrogen peroxide solution

Important! Traditional way- boiling - not suitable for thin fabrics. In some cases, curtains can be boiled, but only if there is no “boiling prohibited” sign on the label and there is no temperature limit.

Tips on how to bleach tulle almost never recommend using white. If white curtains have acquired a gray tint over time, some housewives try soaking them in a solution of bleach or household bleach. The effect may be unexpected - the fibers are burned by acid and the fabric becomes yellow.

Using salt and soda to bleach tulle

Tulle is bleached using household products in a large basin. To give the curtains a boiling whiteness, take 3-5 tablespoons of salt. Coarse table salt, not iodized, works well. Any powder without additional effects is suitable for washing (one measuring cup). Salt and powder are mixed and dissolved in warm water (5-6 l).

Housewives with experience claim that salt removes soot stains well

The curtains are immersed in the resulting composition for 3-4 hours. If the dirt is very strong (for example, along the bottom of the curtains or along the windowsill), then you can soak the curtain overnight.

During this time, the solution will turn yellow or even brown if the curtain was very dirty

The material is then washed and rinsed in clean water, and then again in a saline solution.

Whitening soda is used in the same way. Prepare a mixture of powder (about 50 g) and 1 tablespoon of soda per 5 liters of water. Stir until completely dissolved, soak the fabric for 20, maximum 30 minutes. Then they wash it in the usual way and hang them to dry.

Soda ash will remove soot from curtains

The advantage of these methods is their very low costs. All the necessary ingredients can always be found at home; you don’t need to buy them specially. None of the elements cause allergies. The disadvantage of this method is the duration of soaking.

Whitening tulle with brilliant green

An original but effective way is to make textiles white using brilliant green. Old books on home economics give instructions on how to bleach tulle at home, using only 5-10 drops of this product per 5-6 liters of water. This method is not suitable for curtains made of dyed organza, as they may change shade or become stained. Curtains must be washed before bleaching.

“Bleaching with brilliant green” sounds paradoxical, but many years of practice show that brilliant green quite effectively removes the yellow tint from tulle

The brilliant green is first stirred in a glass of water, and only after there is no sediment left is the mixture poured into a prepared basin for washing. To make sure that there are no green streaks left on the white, you can strain the liquid. To completely dissolve the brilliant green, you need to wait a few minutes. The tulle is not washed in this water, but rather rinsed after washing for 5 minutes.

The curtain must be constantly turned over so that the fabric bleaches evenly

The advantage of the method is accessibility, lack of unnecessary expenses, and speed of execution. The downside is that the brilliant green must be stirred very thoroughly so that there are no colored streaks left on the white.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide

You can bleach tulle with hydrogen peroxide by simply adding 1-3 tablets of hydrogen peroxide to the washing basin along with powder (5-7 l of water, 50 g of powder). It is important to thoroughly dissolve the solid pills before placing the curtains in the basin and starting to wash. This tip on how to make tulle truly snow-white is not suitable for a thin and delicate veil.

For this whitening method you will need hydroperitol tablets.

A more reliable method suggests using hydrogen peroxide in solution along with ammonia. You need regular pharmaceutical ammonia and 3 percent peroxide in a dark bottle. The water for washing is made at a temperature of 60 degrees, and a bleach mixture is added. The ratio of ammonia and peroxide is 1: 2-3. Measure the amount of substance with a tablespoon. Stir thoroughly, then immerse the curtains in water for 30 minutes. Before hanging to dry, the fabric must be rinsed thoroughly in clean water.

Bleaching cotton tulle with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

The advantage of the method is the excellent whitening results for the most modest money. The whole process will take very little time. Minus - this way you can only bleach natural materials; it is not suitable for organza and nylon.

Means for soaking tulle

It is not always possible to immediately wash the curtains in half an hour; sometimes it takes the whole day or night. Consider bleaching tulle at home the most The best way for soaking.

Home remedies work well for washing curtains in a child's room

Most effective means for bleaching are not always safe for fabric:

  • white (not recommended);
  • special powder (may not work without additional soaking);
  • laundry soap;
  • salt and soda.

In order to soak the curtain material with laundry soap, it is first grated. So it will quickly dissolve in water, making a soap solution from a whole bar is difficult. The mixture of soap and water is brought to a boil in a steel basin on the stove (2-3 tablespoons of grated soap per 5-7 liters of water). Allow the solution to cool and soak the curtains for 8-12 hours.

You can use ordinary laundry soap, but soap with a whitening effect will give a better effect.

Soaking in a solution of brilliant green with salt gives a good effect. You will need 5-10 drops of brilliant green and 2 tablespoons of salt. First, all the substances are thoroughly mixed with water in a glass, then a solution for soaking is made in a basin. This is an express method - you just need to place the tulle in a basin for just 5 minutes.

To enhance the whitening effect, this method combines two folk remedies

After washing, to make curtains white, it used to be customary to soak curtains in yogurt. Suitable only natural product, not powder. A pack of curdled milk is diluted in a basin of water, the curtains are soaked for a day, then rinsed thoroughly with fabric softener to eliminate the smell of sour milk.

You can buy real curdled milk at the market or make it yourself from cow's milk.

Natural fabrics are soaked in starch for bleaching. Take 1 cup of starch into a basin of water (5-6 liters), dilute it in cold water (in hot water it will cook and you will get jelly). Soak the tulle for a few minutes. This method works well to get rid of yellowness.

Starch forms a film that protects the fabric from dust

For nylon curtains, bleaching in a solution of potassium permanganate is used. Potassium permanganate (half a teaspoon maximum, less is possible) is diluted in a glass of hot water. The solution is added to soapy water (or mixed with powder - half a glass) and the nylon is soaked in it for 10 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and can be dried.

When using potassium permanganate for whitening, the main thing is not to overdo it. The solution should be pale pink in color and without sediment.

A quick way to remove grayness and yellow our grandmothers came up with nylon and aspirin. Take 4 tablets per 5 liters of heated water. The tulle is soaked, then washed, rinsed and hung out to dry. Only regular aspirin tablets are suitable, not powders with different flavors.

The cheapest paper-packed aspirin is best.

Effective bleaching in the washing machine

Tulle is a large curtain that is usually hung from the ceiling to the floor. So much fabric is difficult to wash by hand in a basin and not every basin will fit. It is much more convenient to send them to the washing machine if the composition of the material allows it. With this washing method, bleaching is never done using chlorine-containing products. They can ruin household appliances. For machine wash with bleach, you can use the hydrogen peroxide bleach tip described above.

When choosing a bleach, carefully study the packaging, which should indicate the active ingredients and shelf life

Choose oxygen-containing bleaches from those sold in the store. They contain ordinary hydrogen peroxide, which successfully removes yellowness and gray tint. You can try more expensive optical brighteners. They are well suited for nylon, veil and organza, as they contain luminescent molecules that create a white effect on these transparent fabrics.

For traditional bleaching of curtains, you can use blue, which will give the curtains a slight bluish tint and thus eliminate grayness. When putting it in the washing machine, add the usual amount of powder and 1-1.5 caps of blue to the conditioner container. This bleaching will be quick, but finding bluing in the store is quite difficult. The disadvantage of this method is that if the bluing does not dissolve well, then blue stains will remain on the fabric.

When adding the product, calculate the dosage according to the instructions

The choice of washing mode is important so as not to damage the material. If there is such a setting, then choose “delicate wash” or “silk”. The “hand wash” mode at a temperature of 30 degrees, as well as the “pre-wash” mode, are well suited. Delicate fabrics are shipped neatly folded and packed in a mesh bag.

To bleach delicate, expensive fabrics, use a special laundry bag.

Instead of powder when washing, it is better to use gel. The “spin” mode must be turned off, otherwise the fabric will be very wrinkled and it will be very difficult to iron it.

After washing, do not wring out or twist the tulle - just hang the curtains on a rope

Among the lesser-known and popular tips for bleaching tulle are recommendations for boiling, but this method is not safe or reliable enough. It is much more important to thoroughly shake out the textiles before soaking so that accumulated dust is not absorbed into the fibers. Then softer substances, such as starch, can also make the curtains white.

First of all, the tulle must be carefully removed and shaken out on the street.

When bleaching, you should not pour too hot water, a maximum of 40 degrees is enough, optimally 30-35. Hot water will not help remove stains, but will “seal” the stains. Organza especially does not like hot water and chemical bleaches. Do not wrinkle the fabric when washing or twist it to avoid creating creases. After rinsing, you can simply hang the curtains and let the water drain.

Curtains made from delicate fabrics require careful handling.

To add shine to textiles, add a tablespoon of vinegar to the water when rinsing. Not only will it make the fabric shine, but it will also remove odors that have been absorbed into the curtains. Tulle does not require ironing. After the water has drained, the wet curtains are hung on the curtains. This way they will straighten themselves under their own weight, and you won’t have to wait for the curtains to dry.

Video on how to bleach tulle at home

Have your curtains turned yellow or grayish and you don’t know how to restore them to their former freshness? Are you planning to replace them with new ones? This is not at all necessary. So that you can restore them to their former freshness with minimal effort, let's figure out how to bleach tulle at home.

Nowadays there are many means that allow you to bleach any type of fabric in a washing machine or by hand washing without any effort. Such bleaches are “Ace”, “Vanish” and others. Depending on the manufacturers' recommendations, these products should be added to the powder during machine washing or the items should be soaked directly in them. Such tools have several advantages:

  • they quickly deal with stains;
  • are easier to use than “grandmother’s” methods and require less time;
  • allow you to deal with any stains, even old ones, in just one wash.

They also have their disadvantages. These include the pungent odor of many compounds (for example, “Whiteness”), as well as negative impact on the fabric, due to which it begins to crumble after the third similar wash. In addition, they can cause allergies in humans and are completely unsuitable for those housewives who suffer from bronchial asthma. If you encounter similar problems when using such products, you should use folk remedies, thanks to which even gray tulle with red spots can return to its original appearance.

Whitening with folk remedies in a washing machine

If your tulle has turned yellow, but you don’t have time to soak it and wash it further by hand, you can deal with this problem using a washing machine. It is recommended to proceed as follows:

Important: with this procedure, in no case should you increase the washing temperature. Otherwise, you will not get the effect you were hoping for: the fabric will only turn yellower.

Boiling the fabric

This is the easiest way to bleach tulle, requiring a minimum of cost from the housewife. Those who choose it are required to act like this:

Important: remember that this bleaching method is not suitable for all materials. Many synthetic fabrics deteriorate from such exposure.

Treating tulle with soda

Regular baking soda can also remove yellow stains from curtains. To do this you need:

After this, you should simply transfer the item to the washing machine and run a normal wash with an additional rinse. After this, the tulle will need to be immediately hung out to dry.

Bleaching with potassium permanganate

A solution of potassium permanganate can also help you quickly get rid of yellow tint on tulle. You will need to act with it like this:

Important: You can use this method after other attempts to wash white tulle. It works well after boiling and washing the product in the washing machine.

How to bleach tulle with brilliant green

This is another way to effectively deal with yellowness on tulle from different material. It is recommended to use it like this:

  • First you need to prepare a special bleaching solution. To do this, add a few drops of brilliant green to half a glass of water.
  • After this, you should wash the curtain with regular powder.
  • Next, you need to pour the water with brilliant green into a basin for rinsing and soak in it for a few minutes. After this, the product can be hung up immediately; there is no need to rinse it additionally.

Important: if you don’t have any brilliant green on hand, you can use blue for this bleaching. For this procedure, a cap of this product will be enough for you.

How can you restore the whiteness of a product using peroxide?

You can also bleach curtains with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide at home. In this case it should work like this:

Important: this method Can be used on almost all fabrics. You just need to make sure that the recommended temperature regime is not violated during such washing.

Removing yellowness with salt

Salt can also remove yellow stains from curtains. You need to do it like this:

  1. First, you need to rinse the product well so that there is no dust left on it.
  2. After this, you should prepare a saline solution. To do this, you need to add regular washing powder to five liters of water (determine the amount based on the manufacturer’s recommendations) and 5 tablespoons of salt. It is recommended to leave the tulle in this solution overnight.
  3. In the morning, the product will need to be washed and rinsed well.

You can also use another method of washing curtains with table salt. The product should be washed as usual, then you should prepare a new saline solution with 4 tablespoons of salt and re-soak the product in it: this remedy will help completely rid the tulle of yellowness. After this, all you have to do is dry the product well without additional rinsing. This bleaching method is suitable for almost all fabrics.

How to clean a nylon product

Nylon is considered a very delicate material that can be spoiled by choosing the wrong washing mode or the wrong bleaching products. Products made from it are strictly prohibited from being washed in hot water. It is recommended to rinse them by hand or machine wash them on a gentle cycle.

How to bleach nylon tulle? For this purpose, you can use products such as brilliant green or blue. Potassium permanganate or saline solution works well with this material. If you also want such a curtain to keep its shape as best as possible after washing and bleaching, be sure to treat it with starch - it will help keep your product beautiful in shape and looking fresh.

How can you bleach organza?

Organza tulle is a particularly delicate material that cannot be treated with all bleaching agents. When working with it, you can use blue, a solution of peroxide with ammonia, brilliant green, and also a saline solution. Such products can only be soaked in water at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees; moreover, it is strictly forbidden to twist them, as they can become deformed and even tear under such influence.

Important: it is forbidden to wash organza products in hot water, much less boil them. Also, to clean such products, you cannot use bleach sold in household chemical departments. Such products can hopelessly damage delicate fabric.

How to bring freshness back to old curtains

Old tulle cannot be bleached in one wash. Such products should be cleaned in several stages, including:

  • digestion;
  • treating fabric with peroxide and ammonia;
  • use for bleaching when rinsing salt;
  • rinsing in starch solution.

Between these manipulations, it is recommended to rinse the product several times in clean, cool water. Don’t be surprised if such a thing doesn’t come off in one wash: in some cases, you have to use all available means to restore it to its former beauty. If none of the ways to bleach tulle yourself at home gave you the desired result, just get rid of the old curtain and replace it with a new one.

Video: how can you bleach tulle at home?

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