How to eat properly for different forms of gastroduodenitis? Diet for gastroduodenitis: sample menu, allowed and prohibited foods Gastroduodenitis, what you can and cannot do

Diet for digestive disorders complements therapeutic treatment, being the most important tool in the fight against the disease. When the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed and duodenum, a strict diet for gastroduodenitis can minimize irritation of the delicate mucous membrane and promote the healing of inflamed areas. By following all the dietary rules determined by your attending physician, you can put the disease into remission for a long time.

Why do you need a diet for gastroduodenitis?

Gastroduodenitis is a disease associated with inflammatory and, subsequently, dystrophic damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. Gastroduodenitis is classified as a chronic disease. As a rule, the cause of inflammation is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Therefore, like chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, except drug treatment(bactericidal, antispasmodic, reducing the acidity of gastric juice) requires adherence to a dietary diet. The diet itself will not get rid of the problem, but it will promote recovery and protect against possible exacerbation in the future. The menu for chronic illness always consists of dishes that not only protect the damaged mucous membrane, but also envelop the walls of the digestive organ, protecting them from the harmful effects of excess hydrochloric acid and mechanical damage. When drawing up the menu, the increased and decreased acidity of gastric juice, as well as the nature of gastroduodenitis, are taken into account.

Diet is the most important component of complex treatment of the disease and requires strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician.

Basic principles of nutrition

Gastroduodenitis is divided according to morphological characteristics to superficial, erythematous and erosive, which also affects the recommended diet, as well as the level of acidity of gastric juice. Thus, nutrition for gastroduodenitis with high acidity excludes a number of sour provoking foods, including citrus fruits, vinegar, sour apples, plums, and berries. The named food products are also prohibited from being eaten during erosive gastroduodenitis, so as not to irritate the already damaged mucous membrane. And for gastroduodenitis with low acidity, you can add oranges and fermented milk products to the list of allowed foods, but not too sour ones.

Regardless of the type of gastroduodenitis, you need to eat in compliance with the general principles:

  • Do not fill your stomach with excessive amounts of food;
  • There are only dishes room temperature;
  • Meals should be frequent and moderate - up to 6-7 times a day;
  • All food should be crushed to a pasty state using a blender, for example, so as not to injure the walls of the stomach with rough pieces;
  • Everything will have to be exclusively baked, boiled and stewed - no frying pans;
  • Even pureed foods should be chewed thoroughly.

Despite the diet, food should be complete and varied, sufficiently high in calories and always freshly prepared.

Attention! You will have to completely give up alcohol and cigarettes. There is not a single type of alcoholic beverage that one could afford with such a disease. Neglecting this rule can lead to relapse of the disease.

Authorized Products

The attending doctor will help the patient create a competent menu for the week, taking into account the patient’s general condition and possible risks. Permitted products include:

  • Cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, beets;
  • Buckwheat and semolina porridge with milk, buckwheat and water;
  • Noodles and crackers from white bread;
  • Milk and cream, condensed milk;
  • Chicken, turkey, fish;
  • Omelette and soft-boiled eggs;
  • Butter and vegetable oil;
  • Compote, juices, jelly, mineral water, weak tea with sugar.

This list can be supplemented with a number of other safe foods and drinks that your doctor will recommend. By the way, it is very useful to eat jelly-like products, since gelatin envelops the walls of the stomach, which means it relieves pain and helps fight the inflammatory process.

Prohibited Products

The menu can be varied even if you are on a diet. But there are prohibited foods that you should be aware of. This list includes:

  • Any types of preservation - fish, vegetables, meat;
  • Some vegetables, including radishes, cucumbers, beans, garlic, celery;
  • Nuts and dried fruits;
  • Pancakes, dumplings, dumplings;
  • Wheat fresh bread, cakes, cookies, puff pastry products;
  • Chocolate, candy, ice cream;
  • Spicy seasonings, fried foods, mayonnaise and vinegar;
  • Pork, lard, bacon, sausage, fried chicken;
  • Cognac, vodka, wine, beer.

For some types of gastroduodenitis, products from this list may be allowed. But in any case, their use is strictly limited.

Sample menu

It is worth dividing your meal time into 5 parts: breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack, dinner.

For example, in the morning you can indulge in semolina porridge with milk, two eggs “in a bag,” compote or uzvar. For lunch, prepare a dried slice of bread with jam, rosehip infusion. Perfect for lunch break pumpkin soup- puree, buckwheat porridge with a piece of steamed fish and boiled beets, as well as tea with or without sugar. For an afternoon snack, you can eat a sweet apple baked with sugar and a cup of green or black tea. The evening meal may consist of stewed vegetables With chicken breast, ground into pulp or steamed cutlets from lean meat, as well as rosehip decoction. At night it is useful to drink a glass of milk with 3.2 percent fat content.

It is useful to diversify the menu with cottage cheese casseroles, steam omelettes, and sweet fruit juices.

How to eat during an exacerbation of the disease

A chronic disease is always fraught with seasonal exacerbations. Even if you follow a healthy diet, an exacerbation to one degree or another may remind you of a chronic illness, and you will have to be even stricter in your choice of dishes.

Strict restrictions will have to be introduced for at least five days. And the menu will look something like this:

  • You can eat two in the morning quail eggs, slightly undercooked and a glass of milk;
  • For second breakfast, allow yourself fruit and berry jelly from sweet varieties with the addition of starch, of course;
  • At noon you can eat milk soup with ground cereal and meat cutlets.
  • For a snack, jelly, jelly, or rosehip decoction are good;
  • In the evening - porridge with milk with pureed cereal and a glass of milk;
  • And at night jelly or milk.

The menu is designed in such a way that it contains enveloping products that are gentle on the mucous membrane.

Recipes for diet

Easy to make pumpkin soup. To do this, you need to peel 200 grams of pumpkin and boil it in half a liter of water along with half an onion and one carrot. Add a little low-fat cream, butter, salt and thoroughly blend everything with a blender until you obtain a puree soup. Boil again and serve.

Carrot soup is cooked in weak meat broth. For a liter of broth you need three carrots, an onion, two eggs, a tablespoon of flour and a spoon of butter. The ingredients are boiled in broth, then pureed. Flour is added at the end of cooking. First dissolve it in a small amount of water. And at the very end they add butter. And when the soup boils again, add beaten eggs and stir with a spoon. Three minutes and the soup is ready. Bon appetit and be healthy!

A balanced diet for gastroduodenitis becomes the key effective treatment. The affected stomach and intestines need a gentle diet. This is the only way you can quickly restore the health of your mucous membranes and return to a full life. When compiling proper diet There are a few basic guidelines to keep in mind.

Rational nutrition and healthy image life help to get rid of many health problems, including gastroduodenitis. This disease is accompanied by such unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms as:

  1. Constant heaviness in the stomach.
  2. Attacks of nausea.
  3. Heartburn.
  4. Unpleasant sensations in abdominal cavity after meal.
  5. Diarrhea followed by constipation.

A diet for gastroduodenitis relieves such symptoms and helps prevent the development of complications.

Principles of nutrition

For the diet to be effective, you need to remember a few basic rules:

  1. Each piece of food must be chewed thoroughly. Getting unchopped food into the stomach injures the mucous membrane and aggravates the course of the disease.
  2. Eat at least five times a day in small portions. Try to eat at the same time every day.
  3. Do not eat excessively cold or hot foods. All food should be warm. Even products stored in the refrigerator, such as fermented milk, must be kept at room temperature for some time before consumption.
  4. If you cannot imagine your life without sweets, then choose honey. This natural product will not harm the digestive system and will help strengthen the immune system. This will make it easier for the body to cope with the disease.
  5. Avoid eating fried foods completely. Boil, bake or stew meat and vegetables.
  6. Choose mineral water as a drink. The specific composition is selected after consultation with a doctor.

Effective Diets

There are several basic diets designed to treat gastrointestinal diseases. For gastroduodenitis the following are used:

  1. Table No. 5. Its main task is to protect the liver from damage and increased bile secretion. This diet is based on reducing the consumption of refractory fats. At the same time, the amount of proteins and carbohydrates should remain within normal limits.
    • Cooking is allowed only by boiling or baking. If vegetables contain a lot of starch, they are pureed. Eating fatty meats is prohibited: lamb, duck, pork. You can add a little butter or vegetable oil to your dishes.
    • You cannot eat fresh bread, baked goods, or pies. Sweets should be replaced with dried fruits, marshmallows or honey.
    • You will have to give up a number of dairy products: sour cream, fermented baked milk, cream, milk. They need to be replaced with kefir or yogurt.
  2. Table No. 1. Diet for gastroduodenitis in the acute stage or during the last phase of treatment. Involves complete abstinence from foods that stimulate secretion in the stomach. Food must be digested quickly, so spices and other irritants are not allowed in it. The use of marinades and smoked meats is prohibited. Daily norm is 1500 kcal.

The choice of a specific diet is made based on the patient's test results. The specialist should give all the necessary recommendations on proper nutrition.

Choosing a diet depending on the form of the disease

Gastroduodenitis may have various shapes and severity. Depending on them, the specialist selects a specific nutrition program.

The following varieties are distinguished:

  1. Diet for acute illness. The provoking factor is the consumption of fatty foods, alcohol, and dry food. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to exclude from the diet harmful products. Forget about smoked foods, canned foods, and carbonated drinks. In the first couple of days, it is better to completely forget about food. Try to drink more herbal teas or rosehip infusion. After that, stick to a gentle menu.
  2. Diet for chronic gastroduodenitis. The key to effective treatment will be a warm drink. Eat small meals. Completely eliminate ingredients that irritate the surface of the stomach, for example, spices, sauces, smoked foods, mushrooms. Do not eat pearl barley and millet cereals. Raw vegetables It's better not to use it. Eat them stewed or steamed.
  3. Diet for gastroduodenitis with high acidity. Excessive concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice can lead to the appearance of ulcers. To avoid this, stick to a certain diet. Eat 6 times a day or more often at the same time. Boil or bake the dishes. You can quickly prepare yourself a healthy lunch using a steamer. Drink more compotes, jelly, rosehip infusion, goat milk. Consume low-fat dairy products, pasta, cereals, soups, and baked fruits.
  4. Diet for erosive gastroduodenitis. This type is accompanied by the appearance of erosion on the walls of the intestines and stomach. This process can be stopped by strictly restricting nutrition. The consumption of kefir, cottage cheese, cereals, soups, sweet fruits, fish and lean meat is allowed. Steam or grind food.
  5. Diet for superficial gastroduodenitis. For successful healing, it is enough to remove harmful foods from the menu, introduce more boiled vegetables, lean meat, cottage cheese, fruit purees and jelly. Try to drink more mineral water.

List of strictly prohibited products

Whatever the form of the disease, there is a list of foods that are strictly prohibited to be consumed. It includes:

  1. Kvass.
  2. Fresh pastries, bread.
  3. Fatty meat or fish.
  4. Smoked products.
  5. Animal fats.
  6. Mustard.
  7. Horseradish.
  8. Chocolate.
  9. Dates.
  10. Currants, gooseberries, raspberries.
  11. Ice cream.
  12. White cabbage, spinach, onions, radishes, peas, turnips, cucumbers.
  13. Strong black tea and coffee.
  14. Sausages.

Consumption of these products leads to complications of the disease, as well as serious health consequences.

Approximate menu for the week

Healthy food doesn't have to taste bad. If you compose correct menu for a week, then you will eat delicious, healthy meals every day. The weekly diet can be presented as follows:

  1. Monday.
  • For breakfast, a little rice porridge with low-fat milk. Have a cup of cocoa.
  • After a couple of hours, eat an apple baked in the oven. A little honey is usually added to it.
  • For lunch - vegetable soup, steamed meatballs, and broccoli puree.
  • As an afternoon snack, some dietary cookies and tea with milk are suitable.
  • For dinner, it is fashionable to cook buckwheat with a small slice of baked fish.
  • If you feel hungry before bed, drink a glass of warm milk.
  1. Tuesday.
  • For breakfast, prepare yourself oatmeal milk porridge and berry mousse.
  • Baked fruit can be a second breakfast.
  • Lunch consists of a portion of rice with a small piece of boiled meat and compote.
  • The best afternoon snack is rosehip decoction.
  • For dinner, vegetable puree, a few marmalades, and a glass of tea will be enough.
  • Before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir.
  1. Wednesday.
  • For breakfast, a small portion of cottage cheese and tea.
  • Fruit jelly lunch.
  • Lunch can be made from milk soup with pearl barley, meat soufflé.
  • For an afternoon snack, fruit jelly and rosehip decoction are sufficient.
  • Treat yourself to buckwheat porridge with meat and milk for dinner.
  • Drink a glass of jelly before bed.
  • Suitable for breakfast semolina, cooked in milk, as well as a little low-fat cottage cheese.
  • After some time, eat the baked apple.
  • At lunch, try oatmeal soup cooked in vegetable broth, steamed cutlet with carrot puree.
  • For an afternoon snack, prepare a few crackers, milkshake with chicory.
  • Dinner consists of rice pudding, steamed chicken cutlet, jelly.
  • Before going to bed, just drink a little milk.
  1. Friday.
  • An excellent breakfast would be cottage cheese soufflé with banana and tea.
  • For lunch you can eat a baked apple with honey.
  • For lunch, rice soup, vegetable puree and a steamed cutlet are suitable.
  • For an afternoon snack, a decoction of bran is enough.
  • A delicious dinner will be made from rice pudding and fruit salad.
  • Before going to bed, drink a glass of yogurt.
  • For breakfast, cook some oatmeal and drink cocoa.
  • Berry mousse is perfect for a late breakfast.
  • Lunch can consist of semolina soup, buckwheat with meat.
  • For an afternoon snack, limit yourself to rosehip decoction.
  • Prepare dinner from stewed vegetables, baked fish, boiled eggs.
  • Late in the evening, kefir is enough.
  1. Sunday.
  • Make your first breakfast from cottage cheese with the addition of fresh or frozen strawberries and tea.
  • Later, eat some fruit salad.
  • Rice porridge with meat and jelly are suitable for lunch.
  • For an afternoon snack, limit yourself to rosehip infusion.
  • Dinner will become a real treat if you make it from vegetable puree with boiled meat and rosehip infusion.

Drink more mineral water between meals. It is necessary to follow the regimen until complete recovery.

Recipes for delicious healthy dishes

Nutrition should not be monotonous. Even from healthy products you can cook hearty, delicious food. Include recipes for soups, desserts, and main courses in your menu. Among the most popular are the following:

  1. Meatballs. Prepare minced chicken fillet. Mix it with grated rice porridge. Add no a large number of milk. Form small balls from the mixture. Boil them until tender in boiling water.
  2. Baked apples. Only sweet and sour varieties are suitable for this dish. Remove the core from the apple. Lightly sprinkle the resulting hole powdered sugar. Place the fruit in the oven at low temperature. As soon as a golden brown skin forms on it, remove it. Drizzle with a little honey. Serve to the table.
  3. Fruit salad. Any non-acidic fruit is suitable for its preparation. It is better to give preference to bananas, apples, peaches. Add some strawberries. Finely chop all ingredients. Fill with light natural yoghurt or milk. Remember that eating such a salad is often undesirable, but once every few days you can treat yourself to it.
  4. Berry mousse. Use any berries except those that are prohibited. Rinse them thoroughly. Squeeze out the juice. Bring the mixture of juice, remaining berries and water to a boil. Filter the composition. Bring the remaining liquid to a boil again. Add some sugar and semolina. Don't forget to stir constantly. After the mixture has cooled slightly, whisk it. Place among bowls.
  5. Vegetable broth. Chop the potatoes and carrots into small cubes. Boil for about 25 minutes over low heat. After this, let the broth brew for about 15 minutes. Filter. You can cook any cereal soup with this broth.
  6. Stewed fish. Select a suitable piece of pollock, blue whiting, cod or river perch. Salt it. Chop carrots and celery into circles. Chop some dill. Place the fish in a thick-bottomed pan. Pour in water or vegetable broth. Arrange the vegetables. Simmer the fish for about half an hour over low heat.
  7. Light vinaigrette. For it you will need: beets, carrots and potatoes. Boil the vegetables in a double boiler and chop them. Mix the salad. The dressing can be linseed oil.
  8. Semolina soup. Boil one and a half glasses of milk. Gradually add a tablespoon of semolina. Cook for about 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Add 20 grams of butter and a teaspoon of granulated sugar.
  9. Lazy dumplings. Grind the package of cottage cheese using a sieve. Add a tablespoon of flour, a teaspoon of sugar and an egg. Knead the dough. Roll it into a sausage. Cut into small pieces. Boil the resulting rounds in boiling water for 5 minutes. Serve with low-fat sour cream.

By following all the instructions for proper nutrition, you can cope with the disease.. But before limiting your diet, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Gastroduodenitis is a chronic pathology of the duodenum and pyloric zone of the stomach. It provokes inflammation of the mucous membrane, and therefore is one of the varieties that also affects the intestines. This article will tell you what the diet for gastroduodenitis includes, and how to eat properly with such a disease.

Chronic gastroduodenitis develops as a result of an incompletely cured acute form of gastritis. Provoking factors for the next exacerbation, as well as the initial appearance of this disease, are:

  1. Abuse of strong alcoholic drinks and smoking.
  2. Damage to the stomach by the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter.
  3. Eating excessively hot or spicy food.
  4. The habit of eating dry food.
  5. Damage to the walls of the stomach during treatment with aggressive medications.
  6. The influence of existing chronic stomach diseases, as well as.
  7. Stomach infection.
  8. Stress and nervous tension.

Symptoms and signs

Superficial gastroduodenitis in the acute stage is usually characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Abdominal pain, which may be aching, stabbing or pressing. It can also develop both after a heavy meal and occur on an empty stomach.
  2. Sensation and unpleasant belching.
  3. If the cause of the disease is the use of medications, then the person may develop secondary symptoms in the form of headaches, sleep disturbances, tremors of the limbs, etc.
  4. The patient is often bothered by nausea. There may also be vomiting of blood due to the development of gastric bleeding if duodenitis becomes erosive.
  5. As the disease progresses and frequent gastric bleeding occurs, the patient's stool may become dark color. General state the person may also get worse - due to blood loss and inflammation, he may feel weak, lose weight, experience dizziness and loss of appetite.
  6. Indigestion and bloating.

Important! In many ways, the manifestations of gastroduodenitis depend on its specific form, as well as on the cause that caused it, and the neglect of the disease. In any case, when the first symptoms of such a disease appear, a person should consult a doctor, because the sooner treatment is started, the higher the likelihood of a quick normalization of the patient’s condition.

Nutrition rules

Before considering what is possible and what is not possible with gastroduodenitis, it is important to talk about the basic nutritional rules for patients with this disease, which are close to the rules. These recommendations include the following:

  1. The patient needs to eat frequently (4-5 times a day). This will simplify the process of digesting food and “unload” the stomach a little.
  2. Portions for one-time use should be small (no more than a handful). Overeating in this state is strictly prohibited.
  3. It is strictly forbidden for a person to eat foods that can somehow cause increased production of gastric juice. First of all, this applies to sour dishes, hot spices and smoked meats.
  4. Preference should be given to heat treatment of products in the form of cooking. Steamed dishes will also be beneficial. As for baking, it can also be used as an alternative, however, a person will not be able to eat the golden crust from the top of the dishes, which invariably forms during baking.
  5. The optimal break between meals should be no more than three hours. Otherwise, the person will begin to rapidly produce gastric juice, which will provoke nausea and pain in the patient. As for intentional fasting or skipping meals, this is strictly prohibited.
  6. The food served must be at the most comfortable temperature possible. Thus, they should not be excessively hot or cold, as this will make digestion difficult.
  7. It is recommended to adhere to a certain diet and eat at the same time. This will help the stomach “adjust” and less harshly perceive the need to start work.
  8. Food of any consistency must be chewed thoroughly. At the same time, it is advisable to grind solid foods, as well as fresh vegetables, to a mushy state, especially during periods of exacerbation of this disease.
  9. The last meal should be no later than two hours before bedtime. It is also important to completely eliminate nighttime meals.
  10. The basis of the diet should be easy to digest foods. We should also not forget that a person with this disease must adhere to a certain drinking regime and drink plenty of fluids.

Important! In acute forms of gastroduodenitis, and especially its erosive variety, the treatment menu (diet No. 1) must be followed for twenty days. Despite this, in order to consolidate the achieved result, it is recommended to adhere to the basics of dietary nutrition for another three months. This is the only way to achieve lasting improvement.

If you have this disease, you should not eat the following foods:

  1. Fresh bread, rolls, cookies and other baked goods.
  2. Fatty fish and meats. It is especially important to avoid eating lard, pork, goose and sausages.
  3. Sweet confectionery products, including cakes, pastries, sweets, various buttercreams and chocolate.
  4. Rich fish or meat broths, as well as jellies.
  5. Coffee, black tea, cocoa and full-fat milk.
  6. Convenience foods, fast food, hot sauces and dressings.
  7. Sour vegetables and fruits. These include sorrel, onions, garlic, cabbage and sour berries.
  8. Canned and pickled vegetables in any form and quantity. You should also not eat salted fish and pickled herring.
  9. Mushrooms and any dishes containing them are strictly prohibited. It is also important to avoid eating fatty cheeses, fatty sour cream and cream.
  10. Under strict ban alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks.

Authorized Products

If you look at the list of prohibited foods that you should not eat if you have gastroduodenitis, then at first glance it may seem that a person should not eat anything at all. In fact, even with such a disease, there are many foods and dishes that will be useful to the patient.

Authorized products are:

  1. Tea. At the same time, you can drink green, monastery tea and a decoction of dried fruits with a minimum of sugar.
  2. You can eat biscuits and dried bread.
  3. All kinds of soups and puree soups with the addition of herbs, onions, carrots, potatoes and cereals are allowed.
  4. From fermented milk products you can eat low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, cream.
  5. Berry jelly is allowed.
  6. As a side dish, you can serve vegetable stew, boiled beets or cauliflower.
  7. For meat you can eat boiled chicken, rabbit and young beef.
  8. Low-fat varieties of fish are allowed. You can also eat seafood in limited quantities. For variety, you can add jellied fish to your diet.
  9. For sweets, you can eat marmalade, jam, honey and preserves.
  10. Porridge is very useful. They need to be cooked in water without adding salt or oil.

Psychological component of the disease

Gastroduodenitis is an unpleasant and often painful disease. It requires careful selection of food products and control over your lifestyle. At first it is difficult and unpleasant, but gradually you can adapt to it. Psychological support from loved ones is also very important so that a person is not left alone with his problem, especially in the family. Disease gastrointestinal tract- not a sentence, but a good opportunity to improve healthy eating not only for the person who has this problem, but for all family members.

This is especially worth paying attention to when it comes to a child. In addition to the fact that children do not tolerate pain well, restrictions on the usual delicacies have a serious impact on their psyche. Therefore, it is important that the child does not feel punished and deprived. There are many recipes for tasty and healthy dishes that can replace what the family was used to before the illness of one of its members.

Ideas for healthy and tasty dishes

Baked apples are a good dietary dish that is suitable for people with stomach problems. If you make them with cottage cheese and honey, it will turn out original dessert, which will appeal to both adults and children.

Fruit and berry jellies are perfect if there are restrictions on the consumption of fresh and sour fruits. You can use red or black currants, oranges, apricots, peaches, strawberries and much more as a base. By making them multi-layered and giving them an original shape, you can prepare an exquisite dessert that is not only healthy and tasty, but also one that will look great even on the holiday table.

Dietary pate also perfectly diversifies your diet, and it is prepared from boiled meat or fish and vegetables. All you need to do is cook the boiled, chopped and mixed ingredients in the oven for no more than 5 minutes, and then add the butter.

Puree soups made from pureed boiled vegetables - carrots, green peas, pumpkin - may seem unusual at first, but will definitely make an impression due to their bright, rich color.

Jellied meat or fish are dishes of the royal table. They are perfect for dietary nutrition, as they are prepared from boiled ingredients, especially if you don’t get carried away with spices.

As you can see, dietary food It can also be original, tasty and even refined. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with gastritis or gastroduodenitis, you do not need to imagine with horror whole days filled with porridge boiled in water, this is not at all true.

Anton palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

Gastroduodenitis is an inflammation of the walls of the lining of the stomach and duodenum. During the period of illness, they become extremely vulnerable and require a special diet, which is often extended for some time after recovery.

There is a generally accepted list of foods prohibited for consumption for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but it is relatively small. The diet needs to be enriched with healthy food, which will not only protect the walls of the membranes from damage, but also improve the health of the body as a whole.

Authorized Products

For nutrition during gastroduodenitis, doctors suggest:

  • stale bread or rye crackers;
  • cookies – biscuits (“zoological”);
  • cereals - it is useful to eat buckwheat or rice porridge with milk or water, oatmeal, with the addition of butter or olive oil;
  • lean meat (chicken, duck, pork), lean sea fish (pollock) - these products are best consumed in the form of mousses, puddings, soufflés or steamed cutlets;
  • fruits and berries: watermelon, grapes, apples (raw and baked with honey), persimmons, bananas;
  • vegetables: pumpkin (baked or in porridge), tomatoes - you can make salads from them by adding a little olive oil; carrots, broccoli (it is better to limit potatoes);
  • Dried apricots and other dried fruits in small quantities can be taken pureed (chopped in a blender); it is better to avoid dates, walnuts and seeds;
  • It is preferable to drink goat milk and in small quantities; cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream - only low fat, not sour; cheese; butter - sometimes you can add it to porridge;
  • soups with secondary or vegetable broth, you can add boiled lean chicken, pork, and pureed cereals to them; The soup should be thin. It is better to pass all the components through a blender;
  • it is important to drink a sufficient amount of warm compotes, rosehip decoctions or dried fruits, jelly, eat jelly - it is very useful for the walls of the stomach;
  • pasta (spaghetti, small curly products);
  • For sweets, you can use marshmallows (it’s better if they are homemade), pastille, marmalade, jelly, honey, jam. In winter, you can eat frozen fruit soufflé by adding bananas. It is better to reduce your sugar consumption and drink weak tea with a substitute.

Prohibited Products

Since for superficial and chronic gastroduodenitis table No. 1 and 5 are indicated, this type of diet excludes the use of:

  • fatty, fried, spicy foods;
  • spices;
  • sauces;
  • solid food;
  • You should not drink too cold or hot drinks, eat such food, ice cream;
  • steep fatty broths;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee, strong tea;
  • white cabbage, radishes, sorrel, onions, garlic, spinach.

It is possible that some of the products offered by the diet may not be suitable for everyone. But the patient is obliged to exclude forbidden foods from the diet and monitor the body’s reaction after eating one or another specially prepared dish.

We are talking about individual inability to assimilate certain products. For example, milk (including goat's milk) can cause bloating or diarrhea due to enzyme deficiency in the body.

You need to be careful with honey. If you try to replace sugar with it, the body may react to a large amount of it with an allergy. The same applies to seafood and shrimp. Many nutritionists advise eating vegetables only boiled or baked. Eating too many apples can cause bloating.

The main recommendation of nutritionists is the type of food consumed: all of them should be crushed as much as possible, while eating, food should be thoroughly chewed, avoiding large hard pieces from entering the stomach, and saturated with saliva. You should eat small meals, but often (6-7 times a day), dinner should be no later than two hours before going to bed.

Sample menu

  • 8:00 – liquid oatmeal in water with banana pieces or a small amount of pureed nuts, rosehip decoction;
  • 10:00 – weak herbal tea (gastric tea) with biscuits;
  • 12:00 – 1-2 steamed meat cutlets, kefir;
  • 14:00 – apple, hard cheese;
  • 16:00 – rice soup with cinnamon, tea;
  • 18:00 – fruits;
  • 20:00 – boiled pasta, steamed fish or meat cutlets, rosehip infusion.
  • 8:00 – cottage cheese with jam, weak herbal tea;
  • 10:00 – fruits (bananas, apples);
  • 12:00 – buckwheat soup with meatballs, rosehip broth;
  • 14:00 – kefir with biscuits;
  • 16:00 – some mashed potatoes, oven-dried vegetables (tomatoes, sweet peppers);
  • 18:00 – herbal tea with marshmallows or marmalade;
  • 20:00 – oatmeal porridge with pieces of fruit.
  • 8:00 – oatmeal soup with chopped boiled chicken fillet; dried fruits compote;
  • 10:00 – herbal tea, low-fat hard cheese;
  • 12:00 – pasta with steamed fish fillet; fruit jelly;
  • 14:00 – fruits, cookies;
  • 16:00 – porridge with added butter, boiled sausage, compote;
  • 18:00 – herbal tea, cookies;
  • 20:00 – cottage cheese with jam.
  • 8:00 – pike soup with vegetables;
  • 10:00 – jelly, biscuits;
  • 12:00 – buckwheat porridge with steamed meat cutlets, compote;
  • 14:00 – fruits, tea with cookies;
  • 16:00 – steam omelette with dried vegetables and olive oil;
  • 18:00 – 0.5 cups of goat milk, biscuits;
  • 20:00 – low-fat cottage cheese with bananas.

The main “indicator” of the introduction of a particular product into the diet is the body’s reaction after its consumption. If you experience heaviness, heartburn, or bloating, you should stop taking it for a while, making sure to notify your doctor about the reaction. The frequency of meals for gastroduodenitis involves a significant reduction in portions - the stomach should never be full, as there is a risk of complications. If a person doesn’t eat enough, you can include another meal, but in no case increase the portion, and make sure that the last meal is at least two hours before bedtime.

Gastroduodenitis is a serious inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach, which, if the diet prescribed by the doctor is not followed, can become chronic. The causes of the disease can be different, but the most common is an improper, unbalanced diet.

Diet for gastroduodenitis - menu

In addition to drug treatment, important aspects leading to recovery are a specially designed therapeutic diet and strict adherence to the diet. The essence of the diet is split meals - at least 6 times a day in small portions.

What not to eat if you have gastroduodenitis:

  • spicy;
  • salty;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty meat, mushroom, fish broths;
  • carbonated drinks, water;
  • alcohol;
  • strong coffee;
  • pickled products;
  • brown bread, crackers, muffins, fried or baked pies, whites, etc.;
  • conservation;
  • onions, cucumbers, radishes, radishes, spinach, garlic, turnips, sorrel;
  • white cabbage, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts;
  • ice cream, chocolate;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • coarse cereals - pearl barley, buckwheat, etc.;
  • fresh vegetables, berries, fruits, not pureed;
  • sour fruits, vegetables, berries. Completely exclude grapes, raspberries, blackberries, figs, gooseberries.

The diet is based on the preparation of pureed, pureed dishes; they have the most gentle effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Solid food is contraindicated during the period of treatment and rehabilitation.

  • cereals: rice, semolina, oatmeal, preferably cereal, buckwheat;
  • all dairy products except carbonated ones, such as tan, ayran;
  • vegetables: carrots, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, zucchini. Broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes – a little, try to limit their consumption;
  • greens: fresh dill in small quantities;
  • pasta;
  • meat: rabbit, chicken, quail, turkey, veal, lean beef;
  • low-fat fish species: hake, greenling, perch, pike, blue whiting, etc.;
  • yesterday's bread, wheat, biscuits, crackers, without any additives;
  • low-fat cheeses, boiled eggs, poached or in the form of a steamed omelet, dietary varieties hams, sausages, various pates;
  • vegetable oil, butter in small quantities;
  • honey, marshmallows, jam, jelly, compote, marshmallow, marmalade, pudding;
  • not strong coffee, tea, chicory, cocoa, herbal teas, rosehip decoction. Non-carbonated mineral water, freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables.
  • Breakfast : semolina porridge boiled in water, a piece of yesterday’s bread, a mug of cocoa with milk.
  • Lunch : oven baked pear.
  • Dinner: puree soup made from vegetable broth. A couple of steamed meatballs, carrot or beet puree. A mug of green or herbal tea, or rosehip infusion.
  • Afternoon snack : biscuits, a glass of warm milk, you can use whole milk, or you can dilute condensed milk with warm water.
  • Dinner: rice porridge boiled in water, a small piece of steamed fish, boiled or baked without spices. A glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juice.

  • An hour before bed: a glass of warm non-acidic kefir or drinking bio-yogurt.

Sample daily menu for gastroduodenitis

All dishes are prepared by boiling or steaming; frying and stewing are not recommended. Dishes should be warm, not hot or cold in any way. Porridge can be boiled in water or milk. It is advisable to grind cereals in a coffee grinder, grind meat and fish in a meat grinder, and grate vegetables. Soups, use pureed ones; puree soups and cream soups are perfect. Prepare soups based on vegetable broths; only before eating can you add fish and meat. Avoid solid foods. In addition, you need to accustom yourself to chew every piece of food thoroughly, be it bread, cheese, ham or cottage cheese.

Healthy dishes include gelatin, agar-agar - jelly, mousse, aspic. They diversify the diet of casseroles, however, when preparing, you need to make sure that a crust does not form.

Diet for chronic gastroduodenitis

In the chronic course of the disease, the diet is less strict, although the diet remains the same - eat often, in small portions.

Sample menu for the day

  • Breakfast : cottage cheese casserole, a glass of warm berry jelly.
  • Lunch : a mug of warm tea, a couple of pieces of mild, low-fat cheese and a piece of day-old bread.
  • Dinner: vinaigrette without cucumbers, cereal soup with recycled meat or fish broth, steamed meat or fish cutlet, a glass of juice at room temperature.
  • Afternoon snack : light salad of sweet varieties of fruit, with bio-yogurt dressing, a mug of chicory diluted with milk.

  • Dinner : a couple of steamed meatballs, buckwheat porridge, a glass of herbal infusion.
  • An hour before bedtime : a mug of curdled milk or matsoni.

Diet for gastroduodenitis in the acute stage

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the diet becomes more strict. Usually observed for 5-7 days.

Sample menu for one day

  • Breakfast : a mug of warm, not strong tea or brewed chicory. Omelette of two chicken eggs, cooked in a double boiler.
  • Lunch : a mug of warm compote or rose hip decoction with a couple of biscuits.
  • Dinner : creamy vegetable soup, thin oatmeal porridge, a glass of warm milk.
  • Afternoon snack : piece of baked pumpkin, freshly squeezed carrot juice.
  • Dinner : viscous milk pureed buckwheat porridge, a glass of warm milk.
  • An hour before bedtime : a glass of warm yogurt.

During an exacerbation of the disease, you will have to give up all types of cabbage, especially white cabbage, legumes, bell peppers, and limit your consumption of tomatoes. Good puree from pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, zucchini, beets, pre-boiled. A little mashed potatoes is permissible.

Diet for superficial gastroduodenitis

The diet for the superficial form of the disease is aimed at inhibiting further progression of the disease. The main products for the superficial form of gastroduodenitis are seafood (shrimp, mussels, scallops, squid, etc.), lean fish and meat. Dairy and fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and not sour fruits are allowed, but you should not get carried away with them.

Sample menu for the day

  • Breakfast : cheesecakes baked in the oven, served with jam or marmalade, a mug of weak coffee or tea, diluted with milk.

  • Lunch : sweet apple or pear.
  • Dinner: fresh vegetable salad, puree soup in recycled meat broth with meatballs, mashed potatoes.
  • Afternoon snack : fruit jelly, a mug of warm herbal tea or decoction.
  • Dinner : 100 g of boiled shrimp (be sure to chew thoroughly), rice porridge - mush.
  • An hour before bedtime : a mug of warm milk.

Diet for erosive gastroduodenitis

Erosions form on the surface of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. They cause sharp, severe pain and a burning sensation. If the diet is not followed, erosion can develop into an ulcer, which can lead to perforation and intra-abdominal bleeding, which can eventually lead to death. The diet for erosive gastroduodenitis is very strict.

Sample menu for the day

  • Breakfast : low-fat cottage cheese, seasoned with organic yogurt, a glass of warm milk.
  • Lunch : compote, a couple of biscuits with jam or jam.
  • Dinner : soup in fish broth with fish balls, vegetables, rice porridge with vegetables cooked in a double boiler, a piece of day-old bread, a mug of coffee with cream or milk.
  • Afternoon snack : pudding, a mug of warm herbal tea.

  • Dinner : “hedgehogs” made from veal or lean beef and rice, overcooked rice or buckwheat porridge, a glass of jelly.
  • An hour before bedtime : a mug of low-fat and non-sour kefir.

Diet for gastroduodenitis with high acidity

In case of severe pain, bread and fresh vegetables are excluded from the diet, and be careful with the choice of fruits. Only sweet, ripe fruits are allowed. Porridge, fruits, and vegetables should be eaten pureed. A strict diet is followed as prescribed by the doctor. Treatment is prescribed with medicinal mineral waters– Borjomi, Essentuki, Narzan.

Sample menu for the day

  • Breakfast : semi-liquid semolina porridge, boiled in water. A mug of warm milk. One biscuit or several small crackers, maybe with a thin layer of butter.
  • Lunch : a piece of baked pumpkin or mashed sweet apple, a glass of compote.
  • Dinner : cereal puree soup or cream soup with vegetable broth, one hard-boiled, soft-boiled or poached egg, a glass of berry jelly.
  • Afternoon snack : a mug of warm tea or rosehip infusion, fruit jelly or marmalade.
  • Dinner: steamed 2 fish cutlets, semi-liquid mashed potatoes, a glass of fresh carrot juice.
  • An hour before bed: a glass of warm milk.

Diet for gastroduodenitis in children

It is especially difficult for children to adhere to strict rules therapeutic diet, so parents should try not only to diversify the menu, but also to show imagination by decorating the finished dish in order to interest the child and distract him from the illness. Breaks between meals should not be more than 3.5-4 hours.

After diagnosing the disease, children are prescribed a diet that differs little from that of adults:

  • First day The child is given a warm, plentiful drink, preferably rich in vitamins; herbal teas, decoctions and infusions are perfect for this. medicinal plants, strained compotes. The drink must be given warm;
  • On the second day For a child, you can add secondary meat or fish broth or a decoction of rice cereal to your drinks;
  • On the third day An already fairly hungry child can be fed rice, oatmeal or semolina porridge. Boiled rice and oatmeal must be mixed in a blender or through a meat grinder. The porridge is boiled in water; you can add a small piece of butter, about 5-10 g, to it. You can also give a few crackers, without additives;
  • On the fourth day – cream soup or vegetable puree soup, with the addition of a teaspoon of vegetable oil or 5 g of butter. For dessert you can bake a pear or an apple;
  • On the fifth day the menu includes purees from various vegetables that have undergone heat treatment. Cutlets, meatballs from fish, meat. You can give fermented milk products, crackers, biscuits.

Starting from the fifth day, the child goes on a constant diet until complete recovery.

Daily diet sample for children

  • Breakfast : rice porridge with milk with a 5-gram piece of butter, a mug of slightly sweetened, warm, not strong tea.
  • Lunch : vegetable or fruit puree.
  • Dinner : vegetable puree soup, a piece of boiled fish with zucchini puree, a piece of day-old bread, a glass of jelly.
  • Afternoon snack : a few crackers or a couple of biscuits, a glass of warm milk or drinking yoghurt.
  • Dinner: semi-liquid semolina porridge, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of milk, cream or 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream, a glass of rose hip decoction.
  • An hour before bedtime : a cup of warm yogurt or fermented baked milk.

Diet for gastroduodenitis table No. 5

Table No. 5 can be called transitional to normal, nutritious nutrition. Diet for convalescents. The menu allows you to eat unprocessed foods, tomato juice is allowed, diet or dairy sausages, fresh tomatoes, soaked lightly salted herring, capelin, sprat are not allowed. spicy salting. You can diversify your diet green peas, pickled sour cabbage.

Sample table menu No. 5 for the day

  • Breakfast : pumpkin porridge with rice with milk, a piece of cottage cheese casserole, a mug of weak sweetened tea.
  • Lunch : baked pear, warm coffee or chicory with milk.
  • Dinner: seafood puree soup, to which you can add vegetables, 100 g of sauerkraut, non-acidic, a couple of sausages, fresh vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack : mousse or pudding, a glass of juice.
  • Dinner : a piece of boiled or steamed fish with vegetables, potato or zucchini puree, fruit jelly, a mug of weak tea or rosehip infusion.
  • An hour before bedtime : a mug of kefir or drinking yogurt.

Read more about “Dietary Table No. 5” -.

Video supplement to diet No. 5

In this video, the doctor will tell you in detail about diet No. 5 a, b, p:

Gastroduodenitis diet table No. 1

Diet table No. 1, in turn, is divided into the following options: No. 1a, No. 1b, No. 1 (mashed), No. 1 (not pureed).

  • Table No. 1a prescribed for patients suffering peptic ulcer, gastroduodenitis in the acute phase. The diet includes liquid and semi-liquid porridges, mashed soups, and cream soups. Boiled eggs in a “bag”, steam omelet, soufflé, jelly, mousse, jelly.
  • Table No. 1b indicated for patients whose condition has passed a particularly acute phase of the disease. Introduced into the diet vegetable purees, crackers from white bread.
  • Table No. 1 is prescribed during the period of subsidence of exacerbation of gastroduodenitis. It is divided into table No. 1 (mashed dishes) and table No. 1 (non-mashed dishes). The diet is less sparing, more saturated. The following products are included in the diet: pasta, dry biscuit, vegetable and fruit purees, compotes, mild hard cheeses, boiled or steamed fish, meat.

Sample diet menu table No. 1 (mashed dishes) for the day

  • Breakfast : egg boiled in a “bag”, pureed porridge from oatmeal on water, weak tea diluted with milk.
  • Lunch : a piece of baked pumpkin sprinkled with sugar, a glass of rosehip infusion or herbal tea.
  • Dinner : milk soup with noodles, zucchini puree, meatballs cooked in a double boiler, a cup of jelly.
  • Afternoon snack : a piece of dry biscuit, a glass of warm milk.
  • Dinner : fish aspic, mashed potatoes, weak tea diluted with milk.
  • An hour before bedtime : mug of drinking yoghurt.

Sample diet menu table No. 1 (not pureed dishes) for the day

  • Breakfast : omelette cooked in a double boiler, 100-150 g of cottage cheese, you can season with 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream, not strong coffee, diluted with cream.
  • Lunch : fruit jellies or mousse, rosehip decoction.
  • Dinner : vegetable puree soup with white bread croutons, meat cooked in a steamer with vegetables, a mug of compote.
  • Afternoon snack : marshmallows or marshmallows, a glass of warm milk.
  • Dinner : meat cutlets cooked in a double boiler, buckwheat porridge, herbal tea.
  • An hour before bedtime : a warm mug, maybe with a little sugar or kefir.

More information about the “Table No. 1” diet -.

Diet, along with medicines, is part of the treatment, so its compliance must be taken seriously. Observe meal times, do not eat foods excluded from the diet, do not eat a lot at once; it is better, instead of 6 meals a day, to introduce 7 and 8 meals a day. Do not forget that food must be chewed thoroughly and for a long time. And be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

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