How to properly pickle saffron milk caps at home. The most successful recipes for cold pickling of saffron milk caps. The saffron milk caps have soured and fermented - what to do?

Any advice on how to effectively lose weight depends on two components: healthy eating And physical exercise. These are basic methods for correcting your figure and improving your health.

No one can change a person if he himself does not want to change

However go to healthy image life actually turns out to be quite difficult. It is very difficult to give up habits and established daily routines. This is why you need motivation to lose weight every day.

Motivation techniques at the initial stage

First you need to determine the true reasons for the desire to reset excess weight. The reasons make up the goals: what do you want to achieve as a final result?

The simple “female” desire to prepare the body for the beach season often turns out to be an insufficient incentive for every day. You need to look for the really important reasons for diet and exercise.

You may have to admit to yourself unpleasant circumstances and facts. But this will only be beneficial and will strengthen the desire to work on yourself.

The following reasons usually serve as the correct motivation for losing weight.

Changing yourself and your life

This is a very powerful incentive and it does not only concern appearance.

Dissatisfaction own life, frequent stress, depression can be treated not only with psychological conversations, but also with sports.

Be smart)))

Changing the world and life begins with the person himself, so it’s worth reconsidering your diet and physical condition and starting to change for the better.

Health promotion

Diet and exercise are needed not only for the beach season, but also for prevention various diseases related to the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system.

If you notice problems with digestion, shortness of breath, fatigue, drowsiness, frequent irritability, then you should think about changing your lifestyle.

Self-affirmation in your appearance

All women have different body types, but beauty standards dictate their own rules and force you to experience complexes.

Uncertainty about your appearance and embarrassment can be used for good and make your body attractive and beautiful. Of course, there is no limit to perfection, but changing shortcomings (getting rid of the belly, tightening the butt, strengthening the leg muscles) is quite possible.

Cultivating willpower

Sometimes a simple challenge is enough for ambitious women“can you do it?” to start acting. Working on yourself strengthens willpower well, and with the end result, pride in yourself appears: I did it, I was able to, I succeeded.

The fear of disappointment in one's abilities awakens passion, which will become an excellent incentive.

Important to remember! Losing weight is a long process that requires dedication and a lot of work on yourself. You should not expect that one emotional decision (“I will lose weight, no matter what”) will magically transform your figure in a month or even in 2 weeks.

Whatever the reasons, You can’t lose confidence in your abilities, you need to believe in yourself to the end.

If a woman goes on a diet, exercises, but does not quite understand why she needs it, and is not sure that she will last even a week, then it is not difficult to guess what result awaits her. That is why goals must be ambitious.

Not just a short goal “I need to lose a couple of kilos” or “I want to fit into clothes a couple sizes smaller in a month”, but the desire to become better, more beautiful, more attractive and, finally, happier.

Setting realistic goals

Daily weight loss motivation won't "work" without realistic goals. You need to be realistic and set achievable goals.

It should be remembered that abrupt transition to new mode– this is stress for the body, so you need to make adjustments gradually and listen to your body.

The goal of “losing 10 kg in 2 weeks” is a whim that is very difficult to satisfy, especially if the woman losing weight does not love sports and is not ready to change. After 2 weeks, the result will be barely perceptible, if at all, and the remaining motivation will completely disappear.

If you need motivation to lose weight every day, set yourself up in advance, prepare everything you need to further improve your figure.

There is no need to rush, you need to set goals according to your own abilities. If you cut your intake to 500 calories a day, you can easily lose half a kilo in a week, so to start, to test your willpower, just set a goal of 1 kg per week.

Blog your exercises

Any notes on how work on yourself is progressing are simply necessary to clearly see the results and adjust the program.

To count calories and the number of exercises (sets), it is recommended to have a separate notebook or diary, as well as a blog on the Internet. Virtual recordings can be seen by friends and girlfriends, and this will become a new incentive to boast about your achievements and improve.

Certainly, You don’t have to write about “uncomfortable” situations, for example, that you missed your second workout in a week or that you ate extra calories yesterday. However, only honesty with yourself can have a positive impact on the results.

Think over a system of punishment and rewards

The system of punishment and reward allows you to keep laziness under control, and turn the whole process of losing weight into some kind of game. The main thing is to set rewards and punishments that are effective for yourself.

How you can encourage yourself (a few examples):

Examples of how to “punish” yourself:

  • giving up shopping and entertainment for a month (or more);
  • daily cleaning;
  • daily contrast shower;
  • additional training instead of rest time;
  • donating part of your salary (to colleagues, husband, friends).

Note! Reward in the form of your favorite treats can also be a motivation for losing weight. However, this is not the best incentive for every day, and it can only be used effectively once every 1-2 weeks. The main thing is to control the possibility of failure.

Old photos and favorite clothes - in prominent places

For many women, old photographs with their image in them will be a good motivation. at its best and beautiful clothes 1-2 sizes smaller.

Old photographs will show that nothing is impossible, because once upon a time the woman wearing them was slim and fit, and her favorite clothes will once again remind you that you can still try to fit into them. You just have to take yourself seriously.

If there are no photos or clothes, you can buy a new thing you like, for example, new trousers or a tight dress, but be sure to go a few sizes smaller. Clothes will become both an incentive and a reward for work at the same time.

Tell everyone about your plans

Losing weight is really difficult both physically and emotionally, so support from family and friends will be needed.

It is worth telling your friends and family about your decision to change. For sure. they will support such aspirations and will be interested in current affairs. Besides, they will be able to monitor their diet and once again hint at the inadmissibility of donuts and soda in the diet.

It will be great if friends and loved ones can join. Losing weight together is much more pleasant than alone.

Think and act positively

Motivation for losing weight every day should be accompanied by “correct”, positive thoughts about your actions and your new figure.

Before starting a weight loss program, you should calm down and tune in to a positive outcome. Thoughts along the lines of “I’m fat, I won’t lose weight” can never help you transform. You should start changing with your general attitude.

Stress is not the best helper for anything.. That is why, first, you need to calm your nerves and look at yourself in the mirror without panic or tears, adequately assess the “field of action” and get in a good mood.

A positive attitude helps you believe in yourself and complete what you start., no matter how long it takes. If it’s difficult to imagine that everything will be fine and everything will work out, it’s worth doing meditation, at least a few minutes a day, finding the positive and attractive sides of yourself.

When the self-deprecating attitude disappears, you need to begin implementing your plans.

Motivation to stick to your diet and exercise routine

Diet and exercise must be encouraged every day, otherwise there is a risk of not lasting a week in the new regime. It is recommended to draw up a summary table based on the system of fines and rewards, from which the “payment” for a productive day will be visible in points.

Each action performed has its own “cost”. Compliance with all points of the daily plan (reducing daily calorie intake, increasing the number of approaches, covering an additional 2 km, etc.) will have its greatest “reward”, for example, 10 points.

Accordingly, to receive an incentive for a week of working on yourself, you must score at least 70 points, otherwise a fine will follow.

As an example, here is a motivational table for a week(the “diet/training” ratio is conditional):

  1. Monday - 500 cal per 1 km, 2 approaches per 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points;
  2. Tuesday - 500 cal per 1 km, 2 approaches per 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points;
  3. Wednesday - 500 cal per 1 km, 2 approaches per 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points;
  4. Thursday - 500 cal per 1 km, 2 approaches per 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points;
  5. Friday - 500 cal for 2 km, 3 approaches for 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points;
  6. Saturday - 500 cal for 2 km, 3 approaches for 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points;
  7. Sunday - 500 cal for 2 km, 3 approaches for 100 cal - 1 point, 1 km - 1 point, 1 approach - 2 points.

You can come up with your own scoring system, for example, for each additional approach +2 points. This will encourage you not only to continue training, but also to increase your load. Also, comparing the total number of points for each week will clearly show the actual work on yourself.

The right pace is the key to losing weight

To successfully stimulate weight loss, you need to take the right pace. It’s worth listening to your body and giving it enough stress, not sparing it, but not overloading it either. This applies to both diet and training.

A sudden transition to a new lifestyle can negatively affect your health, since a new diet and unexpectedly large physical exertion are stressful for the body.

Running 10 km on Monday is not a good option. Even if you manage to overcome such a distance without preparation, then the next morning, most likely, you simply will not want to get up.

It's worth spending a week testing your body's capabilities and finding the pace you need, gradually increasing the load (by 10% every week). If the body is not accustomed to sports, it is necessary to extend the time of exercise.

For example, perform the same exercises the same number of times for 2 weeks. When the body feels that it is not enough, you can increase the load.

Exercise should be fun

Essentially, most people play sports for fun. Exercising promotes a good mood, due to the release of adrenaline and dopamine. But in order to start training, you need to love the sport and want to do it.

For this It is enough to do a few exercises a day. Even simple charging with several strength exercises will give a boost of energy and Have a good mood for a day.

The main thing to remember is that motivation for losing weight is a positive reminder every day to change your life for the better.

That's why Sport should not be perceived as some kind of punishment. A healthy lifestyle should be good friend, then the result will not be long in coming.

Good equipment and sportswear for training

Beautiful equipment and a nice sports uniform will help you get involved in sports, because you will definitely want to try new and pleasant things.

New comfortable sneakers, beautiful headphones, a pedometer and heart rate monitor, fashionable sports shorts will brighten up your workout time and become assistants in changing yourself and your life.

"Yes!" - favorite food, but within reasonable limits

The diet does not involve switching only to vegetables without any fats. Proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and fats must be supplied to the body every day. The diet provides for restrictions, but not complete ban.

At the same time, it must be remembered that You can’t suddenly stop eating completely or give up all your usual foods in one day. Firstly, it can have a serious impact on your health. Secondly, a complete ban will ultimately result in breakdown and loss of motivation.

If it is difficult to choose a diet for yourself, you should seek help from a specialist, for example, your trainer, and consult with him in detail about food consumption, taking into account your daily diet and workouts.

Of course, if your favorite food includes chips and sweets with big amount calories, then you need to give it up. However A simple calorie count will put everything in its place. What's more enjoyable to eat in a day: a full meal with dessert or a pack of chips?

Positive attitude towards diet

Diet can open up more options and tastes. There is a lot of healthy and truly delicious food in the world. It’s enough to find interesting and suitable recipes and start cooking and trying (taking into account calories). The diet should be enjoyable and satisfy all the body’s needs., including taste.

It is worth changing your very attitude towards diet. You need to stop saying the phrases “I can’t do this” and “I’m on a diet.” These phrases limit and make you feel inferior.

It’s enough to say: “I don’t eat this, I eat other food.” This simple phrase opens up many opportunities to try something new, rather than limiting your food choices.

Motivation for losing weight every day: maintaining the result

So that motivation does not disappear anywhere, it is necessary to consolidate and document the results.

There are many ways to remind yourself of the difficult path you have passed.

Weekly photo reports with achieved results

Photos are very helpful in visually comparing before and after.

You need to photograph yourself in the same pose every week of training and dieting.. Captions of photos with parameters of weight and waist and hips can be an additional incentive.

Starting new healthy habits

In order for a healthy lifestyle to start “working,” you need to make it your habit, immerse yourself in the topic of health headlong, and acquire new knowledge. Experimenting with diets will help with this, for example, you should try vegetarianism or a new product in your diet.

Also New exercises will help break up your workout routine or new sports hobbies. For example, in addition to visiting the gym, sign up for sports dancing.

Over time, it will turn out that sports and healthy eating have become an integral part of life and you will not want to go back to overeating and laziness.

Don't give up

Overcoming laziness is already a small result, therefore, the very desire to engage, change and continue in the same spirit can be considered a small victory.

The path of change is long and difficult, and moments of regression will definitely come, this happens to everyone. The main thing is not to stop there, don’t give up and continue at the same pace. Even if it takes several months, six months, a year to change your figure, the result will be obvious.

Attention! In moments of powerlessness and thoughts that nothing is working out, it is worth reminding yourself of previous results and desired goals. This helps you overcome all doubts, rise up and continue to improve yourself.

Keep a log of achievements

All your achievements, even seemingly insignificant at first glance, should be written down in a notebook or blog.

These can be either the parameters of a changed figure or new vertices. For example, if today you managed to run 2 km in 13 minutes instead of the usual 15, then it’s worth recording.

Or an excellent reason to take note would be to reduce your weekly diet another 100 cal (provided that this is not written with tears in your eyes).

Say goodbye to oversized items

The strongest motivation to continue what you started will be parting with your old wardrobe.

Old clothes can be donated to charity, second-hand, or simply thrown away. In any case, it is no longer needed, and its absence will provide an opportunity to update your wardrobe.

Motivation for losing weight in pictures

The main incentive is inner desire. You can decorate the room with your attractive photographs and small clothes, buy a beautiful Sports Equipment, create a blog, but it will be of no use.

No motivation will work without a sincere desire to take care of yourself. and get from it not only results, but also pleasure.

This video will show you what motivation is for losing weight every day.

From this video you will get tips on motivation for losing weight.

The main thing is willpower! I decided not to eat after 18:00, definitely not to eat after 21:00 and definitely not a bite after 23:00!

Do you want to lose weight, but you’ve already tried everything, it seems, but there are no results? Neither the gym, nor shaping, nor strict diets return you to a slim figure? More precisely, maybe they could return it, but you “don’t have enough” to exercise regularly and limit yourself in food?

Don't beat yourself up: your willpower and persistence have nothing to do with it. It's all about the wrong motivation.

Just a generation ago, people needed rest after a hard day of work. Now they need movement. Sedentary work, quick snacks at the workplace, passive monotonous rest after work - all this destroys hopes for a slim figure. If you are sure that the reason for your obesity is at a physiological level, then consult an endocrinologist. A consultation with a doctor will dot all the i's and determine the range of problems that need to be worked on. The older you get, the harder it is for you to lose weight, because by this time your body and your fat have become close friends.

  • Read also:

Pictures motivating to lose weight

Correctly posing the question of motivation

Let's start with the fact that you want to lose weight for yourself, not for someone else. If your aunts and uncles, girlfriends and friends tell you that you are “too much,” then this is not a reason to go on a diet. The main thing is to realize that excess weight interferes with achieving your cherished goals, and it interferes with you, and not with someone else. And are you sure that it is he who is bothering you?..

Ask yourself the question “Why do I want to lose weight?”, “For what?”. Each person will answer differently. But many will have one mistake - a general, vague answer, for example, “to be beautiful” or “so as not to look like a barrel.”

Think about it, if you reach your desired weight category, then:

  • - you will look great in a swimsuit and stop wrapping yourself in a pareo;
  • - stop having complexes and hunching over;
  • - remember what a wonderful feeling it is - awareness of your own attractiveness;
  • - restore hormonal balance (at least partially);
  • - you will find a guy or a man - and you will feel the taste of love;
  • - recover from annoying diseases;
  • - restore the health of your skin;

Make your own list! You must know exactly where you are going - and this is certainly not a number on a ruler.

The main areas of motivational “feeding” can be:

1. Changes in personal life. This motive is dominant for women.

Women go on a diet only in three cases: if their husband left them, if they like a man, if today is Monday (Ekaterina Filimonova)

2. Professional prospects.
3. Improved health.

Don't make losing weight a struggle. By focusing on your shape and the desire to lose those ill-fated kilograms, you will not achieve anything. You won't run away from yourself:) The stricter and more grueling the diet, the less effective it usually is. As a result, diet and exercise cause disgust and rejection. And you give up the idea of ​​a good figure, considering yourself weak, blaming your busyness, nature, and incompetence of trainers.

Diet: a period of fasting preceding weight gain.
Jadwiga Rutkowska

  • Result? Self-doubt is added to extra centimeters. But this is not what we need at all.

Now imagine that you managed to achieve the desired results. You exhausted yourself with strength and aerobic training for months, did not eat after 18:00, ate disgusting porridge and as a result you finally became slim and fit. So, what is next? The goal has been achieved and what to do about it? You have been fighting for so long and here it is... You are tired, you want to rest, reward yourself with something. And what can you dream about after these hellish months for you? Yes, oh delicious cutlets, fried potatoes, cream cake and lie, lie, lie... You deserve it. It doesn’t take long before the extra pounds make themselves felt again. This is called wrong motivation.

You are tall, you have perfect breasts, long hair. If I were you, I would walk around naked everywhere. I wouldn’t have a job, I wouldn’t have any skills, I wouldn’t even know how to read. I would just be naked.
"Grey's Anatomy"

You will feel completely different when you have, for example, a soulmate or a prospect for career growth. And losing weight is a tool for achieving your cherished goals. Therefore, set specific goals that are not measured in kilograms.

What should you pay attention to when creating a “weight loss project”?

1. Please note that you need to start physical activity with small repetitions and gradually increase them.

You need to reconsider your diet - reduce the amount of carbohydrates, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink 2 liters of water every day. Remember that “Food is an important part balanced diet" - Fran Lebowitz.

2. Don’t force yourself into strict limits, set feasible goals.
3. Reduce the gap between meals - it is advisable to eat every 2-3 hours.
4. Include mandatory breakfasts in your diet.
5. Don't forget about healthy, full sleep.
6. The main thing in losing weight is consistency.

And remember that “They lose weight when food becomes not the most important joy in life” (Goff Inna). Make yourself happy! And let your strong motivation to lose weight help you!

If the year is fruitful for mushrooms, be sure to stock up on saffron milk caps for the winter. They can be frozen, dried, pickled or pickled. Today we will talk about pickling saffron milk caps, namely, the hot pickling method.

When prepared using the hot method, saffron milk caps can be eaten within a couple of days. At the same time, their appearance(shape and color) does not change. The only rule that is relevant for both hot and cold pickling is preliminary soaking (for a day or two) of mushrooms to remove the mucous coating.

Hot pickling of saffron milk caps: recipes

Karelian method of hot salting of saffron milk caps

After soaking, the peeled mushrooms are boiled for about twenty minutes in water with a small amount of salt. During cooking, you need to stir regularly and carefully remove the foam from the broth;

To remove excess moisture, boiled mushrooms are placed in a colander and cooled;

Then they are laid out in layers in sterile jars. Layers of mushrooms are sprinkled with rock salt.

At the bottom of each jar you can put spices, herbs, leaves and bay leaves. The jars are covered with plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Onions are not added with this method of salting, as they quickly turn sour, changing the taste of the mushroom preparation!

How to pickle saffron milk caps using the hot method in Russian

Boil the mushrooms for 10 minutes in salted water (50 grams of salt per 1 liter), discard and rinse in a colander under running cold water;

Brine -

For a liter of water you need to add 5 peas of allspice and black pepper, 5 pieces of cinnamon, 2-3 bay leaves and currant leaves and 2 cloves. Don't forget to add salt - 2 tbsp. l.;

As soon as the brine begins to bubble, half-ready saffron milk caps are dipped into it and cooked for another ten minutes.

When hot, the mushrooms are placed in jars prepared in advance and rolled up with metal lids. There are no special requirements for the storage location of such workpieces. You can eat saffron milk caps immediately after the jars have cooled.

This is how the British prepare saffron milk caps using the hot method.

Blanch the saffron milk caps in lightly salted water for about five minutes, then drain the liquid and wash the mushrooms. cold water and cut into strips;

Pour dry red wine and olive oil (80 g each) into the cooking container, add salt (1 tsp), sugar (1 tbsp), rings onions and parsley (to taste), Dijon mustard (1 tsp);

When this mixture boils, add mushrooms to it and cook for another 5 minutes.

Place the mushroom mixture in a jar and put it in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours you can eat.

This method of pickling saffron milk caps is not suitable for long-term storage!

Another hot pickling of saffron milk caps

Soak the mushrooms for one day, periodically draining the water and adding fresh water;

After squeezing, pour the saffron milk caps with cold water, salt (2 tablespoons of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms) and cook over low heat for half an hour;

Then the brine is cooled and drained, and the mushrooms are seasoned vegetable oil and chopped onions.

If desired, add dill, garlic, and currant leaves to the mushrooms.

After 2 days of storage in a cool place, use.

Good day, dear readers! Autumn has finally arrived, and with autumn comes the mushroom season. There are tons of mushrooms all around, all you have to do is cut them and put them in the box. We gathered the children and went on a quiet hunt. The hunt turned out to be successful - we collected saffron milk caps, boletus and boletuses. Not in bags, of course, but we have collected quite a substantial bucket of all varieties, and we will slowly prepare for winter.

Today's recipe is about how to pickle saffron milk caps.

I usually boil and freeze mushrooms. It’s very convenient to put them straight into a frying pan and serve them with potatoes, add them to zrazy, or add them to dumplings.

But I decided to do something different with the saffron milk caps - pickle them. We collected a decent basket, but some of the mushrooms were wormy, and I indifferently threw them into the bucket. I’m not a fan of soaking something in salt, well, I don’t believe that all the worms crawl out of mushrooms from salt water.

Saffron milk caps love dampness and hide under grass and mosses, so they look more like piglets than saffron milk caps. To clean them from soil and debris you need to sweat a lot. Before I pickle saffron milk caps for the winter, I first sort out the dry mushrooms, discarding wormy and old mushrooms.

Then I cut up large mushrooms and soak everything in water for half an hour. I rinse it a couple more times.

Our mushrooms are prepared, now we’re ready to pickle the saffron milk caps.

The recipe is actually very simple. There are two ways to prepare these mushrooms: cold salted saffron milk caps and mushrooms cold pickling. In general, it is not necessary to boil saffron milk caps, but since childhood, my mother taught me to be careful with mushrooms, so I boil saffron milk caps for five minutes in boiling water. By the way, after boiling, saffron milk caps retain their beautiful “saffron milk” color, whereas after cold pickling they will simply turn green and will not be as appetizing.

How to cook salted saffron milk caps using the hot method

We will use an enamel pan as a pickling container; keep in mind that you can also pickle saffron milk caps in jars.


  • saffron mushrooms,
  • a couple of cloves of garlic,
  • a pair of dill umbrellas,
  • a pair - three horseradish leaves,
  • salt,
  • spices,
  • gauze.

Cooking process:

Boil water in a saucepan. We load fresh, clean mushrooms into it, washed and chopped. Boil for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Place the mushrooms in a colander. We don’t throw away the water that remains after boiling; we will need it later.

Cut the garlic into petals. We will salt the mushrooms in an enamel bowl and place horseradish leaves on the bottom. To be honest, my horseradish leaves are bad, midges bit them, but I didn’t want to put off the whole process until the next day and salted it with what I had at the moment. Now lay out the mushrooms, sprinkle them with coarse salt, add garlic, dill, and peppercorns.

Cover the top with the remaining horseradish leaves.

Cover everything with gauze, pour the mushroom broth 1 cm above the gauze.

And cover everything with a plate with a smaller diameter than the salt container.

We put a press on top. In a month, our mushrooms will be salted and ready for use. Let the mushrooms cool and place them in the refrigerator or basement.

In a month, the salted saffron milk caps will be ready, I will definitely share with you a photo of the finished product.

Mushrooms, fruiting bodies which can be yellow-pink or orange-red, and in cuts or breaks highlight milky juice, painted in various shades of red and immediately turning blue in the air, are called saffron milk caps. Some people confuse them with volnushki, but they can be easily distinguished: sections of volnushki do not turn blue. There are several types of saffron milk caps, the names of which consist of the word “saffron milk cap” and added words or phrases: real, spruce, red, red pine, Japanese or fir, salmon or alpine.

Camelina has always been considered a valuable mushroom. In the old days, these mushrooms were salted in tubs, and taken to the royal table or for export salted in bottles (the diameter of the mushroom cap was smaller than the neck of the bottle: no more than 2 cm). It has always been believed that saffron milk caps should be salted without spices, as they can spoil the taste and aroma of the mushroom. The easiest way is to eat it as a snack, just peel the saffron milk cap and lightly add salt.

Although these mushrooms, like milk mushrooms, belong to the same family of Russula and the genus Laticaria (they secrete milky juice), the method of pickling them is different. Milk mushrooms are soaked for several days or boiled before salting to remove the bitterness, but mushrooms should not be soaked or boiled. You can salt them as soon as you bring them from the forest. You can’t even wash them, just clean them of adhering foreign particles.

Recipe 1

Pickling saffron milk caps is not a difficult task. The main thing is to follow a few simple rules: do not use spices and (it is better to take stone). You can salt in a jar, tub or enamel pan. Salted saffron milk caps cannot be stored in the cold.


1 kg of peeled saffron milk caps;

1 tablespoon (slightly topped) of salt.

Mushrooms are placed in dense layers (caps down, plates up) in prepared (washed and dried) containers. Sprinkle each layer with salt, distributing it evenly throughout the entire volume of mushrooms. You need to press down the mushrooms carefully so as not to damage them. They will soon give out juice that will completely cover them. Gauze and a small weight are placed on the top layer. When salting in a jar, instead of a load, two wooden sticks are used, resting against its walls and forming a cross. Salting saffron milk caps does not last long. Mushrooms are kept for one day at room temperature, then move them to the refrigerator.

Recipe 2

If milk mushrooms are salted cold or hot, then salting saffron milk caps is only cold method. Not only is no preliminary preparation in the form of boiling or soaking required, but this cannot even be done, since the saffron milk caps will simply be spoiled (their specific taste and aroma will disappear). You need to salt saffron milk caps separately from other mushrooms due to differences in preparation methods and duration of salting. It is better to use spruce for pickling and to make pies or fry. Ingredients required:

Peeled saffron milk caps;

Salt at the rate of 3 to 4% by weight of mushrooms.

The saffron milk caps are placed in a prepared container (as described in recipe 1) and sprinkled evenly with salt. Cover with gauze. Construct a load sufficient for the appearance of juice, but such as not to crush the mushrooms. It doesn't take much time to pickle saffron milk caps. As soon as they give juice, they can be consumed, but it is better to wait 2-4 days. Mushrooms can be stored throughout the winter without freezing. They are only the most delicious in the first month, since during this time they absorb the optimal amount of salt.

Recipe 3

If in our country the traditional salting of saffron milk caps excludes the use of a hot method or the use of any spices or ingredients, then, for example, in Great Britain saffron milk caps are salted hot with the addition of wine, butter, mustard and sugar. The saffron milk caps salted in this way are cooled in the refrigerator before serving as a snack. They are not stored for long - no more than 2 weeks. Ingredients:

1 small onion, cut into rings;

80 ml olive oil;

1 tablespoon light brown sugar;

1 teaspoon salt;

500 g saffron milk caps (only caps are used).

Bring lightly salted water to a boil in a saucepan. Prepared (peeled) mushrooms are blanched for 2 minutes. The water is drained, the mushrooms are cut into thin strips. Add onion rings, parsley, mustard, sugar and salt to a saucepan with wine and olive oil. Bring the mixture to a boil, then add the mushrooms. Reduce heat and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool, transfer to a storage container and place in the refrigerator. Leave for 2 hours and serve as an appetizer.

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