How to attract mutual love into your life. Rituals to attract marriage and happy love. With magic

- What do I need to do for love to come into my life?

— How to attract love into your life once and for all?

These are the questions everyone who dreams of this bright feeling asks himself. And alas, he does not always find the right answers to them.

Today you will learn about how to attract love your entire life, spending only 20 minutes a day on it.

“Is this real?” - you ask?

It doesn't get any more real!

Because the cosmic will help us with this, through which everything that is similar to us is attracted to us, like magnets.

Like attracts like

But first you need to do the first and very important condition– clear space in your heart and soul for a new feeling.

Condition No. 1 “Make room”!

You can't get into the future without letting go of the past. A new house cannot be built on the ruins of an old one. It’s the same with love - a new one will not come until you deal with the old one. So ask yourself this question right now:

“Am I ready for a new relationship?”

Look inside yourself and check if the old feelings are hidden there? Is there any resentment, anger, dissatisfaction or other negative emotions left towards the object of your former affection? Maybe you are holding on to them?

If your answer is yes, then you need cleansing and forgiveness.

Only complete, deep-level forgiveness can make room in your heart for new relationships. And as you know, a holy place is never empty.

Condition No. 2 “Love attracts love”

Do you love yourself? Just as you are, with all your flaws?

Because self-dislike is a repulsive factor. And according to the Law of Attraction, except for self-dislike, you will not attract anything else. By sending negative signals into space, you vibrate at a negative frequency, thereby attracting feelings and sensations that are far from love into your life.

Having loved ourselves, accepting ourselves as we are, we emit high and pure vibrations around us. And these divine emanations, like flower nectar that attracts butterflies and bees, will attract loving people into our lives.

Love yourself, radiate, give and share love - and it will live in your heart forever.

How to attract love into your life in 20 minutes?

This technique for attracting love consists of 3 steps that only take 20 minutes a day to complete. Regular practice of this will help you fulfill your desire.

Step #1 – Creative Visualization

Create in your imagination a detailed image of what you want. Ask yourself: “What exactly do I desire?” Draw a mental image of your chosen one, the main features of his character and appearance. Close your eyes and try to see the picture of what you want in every detail on the inner screen. Imagine yourself ALREADY in a relationship with this person. Be filled with love and experience emotions of joy and happiness!

Use every day in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before bed.

Step #2 – Love Affirmations

Use positive self-hypnosis formulas to plant creative programs in your subconscious.

They can be listened to, spoken out loud or silently, sung or rewritten by hand. Personally, I like them, you can listen to them and repeat them at the same time, the effect of this is significantly enhanced.

Read this article and choose 2-3 affirmations for yourself (no more). Apply them every day immediately after visualization (morning and evening).

Step #3 – Sending Love

To get something, you need to give something. To receive love, you need to give it. You need to send your love into the Universe, which, according to the boomerang law, will return to you in an enhanced size.

When you send love, it goes from you into the world, changing everything around, building a chain of events so that your wish comes true

Klaus Joel

Apply every day meditation on sending love. With regular practice, your aura will begin to emit streams of pure light, and it is a source of universal energy of love.

By putting this 3-step technique into practice, you are more likely to attract long-awaited relationships into your life.

But doing technology doesn’t mean doing nothing else. Regular exercise will open doors of opportunity for you - circumstances will begin to develop in the most favorable way for you.

But under no circumstances should you sit idly by - be active, go on dates, go to parties, go out in public more often - give the Universe the opportunity to fulfill your desire!

Dear girls, now you know how to attract love into your life. Put your knowledge into practice to attract the person of your dreams!

Attract love and be happy!

Alena Golovina

P.S. Tell your friends about this technique - click on the buttons social networks– give others the opportunity to find their happiness!


To be happy, a woman needs to love and be loved. A woman in love is beautiful, she is transformed both externally and internally. Radiates love, self-confidence and beauty. Some people are already lucky and have met a man with whom they are ready to live their whole lives, while others are just looking for their soul mate. This article will be useful for everyone. Here we will tell you how to attract love into your life and how to keep it.

What do we have to do

Love is everywhere, we can see it in children's eyes, in the tender embrace of a loving couple - it surrounds us every day. Love can be different, because it has many manifestations. We will talk about how to attract the man you love into your life.

Become a source of love

Everyone needs her like air - without her, life will be incomplete, devoid of something important that makes it so alive and desirable. But why are there so many women who can't find love? The answer is simple: we are waiting for a man who will come and give us this magical feeling. But this is a misconception. If you yourself do not have love, if you are not open to it, then a man will not approach you - he simply will not see in you that spark that can be ignited.

Therefore, you should not hope that someone will suddenly burst into your life, save you from loneliness, and fill your gray everyday life with care and romance. Of course, sometimes this happens, but this whole idyll does not last long: romance is coming to an end, and if you do not radiate love, then everyday dullness will swallow you up again.

In order for your life to be filled with love, it is important to understand that only you can help yourself with this. We receive what we ourselves emit. The world is a reflection of our feelings and emotions, like a mirror. If love lives inside you, then it will be around you. People capable of great feeling will be drawn to you with indescribable force.

Therefore, if you are not satisfied with something in your life, then look inside yourself - figure out what you feel and emit. If you are capable of love, capable of giving it to the world, then the world will answer you in kind. Remember the boomerang law. To let this feeling into you, you need to learn to see the beauty of the world, learn to enjoy it. Concentrate on the beautiful. Start sharing your love with others, just like that, without selfish motives, and you will see what miracles will begin to happen in your life.

Help others find love

This technique has one condition: you should help a friend who is the same gender as you. A man helps a man, and a woman helps a woman. When you help your friends find love, sincerely and selflessly, the world also begins to help you in romantic relationships. Think about which of your friends or loved ones now needs your help in love matters and how you can help them. Just don't force your help. If the person refuses, then do not interfere.

Visualization: create a clear image of your beloved man

To attract a man into your life, you need to create his image. There is no need now to make a list of fifty qualities that your betrothed should have, this is of no use. It is important to understand what kind of man you will feel good with. If you already like a certain person, then try to understand what exactly attracts you to him (inner strength, manners, sincerity, reliability, confidence, charm, etc.). Put these qualities into the image of your future partner and remember it.

Whatever image you present, such a man will come into your life. Do you need a romantic? Imagine. Do you need a reliable one? confident man? Draw it. Thoughts, as we know, are material, so be careful, because they have the ability to be embodied.

When composing the image of your loved one, you may encounter interesting discoveries. Let's say you thought that you were attracted to tough, brutal men, but in reality it turns out that you are much more comfortable with a calm and caring man. Or, for example, you painted yourself the image of a romantic who would dedicate poems to you, but in reality you need a decisive and courageous man, in whom there may not be a drop of romance, but he is reliable.

To mentally draw a man suitable for you, communicate with different people. You can just go on a date with them or communicate as friends, no one is forcing you to get into a relationship right away. This is the only way you will understand what a loved one should be like. Open yourself up to different experiences and you'll be in for a lot of interesting surprises.

Visualization helps speed up the appearance of your loved one in your life. Answer yourself honestly the question, what do I want from a relationship with a man? The answer should be detailed: describe the image of your soul mate, its main features, the features of your relationship with him. Imagine the resulting image twice every day (before bed and in the morning) - let visualization become your regular practice.

If you cannot visualize a clear image, clear pictures of your betrothed and your relationship with him, then work with your emotions. Imagine that you already have a beloved man, imagine how happy you are with each other, how good you feel together: concentrate on your feelings. Use this method twice a day as well, as it only works with regular practice.

Surround yourself with loved and loving people

Our emotional state and our lives are greatly influenced by our environment, that is, by the people with whom we often communicate. Therefore, try to surround yourself with people who love and are happy with their lives. Their condition will be passed on to you: it’s like a virus. By communicating with them, you will receive the key to this magical state. You have probably noticed that it is much more pleasant for you to communicate with happy and successful people, and you are subconsciously drawn to them. Whereas it is much harder to communicate with unhappy people. They constantly have problems, they complain about something all the time, they infect you with negative thoughts.

Therefore, if you want to attract love, create the right environment in which you will be recharged with positive emotions and happiness and in which you will be comfortable. You must not only take, but also give something of your own, so do not forget to share your inner light, your love in return.

Let go of the past

Finding love is hindered by worries about past romantic relationships. Women dream of relationships for life: so that they can live with one person until old age. But now this is very rare. Women idealize men. If the relationship lasts more than six months, then, as a rule, we already begin to dream about a wedding, choose a place for honeymoon and come up with names for future children.

For men, everything is completely different: they rarely think about the future, they are rather interested in the present, they need the emotions that a woman gives. As soon as they stop receiving these emotions, they decide to break up without much regret, even if it was a long-term relationship. For representatives of the fair sex, such breakups are usually very difficult - with depression, decreased self-esteem and empty hopes that everything can still be returned.

In this state, a woman is not ready for new love. You need to get yourself in emotional shape and accept the fact that if the relationship with a man is over, then it was not your man, not your other half. Don't hurt yourself with unnecessary mental anguish. Don’t ask questions “what if?”, just draw conclusions from this relationship (what suited you, what didn’t suit you) and mentally let go of your ex. After all, until you let him go, either mentally or in your heart, true love will not enter your life.

Love yourself

Until you love yourself, no one will love you! Love with self-sacrifice, with complete surrender of oneself to a man, sounds, of course, romantic, but this is the wrong way. You need to learn to love yourself, and only then can you expect love from a man. He needs to constantly admire his beloved, admire her, because as soon as this disappears, then love gradually leaves. So start loving yourself first.

The manifestation of love should be reflected both externally and internally. Update your wardrobe with stylish items that fit you perfectly, change your hairstyle or experiment with hair color. Choose new makeup, remember that your arms and legs should look well-groomed - no man can resist such beauty. Find a hobby that makes you happy. Have you dreamed of horse riding, swimming, dancing and the like? Now is the time to start. This will make you at least a little happier, and happy, self-loving women will always find worthy life partners.

Using the teachings of Feng Shui

Love is pure energy. You can attract love into your life, into your home, if you correctly use the advice of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui. Objectively evaluate the furnishings of your home: is there room for a man in it? If not, then you need to create it. It is necessary to empty the house of all unnecessary things. Old things, old furniture, letters and romantic gifts from former fans (if you hate to part with gifts, you can simply put them in a box and put them in the closet).

Clear a few shelves for your future lover, put an extra toothbrush in a glass, decorate the bedroom with paintings or photographs of happy couples, buy beautiful interior items for your home, preferably paired ones. There should be more paired items, as they contribute to the unification of the feminine and masculine principles. This could be a pair of identical mugs, paired figurines, for example, geese or cranes, because, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, these birds are a symbol of love and fidelity.

Buy a couple of candlesticks and a couple of candles, always red. Red candles are great for clearing negative energy from your home and attracting love. It is also useful to look at the flame and meditate: imagine a man you could love. Remove cacti from your home, as the thorns scare people away, and purchase a few round-shaped furnishings - they help soften relationships.

You deserve the best

We have shared with you effective tips on how to attract love into your life. Soon you will be able to experience this feeling when you meet your soul mate, keep your feelings for long years. The main thing is to believe that you are worthy of love, worthy to be loved and to love: remember that our thoughts are material.

Discussion 2

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It’s a pity that life is not like a fairy tale, at the end of which the heroine is guaranteed to meet a handsome prince. In reality, neither beauty, nor intelligence, nor good character are a guarantee female happiness: It seems that everything listed is available, but there is no love. But let’s not fall into melancholy about this, but rather try to find a way out of the impasse. We have plenty of means to attract passionate feelings into our lives: practical advice from modern psychologists, mystical rites to attract love and the ancient teachings of Feng Shui for fans of Eastern wisdom. Before you know it, love will be knocking on your door.

Just don’t say “I’m just unlucky.” It doesn't happen that way. Everything has its reasons, and so does the fact that your love boat over and over again runs into underwater rocks and goes to the bottom. Do you want to find the mysterious culprit of your troubles? Take a closer look at yourself. Psychologists say: most single girls subconsciously set themselves up for failure, because deep down they are sure that they are unworthy of love.

But instead of stubbornly digging into themselves, most prefer to sob in despair into the pillow, lamenting “what’s wrong with me?” or they begin to run around among sorcerers and psychics, looking for a family curse on themselves.

You need to love yourself regardless of the circumstances and the presence of boyfriends

Until you yourself learn to love your own “I”, accept and present yourself to the world with the message: “I am beautiful and worthy of the best,” real feeling will not come into your life. Sagging shoulders, a timid look, a lack of a smile - all this does not contribute to love.

Preparation: making room for feelings in your heart

  1. There is a strict rule: “If you want something new to come into your life, make room for it.” Women tend to keep memories of previous romances in their souls for years, even when living together with an “ex” was like dancing on a volcano, and parting cost several gray hairs. And yet, again and again, your thoughts return to the past, now experiencing happy moments, now choking with resentment - what a scoundrel your beloved turned out to be! Both are equally harmful. Until you let this man out of your life, the romance is still going on, and you subconsciously remain closed to a new feeling. An old but true way. Collect all the evidence of an ended relationship: dried flowers, postcards, movie tickets, a boyfriend’s forgotten T-shirt and other little things dear to your heart, take them to a vacant lot, away from houses and cars, and burn them without any regret. At the same time, do not play the victim under any circumstances! Smile, whistle, you can even jump around the fire shouting: “Burn, burn clearly, so that it doesn’t go out!”
  2. Show fate that you voluntarily and joyfully let go of the past, and it will open doors to the future for you. They say that after breaking up with Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman exclaimed, hinting at her modest height: “What a blessing, now I can wear high heels again!” Remember, you probably had some desires that your boyfriend did not approve of. The time has come to do what you have been putting off for so long out of reluctance to enter into conflict. Whether it’s buying provocative red lipstick, taking a motorcycle driving course, or dancing with friends at the Ivan Kupala festival is not the point. The main thing is that you decided to fulfill your desire precisely because you were able to free yourself from oppressive relationships.
  3. Talk with ex-lover. But only mentally! Thank him for all the good things he has given you. Explain why you can't be together. This is a very important point: the more compelling arguments you select, the more effective the “parting” will be, because in fact you will be pronouncing your monologue not to the man, but to yourself.

Having said everything you consider necessary, say goodbye to the imaginary listener and never return to this conversation again. Close the door and turn to the next one, ready to open.

Methods to attract a man into your life

Act as if love is already with you

Now, free and light, go in search of a new feeling, using all possibilities, real and magical, for this.

  1. How to attract through psychological techniques Have you noticed how a girl in love changes? She literally flutters on wings, shines and sparkles with happiness. As secretary Verochka said from “Office Romance,” men don’t let such a woman pass. And not only them! Happiness will not pass by either. Dream about future love
  2. , often imagine that you already have it. Try to feel in advance the sensations that will come with your new hobby. The more carefree and happy you can become, the higher the chances of your dream becoming a reality.
  3. Is your friend just now experiencing a passionate romance? Take a very active part in it: listen to her enthusiastic stories, help come up with surprises for your loved one, calm her down in moments of rare disagreements. By feeding on the energy of someone else’s feelings, you are more likely to open up to your own. But it is very important to do all this with “clean hands”, without secret envious thoughts, otherwise the idea will fail. Fate will not reward the spiteful critic with a meeting with the prince!
  4. Imagine in detail the image of the man you are waiting for. We are not talking about eye shape and hair color, but about the qualities that your future chosen one should have. What do you look for in men? What disadvantages are you willing to accept? Which ones can’t you come to terms with? Do it useful exercise twice a day, like brushing your teeth. By visualizing your dreams, you will, firstly, better understand your needs. And secondly, remove the block of uncertainty called “impossible, this will never happen.”
  5. Take care of yourself. Necessarily! You can’t seriously wait for Prince Charming while walking around with a dirty head or a bitten manicure. The subconscious cannot be deceived; it understands perfectly well that by doing this you are simply signing an act of surrender, surrendering to the mercy of loneliness. So it doesn't matter if the horizon flutters scarlet sail or there are heavy clouds hanging - you should be well-groomed, elegantly dressed and happy with your appearance, regardless of the state of affairs on the personal front.

Feng Shui Tips and Symbols

According to Feng Shui, figurines of mandarin ducks and cranes bring love

The Eastern teaching about the correct organization of living space in the name of achieving harmony, of course, could not ignore such an important aspect of human relationships as love. In order for spring passion to quickly come to you from the front door, Feng Shui advises:

  • Get rid of junk. Just as you cleansed your subconscious of negative memories, clean out your house of unnecessary junk. Perhaps old skis on the balcony and a battered floor lamp with one light bulb occupy a place in your home that could belong to a man?! Make room. And at the same time, empty a couple of shelves in the closet as if you already know for sure that your loved one’s things will soon lie here.
  • Change colors. If you are a fan of pink ruffles and bows, immediately change your image. Add calm and slightly harsh masculine colors to the interior - black, gray, blue, green, white. But do not overdo it, so as not to create an overly cold environment in which the ardent feeling will quickly freeze and deflate. Everything should be in moderation.
  • If possible, replace your bed with a double bed. Is this what you sleep on? Then make sure that there are always two pillows on it and buy new romantic bed linen. Right here pink color and hearts are not forbidden.

How to attract with material things

  • Remove photos of you alone from visible places and hang pictures of happy couples on the walls. These can be reproductions of classical paintings, simple “popular” images, and figurines stylized as African sculpture. The details are determined only by your taste.
  • Place a crystal bowl in the southwestern part of the apartment with clean, preferably spring, water and a scattering of beautiful stones at the bottom. Place a couple of gold rings here; let two candles float on the surface. Every evening, light candles and admire the lights for a while, drawing in your imagination pictures of a date with your beloved man. Needless to say, the water in the bowl should always remain fresh - change it on time.
  • Get paired interior items. Vases, photo frames and figurines from one set and other symbols will create the necessary energy and diligently attract a man to your home, so that the hostess does not languish alone. Two red candles in paired candlesticks are considered a particularly effective talisman.

Get jewelry with stones that attract love. Rose quartz and tourmaline, ruby, sapphire, topaz or amber will help attract it.

Using magic: stones, flowers, pictures and more

Send your requests to the sky on a soap bubble
  • If you want a man to come into your house, buy him slippers. In all seriousness! A pair of good quality men's slippers, in which your loved one will be so pleased to relax after a hard day. We let the new clothes sit in the hallway for three days and get used to it, and on the fourth day, at midnight, we put them on our hands and open them front door(after making sure that the late neighbor is not smoking on the landing). We get down on all fours, clap our hands three times with our hands in slippers and shout “Betrothed, appear!” and “cross” the threshold of the apartment. It is done. We put the shoes against the wall and wait for their future owner to come after the slippers. They say magic works quickly.
  • On a full moon, sit by an open window with a cup of soapy water and a straw in your hands. Wait a few minutes to tune in to the desired wave, listen to the night rustles, meditate. Then slowly blow out a large soap bubble and for a few seconds, until the fragile ball flies away in the wind, imagine inside it the image of a happy couple - you and your future lover - as accurately as you can. As soon as the first bubble falls from the straw, start conjuring the next one. The more “messages” you send to the moon, the more likely it is that your wish will come true.
  • Full moon night is the best time to magical rituals. If you find yourself spending the night in a village or country house, do not miss the opportunity to pick three, seven and nine different flowers on a flooded moonlight clearing. Dry them, put them in a small bag of blue fabric and carry them with you, preferably on your body. The elusive, mystical scent of flowers will attract love into your life.

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How to attract love in the Year of the Monkey

In China, where the idea came to us to appoint one of the 12 animals responsible for all our successes and failures in the year, there is an ancient tradition. IN New Year's Eve the girl must go to a river or lake and throw a ripe orange into the water, having previously whispered her cherished wishes to it. They say that everything you wish for comes true, especially requests for love. It’s just better to save this ritual for the New Year. eastern calendar– February 8, because Chinese women will bring their requests to the Monkey on this very night. What if the Fire Animal has strictly designated office hours? And don’t forget to throw a red scarf over your head before leaving the house and tie a golden ribbon on one of the buttons of your jacket. You need to attract the attention of the flighty Monkey, and for this all means are good.

You never know where love will find you. An uninvited feeling can come to anyone at any moment! But if your Cupid is delayed on the way, don’t wait, go out to meet him. Maybe the bad boy with a bow and arrow is already nearby?

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The girl sincerely tries to create strong and reliable personal relationships, and all efforts are destroyed in the bud. She wants to fall in love and meet her one and only, but it doesn’t work out. If a girl has pure desires, then a conspiracy to attract love will help her. This is not a love spell, not black magic and not evil. A conspiracy is able to attract male attention when it is lacking, and find your one and only one among men. Betrothed. The one God has chosen to be your husband. This conspiracy will reveal the girl’s potential as a woman and will help increase her attractiveness. Reading a plot to attract love will fully reveal energetic female magnetism.

Then the girl’s energy will attract male attention, attraction and attraction. Executing spells to attract love can speed up the meeting with your soul mate.

Attracting male attention

You should start looking for love by reading conspiracies to attract men. If they pay attention to us, we will try to choose a worthy one. Reading conspiracies to attract love requires complete solitude. Best time- closer to midnight. Because a conspiracy at midnight is more effective than at other times of the day.

Sit down and relax. You are wearing home clothes, which can be light, comfortable, and do not hinder your movements. Try to breathe evenly, and then close your eyes. Get all extraneous thoughts out of your head; meditation helps in such cases.

Imagine the meaning of the spoken words of the conspiracy:

“My happiness drowned in the river. The river has turned back - now it flows towards me, my love and happiness will definitely lead to me.
My joy has gone astray. As soon as dawn came, the red sun came out, my joy reached out into the light, walked, hurried towards me.
Every living creature helps my happiness, my joy, they show me the way. Night haze. The sadness that brings has disappeared, dissolved, there is no return for it.
I will go out onto the porch - to meet my love and happiness and take it home.
All the elements help me - they shelter me from troubles, protect me. Love and happiness protect me. They help me be happy.”

Talismans and spells that can attract male love

When you can’t find true love, reading a spell to attract love can change the situation for the better.

Wait for the waxing moon and begin the ritual. We will need the following things:

  • Your photo is in 3x4 format;
  • Green thread;
  • Fresh basil leaves.

Place the photo on the windowsill. Wrap in basil leaves and then tie with thread. The photo should stand on the windowsill all night. In the morning, when our photo is charged with moonlight, we wrap it in green material. Let the leaves remain. Now we have a talisman that will greatly speed up the meeting with our betrothed.

Another such talisman is made - with apricot kernel. We take ripe and juicy fruit for our ritual. There should be no wormholes or damage in the fruit. Remove the pit from the apricot, rinse it well and dry it.

Gently, so as not to break into small pieces, divide the bone into two halves. We take the nucleolus out of it and glue the halves together. The fruit itself must be eaten. We give the kernel to the birds. When you eat the fruit, say:

"Love to me."

When giving the kernel to the birds:

“Failure is outside!”

Paint the glued bone red. Make a hole in it and stretch a red, or maybe pink, thread through it. We have a talisman, put it around your neck and read:

“I tie men to me - I oblige myself to love them. Help me, the talisman, dispel any deception.”

The ritual part is simple, because in this method the work is based on the personal strength of the performer

That's it - now remove the amulet from your neck and hide it in a place inaccessible to people. When a young man you like comes into your field of vision, you take out your talisman. Again we repeat the words of the spells to attract love. As you read the words, imagine the desired outcome. In a couple of weeks from the moment you read the plot to attract love, you will get what you wanted.

Plot to get married

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You will need to buy a new broom. Days to buy a broom: Wednesday or Friday. When you buy a broom, remember - do not take change.

Wait until the new moon and sweep up all the debris in your yard. And if you live in an apartment, then sweep the entrance. Collect all trash in a yellow dustpan. The material of the scoop does not play a big role; it can be either wooden or plastic. When you seek revenge, be sure to read conspiracies to attract men. You can read these words:

“I drive young people into my house, not lazy people, not misers, not thieves. Come to me - grooms. From our own, other people's yards. Rock Paper Scissors. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A spell for male attention is said an odd number of times when sweeping. The cleaner you sweep the yard, the faster the results of spells to attract love will be. The more suitors will woo you.

Collect all trash and take it to your home. Place the trash in a small canvas bag and place it in the farthest corner. Be careful when pouring. Read “Our Father” over it 9 times and keep the bag until the next new moon.

Soon you will have many suitors, and you will be able to choose the most worthy, your only one. When it becomes possible, the garbage should be taken out and buried away from where you live. Try to do this mission so that people cannot see you.

Rules for conducting love spells

By following these rules, you can attract true love into your life:

  • Most rituals are performed during the waxing moon - then their effectiveness is at its peak;
  • Pay special attention to the place and time of the plot. When the time is not specified, select midnight. You must be alone when performing the ceremony;
  • Believe in the power of the conspiracy, without faith there will be no result;
  • You should be in high spirits during the ceremony; a good mood is the key to success;
  • Complete silence about the fact that you performed a ritual or conspiracy.

Follow these simple rules, and any ritual will become as effective as possible. Take action, and then the spell to attract love will be able to give you love.

Despite all the independence, activity, purposefulness, modern women and men are still afraid of loneliness, worry about how not to be left without a loved one, family, and think about how to attract love into their lives. It is in love and in a happy marriage that we continue to see the main happiness and persistently strive for it.

Some people go to great lengths - spend time on a dating site, meet different candidates, while others, on the contrary, choose to wait and believe that their “other half” will find him on her own. Both should know - in the Vedic tradition there are ways to attract and keep love for life!

How much love is given to you by karma

The 5th house, which is considered one of the most beneficial in the chart, is responsible for romantic relationships and falling in love. It is through the fifth house that the Vedic astrologer looks at how much love you will receive from your partner, how amorous you are, and how to attract mutual love.

But here it is important to remember - frivolity, frequent falling in love, the desire to “beat off” partners, inconstancy in relationships close the luck of the 5th house! And fidelity and honesty in love, on the contrary, accumulate your good karma. It is considered very good for romance and mutual love if a strong Venus is located in the 5th house.

The 7th house is responsible for permanent life partners, husband and wife. Here we are already talking about marital love, which leaves its “imprint” on every person. Do you think that if you break up with your husband after 3 months of marriage, you can forget everything? This is not true, the energies of your “ex” will continue to influence your life and relationships for several years to come!

Based on the 5th and 7th houses, you can determine when you can expect love and marriage, how to attract love into your life, what kind of partner you can expect based on karma. You can learn this yourself at the Lakshmi school of astrology, numerology and palmistry. But first, we invite you to become more familiar with your natal chart, learn how to compile and interpret it, and find out what your talents and purpose are. Register and we will send you a link to the webinar

You can always speed up the process and become a person attractive to the opposite sex. What should be done for this?

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