How does the sperm travel? Amazing facts about sperm. How long do sperm live under different conditions?

The reproduction and maturation of sperm (spermatogenesis) is a continuous process that begins during puberty and ends in old age, unless it is disrupted by any disease or other harmful effects. Spermatogenesis occurs in the male gonads – testicles (testicles).

Anatomy of the testicles - sperm factories

The testicles are located in the scrotum, which is located outside the cavities of the human body. The skin of the scrotum is richly supplied with sweat glands to prevent overheating. The testicles have at their disposal a muscular apparatus that allows them to lift the testicles into the abdominal cavity (for example, when the temperature drops environment, especially during sudden cooling). A spermogram is a sperm analysis that takes into account certain sperm parameters. Sperm is the secretion of the sex glands (prostate, seminal vesicles) in which sperm are located. The process of sperm formation is called spermatogenesis. Let's take a closer look at the entire mechanism of sperm formation and maturation.

Spermatogenesis is a continuous process that begins during puberty and ends in old age, unless it is disrupted by any disease or other harmful influence. Spermatogenesis occurs in the male gonads – testicles (testicles).
waiting). Both of these phenomena are well known to the male part of the population. These protective mechanisms are carried out reflexively with the participation of the vegetative nervous system, that is, they do not depend on the conscious will of a person. The testicles are oval in shape, slightly flattened on the sides, and with normal development in mature men they become the size of a plum. The left testicle is always slightly larger than the right one and is located in the scrotum below the right one. This phenomenon associated with the anatomical features of the blood vessels that supply blood to the left and right testicle. Thus, the fears of some adolescents and some adult men regarding the asymmetry of the size and location of the testicles are in vain.

Physiology of the testicles

The testicles produce the male sex hormone testosterone. Testosterone is produced by Leydig cells, which are also called interstitial cells. In parallel with the process of testosterone production, sperm maturation occurs in the seminiferous tubules of the testicle. The seminiferous tubules are very extended - their length reaches 150-300 m. Such a phenomenal length of the seminiferous tubules is achieved by their incredible tortuosity. Through the outlet canals, of which there are 12-13 in each testicle, sperm enter the extremely convoluted, up to 5 meters long, duct of the epididymis (epididymus), where the process of their maturation ends. The sperm then enter the vas deferens or disintegrate.

Sperm development

How does sperm develop? At the beginning of development, the male reproductive cell, the precursor (spermatogonia), goes through several stages of mitotic division, during which the cell divides into two while maintaining the full chromosome set. As a result, a spermatocyte is formed, which represents the next stage of sperm development. The spermatocyte enters into meiotic divisions (in two stages), during which the chromosome set is divided in half, and, as a result, spermatids are formed. Spermatids no longer divide, but only undergo the process of maturation. As a result, the formation of a mature male reproductive cell - sperm.

What conditions are necessary for the normal development of sperm?

Under what conditions does the process of development and maturation of male germ cells take place? The optimal temperature for spermatogenesis is 34 ºС, and this process lasts 72-74 days. A healthy man produces about 100 million sperm per day. This process occurs continuously - some sperm complete their maturation, others are just beginning to grow, and others are in the middle stage. During this period, the impact on the man’s body of various unfavorable factors can have bad influence on the development, mobility, structure, and, consequently, the biological ability of sperm.

What is unfavorable for sperm development?

What factors lead to impaired spermatogenesis? As we have already said, this is excess heat (both external and internal), prolonged fever, excessively frequent visits to the sauna or steam room with high temperature, taking hot baths. Various toxic substances also have a negative effect on spermatogenesis. chemical substances, ionizing radiation, electromagnetic waves, stress, hypocalcemia, congestion in the pelvis, poor circulation in the scrotum (long-term sitting in a sitting position - among athletes cyclists, professional drivers, office workers), wearing underwear (pants) that are too tight, hypothermia pelvic organs (sitting on cold objects), infectious diseases genital area (prostatitis), endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid gland).

Taking antibacterial and sulfonamide drugs, seemingly harmless, such as sulfasalazine, furadonin, long-term use tranquilizers, antidepressants, alcohol, tobacco smoking, cocaine addiction, cannabism (smoking Indian hemp products - marijuana, hashish), mental influences (severe fear, for example) - all these factors also disrupt the normal course of sperm maturation.

For more information about prostatitis, read the article: Prostatitis

How does fertilization occur?

Spermatozoa carry half a set of chromosomes (haploid) - 23 pieces, of which 22 chromosomes are somatic and 1 chromosome is sex. It is this sex chromosome that will determine the sex of the unborn child: if the sex chromosome is X, the child will be female, but if Y, the child will be male. Subsequently, during the process of fertilization, the haploid set of chromosomes of the sperm will combine with half the set of chromosomes of the egg (female reproductive cell). The genetic material of both parents merges and the number of chromosomal apparatus is restored to 46 chromosomes (23 maternal and 23 paternal).

Then the division and development of the future organism begins from this single cell, formed as a result of the union of the egg and sperm. The process of fertilization is depicted very schematically, but it is important that the two halves of the chromosome set are united, like halves of loving hearts. In reality, these processes are quite complex and are subject to very fine regulation. The regulation of fertilization processes is built with a multiple system of protection and safety nets, however, they can also be vulnerable.

What does sperm consist of?

A mature sperm consists of a head, body and tail. The vas deferens, each for its part, passes into the abdominal cavity as part of the spermatic cord, through the inguinal canal almost to Bladder, where the seminal vesicles are located, secreting a protein secretion that promotes greater sperm motility, enveloping them in a kind of protective shell. Next, the vas deferens pass through the prostate gland (prostate), which has the shape of a chestnut.

The prostate produces a secretion that enhances sperm motility. The property of sperm motility is ensured by a large number of enzymes and biologically active substances. The vas deferens flow into the urethra, and the ducts of the Cooper glands flow into it, releasing their secretion before ejaculation. At the peak of sexual arousal, involuntary contraction of the muscles of the walls of the vas deferens occurs, their lumen expands, and the seed comes from the ducts of the testicle. Subsequent muscle contractions expel seminal fluid, causing the man to experience a sensation of orgasm.

For more information about sperm analysis, read the article:


When it comes to sperm, people always seem to have questions. Some people want to kill sperm, some want to get them or sell them, some are worried about the work of their “little helpers”. After all, a world without sperm would be a very lonely place. Here are some surprising facts you may not yet know about sperm.

1. Abnormal sperm are normal

The sperm production mechanism in humans is quite lazy. How else can we explain the fact that 90 percent of the sperm in a man’s seminal fluid are deformed? Two heads, two tails, huge heads, a pin-shaped head, a spiral tail - truly this list of sperm deformations can be continued for a long time.

In truth, this is the price we paid for monogamy. In those species where the female receives sperm from more than one male, the sperm have a more uniform appearance. In humans, as a rule, the sperm of two men does not end up in the same woman at the same time.

2. Half a teaspoon

This is the volume that usually comes out when a man ejaculates. It's not much, but one way or another, the sperm manage to do their job.

3. Sperm have tough helmets.

Of course, this is not exactly a helmet, but an oval structure called an acrosome. It contains strong chemicals that are produced when a sperm attaches to an egg. The substance dissolves the outer shell of the egg, drilling a hole through which the sperm can enter the egg.

4. Sperm and sperm

Some people use the terms sperm and sperm interchangeably. But sperm are just a component of semen or seminal fluid. The seminal fluid also contains substances from the prostate gland, as well as seminal vesicles. Sperm, which are produced in the testicles, require a lot of fuel to move their tail. Luckily, they get this fuel from the sugar fructose, which is supplied by their seminal vesicles. Fluid from the prostate gland, or prostate, contains substances that help the seminal fluid liquefy as it enters a woman. Without this, sperm would not be able to move.

5. One testicle is enough

If a man loses one testicle for medical reasons, the other is usually able to produce enough sperm to conceive a child. Perhaps the most famous example of this was the famous American cyclist Lance Armstrong, who lost one testicle to cancer and became the father of five children.

6. 200 million competitors

It only takes one sperm to fertilize a woman's egg, but there is fierce competition for the honor of doing so. In fact, the average semen contains about 200 million sperm.

7. The factory never closes

Women are born with a limited number of eggs. But things are completely different for men. Men produce sperm all day, every day, throughout their lives.

As a man ages, sperm become slower and DNA more fragmented, but the factory never closes.

8. Sperm are tiny

Want to see sperm? It is better to get a microscope, since these living creatures are very small to be seen with the naked eye. How small? The length of the sperm is approximately 0.05 mm from head to tail.

Of course, what sperm lack in length, it makes up for in quantity. If it were possible to line up all the sperm released during ejaculation, they would stretch for 9.5 km.

9. Sperm need protection

Sperm look like any other cell in our body, but by the time they leave the testicles, they have half as much DNA as other cells in our body. All this looks suspicious for the immune system. To prevent immune cells from attacking sperm, the testes provide them with special cells that surround them, creating a fence.

10. Dead sperm can create living babies.

To fertilize an egg traditional way, sperm need to be able to swim. However, the situation is different in the case of in vitro fertilization. In reality, experts use tiny robotic glass rods to implant a single sperm into an egg. Sometimes they even hit the sperm until it stops moving. After all, the main thing you need is the DNA inside the sperm.

11. Which way to go?

Spermatozoa are capable of pushing themselves, but many have difficulty moving in one direction. In fact, only half of the sperm manage to do this. Others swim in circles, others sway with the movements of the seminal fluid.

But since most of them start, many still get to the egg. This is despite the fact that the tubes connecting the uterus to the ovaries contain small hair cells that create barriers to sperm. If you've ever seen salmon swim against the current, you'll understand what we're talking about.

12. Sperm lives for several days

How long can sperm live inside? female body? About two to three days.

13. Y has no equal

Once the sperm connects with the egg, the chromosomes exchange pieces of DNA, meaning there is a mixture of DNA from the mother and the father. But there is an exception: the Y chromosome has no analogues in the DNA of the egg, and therefore it is passed on practically unchanged from father to son. Because the Y chromosome looks the same as the chromosome of the father, his father's father, and so on through generations.

14. Keep cool

No matter how hot sex is, a man's testicles need to be kept cool, that is, cooler than body temperature, which is important for the production of healthy sperm.

A man's body maintains the ideal temperature of the scrotum with the help of veins, which drive heat away from the muscles of the scrotum that raise and lower the testicles to either bring them closer to or away from body heat.

If a man crosses his legs, the temperature of the scrotum increases. The same thing happens when he wears swim trunks.

15. Two months to create a sperm

How long does it take to produce sperm? According to latest research, it takes about two months.

Sperm production is continuous, just like a conveyor belt. But just like with a conveyor belt, it takes time to go from start to finish.

1. Who was the first to see a spermatozoon? In 1667, the Dutch scientist Antonie van Levernhoek created a microscope. The first thing he began to look at was sperm.

2. Is it possible to replace valerian with sperm? Biologists say that male sperm contains mood-enhancing hormones that enter the blood and then into the woman’s brain. Therefore, women whose partners constantly use condoms are more susceptible to depression.

3. Should you take Suprastin after oral sex? Numerous surveys show that a woman can love the sperm of one partner and categorically cannot tolerate the sperm of another.

4. How to prepare delicious sperm? If you are not satisfied with the taste of your partner’s sperm, then persuade him to go on a special diet. The quality and taste of sperm depend on what the man ate, his physical health, sports activities, the tightness of his jeans and hundreds of other reasons. Drugs, nicotine, alcohol, stress radically worsen its taste. Frequent consumption of coffee and strong alcoholic drinks causes semen to become bitter. The abundance of meat in the diet makes it sour, garlic gives it a bitter, putrid taste. From aspirin and other tablets in the amount of about 5 tablets a day, she begins to smell strongly of drugs. Drinking more than 2 liters of beer a day causes semen to become watery. Balanced diet, vegetables, sweet juices and fruits (especially pineapple) decorate it with a sweetish taste.

5. How to have sex with a man who eats hamburgers? Take your partner on a shopping trip to Arizona; there's a product on sale that makes semen taste like a hamburger. 30 servings cost $70.

6. How to wash off sperm? In plenty of running cold water.

7. To cum or not to cum? Qigong masters more than three thousand years ago discovered that orgasm and ejaculation in men are two different processes. A man can experience orgasm without ejaculating. Orgasm occurs just before ejaculation, and in order to learn multiple orgasms, a man must master methods of stopping ejaculation. To do this, techniques are used to control one's own energy and press certain points on the penis and in front of the anus. These techniques are taught at seminars on tantra yoga and doasic practices. All for the courses...?

8. Who is the father of the child? An initiative by the British Human Fertilization Authority to abolish the anonymity of sperm donation has sparked heated debate. The argument is that children should know who their biological father is. Genetics remind us of diseases that are transmitted through genes, and on the other hand, a survey conducted by the BBC found that the majority of donors would stop donating sperm if anonymity was abolished.

9. What does a sperm have in its head? Sperm are male reproductive cells. They consist of a head, neck and tail, which helps them move at speeds from 3 to 44 mm/min. The most important part is the head, it contains 23 chromosomes containing our genes.

10. If you have sex often, will you run out of sperm? Sperm are produced throughout life. Until the age of 70, the production process remains unchanged, then it begins to change, sperm become less active and vigorous, but can still fulfill their mission.

11. How much sperm is released at one time? No more than a teaspoon. Everything else is liquid, the so-called ejaculate...

12. How to improve sperm quality? It is necessary to exclude painkillers, sleeping pills, and sedatives from the diet. Antibiotics, hormonal and antiulcer drugs. Then deprive yourself of the joy of going to the bathhouse, stop taking hot baths, lose weight and throw out all your synthetic panties.

13. What color should it be? White or white-watery. In small quantities it may appear transparent blue. All other shades - soft pink or pale yellow - indicate that not everything is in order in the man’s body.

14. How many sperm should there be in semen? There are from 60 to 120 million sperm in 1 ml. Although one dexterous one is enough for the birth of a child.

15. Whose sperm is better? Scientists took tests from various nationalities and came to the conclusion that the sperm of Scots contains 15% more active sperm. In second place are the Turks and Finns, in third are the Danes, then the French.

16. What is sperm made of? One liter of semen contains 249 mg of calcium, 291 mg of magnesium, 35 mg of vitamin C. To get a daily dose of vitamin C, you need to consume more than 2 liters of semen. The average man expels an average of 3.5 mg of sperm at the time of orgasm, which is 7% of the daily value of potassium and 3% of the daily value of zinc.

17. Sperm or steam pipe - who is faster? During ejaculation, sperm is expelled at a speed of 18 km/h.

18. Which sperm are the most purebred? Before ejaculation, a small drop of liquid wets the head of the penis and neutralizes all the nastiness that can kill sperm. This drop contains several thousand of them (as opposed to tens of millions of subsequent ones). There is an opinion that it is in this drop that the most tenacious and purebred sperm are found. Because of this drop, PREVENTION USING SEXUAL WITHDRAWAL OFTEN DOES NOT GIVE THE DESIRED RESULT.

19. What did the great and wise think about this? One of the Chinese scientists (a great one) has compiled detailed instructions on the frequency of ejaculation, following which you can maintain health and longevity. a 20-year-old man can erupt once every four days. At 30 years old - once every eight days. At 40 years - once every 10 days, at 50 years - once every 20 days, at 60 years it should not erupt at all.

20. Boy or girl? The old-fashioned way. The sex of the unborn child can most likely be determined at conception. The main thing is to choose the right time and calculate your own cycle. It is believed that Y sperm are more motile but have a shorter lifespan. Therefore, if conception occurs during the period of ovulation, then they manage to reach the goal faster than X-sperm. This means a boy will be conceived. If conception occurs a day before ovulation, then the chances of fertilization with an X-sperm, which longer duration life, which means a girl will be conceived.

Latest achievements. There are many clinics in America that undertake to make a boy or a girl upon request. Doctors use laser technology to separate sperm into 2 groups that carry X and Y chromosomes. Depending on the desired sex of the child, the egg is fertilized in one way or another. The resulting embryo is placed into the mother's body. The technology provides a 91% success rate for girls and 75% for boys.

Men can be just as curious as women. Therefore, some of them are very interested in the structure of their own body, and especially its most important organs. In this case, the brave ones become doctors, and the rest simply read the necessary literature. The most important questions remain: Where is the sperm formed? What does he look like? How long does he live? And how does it move? Let's try to answer them in a way that everyone can understand.


Before answering the question of where sperm is formed, you need to understand what it is. Sperm are the reproductive cells of animals and humans. As a rule, these cells are able to actively move, which is vital in order to reach the egg and fertilize it.

Compared to the female reproductive cell, sperm are small, nimble, and they mature simultaneously in the body a large number of(in contrast to the egg, which alone is the crown of the thirty-day work of a woman’s endocrine system).

The structure of this reproductive cell indicates that all animals and fungi had a common ancestor - a single-celled organism. Traditionally, any male reproductive cells, even in plants, are called spermatozoa, although the definition of “sperm” is also applicable to them, as well as antherozoids.

Sperm in animals

Oddly enough, animals are not very different from humans in the structure and function of germ cells. Where are sperm produced? How do they look? Are there any fundamental changes?

An ordinary animal sperm has a head, an intermediate part and a tail (or flagellum). The head, traditionally, contains the nucleus, which contains half the set of chromosomes. In addition to genetic information, the head contains enzymes for penetration into the egg and centriole. In the intermediate part, also known as the neck, there is a large mitochondrion, which provides energy to the flagellum and supports its movement.

Exceptions to the above sample are some species aquarium fish, whose sperm have two flagella. This also applies to crustaceans (they may have three or more “tails” on their reproductive cells). But evolution has offended roundworms because they have motile cells - there is not a single cilium or flagellum in their entire body. The reproductive cells of these animals have a plastic cell wall, which allows them to move with the help of pseudopods. Newts have a fin on the sperm. But there are variations not only in the tails, but also in the heads. If in humans they are ellipse-like, then mice and rats can boast of a hook-like shape.

The size of germ cells in men is extremely small - from tens to hundreds of micrometers. This variation has nothing to do with the size of the adult individual.

Discovery of sperm

Before scientists thought about the question “Where is sperm formed?”, they had no idea that there were special cells involved in the reproduction of humans and animals. And in general, they had a very vague idea about the structure of living tissues.

A revolution in science occurred in the mid-seventeenth century, when the Dutchman Antoine Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope and began to look through it various items: pollen, leaves and petals of plants, human and animal skin and much more. In 1677 it came to germ cells. He described the egg and sperm, which he called the “sperm animal.”

Like any scientist, Leeuwenhoek first carried out all the experiments on himself, so human spermatozoa were described first, and only then other animals. The idea that these “animals” are involved in conception quickly occurred to Antoine, which he did not fail to report to the British Scientific Society.


If you do not take into account the length of the flagellum, the sperm is the smallest cell in the human body, about 55 micrometers. Such small sizes allow it to quickly move through the uterine cavity and reach the egg.

In order to be even smaller, in the process of sperm formation, they undergo a number of transformations:
- the core becomes denser due to the condensation of genetic material;
- the cytoplasm is separated into a separate “cytoplasmic drop”;
- only those organelles that are vital to the cell remain.

  1. The head of the sperm has the shape of an ellipse, flattened laterally. Sometimes it can be concave on one side, and then we can talk about a spoon-shaped shape. The head contains:
    - a nucleus with a haploid set of chromosomes. This is necessary so that after the fusion of two germ cells, the total amount of genetic information is equal to that in somatic cells, otherwise the fetus will not survive or will have deformities. Due to the strong “compression” of chromatin, it is in an inactive state and cannot synthesize RNA.
    - the acrosome is an evolutionarily modified Golgi apparatus, it is necessary so that the head of the sperm can enter the egg.
    - centrosome - an organelle that supports the “skeleton of the cell” and ensures the movement of the tail.
  2. The midsection or neck is the narrowing between the head and tail. It houses the mitochondrion, which produces energy for the movements of the flagellum.
  3. The tail or flagellum is the thin, mobile part of the sperm. Performs rotational forward movements allowing the cell to reach its goal.


The method and place of sperm production are closely related to its functions. And the most important of them is penetration into the egg and fertilization. To perform this function, nature has provided the mobility, mass and chemical “attractiveness” of sperm.

Female and male organisms are designed to reproduce their own kind, so they are compatible physically, chemically and genetically. If a man takes care of his health, does not have bad habits, and has received all vaccinations on time (especially against mumps), then his reproductive cells will be ready to perform their function at any time.


The formation of sperm in men is associated, among other things, with the formation of a flagellum, which helps the cell move. During movement, the reproductive cell rotates around its axis at a speed of 0.1 millimeters per second. This is more than thirty centimeters per hour. They need to cover a distance of more than 20 cm. About a couple of hours after intercourse, sperm reach fallopian tubes, and (if there is an egg there) fertilization occurs.

Inside male body spermatozoa practically do not move, they are not active and passively move along the seminal ducts along with the seminal fluid due to peristaltic contractions of the ducts and the movement of the cilia.

Lifespan of sperm

Scientists, together with physiologists, tried to figure out the question of where sperm are formed and why they are periodically renewed? It turned out that the entire process of maturation of germ cells takes more than two months, but a large number of them are obtained. Due to this, men do not lack genetic material.

The viability of sperm lasts only for a month, and they need the right conditions:
- temperature not higher than 32 degrees Celsius;
- absence of inflammatory diseases.

And outside the male body, the cells retain their mobility for up to a day. Inside the uterus, this time can be extended to three days.

What is spermatogenesis?

Spermatogenesis is the formation of sperm, which occurs under the constant regulation of the body's endocrine system.

It all starts with precursor cells, which after several divisions take on the appearance of an adult sperm. Depending on the type of animal, the process of sperm maturation may differ. For example, in chordates, during the embryonic period, special cells are formed that migrate into the primordia of the gonads and form a pool of cells, which will subsequently become sperm.

Spermatogenesis in humans

The method of sperm formation in humans is no different from that of other vertebrates. The process begins at puberty (at age 12) and continues until almost 80 years of age.

According to some sources, the sperm maturation cycle lasts 64 days, according to others - up to 75 days. But the change of tubular epithelium (which is the substrate for germ cells) occurs at least once every 16 days.

The whole process takes place in the convoluted seminiferous tubules of the testicle. On the basement membrane of the tubules there are spermatogonia, as well as first- and second-order spermatocytes, which then differentiate into a mature cell. First, progenitor cells undergo several cycles of division by mitosis, and when there are enough of them, they switch to meiosis. As a result of this last division, two daughter spermatocytes are formed, and then two more spermatids. Each of these cells has half the set of chromosomes and can fertilize an egg.

Sperm is produced through the coordinated work of the prostate gland, testicles and seminal vesicles and is ejaculated from the urethra.

Normal view sperm externally looks like a stretchy substance of a light (white), slightly gray or yellowish tint, without a strong odor, with a secreted volume of 2–5 ml, of moderate viscosity. The shade of the seed in the form of milky transparency is given to the sperm. If excessive transparency, then this will indicate that the sperm count is sharply reduced.

The secreted fluid produced by the secretion of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles in an amount of less than 1.5 ml is considered deviation and reduces the likelihood of conceiving a child. In addition, a reduced amount of semen indicates the presence of pathology in the form obstruction of the ejaculatory ducts, retrograde ejaculation or too frequent sexual intercourse.

What normal sperm should look like

Normal sperm in healthy men has a slightly alkaline reaction, where pH is 7.2-8. Physiologically, this is necessary to neutralize the slightly acidic environment of the vagina, preserve the viability of sperm and the success of fertilization.

In semen, in addition to living sperm (there are more than 20 million in 1 ml), there are enzymes, vitamins, mineral substances, amino acids, fructose, lemon acid , prostaglandin.

The consistency resembles mucus, which, when secreted, first turns into jelly, and then, within half an hour, liquefies and becomes transparent (this is necessary for conception).

Normal sperm should be moderately viscous. Too thick ejaculate is considered the cause infertility. This condition should alert a man and encourage him to see a doctor (andrologist, urologist, sex therapist), as this indicates diseases of the male reproductive system (prostatitis, enzyme deficiency).

The smell of normal ejaculate is light chlorine tint. If the aroma is unpleasant and too strong, then this may be due to the consumption of certain foods, seasonings, alcohol, or diseases of the genitourinary system.

The quality of the substance secreted by the male genital organs, which contains the cells (sperm) necessary for conceiving a child, depends on many reasons. It is determined by a special study - spermogram.

What color of ejaculate is considered normal?

A whitish tint is considered a sign of healthy ejaculate. But every man’s body is individual, so it can be slightly grayish or light yellow. All other colors are considered deviations from normal values.

, brown, pink the colors of the secretion indicate pathologies such as: injuries genital area, presence stones in the prostate gland, disease chronic vesiculitis. A change in the normal shade of sperm is a reason to consult a doctor. But sometimes the color depends on the use of some products in food (beets, pomegranate), intake antibiotics or multivitamins, which can contribute to the easy coloration of sperm in different colors. This condition goes away on its own after stopping taking the substance.

A man should be alert and examined if he discovers:

  • green or dirty yellow sperm (presence of sexually transmitted infections);
  • ejaculate yellow colors with presence unpleasant odor and pain symptoms during intimate relationships(evidence of inflammatory processes);
  • dark color sperm (stones, pelvic inflammation).

On the color of sperm influence also: frequency of sexual contacts, duration of sexual abstinence, traumatic experiments in intimate activity, presence of genitourinary diseases.

Semen consistency - norm and deviations

The viscosity of healthy ejaculate is moderate (neither liquid nor thick). Viscosity is determined by measuring the length of the sperm threads flowing from the tip of a laboratory pipette, with normal values ​​not exceeding 0.5 cm.

Increased viscosity with lengthening of the threads speaks of chronic inflammatory processes in the genital area.
A variant of the norm is considered to be increased viscosity to thickness after prolonged abstinence. With the normalization of intimate relationships, the consistency of sperm is restored.

Thick ejaculate reduces the chances of conception or makes it impossible at all. For example, sperm, which resembles porridge from lumps of semolina, becomes thick due to the gluing of sperm. This can happen due to: a weakened immune system, impaired metabolism, decreased hormone production, inflammation in the testicles, etc. Anabolic steroids contribute thickening ejaculate.

A man who cares about his health should lead healthy image life, since the composition of sperm is negatively affected by the consumption of alcoholic beverages, nicotine, and irregular nutrition.

Food rich vitamins And microelements(meat, vegetables, fruits, milk, cereals), will have a positive effect on the volume, color, smell, pH of the semen, as well as sperm motility.

Needs to be dosed physical exercise , observe a rest and sleep schedule, strengthen immunity, treat all infectious diseases of the pelvis and genital organs in a timely manner, be selective in sexual intercourse and use condoms (to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections).

Consistency is affected by regularity sex life. It should be at least twice a week.

Thick ejaculate occurs in men who like to wear very tight underwear, as well as in sauna lovers (due to overheating of the testicles).

Medication restores sperm consistency hormonal medications, vitamin complexes, means that improve circulation, as well as compliance with the daily routine and rest.

Methods traditional medicine recommend use royal jelly bees(the drug Apilak in the pharmacy), raw pumpkin seeds, any nuts. Garden greens, in the form parsley, celery And cilantro can make the ejaculate less thick.

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