How to cure a duodenal ulcer. Treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Initial stage of the disease

Ulcer duodenum called a chronic disease, which is a defect in the mucous membrane of an organ. Unlike erosive formation, it is deeper, affecting the submucosal and muscle tissue. Ulcerative wounds can be of different sizes - from a match head to a large apple. The prevalence of the pathology is quite high and in some regions is 15 percent. The disease occurs more often in men. Folk remedies are very popular in the treatment of duodenal ulcers. With their help, it is possible to accelerate tissue healing and normalize digestion processes.

Symptoms of peptic ulcer

The disease is most pronounced in spring and autumn. Symptoms and treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers have much in common. The following signs are characteristic of the expressed process:

  • Severe pain in the epigastric region, occurring at night or on an empty stomach. Sometimes they can radiate to the back.
  • Increased pain after food enters the duodenum.
  • Attacks of pain occur up to several times a day. As the disease progresses, it becomes more common.

In children and older people, the symptoms are more subdued, which makes it difficult to detect the disease in time and begin treatment. Advanced cases often end in peritonitis.

Why is an ulcer dangerous?

When a duodenal ulcer is not treated properly or completely, there is a risk of serious, life-threatening complications. These include:

  1. Bleeding. The vessels located in the wall of the duodenum lose their integrity as the peptic ulcer progresses. The patient has vomiting with blood and signs of anemia. Treatment is carried out using endoscopy. If there is serious blood loss, surgery is performed.
  2. Perforation. The content goes into abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis. The patient complains of pain that seems to spread throughout the abdomen. It intensifies when changing posture and breathing movements. Such situations require surgical intervention.
  3. Penetration. The ulcerative process spreads to organs located nearby - the liver, pancreas. Depending on the location, the pain is felt in the left or right hypochondrium, radiating to the back. If treatment with conservative methods does not provide relief, surgery is prescribed.
  4. Stenosis. Swelling or a formed scar in the affected area causes obstruction. It manifests itself in the form of vomiting, a feeling of heaviness, bloating and constipation. Swelling will help eliminate medications. The only way to get rid of scarring is by excision.

To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first signs of a peptic ulcer. After clarifying the diagnosis, he will select effective ways, how to treat duodenal ulcers with medications, will recommend folk remedies and a special diet that are suitable for each specific case.

Dietary rules for peptic ulcer disease

For any problems with the digestive system, including duodenal ulcers, treatment requires mandatory adherence to a certain diet and food intake rules.

  1. Lean meat and fish. Use in a rolled form.
  2. Potatoes, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower. All vegetables are pureed.
  3. Cereals - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  4. Dairy products.
  5. White bread in small quantities and slightly dried.
  6. Green tea, rosehip decoction, compotes.

Vegetable and animal oils are added during the cooking process.

Prohibited products:

  1. Mushrooms.
  2. Millet, pearl barley and barley porridges.
  3. Fat meat.
  4. Margarines.
  5. Canned food.
  6. Smoked meats, pickles.
  7. Rye bakery products.
  8. Chocolate.
  9. Vegetables: radish, cabbage, radish, garlic, onion in its raw form.
  10. Mayonnaise, ketchup.
  11. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

You need to stick to the diet for six months. Food intake is carried out in small portions, but often - up to 7 times a day. It is necessary to minimize the amount of foods in the diet that increase the secretion of gastric juice. The food temperature should be neutral. It is important to ensure that your caloric intake does not exceed 2800 kcal for the entire day.

Traditional medicine

To treat problems associated with the digestive organs, along with traditional ones, there are many ancient, time-tested methods. They are widely used along with drug therapy and dietary nutrition. The role of folk remedies for duodenal ulcers comes down to relieving inflammatory processes, improving tissue regeneration, and restoring the normal functioning of the organ. Treatment folk remedies includes a huge number of recipes, some of which are especially effective.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn has an excellent healing effect. The oil envelops the affected area of ​​the bulb and body of the duodenum, accelerating the restoration of the mucosa. There are various options for its use:

  • In the morning, waking up and without getting out of bed, drink a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil. They continue to lie down for an hour, constantly changing their position. A total of 200 ml of product is required per course. If heartburn occurs, it can be relieved with a soda solution.
  • For preventive purposes, it is recommended to eat a tablespoon of honey every morning, washing it down with a sip of sea buckthorn oil after 25 minutes. The duration of the course is one year.
  • Sea buckthorn oil mixed with 2% soda solution. Take one teaspoon of oil per 50 ml of liquid.

Sea buckthorn oil is easy to make on your own. After squeezing out the berry juice, the remaining peel and seeds are thoroughly dried and ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is poured with olive oil and infused, stirring occasionally. After 3 weeks, the oil is ready and can be used for duodenal ulcers.


The plant is called “home healer” and is famous for its medicinal properties. It is an effective folk remedy for treating duodenal ulcers. Grind the leaves of a three-year-old plant by passing through a meat grinder. Add honey and butter, 100 g each, to 300 g of the resulting slurry. Pour in a tablespoon of Cahors and place the mixture in a water bath until it melts completely. Take a spoon half an hour before meals. You can take this medicine with milk or soda solution. The course of admission is 1 month. After a 10-day break, repeat.

An easier way to cure an ulcer is to thoroughly mix equal parts of aloe, honey, and butter. Take one spoon three times a day before meals.

Another treatment regimen using aloe involves a combination of several products at once - a raw egg, honey (teaspoon), a small piece of aloe without peel and a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil. They must be taken in the order listed with a time interval of 5 minutes. Eating – 30 minutes after drinking sea buckthorn oil. Honey has an antibacterial effect, aloe is excellent for healing wounds, oil helps get rid of pain, and protects the intestinal mucosa. By interacting, the products enhance each other’s effects.

Treatment with honey

Bee products are used to treat many diseases. They also help cure duodenal ulcers. The most popular hive product used in folk medicine, is honey. It is stirred in warm water (35 g per glass) and the resulting solution is drunk an hour and a half before meals at high acidity and 10 minutes before meals at low acidity. The duration of such treatment with honey is 2 months. During this period, you should not eat sweets. If heartburn occurs, it is recommended to drink the honey water solution with milk.

Badger fat

This remedy helps cure duodenal ulcers forever. Consume it in its pure form with water. To give it a more pleasant taste, it is recommended to mix it with a little honey. Accept badger fat for ulcers, once a day - before breakfast.


Flax seed is a product that can restore the function of the duodenum. The seeds are soaked in water or boiling water, and they become covered with a sticky, thick mucus that protects the mucous membrane. If you eat a spoonful of soaked flaxseed every morning, you won’t have to deal with digestive problems. If you add honey, you get not only a healthy, but also a very tasty breakfast.

Flaxseed helps alleviate the patient's condition during exacerbation of the disease. Half a glass of seeds is poured into a thermos with a liter of boiling water, leaving overnight. The resulting infusion is drunk half a glass 4 times during the day.

Treatment with olive oil is no less effective for ulcers. It can reduce acidity, relieve inflammation, and normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Thanks to its vitamin E content, olive oil has a regenerating effect, accelerating the healing of ulcers.

Take the oil by mixing it with egg white. To prevent exacerbation, mix olive oil with sea buckthorn in equal parts and drink one teaspoon twice a day for a month.


Bee propolis is one of the most popular folk remedies for duodenal ulcers. Its wound-healing and antibacterial properties have long been used in the treatment of many diseases. There are many recipes using this bee product:

  • Dissolve propolis in water (at the rate of 2 g per 2 tablespoons of water) and drink in the morning. The effectiveness of the drink will be much higher if you add a little honey.
  • Mix propolis with linseed oil in equal parts. Take a teaspoon in the morning before meals.
  • Alcohol tincture of propolis is diluted in milk (a teaspoon of tincture per 100 ml of milk). Drink on an empty stomach in one go.

Propolis can be used in combination with other treatment methods.


Considering that duodenal ulcers are caused by bacteria, antibacterial plants will help cope with the disease. One of them is celandine. You can prepare an alcohol tincture from it. Grind 100 g of raw materials and pour a bottle of vodka (0.5 l). The medicine is infused for 14 days and taken 10 ml before meals. A water infusion of celandine is no less effective. To prepare it, just pour a teaspoon of crushed plant into a liter of boiling water. 10 minutes is enough to infuse. After straining, add honey for taste.

Herbal baths

After the duodenal ulcer has healed, therapeutic baths using medicinal herbs. They allow you to avoid recurrent disease and are an excellent addition to the therapeutic course. To prepare the procedure with thyme decoction, brew the dry herb with boiling water (200 g of raw material per 5 liters of water) and leave for several hours to infuse. After straining, pour into a bathtub filled with warm water. Take the procedure before bed, its duration is 20 minutes. To prevent the disease from recurring, a bath with a medicinal decoction should be taken up to three times a week.

It is necessary to treat duodenal ulcers with folk remedies only after consulting a doctor and under his supervision.

Preventive measures against peptic ulcers

To avoid illness, just follow these simple rules:

  1. Avoid possible infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori if there is a patient with a stomach or duodenal ulcer in the house. Strictly follow hygiene standards.
  2. Treat diseased teeth in a timely manner and monitor oral hygiene.
  3. Avoid physical and emotional overload. Correctly distribute time for work and rest, proper sleep.
  4. Organize proper nutrition, limiting the consumption of fried, smoked, pickled foods. It is recommended to prepare all dishes by boiling or stewing. You should not abuse alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

For patients whose treatment of duodenal ulcer is already behind them, a number of measures are provided aimed at reducing the incidence of exacerbations and relapses of the disease. They include a course consisting of drug therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, and mineral waters.

Friends, hello everyone!

We continue the topic of digestive diseases. I will talk about one of the most fraught diseases with complications - peptic ulcer disease. Without treatment, ulcers develop into cancer, there is a danger of internal bleeding and the formation of holes in the tissue of the stomach or intestines, and in most cases this is peritonitis and death.

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  • Why do you need protein?
  • Causes of cancer cells.
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  • Causes of sclerosis.
  • Is there an ideal protein for humans?
  • Is vegetarianism acceptable?

Why is the risk of complications high? Unfortunately, people often do not attach importance to stomach diseases. I have many friends who brush it off, saying, just think, everyone has gastritis. And they throw in another painkiller pill.

Therefore, today I will tell you how to recognize the first signs of stomach and duodenal ulcers, what are the features of these diseases, why they are dangerous, and briefly about the main directions of treatment.

Ulcer, show yourself

How can you suspect that you have an ulcer? Essentially, the main factors here are: you have gastritis or duodenitis and are not treated properly. If these two points are present, we can assume that the ulcer is guaranteed.
Most often, the ulcerative process simultaneously affects both the stomach and duodenum. Let's see what signs will first indicate that an ulcer has begun to develop:

1. In the stomach:

  • Pain just below the solar plexus. She is quite stable and strong. It appears mainly when you want to eat - “hunger pain”, and after eating, on average, an hour later. Also, almost everyone who has a stomach ulcer has woken up in severe pain in the middle of the night.
  • Feeling of heaviness. Maybe even before meals, on an empty stomach. It gets worse after eating, even though you ate very little.
  • Heartburn. It appears when acidic stomach juice enters the esophagus. Normally, it should not leave the stomach. However, if acidity is increased, then the sphincter, which separates the stomach from the esophagus, is constantly irritated and cannot work fully.
  • Belching sour. Also due to increased acidity.
  • Nausea. The vagus nerve runs from the head and through the stomach. And with severe pain in the stomach, it causes attacks of nausea. And there is one peculiarity: after vomiting, relief comes, the pain may go away completely.

2. In the duodenum:

  • Pain in the navel area. Only now it occurs after eating, after 2 hours
  • Frequent hunger. There is one interesting feature here. Men have peptic ulcers much more often than women. And it turns out that men with ulcers give the impression of eternally hungry critics: they want to eat, but as soon as they start, their appetite disappears (at the level of reflexes they remember that pain will begin after eating). Wives, and even men themselves, begin to assume this is due to the culinary abilities of the hostess. And the casket simply opened. 🙂
  • Flatulence. This is different from a stomach ulcer. Here, in addition to other dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, belching), gases and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen are also added.
  • Vomit. It sounds terrible, of course, but if vomiting occurs with a duodenal ulcer, then this is due to feces. Not as formed as we are used to seeing them, of course - liquid, with the smell of gastric juice. But still.

Well, there are common symptoms of ulcers

Firstly, this is a condition of the oral cavity: bad teeth with corroded enamel due to frequent vomiting and high acidity of the vomit; there is a coating in the center of the tongue. Externally, you can still notice cracks in the corners of the mouth.
Secondly If the ulcer bleeds, the stool becomes black. When vomiting, this is manifested by the fact that the vomit resembles coffee grounds.
AND, Thirdly, weight loss. Even excess weight No. This is partly due to the fact that pain causes loss of appetite, and also due to the fact that nutrients from food are less absorbed.
Among other things, during exacerbation, ulcers often appear, which disappear when the acute period begins to subside.

What causes ulcerations?

Harsh Turn: Complications

As I said at the beginning of the article, very often people do not pay attention to stomach problems. And if they do, they are afraid of diagnosis. For example, gastroscopy is a rather unpleasant procedure, but without it an accurate diagnosis cannot be made.

How such irresponsibility can result:

  1. Bleeding
  2. Stenosis of the gastroesophageal sphincter (the opening between the stomach and intestines). In this case, food cannot move from the stomach further into the intestines. And I have to have surgery.
  3. Perforation of the wall of the stomach or duodenum. In other words, a hole is formed through which everything we eat enters the abdominal cavity or even into a neighboring organ (pancreas). There it all rots and peritonitis develops. And a person has no more than a day to sound the alarm. And here only emergency surgery can save you.

These are the serious consequences that can arise. Therefore, we will definitely start treatment.

Control and prevention

To avoid ulcers, we try to cure gastritis in time and go to the doctor. What to do if the disease is already developing?

Diet first

During exacerbation, table No. 1 is indicated:

The most gentle nutrition in terms of composition, structure, and temperature. That is, nothing that stimulates acidity - fresh vegetables, fruits, coffee, tea, fresh yeast baked goods, strong broths, legumes, cabbage (and other sour vegetables: turnips, cucumbers, radishes, onions), alcohol, cigarettes.

Well, of course, fatty, fried, spicy, pickles, smoked foods, sweets - no options. At the same time, we boil everything and wipe it as for babies. And the temperature is as flexible as possible.

For medications, doctors prescribe antibiotics and drugs to normalize the acidity of gastric juice, and sometimes sedatives.

It is very useful to drink mineral water: Narzan, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17. Herbal decoctions also help relieve inflammation: fireweed, chamomile, rose hips, tansy, aloe and yarrow tinctures.

Doctors almost always recommend visiting sanatorium-resort places, especially in mineral water. And this is the Caucasus, Abkhazia, the famous Kislovodsk.

Ever since Tsarist Russia A tradition began to be treated there, people recognized the healing properties of the purest Caucasian springs and fresh mountain air. Kings and those close to the throne regularly came to treat their stress-irritated stomachs.

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This is an excellent tradition, fortunately now there are all the opportunities for such trips.
Maybe not everyone can go to the Caucasus, but throughout Russia there are similar sanatoriums located in forests and mountains.

Beauty... They heal the body and soul, that's what they say, right?

Therefore, may there be peace in your soul, and may your digestion respond with gratitude.

Share with us in the comments your favorite healing places, resorts, and sanatoriums.

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, which occurs as a result of the action of acid on the mucous membrane. Unlike a superficial mucosal defect (erosion), an ulcer heals with the formation of a scar.


Duodenal ulcers most often occur due to infection with Helicobacter Pylori. An ulcer can develop due to increased acidity in the duodenum. In addition, ulcerative processes can develop with regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac sodium, aspirin, ibuprofen and others).

The development of ulcers is promoted by smoking, frequent alcohol consumption, and poor diet.

It has been proven that when working night shifts, the risk of developing ulcers increases by 50%.

Symptoms of duodenal ulcer




Belching of sour contents.

Treatment of duodenal ulcers

In the past, surgical treatment was one of the most common treatments for duodenal ulcers.

After the discovery of Helicobacter Pylori, modern methods therapies that can cure this disease without surgery. Currently, surgical treatment is indicated only in the presence of complications (bleeding, penetration, perforation of the ulcer, formation of pyloric stenosis).

The goal of drug therapy is to destroy (eradicate) the Helicobacter Pylori bacterium, prevent the development of complications, and restore the duodenal mucosa.

For peptic ulcers associated with Helicobacter Pylori infection, the main treatment strategy is “triple” anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy for 7-10 days. First-line therapy includes a proton pump inhibitor, clarithromycin, amoxicillin, or metronidazole. The most effective second line of therapy is quadruple therapy with the addition of bismuth subcitrate.



Perforation (perforation) of the ulcer;

Pyloric stenosis.

Prevention of duodenal ulcers

Prevention of duodenal ulcers involves regular adherence to healthy image life, proper nutrition. It is advisable to avoid drinking alcohol and quit smoking.

To prevent exacerbations, you should stick to a diet, avoid stress, and give up bad habits. Night shift work is not recommended.

In fact, almost all manuals on gastroenterology contain a single disease - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. It is very rare to find two separate chapters dedicated to these diseases. This happens for one reason: these diseases have a lot in common. In fact, this is a manifestation of the same disease, occurring both in the stomach and in the duodenum.

Of course, isolated defects may occur, and then a diagnosis will be made according to the affected organ. But it happens that multiple lesions involve both the stomach and the initial segment of the intestine, which is the duodenum.

It is known that on average, 9 - 10% of the entire adult population are diagnosed with peptic ulcer (both gastric and duodenal ulcers). The incidence is constantly growing, since this problem is a social one.

On the one hand, fast food and cola, the habit of eating hot dogs and chips without taking time off from the computer causes an increase in morbidity among young people. On the other hand, the deterioration of life of Russians, the increase in the share of palm oil and cheap substitutes, and the predominant diet of potatoes and noodles in villages also leads to a decrease in immunity, especially against the background of alcoholism and chronic depression.

Duodenal ulcer - what is it?

manifestation of the disease in the intestines and stomach

What happens in the intestines in this case, what ulcers are formed, how do the signs of ulcers in the intestines differ from gastric localization, and how to treat them? Everyone understands what “ulcer” means. This is a tissue defect, usually deep, which has a bottom, walls and edges.

With regard to the initial parts of the intestine, we can say that a duodenal ulcer is a defect that arose in the intestinal wall and penetrated not only deep into the mucous membrane, but also into the submucosal layer, and even deeper.

If the defect occurs only on the mucous membrane, it is called erosion, and it is easier to treat than ulcers. After all, in the end, the ulcer can “eat a through hole”, and as a result, a serious complication arises - a perforated duodenal ulcer, which requires urgent surgery for life-saving reasons.

As for peptic ulcer disease itself, it is a long-term, chronic process, which is characterized by a wave-like course, with periods of exacerbations and remissions, which reflects the “state” of the ulcer.

Preventing the question, it must immediately be said that any deep defect, unlike erosion, cannot heal without leaving a mark. Our body is designed in such a way that all lesions that are deep enough leave behind a scar of connective tissue. So, any boil on the skin heals, albeit with the formation of a tiny but lifelong scar. But it doesn't stop you from living.

But a scar on the wall of an actively contracting intestine can not only prevent it from contracting, but also reduces the surface area suitable for absorption. In addition, the scar can roughly “pull” the wall, and as a result, the intestinal lumen will decrease. All this leads to adverse consequences. What causes an ulcer to appear?

Why does it occur?

This is all due to the aggressive influence of gastric juice, which is known to dissolve meat. It does not affect the healthy intestinal wall because it is protected from it harmful effects, but when the protective barriers fall, erosion first occurs, and then an ulcer.

Most often, this damaging factor is an infection caused by the inconspicuous microbe Helicobacter pylori, which is found in the stomach of all people, but in some it causes a decrease in local immunity and potentiates the development of the disease. In addition, there are predisposing factors. These include:

  • Heredity (horizontal and vertical relatives get sick on average three times more often);
  • Blood type. Thus, gastric ulcers more often occur in people of group II, and duodenal defects - in patients with blood group I;
  • Psychotrauma, chronic stress, anxiety;
  • The presence of active inflammation – duodenitis with a weakening of the mucous protective barrier;
  • Long-term treatment with NSAIDs (acetylsalicylic acid, Indomethacin, Voltaren, diclofenac, ibuprofen and other drugs), treatment with steroid hormones (systemic connective tissue diseases, bronchial asthma, immunological diseases, multiple sclerosis).

You should be aware that intravenous infusions of high doses of steroid hormones (pulse therapy, 1 gram of methylprednisolone daily for three days) can lead to the formation of ulcers in such a short time. Therefore, before treatment, it is imperative to undergo an FGDS, and during the treatment process, take medications that prevent the formation of ulcers.

  • Alcohol abuse, smoking and other bad habits.

At the same time, in chronic drunkards, for whom vomiting is a common thing, submucosal ruptures of the gastric mucosa often occur, which are sources of bleeding, even if a mucosal defect does not form.

Finally, it is known that:

  • duodenal ulcer localization occurs more often in young people (20 - 40 years old), and gastric ulcer - in older people;
  • ulcers in the duodenum occur 2–3 times more often.

How does the disease manifest itself?

7 main manifestations of the disease

The main symptom of a duodenal ulcer is pain, which can simulate various conditions, since in addition to abdominal pain, unpleasant and painful sensations may appear in the lower back, in the left and right hypochondrium. What characteristic symptoms occur with ulcerative lesions, and especially with exacerbation of this disease?

7 signs of an exacerbation of the disease

Let us consider the “season” of exacerbation. The cause may be stress and errors in diet, feasting and many other factors when the clinical picture appears. After all, it is the exacerbation of the duodenal ulcer that allows the doctor to make a preliminary diagnosis. And during the remission phase, the disease may not manifest itself at all and may not cause any complaints in the patient.

1) Pain is seasonal. The ulcer “loves” the spring and autumn seasons. This is partly due to changes in nutritional patterns and fluctuations in immunity;

2) Ulcer pain is, of course, associated with food intake. This must be taken into account in case of atypical pain syndrome. For example, pathology of musculoskeletal musculoskeletal system provides for increased pain when moving, and pain due to angina pectoris and abdominal aortic aneurysm may be associated with increased blood pressure;

3) At the same time, there is “early pain”. Already half an hour after eating spicy, rough and “forbidden” food, pain occurs if the ulcer is in the stomach, and after a few hours it goes away when the food leaves the stomach. But “late pain,” which appears one and a half to two or more hours after eating, is precisely indicative of a pathological defect either in the outlet of the stomach (pyloric), or when the defect is localized in the duodenum;

4) In addition, with duodenal ulcers, “hunger pain” occurs, which appears if you don’t eat for 6–7 hours, and it subsides after eating, that is, the opposite direction occurs: food does not provoke, but calms. Sometimes this option appears at night, and then you need to eat urgently, or even better, drink milk, this brings quick relief.

Typically, in patients with duodenal ulcers, pain appears in the epigastrium, and slightly to the right of the center, but, of course, there may be exceptions to the rule. Irradiation, that is, the spread of pain, can occur both in the lower back and in the interscapular space, or in the right scapula.

Of course, pain can vary. It appears due to irritation of the ulcer by gastric juice, and this is peptic pain. Therefore, it disappears after taking medications and food. In addition, the pain can be caused by intestinal spasms, so it goes away with the use of heat and antispasmodics, and by drinking milk. Finally, there is inflammatory pain, since at the edges of the defect and in its depth there is always a focus of inflammation expressed to varying degrees.

5) Vomiting is also an important criterion for diagnosis. With duodenal defects, it occurs in the same way, at the height of pain, but later than with stomach ulcers - a couple of hours after eating;

6) Heartburn and belching also occur in all types and localization of peptic ulcers, but with duodenal ulcers there is often bitterness in the mouth caused by the reflux of bile into the stomach;

7) Tension of the abdominal muscles is a sign of an exacerbation of the process, and in combination with sharp pain, this may indicate the occurrence of exacerbations.

What complications can occur with duodenal ulcers?

Complications and danger of ulcers

In any case, an ulcer is a ticking time bomb. Next to it there is always a “restless state” of the mucous membrane. An inflammatory process is observed there, metaplasia (change and degeneration) of the epithelium occurs. As a result, malignancy of the ulcer may occur, with its degeneration into cancer.

The appearance of scars is caused by stenosis and difficulty in moving food further through the intestines, resulting in stagnation of food in the stomach, the so-called gastrostasis.

In the presence of a chronic ulcer, a scar may form on its edges, while the bottom of the ulcer will be active and even deepening. This defect is called a callous ulcer. In addition, there is perforation and penetration as independent complications. What is the difference?

With perforation, the ulcer simply breaks through the intestinal wall, and the duodenal contents spill into the sterile abdominal cavity. A sharp, dagger-like pain occurs, and then it subsides, and microbial inflammation of the peritoneum begins - peritonitis. It was peritonitis that was the cause of Pushkin’s death, although its mechanism was different - a bullet wound to the large intestine.

In the case of penetration, we are dealing with a covered perforation. The ulcer “eats” right through the intestine, but it turns out that the perforation site is covered by a dense organ, for example, the omentum, or the pancreas. Therefore, gastric juice begins to destroy this organ, and the intestine “solders” to it.

  • Finally, bleeding can become a complication if there is a blood vessel at the bottom or wall of the ulcer.

Treatment of duodenal ulcers, diet and medications

What to do first?

First of all, treatment should begin with the planned elimination of provoking factors. There are three big “pillars” on which the treatment of peptic ulcer disease by a gastroenterologist is based:

  1. Reduce the aggression of gastric juice and carry out the destruction (eradication, or eradication) of Helicobacter pylori infection, reduce inflammatory manifestations;
  2. Achieve normalization of motor-evacuation function in the stomach and duodenum, and eliminate intestinal spasm;
  3. reduce anxiety and stress levels, for which herbal remedies, sleep-improving medications, or even antidepressants can be used.

To achieve these goals, both diet and various groups of drugs are used.

About diet and nutrition

Diet and products for duodenal ulcers, of course, must be chosen correctly. The goal is to spare the duodenum as physically, chemically, thermally and mechanically as possible. Meals should be small, but frequent.

However, based on numerous studies, it has been found that there is no significant difference whether the patient adheres to the diet or not: this does not affect the quality and timing of outcomes and complications.

However, it remains necessary to eat five meals a day, with a predominant steam method of cooking, as well as avoiding hot and spicy seasonings, coffee, alcohol, smoked foods, marinades and fried foods.

In addition to diet, it is important to establish control over the intake of NSAIDs, as well as stop smoking.

Treating ulcers at home with medications

The patient can easily use tablets for duodenal ulcers at home. Indications for hospitalization are a severe exacerbation with a risk of complications, as well as the complications themselves.

Treatment of duodenal ulcers with drugs involves prescribing the following drugs (since there are a lot of them, we present one drug from each group):

  • for nausea and vomiting, Cerucal, also known as metoclopramide, and domperidone, also known as Motilium, are used;
  • in order to relieve spasms of the stomach and intestines, “No-Shpa”, or drotaverine hydrochloride, is used;
  • To get enveloping drugs into the intestine, you can use Phosphalugel, which relieves hunger pain well.

These drugs discussed above are symptomatic and have virtually no effect on ulcer healing and recovery. Therefore, the basis of treatment is an eradication regimen, in which several antibiotics are prescribed (clarithromycin and amoxicillin), against the background of effective suppression of secretion (omeprazole and an H2 receptor blocker, for example, famotidine).

There are a number of alternative eradication regimens, for example, the use of a colloidal preparation of bismuth salts “De-nol” with metronidazole and amoxicillin.

About surgical treatment

Currently, the progress of conservative treatment has led to the fact that most surgical interventions are performed for emergency reasons, for example, for complications.

At the same time, despite the fact that the mortality rate during operations performed under emergency conditions is 10–15% higher, their absolute number has decreased, which is good news.

This is a worldwide trend in developed countries. And planned surgical treatment is currently used to correct the functions of the pancreas and gallbladder, and traumatic radical interventions such as intestinal resection are used less and less.

Prognosis for ulcer treatment

A duodenal ulcer, the symptoms and treatment of which we briefly reviewed, usually occurs in the bulbous part (bulb). Almost the entire contingent (more than 90%) of patients is diagnosed with Helicobacter pylori infection. Therefore, eradication schemes, which lead to cleansing the body of pathogens, make it possible to recover from peptic ulcer disease.

  • It is especially pleasing that the duodenal location of the ulcer almost never becomes malignant, unlike stomach ulcers, and does not degenerate into cancer.

If doctors have to deal with an uncomplicated form of a duodenal ulcer, then most patients experience stable remission. But there are groups of patients who, despite significant improvement in their condition, still require active and continuous therapy. These groups include:

  • if interruption of the course after improvement again led to an exacerbation and the appearance of a clinic;
  • if there is a history of complications, for example, cicatricial stenosis, bleeding, perforation.

If you carry out active treatment correctly and with great commitment, then in most cases surgical intervention can be completely avoided and, indeed, their number has decreased significantly in recent times.

And duodenum is a disease characterized by the formation of ulcerative defects on the mucous membrane of the duodenum. Pathology is diagnosed in men and women of different ages. Today, due to the dynamic rhythm of life, many irritating psycho-emotional factors and the widespread spread of bad habits, the disease is increasingly occurring in young people. It occurs in stages of exacerbation and remission.

The photo shows the duodenum

Reasons for the development of the disease

The main cause of stomach and duodenal ulcers is increased acidity. It harms the mucous membrane, resulting in destructive processes that lead to disease.

The following reasons can provoke the development of the disease:

  • poor nutrition;
  • frequent stress and emotional stress;
  • harmful bacterium Helicobacter Pylori;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • long-term use of corticosteroids;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking.

Quite often, people who regularly consume alcoholic beverages are diagnosed with stomach and duodenal ulcers. Alcohol harms mucosal cells, changing the nature of the secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. The protective properties of mucus are significantly reduced.

What symptoms indicate the presence of pathology?

The following symptoms are typical for stomach and duodenal ulcers:

  • Pain syndrome in the upper abdomen.

- one of the symptoms of a stomach ulcer
  • Nausea and vomiting after eating.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Weight loss.
  • Decreased ability to work.

There are 3 types of pain:

  1. Early. Appear immediately after eating and decrease within 2 hours. Characteristic of ulcers formed in the upper part of the stomach.
  2. Late. They disturb a person 2 hours after eating. Occurs in patients with ulcerative defects in the antrum of the stomach.
  3. Nighttime. Pain occurs on an empty stomach, often at night, and decreases after eating.

According to medical statistics, more than 50% of patients complain of irregular bowel movements. may bother them more often than the pain itself.

What is a perforated gastric ulcer?

A perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is a dangerous disease that is accompanied by bleeding. Also, with it, the contents of the duodenum with pancreatic enzymes along with bile enter the abdominal cavity. They have an irritating effect and cause inflammation of the peritoneum ().

The disease causes the following symptoms:

  • acute pain;
  • pale skin;
  • temperature increase;

  • vomit;
  • increased heart rate and pulse;
  • which should be operated on.

The most dangerous period is considered to be the period of imaginary well-being, which occurs a couple of hours after the onset of abdominal pain. The pain gradually decreases, the patient can move and believes that his condition has improved significantly. He refuses surgery that could save his life. After 6-12 hours from the onset of perforation, if the operation was not performed, the patient will show all the signs of the disease with renewed vigor.

Drug treatment

When diagnosing a stomach and duodenal ulcer, the attending physician prescribes the following medications:

  1. Antibacterial drugs. Will be required if the disease is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori. These include and. If after a course of therapy with one of the drugs the bacteria is not killed, then it is worth choosing a different treatment regimen.
  2. Painkillers. Common ones are Gastrozol, Controloc, Zulbex and Sanpraz. Their action is to eliminate pain by reducing the amount of hydrochloric acid.
  3. Medicines for pain relief, the principle of action of which is based on the formation of a protective film on the mucous membrane of the duodenum. These drugs include Almagel and Maalox.

Treatment lasts on average from 2 weeks to 1.5 months. It depends on the size of the ulcerative defects and the general well-being of the patient.

Note: a qualified specialist should prescribe medications, select a treatment regimen for stomach ulcers, and monitor the progress of therapy.

If you suspect a stomach or duodenal ulcer, you should immediately consult a doctor

When will surgery be needed?

Duodenal ulcer surgery cannot be avoided in patients in a number of cases:

  • heavy gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • perforation of the ulcer.

It is worth noting that after surgery for peptic ulcers, complications often appear in the form of inflammation, bleeding and metabolic disturbances.


There are 2 types of diets that doctors prescribe to patients diagnosed with duodenal bulb ulcer:

  • Table No. 1 according to Pevzner;
  • Table 0.

Table No. 1 is intended for people suffering from any pathology gastrointestinal tract. Table 0 is characterized by a complete lack of food consumption during the first day after the operation.

According to the first type of diet, the list of foods that are prohibited for patients with stomach ulcers includes:

  • canned food and preserves;
  • fast food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • meat and fish of fatty varieties;
  • marinades;
  • Rye bread;
  • smoked products;
  • baking;
  • citrus;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea;
  • seasonings

All spicy, salty and fried foods should be excluded from the menu.

Nutrition for duodenal ulcers should be gentle. All foods should be stewed, boiled or baked in the oven. Meals for stomach ulcers should be fractional. Thanks to this, the intestines do not receive unnecessary stress, and food is absorbed much faster.

We must not forget about the water regime. It is useful to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

The menu for ulcers includes the following products:

Boiled chicken breast– one of the allowed products for ulcers
  • cereals;
  • still mineral water;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • chicken meat;
  • boiled;
  • fruits and vegetables that do not cause gas.

Vegetarian soups, low-fat hard cheese and white bread are also allowed.

Traditional medicine against stomach ulcers

In combination with medications, duodenal ulcers can be treated with folk remedies. If the acidity of the stomach is low, it is recommended to fast for one day before therapy in order to prepare the stomach for treatment. If a patient is diagnosed with high acidity, he needs to adhere to a mono-diet for 2 days. It is designed to reduce the amount of gastric juice. These days it is useful to use decoctions based on medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile. Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited. You should also stop smoking.

One of the popular folk remedies for treating the symptoms of stomach ulcers is potato juice. It is enough to chop the potatoes on a fine grater, squeeze the juice from the resulting pulp and drink ½ cup 3 times a day before eating. The course of therapy is 20-30 days. Instead of potato juice, you can use beet juice. It should be drunk diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio of 100 ml 25 minutes before meals.

Flax seeds have proven themselves to be effective in combating signs of intestinal disease. To prepare the remedy, add 1 - 2 tbsp. l. seeds in a thermos and pour 350 ml of boiled water. Leave for 10-12 hours, then pour into a container and bring to a boil over low heat. Drink 50 ml of decoction in the morning on an empty stomach. At the same time as this remedy, it is useful to consume beaten egg white. After this, you should not eat for 1.5 hours.

Those patients who are not allergic to it can use it with aloe in the form of a tincture. To prepare it, take 300 ml of vodka and mix with crushed aloe. Add 2 tbsp. l. honey Leave for 1 day. The course of therapy should not exceed 5 weeks. Use 30 g of tincture at least 3 times a day.

An excellent remedy against intestinal diseases is milk with honey. It is enough to melt 1 tbsp. l. honey over low heat, dilute 200 ml of boiled milk, cool the product and use according to this scheme:

  • in the morning - 1 hour before breakfast;
  • in the afternoon - 1.5 hours before lunch;
  • in the evening - 2 hours after dinner.

For this disease, it is recommended to drink milk with honey.

Milk with honey has the following properties:

  1. Stomach pain subsides.
  2. There is no nausea or vomiting.
  3. Improves general state patient.
  4. Regeneration of damaged stomach tissue.

People with low acidity are allowed to use sour cabbage juice for treatment. It increases appetite and normalizes intestinal function.

Has proven itself well in the fight against peptic ulcer liquorice root. You should take ½ tbsp. l. root and ½ tsp. orange peels. Steam over low heat for 20 minutes, add 50 g of honey to the mixture. Take this dose 3 times a day. Treatment should last at least 30 days.

If there is no exacerbation of the ulcer, then you can use a product based on propolis. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • 100 g propolis;
  • 30 g flaxseed;
  • 50 g oat grains;
  • crushed burdock leaf.

Mix all ingredients and pour a glass of water and 200 ml of grape vodka. Bring to a boil, then let the product brew for 3 days. After time, strain the tincture and drink 60 g before meals.

Sea buckthorn oil - good remedy for the treatment of ulcers
  1. In the morning you should eat 60 g of honey on an empty stomach.
  2. After 30 minutes, drink 30 g of sea buckthorn oil.

Many patients who tried this treatment method were satisfied and said that the symptoms of the ulcer no longer bothered them.

People who have an ulcer with bleeding during bowel movements may benefit from eating pumpkin. It absorbs toxins. Just cut the pumpkin into cubes and boil. It should be consumed on an empty stomach with oil. Digestion will improve after a week of treatment with this method.

One of the simple ones is a cocoa-based product, butter and honey. According to the recipe, you will need the following ingredients to prepare it:

  • 1 large chicken yolk;
  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 30 g butter.

Mix all components of the product and bring to a homogeneous consistency. Take 50 g of the mixture 30 minutes before eating. Often, a painful attack of peptic ulcer disease disappears after the first dose of this remedy. The course of treatment should last 2 weeks to obtain a lasting positive effect. Then you need to take a 20-day break.

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