What's the dumbest Guinness World Record? Guinness Records of different years (47 photos) What is the 1st record

On May 4, 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver - then managing director of the Guinness Brewery - went hunting in County Wexford, Ireland.
He witnessed a dispute over the fastest bird in Europe, and then realized that it was impossible to find out in reference books.
Then the idea occurred to him that such a book could become popular.
The first edition of the Guinness Book of Records, 197 pages long, appeared on August 27, 1955, and by Christmas it had already become the most popular book in Britain.
Since the first edition, more than 400 million copies have been sold. The latest book published is “Guinness Book of Records 2010”.

The largest gastropod is the African giant snail (Achatina achatina). The largest of the individuals reached 39.3 cm from head to tip of tail.
The length of the shell was 27.3 cm, and the snail weighed exactly 900 grams. (Paul Michael Hughes/Guinness World Records)

Joel Wohl from the USA pushes his masterpiece - the largest ball made of rubber bands.
The 4,097 kg ball was measured in Lauderhill, Florida on November 13, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The largest number of people dressed as Smurfs was 1,253 who attended the Muknomania festival in Castleblayney, Ireland on July 18, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The record for the 100-meter steeplechase was 22.35 seconds.
The record holder was the German Maren Zonker in Cologne, Germany, on September 13, 2008. (John Wright/Guinness World Records)

The world's largest pocket knife is 3.9 meters when unfolded and weighs 122 kg.
It was designed by Telmo Cadavez from Portugal, and handmade by Virgilio Raul also from Portugal on January 9, 2003. (Guinness World Records)

The heaviest lemon in the world weighed 5 kg 265 g and was grown by Aharon Shemel on a farm in Kfar Zeitim, Israel. (Guinness World Records)

Scott Murphy of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, bent a 12-inch-diameter aluminum frying pan in 30 seconds on July 30, 2007.
The girth of the resulting “lump” was 17.46 cm. (Guinness World Records)

The largest number of beer mugs carried by a woman 40 meters is 19.
This was done by Anita Schwartz in Mesenich, Germany, on November 9, 2008, Guinness World Records Day. (Nick Hannes/Guinness World Records)

Sam Wakeling rode 453.6 km on a unicycle in 24 hours in Aberystwyth, Wales, from 29 to 30 September 2007. (Guinness World Records)

Jean-Francis Vernetti from Switzerland has collected 8,888 different "Do Not Disturb" signs from hotels in 189 countries since 1985. (Guinness World Records)

The total length of Melvin Booth's nails (left) from Michigan is 9.05 meters. Lee Redmont (right), who hasn't cut her nails since 1979 and kept them neatly filed to grow them to 8.65m, lost her 'wealth' in an accident in February.
The 68-year-old record holder says this is the most dramatic event of her life, but also admits that it is much easier without them. (Ranald Mackechnie / Guinness World Records)

227 shirts were worn by Jeff Van Dyck at the Unizo event in Brecht, Belgium on April 24, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

Harry Turner from the UK can stretch his stomach skin up to 15.8 centimeters, all because of his Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - a connective tissue disorder that affects the skin, ligaments and internal organs.
This disease affects collagen, which strengthens the skin and determines its elasticity, which leads to weakening of the skin and increased joint mobility.
In more serious cases, it can be fatal due to ruptured blood vessels. (Ranald Mackechnie / Guinness World Records)

1,911 – exactly how many bottles of Mentos soda were collected in one place, namely in Latvia by students high school business TURIBA June 19, 2008.

The largest jicama weighs 21 kg and was grown by Leo Sutisna in West Java, Indonesia. (Guinness World Records)

The largest collection of LEGO clones Star Wars consisted of 35,310 individual models and was compiled by LEGO in Slough, UK, on ​​June 27, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The oldest person to bungee jump is Helmut Wirtz.
Wirtz was 83 years, 8 months and 7 days old when he bungee jumped in Duisburg, Germany on August 9, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The largest collection of watches belongs to Jack Shoff from the USA, who collected 1094 watches on June 17, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

A new record was set on January 23, 2009 by Wim Hof ​​from the Netherlands - he spent 1 hour 42 minutes 22 seconds completely buried in the snow. (John Wright/Guinness World Records)

The largest chalk drawing measured 8,361.31 meters and was drawn by 5,578 children from schools in Alameda, California, for a special children's project from May 27 to June 7, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The record for the fastest wheelie while sitting on the handlebars was achieved by Enda Wright in York, UK on July 11, 2006 at 173.81 kilometers per hour. (Guinness World Records)

The longest skis in the world are 534 meters long. These skis were used by 1,043 skiers at the event in Sweden on September 13, 2008. (Jonas Borg/Guinness World Records)

The oldest table tennis player is Dorothy de Lowe.
She was 97 years old when she represented Australia at the 14th World Masters Table Tennis Championships in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on May 25, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The Snake Boat from Aleppey, Kerala, India is 43.7 meters long.
Her crew consists of 143 people, including 118 oarsmen, 2 drummers, 5 helmsmen and 18 singers.
The boat appeared in public in Kerala, India, on May 1, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The highest speed on a skateboard in a standing position was 113 km per hour.
This record was set by Douglas da Silva in Rio Grande do Sulla, Brazil, on October 20, 2007. (Guinness World Records)

The largest gathering of Santa Clauses took place in Guilhall Square in Derry, Northern Ireland, on December 9, 2007 and amounted to 13,000 people. (Guinness World Records)

The PAV1 Badger, created by Howe and Howe Technologies, was the smallest armored vehicle, measuring just 1 meter in width.
It's strong enough to blow down doors, but small enough to fit in an elevator. It was ordered by the California Public Defenders Service. (Guinness World Records)

Halapi Roland from Hungary set an unusual record on November 12, 2008: a horse dragged the burning Roland 472.8 meters. (Guinness World Records)

The highest speed of the lawnmower was 98 km per hour.
The record was set by Tommy Passemante from the USA in Miller Park in Utah on November 18, 2008, specially for the MTV show “Nitro Circus”. (Nate Christenson/Guinness World Records)

Japanese Kenichi Ito entered the Guinness Book of Records as the person who ran 100 meters on all fours the fastest - in just 18.58 seconds.
The record was set in Tokyo on November 13, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The longest distance a person has traveled on a bicycle without touching the ground for exactly 24 hours is 890.2 km.
The record holder was Marko Balo from Slovenia on September 6-7, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

Sarwan Singh's beard from Canada measured 2.33 meters from the tip of his chin to the tip of his beard.
The record was recorded on November 11, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

Ashrita Fuhrman broke 80 eggs on his head in one minute at the Panorama Cafe in New York on December 10, 2008. (Guinness World Records)

The longest ears of a dog reach 34.9 cm on the right and 34.2 cm on the left. The ears belong to Tigger, a bloodhound owned by Brian and Christina Flessner of Illinois. (Ranald Mackechnie / Guinness World Records)

Indian Anthony Victor has hair growing from his ears, the length of which reaches 18.1 cm. (Guinness World Records)

The space cowboy, also known as Chain Hultgren from the show "Lo Show Dei Record", set a world record on April 25, 2009 in Milan: he pulled 411.65 kilograms using only his eye sockets. (Guinness World Records)

The heaviest vehicle that a person moved 30.48 meters weighed 57,243 kg.
Kevin Fast from Canada brought it to the TV show “Live with Regis & Kelly” in New York on September 15, 2008. (Ranald Mackechnie / Guinness World Records)

The largest edible hamburger weighs 74.75 kg and costs $399 on the menu at Malley's Bar and Grill in Southgate, Michigan. This yummy was made on August 29, 2008. (Ranald Mackechnie / Guinness World Records)

Victor "Lary" Ramos Gomez (pictured) and Gabriel "Danny" Gomez (both from Mexico) are two members of a five-generation family who suffer from a rare condition called congenital hypertrichosis, characterized by increased facial and body hair.
Women in the family are lightly haired, while men have hair covering approximately 98% of their body, excluding the palms and soles of their feet. (John Wright/Guinness World Records)

Ilrek Yilmaz of Turkey squeezed 279.5 cm of milk out of his eyes at the Armada Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey on September 1, 2004. (John Wright/Guinness World Records)

Mike Howard of Great Britain walked on a beam between two hot air balloons at an altitude of 6,522 meters near Somerset, UK, on ​​September 1, 2004.
This feat was filmed for the television show Guinness World Records: 50 Years of 50 Records. (Guinness World Records)

The heaviest apple weighed 1,849 grams. He was raised by Hisato Iwasaki on his farm in Hirosaki, Japan. The apple was picked on October 24, 2005. (Guinness World Records)

On July 7, 2006, the smallest horse was Tambelina, a diminutive bay mare measuring 44.5 cm at the withers, owned by Kay and Paul Gossling of St. Louis, Missouri.
Radar - a Belgian draft horse - on July 27, 2004, was 19 hands without hooves. Radar lives on the farm of Priefert Manufacturing Inc. in Texas.
The horses were photographed together for the Guinness Book of Records on September 3, 2006. (Richard Bradbury/Guinness World Records)

Bigfoot 5 is 4.7 meters tall, its wheels reach 3 meters in height, and this miracle weighs 17,236 kg.
This is one of 17 Bigfoot Jeeps built by Bob Chandler of St. Louis, Missouri.
This model was built in the summer of 1986. The car is "parked" in St. Louis and occasionally appears at city events. (Richard Bradbury/Guinness World Records)

He Pingping from Mongolia is the most small man in the world (his height is 74.61 cm) - stands between the legs of Svetlana Pankratova - women with the most long legs.
Pankratova’s legs are officially 131.83 cm.
Svetlana says that she likes to have the title of the woman with the longest legs, but this has its drawbacks - it is not so easy to find a man who will enjoy being with such tall woman. (Andy Rain/EPA)

Michael Jackson impersonator Hector Jackson performs with hundreds of people at the Monument to the Revolution in Mexico City on August 29, 2009.
The Guinness Book of World Records recorded 13,597 people dancing simultaneously in Jackson's style. (Dario Lopez-Mills/AP)

Kim Goodman from the USA can protrude her eyes 11 mm out of her sockets. This record was recorded on the Guinness World Records Primetime TV show in Los Angeles on June 13, 1998. (Drew Gardner/Guinness World Records)

Participants in the biggest pie fight at the ABC studios in New York on September 17, 2009 during the show “Live with Regis & Kelly.” (Afton Almaraz/AP)

The tallest man in the world, Sultan Kosen from Turkey, is measured by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records on September 21, 2009.
Kosen's height is 246.38 cm. Sultan Kosen, 27, says he is "proud and happy" to bear the title of the tallest person and man in the world.
“Before this, I had a pretty difficult life,” says the giant, whose height was the result of a pituitary gland disease. “Now my life will be much easier.” (Seth Wenig/AP)

Great Dane Gibson was the tallest dog in the world. His height was 107.18 cm from floor to shoulder, and on his hind legs he reached 2.19 meters.
In this photo, Gibson plays with his friend Zoey, a 19-centimeter Chihuahua. The most tall dog died from bone cancer on August 12, 2009. (Deanne Fitzmaurice/EPA)

The greatest underwater depth at which a person has ridden a bicycle is 66.5 meters.
This was done by Vittorio Innocente in Santa Margherita Ligur, Liguria region, Italy, July 21, 2008. (John Wright/Guinness World Records)

93% of Isobel Varley's body is covered in tattoos. An absolute record among the elderly. (John Wright)
From here

An edition of the famous Guinness Book of Records is published every year.
There are so many records here: the tallest mohawk, the longest nails, the smallest man...
I admire some records, others make me smile, and some disgust me.

1. 21-year-old Chanel Taper with an incredibly long tongue and 35-year-old Evin Dugas with voluminous hair entered the Guinness Book of Records as the girl with the longest tongue and the largest afro hairstyle. (Photo by Guinness World Records)

2. 24-year-old Edward Nino Hernandez was recognized as the smallest man in the world. He lives in Bogota, Colombia. (Photo by William Fernando Martinez/Associated Press)

3. Lee Redmond (right), former Longest Nails record holder, and Melvin Booth, current title holder. His nails are 9 m long. Lee Redmond lost her nails in a car accident in 2010. (Photo by Ronald Mackechnie/Guiness World Records Book Launch/Associated Press)

4. Filipino students, teachers and employees of the University of Santo Tomas made the Dominican Cross, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The cross consisted of more than 20,000 people. (Photo by Aaron Favila/Associated Press)

5. Residents of Jerusalem look at a huge kugel - a traditional Jewish sweet - which has become the largest in the world. (Photo by ZOOM 77/Associated Press)

6. Chefs work their magic on falafel to add it to a huge plate and try to set a new world record in Beirut. (Photo by Anwar Amro/AFP Photo)

7. The largest drum set in the world - 340 units. (Photo by James Ellerker/Guinness World Records)

8. A huge chicken egg, 8.2 cm long, 6.3 cm wide and weighing 170 grams. The owner of the hen that laid the egg is Georgian Murman Modebadze from Tbilisi. (Photo by Vano Shlamov/AFP Photo)

9. Freddy Nock walks the cable car cableway from the top station at 3,303 m above sea level to the bottom station in Silvaplana, Switzerland. (Photo by Arno Balzarini/Keystone/Associated Press)

10. This Egyptian Mustafa Ismail became the owner of the most voluminous biceps and triceps in the world. Their girth is 64 cm. (Photo by Guinness World Records)

11. Mosaic of traditional Arabic sweets, 112 meters long. (Photo by Louai Beshara/AFP Photo)

12. The lowest car (45 cm from the ground to the highest point) in the world. The car is called Mirai ("Future") and was assembled by students and teachers at the Automotive Engineering Faculty in Asakuchi, Japan. (Photo by Shinsuke Kamioka/Guinness World Records)

13. Residents of Seoul against the backdrop of the largest Levis jeans, 30 m high. (Photo by Chung Sung-Jun)

14. The longest canvas painted by children is in Bucharest. (Photo by Bogdan Maran/Mediafax/Associated Press)

15. Omanis stir ingredients together a huge cauldron. They are cooking traditional dish"kabsa". (Photo by Mohammed Mahjoub/AFP Photo)

16. Synchronized swimmers in London are trying to set a new world record for the fastest swing of their legs in a minute in the water. (Photo by Bertrand Langlois/AFP Photo)

17. Surfers on the longest surfboard in the world - 47 surfers fit on a 12-meter board on the Gold Coast of Australia. (Photo by Steve Holland/Associated Press)

18. Thousands of children fly kites in an attempt to break the world record for the most kites flown at once in northern Gaza. More than 7,200 kites took to the air. (Photo by Khalil Hamra/Associated Press)

19. The largest collection of Barbie dolls - 15,000 dolls. (Photo by Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness World Records)

20. A soccer field in Mönchengladbach, Germany, was filled with 142,000 soccer balls. (Photo by Christof Koepsel/Bongarts)

21. About 31,000 students, teachers and alumni of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines created a "human rainbow" in Manila's central park. (Photo by AFP Photo)

23. The Men's Sisters in Melbourne warm up before joining others in an attempt to break the world record for "most people running in heels." The attempt failed. (Photo by William West/AFP Photo)

24. American master of building cards houses Brian Berg breaks down his creation - a card version of a casino and hotel in Macau. It took 44 days and 218,792 cards to create. (Photo by Dale de la Rey/AFP Photo)

25. The EdgeWalk on the CN Tower has been named the highest extreme walk on the building. (Photo by CNW Group/CN Tower)

26. Cyclist Xavier Zapata rides the stairs of the Piedra del Penol monolith in Guatape, Colombia. He climbed 649 steps in 43 minutes. The record has been set. (Photo by Raul Arboleda/AFP Photo)

27. Record for the largest number of people taking a shower together. (Photo by Lynx UK/Guinness World Records)

28. A 14-meter pinata in the shape of an orange M&M candy with thousands of jelly beans inside. The world record for the largest pinata was set in New York. (Photo by Stan Honda/AFP Photo)

29. The world's largest collection of stuffed dogs. Its owner was Baron George Haas, who committed suicide in 1945 before being deported to Austria. The baron owned thousands of animals and about 200 dogs, 51 of which he stuffed after their deaths. (Photo by Radek Mica/AFP Photo)

30. The largest panoramic 3D drawing on the street. Its length is 60 m and its area is 891 sq.m. It was created by British artist Joe Hill in London. (Photo by Matt Dunham/Associated Press)

31. A crowd of 262 people dressed as Leprechauns gathered in Dublin on November 16, 2011. In total there were more than 300,000 people. (Photo by Maxwell Photography/Guinness World Records)

32. 86-year-old Joanna Kaas is recognized as the oldest active gymnast in the world. (Photo by Guinness World Records)

33. Zeus is the tallest dog in the world. Her height is 111 cm. (Photo by Guinness World Records)

34. 560 Indian Odissi dancers attempt to set a world record in Bhubaneswar. (Photo by STRDEL/AFP Photo)

35. Archie, a 29-month-old bull, is recognized as the smallest in the world. His height is only 76.2 cm. (Photo by Guinness World Records)

36. Model Holly Madison (center) with dancers Diana Dakake (left) and Amanda Port pose for a photo after helping set the world record for the largest number of people in a bikini parade - 281 people. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Visitlasvegas.com)

37. Mexicans dance in the center of Mexico City. More than 1,000 couples danced in an attempt to set the world record for the largest number of people dancing in a couple. (Photo by Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP Photo)

Everyone has heard about the Guinness Book of Records. And everyone knows that here are collected a variety of achievements of the most ordinary people from all over the world. However, in addition to the impressive achievements of the human mind and spirit, there are funny and stupid Guinness records. Some are trying to become famous or earn money, others are simply eccentric and are not shy about showing their oddities, others do something out of love for this activity.

Readers are presented with a short overview of the absurdities with which the Guinness Book of Records is rich. Stupid records are quite common there.

Strong ears

There are two people nominated in this category: Lasha Patareya and Zafar Gill. The first one set his record by dragging a truck on his left ear. The weight of the car was 8.28 tons.

Gill is a Pakistani athlete who can lift a sixty-kilogram weight on his right ear. A regular cord was used to secure the load. Zafar himself weighs only 90 kg, trains regularly and calls his specific activity ear-lifting.

The longest…

Vivian Wheeler holds the title for longest female beard. The American woman has to put it in a ponytail, because individual hairs reach 28 cm. An unusual decoration for a woman.

Sarwan Singh is the owner of the longest. So that it does not touch the floor, the priest must stand on a pedestal. The beard length is 2.33 m.

Hairdresser-fashion designer Katsuhiro Watanabe put his art into practice. He is the owner of the longest mohawk in the world. The height of the hairstyle is 113.284 cm.

Mattel is a Chinese toy company. Her employees showed special love for railway and assembled a canvas with a total length of 2888 m.

The stupidest photos do not always look attractive; they show all the achievements without embellishment. Most people run when they see some champions. For example, among those who like to grow their fingernails, two distinguished themselves: Melvin Booth and Lee Redmont. The total length is 9.05 m and 8.65 m respectively. Curled nails that hang down to the floor can be terrifying.

It is not immediately possible to answer the question “how many people will enter the soap bubble?” However, the artist Fan Yang tested it in practice and set another useless and stupid record. He managed to fit 181 people inside the bubble.

The fastest

And even in running you can be an original. And not only in him. So, the stupidest speed records.

One of the funniest records can be called a race with fins with obstacles. It was established by German Maren Zenker, covering the hundred-meter distance in 22.35 seconds.

Japanese Kenichi Ito ran 100 m in 17.47 seconds. It would seem that there is nothing unusual. He only covered this distance on all fours.

High speed can be demonstrated while sitting on the toilet. The main thing is that the device is equipped with a motor. The world record was set by Canadian Jolene Van Vugt, who managed to reach a speed of 75 km/h.

The fastest person to unfasten bras is the German, Thomas Vogel. This may not be the stupidest Guinness record, but it's definitely unexpected. Achievement of a German citizen - 56 bras per minute.

The most widespread

Everyone knows the Smurfs well, but how many would dare to dress up in such a costume? It turns out that dwarves have a lot of fans. Especially in Ireland, where on July 18, 2008, a record number of people dressed as Smurfs took to the streets of the town of Castleblayney - 1253!

In Riga, a month earlier, they had fun differently: almost 2,000 people had soda fountains. The fun is very simple: throw 1-2 Mentos candies into a bottle of cola, shake the mixture and open the lid. As a result, a sweet fountain rushes into the sky. Perhaps this is not only the stupidest Guinness record among events, but also the most fun.

The holiday on March 8 was celebrated in a rather interesting way in the state of Michigan in 2013. Here, in the city of Grand Rapids, 607 people put chicken beaks on their faces. In this form they were on the street for 11 minutes and 39 seconds.

The invasion of Santa Claus is observed every year. But in Derry they took to the streets in an organized and simultaneous manner. As a result, Guildhall Square was overcrowded: there was barely room for 13,000 Santas!

The most compact

28 London girls managed to fit into one car, and a mini one at that! How did they manage to do this, and where did they get there?

Another record was also set by a representative of the fair sex. American Katie Jung is literally the owner of an aspen, because her torso girth is 53.3 cm. If Katie wears a corset, she will become even thinner: 38.1 cm.

There is power, where to use it?

Georges Christin became the winner in the 10-meter distance. The Luxembourger covered this distance, holding a table with a girl sitting on it in his teeth, in just 7.5 seconds! A toothpaste advertisement featuring Georges will look very convincing.

US resident Scott Murphy rolls pans faster and better than anyone else. It took him 30 seconds to bend the frying object. The remains of the frying pan were significantly reduced in size: 17.46 cm in girth instead of 30 cm in diameter.

Another American is excellent at handling wooden ones. Kevin Shelley is the only person in the world who can smash 46 toilet seats with his head at once. Perhaps he has a special technique?

Men generally have a strange attitude towards their heads. They use them to set the stupidest records. Another record holder distinguished himself by smashing 80 chicken eggs in a minute. This, of course, is not to break a tree, but Ashrita Furman earned an impressive bump.


What don’t people collect! In addition to ordinary and familiar hobbies, there are some very extravagant ones. For example, Ben Barker, an Australian citizen, collected... garbage from his navel for 26 years! During this time he managed to accumulate 22.1 g.

The next unusual collection is a collection of 8,888 “Do not disturb” signs. Swiss Jean-François Vernetti specially stayed in various hotels and took away memorial signs with him. Since 1985, he has visited 189 hotels.

On your own wave

There are some completely stupid records, but at the same time very original ones. It is difficult to categorize them, so it is better to talk separately about such achievements.

For example, the amazing achievement of a sword swallower who managed to hold a switched-on hammer drill weighing 38 kg in his mouth for a full 3 seconds!

You can do other things with construction tools. For example, 141 rotations is the number of revolutions that a person can hold while hanging a working drill.

Perhaps the stupidest Guinness record was set by Ken Edwards. He became famous as the best cockroach eater. In 1 minute, Ken is able to chew and swallow 36 pieces.

The representative of Germany, Anita Schwarz, ran 40 m while holding 19 large mugs of beer. At the same time, she managed not to spill a single drop! During Oktoberfest, this skill can come in handy.

The stupid Guinness records don't end there. Every year, more and more weirdos apply, hoping to record their achievement. Therefore, it makes sense to periodically leaf through the book in search of large originals. After all, as practice shows, stupidity can also be great.

The largest tuna caught off the coast of Nova Scotia

For two whole hours, fisherman Mark Towers pulled a huge fish out of the water - a record tuna weighing nearly half a ton.

Experts have already named this specimen, caught in Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Canso in Nova Scotia, in southeastern Canada, the largest tuna in the world, because the record holder weighs about 450 kilograms.

The fish turned out to be so big that the fishermen were unable to drag it on board; they tied the huge tuna with a rope to the boat and thus delivered it to the port.

At the port, a real sea monster, whose name sounds like Thunnus thynnus in Latin, was lifted from the water using a crane, weighed and sent to the refrigerator.

In the future, Mark Towers and his team plan to sell truly huge tuna to Japan, where such fish is considered an exquisite delicacy and is used to make traditional sushi.

Approximately, Canadians will pay about 32 thousand dollars for such tuna, because at least 20 thousand servings of sushi can be prepared from such fish.

Cool T-shirts for men Silk-screen printing, from 300 to 500 rubles. 12 stores in St. Petersburg.present4man.ru

The most expensive T-shirt in the world, worth $400 thousand, was designed by the British company Superlative Luxury and presented in London in January 2012. This “masterpiece of light industry” is made only from natural materials and exclusively using “green” technologies. The technological process is fundamentally different from traditional T-shirt manufacturing: it uses environmentally friendly renewable energy sources - solar and wind - to generate electricity, and CO2 emissions are reduced to almost zero.

The world's most expensive T-shirt from Superlative Luxury is decorated on the front with an original design, which is a geometric pattern decorated with 16 diamonds. Eight of them are ordinary 1-carat white diamonds, and the other half of the stones are a rare variety of black diamonds. Each black diamond weighs more than one carat.

The total length of Melvin Booth's nails (left) from Michigan is 9.05 meters. Lee Redmont (right), who hasn't cut her nails since 1979 and kept them neatly filed to grow them to 8.65m, lost her 'wealth' in an accident in February.
The 68-year-old record holder says this is the most dramatic event of her life, but also admits that it is much easier without them. (Ranald Mackechnie / Guinness World Records)

Halapi Roland from Hungary set an unusual record on November 12, 2008: a horse dragged the burning Roland 472.8 meters. (Guinness World Records)

The headless horse...actually she turned it the other way

Residents of the American city of Livermore are preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the world's oldest light bulb. For 110 years now it has been shining almost without interruption, writes The Telegraph.

A four-arm light bulb installed in a fire station in Livermore, California, entered the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest existing light bulb on the planet.

A businessman gave it to local firefighters in 1901. Since then, the light bulb has faithfully served fire fighters. The days when it suddenly stopped shining seem to be remembered by all Livermore residents by heart: one day in 1903, a week in 1937 and during rare power outages in the 30s - 70s of the XX century. According to Livermore energy scientist Lynn Owens, the mysterious light bulb has baffled many scientists.

“No one knows why an ordinary four-arm light bulb has not burned out in 110 years. Scientists from all over the country came to look at it, but no one was able to put forward a single more or less plausible version. True, we didn’t let anyone touch it,” the energy worker said.

akrobatspb.ru St. Petersburg

The owner of the longest legs in the world - Svetlana Pankratova from Volgograd. Now the length of her legs is 1 meter 32 cm and this is a world record.

She was born as a completely ordinary child: height: 51 cm, and weight: 3500 grams. But soon she began to grow much faster than her peers. IN kindergarten she was already two heads taller than the other children. At school, the gap began to widen. Moreover, the girl grew exclusively in the leg area, the parents became worried and admitted the girl to the hospital for examination. But doctors did not find any genetic mutations. When the doctors saw her father, whose height was 190 cm, everything became clear. The girl took after her father.

While studying at school in the 80s, Sveta had problems with clothes. Imagine how difficult it is to find suitable pants or tights for such a tall girl?! Because of this, the girl had a lot of complexes. The boys made fun of her long legs and enormous height.

Only after visiting sports section the girl was able to breathe a sigh of relief: “All the girls there are like me,” she exclaimed when she returned home. The basketball player's career took off, the girl was invited to St. Petersburg. She went to play in the USA and Spain.

The most interesting thing is that, despite her enormous height, Sveta always wears heels. Perhaps only sports training helped Sveta withstand her wedding.

Now Sveta lives in Spain and works in a real estate agency. Sometimes remembering those boys who teased her in childhood, I wonder how they would react now if they met the longest-legged woman in the world.

most scary film according to the Guinness Book of Records - "The Exorcist" (a more correct name " Exorcist"/"The Exorcist").

The film was shot back in 1973, but is still included in the 250 best films that have ever been shown on screens. The film's budget is quite modest - $12 million, film lovers will understand that for films of our time this is a very small budget, although this is not an indicator. World box office is another matter - throughout its history, the film "The Exorcist" has collected more than $400 million

The film was nominated for an award 10 times "Oscar" and received this award 2 times. Interesting, that the consultant for the film was a priest, the author of the book “Devil Possession and Exorcism.”


A little girl is possessed by the devil. At first, the mother tries to heal her child using classical medicine, but this does not work. Then, the desperate mother turns to the church for help. The young priest Damen agrees to help along with his elderly colleague. During the ritual of exorcising the demon, the old priest dies and Damen has no other choice but...

Director William Friedkin Based on the work of William Blatty USA, 1973

It was not for nothing that the film "The Exorcist"/"The Exorcist" was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the scariest movie. This picture is truly scary and is not recommended for viewing by persons under 16 years of age.


Braid to the floor and below

A simple Chinese girl, Xi Quiping, has the longest hair - more than five meters! This is exactly the case when quantity turns into quality, that is, beautiful long hair turn into a great inconvenience when traveling or performing banal hygiene procedures. Xi has been growing her braid since childhood, and has not cut her hair since 1973. According to her, this feature forces her to train confidence and endurance, because washing and combing five-meter hair is a very difficult task. Now she is growing up with a worthy replacement - Cheng Shikwong, who also set herself the goal of growing the longest hair, and “started” in 1996. Now her hair has reached three meters in length.

Record – wild boar 524 kg

The Guinness Book recorded the record size of a wild boar. The largest boar that has been found by mankind is 3.9 meters in length, 524 kilograms in weight, tusks 21 centimeters in length. A very young hunter managed to get such a trophy; Jamison, a 12-year-old boy, managed to shoot such a huge beast with a rifle.

Some hunters are wary of boars that are larger or older. Indeed, according to estimates, every year people die from the tusks of wild boars.

According to Jamison, he was very lucky at that moment, because the boar almost nailed him to a tree. The boy has been hunting since he was 6 years old, but it was not easy for him to survive such a shocking moment, because death passed before him.

A girl whose height is 2.6 meters

At the age of fourteen, the Brazilian girl gained 2.6 meters in height. Elisani was included in the Guinness Book as the tallest teenager. It would seem that slender girls are good, but Elisani’s height causes a lot of trouble. She had to leave school because it was completely impossible to sit at school desks; her legs didn’t fit.

The girl lives a completely normal life, she has quite enough friends. Elisana's most cherished dream is to become a model, having thought about the question of what she could do with her height, the idea immediately came to her... to show clothes of famous fashion designers.

A man whose weight is 580 kilograms

Listed in the Guinness Book unique person whose weight is 580 kilograms. Manuel Uribe, a 46-year-old man, spent his entire life knowing how to put as much food in his mouth as possible. A Mexican man has been rapidly gaining weight all his life for one goal... To get into the Guinness Book!!!

Few people would decide to do this. Manuel Uribe was able to lose 200 kilograms of his weight in a year. It would seem impossible, how many women do fitness in hopes of losing about 10 kg, but here these are the results presented by a Mexican man.

Manuel no longer wants to live with this weight and is now determined to lose weight, in his words, “If I could lose 200 kg in a short time, I can do more.” Now Manuel wants to get into the Guinness Book as a person who loses weight faster or loses kilograms quickly.

Dog bodybuilder - the most pumped up

The dog was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most inflated. The breed of dog is “hound”, she herself is from Canada. You immediately thought that this was all skillful work of Photoshop, but this is not so. In fact, the dog Big Wendy was fed asteroids with Myostatin and received large doses of asteroids and training every day. Asteroid Myostatin is a protein that accelerates muscle growth without the need for any physical training.

Big Wendy's weight is only 27 kilograms. People always pay attention to the oddities of a dog, sometimes even with horror. But in reality the dog is very friendly and affectionate.

Normal look of a dog:

The Guinness Book of World Records is one of the most authoritative sources, encyclopedias, reference books, capable of confirming certain words and resolving this or that dispute.

The main purpose of the book is reliable information about the record achievements of people and animals, unique natural phenomena, outstanding achievements of show business, media and culture...

First published in 1955 by order of the Irish brewing company Guinness. The idea belonged to Hugh Beaver, who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating an authoritative source for visitors to Irish and British pubs to resolve their disputes regarding the record of a particular phenomenon.

Over time, the popularity of the Book led to the appearance of special publications exploring one specific area of ​​mass culture, as well as national versions of the Book, including the “Book of Records of Russia”, published by the PARI Agency, and the Book of Records “Lefty”, project of the Russian Club of Records “Lefty”.

Throughout its history, the Book has received both positive and negative reviews. The book itself claims on its pages that it is the best-selling publication of all copyrighted publications.

"Book of Records of Russia"

The Guinness Book of Records is published in 37 languages, including Russian. In 1989, the first edition of the Guinness Book of Records appeared in Russian. In the same year, a purely Russian version of the Book was created, called the “Book of Records of Russia” and including the achievements of Russians of global and national significance.

The Russian edition includes records of a very different nature. According to statements on the official website of the Russian Book, “ most of The book is dedicated to records in the categories: sports, architecture, people, geography.” In particular, the Moscow-Voronezh double-decker train assembled in Tver, which is the only train in Russia capable of simultaneously carrying 1,320 passengers, is recorded in the Russian Book of Records.

Among the achievements of people there are such records as the longest stay in orbit (Gennady Padalka, 803 days and increasing), the greatest distance traveled in a trip around the world (Oleg Nishanov and Olesya Nishanova, 200,095 km) and the person who became the world champion in kickboxing number of times (Ufa resident Vil Gabdullin became champion 29 times). The Pari Agency is collecting information regarding the Russian Book.

The Guinness Book of Records has gained enormous popularity over the years of its existence. On October 1, 2013, the total circulation of copies sold since 1955 exceeded 130 million copies, and the Guinness Book of Records, published in more than 100 countries in 25 languages, hit its own pages as the best-selling annual publication. “Only the Bible, the Koran and Mao Zedong’s quotation book have a larger circulation.”


1. Chukotka-Alaska, swimming

Krasnoyarsk swimmers Nikolai Petshak and Natalya Usacheva swam 134 kilometers of the Pacific and Arctic oceans from Chukotka to the Arctic. Thus, they set a world record for the longest swim in icy water and received the right to carry the torch with the 2014 Olympic flame. The swim took place as part of the first Intercontinental Polar Relay Race from Russia to America through the Bering Strait.

2. They drive beautifully!

Another record related to swimming suits. This time - by the number of people in swimsuits simultaneously descending the mountain on snowboards and skis. This happened at the ski resort in Sheregesh, Kemerovo region, where more than 1 thousand people descended from the mountain half naked. The previous record for a mass descent in swimsuits was set in Canada, where 250 naked people slid down the slope.

By the way, On April 16, 2016, a new record is planned at the same place - Declared number of participants: 2000 half-naked snowboarders and skiers.

3. Tricolor 707 meters.

Vladivostok was already included in the Guinness Book of Records as the city with the longest riverbed span when almost 27 thousand residents set another record. This time it is the world's largest living image of the national flag. The total length of the living canvas was 707 meters. The previous record belonged to Pakistan - 24,200 people took part there.

The flash mob “I love Vladivostok”, during which residents and guests of the city created a living 707-meter image of the Russian flag on the Golden Bridge, entered the Guinness Book of Records thanks to a large number participants, the publication's official judge, Craig Glinday, said during the event.

“Seeing how and with what mood the flash mob participants gathered on the bridge, I believed that they would be able to become record holders. I am very pleased that I was not mistaken, because the people who had gathered to set the record, despite the intense heat and crowds, looked so happy,” the judge said over the loudspeaker during the flash mob.

4. Jump into the record book

The sports record was set by a tracer from St. Petersburg, Erik Mukhametshin. He broke the wall jump record previously set by English athletes. Mukhametshin did a somersault off the wall 3 meters 20 centimeters, which is 16 cm more than the previous record. The jump was such a distance that during the somersault Eric jumped over a car passing nearby.

5. 69 Vasiliev children

The world's largest number of children born to one woman is 69. This record, set about 200 years ago by a Russian peasant woman, has not yet been broken by anyone.

The first of two wives of a peasant of Shuisky district Fedora Vasilyeva(1707 - 1782) gave birth 27 times: 16 twins (twins - a world record), 7 triplets and 4 quadruplets. 67 children survived. Moreover, most of them lived to adulthood. On February 27, 1782, a message was received in Moscow from the Nikolsky Monastery about this unique family. Catherine II (the Great) herself noted this phenomenon of childbirth.

6. Record of Rock musician Viktor Zinchuk

In 2001, the virtuoso guitarist performed a variation of Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Flight of the Bumblebee” on guitar at a very fast tempo of 270 beats per minute. Zinchuk played 20 notes per second, performing the composition in just 24 seconds. His record was broken only in 2008 by Brazilian guitarist Thiago Della Vega, who performed the same piece at a speed of 320 beats per minute.

7. Never lost

Rodnina Irina Konstantinovna is a famous Soviet figure skater, three-time Olympic and ten-time world champion, as well as a Russian public and statesman. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. She is registered in the Guinness Book of Records as an athlete who has not lost in a single competition throughout her professional career. It is worth noting that Irina Konstantinovna collected a record number of medals, of which 33 were gold.

8. Records of the Russian hero

Alexander Muromsky, captain of the Russian Bogatyrs power team, set his 9th World Record in the Guinness Book of Records on May 7, 2015 in Orel. In one minute, the athlete bent 12 metal rods with a diameter of 10 mm over his head. Muromsky’s previous records are also worthy of respect: not everyone can tear apart 11 thousand-page reference books in a minute, and in the same time break 23 metal bolts, 30 cm long and 12 mm in diameter.

9. Flight around the world in 71 hours

Lev Vasilyevich Kozlov is a 52-time world record holder in aircraft sports, lieutenant general of aviation, honored military pilot of the USSR, sniper pilot and international master of sports of the USSR. He entered the Guinness Book of Records for his round-the-world flight on the An-124 Ruslan aircraft in 1990. (listing in the video: Melbourne - South Pole - Rio de Janeiro - Rabat - North Pole - Elizovo (Kamchatka) - Melbourne). In just 72 hours and 16 minutes of flight around the globe, the expedition led by Kozlov covered a distance of 50,005 kilometers, of which 93% was over the waters of all oceans Globe. In this flight, 7 world and 10 all-Union records were set.

10. Records of Vladimir Turchinsky

Vladimir "Dynamite" Turchinsky. He was a Russian television and radio presenter, athlete, showman, actor and entrepreneur. Vladimir is a record holder in strength sports, as well as a holder of a diploma and a gold medal from the “International Club of Guinness Book of Record Holders.” Turchinsky’s stunts, which were included in the Book of Records, were extremely spectacular: the athlete moved a 260-ton Ruslan plane, held an elephant weighing 3.5 tons in his arms, lifted a “nine” with 12 passengers, won a stretch with 30 participants, and one With his left hand he dragged a double-decker bus weighing 20 tons 100 meters.

11. Youngest diver

Valdis Pelsha's eldest daughter Eizhena was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest diver. A 14-year-old girl dived off the coast of Antarctica. The famous father was not worried about his daughter, because she was diving with her mother, and according to Valdis, he does not doubt his daughter’s abilities, so he allowed such an extreme form of entertainment. Before this record was set, the youngest diver was 20 years old.

12. Five performances in 8 hours

Evgeny Grishkovets, author and actor of his famous and original performances, is also mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records. Once at the Golden Mask Festival in 2004, festival laureate Grishkovets showed all his solo performances in one day - at that time there were five of them. Grishkovets spent 8.5 hours on stage during one day. It is noteworthy that the entire burden fell entirely on Grishkovets, because a one-man show is a one-man theater. By the way, the audience at these performances was different, as were the performance venues, and the most persistent fans were awarded incentive prizes.

13. 11 thousand parachute jumps

Valentina Zakoretskaya began parachuting at the age of 16. And she was so carried away that she was included in the Guinness Book of Records three times - in 1976, 1987 and 1998 as the female parachutist with the most parachute jumps in the world. Not surprising, because she has over 11,500 skydives to her credit! Valentina is a 50-time world record holder and 2-time absolute world champion. Of the men, only two were able to overtake her.

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