Larisa Udovichenko biography personal life husband. Larisa Udovichenko: biography, photo, personal life. Larisa Udovichenko's ex-husband - Gennady Bolgarin

The actress admitted that she fell in love with each partner on the set:

“Who haven’t I loved! And Mikhail Boyarsky, and Sergei Shakurov, and Nikita Dzhigurda, and Nikolai Eremenko, and Viktor Stepanov. In short, as an actress and as a woman, I can’t imagine myself without love.”

Is Larisa Udovichenko happy? The actress answered frankly:

“In the profession yes, in life no. Thank God, the profession compensates.”

The life of a beautiful and talented woman was not at all sugar. She stayed in Moscow on the advice of her mentor Tamara Makarova and entered into a fictitious marriage with Muscovite director Alexander Pankratov-Bely. Alexander registered her in the apartment, but they soon divorced.

In biographical sketches, Udovichenko’s first husband was director Andrei Eshpai. Their family life did not work out, there were no children, and they decided to get a divorce. The husband was very jealous, they say that for this reason the marriage broke up. Eshpai married Evgenia Simonova, with her he was truly happy.

Larisa had many fans, she attracted attention. But she chose entrepreneur Gennady Bolgarin. Their flared romance destroyed the family of married Gennady. He left his wife and 13-year-old son. In this marriage, 32-year-old Larisa Udovichenko gave birth to a daughter, Masha. The lovers lived together for 20 years. They say that the marriage broke up because the husband lost a huge amount of money in a casino and put the family in danger.

2 years ago there were rumors that Larisa Udovichenko moved to live in France and bought an apartment in Nice. And this information was presented by the “whistleblower” Stas Sadalsky. But the artist denies everything and says that she lives in Russia, in Moscow. Larisa loves to travel. She visits Europe every year: her daughter Masha studied in Italy, at a Roman film school. According to Larisa Ivanovna, she bought an apartment in Bulgaria.

A year ago, Zhanna Kadnikova’s comedy series “Poor People” was released. This is the story of an intelligent loser vegetating in a St. Petersburg communal apartment and working as a “literary black” for Olga Buzova. The main roles went to Dmitry Lysenkov and Olga Buzova. Larisa Ivanovna got the role of the publisher's wife.

The director of “Winter Cherry” Igor Maslennikov began filming the final, fourth part of the family saga last summer. The film “Winter Cherry 4” will be released in 2017. The film will feature all the heroes of the previous films, including Larisa Udovichenko.

This spring, the People's Artist of Russia turned 62 years old. She looks young for her age. Time stopped a little for her. The actress plays in private theaters, she likes it. Her most important and beloved person is her daughter Maria. And we will wait for the premiere of the film “Winter Cherry”.

And the theater, whose biography boasts many achievements, anyone would envy a stormy personal life, and all fans can’t wait to know where the great artist is now and what her main occupation is.


When you mention the name Udovichenko, the role of the crazy Manka-Bonds or the image of the sweet homely mother of the Banks family from the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye” immediately pops up. Lyudmila Udovichenko was lucky enough to work with the best domestic directors throughout her career in cinema and theater.

“I would like more good directors who could change me, so that I wouldn’t put my habits and habits on my heroines, but so that both my heroines and the director who sees in me not me, but something other." (Lyudmila Udovichenko).

Already at the age of twenty-eight she will become an Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Childhood and family

Larisa Ivanovna Udovichenko was born in an Austrian city at the end of April 1955. Her entire preschool life was spent in Vienna. The girl’s father worked as a military doctor, and her mother became a faithful friend to her husband.

Larisa Udovichenko

Larisa said that her dad graduated medical school, and then military academy. Then he fought during Finnish war, and after that he became a military doctor. Mom graduated from theater and wanted to develop in this field. Due to her husband’s profession and his constant travel, she was never able to make her dreams come true. The actress’s grandmother, on her mother’s side, was a native Petersburger who taught children Russian language and literature.

As Larisa Udovichenko said:

“I owe my acting biography to my mother, who tried with all her might to mold me into something that she couldn’t do herself, due to her personal life with her husband and her bareback lifestyle.”

After the father was demobilized, the whole family moved to Odessa for permanent residence. It was there that Udovichenko spent his youth. Already during her school years, the girl was passionately interested in rhythmic gymnastics, even participated in various competitions. Her other hobby was performing arts. When the time comes to choose a profession, she will choose the second option. In this choice, she was always assisted by her mother, who was a passionate film fan. It was she who guided and supported her daughter in all her creative impulses and endeavors.

Larisa Udovichenko

At the age of fourteen, the young girl went to the folk circle at the Odessa Film Studio. There she received her first basics in stage speech, plastic arts and acting. During her training, her talent was appreciated by Pavlovsky, who later offered the main role in his diploma work"Happy Kukushkin." This was a big debut role for the future actress. Interestingly, the then little-known aspiring actor Vladimir Mashkov also played in the same work.

A few years later, the girl was offered a second leading role in the film “Yulka”, where she played the main character’s girlfriend. This was followed by another cameo role, which was subsequently cut out. In his senior year, Udovichenko’s collection already included three roles played.

To the cinema

After graduating from school, the future artist went to Moscow and submitted documents to almost all theater universities and was immediately enrolled in VGIK. From that moment on, a delightful film acting life began.

Actor career

First adult role Udovichenko played in big cinema in 1974 in the film “Daughters - Mothers”. In this work, she took on the characteristic role of a selfish girl from an intelligent family. As Lyudmila later admitted, she was never interested in boring, calm and lyrical characters. It’s much more interesting to become a rebel. It was this role that brought her stunning success.

Stanislav Govorukhin did not want to cast the actress for the role of Manka-Bond. She was destined for Varya Sinichkina, Sharapov’s beloved. But when they sent her the script, she immediately resolutely refused the role and began asking the director for a more interesting character. “What kind of prostitute are you? Look at you. Sweet and kind girl,” the great maestro told her. After some time, Udovichenko discovered a letter in her possession, which stated that she had been approved for the role of a moth.

As Manka Bond

After the film was released on television, the actress woke up as a celebrity. The country's very first directors vied with each other to offer leading roles in their films, and Udovichenko agreed. The only prohibition throughout Lyudmila’s creative career was films with elements of violence and cruelty. She never took on such work.

The actress always treated detective films with some coolness, but still agreed to play the role of detective Dasha Vasilyeva. Three years of work on this picture exhausted the actress so much that she took a temporary break and went on a long vacation.

Udovichenko coped well with both dramatic images and lyrical-comedy ones. More than once she took part in the filming of the favorite newsreel of all the children of the country - “Yeralash”.

Mikhail Kokshenov and Larisa Udovichenko in the film “The Most Charming and Attractive”

She became acquainted with the theater only in the late 90s. In an interview, she stated: “I didn’t go on the theater stage before because I felt that I was not ready yet. I had a fear of not living up to the expectations of the directors and the public.” After the first debut, I began to take Active participation in many theatrical productions and enterprises, such as:

  • "Sirena and Victoria".
  • "Who's last for love?"
  • "The Kidnapping of Sabinyaninov"
  • "A rose with a double scent."
  • "Marry me."


Lyudmila Udovichenko has a huge variety of roles to her credit. She collaborated with the great Nikita Mikhalkov, Leonid Gaidai, Stanislav Govorukhin, Gleb Panfilov and many others. She worked on the same set with legendary personalities.

To the cinema

The film “Valentin and Valentina” with the participation of the great actress was included in the “golden fund” of Russian cinema. The actress miraculously reincarnated and managed to convey to the viewer the tragic image of a girl with elements of drama.

The year 1985 turned out to be especially bright for Lyudmila. Over the course of the year, six films with her participation were released, and all received amazing reviews from film critics and the public.

Udovichenko is not a fan of leading roles; she always liked secondary characters. The role of fashionista Lucy Vinogradova was precisely such a job, whose quotes float among the masses to this day.

In the film "The Most Charming and Attractive"

One of the latest works was the film “Poor People”, which was released in 2016. Udovichenko played the role of the publisher's wife.

Personal life

If the biography of Larisa Udovichenko is always in full view, then her personal life was under seven locks, where the actress now lives and what she does interests every fan of her talent.

She always admitted that she had no end to male attention. When asked if she had ever truly fallen in love, she always answered:

“Who haven’t I loved! And Mikhail Boyarsky, and Sergei Shakurov, and Nikita Dzhigurda, and Nikolai Eremenko, and Viktor Stepanov. In short, as an actress and as a woman, I can’t imagine myself without love.”

Few people know, but the first significant event in Larisa Udovichenko’s personal life was a fictitious marriage, which does not appear anywhere in her biography, and there are no joint photos. On the recommendation of one of her teachers at the theater institute, Larisa fictitiously signed in order to obtain a residence permit in a big city. After some time, the couple quietly separated.

Larisa Udovichenko

In the biography of Larisa Udovichenko, Andrei Eshlay is listed as her first and dearly beloved husband, with whom she planned to build her personal life and give birth to many children. The husband was from an intelligent musical family. The actress believed that this was the man with whom she would go hand in hand throughout her life. The young people did not get along in character, and soon the young family began to crack. Unfortunately, in this marriage Lyudmila was never able to experience the full joy of motherhood.

Udovichenko has always attracted the male sex with her lively character, excellent Odessa sense of humor and unprecedented energy that filled everything around her. It’s no wonder that a second beloved man soon appeared.

Larisa Udovichenko with her ex-husband and daughter

The third official husband in Larisa Udovichenko’s biography was a businessman, their photos were immediately leaked to the press, with him the actress hoped for a happy personal life and did not lose hope of having children. The artist succeeded in the second. From her marriage to Gennady Bolgarin, Larisa had a daughter. Those close to the family said that the husband loved to go to the casino and squander all the family money - this was the reason for the breakup of the family. The family idyll lasted only four years.

  • At the time of meeting Udovichenko, the third husband was officially married. According to some reports, it was Lyudmila who became that fatal homewrecker.
  • In 2015, there was a rumor that the actress bought a house in Nice and moved permanently to France.
  • Larisa, in her advanced years, can boast of a beautiful appearance. As she states, she visited plastic surgeons only twice for minor lifts. Everything else is regular exercise, proper nutrition and good rest.

Larisa Udovichenko with her daughter

Larisa Udovichenko now

Despite all sorts of rumors and questions about where Larisa Udovichenko now lives, she proudly declares: “My entire biography and personal life is connected with Russia, so I plan to continue to live here.” Based on photos in the press, the actress indeed often vacations in France, but lives and works in the Russian Federation.

Udovichenko continues to act in films and play in the theater. One of her last works was her role in the sequel “Winter Cherry,” which was released in 2017.

Larisa Udovichenko is a unique person, whose biography and personal life cannot fit into one book, but was able to become a role model for her daughter and grandchildren, as evidenced by numerous happy photos.

“The meeting place cannot be changed” and the role of the unforgettable Manka Bond.

Childhood and youth

Larisa Ivanovna Udovichenko was born in Austria in April 1955. Her birthday fell on the zodiac sign Taurus. Dad Ivan Nikonovich Udovichenko, a Ukrainian by nationality, worked as a military doctor in Vienna. The girl’s mother, Muza Alekseevna, took care of the housework. The parents met on the “Road of Life”, in the first years of the war. For the sake of the beautiful Muse, Ivan Nikonovich left his first wife and two sons.

In addition to Larisa, the eldest daughter Yana was growing up in the family, who, after graduating from an economics university, also connected her biography with cinema and subsequently became an employee of the Odessa Union of Cinematographers. After the end of his father’s service, the Udovichenko family moved to Ukraine. Larisa Udovichenko went to school in Odessa.

Already in her childhood, the girl showed interest in the acting profession and dreamed of becoming an artist. Through her, my mother’s unfulfilled dreams came true. Muza Alekseevna studied to be an actress at the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema, but the Great Patriotic War interrupted her studies. And after the war, the woman married a military doctor, and constant business trips did not allow her to complete her education.

In addition to the theater, Larisa Udovichenko was interested in gymnastics. But when she was in high school, her love for theater won out. During classes at the film actor's studio at the Odessa Film Studio, the girl finally decided on her profession. In the studio, the 15-year-old actress was noticed by director Alexander Pavlovsky, who invited her to play the role of schoolgirl Lyudmilochka in the film “Happy Kukushkin”. This film opens creative biography Larisa Udovichenko.

Two years later, two more films were released in which Larisa starred: in the adventure film “The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe,” Udovichenko played her beloved, but during the editing of the film, the cameo role “fell out.” But viewers saw the young actress in the social drama “Yulka”, where she appeared as the main character’s girlfriend. Larisa Udovichenko was lucky to meet on the set with the masters of the Soviet film industry, and. The 20-year-old also starred in the film.

After receiving her school certificate, Larisa Udovichenko, whose filmography included three films, went to Moscow and submitted documents to all theater schools. The girl went to VGIK, where she took the course of Tamara Makarova and Sergei Gerasimov.


Larisa Udovichenko played her first serious role in the film “Mothers and Daughters” by her teachers Gerasimov and Makarova. The teachers themselves also starred there. This wonderful film is still watched with pleasure today as an example of a classic of Soviet cinema. Sophomore Larisa Udovichenko got the role of the frivolous and spoiled Gali, one of two daughters whose parents were played in the film by Tamara Makarova and.

After graduating from VGIK in 1976, Udovichenko appeared in four films at once, two of them – the tragicomedy “Tryn-grass” and Sergei Gerasimov’s drama “Red and Black” - brought Larisa Ivanovna recognition.

In 1978, Udovichenko got a role in Igor Shatrov’s 6-episode detective story “And That’s All About Him.” The film's script was written by the author of the novel of the same name, Vil Lipatov. The film stars Soviet cinema stars. The actress played Lyudmila Gasilova, and the main character - Evgeniy Stoletov -. The Soviet detective still looks with no less interest these days.

Nationwide love for the artist came after the release of Stanislav Govorukhin’s cult crime film “.” Initially, the actress auditioned for the role of policeman Sinichkina, but refused it because she considered it too bland. Udovichenko offered Govorukhin her candidacy for the role of a girl of easy virtue, to which Stanislav Sergeevich was surprised, however, later he approved Larisa for this role.

Udovichenko played Manka-Bond, demonstrating her talent for transforming into poignant characters. The spelling phrase – “bond” or “abligation” – was invented by Larisa Ivanovna herself, and Govorukhin gladly approved and introduced it into the picture. After the release of the series, Udovichenko woke up famous.

Another film beloved by television viewers, released in 1979, is the melodrama “Please Blame Klava K for My Death,” where Udovichenko played an episodic but prominent role.

A couple of years later, the artist was offered to play the main character’s sister in the film “Valentin and Valentina.” The melodrama was a resounding success and entered the “golden fund” of Russian cinema. Here Larisa Udovichenko appears in an unusual role - a woman with a dramatic fate. The same, with notes of drama, becomes her heroine Anna Versilova in the multi-part film “Teenager” based on the novel.

Fans call the film “Success” a striking work of this period, where Lyudmila Ivanovna played the artist Saburova. A memorable work in the actress’s repertoire was the image of Mrs. Banks in the children’s musical “Mary Poppins, Goodbye,” set to music.

The film became famous for its star cast, which included Lembit Ulfsak,. In those years, Udovichenko rarely appeared in leading roles. She is the supporting queen.

1985 was a triumphant year for the actress. 6 films with the participation of Larisa Udovichenko are released, and each receives a warm welcome from the audience. These are the tragicomedy “Sincerely yours...”, the comedy “Life Dangerous!” by Leonid Gaidai, the melodrama “Rides in an Old Car” and the comedy “A Million in the Marriage Basket”.

The actress recreated the vivid image of the artist Sofia Abramovna in the tragicomedy “What a Wonderful Game.” But the most successful and beloved by viewers are the lyrical comedy “The Most Charming and Attractive” and the series “Winter Cherry”.

Critics and viewers agree that Larisa Udovichenko looks most natural in the role of a comedienne. Vivid examples are the films “We Sit Well,” “Hitchhiker” and “Whom God Will Will.” The last comedy film where Udovichenko starred in leading role with the actor, is the artist’s favorite film work.

In 2000, Larisa Udovichenko gave fans a surprise by starring in the leading role of the melodrama “March 8.” The actress played a geography teacher with an unsettled personal life, who on a holiday realizes that there is no one but her students to congratulate her. Fate gives her a soul mate in the person of a housing office employee (), who came to fix the tap. , and appeared in the feed.

A significant project in the actress’s creative career was the second part of the detective story “Women’s Logic”, in which she played brilliantly. Larisa Udovichenko got the image of the wife of the vice-governor Zoya Zvyagina. Her husband was presented on the screen.

Larisa Ivanovna played characters balancing between comedic and dramatic in the films “Sons of Bitches,” “Wandering Stars,” “A Woman for Everyone,” and “Tartuffe.” But in films where the script included scenes of violence and cruelty, the actress refused to play. Another thing is the roles of lovely adventuresses. This is how we see Udovichenko in the comedy films “Groom from Miami” and “Barkhanov and His Bodyguard.”

Larisa Udovichenko in the film "Mary Poppins, Goodbye"

In 2010, the release of the comedy “Shub-Baba Lyuba” became a gift for fans of the actress’s talent. This is a picture about the life of a school, teachers and students. Larisa Udovichenko appeared as a teacher who fell in love with a student, but the film was quite chaste. The film does not contain “dirty” or explicit scenes; it is suitable for viewing by children and the older generation, brought up on Soviet films.

IN last years Larisa Ivanovna appears in popular TV series, the most rated of which are “Women’s Logic” and “Dasha Vasilyeva. Lover of private investigation."

Ivan Stebunov and Larisa Udovichenko in the film “My Crazy Family”

Over the years, comedy roles began to appear in the actress’s repertoire. In 2011, the comedy “My Crazy Family” was released, where Udovichenko played the role of Kostya’s fake mother. Three years later, the actress, beloved by millions, starred in another comedy - Maxim Voronkov’s film “Prisoner of the Caucasus!”, a remake of the “golden” comedy by Leonid Gaidai. The color of Russian cinema is collected on the set of the project. Later, with the participation of Larisa Ivanovna in the role of an American subject, the melodrama “Marrying Casanova” was shown.

The actress’s filmography is huge: Larisa Udovichenko has starred in more than 130 films and TV series. The artist’s dream is to play under director Nikita Mikhalkov in a good film about love.

In 2016, the first season of the comedy series “Poor People” was released. This is the story of an intelligent loser vegetating in a St. Petersburg communal apartment and working as a “literary black” for. Olga Buzova also starred. Larisa Ivanovna got the image of the publisher's wife.

According to media reports, the director of “Winter Cherry” began filming the final, fourth, part of the family saga in the summer of 2016. The premiere date for “Winter Cherry 4” has not yet been determined. The new season brings together the heroes of previous seasons, including Larisa Udovichenko.

Personal life

In an interview, the actress admitted that she fell in love with almost every co-star:

However, when asked if she was happy, Larisa Udovichenko answered frankly:

“In the profession yes, in life no. Thank God, the profession compensates.”

The personal life of this beautiful and talented woman cannot be called cloudless. If you believe the rumors, in order to stay in Moscow, Larisa Udovichenko, on the advice of her mentor Tamara Makarova, agreed to a fictitious marriage with a Muscovite, director Alexander Pankratov-Bely, who registered her in the apartment. Soon the couple separated.

In biographical sketches, Udovichenko's first husband is called the director. But family life did not work out, the couple did not have children, and they separated. Rumor has it that the husband's jealousy ruined the marriage. Soon Eshpai married, who gave him happiness in marriage.

The men did not give way to the beautiful Larisa, who attracted their eyes like a magnet. But she chose musician and entrepreneur Gennady Bolgarin. An ardent affair destroyed the family of the then married Gennady, forcing him to leave his wife and 13-year-old son. In this marriage, Larisa Udovichenko gave birth to a daughter, Masha. The couple lived together for 20 years. They say that the marriage broke up due to the husband's gambling addiction: he lost a huge amount of money in a casino and put his family in danger.

In 2015, rumors arose that Larisa Udovichenko moved to France and bought an apartment in Nice. The source of information was the scandalous “whistleblower” Stas Sadalsky. But the artist denied the rumors, saying that she had not moved anywhere and lives in Russia, in Moscow. She travels to Europe every year: her daughter Masha studied in Italy, at a Roman film school, and Udovichenko loves to travel. According to Larisa Ivanovna, she bought an apartment in Bulgaria. Near Udovichenko’s house there are apartments of her close friend -.

Larisa Udovichenko and Larisa Guzeeva are friends

In 2016, the actress had a personal profile in "Instagram", where Larisa Udovichenko posts, in addition to her own photos, posts dedicated to charity. She is not indifferent to the grief of others, especially when it concerns sick children.

The actress’s subscribers learned that Udovichenko resorted to the help of an ophthalmologist. The artist previously admitted that she suffers from decreased vigilance. It is interesting that Udovichenko never used plastic surgery. The secret to her health and beauty is using tips traditional medicine.

In her desire to look young and original, the actress chooses bright outfits. For the sake of shopping, the screen star is ready to go to Europe. But Larisa considers the small thing to be her favorite item in her wardrobe. black dress. The actress also easily dresses in tight trousers or dresses; her weight of 53-57 kg with a height of 164 cm allows this. The actress keeps in shape in a simple way- eats little, as the ballerina did.

Larisa Udovichenko now

Now Larisa Udovichenko continues to act in films and play in enterprise performances. The star looks great, it seems that the years have no power over her. The actress still claims that the main loved one in her life is her daughter Maria. The girl lives in Italy, where she receives an education as an editing director. Before this, Masha had already tried her hand at economics, acting and fashion.

The actress often appears on television. She became the heroine of the “Interview Hour” program, and in 2018 she visited the studio on the “Smak” program.

Among the new works of the film actress are her roles in the melodrama “Happy Hearts Hotel” and the comedy “Desperate Householder”. Viewers were introduced to these paintings in 2017.

A year later, the drama “Van Gogh” and the melodrama “On the Swing of Fate” appeared in the repertoire of the screen star. Udovichenko embodied the main character in the crime detective film “Souvenir from Odessa.” The film was about a precious amulet that was stolen from its owner, a famous French violinist. The plot is set in the beginning and second half of the 20th century.


  • 1976 - “Red and Black”
  • 1978 - “And that’s all about him”
  • 1979 - “The meeting place cannot be changed”
  • 1979 - “I ask you to blame Klava K for my death.”
  • 1983 - “Mary Poppins, goodbye”
  • 1985 - “Winter Cherry”
  • 1985 - “Valentin and Valentina”
  • 1985 - “The most charming and attractive”
  • 1991 - “A Woman for Everyone”
  • 1994 - “Whom God sends”
  • 1995 - “Love in Russian”
  • 2000 - “Shub-baba Lyuba!”
  • 2002 - “Women’s Logic”
  • 2003 - “Dasha Vasilyeva. Lover of private investigation"
  • 2014 - “Prisoner of the Caucasus!”
  • 2016 - “Poor People”
  • 2017 – “Hotel of Happy Hearts”
  • 2018 – “Souvenir from Odessa”

Udovichenko Larisa Ivanovna is a famous Soviet and Russian actress who managed to develop not only on the stage of the theater, but in the field of cinema. The young girl worked in these areas with such dedication and dedication that many old-timers of the scene could envy her.

Udovichenko claims that she would gladly give up titles, awards and prizes, if only she were loved and respected by fans who are ready to watch their favorite films and TV series again and again. By the way, most critics talk about Larisa Ivanovna as a legend and an era.

Height, weight, age. How old is Larisa Udovichenko

It is worth clarifying what parameters the popular favorite has, such as height, weight, age. How old Larisa Udovichenko is is also not a very difficult question, because the actress makes no secret of her date of birth.

Larisa Ivanovna was born in 1955, so today the woman is sixty-two years old. According to the Zodiac, Udovichenko received the sign of a persistent, ambitious, stable, self-confident Taurus.

The eastern horoscope managed to endow the actress with character traits characteristic of a Goat, namely, good manners, musicality, talent, eccentricity, emotionality, and kindness.

Larisa Udovichenko: photos in her youth and now are striking in that they practically do not change. At the same time, the actress now looks wiser and more chic than in her youth, so fans are saying that plastic surgery is to blame.

Larisa Ivanovna boasts a height of one meter and sixty-four centimeters, and her weight is fifty-three kilograms.

Biography of Larisa Udovichenko

The biography of Larisa Udovichenko is like the story of a modern Cinderella, who achieved everything on her own. The baby was born far outside the USSR in Vienna, but remembers herself when she moved to Odessa. Laura's parents were in no way connected with the world of theater, cinema or music.

Father - Ivan Udovichenko - was a doctor, and not an ordinary one, but a military one, so he constantly moved from place to place with his family.

Mother - Muse Udovichenko - is an incredibly bright and talented woman who gave all of herself to her daughters. She wanted to become an actress or musician, even entered the appropriate institute, but she was a housewife all her life.

Sister - Yana Udovichenko - was older than the famous sister, she graduated from theater school and for a long time headed the House of Cinema in Odessa.

The little girl was very creative and athletic child, and at the same time I was still in school, so there was a catastrophic lack of time for everything. Soon Larisa chose the theater, this happened after the girl starred in the films “Happy Kukushkin” and “Yulka”.

After graduating from school, the girl with impressive filming experience went to enroll in VGIK. In her second year, she began to be invited to films, so her filmography was filled with works in films and TV series “Mothers and Daughters”, “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”, “Valentine”, “Mary Poppins, Goodbye!”, “Red and Black”, “Barkhanov and his bodyguard”, “Tartuffe”, “Shub-baba Lyuba”, “Dasha Vasilyeva. Private investigation lover”, “Groom from Miami”.

While studying at higher education educational institution Larisa's beloved parents left one by one, which the girl experienced very hard. At the same time, Udovichenko was involved in dubbing and voice acting for films, starred in commercials and shone in theatrical productions.

Recently, terrible news with the tag “Larisa Udovichenko stroke” spread across the Internet, which seriously worried all the fans of the actress. In 2009, she was indeed hospitalized in a Moscow clinic in a pre-stroke condition. The state of health today leaves much to be desired, since age still makes itself felt, the actress has increased arterial pressure and sometimes cardiac arrhythmia is observed.

Personal life of Larisa Udovichenko

The personal life of Larisa Udovichenko is very stormy, bright and passionate, with her numerous novels, the woman proves that it is quite possible to love in Russian, not on the screen, but in reality.

During her student years, she had a whirlwind romance with fellow student and talented director Pankratov-Bely, many people said that they lived together. At the same time, Larisa denies that she lived with a man in a civil or legal marriage.

When asking about Larisa Udovichenko’s biography, personal life, and where she currently lives, you can get a whole sea of ​​fake information and simply unverified data. They say that Laura turned the heads of Vladimir Vysotsky and Sergei Gerasimov, Igor Kostolevsky pined after her and threatened to rape Nikita Dzhigurda. However, the actress only laughs at this information, claiming that most of the above is nonsense based on vegetable oil.

She found the rumors about moving for permanent residence to Nice funny, since she has a cottage in Bulgaria where Larisa Ivanovna could easily move if she wanted.

Family of Larisa Udovichenko

Larisa Udovichenko’s family is her reliable support and a quiet haven where she always wants to return. Her parents loved their daughters and believed that Larisa could achieve whatever she wanted.

At the same time, in her beloved Larisochka, her mother was able to realize her own dreams, as she aspired to play in theater and cinema. Udovichenko’s parents have long since passed away, but she still feels their presence next to her, sees them in dreams and talks in her mind, asking for advice.

In addition to her parents, the actress loves her sister very much, who supports her in difficult situations, as well as her cousin Svetlana, who guides her through everything. household, while Laura is on tour.

Children of Larisa Udovichenko

The actress has only a small number of children of Larisa Udovichenko, since due to her busy touring and filming schedule she simply could not conceive large quantity kids.

It is worth clarifying that the actress simply adores her daughter and calls her the most important person in life. She often travels and goes shopping with her, asks for advice and is ready to listen at any moment.

By the way, at first Udovichenko claimed that she was absolutely not ready to become a mother and was not going to give birth to children, tying herself with obligations. However, the woman says that after the birth of her daughter, she changed her mind and was ready to give birth to her beloved many, many babies.

Daughter of Larisa Udovichenko - Maria Udovichenko

The daughter of Larisa Udovichenko, Maria Udovichenko, was born in 1988; her father was the actress’s second husband, Gennady Bolgarin. At the same time, on family council It was decided to give the newborn the mother’s surname and the father’s patronymic.

As a child, Mariska was quite creative and musical; she sang brilliantly and was fluent in several foreign languages. At the same time, she was an excellent student, so she easily entered the prestigious GITIS.

The beauty did not stop there, receiving three degrees at once, after graduating from the Plekhanov Academy, the Fashion Academy in Milan, and also the cinematography school in Italian Rome.

So far, Mashenka, who made her debut at a young age in the film “Shub-Baba Lyuba,” is not going to become an actress, director or designer, being in free search. She doesn't communicate with her father and doesn't want to get married too early.

Larisa Udovichenko's ex-husband - Andrey Eshpai

Ex-husband Larisa Udovichenko - Andrey Eshpai - appeared in the life of the amorous actress after her breakup with Pankratov-Bel. He was a third-generation intellectual, a sort of Chekhovian guy who grew up in the family of a composer and a pianist.

The marriage lasted until 1984, because the young people were not ready to live together and did not even know how to give in to each other. It is worth clarifying that Andrei was an incredibly jealous guy, and he was irritated by the abundance of male fans who revolved around the popular actress.

Then Larisa admitted that she had lost faith in love and was very afraid of falling in love again.

Larisa Udovichenko's ex-husband - Gennady Bolgarin

Larisa Udovichenko’s ex-husband, Gennady Bolgarin, appeared in the life of her chosen one under incredible circumstances. He sat down at the table of a girl who was celebrating the birthday of a fellow student at VGIK in a prestigious restaurant. The pianist turned out to be an incredibly pleasant and erudite conversationalist.

The young man was married, so Larisa did not want to meet him for a long time, but then she gave up. At the same time, Udovichenko did not want to destroy the family, and Bulgarian refused to take the first step. His ex-wife put the finishing touches on everything and called her husband and his mistress to a frank conversation.

A year later, young people began to appear openly in public, and since 1988 they began to live together. The happiness lasted only four years; Gennady and Larisa began sleeping in different rooms, and then completely separated.

The husband cited affairs and affairs with his other half as the reasons, and his wife clarified that Gennady squandered all his money in the casino. After he lost a huge sum and went on the run, his wife and daughter were attacked by bandits. After this, Udovichenko decided to dissolve the marriage and move to her native Odessa.

Photo by Larisa Udovichenko in Maxim magazine

Photos of Larisa Udovichenko never appeared in Maxim magazine because candid photos– are not the strong point of the famous actress. At the same time, it is worth clarifying that all photographs and videos featuring the completely naked Larisa Ivanovna are real fakes.

You can see Udovichenko in a swimsuit quite often, as she often relaxes in her own apartment in Bulgaria. The woman swims for a short time and only close to the shore, so evaluate her swimsuit and toned body fans could see her every 15-20 minutes when she came out to warm up. The most interesting thing is that Larisa was not shy about appearing on the beach in a two-piece black swimsuit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Larisa Udovichenko

Instagram and Wikipedia Larisa Udovichenko do not exist in in full, because the official page She never had an Instagram account. You can probably find pages created by fans, but all communication on them will have nothing to do with famous actress. She will not be able to rejoice at the likes or read the words of gratitude addressed to her.

The Wikipedia article contains reliable information regarding personal and family life, parents and daughters, filmography and roles in the theater, as well as titles and awards received.

Larisa Udovichenko is a brilliant actress who is loved by the audience thanks to her diverse roles in films. The most famous roles that brought popularity to Larisa Ivanovna are Manka-Bond and the completely opposite image of Dasha Vasilyeva, who is engaged in private investigation. Moreover, this beautiful woman with a difficult fate, behind which there are three marriages.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born in 1955 in Vienna, since her dad, a military doctor, was there on a business trip with his family at that time. Larisa spent her childhood and early youth in Odessa.

Udovichenko was fond of sports and theater. She finally decided to connect her life with the last of them. The girl appeared at the Odessa Film Studio as a 9th grade student. Her talent was noticed at the age of 14. She was offered to star in the role of schoolgirl Lyudmilochka in the film “Happy Kukushkin”. This was a kind of debut for the young actress. Soon the girl starred in an episode of the children's film “Yulka”.

After graduating from school, the young actress decided to conquer Moscow. She entered various theater institutions, ending up at VGIK.

The girl's first serious role is selfish girl Galya in the film “Mothers and Daughters”.

After graduating from VGIK, Larisa Udovichenko began actively acting.

In cinema, she starred in more than 120 films:

Personal life

It’s not difficult to guess how old Larisa Udovichenko is today. She will turn 63 in 2018. But she doesn't look her age.

Larisa Udovichenko, whose personal life outside the cameras is not so cloudless, was married three times:

  1. First, she tied the knot with director Alexander Pankratov-Bely. This union did not last long. Rumor has it that it was fictitious - Moscow registration was at stake.
  2. For the second time, the actress married the son of a famous composer. Andrey Eshpai, whose personal life did not work out, was very intelligent. This is how he conquered the actress. The couple had no children and eventually separated. The husband was very jealous of Larisa and this became the reason for the divorce.
  3. Larisa's third husband, Gennady Bolgarin, was a musician and entrepreneur. They were destined to live together for 20 years. At the age of 32, Larisa gave birth to a child from a Bulgarian. However, Gennady’s gambling addiction forever ruined their family idyll.

Recently rumors appeared that Larisa Udovichenko left Russia and moved to live in another country. This news was spread by Stas Sadalsky. All these are just rumors, the artist said; in fact, she never left Moscow.

Many care about Larisa Udovichenko. Biography, personal life, where now popular woman interests her fans. She often travels to Europe to visit her daughter Maria and allegedly bought property in Bulgaria.

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