Love horoscope for March Aquarius. Love sphere of life

It is unlikely that in March 2017 there will be a situation from which Aquarius cannot extricate himself. And here it is important to note two points. Firstly, due to the extremely positive location of Saturn and Mercury, your key patrons, there will be a minimum number of conflicts. Secondly, in most cases, circumstances will work out in your favor, which is good news. This, of course, is not a panacea for mistakes, but in this situation, any “jambs” can be corrected quickly and painlessly, you just need to try a little and really want it. In the coming month, motivation will be the defining point on which it makes sense to focus your attention. Both in the work area and in relation to the sphere personal relationships A whole front of possibilities will unfold before you, doors ajar or wide open, but (and this is fair) not every door will be necessary for you. Sometimes a large selection also becomes a problem. In March, the influence of Mars, your main celestial antagonist, combined with the position of the Sun, will not allow you to use all your resources, so you will have to act wisely. Calculate your every step and move forward only when you are confident in yourself, otherwise you will get lost in the maze of everyday problems.

The sphere of work and business in March 2017 is likely to be successful in any case. Another question is how right Aquarius will be in resolving certain issues, how assertive and professional he will be. Now in this direction, in addition to the above-mentioned motivation big role Your innate attentiveness will play a role, which all Aquarians without exception sometimes simply forget about. There is no need to focus on your surroundings, now only your own thoughts, experiences and plans should determine further development your business. If necessary, stop and think, but only in the first ten days of the month. From the dawn of the second decade, you will have to act, constantly increasing activity. If you don't work for yourself, just do what you have to do, without unnecessary conversations. This will free up time and resources to implement your own initiatives. Just keep your mouth shut, be communicative, but not talkative. Mars will easily use this against you, and if you say something that is outright unnecessary, you may end up with long-term problems.

On the “love front” such warnings will be unnecessary. In March 2017, Aquarius can tell his friends and family whatever he wants, and in any case he will be perceived positively. Of course, everything is relative and by “sending” everyone you meet “seriously and for a long time”, you are unlikely to achieve anything. However, right now single Aquarians can start a new relationship that will not only be as productive as possible, that is, allow them to realize their desires, but also long-lasting, perhaps they will connect you and your new passion almost for life. Family Aquarians will be happy because several fundamental events will happen next to them this month. Perhaps a new addition awaits you, and we are not necessarily talking about the birth of a child, because the family can grow in other, no less positive ways. Just don’t get carried away with alcohol! In general, at this stage of life, the stars recommend meeting even the craziest news with a sober mind. Solar negativity, although weak, but supported by the energy of Mars, can ruin all your plans if you are inattentive and not concentrated.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for March 2017 for the zodiac sign Aquarius, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is of a general nature and makes sense only when defining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Aquarius sign: Personal horoscopes for the Aquarius sign:

Aquarius will experience drastic changes in March 2017, even if they themselves avoid any changes at work or in their personal lives.

Ordinary activity or some thoughtlessness should be replaced by cold calculation. Perhaps the previous one is yours life position became the reason for the turbulent current events.

Don't give in to panic and despair, even if you don't know what to do. Calmly think about your further actions and try to find positive aspects in the current situation.

Before this, you were too attached to your familiar workplace, or valued relationships that had not brought pleasure to either you or your partner for a long time. In any case, the changes will be useful for you.

However, in March you should think about all your future actions to avoid repeated mistakes. Try to find benefit in everything.

If Aquarius previously sacrificed his interests for the benefit of others, now is the time to think about personal well-being.

Stop letting others take advantage of you. This applies to both work and personal relationships.

Family life and personal relationships of Aquarius in March 2017

Aquarians can be overwhelmed by emotions associated with personal experiences:

  • you try your best to win your loved one;
  • you are ready to sacrifice yourself for his interests;
  • you rush headlong into the pool without thinking about the consequences;
  • forget about your own interests.

But you should think about whether this relationship is worth such sacrifices on your part.

Remember the proven truth that if you don’t love yourself, others won’t love you either. Aquarius himself deserves to be carried by his partner in his arms.

Take a break from these worries, and everything will be resolved by itself. Aquarians are prone to rash actions, but now it is better to refrain from them. March 2017 is not the best period for stormy relationships and dizzying romances. Even time-tested relationships can bring unpleasant surprises. You should not put them as a priority, take care of work, children, repairs... Anything, but not self-flagellation about failures in your personal life.

You are surrounded by interesting and pleasant people. Spend more time communicating with them. But Aquarius should remember that no one is obliged to support them one hundred percent in all endeavors. Stop dividing the world around you into black and white.

This month a lot will depend on Aquarius. You will be required to perform all job duties assigned to you. If this happens, success in your career is expected, and your bosses will appreciate your efforts. In the future, this will have a positive impact on salaries.

If you decide that many responsibilities can be avoided, they will still haunt you throughout the month. This will take a lot of your time and effort.

March is the month when you should try, so that later with a clear conscience you can devote yourself to rest.

Don't be upset if you have to perform some of your colleagues' responsibilities yourself. This situation will soon change in your favor. But don't forget to show yourself with the best side in front of the authorities.

Now yours leadership abilities can have a positive impact on further career advancement.

Try not to fall for the tricks of your colleagues; some of them may be dissatisfied with your activity and, as a result, will begin to spread gossip about you.

For Aquarius, the main thing is to be self-confident and conscientiously fulfill their duties. There will always be ill-wishers, so don’t take them too seriously. The same can be said about temporary difficulties at work. If you wish, you can easily deal with them.

Sometimes you exaggerate everyday problems, this takes a lot of strength and energy from you.

The financial situation will be stable for Aquarius. Perhaps you will make a long-awaited purchase. Try to rely only on yourself during this period. Avoid dubious projects, don’t run to earn more than usual; March is not the best period for this.

Aquarius health in March 2017

Now Aquarius should pay more attention to their health than usual. Listen to your condition and the recommendations of doctors; do not ignore their instructions.

Possible heart problems and blood clots. Be careful when playing sports and team games. Broken ankles and other lower extremity injuries are possible.

If you previously forgot about maintaining strength and a normal psychological state, it’s time to take a course of vitamins, pay attention to your diet, and do yoga to calm yourself. For Aquarius, this month there is a possibility of depression, which you are prone to in the spring. Don’t give in to your weaknesses, spend more time outside, get enough sleep.

The first month of spring looks promising for the love and love life of Aquarius. In March 2017, the planet of love Venus is located in your house of communications, so those who are sociable and active will benefit. If you're single and looking for opportunities for romance, don't sit still and go somewhere where you might meet someone special. Venus has the support of unpredictable Uranus; luck can smile on you where you least expect it.

For those who already have a loved one, the month provides an opportunity to strengthen relationships. Anything that was difficult to express can be discussed in private.

At the same time, you need to remember that on March 5, 2017, the period of retrograde (reverse) movement of Venus begins. It is important that feelings are sincere and intentions are serious. Otherwise, everything will turn into disappointments and unfulfilled hopes. In addition, retrograde Venus tends to bring back the affairs of bygone days. Perhaps you will meet again ex-lover or even decide to rekindle a broken love relationship in the past.

Another theme of the month is the connection between love and money. The Sun, ruler of your partner's house of Aquarius, is in your house of money until March 20, 2017, so finances are your focus. You may be busy with things related to joint finances or major purchases. The stars advise avoiding interference from family members who poke their nose into your personal life.

Aquarius career and financial horoscope for March 2017

The period is very demanding, but has great potential for success. Aquarius will have opportunities for career advancement and noticeable achievements in the service. This time will highlight your creative talent, you will be able to demonstrate your best qualities in your work.

A good period for new projects, negotiations, trips, presentations of goods and services, and marketing events.

The position of Mars in the fourth house of Aquarius orients you to the practical aspects of life; real estate issues, family business, and working from home will be relevant.

March 2017 is expected to be a very active time financially, because the Sun and Mercury are in the Aquarius money sector. This time promises not only the achievement of professional goals, you can also count on increased income. However, money will not come easily, it will require effort and hard work.


Throughout March, Aquarians are in excellent physical shape and have a positive attitude. However, this is a hectic period and you may experience stress and become more irritable or impatient. There is a predisposition to injury while traveling, so you should be careful.

Keep your sanity when dealing with money!

The coming 2017 will be quite cloudless on a personal level for Aquarius. No special shocks or surprises are expected; representatives of this sign will enjoy harmony and mutual understanding with their loved one most of the year. The issue of psychological adjustment to each other will be relevant. Since Aquarius is a sign for which unity in interests and worldview is very important, it is this aspect of intimacy that most couples will work on. The stars recommend planning dramatic changes in your personal life, a wedding or a move, for the first half of the year.

The beginning of the year will be marked by receiving an anonymous declaration of love, mysterious signs of attention from a stranger. Towards the end of the month, Aquarius will find out who it is. It is also likely that some kind of disclosure new information about a loved one. But don’t worry in advance, he doesn’t hide anything that could harm the Aquarius relationship. In the second half of the month, conflict with friends can negatively affect the atmosphere in a couple. The first half of February is a good time for making new acquaintances and short trips around the country. This is how single Aquarians can find love. Towards the middle of the month, you should beware of quarrels with your loved one due to differences of opinion, political and religious topics. It is better to postpone foreign travel.

March 2017 will be remembered for an unexpected, but extremely pleasant gift from a loved one, or financial assistance. Lonely representatives of the sign can be presented with a gift by one of the rich strangers, which will begin their flirtation. Closer to the middle of the month, Aquarius should be more careful in communicating with their loved one; there is a chance that some careless word could hurt him. The stars advise you to be more careful with your wording and to be less categorical than usual. At the beginning of April, mutual understanding will completely improve; Aquarians and their significant other will understand each other almost perfectly. Towards the end of the month, past lovers or intimate partners may return to the lives of some representatives of the sign. It is possible that the reason for returning will be some issues related to money. At the beginning of May, Aquarius may be tempted to use their personal charm to achieve some selfish goals related to self-realization. But the stars advise you to be careful; now it will not be possible to correctly calculate all the consequences of such actions. In the second half of the month, passionate flirting with a new person is possible, whom Aquarius will meet in public, in a cafe, at an exhibition, etc.

According to the love horoscope for 2017 for the Aquarius zodiac sign, the first month of summer will begin with a promising acquaintance at work, which can turn into a romance closer to July. Aquarians will become more sociable and open than usual, which will have a positive impact on their personal lives. For those who have already found their soulmate, the stars promise a romantic trip abroad. Towards the middle of the month, you should beware of your partner's jealousy towards friends. Aquarius should pay more attention to him now. In July, the loved one of the representatives of this sign will provide them with valuable assistance in work matters. Thanks to her, they will be able to realize their long-standing dream of self-realization. In the second half of the month, you should not trust gossip about your partner that may come from friends. August will be remembered by Aquarius as one of the happiest months of the year on a personal level. Your loved one will be more attentive and passionate at this time, the stars promise. Spend more time communicating with each other, discussing a variety of topics, now this can bring you closer than ever.

At the beginning of autumn, sensuality will come to the fore. Aquarians will feel a surge of passion for their loved one and may want to somehow diversify their intimacy. Some past partners may return to the lives of representatives of this sign in September. Towards the end of the month, you should be more careful when discussing financial issues, this is fraught with conflicts. October is a good time for making important decisions in your personal life, especially those related to home and family. The middle of the month may bring some kind of sensual temptation into the life of Aquarius, which they will want to hide from their partner. Love horoscope 2017 advises them to be careful. November will pass in a fairly calm atmosphere. A flash of sympathy for a stranger or short-term platonic love is possible. December may begin with a conflict regarding financial issues. But with the intimate side of the relationship, everything will be excellent; Aquarians will reveal new facets of their sensuality with their partner. Don’t be shy about crossing some old taboos; now this can be a useful experience for both.

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There are two main points in March. Firstly, under the influence of Mercury, Aquarians will be able to get rid of all conflicts and negative aspects in personal relationships. Secondly, luck will be on your side, so you can always find a way out no matter the situation.

In March, motivation and initiative take on a special meaning, both in the sphere of personal relationships and career. In general, throughout the month, you will have many opportunities in all areas of life. From time to time, such a wide choice can become a problem.

In March, you need to calculate every step you take, and not act if you are not sure of success.

Career horoscope for March 2017 for Aquarius

The sphere of work and business promises to be successful no matter where and who you work for. On the other hand, success will largely depend on how persistent and professional you are in your work. Attentiveness and motivation will play a big role.

If you work for yourself, in March you should not listen to the opinions of others. Only your own thoughts, experiences and plans. The first half of the month is better suited for thinking and making plans, and the second half for active action. Success in business can give you a boost of vigor and strength for new achievements.

If you are employed, do what is asked of you without any unnecessary discussions. In March, it is especially important to keep your mouth shut, otherwise you risk speaking too much and incurring the wrath of management.

Lucky days are 20, 23, if you don’t have a job, use these days to send out your resume and do interviews.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Aquarius

In the sphere of personal relationships, on the contrary, you can be direct and say what you think. Within the bounds of decency, of course.

If you are alone, the horoscope predicts a meeting that can change your status in this area for a long time. This love can last the rest of your life.

If you have a loved one, there is a possibility of some fundamental changes. This may be the birth of a child or marriage. In general, the first month of spring will be especially romantic and full of unexpected surprises and wonderful gifts.

In relationships with friends, there is a possibility of quarrels and disagreements; fortunately, everything will end quickly and you can continue communicating as before.

Lucky days - 5, 8, 10, 17, 23, 27, 29 if you are single, use these days for romantic meetings and acquaintances.

Health horoscope for March 2017 Aquarius

March 2017 does not predict any health problems. The horoscope recommends finding time for exercise, even after a short period, you will notice how the features of your figure change for the better.

The best days to play sports are 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 26, 28, 29

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