Monarda dwarf. Monard garden flowers are a decoration of the landscape. Dressing for cabbage soup, borscht

Plant monarda (lat. Monarda) represents a genus of perennial and annual herbs of the Lamiaceae or Lamiaceae family, which includes about 20 species native to North America where they grow from Canada to Mexico. The monard flower was named by Carl Linnaeus in honor of Nicolas Monardes, a Spanish physician and botanist who published a book describing the plants of America in 1574. Monardes himself called the Monarda a Virginian spiritual soul or a Canadian origan. In Europe, monarda began to be grown as an essential oil crop, and to XIX century it has become widely known throughout the world under the names of bergamot, lemon balm or American lemon balm.

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Planting and caring for the monarda (in short)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in the ground - in the snow in February or autumn, immediately after collecting the seeds.
  • Bloom: from July to the end of September.
  • Lighting: bright sun or partial shade.
  • The soil: light calcareous soils.
  • Watering: frequent but moderate, in dry weather daily and copious.
  • Top dressing: from mid-May to early autumn, once every two weeks with liquid mullein (1:10) or complex mineral fertilizers.
  • Reproduction: cuttings or dividing bushes that have reached the age of three or four. By seed method, only the species monarda can be propagated.
  • Pests: aphids or weevils.
  • Diseases: powdery mildew, rust, tobacco mosaic virus.

Read more about growing monarda below.

Monard flower - description

So, bergamot monarda is a perennial or annual rhizomatous plant with straight or branched stems up to one and a half meters high, with oblong-lanceolate straight serrated and often fragrant leaves, as well as small, fragrant two-lipped flowers of white, purple, red, yellowish color. , sometimes even speckled, collected in dense capitate or racemose inflorescences up to 6-7 cm in diameter, which are most often located one above the other on the stem. The fruit of the monarda is a nut, the seeds ripening in it remain viable for three years. Monarda is grown in one area for 5-7 years. Monarda attracts not only the color of flowers, but also amazing aromas. It is used as a spice in cooking, added to tea, and it is also good as a honey plant.

Growing monarda from seeds

Monarda sowing

In the southern regions, monarda seeds are sown directly into the ground on the fine days of February, where they undergo natural stratification for two cold months, as a result of which friendly strong seedlings appear already in April, which will only be thinned out. If there is snow on the site, remove it, cover the area with a film so that the earth warms up, then loosen the soil by adding a little sand to the top layer and, mixing the seeds with sand in a ratio of 1: 4, sow them. From above, the seeds are also slightly covered with sand. The depth of planting should be no more than 2.5 cm. It is possible to sow in the ground in the fall, immediately after collecting the seeds, and in the spring only shoot the seedlings, then in a year the grown and strengthened bushes will bloom. Monarda rises very slowly.

Monarda seedlings

However, most often the monarda is grown in seedlings. In order to get seedlings of monarda by spring, they are sown in January or February in boxes with soil for vegetable crops, covering the seeds by 2-2.5 cm, and placed in a greenhouse, maintaining the temperature under the film at least 20 ºC. Shoots appear in three weeks, and after another three weeks, the seedlings dive into containers according to the 3x3 or 4x4 scheme in order to increase the feeding area for them.

Landing monarda

When to plant Monarda

Planting and caring for a monard in the open field are not difficult. Monarda prefers to grow in a sunny place protected from the wind, although it also feels good in partial shade. It is not picky about soils, but grows best on light, calcareous soils, and Monarda does not develop well in damp and acidic soil. It is best to plant a monarda in the spring, but the site for it is prepared in the fall: they dig it up, clearing weeds, and adding 2-3 kg of peat, manure or compost for each m², 20-30 g of potassium salt, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 40 g of lime. In the spring, before planting, 20-30 g of nitrogen fertilizer is applied to the soil for each m².

How to plant a monarda

Two months after the emergence of shoots, when they have three pairs of leaves, the seedlings are planted on a prepared site at a distance of at least 60 cm from each other. Monarda planting ends with abundant watering. Seedlings tolerate light spring frosts down to -5 ºC painlessly. Monarda blooms from seeds usually only after a year, but with the seedling method, the most developed specimens can bloom already in the current year.

Monarda care in the garden

How to care for a Monarda

Monarda needs frequent but moderate watering, especially during the hot season, otherwise there is a danger of powdery mildew disease of the plant. During the peak of the heat, daily watering may be necessary. In addition, in hot and dry summers, it is necessary to mulch the area with monarda with leaf humus or peat. Loosen the soil around the monarda bushes regularly and remove weeds. Growing monarda also provides for feeding the plant with granulated Kemira or Agricola every two weeks from mid-May to early autumn. Monarda also responds well to organic matter, for example, to mullein diluted in a ratio of 1:10. For preventive purposes, in the spring and autumn, the monarda is treated with foundationazole and copper sulphate.

Monarda breeding

Since varietal characteristics are not preserved when growing monarda from seeds, it is most reliable to propagate varietal and species monarda by dividing three to four-year-old bushes. It is better to do this in April, when the soil warms up well, or in early autumn. The bush is dug up, the roots are cleaned from the ground under running water, divided into approximately equal parts, the cuts are processed with crushed coal and the delenki are planted in the holes prepared in advance. Be prepared for the fact that you will often have to deal with transplanting with dividing the bush, because literally in two or three years the delenki planted by you will grow up to a meter in diameter.

Monarda is also propagated with the help of cuttings 8-10 cm long, which are cut from green shoots before flowering. The lower leaves are removed from the cuttings, the upper ones are shortened by a third. Then the cuttings are planted in a box with wet coarse-grained river sand, covered with agril on top and placed in a dark place. Rooting usually occurs within two to three weeks. In the second half of summer, the cuttings are planted in a permanent place.

Pests and diseases of Monarda

Monarda is a plant resistant to any troubles, but with a chronic lack of water, it can get sick with powdery mildew. To avoid this, strictly observe the irrigation regime and be sure to mulch the soil in the area so that moisture does not evaporate from the soil so quickly. Sometimes a monarda becomes infected with a tobacco mosaic virus or rust, a weevil can settle on it, however, a developed and well-groomed monarda does not get sick, pests are repelled by the aroma of the monarda and the content of essential oils in its roots.

Monarda after flowering

How and when to collect monarda seeds

Monarda seeds ripen in nuts in late August or early September. If you have a desire to do breeding work, you can collect them and immediately sow or grow seedlings that can be planted in the ground in the spring. And you can save the seeds in order to sow in a year or two, since the germination period of monarda seeds at proper storage three years. We remind you that the seeds of the varietal monarda do not retain their parental properties; only species plants are grown in a generative way.

Preparing Monarda for winter

If you do not need monarda seeds, leave the fruits on the bushes - in the fall they will be very useful to hungry birds. The remains of annual species of monards are disposed of, and the site is prepared for a crop that will be grown in next year. Monarda is a perennial winter-hardy, it can withstand frosts down to -25 ºC, but if you are afraid that the winter will not only be cold, but also snowless, insulate the area with a thick layer of mulch or cover it with spruce branches.

Types and varieties of Monarda

The annual species of monarda grown in culture include:

Monarda lemon, or citrus (Monarda citriodora)

- the only annual plant in the genus with a height of 15 to 95 cm with lanceolate leaves and inflorescences of 5-7 whorls with small light or dark lilac flowers, the leaves, flowers and stems of which contain an essential oil with the same components as basil, lemon balm and mint, and this allows the use of lemon monard not only as an ornamental, but also as a spice plant;

Monarda hybrid Lambada (Monarda lambada)

bred in the Netherlands from crossing several species of the Citriodora group, the young leaves of which, like those of the citrus monarda, are distinguished by a strong lemon aroma;

Monarda point (Monarda punctata)

or horse mint , grown mostly not for the flowers, but for the beautiful, bright, salmon-colored leaves that surround the inflorescences. The plant reaches a height of 80 cm.

The perennial monarda is represented in culture by the following species:

Monarda double (Monarda didyma)

growing wild in the Great Lakes region. This is a herbaceous perennial, reaching a height of 80 cm, with a horizontal expanding rhizome and with four-sided, leafy, erect stems. Its leaves are opposite, short-petiolate, oval, serrated, pointed at the end, pubescent, green, up to 12 cm long, with reddish stipules. The flowers are small, purple or lilac, collected in dense terminal capitate inflorescences up to 6 cm in diameter. Large leaf-shaped bracts of almost the same shade as the flowers. In culture since 1656.

Monarda fistulose, or tubular (Monarda fistulosa)

grows naturally in the forests of eastern North America, in Europe it is grown mostly as an aromatic plant. It is a perennial with numerous stems, reaching a height of 65 to 120 cm, with simple toothed leaves, pubescent with fine hairs. The flowers of the monarda fistula are lilac, small, connected in false whorls surrounded by reddish stipules and collected in spherical capitate inflorescences. Each peduncle bears from five to nine inflorescences with a diameter of 5 to 7 cm. This species has been cultivated since 1637. There is a dwarf form of monarda fistula Victoria, bred in Russia.

Monarda hybrid (Monarda x hybrida)

combines forms and varieties bred in Germany, Great Britain and the USA with the participation of the monarda double and the monarda fistula. These are plants up to 100 cm high with flowers of various colors, for example:

  • violet-purple: Blaustrumpf, Blue Stocking;
  • purple: Fishey, Zinta-Zinta, Pony;
  • purple: Sunset, Prairie Glow, Cardinal;
  • red: Petit Delight, Cambridge Scarlett, Balance, Adam, Squaw, Mahogeny;
  • pink: Crately Pink, Croftway Pink, Rose Queen;
  • white: Snow Maiden, Snow White, Schneewitchen;
  • burgundy: Prairienaht, Burgundy Moldova;
  • lavender: Elsise Lavende.

Variety population Panorama is a plant with variously colored flowers - purple, white, burgundy, pink, scarlet and crimson.

Monarda properties

The healing properties of Monarda

Monarda parts contain a very high content of essential oils, vitamins C, B1 and B2 and other biologically active elements, which allows it to be widely used in homeopathy. The most valuable product from monarda is essential oil, which has a broad spectrum bactericidal action, as well as reproductive, anti-stress, anti-anemic and antioxidant properties. Regular use of oil allows you to clear the aorta from atherosclerotic plaques, treats radiation sickness, flu and colds, strengthens the immune system and supports the body after chemotherapy. The use of monarda is shown for otitis, cystitis, sinusitis, pneumonia and digestive disorders. Monarda helps with diseases of the oral cavity, headaches, relieves foot and nail fungus. The plant is also in demand in cosmetology - it is included in creams for mature skin and in preparations for the care of oily and acne-prone skin.

Perennials Herbaceous Flowering Annuals Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae) Plants per M
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Variety of forms garden plants allows you to create unusual compositions. Some representatives of the flora are not yet fully known and are only gaining popularity. Monarda flowers are representatives of ornamental plants of the mint family, Lamiaceae. This endemic genus is distributed throughout North America. Popularly, the Monard flower is also known as "bee balm", "mountain mint", Oregon tea and bergamot (because of the smell of the leaves, which is very reminiscent of it).

The genus got its name in honor of the Spanish botanist Nicolas Monardes, who first mentioned the flower in his book in 1574, describing the plants of the New World. When properly grown, these garden flowers are a real decoration of the landscape in the suburban area near the house. In our article we will talk about planting a perennial monarda, and also tell you how to care for a monarda.

Monarda: types and varieties

In the genus Monarda (Monarda) there are about 15 species, among which there are annual and perennial herbaceous plants. The following species, varieties and varieties of monarda are most common in horticultural culture:

Monarda fistulate (M.fistulosa), wild bergamot is a tall plant (up to 1.2 m in height) with smoky lilac-pink flowers.

Monarda double (M. didyma), bee bergamot, red bergamot - a plant reaching 90 cm in height, with bright red flowers.

Monarda lemon-smelling (M.citriodora), Monarda comb (M. pectinata) - both plants with pale lilac flowers and not as abundantly blooming as the previous species. Both plants are colloquially referred to as lemon balm.

Monarda promiscuous (M.bradburyana), oriental bee balm is a charming plant with white and lilac flowers.

Monarda speckled (M.punctata) - frost-resistant (from climatic zone 3) and an unusual plant with yellow flowers, which are decorated with lilac specks.

Growing monarda from seeds

Sowing monarda seeds for seedlings can be started in early April or sown directly into the soil as soon as the soil is ready.

A container with Monarda crops is placed in a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. The result is obvious - the seeds of the Monarda sprout quickly and amicably, the germination of the seeds of the Monarda is very good.

Monarda seedlings are planted in a permanent place in late May - early June after the threat of frost according to the scheme, observing the distance between plants of 30 x 35 centimeters. This distance is quite enough for the normal growth, nutrition and flowering of the monarda. Monarda grows well in open, wind-protected areas with non-acidic soils. It is cold hardy and drought tolerant. Monarda blooms in July - August. By planting a monarda next to a lemon balm, create a real paradise for bees.

Propagation of Monarda by cuttings

In this way, it is also possible to propagate varietal monarda bushes.

  • Harvesting of cuttings is carried out before flowering, green cuttings are used for this.
  • It is necessary to cut the cuttings 8-10 cm long.
  • Remove all lower leaves and cut off the top of the cuttings.
  • Prepared cuttings can be placed in a container with a rooting solution for a while.
  • Next, prepare a container with soil and plant cuttings in it.
  • It is important to cover the container with a dark covering material and place it in a dark room.
  • Rooting takes place in about 2-3 weeks.
  • Around July or August, cuttings can be planted in a permanent place.

Monard care

Monarda care is no different from caring for other garden perennials of the so-called group of unpretentious generalists. In fact, it comes down to rare watering, top dressing and pruning before wintering.

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This plant will need watering only when the drought coincides with the flowering period of the monarda in July and August. If the amount of natural precipitation is insufficient, all plants in flower beds and in decorative compositions suffer from a lack of moisture, then the monarda will not refuse deep maintenance watering. Soak the soil with water to a depth of about 20-30 cm. The monard is not afraid of drought in the rest of the year, and it will not die from it during flowering. But the absence of compensatory watering will necessarily affect the beauty of the inflorescences, and the lack of comfortable humidity will reduce the resistance of the monarda to powdery mildew.

In order for the duration of flowering to be longer, you can treat the monarda with a preparation specially designed for this. Most often, for such purposes, the compositions "Orgamine", "Energy", "Ideal", "Color", "Minration", etc. are used.

Diseases and pests of Monarda

The main enemy of the Monarda is powdery mildew. May appear on the plant if it is planted very densely. For prevention, thin out the flower garden more often and maintain the required soil moisture in drought.

Growing a monarda is not very difficult. By doing these simple rules, get a lush and long flowering plant.

Monarda in landscape design

Garden bergamot is a member of the Yasnotkov family. Its distribution began in North America. In Europe, Monarda was used as an antiseptic, then it began to be grown as a medicinal herb.

The appearance of this herb is a small shrub with serrated leaves. green color. Inflorescences resemble many-legged insects due to visually sharp growths on the petals. The perennial grass blooms from mid-summer to the end, and the green leaves remain from early spring to late autumn, which is characterized by slight frosts.

There are several varieties of monarda, each of them is characterized by a certain color. Red monarda, pink, various shades of purple and white are found in nature. The stems sometimes reach a length of 1 meter or more.

The fragrant and bright flower is widely used in landscape decoration. It can be found in a private garden or on huge decorative flower beds. Often planted separately from other plants, because it is self-sufficient and densely flowering. Harmoniously combine it different kinds by color scheme. But less often you can meet the monarda in conjunction with other types of cultivated plants.

The combinations in the flower bed are usually quite unusual: a tall bush of garden bergamot is planted next to dwarf flowers. With all kinds of monarda, it gets along well in one flower bed.

Against the background of the greenery of climbing beans and other weaving crops, bergamot flowers stand out and set off favorably. The decorative look of the plant is also used in the design of beds in a rustic style: they are combined with cereals and other perennial flowering crops.

As you can see, planting a monarda and caring for these flowers is not too different from growing other perennials that grow in our flower beds and front gardens.

Monarda is one of the herbaceous plants, healing properties which were known in antiquity. The flower is often used as medicinal product, and also added to food in the form of spices. Monarda emigrated to our country in the 19th century, and long time had a decorative purpose. Today, the plant is widely used to treat various ailments, strengthen immunity, and solve cosmetic problems. Let's get to know a useful plant closer.

Description, history, varieties

The flower belongs to the Lamiaceae family, grows in fields and meadows. The wide popularity and name of the plant was given by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus. Monarda was named after Nicholas Monardes, who wrote a work on the new flowers and plants of America back in the 16th century.

Monarda has the following appearance: straight stems, lanceolate-shaped leaves of light green color, basket-shaped inflorescences, flowers are presented in the form of funnel-shaped tubes, can be painted in various shades of lilac. The plant bears fruit in the form of dry nuts.

Today, there are about 20 varieties of plants, among which are both perennial and annual flowers. The most popular are the following:

  • double monarda- common in America, Asia, Europe. It is a perennial plant type;
  • monarda fissile- has a special pronounced aroma of citrus fruits. The flower is not only decorative, but also medicinal;
  • lemon monarda- also has a pronounced citrus aroma, which is reflected in the name of the plant. It blooms well in lighted places;
  • Monarda pygmy- in most cases it is used for the production of spices.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

The plant is a real storehouse of useful substances, it contains healing essential oils, biologically active compounds, groups of vitamins. Thanks to this, the flower has a wide list of useful properties:

  • bactericidal action;
  • antiviral effect;
  • immunomodulatory effect;
  • antioxidant properties;
  • anti-sclerotic agent;
  • antispasmodic effect;
  • radioprotective effect;
  • eliminates the oppressed emotional state, helps to fight depression;
  • anticarcinogenic agent.

Depending on the purpose, Monarda can be used in dry form, in the form of a decoction, in the form of an essential oil. Monarda oil is a remedy that can fight radiation sickness and protect the body from radiation effects. The use of the plant also helps people recover from chemotherapy after chemotherapy.

Application areas of the flower

In most cases, the plant is used to treat respiratory diseases. Monarda has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates the symptoms of the disease, accelerates recovery. In this case, the treatment occurs through inhalation or aromatherapy.

The flower accelerates the regeneration processes in the body, due to which it is used for burns, ulcers and fractures. Wounds should be washed with drops of oil, compresses are applied to fractures.

Monarda is widely known as an anthelmintic. Spread oil on the stomach and rub well. This will get rid of the worms. The plant will also be effective in the fight against foot fungus.

Other use:

  • mouthwash for the treatment of inflammatory processes;
  • elimination of eating disorders;
  • treatment of abscesses;
  • eye wash;
  • elimination of inflammation in gynecological ailments;
  • elimination of bacterial diseases of the legs;
  • with pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • anemia;
  • to eliminate the syndrome chronic fatigue- an excellent tonic, allows you to restore vigor and strength.

A flower can also be useful in everyday matters. A solution of plant oil with water can effectively fight mold, a common problem in residential areas with high humidity.

The flower was also widely used in cosmetology. It has been scientifically proven that Monarda slows down the aging process and rejuvenates the cells of the body. In this connection, the flower has become a frequent ingredient in masks, creams and tonics. The oil can be used for whole body care. It is often applied during massage.

Monarda is effective in dealing with problem skin. The use of the plant allows you to eliminate acne, acne, narrow pores and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.


The flower has a lot of useful properties and is safe. However, as with other types of herbs, care must be taken with the dosage of monarda and how it is used. Large doses may cause side effects. It is not recommended to use women in position, since the effect of the herb on the body of the expectant mother has not yet been fully studied. Do not give weed to young children.

Healthy Recipes

In cooking, the herb is most often used in dry form. It is added as an ingredient for pickles and preservation, used as greens for salads, added to teas. To prepare a hot drink, you need to chop the inflorescences and leaves of the plant, add lemon and, pour boiling water and let it brew for about 20 minutes.

Monarda can be used as a dressing for first courses. Leaves, stems and even inflorescences of a plant are suitable for this. The flower can also be used dry.

The plant will fit well into the recipe for light salads. For example, spring salad: lemon mint branches with leaves, green onions, sour cream, boiled eggs, monarda leaves. The ingredients are crushed and mixed together. Monarda, along with green onions, is sprinkled on top.

In the summer, a buttermilk cocktail will be a healthy and extremely tasty cocktail. To do this, dilute 4 cups of buttermilk with one glass of water, add a tablespoon of chopped herbs, you can add vanillin to taste. Shake the contents and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Medical applications - simple recipes

  • from foot fungus - apply plant oil to a cotton swab and make a compress in the affected area. Wash off after an hour;
  • for wound healing - pour 100 g of chopped grass with boiling water, let it brew, strain. Lubricate areas near wounds with liquid. Boiled gruel should not be thrown away, it can be applied to a bandage and applied to the wound;
  • to relieve stress - pour a tablespoon of grass with a glass of boiling water, let it brew, take a spoonful before meals;
  • from a cold - pour the crushed flowers and leaves of the plant with boiling water and inhale;
  • from problem skin - dilute 15 drops of oil in 500 mg of warm water and wipe your face.

We have reviewed beneficial features and contraindications of Monarda, and finally - Interesting Facts about the plant:

  • monarda and have similar smells, so they are often confused with each other. Although outwardly the flowers are not similar;
  • monarda was often used in Indian tribes. Teas were brewed from it and added to food. The Indians noticed its positive effect on the body and actively used it in cooking;
  • monarda has a lot of names - lemon mint, odorous balm, Indian feather, Oswego tea, American lemon balm;
  • the root crop of the plant releases an essential oil, which repels underground pests. Therefore, the plant is often planted in their gardens and orchards near other crops.

A variety of forms of garden plants allows you to create unusual compositions. Some representatives of the flora are not yet fully known and are only gaining popularity.

Monarda flowers are representatives of ornamental plants of the mint family, Lamiaceae. This endemic genus is distributed throughout North America.

Popularly, the Monard flower is also known as "bee balm", "mountain mint", Oregon tea and bergamot (because of the smell of the leaves, which is very reminiscent of it).

The genus got its name in honor of the Spanish botanist Nicolas Monardes, who first mentioned the flower in his book in 1574, describing the plants of the New World.

When properly grown, these garden flowers are a real decoration of the landscape in the suburban area near the house.

Description of the monard plant and its photo

Monarda species include annual and perennial herbaceous plants. They grow up in good conditions up to one meter. They have thin, lanceolate leaves oppositely located on the stem - they can be naked or slightly hairy, while reaching a length of 14 centimeters.

Monarda flowers are tubular and bilaterally symmetrical: the upper one is narrow, and the lower one is slightly wider. Wild flowers are solitary, but on some cultural forms they may have double flowers. They are hermaphrodites, as they have elements of both male and female structures in each flower. There are two stamens.

The inflorescences of the plant appear at the top of the stem or when emerging from the axil. They tend to look like clusters of flowers with foliage and bracts.

The shade of the monarda flower varies depending on the species and location - it can be red, pink or light purple, sometimes combining all these facets: the monarda didum has bright red flowers, the monarda fistulos is pink, and the monarda lemongrass and spruce are pale - purple petals.

Seeds collected from hybrid plants are no worse than those collected from the mother flower. The following are photos of the Monarda plant, which illustrate the richness of varieties and shades:

Growing monarda: planting and subsequent care of the plant

The plant grows best in moist but well-drained limestone soil. She will not be able to survive in heavy and swampy areas.

And if you have poor soil, then you can’t do without additional fertilizing with fertilizers - and this should not be a one-time action, but a carefully selected complex.

Growing monarda requires proper fit and subsequent care of the plant. How to do it right is described below.

Plants that bloom in partial shade spread horizontally and produce much fewer flowers. It is also very important to protect the bush, especially the young one, from the wind - otherwise the branches will break, bend, and look very, very untidy.

It is planted in borders and flower beds to attract hummingbirds and various pollinating insects that control garden pests.

Among all varieties, perennials are most often found, in which the aerial part dies off at the beginning of winter, and in spring it is restored again.

The place where the monarda will be planted should be started in the fall - dig up, clear of weeds, add peat or compost, as well as potassium salts and superphosphate. Definitely limestone if your soil is acidic. In the spring, supplement the complex with nitrogen fertilizers.

For normal growth and development, it is necessary that the monrada flowers receive the entire fertilizer complex in equal amounts, therefore, it is necessary not only to evenly distribute the fertilizers themselves, but also to evenly place the bushes on the flower garden - the distance between the beds should be at least 50 centimeters. Between the bushes themselves in a row, a distance must also be observed.

Monarda care requires maintaining an optimal level of moisture in the soil. Do not forget to water the plant, especially in dry weather - otherwise powdery mildew will begin to appear on the bushes.

By the way, if you notice a similar phenomenon on your bush, this may mean that the place is either very dry or you overdid it with fertilizers.

It is also necessary to divide the bush at least once every 3-4 years - this will not only strengthen the plant, but also allow it to prolong its life and improve its appearance.

Monarda reproduction: seedlings from seeds and planting in the ground

Monarda seeds do not require additional time and additional procedures - they are sown immediately in open ground in May.

The sowing depth is no more than two centimeters, but it is also not recommended to sow them too high.

If you are afraid that you will not be able to distribute a small amount of seeds evenly over the entire surface - a good way out is to distribute them along the flower garden along with sand.

The first shoots will grow very slowly, so you should not worry about this. And you should take care that the temperature does not fall below 20 degrees - you can put it in a greenhouse or hotbed, or solve this problem in other known ways.

Propagation of monarda by seeds is the most convenient and fast way. By the beginning of the spring season, with proper cultivation of seedlings, you can already get flowering plants in containers.

Thus, growing monarda from seeds with seedlings and planting strengthened bushes in the ground, we get an excellent early flowering decoration for the landscape.

Weeds in the garden can easily ruin still young and fragile sprouts - which is why they need to be weeded regularly. After they get a little stronger, the plants can begin to be seated - for a start, 10 centimeters, then the distance increases to 20.

It is possible to grow seedlings from seeds, which are then also planted in open ground after the first frosts have passed.

By the way, in this case, the time for planting seeds changes slightly - if you are going to plant seedlings, then the seeds need to be planted in March (but not earlier). The distance between seedlings should be at least 30 centimeters.

During planting, do not forget to water the plant - this is very, very important for a fragile sprout. Landing in the ground is possible after the return frosts have passed.

If you have chosen as a way to reproduce the monarda by dividing the bush, then you need to choose a mother plant already during flowering, and it must be healthy.

In this case, the future bush will retain its picturesque color, and you will get the first harvest in the first year. When the bush begins to germinate - in the spring - it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers.

The most beautiful and popular varieties of Monarda and their photos

A large number of hybrids grow in the wild and are now quite common when grown in the garden.

There are over 50 commercial, hybrid cultivars of Monarda. The shades of their petals can vary from red and bluish lilac to several shades of pink. As a rule, they are not as reliable and strong as other types.

Some hybrids are specifically designed to produce essential oils for fragrances or medicine.

The crushed leaves of all varieties of the plant are used to create a fragrant essential oil. The highest concentration of oil is found in Monarda didum.

But Monarda fistulosa has been used for a long time as a medicinal plant many Native Americans are the Blackfoot, Menominee, Ojibwa, and Winnebago tribes. It is used as an antiseptic, applied to skin infections and wounds.

The North American Indians used the plant to relieve stomach pains and bronchial ailments.

Also, a decoction of herbs is used by them to treat oral problems.

Monarda double flower - aromatic herb

Monarda double is an aromatic herb of the Lamiaceae family. They are native to eastern North America, from Maine in the west to Ontario to Minnesota, and north to south Georgia.

Its smell is very similar to that of orange bergamot. It is an herb with a fragrance that allows you to relax and calm down.

It is a hardy perennial plant from 70 centimeters to 1.5 meters tall with cross-sectioned stems.

The leaves are opposite on the area of ​​the stem. They are 15 centimeters long and 8 centimeters wide. Many note their unusual shade - dark green with reddish veins and rough jagged edges. Usually the leaves are bare or with sparse hairs.

Flowers are tubular, 3-4 centimeters long, forming a head of about 30 representatives.

The result is an inflorescence with reddish bracts. It grows in dense clusters near streams, thickets and ditches and blooms from mid to late summer. It has a dry fruit that splits into 4 nuts.

This variety is grown as an ornamental plant, both in its natural range and beyond. It has naturalized beyond its borders, moving further west into the US and also into parts of Europe and Asia.

The plant grows best in full sun, but tolerates light shade and will thrive in any moist but well-drained soil. As well as other representatives of the genus, it has long been used as a medicine.

Look at the double monarda flower in the photo, which illustrate its attractiveness:

Monarda lemon with purple flowers

Monarda lemon is a member of the Lamiaceae family. The species is considered native to most of the United States and Mexico.

When crushed, the leaves of the Monarda emit an odor that is very similar to the aroma of lemon - hence the name of the variety. Sometimes this smell is also described as reminiscent of oregano (especially at the end of the season).

Purple flowers of lemon monard will constantly attract butterflies, bees and hummingbirds, which, by the way, help him with pollination.

It can tolerate dry soil, but it does require low levels of moisture and full sun. Several stems grow from the base and are lined with a pair of spear-shaped leaves. It grows rapidly during the spring, reaching a height of one meter.

White, pink and purple flowers appear and delight the eye from May to July. The plant dies with the first frost, and its seeds can germinate and grow next year.

Monarda fistulum or wild bergamot

Monarda fistulate or tubular monarda belongs to the mint family. It is a wild flower and is found in abundance throughout much of North America.

It is a plant with showy summer blooming white flowers that are used as a honey plant, ornamental plant and is also used for medical purposes.

It grows from slender creeping rhizomes, which eventually occur in the form of large lumps. Plants tend to grow up to 90 centimeters with few erect branches.

Leaves five centimeters long are made in the form of a spear with jagged edges. Each cluster is four centimeters long with 40-50 flowers inside them.

Wild bergamot (popularly known as this variety) often grows in rich soil in arid areas, thickets, clearings (usually on limestone soil). The bush blooms from June to September.

Monarda fistulum is distributed from Quebec to the Northwest Territories and to British Columbia, south to Georgia, as well as the state of Texas, Arizona, Idaho and Washington. The bush is known for its aroma and is the source of oil for thyme.

Of the 20 species of the Lamiaceae family (Lyasnotkovye) annual and perennial herbs, which trace their ancestry from the North American continent and are widespread from Mexico to Canada, the Monarda plant attracts attention. Carl Linnaeus in the name of the flower immortalized the name of the Spaniard Nicolas Monardes, who devoted his life to medicine and botany, and in 1574 published a book about the plants of America.

In his book, Monardes mentioned another name for the monarda: the plant was then known as the soul mate virgin or Canadian oregano. Once in the territory of the Old World, Monarda attracted attention primarily as an essential oil plant and since the 19th century has become better known as bergamot, American lemon balm or lemon mint.

Description of Monarda

Perennial and annual monarda belongs to rhizomatous plants. Its branched or straight stems rise to a height of up to 1.5 meters. Monarda leaves are fragrant, have an oblong-lanceolate shape with a straight or serrated edge. Rather small, with a pleasant smell, two-lipped flowers are collected in dense, up to 7 cm in diameter, inflorescences of a racemose or capitate type. White, yellow, red, speckled flowers are located one above the other along the entire length of the stem. The fruit of the monarda is a nutlet, inside of which there are seeds.

Ripening, the seeds do not lose their germination for 3 years. You can use one site for planting a plant up to 7 years. Monarda is valued not only for the attractive shade of the flower, but also for its unique aroma, which has found its use in cooking as a spice and as an additive to tea. Its qualities of a honey plant are undeniable.

How to plant a monard with seeds in the ground

Sowing monarda in spring

If the monarda is cultivated in the southern regions, then its seeds are sown directly into the ground. Do this in February, choosing a sunny warm day. The next couple of months, still cool, will encourage natural seed stratification. And only in the month of April can we expect the appearance of strong and friendly shoots, which after a while should be thinned out.

If at the time of sowing there is a snow cover on the ground, a piece of land should be cleared and covered with a film. The ground under the film will warm up well and will be ready for loosening. Before laying seeds in it, the topsoil is mixed with sand. Seeds are sown to a depth not exceeding 2.5 cm. It is better to sprinkle the seeds on top with sand, not soil.

Sowing monarda before winter

Many practice autumn monards after the seeds have been collected. It is necessary to wait for a cold snap, with night frosts up to 5 ° C. Each region has its own climate, but around winter it can be sown already at the end of October, when there is no risk of seed germination in warm weather.

The bed is prepared in advance so that the earth settles and grooves are made at a distance of 20-25 cm. They are also sown as rarely as possible and not deep, up to 2.5 cm.

With the advent of spring, the grown seedlings dive to get beautiful and strong bushes. It should be noted that the flower rises slowly.

Growing monarda from seeds for seedlings at home

Monardas prefer this method of growing first of all.

  • In order for the seedlings to be ready by April, they begin to sow it in January. To do this, use boxes or containers with drainage, into which special soil is poured for growing flowering plants.
  • Seeding depth 1.5-2 cm
  • Using a stretched cling film or bag, maintain the temperature at 20 ºC.

The first shoots should be expected after 3-4 weeks. It will take another 3 weeks for the grown seedlings to release the first real leaves. When 2-3 leaves appear, plants should be planted in individual cups or spacious containers to increase the feeding area according to the scheme: 4x4 or 3x3.

Water moderately so as not to flood the seedlings and not provoke the development of rot. Provide plenty of light, don't let in too much high temperatures so that the seedlings do not stretch. If this happens, carefully pour the earth up to the level of the leaves so that the plants do not deform.

When the first two pairs of true leaves appear, Monarda seedlings need to be hardened off: take the boxes out onto the street or balcony. Starting with an hour or two, increase the time to a full day. One to two weeks of hardening is enough to prepare the plants for transplanting to a permanent place in the open field.

Optimal conditions for planting monarda in the ground

Monarda will please the eye only if the conditions that are necessary for the growth of the plant are created, although they are not difficult. The flower loves sunny, wind-protected places. Do not scare him and semi-shaded areas of the garden. The soil prefers light, rich in lime. Waterlogged acidic soil adversely affects plant growth.

Spring is the most auspicious time for culture, although the landing site is being prepared in advance, since autumn. To do this, weeds are destroyed and the site is dug up along with peat, manure (at the rate of 2-3 kg per 1 m²) and a complex of mineral fertilizers, which includes potassium salt(30 g / m²), superphosphate (50 g / m²), lime (40 g / m²). Before planting in the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are added to the soil (30g / 1m²).

Landing monarda

When 3 pairs of leaves form on the seedlings, and this will happen a couple of months after the appearance of the first shoot, they are transferred to open prepared ground.

When planting, they maintain a distance between the bushes equal to 60 cm. Having finished planting, the monarda must be watered abundantly. She is not afraid of spring frosts down to -5 ºС and easily tolerates them. When seed planting, flowering of the Monarda can be observed only after a year. If the monarda is planted with the help of seedlings, then some of its specimens can please with their flowering in the year of planting.

How to care for a monarda in the garden

The main thing is to ensure frequent but moderate watering of the plant in the summer. If the heat is established for a long time, then the monard should be watered daily. A hot season with a lack of watering can bring a disease dangerous for the plant - powdery mildew. It will be good during this period to mulch the soil under the monard with peat and constantly loosen it.

To feed the culture, granular Agricola or Kemira is used twice a month during the entire growing season. The mullein, diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10, will not interfere with it. For the prevention of insects, the plant is treated with Fundazol or Bordeaux mixture in the spring and autumn.

How to propagate the monarda by dividing the bush

Unfortunately, at seed propagation there is no need to talk about the preservation of varietal characteristics if you grow beautiful hybrid forms.

To save, you will have to deal with dividing a bush aged 3-4 years. When to transplant Monarda? This can be done twice a year: in April, if the soil is well warmed up, or with the onset of autumn. To do this, the roots of the excavated bush are freed from the ground and divided by eye.

Ready-made new bushes are planted at the same level as before dividing, in pre-prepared holes. Since the transplanted bushes will grow strongly in a couple of years (up to 1 m in diameter), it will be necessary to transplant this plant by dividing the bush quite often.

Propagation of Monarda by cuttings

You can use the cutting method when propagating the plant.

  • To do this, choose 7 - 10 cm cuttings, which are formed from the grown green shoots of the Monarda, but have not yet begun to bloom.
  • The leaves are completely cut off in the lower part of the cutting, the upper ones are cut to 1/3 of the part.

  • The cuttings are planted in a pre-prepared box or pots with a loose nutrient substrate and cleaned in a dark place.
  • You can just put the cuttings in the water.
  • After 2-3 weeks, the monarda cuttings will form a root system and they will be ready for transplanting into open ground. It's best to do this in August.

Possible diseases and pests of Monarda

Monarda has a paradoxical resistance to both diseases and numerous plant pests. Scientists attribute this phenomenon to the presence of essential oils in the roots of the plant. Despite this, with insufficiently plentiful watering, when there is unbearable heat, powdery mildew can affect the monard. A verified watering regime and soil mulching will help get rid of it. Very rarely, a plant can attack the tobacco mosaic virus or rust and become hooked to the weevil.

How to collect Monarda seeds

Seed ripening occurs at the end of August and at the beginning of September. When the plant fades, you need to be careful. To prevent the seeds from spilling out, you need to cut the dried testes and put them in a shady place until they are fully ripe and dry. When the baskets dry well, the seeds easily spill out of the tubular seed beds.

Collected items can be handled differently. First, they can be sown immediately. The resulting seedlings will find their permanent habitat only in the spring. Secondly, the seeds are well stored and do not lose their germination capacity for 3 years. If there is no need to update the Monarda, then you can use them later. It is important to remember that a monarda grown from seeds of hybrid plants will never retain its parental properties. The seed method is used only for growing varietal plants.

Preparing Monarda for winter

If you leave the seeds that you do not need on the bushes, then they will be an excellent top dressing for hungry birds in the autumn. What remains of the annual crop is removed from the flower bed in late autumn. In the spring, self-seeding shoots will appear in the same place.

As for the perennial monarda, it has frost resistance (it calmly withstands a temperature of - 25ºC). If the frosts in your area are much stronger, you need shelter for the winter:

  • Make hilling height 20-25 cm.
  • Cover the top with a layer of straw or hay 10-15 cm thick.
  • To keep the shelter from being blown away by the wind, press down the mulch with boards and bricks.

In winter, it will be good to pour a layer of snow on top. In the spring, with the onset of heat, they remove the shelter and remove a hill of earth so that the plant wakes up early.

Monarda varieties with photos and names

Annual types of culture:

Citrus Monarda or Lemon Monarda citriodora

It is almost the only one that reaches a height of 15 - 95 cm. Its narrow lanceolate leaves, stem and small lilac flowers contain essential oil, which is not inferior in composition to the essential oil of basil, mint. Therefore, citrus monarda is cultivated and how decorative flower, and as a spice.

Hybrid Monarda Lambada Monarda lambada

It is the brainchild of Dutch breeders. When crossing, several groups of Citriodora were used, the aroma of young leaves of which is strongly similar to lemon.

Spot Monarda Monarda punctata

It is also called horse mint. The attractiveness of this species is given by bright orange leaves located around the inflorescence. The flower can reach 80 cm in height.

Types of perennial monarda:

Double Monarda Monarda didyma

It grows wild near the Great Lakes, the first description of which dates back to 1656. Grows up to 80 cm tall. It is a herbaceous perennial, erect stems of which have the shape of a tetrahedron. Opposite, with a margin, the leaves are oval serrated with a pointed end. They grow up to 12 cm long and have reddish stipules. The petiole is almost absent.

The rhizome of the plant grows horizontally. Smallish lilac or purple flowers are collected in dense, up to 5 cm in diameter, capitate-type inflorescences. The leaf-like shape of the bracts, matching the color of the flowers, lends elegance to this species.

Horned or tubular monarda Monarda fistulosa wild bergamot

IN natural form grows in forests in the East of the North American continent. In Europe, it is cultivated for spices. This multi-stalked perennial grows to 0.6 - 1.20 m tall. Its simple toothed leaves are pubescent with hairs.

Small lilacs are connected in whorls of a false type. The flowers are surrounded by red stipules, which are collected in capitate spherical inflorescences. On a single peduncle there are 5-9 inflorescences, each of which has a diameter of 5-7 cm. Known since 1637. The dwarf-shaped monard Victoria was bred in Russia.

Hybrid Monarda Monarda x hybrida

This name combines the varieties obtained by breeders from Great Britain, Germany and the USA by combining the double and fistulate monarda. The height of hybrids reaches 1 meter.
Quantity color shades striking in its diversity. Here are some of them:

  • white: Snow White, Snow Maiden, Schneewittchen
  • burgundy shade: Burgundy Moldova, Prairienacht
  • reds: Adam, Balance, Cambridge Scarlet, Petit Delight, Mahogeny
  • lavender: Elsise Lavende
  • magenta: Cardinal, Prairie Glow, Sunset
  • purple: Zinta-Zinta, Pony, Fishe
  • Violet-purple tint: Blaustrumpf, Blue Stocking.

Variety Panorama combines the monarda of a variety of color shades from snow-white, pink to raspberry, purple and burgundy.

The healing properties of Monarda

Homeopathy widely uses Monarda as a source of essential oil, vitamins C, B1, B2 and other active biological components. Of course, the most valuable thing in Monarda is the essential oil, known for its bactericidal properties, which have anti-anemic, antioxidant, anti-stress, and reproductive effects.

The systematic use of this oil cleanses the aorta of sclerotic plaques, helps to cope with radiation sickness, viral influenza, and strengthen weak immunity. It is recommended to use monarda for the following diseases: pneumonia, otitis media, cystitis, indigestion, diseases oral cavity. It relieves headaches, fungal infections of the nails and feet.

Cosmetologists include monarda in preparations intended for oily (acne) skin, use it as a component of a cream for the age category 45+.

Monarda leaves are used to prepare seasonings for fish and vegetable dishes. They are brewed as tea, added to soups and salads.

To whom monarda is contraindicated in any form

Of course, monarda is useful, but its immoderate use is harmful to the body. First of all, Monarda is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as for children under 5 years of age. Excluded not only the use of Monarda inside, but also in the form of raw materials for aroma lamps.

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