Is it possible to give a cat dog food? Is it possible to give cat food to dogs? Is it possible to give dog food to cats?

Both animals belong to the order of predators, but during their time living near humans, the digestion of dogs has changed more than that of cats. They learned to obtain part of the protein and micronutrients from plant products, and to synthesize amino acids and vitamins themselves. In extreme situations they survive without meat.

Cats became indoor animals relatively recently, so their digestion remains the same as that of their wild relatives. Nutrients are taken from animal products, plant foods are absorbed by 10%. Cats, unlike dogs, do not synthesize a number of amino acids and receive them only from food.

These include:

  • Taurine concentrated in muscles, nerve fibers, supports the heart, retina. It is not found in plants and does not accumulate in the body, so cats need to receive this amino acid daily from animal food.
  • Vitamin A responsible for cell growth, immunity, affects visual acuity. Cats absorb it from meat foods, but cannot synthesize beta-carotene into retinol from plant foods.
  • Arginine - an amino acid that is part of protein. It is involved in the removal from the body of toxic ammonia compounds that are formed after the breakdown of proteins. Cats get arginine from meat products.
  • Vitamin PP affects the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, oxidation and reduction processes, the synthesis of a number of hormones, and supports mucous membranes. Cats need it more than dogs.
  • Arachidonic acid regulates cell renewal, blood clotting, affects the functioning of the reproductive organs, stomach, and intestines. Cats get it from animal fats.
  • Linoleic and linolenic acids participate in metabolic processes, inhibit the development of inflammation, strengthen hair and skin.

These components are added to cat food, but they are not enough for cats in dog food.

Feed differences

Dog food differs from cat food in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

  • Contains less meat ingredients , no eggs are added to it. Cats do not receive the required amount of taurine and arginine. With a regular lack of proteins, liver enzymes break down their own proteins.
  • Includes more grains, vegetables . The cat's intestines are a third shorter and do not absorb them completely. The amylase enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of starch and plant components; cats produce only 5% of this figure in dogs.
  • Contains less fat . Cats develop a deficiency of arachidonic acid and do not absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

Dog kibble for cats lacks vitamins B, E, iodine, and biotin. The content of individual micronutrients exceeds the norm for cats: calcium, magnesium, vitamins C, A, D, K. Dogs themselves synthesize taurine, so it is not added to food.


If cats are regularly fed dog food, they may develop health problems:

  • With a lack of protein, muscle mass is lost and replaced by fat.
  • Excess carbohydrates overload the pancreas, leading to excess weight gain.
  • A lack of taurine affects eye health, retinal atrophy occurs, vision decreases, and digestion is upset. Over time, the heart muscle weakens and cardiomyopathy develops.
  • With a lack of arginine, symptoms of ammonia poisoning appear: lethargy, nausea, drooling, convulsions.
  • A deficiency of unsaturated fatty acids provokes skin problems: the structure of the skin is disrupted, dandruff appears, the coat loses its shine, and falls out. The animal often catches colds and suffers from indigestion.
  • With hypervitaminosis D, calcium metabolism is disrupted and it is deposited in soft tissues.
  • Excess ascorbic acid increases the acidity of urine and precipitates in the form of crystals.
  • Excess retinol affects the musculoskeletal system and joint mobility.
  • Tocopherol deficiency leads to decreased immunity and reproductive functions.
  • Against the background of a lack of nicotinic acid (PP), metabolism and digestion are disrupted, and dermatitis develops.
  • With excess calcium, bone tissue grows and kidney problems begin.
  • Excess magnesium provokes urolithiasis.

The composition of dog food is not suitable for cats, so pets are given food at different times, each is given a place, and no food is left out. If the cat continues to reach for the dog bowl, try changing the brand of food. Accidentally eating pellets will not affect the cat’s health; intentional feeding involves a trip to the veterinary clinic.

Asking the question, “Can I give my dog ​​cat food?” you should think about whether it is worth asking such questions at all.

Cat food differs from dog food in the set of ingredients, the balance of vitamins and minerals, and calorie content, and naturally, such food cannot be given to a dog, otherwise the same food would be produced for such different animals.

Some owners make excuses by saying that their beloved pet is capricious and won’t eat anything other than cat food. This problem can be solved simply - leave the bowl of food out for 15-20 minutes at the designated feeding time, and then remove it, even if the dog has not touched the food. Access to water must be ensured at all times. An animal may not approach food for more than 2 days, but then hunger will still take its toll. This method is not cruel, as many may think, but effective. Proper feeding is important for the health of the pet and no whims, pitiful begging eyes should make changes to the diet, except in cases where the food is really not suitable for the pet and causes allergies.

A common problem is feeding cats and dogs living together, who tend to steal food from each other. But this problem is being solved. If a dog has tried food from a cat’s bowl just once, then there is no need to worry about the pet’s health, but regular feeding is unacceptable.

Why is cat food dangerous for dogs?

If a dog is regularly fed cat food, it experiences a deficiency of essential nutrients, since all vitamins and minerals are balanced for cats, not dogs.

The main danger is the increased protein content, which can lead to liver diseases. In addition, many, especially small breeds, are allergic to protein. In dog food, the protein content varies within 15-25%, and in cat food within 40-70%. The difference is noticeable. Many people have probably observed their pets' increased interest in cat food; they adore it and eat it with great pleasure. The fact is that dogs love cat food because of its high protein content; the food is tasty for them, but harmful. The energy value of cat food is much higher than that of dog food. Therefore, regular feeding increases the risk of obesity.

The next danger is that cat food has high acidity, which is a definite plus for cats themselves, but dangerous for dogs. Increased acidity affects the pancreas, as a result the animal will experience constant heartburn. Feeding puppies cat food can lead to impaired development of the musculoskeletal system.

Cat food contains taurine, which promotes normal digestion of food in cats, but in dogs the body produces it on its own, so dogs do not need additional taurine.

Although the composition of some cat and dog foods is very similar, they still have small but significant differences. For example, cat food contains more vitamin B, which dogs need in smaller quantities. Excess protein, which is more abundant in cat food, negatively affects the dog’s eye health, increases the risk of otitis media, and may cause a skin rash.

Of course, significant harm to a pet from feeding cat food will be noticeable after a long period of time; some dogs can regularly eat cat food without harm to their health for more than six months, but others experience an immediate reaction of the body, manifested in vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms characteristic of the disorder stomach. In such cases, it is unacceptable to give harmful food even occasionally. Cat food is especially harmful for elderly dogs, as well as for dogs weakened during and after illness.

Some owners use cat food as a reward during training and as a treat between main feedings. However, nowadays there is a wide range of dog treats in pet stores, so there is no urgent need to buy cat food for these purposes. The physiological needs of cats and dogs are different, so they need to be fed different foods.

How to stop a dog from eating cat food

You can avoid theft of food from your cat by separate feeding, i.e. feed the dog in one room, the cat in another, or at different times.

You can raise the cat's bowl to such a height that the dog cannot reach it, but the cat can find its way to the food.

If the bowls are on the same level and in the same room, then after eating you should wash the bowls immediately so that the dog does not come up and lick someone else’s bowl, and do not allow it to finish eating someone else’s food.

Of course, cat food will only be harmful if fed regularly and for a long time, but why take the risk if there is high-quality dog ​​food, and if you don’t like ready-made food, then you can switch to natural feeding.

Many of us have both a cat and a dog at home. And often, for the sake of saving money, some owners prefer to give one type of food to both pets. However, they don’t mind - the dog happily eats food intended for cats and vice versa. But is this right?

Dogs and cats have a number of differences in nutritional needs. This is necessary to know, because regularly feeding your pet dry food that is not suitable for it is fraught with the development of very dangerous diseases.

Why can't cats eat dog food? What is the difference?

Both cats and dogs are domesticated carnivores. However, cats need food with increased protein content. About fifteen percent. If your purring friend regularly steals food from his barking roommate, he risks developing dangerous myocardial heart disease from a lack of taurine. Taurine is responsible for the cardiovascular and nervous system, as well as for eye health. The lack of this component will reduce the reproduction of the animal. In cats, the amino acid taurine is not produced by the body at all; they only get it from food.

The opposite is true for dogs. In them, taurine is reproduced by the body independently. And by eating cat food, the “tuzik” receives an excessive dose of taurine, which leads to skin and eye diseases, as well as kidney failure.

Also, feeds differ in different concentrations of certain vitamins and acids. For example, more vitamins of group A have been added to dog food, and the amount of vitamin E has been increased to cat food. If a cat constantly eats dog food, it will not receive the required amount of the enzyme responsible for the production of retinol. And this can lead to developmental delays and even blindness.

It has a more complex composition compared to dogs, since it is much easier for dogs to get the components they need due to their unpretentiousness. The “menu” of cats has a higher amount of phosphorus and iodine, but dogs contain more calcium and magnesium. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully monitor the diet of your pets and not allow them to constantly eat each other’s food.

What food can be given to both dogs and cats?

However, there are exceptions. For example, canned food containing 100% meat is equally suitable for both dogs and cats. Typically, these canned foods only contain meat and water. This type of food is extremely healthy, and has a huge assortment for every taste - everything for our little brothers!

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Today it often costs more than. Some owners noticed this and began to use a trick - they buy dog ​​food for their cat. What are the risks and is it possible to feed a cat dog food?

To understand this issue, it is enough to remember the old catchphrase that cats are not small dogs. Initially, during the process of evolution, their nutrition differed. For example, cats have a much higher protein requirement than dogs. At the same time, cat food must contain taurine, an amino acid that dogs produce independently. With a deficiency of taurine, a cat develops heart problems and other pathologies, which is why any cat food is enriched with this amino acid.

In addition, cats and dogs have different daily intakes of vitamin A. Dogs can process beta-carotene as a source of this vitamin, but cats cannot. Cats also do not produce arachidonic acid on their own; their diet must contain it, whereas for a dog this will not be critical.

Can I give my cat high quality dog ​​food?

The question of whether it is possible to give cats high-quality dog ​​food if, for example, a large bag is purchased for the dog, is often asked on various forums.

The answer can be unequivocal: no, it’s impossible. Even high-quality premium and super-premium dog food does not meet the requirements for cat food. The cat, of course, will eat it, but this is permissible only in the case of the most extreme measure and as a one-time action.

If you feed your furry purr dog food, she will not get everything she needs to be healthy and energetic. Chronic diseases will begin, and in the end, by saving on food, you will give a hundredfold to the veterinarians.

Contrary to popular belief that dogs and cats are eternal enemies, these animals are quite capable of living peacefully in the same home. And often owners watch with emotion how their very different pets not only sleep on the same sofa, but also eat food from the same bowl. At the same time, most owners do not pay attention to the fact that the dog enjoys eating cat food without even suspecting that such food can be harmful to the health of their four-legged pet. Why can’t you feed your dog dry cat food and how to stop him from eating from a cat’s bowl?

Nutritional features of cats and dogs

Both cats and dogs are carnivores by nature, so at first glance it may seem that their diet should be the same and these animals can be fed the same food. But this is far from true, because The digestive system and metabolism of cats and dogs are significantly different.

Dogs and cats have completely different digestive systems.

Representatives cat kingdom blood glucose levels are much higher than in dogs. Due to high glucose levels, cats have a faster metabolism, so they eat small, frequent meals throughout the day. But to satisfy hunger and feel good, a dog only needs to eat once a day.

Another difference in the nutrition of these animals is that the lion's share of the cat's diet should consist of meat products, without which the normal functioning of their body is impossible. Dogs can easily do without meat and feel great on a plant-based diet, eating only porridge and vegetables.

Despite the fact that the menu of cats and dogs should be different, do not forget that both pets need proper balanced nutrition containing minerals and vitamins necessary for the health of animals.

Ready-made cat and dog food: is there a difference?

Taurine added to cat food can harm your dog.

Manufacturers of ready-made pet food always take into account that the body and digestive system of cats and dogs are different. Therefore, when preparing animal food, it is added to the feed. exactly the right set of nutrients and microelements, which are necessary for cats, but will be harmful for dogs and vice versa.

For example, ready-made cat food contains a substance called taurine, with the help of which the cat’s stomach absorbs and digests food more easily. The dog's digestive system produces enough taurine on its own, so its excess can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract in dogs.

High protein content

Cats need protein in their diet.

We should not forget the fact that Due to their accelerated metabolism, cats need a diet high in protein. and in cat food its share varies between 50–70%. And in ready-made dog food, the protein level is from 20 to 30%, so the difference is quite noticeable.

Stones in the kidneys

Another difference between ready-made food for these animals is that cat food is additionally acidified so that furry creatures do not form kidney stones. Such increased acidity of food will only harm dogs and can even lead to problems with the musculoskeletal system.

To prevent kidney stones, cat food is acidified.

Vitamin difference

Cat and dog food differs in content vitamin B, which is necessary for cats, while dogs need it less. In turn, food for felines contains almost no vitamin E and zinc, which doggies can’t do without.

There is no universal ready-made food suitable for complete nutrition for cats and dogs, so they should be fed separately and only with the food that is intended for each of these pets.

There is no food that is suitable for cats and dogs.

Why cat food is bad for dogs

If a dog regularly eats food from a cat’s bowl, this can lead not only to disruption of the four-legged pet’s digestive system, but also to more serious problems, for example, kidney or musculoskeletal problems.

  • Increased protein content in cat food can be. Symptoms of an allergic reaction manifest themselves in different ways: from purulent ulcers and skin rashes to and. Small toy breeds of dogs are especially susceptible to protein allergies.
  • Due to the fact that cat food is acidified, dogs after such a diet may suffer from heartburn and indigestion .
  • Food made specifically for cats is very high in calories and abuse of it leads to dogs becoming quickly gain excess weight, which can even lead to obesity.
  • Due to a lack of vitamin E and zinc reduces the dog's immunity due to which he becomes vulnerable to various types of diseases.
  • Cat food is high in fat and protein and has virtually no carbohydrates. And the dogs get energy from carbohydrates and if there are few of them, then the animal quickly gets tired and becomes lethargic and apathetic.
  • Cat food contains little fiber, which dogs need for normal digestion. As a result, such a diet will lead to the fact that the four-legged pet will suffer from diarrhea or constipation .

If your dog regularly eats cat food, it will cause digestive problems.

Don't forget that the body of older dogs, pregnant females and small puppies reacts especially sharply to low-quality or incorrectly selected food. Therefore, the nutrition of such pets should be approached with all responsibility and remember that under no circumstances should they be fed cat food.

Can dogs eat cat food occasionally?

Of course, if a dog occasionally eats from a cat’s bowl, then irreparable there will be no harm to his health . But if the owner frivolously allows the dog to regularly consume such food, then such carelessness will lead to the development of various diseases in the animal and in this case it is impossible to do without the help of a veterinarian.

If the dog has eaten cat food a couple of times, there will be no harm.

Ways to wean a dog off cat food

What should you do if your four-legged friend is addicted to cat food and goes on a hunger strike when the owner tries to change his menu? Only one - do not follow the dog’s lead and wean him from the habit of looking into the cat’s bowl. This may take a lot of time, but we are talking about the health of the pet, so weaning it off junk food is not a whim of the owner, but an urgent need.

  • You need to feed your pets at different times . The first step is to feed the dog, and then pour the food into the cat's bowl. When the cat is eating, it is advisable to distract the dog with something at this time, for example, start a fun game with him in another room or take him for a walk.
  • Place the cat's plate in a place where the dog cannot reach . A window sill (if the dog is small), a refrigerator or a chest of drawers are suitable for this purpose. This will create some inconvenience for both the cat and the owner, but the owner will be sure that the cunning pet will not be able to sneak in some forbidden food.
  • To prevent your four-legged pet from being tempted to eat cat food when the owner is not around, You should not leave food for your furry pet in a bowl overnight . By the way, such a restriction will also benefit the cat, since he will have a better appetite in the morning.
  • In no case Do not give your dog dry kibble intended for cats as a reward.. For a successfully executed command, you can treat the dog with a piece of sweet cookie or caramel.
  • Dogs are quite obedient pets, so the owner can try to wean the animal off cat food commands “no” or “fu”. Orders should be given the moment the dog approaches the cat's bowl.

While the cat is eating, you can go for a walk with the dog.

Some dogs can be very stubborn and will outright refuse other food when trying to wean them off cat food. The owner will have to show toughness and, no matter how hard it is, not pay attention to the pet’s eyes full of pity and reproach. Ultimately, hunger will take its toll, and the dog will be forced to eat the food offered by the owner.


The mood, activity and health of the dog depend on the right food. Therefore, you cannot indulge the whims of your four-legged friend and feed him the food that he likes, but at the same time it can harm the animal’s body! Of course, if a dog eats from a cat’s bowl on rare occasions, there will be no noticeable harm to his body. The main thing is to make sure that this does not become a habit for the animal, and then the pet will always be healthy and full of strength.

A dog's activity depends on the food it eats.

Video about the consequences of feeding a dog cat food

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2024 Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.