Training young cats to become sexually active. Period of puberty in kittens: when does puberty begin in cats. Ways to Prevent Cat Crying

When your pussy wants not whiskey, but a cat, then nothing can stop it: it screams madly, jumps out of the window, if you don’t live so high... In general, before the kitty decides to part with her innocence, we advise you to read these scary details of upcoming sex. If she is not a masochist, she will come to her senses.

1. Cats can mate only during heat and after one year, and male cats are ready to perform duty at any time and anywhere. 2.Although d For breeding purposes, it is advised not to breed a cat more than once every 2 weeks.
3. During mating, the cat will jump on the female from behind, holding her by the back of the neck with his teeth, which in turn stimulates ovulation.
4. However, for cats, mating is quite a difficult test. The penis is covered with sharp, prickly growths that cause severe pain when trying to “exit”. This pain triggers the ovulation process.
5. Sexual intercourse occurs for about 5 seconds, then the cat screams, the cat jumps back sharply, and the cat begins to purr and rub its back on the floor.
6. It is for this reason that cats are brought to cats for mating, and not vice versa, so that the cat feels confident in its territory and tolerates the cat’s “concerts”. 7. Copulation can occur up to 10 times per hour.For mating to take place, it is necessary that the cat and the female cat be together for at least 2 days. And it doesn’t have to be with just one cat.
8. If a cat was mated with several cats, then the cat may have kittens from several cats in the litter.

So that your pet can undergo surgery without complications? Castration has long been considered a standard operation, that is, it implies minimal risks and the chance of complications.

Most owners bring their pets home as kittens, cute, funny, clumsy babies from whom no one expects problems. It is quite simple to accustom a kitten to the litter box and for the next six months the life together of the pet and the owner is absolutely conflict-free.

With the onset of puberty, new pet habits are discovered, namely tags:

  • Urine.
  • Feces.
  • By scratching surfaces.

Changes occur when the kitten is 7–8 months old, which is explained by the peculiarities of the physiology of males. When a pet marks, it shows its owner that it needs a female to mate with. In addition to tags, the owner may encounter:

  • The cat's cries are a mating call.
  • Trying to escape from home.
  • Abundant marks in the area of ​​the front door.
  • and nervousness.

Theoretically, the owner can put up with the screams, the smell and the torn furniture... for the sake of the pet's well-being, but this is a superficial view. Unlike females, males come into heat every month, or even several times a month. When a cat asks for a cat, his body suffers from a hormonal surge.

Important! If “empty” buns continue for years, the cat’s hormonal levels are completely disrupted, which leads to very serious diseases, including oncology.

All of the above problems can be solved by one simple operation - castration. The procedure involves cutting the spermatic cords and removing the testes (testicles). When castrating cats, the ovaries and uterus are removed. After castration, the hormonal levels in the animal’s body stabilize:

  • Within 1–2 months, if castration was performed at a young age.
  • Within 6–18 months, if castration was carried out after the cat went into heat.

Stabilization of hormonal levels eliminates the sexual instinct at the physiological level. The cat literally no longer needs to mate, but his interests in other areas of life increase - games, food, communication. Note that the pet’s instinct to protect territory does not change, but it stops marking, since marks are a manifestation of the sexual instinct.

Castration, although considered a simple procedure, is carried out under general anesthesia. The introduction of any medications, including procedures under local anesthesia or immobilizing agents, can cause an allergic reaction or even shock. On the part of the owner, to reduce risks, the cat must be prepared for surgery.

Important! If your pet has chronic health problems, then preparation should occur under the supervision of a veterinarian.

First, you need to decide how exactly the operation will be carried out:

  • In a clinical setting– preparation procedures must be completed a week before castration, so that the cat’s body can recover from the stress associated with the prevention of worms, necessary vaccinations, etc. To transport your pet, you will need a carrier; if the operation is carried out in winter, you will also need a cover. Regardless of the season of the year, after the operation the cat should lie on a heating pad. The exception is very hot weather. If you don't have a heating pad, you can use a plastic hot water bottle wrapped in a thick towel. While under anesthesia, the cat cannot control his urge to vomit, empty his bowels and bladder, so it is better to cover the carrier with a disposable, moisture-absorbing diaper.
  • At home– a more optimal option, since the cat will not have to go through the stress associated with a trip to the veterinary clinic, and he will recover from anesthesia at home. There are also disadvantages, for example, if the animal has heart problems, a stop may occur, and resuscitation measures are more effective in a clinical setting. The same applies to first aid for anaphylactic shock, laryngeal edema, poor blood clotting, etc.

Read also: Hernia in a cat after sterilization: causes and treatment

From a financial point of view, castration in a clinic and at home is almost equivalent. Usually, the price for performing the procedure at your home is slightly higher, since the doctor needs to spend time and resources on moving around the city, preparing the surgical field, etc.

Age and other nuances

It is known that the older the animal, the greater the risks associated with anesthesia. In most cases, young cats are on their paws and active within a few hours after surgery. Naturally, the pet will look slightly sluggish for the first 24 hours, but this is due to the effect of anesthesia, antibiotics and painkillers.

The optimal period for castration of cats involves several conditions:

  • Before mating.
  • Until marks, screams and other manifestations of sexual hunting.
  • After the testicles descend into the scrotum.
  • At the age of 7–9 months.

In Europe, early sterilization and castration of animals has been practiced for quite a long time, which is carried out at 6–8 weeks of age. For such early castration, the doctor must have modern equipment and, most importantly, experience. European veterinarians resort to early castration, since in childhood animals recover from anesthesia much faster and are not so susceptible to stress.

Age 7–9 months due to statistical data on physiological formation. In fact, castration can be carried out at 4 months if the testicles have already descended into the scrotum. The opposite situation is also possible, when castration is postponed until the age of one year or older, if the testis is in the abdominal cavity. The phenomenon is called cryptorchidism.

Note! If the testicles do not descend into the scrotum before the age of one, castration is carried out using a strip operation - incision of the peritoneum along the “white line”.

In theory, by 7–8 months of age The cat develops not only genitals, but also hormonal levels. Usually changes are noticeable in the pet’s behavior; it becomes more powerful, proud, reacts with aggression to other animals, and actively pays attention to new smells. Before castration, the veterinarian examines the cat, prescribes tests and necessary examinations. To make sure that the animal will undergo the operation normally, you need to:

Read also: Castration of a cat: what you need to know before the operation

There are both indications and contraindications for any surgical intervention. Regarding castration, the doctor may postpone the procedure for a number of reasons. Small weight or dimensions complicate the operation, but this is a very individual indicator, and cats are rarely small. If at the time of contacting the clinic the cat has worms, the doctor will prescribe treatment, after which the pet will need to be given at least 2 weeks to restore the body’s immune defenses. Many owners are afraid of castrating their pets because they suspect that the cat will be mentally damaged. This misconception is quickly debunked if you know the fact that cats do not enjoy mating.

Important! Cats suffer if they want to mate, but cannot - this is the truth.

Another common doubt is old age. For example, if the cat is 5–6 years old, the owners believe that he is already old and the operation is very dangerous. Of course, a young cat will tolerate castration much easier, but age 5–6 years is not a contraindication. Moreover, in nurseries where cats are bred according to plan, cats are castrated at 5–7 years of age, since the older the pet, the more mating harms its health. It is also possible to castrate a cat over 6 years old if he does not have serious contraindications or an acute reaction to medications.

Preparing the cat for the procedure

As mentioned above, preparation for castration is an individual process. However, there is also universal instructions, which involves checking the pet’s condition before surgery. Naturally, to clarify all possible difficulties, the cat needs to be shown to a veterinarian.

Usually the animal is taken from:

  • Blood for general and detailed analysis.
  • Urine to identify kidney problems.
  • Mazkov to identify sexually transmitted infections that may be asymptomatic.

The next step is a heart examination. At the first appointment, the veterinarian listens to the pet’s breathing and heartbeat; if questions arise, more detailed examinations are prescribed. Some owners neglect these measures, because they all add up to costs. However, remember that the better the veterinarian understands the cat’s problems, the greater the chance of preventing complications.

Cat breeding

Sexual maturity is the ability of animals to produce offspring. In cats, it is characterized by the formation of eggs and the manifestation of sexual cycles, the formation of sex hormones that determine the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Puberty occurs at 6–8 months. The timing of puberty depends on many factors, primarily on the breed, sex, climate, feeding, conditions of keeping and care. Females become sexually mature somewhat earlier than males.

Puberty occurs much earlier than the end of growth and development of the entire organism. The appearance of the first heat does not yet mean that the cat is ready to reproduce - the pelvis is not yet ready for childbirth, the mammary glands are underdeveloped. Fertilization of a female at an early age delays the formation of her body, for example, early fertilization can contribute to the deflection of the spine, difficult childbirth, and sometimes can lead to the death of the cat and kittens. In addition, fetal development may be delayed. In young cats, due to sexual exhaustion, the period of fertility is shortened. Typically, such a very young cat produces a small, weak litter, and the course of labor is often complicated due to the underdevelopment of the pelvis. Therefore, young cats are used to produce offspring upon the onset of physiological maturity, characterized by the completion of the formation of the body and reaching 70% of the body weight of an adult animal, namely at 8–9 months.

Sexual heat is a positive sexual reaction of a female to a male, resulting from internal neurohumoral stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. It is characterized by the manifestation of a sexual reflex in the female, which is expressed in her peculiar behavior in the presence of a male.

The cat is a polycyclic animal with a sexual season and reflex ovulation. Sexual season is the time of year when animals exhibit intense sexual cycles. The reproductive cycle is the totality of all physiological changes occurring in the female reproductive system from one ovulation to the next. The sexual cycle without fertilization consists of the following periods: proestrum, estrus, metoestrum, aestrum. The timing of the sexual season and the duration of sexual cycles in cats varies greatly depending on the breed, individual characteristics, environmental conditions and housing.

Proestrum in cats precedes the onset of heat and lasts 1–3 days. Cats become restless as they prepare to go into heat. They rub against objects or the legs of their owner, and walk slowly with their knees bent. Estrus, or sexual heat, is manifested by the fact that the cat strives for the male and allows him to mate. This phase lasts 7–10 days. Estrus occurs - mucus is released from the genitals. During this period, ovulation occurs in the body of cats, namely 22–50 hours after sexual intercourse (coitus, or copulation). In some cats, ovulation occurs after a single mating, in others - after several coitus. Ovulation is the opening of mature follicles and the release of oocytes, which after a few hours descend through the fallopian tubes and turn into a mature egg. If during this period the cat is not fertilized by the cat, the eggs will not be released, the swollen mucous membrane will gradually return to normal and will prepare for the next heat. In the absence of fertilization after ovulation, an inhibition stage occurs - metoestrum, then a resting stage - anestrum.

The onset of a period of sexual arousal is judged by changes in the cats' behavior. The cat forces the male to “beg” itself for a long time and runs away from him. Therefore, as a rule, the cat is carried to the cat so that he feels confident in his territory and patiently waits for the cat to stand up with the back of the body slightly raised and the tail bent to the side. The cat grabs her by the fur on the back of her neck with his teeth and begins to cover her. Copulation between a cat and a cat occurs within about 5 seconds. At the end of copulation, the cat emits a piercing cry and the male quickly jumps to the side, and the cat turns over on its back and begins to roll.

A cat is capable of covering a cat 10 times in an hour. For successful fertilization, it is necessary to keep the cat and the cat for 2-3 days. If several male cats bred the same female, multiple fertilizations may occur and each kitten in the litter may have a different father. Females can mate only during the period of estrus, while males are ready to mate cats at any time, although the most active period associated with the concentration of sperm is early spring, when you can observe and even hear an increase in the activity of males: they become more nervous and leave marks abundantly on its territory, and the next peak occurs in the summer months.

The intervals between estrus vary, and this depends on the breed of the animal, but most importantly, on the time of year. In wild and stray cats, as well as in old animals, they occur mainly in spring and autumn. Common domestic and pedigree cats that live in and are dependent on a person's home may have many more heat cycles, spaced about 15 to 25 days apart, although each female may have her own individual characteristics. In well-fed animals, estrus periods may be extended. It should be noted that in overfed or weakened animals, estrus may occur with invisible or muted signs. On average, sexual hunting stops in cats at 10 years of age. However, there are exceptions.

In the event of fertilization, nutrients accumulate in the female’s body. The pregnancy period begins, which lasts 55–63 days (60 days on average) and ends with lambing (birth). The cat gives birth to 4–6 blind, deaf and toothless kittens weighing approximately 60–70 g. The largest litter (with all surviving kittens) was recorded for a Persian cat in South Africa. The cat's name was Bluebell. She gave birth to 14 kittens. The maximum recorded number of kittens in a litter is 19.

On average, a cat produces 2–4 litters per year. In total, an animal can give birth to about 100 kittens during its life. It has been estimated that one pair of cats and their offspring can produce 420 thousand kittens in 7 years.

Fertilization of the egg occurs in the upper third of the oviduct. The lifespan of sperm in the genital tract ranges from 3 to 4 days. The ability of eggs to fertilize remains up to 18 hours.

From the moment of fertilization, the fertilized egg is called a zygote, which asynchronously divides and turns into a germinal vesicle. Then the germinal vesicle is implanted into the mucous membrane of the uterus. Due to the development of fertilized eggs, an increase in the corpus luteum occurs, formed at the site of ruptured ovarian follicles. The corpus luteum secretes progesterone into the blood, which inhibits the development of new egg follicles and promotes the penetration of choroidal villi into the uterine mucosa. This creates conditions for the development of the embryo.

After the embryonic period comes the pre-fetal period of development. During this period, the laying of all organs and the skeleton occurs, and the placenta (afterbirth, or child's place) is formed. From this time on, such an organism is called a fetus, it develops fur and sweat glands, a central nervous system, and striated muscles and genitals appear.

Soon after fertilization, a pregnant female's metabolism changes and a good appetite appears. The energy requirement increases 4 times. The coat becomes smooth and shiny, the body shape takes on a rounded shape. In the second half of pregnancy, despite the remaining appetite, the animal loses weight because it does not have time to assimilate a sufficient amount of nutrients.

In very rare cases, cats experience false pregnancy. It is accompanied by all the signs of a normal pregnancy, but the embryo does not develop. Cats with false pregnancies get fatter, gain weight, prepare their nest, and sometimes even produce milk. The causes of false pregnancy are purely physiological and are not some kind of pathology. This state continues for several days. During this period, it is necessary to reduce the diet, reduce the amount of water, and increase walks. The veterinarian may prescribe estrogens and androgens that suppress lactation.

Sometimes cats have miscarriages. They are usually the result of rough handling of the animal or the presence of a uterine infection. Most often, miscarriages occur in the 4th–5th week of pregnancy. Sometimes miscarriages occur in later stages of pregnancy, when non-viable, very large, hairless fetuses are born. The reasons for such phenomena have not been studied.

Abortion of cats has not yet been practiced anywhere.

If the owner of the cat is not interested in the offspring, it is best to perform castration or sterilization. Castration is the surgical removal of the genital organs (testes, ovaries). During sterilization, the genitals of animals remain, but their functions are disrupted through surgery. In cats, castration is most often practiced. It is best to castrate cats after 6 months, optimally at 7–9 months. Castration of a cat is a more complex operation, since it is a cavity operation, because we are talking about the removal of the ovaries. Cats can be neutered at any age.

Childbirth is a physiological process in which a mature fetus, its membranes and the fetal fluid contained in them are expelled from the uterine cavity. During the birth process, a mature fetus transitions from intrauterine life to independent life. The onset of labor is heralded by swelling of the vulva, the appearance of mucous discharge from the cervical canal and a decrease in body temperature by 1 °C. Childbirth begins with the opening of the cervical canal, which lasts 3–6 hours. In this case, the fetal bladder of the first kitten is visible from the lumen of the canal. The female shows anxiety, breathes heavily, makes a den for herself in a secluded place and lies down from time to time. As soon as the first kitten is pushed into the canal of the mother's cervix, the abdominal muscles reflexively come into play and labor enters the fetal expulsion phase. The duration of labor is from 45 minutes to 5 hours. They are accompanied by contractions of the muscles (they are called contractions) and the abdominal muscles (these movements are called pushing). Contractions last 2–5 minutes with pauses of 5–10 seconds. It should be noted that in animals the abdominal press acts much more strongly in a supine position than in a standing position.

The cervical canal opens due to the introduction of fetal membranes into it in the form of amniotic fluid. As it passes through the vagina, the embryonic sac often bursts and the hind limbs of the fetus appear. When the membranes rupture, colorless, slightly opalescent waters leak out, and when the placenta is disrupted, greenish water flows out, and bleeding begins from the erosion formed in the wall of the uterus. After the next kitten is born, the female licks it and bites through the amnion with her incisors, that is, she removes the fetal membrane first from the head and then from the body. When the kitten is freed from the membranes, the female independently gnaws the umbilical cord and eats the remaining placenta, which she needs because of the numerous stimulating hormones it contains for subsequent labor. The placenta is released simultaneously with the fetus or within 15–30 minutes after the birth of the kittens.

The postpartum period continues until the completion of involution of the genitals and other organs that changed during pregnancy and childbirth. In cats, the choroid of the uterus has a close connection with the mucous membrane, due to which, when the placenta is separated, the mucous membrane is partially detached, accompanied by minor bleeding that quickly passes as the uterus contracts. In the first 2–4 days after birth, the remaining epithelium of the uterine mucosa is rejected. The discharge on the 3rd–5th day becomes brown with a greenish tint, then it gradually becomes lighter, and on the 9th–14th day the lochia is transparent and viscous.

The cervix closes after the uterine cavity is cleansed. Involution and regeneration of its mucosa are completed by the 4th–5th week.

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Females of all animal species are subject to cyclical behavior in the field of sexual relations. They are regulated by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus instantly responds to changes in hormonal levels in the animal's body, and also reacts to the external environment, for example, the length of the day. The main goal of his work is to prepare the female’s body for mating itself, and then for the period of pregnancy and childbirth. Under the direction of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain, secretes the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Typically, sexual inactivity in cats lasts about four months. It depends more on daylight hours than on the animal’s body temperature. This suggests that if a cat lives in a house where the lighting is artificial, then the period of activity may last very short. Typically, a cat experiences two or three peaks of anesturus (sexual activity) per year. Such periods fall in the intervals from the onset of spring to the onset of the summer cycle and from the end of summer to the end of autumn in the northern hemisphere of the planet.

Proesterus (or preparatory stage) precedes estrus. At this time, the female behaves affectionately, but does not lead to sexual contact. In the room, the animal walks back and forth, may begin to rub against furniture or people, and lie on the floor. Frequent urination occurs. Vaginal swelling is also possible, but there is no discharge, unlike in dogs. Within three days, the esterus period begins, during which the cat prepares for mating. Restless behavior escalates, the cat rolls on the floor and howls. Such howls are called conscription. Siamese cats are especially successful in this. The animal behaves so unusually that it can even frighten its owners. They, thinking that the cat is ill, may even seek help from a doctor. But as soon as you caress the female, she immediately takes a position suitable for the mating process. At the same time, she bends her front legs and raises the back of her body. The tail is kept pressed to the side, and the animal begins to trample with its hind legs. At such times, the cat does not eat and urinates heavily. In addition, you may notice a strong desire on her part to go outside. This will also be noticed by street cats, who will begin to guard the cat under the windows of the house. When talking about cat ovaries, ferrets, rabbits and minks immediately come to mind because... they do not ovulate if mating has not yet occurred. It begins a day or more after mating. After mating, signs of esterus disappear. This happens within one or two days. Otherwise, it can last up to twelve days. Anesturus disappears during pregnancy, and if not, then a period of calm begins, lasting from seven to twelve days, which is replaced by a new peak of activity. It turns out that ester cycles appear after twenty-one days, but the older the animal is, the shorter the cycle lasts.

Notably, some cats do not take a break and may show the desire to mate between six and ten weeks. There are about twelve percent of animals suffering from nymphomania.

As for males, it is impossible to determine by their appearance whether they are active or not. But it has been established that the peak of sexual activity in cats occurs in the spring. Of course, this depends on the number of females who would like to mate.

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2024 Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.