Latest predictions for the year

As the famous song says, every person dreams of knowing what will happen. And in the difficult times that Russia is going through now, many are wondering what to expect and what to fear in the future. From time immemorial, many people have trusted prophets and clairvoyants. Some of them often managed to predict this or that event. In our article we will present the predictions of the most famous clairvoyants in the world - Vanga and Michel Nostradamus.

Predictions from Vanga for 2016

When speaking about Russia, the blind soothsayer Vanga did not point precisely to any specific event or date. 2016 is mentioned only in passing, in the general flow of predictions for 2010-2018.

During this period, the great fortuneteller foreshadowed the Third World War. The prophecy says that the main threat will be a state in the Middle East, most likely Afghanistan, Iran or Türkiye. During a possible conflict, one of the countries will decide to use weapons mass destruction. At the very last moment, the discord between the warring parties will be able to be extinguished, and Russia and China will play an important role in this, and will make every effort to maintain peace.

As for Russia in general in the period 2010-2018, at the head of our country Vanga saw a certain leader who would be able to create a powerful alliance, and who in the future would resist the threats emanating from the West and America. The name of this ruler is the Great.

Also, during this period of time, we should expect a sharp rise in the economy, thanks to which by the end of the year Russia will become a superstate.

As for the conflict with the neighboring power Ukraine, the latter will finally fall into a deep economic hole in 2016, and the third wave of the revolution is also not far off. Russia will play an important role in resolving the conflict. A new government will come, which will make every effort to once again establish relations between Russia and Ukraine.

Also, according to the clairvoyant, in 2016 a child will be born who is destined to become the Savior, only he will be able to unite people of different religions.

Michelle Nostradamus's predictions for 2016.

Michel Nostradamus predicted that Russia's position at the global level would rise to unprecedented heights by 2016. Our country will become a hegemon, although not everything will go smoothly. Conflicts and coups will arise every now and then within the power.

Natural disasters also await us, especially at the beginning of spring. Nostradamus foresaw that central Russia in 2016 would be sweltering from heat and fires. In the eastern regions of the country, on the contrary, there will be heavy torrential rains that will literally flood them. Due to weather disasters, people will be forced to move south. Only by the fall will they be able to cope.

These are the kinds of events that can await us. We would like to especially note that all these predictions were taken by us from sources that have free access, and the editors of the Internet portal are not responsible for their accuracy.

Almost every person wants to look at least a little into the future to find out what awaits him and his country. Events happening Lately in the world, raise reasonable concerns for the fate of our country. And anxiety, the desire to find out what will happen next, grows every day. Especially for you, we have prepared psychic predictions for 2016 for Russia.

For the residents of our country, the predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow, and the Russian astrologer Pavel Globa are traditionally of greatest interest. Therefore, our publication today will be devoted to the predictions of these particular people.

Vanga's predictions for 2016 for Russia

The Bulgarian fortuneteller called the current period very difficult. According to her predictions, several European states should disappear at once at this time. Vanga also prophesied the beginning of the Third World War, seeing a threat in one of the countries of the Middle East. She spoke of the possible use of weapons of mass destruction, resulting in the death of many thousands of people.

But in general, for the period of the beginning of the 21st century, Vanga predicted Russia’s strengthening in the political arena and growth of its economic potential. In particular, Vanga said that Russia would become stronger thanks to Vladimir. Obviously, the Bulgarian clairvoyant was talking about Vladimir Putin, the current president of the country. And since this political figure is at the head of state for the third presidential term, we can conclude that in the very near future Russia will face global changes in better side. You can find out more about Vanga’s predictions for 2016 in this publication. At the same time, Russia should become the largest refuge for refugees. Otherwise, Vanga said nothing about the fate of our country. Which allows us to conclude that our country will not face major disasters.

Pavel Glob's predictions for 2016

The famous astrologer Pavel Globa compiled astrological forecast for our country, concerning both political and economic sphere. Let us remind you that the astrologer predicted three waves of the economic crisis in our country. According to these forecasts, the first wave occurred in the period 2008-2012. The second wave occurred in 2014-2015. And the third wave awaits us in the near future, and it will last until 2020.

According to Pavel Globa, global changes await Russia in the near future. A new economically and politically strong state is being built at an active pace. Meanwhile, the third wave of the crisis causes great concern for the astrologer. He claims that especially Negative consequences affected social sphere. As a result of all this, social unrest and rampant crime may begin in the country.

In general, the astrologer considers the first 20 years of the 21st century the most difficult period for new Russia. But after 2020, rapid development will begin in all spheres of life of the state and society. Having gone through a series of difficult trials, Russia will once again become a great, powerful empire.

Thus, Pavel Globa shares the predictions of psychics for 2016 for Russia, believing that this year the country will still face many difficulties.

But the optimism of the astrologer’s forecasts regarding the future period inspires hope. In 2020, the stars will occupy a very favorable position for our country. The country will be led by a strong leader who will carry out many effective reforms. It is during this period that Russia will emerge at the international level as a new world leader. You will find more of Pavel Globa’s forecasts for 2016 in this material.

Nostradamus' predictions for 2016

We can draw some conclusions about the future of our country based on the interpretations of the prophecies of Nostradamus. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to accurately decipher the messages of this predictor. Most of his predictions were accurately interpreted only after the event. Meanwhile, some interpreters have made attempts to decipher Nostradamus's notes regarding our near future.

According to these interpreters, the French seer predicted the outbreak of the Third World War, which would unfold in Europe and indirectly affect Russia. As a result of this war, many European countries will suffer irreparable losses of human lives and material resources. It is even possible to use weapons of mass destruction.

After this war, the world order will change. Russia will be the starting point for building a new world order, and China should be its main ally during this period. Read more about Nostradamus' predictions for 2016 here.

Predictions of Mother Matrona for 2016

Mother Matrona shares the predictions of psychics for 2016 for Russia in the sense that the country will face difficult trials. According to her prophecies, in the near future the whole world will be mired in wars, fires, destruction and famine. To help the Russian people, as in the old days, Orthodoxy will come. According to this clairvoyant, the country will be able to survive these Hard times only thanks to the help of God.

The most serious sin is the loss of faith. It is this crime that our people are now paying for. Mother Matrona foresaw the fall Russian Empire as a result of the October Revolution. Let us remember that then, as in our days, people simply lost true faith in God.

2016, according to the predictions of Mother Matrona, will be tough year for all Orthodox Christians. Therefore, we can only believe in God, hope for a better future and pray.

Predictions of psychic Alexander Litvin for 2016

An interesting opinion about the near future of Russia was also expressed by the winner of one of the seasons of the “Battle of Psychics” A. Litvin. The psychic says that many new processes will take place in the state and society at this time, most of of which will be spontaneous. In particular, spontaneous decisions will help people running a business. This year, the winners will be not those businessmen who build logical chains of plans and actions, but those who act boldly, decisively, and often spontaneously.

A. Litvin has no illusions about the speedy end of the economic crisis. He believes that in 2016 people will be in a constant struggle for survival. At the same time, luck will favor those who take an active position and are ready to rush into battle at any moment.

Dramatic changes, according to this psychic, will occur in 2016 in the sphere of government. Many high-ranking officials will lose their homes, and new young specialists will come in their place.

Some conclusions

Summing up the results of psychics' predictions for 2016 for Russia, we can say that our country will face a series of important events this year. There will be an economic crisis, natural disasters and pressure from Western neighbors. But the country will be able to withstand all these tests, and in a few years Russia will take a much more advantageous place among world leaders.

Every person on earth is interested in his future. Due to the fact that these are difficult times, many are trying to know what to expect and what to fear. From time immemorial, people trusted prophets and clairvoyants, who were often able to predict one or another event from the future.

Some of them are still relevant today, so it makes sense to pay attention to them. In addition, they all relate directly to Russians and the entire state as a whole.

Predictions from Vanga for 2016

About the rise Russian Federation, many years before the events taking place, the famous blind soothsayer Vanga spoke. Of course, she did not specifically point to any specific event or date; she mentioned 2016 in passing, but statements regarding 2010-2018 do exist. It was during this period that the great predictor foretold the Third World War.

The prophecy says that the main threat will be a state in the Middle East, most likely Afghanistan, Iran or Türkiye. During this conflict, one of the countries will decide to use nuclear weapons. The discord between the warring parties will be resolved at the very last moment, and Russia and China will play an important role in this dispute, making every effort to preserve the integrity of the world.

In general, as for Russia during this period, Vanga spoke a lot of flattering speeches. It is worth noting that at the head of the country she saw a certain leader who would be able to create a powerful alliance, and in the future he would resist the threats emanating from the West and America. The name of this ruler is Great. The economy will also skyrocket, making Russia a superstate by the end of the year. In 2016, judging by Vanga’s prophecy, a child will be born who is destined to become the Savior, only he will be able to unite people of different religions together.

As for the conflict with the neighboring power Ukraine, the latter will finally fall into a deep economic hole in 2016, and the third wave of the revolution is also not far off. Russia will play an important role in resolving the conflict. A new government will come, which will make every effort to once again establish relations between Russia and Ukraine.

Michel Nostradamus and his predictions for Russia

Russia's position at the global level will skyrocket by 2016. This means that the country will become a hegemon, although not everything will go smoothly. Conflicts and coups will arise every now and then within the power.

Nature will also rebel, especially at the beginning of spring. Nostradamus foresaw heavy torrential rains that would occur in the eastern regions of the country, and literally flood them. Due to weather disasters, people will be forced to move south. In the summer, central Russia will languish from heat and fires. Only by the fall will they be able to cope.

What does Pavel Globa predict for 2016?

Our contemporary, astrologer Pavel Globa always paid special attention to Russia. Let us note that back in 2011 he was able to foresee military actions in Ukraine, and that they would be followed by a split in this country. Regarding 2016, Globa assures that the economic crisis, which is raging almost throughout the entire planet, will in no way affect Russia. It will not only strengthen its position, but will also stand alongside such developed countries as China and the USA. By the way, in 2016 the influence of these countries will fade away somewhat.

Globa highlighted the formation of the Eurasian Union as a separate point, which will help strengthen the power of the Russian Federation. Already in 2016, at least 4 powers will become members of this alliance. It is possible that in the spring Pridnestrovie will also be among the participants, and Gagauzia, Eastern and Southern Ukraine will apply for membership. Pavel Globa increasingly speaks about the collapse of the European Union, which will most likely happen in 2016. Most developed countries will sever all relations with this association and begin to leave it en masse. All current events will lead to the fact that the two Balkan states will begin to consider joining Russia and entering the union created by it.

Note: this material was compiled not from the words of astrologer P. Globa, but from sources that are freely available on the Internet. The site editors cannot guarantee its accuracy!

Conflicting predictions from other psychics

Modern psychics unanimously say that in 2016 Russia will have a wonderful future, supported by a developed economy. Alexey Pokhabov (winner of the seventh “Battle of Psychics”) claims that, despite the outbreak of the Third World War, in 2016 Russia will not give up its leading positions, but will only strengthen them.

The soothsayer Alypia also sees devastation, war and constant conflicts that will accompany the people this year, but the Russian Federation will be able to get out of all this with the slightest losses. Although the prophet sees a stable situation in the country only with the use of chips on people.

Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa is also confident that Russia will become a powerful power, while overthrowing the current leaders of the EU and the United States, uniting with China.

We will find out very soon whether these prophecies will come true, but we should not forget that thoughts are material, so it is advisable to set yourself in a positive mood and think only about good things.

On the eve of the New Year, you always want to look into the future. What will the coming year be like? As a rule, all the predictions that we read with such curiosity in December are quickly forgotten. Well, who now remembers what Nostradamus allegedly predicted for 2015? And yet... On the Internet, we found for you the forecasts of famous soothsayers for 2016. Just please treat them with a certain amount of skepticism. And don't lose optimism!

Nostradamus. Incinerating rays and a city under water

The French seer allegedly predicted in 2016 the beginning of the third world war, which would unfold in Europe (an option - it would be unleashed by one of the Muslim countries) and indirectly affect Russia. It is even possible to use weapons of mass destruction.

After this war, the world order will change. The starting point for building a new world order will be Russia, and China should be its main ally. War is not enough - the weather will also try. America should prepare for hurricanes and storms that could wipe out more than one city. Europe will be hit by terrible torrential rains. Part of Italy, Hungary, the Czech Republic and the whole of Great Britain will go under water. But Russia will be threatened by severe fires at the beginning of summer.

They will arise due to the terrible heat, which will be not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Trying to hide from the scorching rays of the sun, Russia and all snowy countries will be populated by people from other countries. True, many researchers interpret this prediction a little differently. They claim that the scorching rays are chemical weapon. It will be used by a certain state in the Middle East.

Against this background, scientists will somehow manage to make serious discoveries in the field of medicine and science, will globally engage in space exploration, which will lead to unraveling the mystery of the origin of the Universe and humanity. They will begin to deeply explore the bottom of the world's oceans, which will subsequently make it possible to create a city under water.

Vanga. And the Messiah will be born...

The blind seer Vanga never spoke specifically about 2016. She rarely named dates at all, and therefore her forecast for the period from 2010 to 2018 has allegedly reached our days.

Vanga spoke with concern about the situation in the Middle East. According to the soothsayer, during this period the outbreak of a third world war is very likely, and the threat could come from Iraq, Turkey or Afghanistan. One of the countries will declare war on the other, and in the first months of the conflict weapons of mass destruction will be used. Subsequently, other countries will be drawn into the war.

At the same time, a global collapse will be avoided, and all thanks to Russia and China.

Moreover, in 2016 Russia will experience economic growth and social development. Our country will become one of the leading powers in the world. And on the territory of Russia in 2016 a baby will be born, who in the future will become the messiah and unifier of peoples.

Pavel Globa. All hope is for Russia

There will be no war in the usual sense, I reassured everyone famous astrologer Pavel Globa.

Unfortunately, what is happening now can be called a world war,” he made a reservation. - But it will be such a “creeping” World War, another type. And, by the way, it will not end either next year, or in 2017, or in 2018. It will continue until Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius, until 2023-2024. With involvement different countries. Conflicts will break out in various territories, including Africa, Asia, and Indonesia.

The difficult political situation and the global economic crisis will not have the best impact on the countries of the European Union and the United States. The European Union will literally burst at the seams. Countries will begin to leave the union one after another, with Great Britain being the first to do so. Dissatisfied with the mediocre external and internal politics Americans will rise up against the US government. Globa predicts depreciation American dollar. The Chinese yuan will gain a lot of weight.

Globa has mostly positive forecasts for Russia. Against the backdrop of the global economic and financial crisis, our country will not lose its position. The astrologer predicts the formation of a union in Eurasia in 2016, which will include at least four states. This will strengthen the power of the Russian Federation in an unprecedented way. It is Russia that will be the country that will bring the world out of stagnation. Without direct interference in the politics of other countries, Russia will act as an arbitrator in many global political issues.

Alexander Litvin. Be spontaneous!

The winner of one of the seasons of the “Battle of Psychics,” Alexander Litvin, says that in Russia next year many new processes will take place, mostly spontaneous.

In particular, spontaneous decisions will help people running a business. The winners will be not those businessmen who build logical chains of plans and actions, but those who act boldly, decisively, and often spontaneously.

Lytvyn has no illusions that the economic crisis will end soon. People will be in a constant struggle for survival. At the same time, luck will favor those who take an active position and are ready to rush into battle at any moment.

Dramatic changes, according to this psychic, will occur in 2016 in the sphere of government. Many high-ranking officials will lose their homes, and young professionals will come in their place.

About the ruble and oil

Danish investment bank Saxo Bank has published its traditional annual forecast of events as part of the Shocking Predictions project. Bank experts expect a significant strengthening of the Russian currency in 2016. The Russian ruble, according to the forecast, will rise in price by 20%, becoming the strongest currency in the world at the end of the year.

But the head of Sberbank, German Gref, believes that 2016 will be difficult both for the country’s economy as a whole and for the banking sector in particular. He does not rule out the possibility of a budget sequestration next year. “Life will be less sweet than with an oil price of $50,” said the head of Sberbank. At the same time, he emphasizes that the situation is “not so terrible,” although he admits that the price of oil below $40 is a “pessimistic option.”

In general, when it comes to oil and the ruble, there are so many experts, so many forecasts...

Predictions of Maria Duval

Maria Duval, a famous soothsayer, predicts drought and many fires in Russia due to the unbearably hot summer. Most of the crops will be lost, but the country will cope with this and will provide support to other countries affected by drought. This year, according to Maria, will be the main year to test the integrity and stability of the Russian economy. Russia will pass the exam with dignity, and in the future it will have a high level of development.

Edgar Cayce's Predictions

The mystic Edgar Cayce predicted many natural disasters, but most of all there would be floods. Many European countries and even Japan will be flooded, but Russia will suffer virtually no damage. It will even become a center of rebirth and restoration. Siberia will actively develop and reach a high industrial, technical and cultural level.

Vanga's prophecies

According to Vanga’s predictions, in 2016 Europe may be involved in the largest military conflict unleashed by a certain Arab power. The world will be on the brink of World War III. Iraq or Türkiye could start a war. Vanga's visions prophesy the complete destruction of a large number of European countries. The conflict will cause the collapse and decline of the European Union. The economic crisis will sweep the whole world - there will be no country that it will not touch.

Predictions of Matrona of Moscow

The forecasts for 2016 of Blessed Matrona are in many ways consonant with the visions of Vanga and Nostradamus. The coming year, according to the behests of the holy healer, could turn disastrous for all Orthodox Christians. Mother assured that only with God's help and true faith will the Orthodox Russian people be able to withstand and survive disasters.

What Nostradamus predicted

The oldest of all predictors of the era, Michel Nostradamus, in his chronologies also predicted the development of the Third World War for this period. He saw the demise of an entire civilization and devastated continents, the Earth's population of only a few thousand people and long decades of recovery after terrible events. Europe will disappear from the map, and people will not return there soon. The military conflict will not bypass Russia either. The role of the main ally for this period in the writings of Nostradamus is assigned to China.

Prophecy of Faith Lyon

But Kazakh clairvoyant Vera Lyon sees Russia in 2016 in a completely different light. According to her predictions, Russia will gradually regain its rightful place in the geopolitical arena, but the influence of the United States on events taking place in the world will begin to steadily decrease. She also claims that Barack Obama will become the last US president - after him, the United States of America in its current form will cease to exist. The seer does not see a third world war or any global cataclysms in the near future, but warns that 2016 will still be quite difficult.

Forecast by astrologer Mikhail Levin

The founder of the Russian school of astrology, Mikhail Levin, in his forecasts for 2016, claims that it is in the year of the Red Monkey that a change of power awaits Russia. The astrologer cannot predict how this will happen and whether it will be voluntary. After this process, Russia will face all sorts of updates, and this is not surprising, because a new ruler means new rules. The astrologer claims that the restructuring of Russia will drag on for a decade, but after it Russia may well take a leading position on the world stage.

Forecast by Pavel Globa

The most famous astrologer in Russia, Pavel Globa, claims that with the advent of 2016, Russia will begin to play an even more important role in geopolitics. Spring 2016 peace will come in into another round of economic crisis, but this will have virtually no effect on Russia. Moreover, Globa argues, through the sale of energy resources, our country will become one of the leading economies in the world. In addition, in 2016 it is possible to expand the EEC to include Transnistria, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Gagauzia and the rebel regions of Donbass. The astrologer also predicts for 2016 the beginning of the collapse of the European Union, which will be the first to leave Great Britain.

Julia Wang's Predictions

The winner of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics, Julia Wang, sees the coming year in gloomy tones. According to her predictions, 2016 will be extremely difficult for Russia. Energy prices in the world will continue to fall to critically low levels, which will cause a severe economic crisis in the Russian Federation. Dissatisfaction with the current government will increase many times over, and in the summer of 2016 there will be a change in the country's leadership. At the end of the year, Julia Wang predicts mass unrest that could even result in a civil war.

Forecast of psychic Alexey Grishin

But another participant in the Battle of Psychics, Alexey Grishin, sees Russia in 2016 completely different. According to him, no global political processes will take place in the new year. The dollar exchange rate, Grishin believes, has already reached its lowest point and will remain there throughout 2016. According to him, Russia will live through 2016 no worse than the previous one. The only problem will be the deterioration of the visa regime with the countries of America and Europe.

Another participant in the Battle of Psychics, Iranian predictor Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa, predicts prosperity for Russia in 2016, which it will achieve by changing overnight. At the same time, the EU and the US are facing collapse, so Russia must look for an ally in China.

Psychic Fatima Khadueva sees that Russia’s enemies will not be able to defeat it, because our ancestors laid good stones in the foundation of the country. She believes that Russia will be able to prove to the whole world that it is a strong country. Moscow will cease to be a place where people flock in search of work; on the contrary, the migration flow to the periphery will greatly increase. It will take many farmers, ecologists, gardeners, and also many doctors. Europe will be periodically shaken by wars, but there will be no Third World War.

Her colleague Mohsen Narouzi agrees with her. He says that Russia will continue to grow stronger and develop in 2016, but the population should be especially careful with weather conditions and elements: forest fires are possible in Siberia and earthquakes in areas of the Altai Territory.

Well, as we see, many predictions for the new year 2016 turn out to be completely opposite. We can only hope for the best and then, on the eve of the next new year, we will be able to appreciate the abilities of psychics, astrologers and clairvoyants.

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