Rules of conduct on how to behave at school. Rules of conduct at school. Useful tips and recommendations for students. Rules of conduct in the corridor and on stairs

Rules of behavior at school are the key not only to students’ successful conquest of knowledge, but also to their physical and mental health. Students become familiar with the routine of school life and its way of life from the first days. If a child has entries in his diary that indicate violations of school order, then parents should take action. Find out where to start from the article.

Rules of behavior at school briefly

By sending their children to school, parents are confident that their children will receive the necessary amount of knowledge, emotional and psychological support. All this is only possible if educational institution respect and know the rules of behavior and follow them.

The school routine is known not only to students and teachers, but also to parents. How to dress a child when he should come to class, how to behave in class is the concern of parents.

In the first days after the summer holidays, many schools hand out handouts to children that contain basic rules and norms of behavior at school. Every child must follow them, otherwise school life will turn into uncontrollable chaos.

Teachers monitor the implementation of these rules, however, parents must also take part in the formation of a specific behavioral model of a schoolchild. From time to time, conduct preventive conversations, point out specific examples what a violation of school routine can lead to.

Introduce your child to a short list what the school will require of him:

  • General requirements:
  1. Dress cleanly and neatly. Choose clothes and shoes that are comfortable and appropriate for the season.
  2. Wearing a sports uniform is allowed only during sports activities (physical education class, section, sports elective).
  3. Take care of your personal hygiene: cut your nails, wash your hair, etc.
  4. Walk around with a neat hairstyle. Long hair It is advisable to place them so that they do not interfere with writing and reading, otherwise vision and posture defects may occur.
  5. Carry a handkerchief and wet wipes with you.
  6. Place books and school supplies in your bag, school backpack, briefcase.
  7. Go home immediately after classes. Only those who attend additional classes remain in the educational institution.
  8. Plan your travel time so that you can get to class at least 10 minutes before class starts.

  • During lessons, the student should behave like this:
  1. Enter the office with the permission of the teacher or his authorized representative (prefect).
  2. Take a seat according to the seating chart. It is approved by the subject teacher or class teacher.
  3. Before the start of the lesson, prepare and place on your desk a textbook, notebooks and school supplies that will be needed.
  4. Greet the teacher by standing up. Stand up when the teacher leaves the classroom.
  5. Do not use a mobile phone or gadgets during class without the teacher’s permission.
  6. Do not leave the room during class without the teacher's permission.
  7. During class, remain quiet, listen carefully to the teacher and follow his instructions.
  8. When going to the board, take your diary with you.
  9. Do not give hints to your classmates or interrupt them while answering.
  10. Don't shout from your seat. If you know the answer to the teacher's question, raise your hand.

  • Rules of conduct at school during recess:
  1. Go to recess only with the permission of the teacher.
  2. During breaks, the attendants ventilate the classroom, prepare the board and visual aids (maps, models, dummies).
  3. Do not run through the corridors and stairs during recess, because you may injure yourself or injure other children. For active recreation, it is better to go out into the school yard.
  4. Don’t sit on the windowsills, don’t climb down the railings, don’t play with sharp objects, don’t fight, don’t throw garbage, don’t break school property.
  5. To have a snack during recess, go to the cafeteria or school cafe. Don't eat on the go or in class.
  6. When walking down the corridor, keep to the right.
  7. When leaving and entering the classroom, boys let the teacher and girls pass first.
  8. Do not enter the staff room without permission.

In addition, you should remember general rules behavior:

  • You can’t smoke or swear;
  • argue and negotiate with elders;
  • when talking to the teacher, keep your hands in your pocket;
  • we need to help those who require help;
  • be polite and careful.

School is a place where children not only gain knowledge, but also learn to communicate and learn about general cultural norms of behavior. They must understand that following school rules- this is not a stupid invention designed to oppress their personality, to accustom them to stereotyped behavior, but an elementary concern for their health.

They must realize that noise in class and lack of discipline lead to worse absorption material. In addition, children are more tired psychologically and may have headaches. If someone breaks the rules of behavior during recess, they may suffer physical harm themselves or cause harm to someone else.

Children should be reminded of this regularly and by example demonstrate how rules help optimize activities and make them more efficient.

Rules of behavior at school in verses and pictures

It will be easier and more fun to study rules and norms of behavior if you use non-standard approaches - poems and drawings.

They will be especially useful when it comes to elementary school students or those who are just preparing to become schoolchildren.

Here are some rhyming lines that will enable children to learn the routine of school life:

  • Come to school on time.

The little bear is sleeping in a crib.

About textbooks, notebooks

He doesn't want to remember -

Watching his tenth dream.

And although the alarm clock is ringing

Wakes up Dormouse Bear,

The little bear doesn't get up

Doesn't go to school in the morning.

He slept through all the lessons -

Only at lunchtime did the sleepyhead get up!

Only this is bad, brothers, -

It's very late to wake up!

And it's time for you to start

Get up on the alarm clock.

If you started studying,

It's not good to sleep for so long!

  • Get your clothes ready for school in the evening.

The goose was rushing around the room,

Getting ready for school in the morning:

- Why is the shirt wrinkled?

I stroked her once!

And the pants were lost -

How they fell through the ground!

Tie, where are you? Answer me!

And appear on the neck!

Goose tried for a very long time,

Fussed around, got dressed,

And what was the ending? -

I'm late for class!

I want to repeat it again:

You need to be ready for school

To get up early in the morning,

Don't waste time,

Don't fuss unnecessarily

Show up to school on time.

  • Prepare school supplies according to your schedule in advance.

A monkey sits at a desk in the classroom

And quietly he says to his neighbor:

- Yesterday I wasn’t at school, girlfriend, I was

That's why I didn't pack my briefcase.

And this morning I was in a hurry to get to class,

And look, what happened in the end!

Monkey quietly took out her briefcase,

But it doesn’t have a ruler, notebooks, or pencil case.

- Neighbor, please help me out

And give me a pen, a piece of paper, a ruler.

Of course, the neighbor saved Monkey

And I couldn’t refuse such a request.

But still, in the future, children, keep in mind:

Always bring with you in your briefcase

All the things that are needed at school.

You should never forget them!

  • Don't spoil the textbooks.

The main assistant in studying is the textbook.

He is a silent and kind wizard,

The knowledge of the wise is forever preserved.

You save his festive look!

Immediately wrap it in a cover,

Do not get dirty with your pen, do not tear or crease.

A glorious textbook will teach you everything -

Be grateful to him for this!

  • Don't destroy school property.

The little wolf was having fun in the class,

I rocked on my chair endlessly,

I drew on the walls with chalk

And he opened the door with his foot.

The boys surrounded him

The wolf cub was strictly explained:

- School is our second home,

They teach you and me everything here,

And we must take care of it -

We don't need hooligans!

  • There is no place for toys at school.

Piggy reasoned sadly:

- It’s sad at school without toys.

Maybe take a typewriter

And ride under the desk?

I miss the soldiers

I don’t know what to do with myself.

Maybe blow the whistle

So that they think: “The call!”?

Just this, baby,

School is not a game

Here you have to work honestly

Everyone knows this!

There's no place for soldiers here

The toys will wait at home.

  • Don't waste your time in class.

Two tailed Magpies

We chatted in class

And they got a D,

Relatives were upset at home.

Well, let them now find out:

There is no chatting in class.

Are you not asked to answer?

So it’s better to keep quiet!

The little elephant was spinning at his desk,

I was in a hurry to leave class,

I quickly collected my briefcase,

I didn't write down the assignment.

And at home he doesn’t know what to do:

How will the lessons be taught?

Let's quickly remember

Does not remember! I called my friends -

The call did not solve the problem:

Friends ran away to the cinema

The lessons have been ready for a long time.

When he learned the task,

I spent half the night doing it.

He was tired and didn’t get enough sleep...

Please remember, Elephant:

Don’t rush to run away from class,

Write the task in your diary!

These and other funny and instructive stories will introduce children to the basic norms of behavior in an educational institution. Backed up bright pictures, they will be remembered for a long time and will become a useful habit.

Teach children to follow the rules of behavior at school. They will develop useful habits: discipline, composure, politeness, courtesy, the ability to calculate time and use it effectively, and allocate time for work and rest.

School rules have been formed over the years. They regulate the life of a student and prepare him for real adult life, where responsibility and discipline come first.

The school period is one of the fundamental stages of a child’s growing up. In addition to gaining knowledge in general education subjects, within the walls of the school the child learns to communicate with other people, realizes his role in life, and gets to know himself. Here he takes his first steps in communicating with the opposite sex and shows his leadership qualities.

Meanwhile, school is also a certain, quite strict framework for the behavior of a growing person. The school allows children to learn the rules of generally accepted behavior, teaches tact, diligence, and helps parents in their upbringing. So that the child is not a black sheep and understands how he should behave in new situations, you need to tell him in an accessible and detailed way about what he will encounter at school and how he should behave in it.


The content of the article:
  • Student rights at school

    School is, among other things, also a huge stress for a child. On the one hand, he is tormented by the fear of letting down and disappointing his parents, on the other hand, by the fear of often too strict teachers, new rules for which children are not always ready. The child feels unprotected, is afraid to take the wrong step - and therefore may lose motivation and desire to learn altogether.

    To prevent this from happening, it is important to explain to the child that at school he not only has certain responsibilities, but also rights that teachers are obliged to provide him with.

    • The teacher does not have the right to expel a child from class for violating discipline. The right to education is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and by preventing students from attending classes, a teacher is breaking the law. The same applies to being late - even if a child is late for class, the teacher is obliged to let him into class.
    • No one can force a child to work. Subbotniks, cleaning school premises and other similar extracurricular activities must be carried out in a strictly voluntary form.
    • The child also has the right to independently decide whether to attend or not extracurricular activities. Additional lessons beyond the general education load cannot be mandatory.
    • Teachers do not have the right to demand that money be donated to the classroom or school fund, or to collect funds for security, cleaning, or any other needs of the school. Education in our country is completely free.

    At the same time, the child also has a number of obligations that he must fulfill at school. We are talking about discipline, rules of behavior in lessons, breaks, in the cafeteria and on school grounds.

    How to dress properly for school

    The appearance of a child is a reflection of the neatness and neatness of his parents, their kind of calling card. In some schools, loose clothing is allowed, in others it is strictly regulated: parents can have it custom-made according to a specific design or bought in a specific store.

    School uniform is a rather controversial issue. On the one hand, it unifies schoolchildren and deprives them of individuality, on the other hand, it promotes discipline and concentration on their studies. In schools where loose clothing is allowed, disputes and even conflicts often arise between teachers and students. At a certain age, girls try to stand out from the crowd, and they do this with the help of too bright, even revealing clothes.

    The optimal school clothes look like this:

    • For girls - a knee-length skirt or formal trousers, a light blouse, a jacket or vest.
    • For boys - classic trousers, a light shirt, jacket or vest.

    All clothing must be clean, fresh, ironed, and look neat. The school places special demands on students' shoes: you need to bring a spare pair with you to school and change your shoes before starting classes. It should also be clean and tidy.

    Schoolchildren's hairstyles should not be provocative: they should not dye their hair in bright, unnatural colors, make mohawks, comb their hair into punks, or, conversely, shave their hair to zero.

    How to come to school according to the rules

    Many schoolchildren arrive at school a few minutes before the first bell, hastily undressing and changing their shoes. Some literally run into the classroom with the bell ringing, and for the first few minutes of the lesson they are forced to tune in and get into a working rhythm.

    To ensure that your child is as productive as possible and can easily learn the material in class, the rules of behavior for students at school recommend arriving at school 15 minutes before the start of classes. During this time, he will be able to calmly change clothes, put on replacement shoes, relax, lay out his school supplies and even chat with friends. He will no longer be distracted by these simple activities during the lesson, which will improve discipline and contribute to better performance.

    It is not recommended to bring foreign objects to school: toys, cosmetics, knives and other things. Many boys regard the latter as a way of self-affirmation; they feel more confident with a penknife, but parents must understand that this is a type of cold, deadly weapon, and it has no place in the hands of a child.

    How to behave in class

    Children's behavior in class is the main thing headache many teachers. The culture of behavior during classes should be established in the child’s family. Parents should teach him to respectfully listen to his elders, not to interrupt, not to make noise, not to argue with the teacher and not to be distracted by extraneous things.

    During a lesson, a child has many temptations: a telephone, a neighbor at his desk, or a view in the window can greatly distract his attention, especially if he has problems with concentration. To prevent your child from causing a lesson disruption, you should teach him the simple rules of behavior for students in class at school:

    • You need to arrive to class early (5-10 minutes).
    • You should sit down in your place.
    • There should be no distracting objects on the desktop.
    • Silence must be maintained during the lesson.
    • You can leave the classroom by asking permission from the teacher.
    • To ask a question, you need to raise your hand and wait for permission.
    • You should not tell other students the correct answers.

    The child must not only remember these rules, he must understand why they exist. For example, why can’t you help your friend answer a difficult question if he himself knows the answer? Explain to your child that each person must come to their own decision, that this will allow him to learn faster and become smarter. The child will not take prohibitions seriously without explaining the cause-and-effect relationship.

    How to behave during recess

    The noise and craziness during recess is a reason for the teacher to think about how disciplined his class is. Younger schoolchildren are more difficult to control, and therefore students should be helped to comply with the rules of behavior at school during recess. By offering them certain games during recess, you can control their activity and gradually teach them discipline.

    • Even after the bell rings for recess, the child should not jump up until the teacher finishes the lesson.
    • During recess, you cannot sit on window sills or open windows - this is contrary to fire safety rules.
    • During recess, you must not run along the corridor, shout, or push other children. Also, you are not allowed to eat in the hallway.
    • When walking along the corridor, keep to the right.
    • In the dining room you should calmly wait your turn, do not overtake children, and follow all the rules of etiquette.
    • You must not litter in the toilet, write on the walls or damage school property.

    How to behave in the school grounds/school yard

    On school grounds, students are subject to the same rules of behavior that apply within its walls. Children must behave politely, any manifestations of aggression and violence are prohibited: quarrels, fights or showdowns must be immediately resolved by adults.

    In the school grounds it is prohibited to break trees, pick flowers, or bend bushes. Damage to any property belonging to the school will result in a fine being imposed on the parents.

    How to communicate with the teacher and other students

    School everyday life is a real school of life, children learn to communicate with each other, show their strengths, and encounter the first difficulties in communicating with each other. The first serious conflicts, emotional upheavals, positive and negative, also occur at school.

    In order for a child to be ready for any situation, he needs to be mentally prepared before entering first grade. You should tell and explain to the child that he must treat his classmates with respect, not enter into conflicts, not take other people’s things, and not spoil them. At the same time, the child must be able to stand up for himself and fight back against bullies, but within the framework of decent behavior.

    Older children during the transitional period may experience difficulties in communicating with peers of a completely different nature. Their age may make them aggressive, but in any case they must treat all their classmates with respect.

    The ethics of communication with a teacher dictates the following requirements:

    • You must address the teacher strictly by name and patronymic, using “you”;
    • The teacher must not be interrupted;
    • You must follow all assignments and instructions from the teacher;
    • After the teacher enters the classroom, you must stand up.

    Mobile phone at school

    Even ten years ago, problems with use mobile phones did not arise at school. Today, almost every first-grader comes to school with a modern gadget, stuffed with games and applications. Instead of socializing during recess, children play on their phones, which makes them withdrawn and unsociable.

    A child’s mobile phone should perform only one function – to be a means of communication with parents. Moms and dads want to be able to know at any time where their child is and whether everything is okay. This is an absolutely justified desire, but the child must be explained: at school he must use the phone differently than at home. A student should not take out his phone during class, play with it, or listen to music.

    A child will never have problems studying or adapting to the class and new people around if he follows simple rules student behavior at school.

    General rules of conduct

    1. The student arrives at school 15 minutes before the start of classes; clean, tidy, takes off outerwear in the wardrobe, puts on a change of shoes, takes a seat workplace with a warning for the lesson and prepares all the necessary educational supplies for the upcoming lesson

    2. The student is obliged to complete homework within the time limits established by the school curriculum

    3. At the first request of the teacher, the diary should be presented

    4. Keep a daily record of your homework in a diary.

    5. Bring to class all the necessary textbooks, notebooks, manuals, and writing materials.

    6. You cannot bring weapons (including knives), explosives, or flammable substances into the school territory for any purpose and use them in any way; alcohol. cigarettes, drugs, other intoxicants and poisons

    7. Smoking is prohibited on school grounds

    8. It is not allowed to chew chewing gum or use iPods or mobile communications during lessons.

    10. School students must respect the dignity of students and school employees.

    11. Physical confrontation, intimidation and bullying, attempts at personal humiliation, and discrimination on the basis of nationality or race are unacceptable forms of behavior. The school strongly condemns such behavior.

    12. Students take care of school property, carefully treat both their own and other people’s property, and maintain cleanliness and order on the school grounds. In case of damage to school property, parents (legal representatives) are obliged to compensate it.

    13. All students take part in activities to improve the school and school grounds, to the best of their physical abilities.

    14. Students should respect property rights. Books, jackets and other personal items in the school belong to their owners.

    15. Disciplinary measures, including criminal punishment, may be taken against students who appropriate other people's things.

    16. Students who find things that they think are lost or forgotten are asked to hand them over to the administrator or teacher on duty.

    17. You cannot leave school during class hours without permission from teachers or a nurse. You can leave the school by presenting a note from a teacher or medical worker to the security guard on duty.

    18. In case of absence from classes, the student must present to the class teacher a certificate or note from the parents (their substitutes) about the reason for absence from classes.

    Behavior in class

    1. When the teacher enters the class, the students stand up and greet the teacher. Students greet any adult who enters the classroom during class (except while working on the computer) in a similar manner.

    2. Each teacher determines the rules of behavior for students in their classes; these likes. should not infringe on the dignity of the student.

    3. During a lesson, you must not make noise, be distracted yourself or distract other comrades from their studies with extraneous conversations, games and other matters not related to the lesson! since this violates the rights of others to obtain the necessary knowledge.

    4. During the lesson, students have the right to use school equipment, which they return to the teacher after the lesson. It must be treated with care and precision.

    5. If a student wants to ask a question to the teacher or answer a question from the teacher, he raises his hand.

    6. The student has the right to defend his views and beliefs when discussing various controversial and ambiguous issues in a correct manner.

    Student behavior before, during breaks and after classes

    1. During breaks (changes), the student is obliged to: bring cleanliness and order to his workplace; leave the class if the teacher asks; obey the teacher's demands. 2. During recess, students can move freely around the school, except for places where they are prohibited for safety reasons (attic, basement, kitchen, physical and chemical laboratories).

    3. During breaks, students are prohibited from pushing each other, throwing objects, or using physical force.

    4. During breaks, students are prohibited from leaving school without the permission of the class teacher or administrator on duty.

    6. During breaks, students should not run on stairs, near window openings and in other places not suitable for games.

    7. The duty class helps the duty teacher to monitor compliance with discipline during breaks.

    Student behavior in the cafeteria

    1. Students are expected to maintain good manners and conduct themselves while eating in the cafeteria.

    2. Students must treat cafeteria workers with respect.

    3. Talk while eating should not be loud, so as not to disturb those eating next door.

    4. Students clean the table after eating and put the chairs back in place.

    5. Students treat the property of the school canteen with care.

    Responsibilities of the class attendant

    1. Duty officers are appointed in accordance with the class duty schedule.

    2. The attendants help the teacher prepare the class for the next lesson and clean the classroom as much as possible.

    3. During recess, the student(s) on duty ventilate the classroom, help the teacher hang up educational material for the next lesson, and distribute notebooks at the teacher’s request.

    4. At the end of the working day, the students on duty prepare the classroom for the next working day (they wipe dust from furniture, water flowers, wash floors).

    Responsibilities of the school attendant

    1. Duty is carried out by students in grades 7-11.

    2. The duties of the duty officer include:

    check students' shoes when entering school; help elementary school students undress;

    maintain order in the locker rooms;

    ensure cleanliness and order in assigned areas of the school;

    provide the necessary assistance in organizing the educational process to teachers and school administration.

    3. Every day, at the end of lessons, the attendants put in order the areas of the school assigned to them and hand them over to the class teacher or the administrator on duty.

    4. The duty officer does not have the right to use physical force when suppressing violations by students.

    1. Students should come to school in neat clothes intended for classes.

    2. Clothing must be age appropriate and express the owner’s respect for himself and society.

    4. At school, all students wear removable shoes.

    5. Sportswear intended for lessons physical culture, it is inappropriate in other lessons.

    6. It is not permitted to wear outerwear at school without any special reason.

    7. During technology lessons, boys must have a work robe, girls must have an apron and hats.

    8. Students come to formal school-wide events in the appropriate uniform: girls in dark skirts or trousers and light blouses, boys in dark suits and light shirts. It is advisable to have a tie for the latter.

    9. For holiday evenings and concerts, students choose clothes at their own discretion.


    It is forbidden:

    1. run around the school and up the steps, fight, scream, swear, call children names, touch other people’s things, walk around the school during lessons, use obscene language

    2. beat and offend children and girls


    1. wear a school uniform every day, have a sports uniform for physical education, change into replaceable shoes every day

    2. come to school 15 minutes before classes, neat and handsome

    3. walk around the school on the right side

    4. obey teachers

    5. say hello and goodbye to all teachers and adults upon leaving school

    6. carry a diary every day


    It is forbidden:

    1. run, fight, scream, quarrel with classmates

    2. leave the class without the teacher’s permission

    3. offend girls, call other students names

    4. draw on desks and chairs, school walls

    5. throw backpacks and other things


    1. help each other, be friends with each other

    2. obey teachers

    3. take care of school things (textbooks, blinds, desks, chairs, walls, manuals)

    4. provide assistance to classmates and teachers


    It is forbidden:

    1. shout, talk, shout from your seat, call names, turn around and disturb others, disrupt lessons, make noise in class, throw erasers, distract and get distracted, play, fly airplanes, cheat, correspond with classmates, laugh

    2. argue, call names, interrupt, snap, shout at the teacher

    3. open the textbook, get up and walk around the class during the lesson without the teacher’s permission

    4. fight, beat and offend classmates and classmates

    5. eat and chew

    6. be late for class, skip classes


    1. listen carefully and obey the teacher

    2. do what the teacher says

    3. Draw and write on the board only with the permission of the teacher

    4. be ready for lessons

    5. write down all homework for each lesson in a diary.

    6. raise your hand if you have questions

    7. control your emotions

    8. throw away your chewing gum before class

    9. turn in notebooks on time, always write homework in your diary

    10. when answering at the board, hands should not be in your pockets

    11. maintain correct posture in class


    It is forbidden:

    1. throw bread

    2. fight, run around the dining room

    3. shout, disturbing others


    1. go to lunch in pairs instead of running

    2. take precautions

    3. wash your hands before eating

    4. eat in silence


    It is forbidden:

    1. scream

    2. run around the school, fight, hit and offend students


    1. ask the teacher for time off before going to the toilet, wash your hands after using the toilet

    2. be on duty and prepare everything for the lesson


    1. we need to prepare for lessons

    2. complete all homework

    3. work on mistakes

    4. write down all homework for each lesson in a diary.

    5. Put all the textbooks and notebooks that will be needed in class that day in your backpack.

    6. If asked, you need to learn the rules.

    7. fill out the diary for the next week on the weekends

    8. over the weekend, ask parents to sign in the diary

    Your child, sooner or later, will end up in a group of other children, in which he will have to adapt, learn and spend almost most time. To begin with, it is necessary to explain to the child how to behave at school and what undesirable consequences one or another of his tricks can lead to.

    Why should you send your child to school?

    Some parents refuse kindergartens and schools in favor of homeschooling motivating this:

    • Higher quality of knowledge gained;
    • Individual approach;
    • Less time spent on mastering the material;
    • Absence of conflict situations and violence.

    Of course, this approach has certain advantages; there is no point in arguing with that.

    But, by not going to school, a child loses much more:

    1. Does not have the opportunity to join a group of peers;
    2. Does not communicate with anyone except family and family friends;
    3. Does not acquire useful social skills;
    4. Left helpless, forced to make up for lost time.

    Man is a social being, he will end up in a team, regardless of his desires. Be it study, work or entertainment. And success in any endeavor depends on how comfortable he feels among others, how easy it is for him to establish new connections.

    Yes, introverted loners also sometimes achieve something, sometimes even more than “team players.” But this requires outstanding inclinations, and even with teamwork such a person could show even more amazing results.

    How should you behave at school?

    At school you need:

    • Be punctual, not be late for class and sit at your desk immediately after the bell rings;
    • Do not make noise while the teacher is trying to explain something;
    • Do not be distracted, try to do this unnoticed by the teacher;
    • Communicate with everyone, but be friends with one or a couple of people;
    • Do not get involved in conflict at the first opportunity;
    • Defend your position if someone tries to “put pressure”;
    • Do not try to make fun of the teacher, this may end with your parents calling you to school;
    • Do not run around in class during recess.

    There are a lot of rules and the teacher will introduce you to most of them in the first lesson. Anything he forgets to mention will come up in the first days and first punishments. Don't be afraid of school lessons.

    Yes, it is difficult to sit for an hour listening to monotonous speech. But if you pay a little more attention to what the teacher is trying to explain, gradually everything will become clear.

    If you don’t want to upset your parents with constant calls to school or comments in your diary, behave well or don’t get caught in the middle. There is no need to run headlong and restore justice; this can be done at any convenient time.

    How to behave in a new school?

    Constant moving is especially difficult for a child:

    1. You have to change schools every time;
    2. The circle of friends changes, sometimes radically;
    3. Parting with friends is always unpleasant;
    4. Making new acquaintances is not so easy in an established team.

    In a new school, in an unfamiliar team:

    • Behave naturally, there is no need for extra “show-off”;
    • Try to be friendly and sociable;
    • On the very first day, for sure, someone will try to talk to you, make an acquaintance;
    • Find a company with interests - games, music, films;

    There are already established “groups” in the class, but there are also those who don’t really communicate with anyone. They may try to get to know you, but it’s worth wondering why they didn’t find a common language with their classmates?

    It might be possible to join some company, but the first couple of days they will keep an eye on you, evaluating your actions and trying to understand what you are like. If you don't consider yourself a perfect imitator, it's better to be natural.

    Having decided on you, the team will assign a certain place in the social hierarchy, which you will have to occupy. Well, or go against the system and stuff like that.

    In short, the first time:

    1. Behave naturally;
    2. Make contact if someone expresses such a desire;
    3. You should not fall for provocations;
    4. Be prepared for pressure and scrutiny.

    And yes, in many teams they don’t particularly like “smart guys”; this point should not be forgotten.

    In this video, Elena Morozova will tell you how to behave at school in order to make a positive impression on your classmates:

    Why does my child behave badly at school?

    Problems with obedience arise from:

    • The child is not interested in school;
    • The teenager has entered puberty and his hormones begin to “splash out”;
    • Dite protests against what he considers unfair;
    • The student copies the behavior model he sees at home;
    • Trying to establish himself as “already an adult.”

    In most cases, it is enough to talk with him, on an equal footing, as with a fellow adult. Listen, understand the reasons and advise something.

    Sometimes problems arise due to attention deficit, when a child cannot concentrate on one problem, as a result, studies are worse, the desire to sit in class disappears, and behavior problems arise.

    Some children begin to behave badly from permissiveness. They are trying to “feel” where the line is, after which they will “get there.” And then a discovery is made - but there is no limit, you can do anything and no one will do anything. In this case, you just need to put down the presumptuous insolent.

    Joining the school team

    There are two aspects of behavior at school - with teachers and with the staff. To be “smart”:

    1. Sit quietly in class;
    2. Listen carefully to what the teacher says;
    3. Prepare for each lesson;
    4. Don't run in the hallways or classrooms;
    5. Don't fight in front of everyone;
    6. Ask questions and appear interested.

    To join the team you need something else:

    • Be friendly and sociable;
    • Show off less;
    • Defend your position and not be afraid of conflict situations;
    • Help others if possible;
    • Something interesting to tell.

    These moments are enough to become “one of our own” for the majority. And so - everything is individual and depends on each individual person. There are many options on how to establish communication or make acquaintances.

    But there are no universal ways to get a positive reaction in return. This is quite difficult and comes with experience, but you can read a couple of books on the psychology of relationships in a team.

    If you don't know how to behave at school, you'll have to figure it out personal experience. The option is not the worst if you are an interesting person and are ready to defend your positions.

    Video: how to behave and not give offense

    In this video, blogger Katya Klap will talk about the correct model of behavior at school, how to avoid being offended by your classmates:

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