It’s true about the Crimean bridge that the supports sank. Arkady Rotenberg denied the subsidence of the supports of the Kerch bridge. BDK "Azov" passed under the bridge singing

—Can you remember how the events unfolded on the day of the arrest?

- Undoubtedly. I was detained on the morning of October 19, 2016 in an office on the street. Leningradskaya and subsequently, after a search in the office, they were taken to the investigator. During the arrest, the investigator asked me: “Do you carry weapons?” I answered: “I don’t carry weapons with me, all weapons are kept at home.” The investigator immediately called somewhere and said: “He has weapons in his house.” Only at seven o'clock in the evening did the official interrogation take place, where I was charged. On the same day, a video was broadcast on TV in which they allegedly found a huge amount of money on me that I received as a bribe. The video showed a table with banknotes laid out on it. When I got to the pre-trial detention center, many detainees asked me about this. Even then I realized that my arrest was largely orchestrated.

— In what conditions are you kept?

— There are many assessments of the fact of detention in a pre-trial detention center. This is the fact that “it is not a resort”, and “the prison did not promise amenities”, and that in Russia there are not “Swedish prisons”. But every day I’m here I feel a biased attitude towards me. It doesn't matter whether you are convicted or not. For many guards who work here, you are already a criminal, a prisoner. And they do not hesitate to express this and even try to argue when you reprimand them. I would also like to note that the medical care in the pre-trial detention center is very poor; there are no effective medications that really help the patient. For example, for colds, paracetamol and aspirin, one tablet per day! There is a complete lack of highly specialized medical staff and equipment. It’s better not to get sick in prison, but, unfortunately, I didn’t succeed. I suffered a heart attack in the cell - an ultrasound showed a scar.

I've been in many cells, almost everywhere cold water and dim lighting. After reading the volumes of my case in the cell, my vision became very weak.

— Does anyone support you in freedom?

“Through my lawyers, I find out that my wife is receiving calls from friends, colleagues, and relatives offering support. There are calls from colleagues in other countries railways and even from the central office of the company, acquaintances with whom, over 35 years of work in railway transport, I had to collaborate and solve production problems. People believe in justice and reassure the spouse, saying that the law will prevail.

- Do you believe in this yourself?

— I think that my business is custom-made. Therefore, as always in such cases, in my purely opinion, pressure will be exerted on the court and personally on the judge by the investigation through certain structures. I, of course, expect a fair trial, but given the pressure that was put on during the investigation, I believe that it simply will not happen. By the way, the prosecution does not hide its intentions. When reviewing the case materials, the investigator repeatedly told my lawyer and me personally that they would ask for a maximum sentence, thereby trying to put pressure on me. But I believe that I will be able to convey to the court the information about the case that I consider fundamentally important.

— What feelings are you living with today, what are you thinking about?

— What can I say, in any situation you have to remain human. I never need to give up, I need to fight for myself, because the system that should guarantee my rights is working against a person. You have to believe, believe in decent and honest people, they exist.

“Who believes in Mohammed, who believes in Allah, who believes in Jesus,” he once sang Vladimir Vysotsky. And a certain part of the Ukrainian population believes in the destruction of the bridge under construction to Crimea. And the further this construction continues, the more reasons for man-made disaster found in Nezalezhnaya.

“One support sank by a meter, the second by one and a half.”

The despondency in the ranks of Ukrainian patriots that arose after the arched span of the railway part of the bridge took its place was replaced by a joyful sensation: the bridge was supposedly sagging.

The news that spread across the Ukrainian media, as usual, was based on information from a reliable source - a post by a certain user under the nickname prosto vova.

It read: “Friends from Crimea brought good news: after yesterday’s installation of the Crimean bridge span, one support sank by a meter, the second by one and a half. The drawdown continues. Work has been suspended, no one knows what to do. They hope to stop the subsidence of the supports.

Workers were told to remain silent. What do you think? Cool news. Especially if this pig completely fails.”

Who is the author of the “sensation”?

Despite the fact that in the comments other users began to popularly explain to the author why this is technically impossible, those who are waiting not for the bridge, but for it to fall, latched on to the “cool news.”

At the same time, the media named the author of the “sensation” blogger Ilya Valiev, who in fact only quoted the message, indicating that the author of the stuffing was opposition blogger Vladimir Maltsev, who left Russia some time ago and now positions himself as a “Moscow Bandera member.”

“There is nothing to take from the Ukrainian media. The text about sagging supports was spread all over the mustard plasters. Completely ignoring both the quotation mark and my irony... listen, if I knew that there would be such a stir, I would have screenshotted Vovin’s epic comment earlier. Is it really possible to believe this information from an officer’s daughter of a builder? How stupid,” writes Ilya Valiev.

However, no one is interested in the details. In Ukraine, thousands of people exchange good news, hoping for its confirmation.

BDK "Azov" passed under the bridge singing

And the most obvious evidence of what is happening could be the cessation of navigation in the Kerch Strait. After all, if the bridge sags, it means that the height of the surface part of ships that can pass under it also decreases.

And so, as if mocking the timid hopes of the haters, under the bridge. The ship, more than 100 m long and with a displacement of 4080 tons, proceeded in the direction of Azov in a solemn atmosphere - the crew lined up on board, playing the song “Legendary Sevastopol” on the broadcast. And from the bridge, the sailors were greeted by builders, filming the passage of the warship on video.

The sailors did not even think about trolling their neighbors - the Azov was heading to the city of the same name, where it would take part in the celebrations on the occasion of the 950th anniversary of its founding.

According to the official website of the Crimean Bridge project, with reference to data from the Vessel Traffic Control Services on the morning of September 6, since the installation of the railway arch, a total of more than 550 ships transiting along the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal from the Black Sea to the Azov Sea have passed under it. back.

“I typed it into YouTube and went crazy”: how Ukrainians react to the real Kerch Bridge

Facing reality becomes a difficult ordeal for some. This time he excelled coordinator of the civil platform “Successful Country” Pavel Sebastianovich. His post on Facebook was full of irritation: “I was not interested in the Kerch crossing until I saw joyful posts in my feed about some arch subsidence by 2 meters. I typed the Kerch bridge into YouTube and went nuts. There is a real construction project of the century there. They call the future bridge Crimean. There are tons of infographics and videos online. 19 km long. 4 lanes for cars. 2 railway lines. Running car lanes in next year, and railway - in 2019. And the old ferry crossing will continue to operate. How so? After all, our jingoistic patriots promised that the bridge would collapse. I wish I hadn't looked. The Russians now completely control access to the ports of the Azov Sea. I don’t know how the ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk work now. What do we have in 2018 - 2019? I looked at the Cabinet reform plan. Groysman promised to introduce control over the income and expenses of citizens in 2018-2019. Well what can I say? Also a big infrastructure project. What depresses me in this whole story is the economic lag of Ukraine. We are still waiting for Mordor to fall apart. And we are not doing anything for our development.”

Of course, critics immediately came to Sebastianovich, who reproached him for decadent feelings and “glorifying the aggressor.”

“This is not a fast. What’s bad with us is mischief and patriotism. Why post bravura posts about how everything is lost there, when everything there is almost finished?,” Sebastianovich snapped back, “We haven’t done anything for an economic breakthrough.” Therefore, the information about the almost completed bridge had the effect of a cold shower on me. The entire future prospects for Crimea with such a transport artery are changing dramatically.”

US Navy in the Sea of ​​Azov: will Washington start World War III because of the bridge?

By the way, it was not only the “patriots of Ukraine” who were affected. According to the media, a number of experts in the United States seriously propose to unblock the Crimean Strait by force.

According to the Ukrainian portal Vesti, experts from the American consulting organization Atlantic Council supported this decision.

Expert Stephen Blank believes that the United States should send its ships to the Sea of ​​Azov, since the construction of a bridge across the strait will cut off two important Ukrainian ports, Mariupol and Berdyansk, through which Ukrainian steel exports pass.

The expert also believes that the construction of a bridge in the Kerch Strait “damages the reputation of the United States” and “demonstrates contempt for the head of the White House Donald Trump" According to Steven Blank, the closure is a blow for the United States. " Putin trying to create the illusion of great power, equal to the United States,” Blank said.

It is not very clear, however, what American ships can actually do" in the Sea of ​​Azov. As is known, the restriction on the passage of ships in the Kerch Strait lasted less than 72 hours, and currently the movement of ships is carried out as usual. Reasoning that from -due to height restrictions, the largest ships will not be able to arrive at the ports of Berdyansk and Mariupol, more theoretical than practical. And most importantly, how can the US fleet solve the problem? Attack the bridge?

Even American experts admit that the mere appearance of the US Navy in the Sea of ​​Azov will create a critical situation in relations with Russia. And an attack on the bridge to Crimea will almost inevitably entail a military conflict.

Third World War because of a bridge that Kyiv doesn’t like - this is too much even for our crazy times.

So everything continues as usual: builders are working, ships are sailing, and bloggers are looking for new information from "reliable sources".

Ukrainian experts once again stunned everyone with their statement on Crimean Bridge. They believe that in the near future a large-scale accident may occur on it, due to which many people will die. An emergency can be triggered by the collapse of supports, which move at a speed of 50 to 82 mm per year.

The subsidence allegedly occurs in the area of ​​the artificial embankment on the side of the Crimean Peninsula. The same situation is observed on the island of Tuzla. There they discovered two critical areas where the structure is deforming at a rate of up to 90 mm per year. In the central part of the road the opposite process occurs: the arch rises railway communication. The Ministry for Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine expressed concern that this threatens people’s lives in its official page on Facebook.

"This indicates instability of the seabed in the places where the supports are installed and has Negative influence into the Black Sea," the department said in a statement.

The researchers emphasized that the unreliability of the structure, which is located in a seismic zone, can cause environmental problems. The likelihood that an accident will occur on the Crimean Bridge increases in winter period due to bad weather conditions.

“The discovered vertical displacements of the arches of the Kerch Bridge, according to experts, indicate instability of the seabed in the places where the supports are installed and have a negative impact on the Black Sea, and can pose threats to the life and health of people,” the report says.

Ukrainian experts came to such disappointing conclusions by analyzing images from space.

However, many Internet users are perplexed by this statement. They note that Ukrainians deliberately come up with tall tales about the structure.

“That is, when they previously claimed that it was impossible to build a bridge, it does not exist and never will be, was it a lie? And if then the Ukrainian people were openly lied to right there, where is the guarantee that they are now telling the truth? As for me, it’s a lie again, you’re already used to it,” said one Facebook user in the comments to the ministry’s post.

“Cool stuff. People who are freezing will read it, and somehow their soul will feel even warmer. And on the topic: what’s with the cracks in the supports and the inconsistency of the spans?” - asks another.

Another Internet user drew attention to the lack of information about subsidence: “Where are the links to the original source of the publication of the study? Who conducted it? What subsidence/rise figures are the norm for such structures? The material is presented illiterately (even syntactically) with elements of manipulation. Do, please do your work diligently and conscientiously. Otherwise, the result may be the opposite."

Info center "Crimean Bridge" decided to respond to the statement of the Ukrainian authorities with irony and on behalf of the object itself. In a message on the official

The supports of the Kerch Bridge are moving in three sections at once, which jeopardizes the construction of the railway part, according to the Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine.

According to the Ukrainian Ministry, the supports of the Kerch Bridge in some areas have moved up to nine centimeters over the year. The displacement occurred not far from the coast of Crimea, in the central part of the bridge and a little further - on the island of Tuzla.

“It has been recorded that the structure of the Kerch Bridge is not stable... Some of the supports, say, are raised, some of the supports are lowered. This suggests that there are dynamic changes,” said the First Deputy Minister for Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Yusuf Kurkchi.

The supports sag and rise at a rate of ten to ninety millimeters per year. This can be seen in satellite photos published by the Ukrainian ministry on Facebook. Such data caused heated discussions on social networks.

The supports sag and rise at a rate of ten to ninety millimeters per year

“Another fake, how many conversations there were before and during construction, how many “experts”, “evidence” that the bridge cannot be built, that it will collapse, and so on. And none of this happened,” the user wrote Dima Usachev.

“I have doubts that such accurate data could be obtained over the six months of its (automotive part) existence. When I scoured the Internet, I realized that satellite radar data exists and it is possible to monitor it,” he said in the comments Nikolay Lemekhov.

Google can

It is quite possible to calculate millimeter displacements in bridge structures, even remotely, the Ukrainian ministry says.

“If, roughly speaking, Google can draw a 3D picture with an accuracy of centimeters, then why can’t we monitor the stability of certain structures in the same dimensions?” – confirms Kurkchi.

A year ago, experts fixed a mark with coordinates on one of the bridge supports, and from it they tied it to a fixed point, for example, the top of a rock, the coordinates of which are known and stable.

Deformation is required on bridges

Petr Koval

Over the course of a year, they took satellite images and during this time they noticed that the support had subsided significantly. The computer program calculated exactly how many millimeters.

Bridge builder Petr Koval says that subsidence or lifting of individual bridge structures from one to nine centimeters is not critical.

“Deformation is required on bridges. The deformations are quite significant. For example, when the span of a bridge is 100 meters, it is assumed that temperature deformations can be up to eight centimeters. To do this, expansion joints are installed to extinguish them,” says the bridge engineer.

But the engineer does not dare to predict whether the Kerch Bridge will stand. He says: more data is needed, the object must be constantly monitored.

“Another thing is that when these deformations progress, when they accumulate, there may then be some serious problems,” Koval believes.

One support sags, the second rises. This is very dangerous for a railway bridge

Yuri Medovar

A Russian hydrogeologist is convinced that the construction of the railway part of the bridge may stop Yuri Medovar. When the supports sag synchronously, this is a normal phenomenon, he explains, but on the Kerch Bridge they move in opposite directions.

“Here we have one support, 30 meters later there is a second support. So, one support sags, the second rises. This is very dangerous for a railway bridge, because the rails there must be perfectly smooth. And if you have such a misalignment, the rails can “stand up” and the locomotive will go off the rails. This is very dangerous,” comments mining engineer-hydrogeologist Yuri Medovar.

The uneven movement of the supports will complicate the construction of the railway crossing on the bridge, according to the Ministry for Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine.

“If this dynamics continues, and all the prerequisites that it will continue are related to the instability of the soil and the very complexity of the structure, then perhaps we will witness that the launch of the railway part of this bridge will be postponed further,” says Yusuf Kurkchi .

They built and built and finally...

Russia did not officially comment on the information disseminated by the Ukrainian ministry. The builders reported that they had completed the construction of all three hundred and seven supports for the railway bridge.

I think why there is news on the pages of various news resources about the fact that control measurements were made, which confirmed that the installed railway arched span of the transport crossing across the Kerch Strait feels excellent. It has not moved anywhere, it stands in its right place. Nothing else was expected.

Then it dawned on me: they started a story that the arched span had sank somewhere. Here's the topic "Crimean Bridge: the pig will collapse" from ilyavaliev without reference to nonsense. Check it out! In the above trolling, everything is standard: no facts, no evidence, just childish babble: “Friends from Crimea brought good news: after yesterday’s installation of the Crimean bridge span, one support sank by a meter, the second by one and a half. The subsidence continues. Work has been suspended, what to do, no one knows. They hope to stop the subsidence of the supports. Workers have been ordered to remain silent..."
If the information has leaked, surely this insider’s acquaintances have already been secretly shot in the quarries! The regime's executioners will soon come for him! There will be no new revelations! And we want!
Only an idiot could believe something like this, about the bridge sagging and collapsing. But the masters are working! They generate tons of informational diarrhea: “There will be no bridge! There is no bridge! There is a bridge, but it will collapse!”

Even on “Echo of Moscow” they don’t invite mead makers anymore, they laugh at idiots: “ The Crimean Bridge will collapse, there will be no Taurida highway, Putin’s propaganda... In the last few days, Ukrainian propaganda has made another strong move. Referring to “informed sources”, there were tales about the supports sagging under the installed arch of the bridge by several meters and the bridge would soon collapse. I admit the technologically acceptable subsidence, but for the supports to sag by meters...... this is already strong. But let's be objective and try to figure it all out. For this purpose, I specially went to Kerch the other day. A very interesting trip and here is a short story about this and not only about the bridge..."

The sick man shouts: “Well, where are all the “experts” and “analysts” who howled that there would be no bridge from Russia to the occupied Crimea? That’s it. From now on, in fact, there is...
In Crimea, the occupiers are holding international economic forums with dozens of deputies from Europe. They hold international concerts..."

Why are you whining from afar, fool? Go to a concert in Crimea! Find some European deputy there and cry on his chest!

You can go to the bridge and see everything with your own eyes...

And die on the shore with a bottle of smuggled Ukrainian beer in your hand, or in your heroic ass.

In some places of the road part of the transport crossing, work traffic is already open, cars drive on asphalt,... -

And the idiots still believe that something will leak out there somewhere.

Soon all sorts of swindlers will start writing about the fact that the railway tunnel under construction near Kerch will collapse. And the Downs will religiously believe in this nonsense.

“More than 100 devices that monitor possible structural deformations were placed on the arch itself and on the fairway supports. No deviations from the calculated parameters, movements or settlements were recorded,” the Crimean Bridge information center said in a statement.

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