The professional competence of a modern preschool teacher is defined as. Professional competence of a preschool teacher in the conditions of fgos. "Pedagogical competence of the preschool teacher"

Olga Schukina
Pedagogical Council "Professional competence of the educator"

Location: MKDOU Bykovsky kindergarten No. 1 "Topolek"


Development actualization professional competence of the educator;

Activate advanced training form teachers;

Analysis professional competence of pedagogical employees and general culture educators MKDOU Bykovsky kindergarten No. 1 "Topolek".

Plan pedagogical council

1.1. Report " pedagogical process.

« Professional competence of the educator» .

1.3. A game "Qualities"

2. Tips for educators for creating a portfolio.

2.1. Portfolio Purpose

3. Scheduling mutual visits

1.1. Professional competence of the educator

1.1. Report " Professional competence of the educator- a necessary condition for improving the quality pedagogical process.

Speaker Kazip A.P.

Professional activities of teachers Preschool education is multifaceted and requires certain knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities. In modern pedagogical literature, these knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities are combined by such a concept as « professional competence» . Based on the analysis of various definitions this concept taking into account the characteristics of the activity educator can synthesize the following option: professional competence of the educator DOW is the ability to effective implementation determined by the requirements of the position, based on fundamental scientific education and emotional and value attitude to pedagogical activity. It involves possession professionally significant attitudes and personal qualities, theoretical knowledge, professional skills and knowledge.

A new social order addressed to continuous teacher education , expressed as qualification requirements teachers capable of self-development in innovation in the field of children's education preschool age.

For quality formation educator competence basic knowledge, skills, abilities are needed, which will be improve in the process of self-education.

The teacher must be competent in matters of organization and content of activities for the following directions:

– ;

– educational and methodical;

- socially pedagogical.

educational- educational activities competence: the implementation of a holistic pedagogical process; creation of a developing environment; ensuring the protection of life and health of children. These criteria are supported by the following indicators teacher competence: knowledge of the goals, objectives, content, principles, forms, methods and means of training and preschool education; the ability to effectively form knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the educational program; the ability to manage the main activities of preschoolers; ability to interact with preschoolers.

Educational and methodical activity educator assumes the following criteria competence: planning educational- educational work; design pedagogical activities based on the analysis of the achieved results. These criteria are supported by the following indicators competence: knowledge educational program and development methods different types children's activities; ability to design, plan and implement pedagogical process; knowledge of research technologies, pedagogical monitoring, upbringing and education of children.

Social pedagogical activity educator assumes the following criteria competence: advisory assistance to parents; creation of conditions for the socialization of children; protecting the interests and rights of children. These criteria are supported by the following indicators:

Knowledge of the basic documents on the rights of the child and the obligations of adults towards children; ability to communicate pedagogical work with parents, DOW specialists.

1.2. Intellectual and creative game

« Professional competence of the educator» .

Target: Activate advanced training form teachers. Analyze in a playful way professional competence of pedagogical employees and general culture preschool educators.

At this stage of work teachers' council you need to organize an analytical group that will evaluate the responses of the teams and lead the game itself. This group includes the head of the d / s and two educator, the rest caregivers divided into three microgroups (yellow, red, blue).

Each microgroup is asked a question in turn, the time for reflection is 30 seconds. One participant from the whole team answers.

The review team evaluates the responses according to the following criteria.

5 points - complete, detailed, correct answer.

3 points - the answer is partially correct, but not complete.

0 points - no answer or it is incorrect.

Here knowledge is analyzed and tested teachers the main legislative documents in the field of preschool education (this includes knowledge of sanitary and epidemiological requirements, knowledge of the content of regulatory documents in the field of education).

1 UNIT "Knowledge of sanitary and epidemiological requirements"

1. What is the maximum occupancy in a jar. groups (from 1 year to 3 years) (no more than 15 people)

2. What is the maximum occupancy of groups for children 3-7 years old? (no more than 20 people)

3. What is the maximum occupancy in groups of different ages if there are children of any three ages 3-7 years old in the group? (no more than 10 people)

4. What is the daily duration of a walk for children in preschool? (at least 4-4.5g.)

5. What is the total daily sleep duration for preschool children? (12-12.5 hours of which 2.0 - 2.5 hours are allocated for daytime sleep).

6. How is daytime sleep organized for children from 1.5 to 3 years old? (once, lasting at least 3 hours).

7. How much time in the day for children 3-4 years old is independent activity (games, preparation for classes, personal hygiene? (at least 3-4 hours)

8. What is the norm of conducting classes per week for children from 1.5-3 years old and what is the duration? (no more than 10 lessons per day) week: speech development, didactic games, development of movements, musical games, etc. lasting no more than 8-10 minutes.)

9. What is the maximum number of classes allowed in the morning in the senior and preparatory groups? (no more than 3x).

10. What is the duration of classes for children of the 5th year of life? (no more than 20 minutes)

11. What is the duration of classes for children of the 7th year of life? no more than 30 min.

12. On what days of the week and at what time of the day should classes be held that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress for children? (in the first half and on the days of the highest working capacity of children - Tuesday, Wednesday).

2 BLOCK "Basic regulatory documents in the field of education"

1. What regulatory documents can we name that should be in kindergarten? (Model regulation of the preschool educational institution, Constitution, Family Code, Labor Code, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Law on Education, declaration of the rights of the child, Charter of the preschool educational institution, Parental agreement)

2. Remember the convention on the rights and name the rights of the child.

On the upbringing in a family environment

For adequate nutrition

To an acceptable standard of living

For medical care

Children with disabilities need special care and education.

To rest

For free education

To a safe living environment the right not to be subjected to abuse or neglect.

Children should not be used as cheap labor.

They have the right to speak their native language, their culture.

Express ones opinion.

3. Indicate from which document the following insert “Parents are the first child educators. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of his personality in infancy.

From the Model Provision of the DOW

From the textbook pedagogy

From the Constitution of the Russian Federation

From the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

From the law of the Russian Federation "On education" Art. 18. p. 1.

4. Is the main act regulating family law relations?

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Family code

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Agreement between children and parents

5. What is characterized professional competence of the educator?

skill think pedagogically

The ability to punish children

The ability to learn the opinion of parents about their child

Ability to build relationships with business people.

6. Who is not allowed to pedagogical activities in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation? (persons to whom this activity is prohibited by a court verdict or for medical reasons)

7. What are the working hours teaching staff established by Art. 333 labor. of the Code of the Russian Federation (no more than 36 hours per week, depending on the position and specialty, taking into account the characteristics of their work, the working hours are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation).

1.3. A game "Qualities"

Each of teachers it is necessary to choose the three qualities that are most manifested in him, considering that those around him see these qualities in him. Every quality is recorded caregivers on separate sheets in advance. All qualities are folded into three bags (according to the number of microgroups). Each participant in turn pulls out a piece of paper and gives it to someone who, in his opinion, has this quality. As a result, each participant receives a different number of leaves, and hence qualities. The question is asked at the end of the game educators“How assigned qualities can help in professional activity ?».

2. Tips for educators for creating a portfolio

2.1. Portfolio purpose.

Portfolio is intended for:

Self-evaluation and incentives professional growth and performance preschool teacher;

Evaluation of the qualification level and quality professional activity(during certification, determining the amount of incentive allowances and incentive payments, etc.).

The main approaches to the development and maintenance of the Portfolio are:

Competence approach(assessment based on the results of implementation teacher of basic professional functions and competencies);

Activity approach (assessment based on the implementation of the main types of activities: educational, constructive and evaluative, health-saving and health-forming, educational and methodological, innovative, social pedagogical);

System approach (assessment of population level professional achievements: structural analysis that helps to identify backbone connections and relationships, to determine the internal organization of the Portfolio teacher; functional analysis, which allows you to reveal the functions of the Portfolio as a whole and its individual components).

The main principles of the formation and maintenance of the Portfolio are:

Continuity principle (permanent systematic and consistent replenishment of the Portfolio);

The principle of diagnostic and prognostic orientation (reflection of the state professional growth, the presence of parameters professional activity);

The principle of interaction (providing effective feedback with the subjects of the educational space);

The principle of scientificity (substantiation of the expediency of building a Portfolio based on competence, activity, system approaches);

The principle of individually differentiated orientation (assessment professionalism in line with performance requirements preschool teacher).

2. Portfolio Features educator DOW as a form of certification.

Portfolio is a working folder containing a variety of information that documents the experience. educator DOW and reflects the totality of his individual achievements; it is a way of recording, accumulating and evaluating creative achievements educator, including the integration of quantitative and qualitative assessments pedagogical activity; This set of documents confirming the effectiveness of activities kindergarten teacher, actualizing the reflection of his own activity. Portfolio - a form of certification, during which educator presents evidence to support it. professionalism in the form of a structured cumulative document.

3. System for assessing individual achievements preschool educators.

The Portfolio presents and evaluates a set of indicators: qualifications and professionalism, productivity (performance).

Key requirements for Portfolio evaluation are:

Unified assessment procedure and technology;

The presence of dynamics professional growth and performance educator;

Reliability of the data used;

Compliance with moral and ethical standards when collecting and evaluating the information provided, the criteria for their evaluation, which are reflected in formalized supporting and other documents (expert sheet).

4. Portfolio Structure



Folder professional achievements

Achievements folder pupils

Supporting Documents Folder

In chapter "Introduction" educator provides information about professional status, work experience, education, personal data. This information educator helps to form the head of a preschool educational institution.

To section "Portrait" educator includes an essay"Me and my profession» .

In an essay "Me and my profession» educator in free form can reflect the following aspects of: motives for choice professions, ideas about the qualities necessary for successful professional activity, stages professional development, personal and professional interests, prospects and achievements, outline pedagogical creed , give introspection professional competence, identify the topics of innovative and experimental activities, reflect creative achievements etc.

"Folder professional achievements» includes the following materials: plans educational- educational work with children, reports, messages on methodological and pedagogical councils, publications, description of work experience, illustrations and self-analysis of the developing environment, abstracts of open classes, a list of developed didactic and teaching aids, texts of projects of different directions, systems of notes of classes or other forms of organizing work with children, self-report on the results of work for the academic year, video recordings different forms work with children, parents, colleagues, the results of the survey and feedback from parents, etc. This material serves as illustrations and confirmation professional achievements, allows educator create a personal bank of creative and methodological materials of various nature and significance. In the course of work on the content of this Portfolio section, the educator has the opportunity to improve a number of pedagogical skills: analytical, prognostic, reflexive, etc.

"Achievements Folder pupils» includes participation certificates pupils in various competitions sports events, quantitative and qualitatively elaborated diagnostic data on the progress of children in the system of the educational process, products children's creativity, participation certificates for children and teacher in projects of different levels and directions. The materials in this section of the Portfolio can indirectly testify to the quality, level, content professional and pedagogical activities of the educator to serve as an illustration of his professional creativity, activity, competence.

"Document Folder" filled with certificates of participation in conferences, round tables, professional and creative competitions, documented evidence of completion of advanced training courses, internships, diplomas of professional retraining or additional vocational education, certificates for successful implementation professional - pedagogical or social activities. The materials of this part of the Portfolio can reliably confirm the level professionalism and competence of a specialist, as well as the level of his claims, official status.

"Folder of expert assessments" includes external and internal reviews, reviews, letters of thanks, official reviews on the implementation of copyright technologies, patents, etc. These documents are various and objective forms of performance evaluation teacher and may encourage him to professional growth.

2.2. Electronic portfolio on

On the example of an electronic portfolio of a senior teacher Shchukina O. N.

3. Drawing up a schedule of mutual visits.

Decision pedagogical council

Continue the practice of mutual visits to different educational areas.

Continue the work of seminars, master classes aimed at the formation and development of key competencies of educators.

At the end school year caregivers present an analysis on self-education.

In the field of public education in Russia today, there are several dominant trends:

  • Education is one of the priorities of the State policy.
  • The processes of reforming education at all levels, starting with preschool, are actively underway.
  • Much is being done to standardize the education system.

In this regard, increasingly higher requirements are being imposed on preschool teachers, which, in turn, increases the value of a comprehensive assessment of the professional competencies of all participants in the pedagogical process.

At the same time, regular assessment of the potential of specialists working in kindergarten will help the heads of preschool institutions to make the right management decisions, which is also very important.

Educator in early childhood education: value is increasing

In the system of preschool education, the process of interaction between the teacher and the child is a priority. While at other age stages of education, its content and form are at the forefront. Modern educational process- this is such an interaction between teachers and pupils, as a result of which positive changes are progressively occurring in the activities, behavior and relationships of children. Therefore, the personality of the teacher is one of the key factors in the development of the intellect and personality of a preschool child. It is self-evident that teachers, high-class professionals, should be next to preschoolers, because children, due to their tender age, cannot yet consciously influence the quality of pedagogical interaction. At the same time, a teacher for a preschool child is authoritative and significant person, therefore, the responsibility for the quality of interaction with preschool children inevitably falls on him.

Competence and competence: let's agree on terms

Here are some definitions of the key terms “competence” and “competence” for this article in order to clarify the meanings of these similar-sounding words and avoid confusion:

Competence(from lat. competere - “to match”, “to fit”):

  1. the personal ability of a specialist (employee) to solve a certain class of professional tasks.
  2. formally described requirements for personal, professional, etc. qualities of a specialist (or to some group of specialists). In this understanding, competencies can be used in personnel assessment.

Competence(from lat. competens - “appropriate, capable”):

  1. a set of competencies, the availability of knowledge and experience necessary for effective activity in a given subject area.
  2. the quality of a person who has comprehensive knowledge in any field and whose opinion is therefore weighty, authoritative.

Requirements for the personality of a modern educator and his competence

In the context of the modernization of preschool education, the profession of a preschool teacher makes more and more demands on those who are just going to get it or are already working. Working with preschoolers requires adults to have personal maturity and flexibility, creativity and a lot of patience. Educators every day have to solve various and complex professional tasks, master and perform new functions demanded by modern society.

Today, each educator needs to acquire and develop the following competencies that make him a creatively active participant in interaction with children:

  • Humane pedagogical position;
  • Deep understanding of the tasks of preschool education;
  • The need and ability to take care of the ecology of childhood, the preservation of the physical and spiritual health of children;
  • Attention to the individuality of each child;
  • Willingness and ability to create and creatively enrich the subject-developing and cultural-information educational environment;
  • Ability to purposefully work with modern pedagogical technologies, willingness to experiment, introducing them;
  • The ability to self-education and conscious self-development of the individual, the willingness to learn throughout the career.

The role of competency assessment in the professional development of teachers

Today, when the implementation of modern approaches to the organization of education for preschoolers, unfortunately, there is a serious mismatch between the real and required level of professional competence of teachers.

How it manifests itself in practice:

  1. The educational model still prevails in the work of preschool educational institutions, and teachers are not always able to build subject-subject relationships with children and their parents.
  2. Many teachers, especially experienced teachers with a long work experience, are focused primarily on the performance of official duties. And today, educators who are able to independently plan and build an expedient system of work are more in demand.
  3. There are many teachers who, having once received a higher specialized education, limit themselves to attending refresher courses once every five years. At the same time, the realities of today require professionals to adopt a new standard of living - "Education throughout life ...". Therefore, one of the significant indicators of the professional competence of an educator is his readiness for self-education and self-development, as well as the ability to creatively apply new knowledge and skills in practical activities.

Under such conditions, regular assessment of the professional competencies of preschool teachers will stimulate their desire for self-education and professional self-improvement.

Types and levels of competencies

There are several classifications of types of competencies described in the literature. I will give one of them here:

  1. Educational and cognitive competence - includes a set of skills and abilities of cognitive activity. It involves mastering the skills of setting goals, planning, analyzing and self-evaluating the success of one's own activities. The same competence includes the ability to act effectively in non-standard situations, possession of heuristic methods for solving problems.
  2. Information competence - involves a developed ability to independently search, analyze, select, systematize and broadcast the necessary information.
  3. Communicative competence - provides for the possession of skills for effective interaction with people, the ability to work in a group, flexibility in the use of various social roles.

Within the framework of any competence, there are several levels of its severity (manifestation). Due to this, the competency model assumes a high objectivity of the assessment and is therefore well suited for practical use in personnel assessment.

Formation modern system preschool education requires a creative renewal of the usual, long-established approaches to the professional activities of teachers. Today, teachers and leaders of preschool educational institutions are required to be actively involved in innovative activity, in the process of introducing new programs and technologies of interaction with children and parents.

Under these conditions, a comprehensive and objective assessment of the professional competencies of preschool teachers is of particular importance.

Consultation for educators

"Pedagogical competence of the preschool teacher"

Khakimova T.F., teacher of MADOU No. 106 “Zabava”, Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan

Competence (from lat. competentio from competo I achieve, I correspond, I approach)- this is the personal ability of a specialist to solve a certain class of professional tasks. Competence is also understood as formally described requirements for personal, professional, etc. qualities of company employees (or to some group of employees).

Pedagogical competence is a systemic phenomenon, the essence of which lies in the systemic unity of pedagogical knowledge, experience, properties and qualities of a teacher, which allow to effectively carry out pedagogical activities, purposefully organize the process of pedagogical communication and also imply personal development and improvement of the teacher.

The concept of a teacher's competence is understood by us as a value-semantic attitude to the goals and results of pedagogical activity, expressed in the conscious performance of professional functions. And this is especially valuable, given that such a position of the educator is not an innate quality, it is formed under the influence of the entire educational environment, including in the process of additional professional education aimed at changing the inner world, which determines the awareness of the actions of the kindergarten teacher.

The main components of the professional competence of a teacher include:

  • Intellectual and pedagogical competence - the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, experience in professional activities for effective training and education, the teacher's ability to innovate;
  • Information competence - the amount of information the teacher has about himself, pupils, parents, and colleagues.
  • Regulatory competence - the ability of a teacher to manage their behavior, control their emotions, the ability to reflect, stress resistance.
  • Communicative competence is a significant professional quality, including speech skills, listening skills, extraversion (the quality of a person characterized by great interest in outside world) , empathy (empathy, understanding of the other).
  • The ability to communicate correctly with the parents of pupils is one of the main and can be difficult professional competencies.

For the qualitative formation of the competence of the educator, basic knowledge, skills, and abilities are needed, which will be improved in the process of self-education.

The teacher must be competent in the organization and content of activities in the following areas:


Educational and methodical;


  • Educational activities assumes the following criteria of competence: the implementation of a holistic pedagogical process; creation of a developing environment; ensuring the protection of life and health of children. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of the teacher's competence: knowledge of the goals, objectives, content, principles, forms, methods and means of teaching and educating preschoolers; the ability to effectively form knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the educational program; the ability to manage the main activities of preschoolers; ability to interact with preschoolers.
  • Educational and methodical activity the educator assumes the following criteria of competence: planning of educational work; designing pedagogical activity based on the analysis of the achieved results. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of competence: knowledge of the educational program and methodology for the development of various types of children's activities; the ability to design, plan and implement a holistic pedagogical process; possession of research technologies, pedagogical monitoring, education and training of children.
  • Socio-pedagogical activity the educator assumes the following criteria of competence: advisory assistance to parents; creation of conditions for the socialization of children; protecting the interests and rights of children. These criteria are supported by the following indicators: knowledge of the basic documents on the rights of the child and the obligations of adults towards children; the ability to conduct explanatory pedagogical work with parents, specialists of preschool educational institutions.

But none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. Only the teacher who is ready for change, personally developing in the profession, possessing a high level of knowledge and skills, reflection, a developed ability for design activities, that is, a professionally competent teacher, can prepare children for changes.

"Professional competence of a modern preschool teacher"

Development modern society dictates special conditions for the organization of preschool education, the intensive introduction of innovations, new technologies and methods of working with children. In this situation, professional competence is especially important, the basis of which is personal and Professional Development teachers.

Scientists A.S. Belkin and V.V. Nesterov believe: "In pedagogical terms, competence is a set of professional powers, functions that create the necessary conditions for effective activity in the educational space."

Competence in relation to professional education- the ability to apply knowledge, skills and practical experience for successful work.

The professional competence of a modern preschool teacher is defined as a set of universal and specific professional attitudes that allow him to cope with a given program and special ones that arise in the psychological and pedagogical process preschool, situations, resolving which, he contributes to the clarification, improvement, practical implementation of development tasks, his general and special abilities.

Modern society makes new demands on the competence of the teacher. He must be competent in the organization and content of activities in the following areas:


Educational and methodical;


Educational activity involves the following criteria of competence: the implementation of a holistic pedagogical process; creation of a developing environment; ensuring the protection of life and health of children. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of the teacher's competence: knowledge of the goals, objectives, content, principles, forms, methods and means of teaching and educating preschoolers; the ability to effectively form knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the educational program.

Educational and methodological activity of the educator involves the following criteria of competence: planning of educational and educational work; designing pedagogical activity based on the analysis of the achieved results. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of competence: knowledge of the educational program and methodology for the development of various types of children's activities; the ability to design, plan and implement a holistic pedagogical process; possession of research technologies, pedagogical monitoring, education and training of children.

In addition, having the right to choose both the main and partial programs and benefits, the educator must skillfully combine them, enriching and expanding the content of each direction, avoiding "mosaic", forming the integrity of the child's perception. In other words, a competent teacher must be able to competently integrate the content of education, ensure the interconnection of all classes, activities, and events based on the tasks of educating and developing the child.

The social and pedagogical activity of the educator involves the following criteria of competence: advisory assistance to parents; creation of conditions for the socialization of children; protection of interests and rights. These criteria are supported by the following indicators: knowledge of the basic documents on the rights of the child and the obligations of adults towards children; the ability to conduct explanatory pedagogical work with parents, specialists of preschool educational institutions.

Based on modern requirements, it is possible to determine the main ways of developing the professional competence of a teacher:

Work in methodical associations, creative groups;

Research, experimental activity;

Innovative activity, development of new pedagogical technologies;

Various forms of pedagogical support;

Active participation in pedagogical competitions, master classes;

Generalization of own pedagogical experience.

But none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. To do this, it is necessary to create the conditions in which the teacher independently realizes the need to improve the level of their own professional qualities. The analysis of one's own pedagogical experience activates the professional self-development of the teacher, as a result of which the skills of research activity are developed, which are then integrated into pedagogical activity.

Head of MDOU CRR - Kindergarten No. 3 M.V. Milovanova.

Competence is one of the forms of professional activity, which means the presence of knowledge and experience necessary for effective activity in a given subject area.

The preschool teacher should have the following social and professional competencies that will allow for the cognitive development of children:

1. Social competencies include the exchange of information between individuals, the statement of their interests and needs, the manifestation of tolerance towards other people and their opinions, the ability to work in a team and provide various assistance to other people, possessing emotional stability;

2. Cognitive competencies are expressed in independent processing and structuring of information, searching for new sources of information, concentrating on study or work, the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in various situations;

3. Operational competencies - defining the goal and work procedure, the ability to resist uncertainty and uncertainty, the ability to make and implement decisions, summarize the results of work, determine the time schedule for work;

4. Special competencies include planning methods for solving a problem, exercising self-control, being active in professional activities, adapting to new situations, evaluating and adjusting plans, identifying errors and adequate ways to eliminate them.

So, professional competencies, being the foundation for introducing a competency-based approach into the pedagogical process, help the preschool teacher to integrate knowledge, skills and abilities in the implementation of innovative activities and the use of modern educational technologies in practice.

7. Professionally significant qualities of a preschool teacher

The preschool teacher is one of the mass modern pedagogical professions. It originated in the 17th and 18th centuries. In the modern sense, an educator is a person who carries out education, takes responsibility for the condition of life and development of the personality of another person.

The teacher must have: benevolent, sincere, sociable, kind, have a sense of humor, patience, be able to establish relationships with children, prevent and resolve conflicts, replenish their knowledge through self-education, must know the methodology of preschool education and education.

To effectively perform activities, a person must be attentive, responsible, responsive, patient, show a tendency to work with children. The educator must have a steady and voluminous attention. Also, the educator should have the nature of mental activity: verbal-logical memory, the nature of the goals of the activity: involuntary memory, the duration of the preservation of the material: short-term memory.

Communication qualities

We need a general culture and erudition, competent and intelligible speech, a well-trained voice, the ability to manage a team, high communication skills

Emotional-volitional qualities

Stress resistance, the ability to control one's behavior and emotions, a strong nervous system are necessary: ​​the work of an educator, although not accompanied by increased physical exertion, proceeds in conditions of constant psycho-emotional stress.

So, the educator, he himself must be a very smart, decent and kind person so that he can bring up more than one generation of children the same way.

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