Proper diet during drying. Drying the body: diet and training process. Basic principles of nutrition

“Drying” is a term that is rapidly gaining momentum not only in bodybuilding and fitness, but also among people who want to lose weight for the beach season. Along with its popularity, the term becomes overgrown with rumors and mythical information. In order to dispel doubts, we will analyze in more detail all the components of drying and create a menu.

Principles of drying the body

So, drying the body is a process in which in a short period of time not only excess weight is lost, but also subcutaneous fat is burned, while muscle mass remains, providing a clear outline of the relief. This kind of diet is relevant for athletes, professionals as a final step before competitions, or people who want to quickly lose weight for the approaching summer or an upcoming photo shoot.

General rules

  1. The diet should consist mainly of products of plant origin, as well as cereals.
  2. The cutting diet involves gradually reducing the calorie content of foods, first by 10%, then by 20% and 30%.
  3. It is not recommended to completely eliminate carbohydrates 40% for daily norm will be sufficient.
  4. In addition to your diet, take vitamins and fish fat.
  5. Eat food 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
  6. Protein consumption per day should be at least 300 grams.
  7. Eliminate salt from your diet completely.
  8. Do not eat two hours before training, and you can train no more than 45 minutes on this diet.
  9. Drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day.
  10. You should forget about bad habits (smoking, alcohol), they slow down your metabolism.
  11. Eat carbohydrates before lunch and protein foods after lunch.

Drying time

I would like to note that drying cannot become a way of life and year-round exposure to it is unbearable and contraindicated. Therefore, drying lasts no more than twelve weeks.


Such a popular concept is beginning to acquire myths, here are some of them:

  • You can’t drink milk while drying, it retains water. This statement is perceived as truth; even some people willingly note severe swelling after consuming dairy products. But is this really so? In fact, dairy products balanced diet Promotes fat burning and removes fluid from the body.
  • It is enough to do the procedure once a year to stay in great shape. Drying is primarily the mission of performing athletes, who, in order to obtain a body constitution for competitions, radically change the ratio of tissues in the body.

The main mistake is that many do not see the fragility of the system, after drying it out once, they hope for a lifelong excellent result.

To stay in shape you need to lead an appropriate lifestyle. Therefore, do not be surprised at the ineffectiveness of drying. If after it you returned to eating cheesecakes.

List of products and contraindications

  1. Fruits and dried fruits.
  2. Lean meat, chicken and fish.
  3. Low-fat cottage cheese, milk, kefir.
  4. Brown rice
  5. Cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, millet, corn);
  6. Beans, peas, chickpeas, beans and lentils.

Prohibited for use:

  1. Sweets and confectionery.
  2. Floury food.
  3. Pasta.
  4. White rice.
  5. Fried food.
  6. Mayonnaise.


Like all types of diets, drying has a number of contraindications:

  1. Chronic kidney diseases.
  2. Liver diseases.
  3. Inflammation gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Inflammation of the pancreas.


It must be said right away that this menu will not be divided by gender: into women's and men's diets. There is no point in emphasizing; as a rule, in this process, the difference between the initial and final body weight and the individual characteristics of a person plays a role, and not gender. Since girls weigh relatively less than men, attention should be paid to the duration and intensity of drying during training.

The daily menu will consist of 5 meals; do not forget to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day.


  1. Oat flakes with water 300 grams, tea (any to your taste).
  2. 300 grams boiled chicken breast with broccoli and tomato.
  3. 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with wild berries and a handful of almonds.
  4. Chicken bouillon with half a boiled egg without salt, add herbs to taste.
  5. 300 grams of beef and 100 grams of boiled brown rice. One red bell pepper.


  1. Cottage cheese 300 grams. A glass of orange juice and a banana.
  2. 300 grams of lean, steamed fish. Carrot salad and white cabbage 200 grams, season lemon juice or olive oil.
  3. Fruit salad (two kiwis, one orange, tangerine and banana, peeled and cut into cubes). Season the resulting mixture with low-fat natural yoghurt.
  4. Stew 200 grams of pearl barley with asparagus.
  5. Two boiled eggs and lettuce leaves.


  1. Cauliflower and red pepper soup. Boiled chicken breast 200 grams.
  2. Green apple and squid salad in the amount of 300 grams.
  3. 200 grams of boiled fish and beans. Season 150 grams of fresh beet salad with olive oil.
  4. Pike fish soup, one small portion.
  5. Orange and a handful of nuts.


  1. Two soft-boiled eggs. A glass of kefir.
  2. A couple of slices of cheese. 200 grams of veal, add fresh green pea.
  3. Buckwheat porridge with celery 300 grams.
  4. Two cucumbers and a piece of boiled duck meat 200 grams.
  5. Mushroom soup, vegetable salad.


  1. Two egg omelette. A glass of low-fat fermented baked milk.
  2. Green apple and banana.
  3. Vegetable stew (eggplant, carrots, red pepper, potatoes).
  4. Two peppers stuffed with cabbage and carrots.
  5. Muesli, orange juice.


  1. Low-fat cottage cheese with a handful of raspberries.
  2. Stewed pollock with tomatoes, garnish with dill.
  3. Green pepper, radish and celery salad.
  4. Meat broth. Two boiled eggs.
  5. Vinaigrette seasoned with lemon juice.


  1. 200 grams of boiled potatoes, sprinkle with herbs. Pomegranate juice.
  2. Salad of boiled beets and walnuts 150 grams.
  3. Rice soup with celery.
  4. 150 grams of feta cheese. A glass of milk.
  5. Natural yogurt with pieces of fresh fruit.

The menu can be adjusted at your discretion; it is important to follow the above rules. After a week, begin to reduce the amount of fluid you consume. Athletes add diuretics for greater effect. At the final stage of drying the body, the amount of moisture should be reduced as much as possible. A diet is always stressful for the body, so you also need to get out of it wisely and slowly, gradually increasing the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet, as well as water.

Having become familiar with the drying process in more detail, it is worth saying that drying is intended mainly for athletes, for ordinary people if used incorrectly, it can cause harm. Therefore, follow the above tips to avoid problems.

Diet for drying excess weight) this is almost 70 percent of success, and no amount of hard training without a properly designed nutrition plan can bring the desired result.

You should definitely get rid of the idea that your previous diet will be suitable for the period of your training. This is not true at all. You will be forced to radically change your nutrition plan.

  • Lean meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Low-fat dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, milk
  • Porridge - millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, etc.
  • Legumes - peas, beans, beans
  • Fruits and vegetables

Sample diet:

Description: This cutting diet lasts seven days . It lists only the main meals. It is recommended to have a snack between doses. Based on the above-described criteria for an optimal diet when cutting, it is possible to create your own nutrition program for the time of losing excess weight.


  1. For breakfast – oatmeal, sweet tea, protein shake;
  2. For lunch - chicken broth, chops with buckwheat, fresh vegetables;
  3. For dinner - fish fried in vegetable oil, fresh vegetables;


  1. For breakfast – buckwheat flakes, low-fat fish, tea with lemon and sugar;
  2. For lunch - chicken breast and vegetables, cauliflower soup;
  3. For dinner – low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits and a protein shake;


  1. For breakfast – two boiled eggs, tea;
  2. For lunch - fish soup, fish, boiled with potatoes;
  3. For dinner, fruit with a protein shake

Eating while cutting your body helps you reduce fat without losing muscle.

This is a strict eating style that is suitable for athletes who regularly perform strength exercises.

Professional bodybuilders follow this diet before competitions to make their muscles more defined and defined. And sports fans “dry” to make their bodies more attractive.

General rules for creating a diet and proper regimen for the duration of a fat burning program

Not all beginners know how to eat properly when cutting. During the diet, you should consume more protein foods, and the percentage of long-term carbohydrates and fats should be reduced as much as possible. A protein diet is also called a ketone diet.

When an athlete reduces the level of carbohydrates that provide energy, the body begins to use up fat reserves. This is a strict nutrition program that requires compliance with a number of rules, otherwise cutting will not be effective, and in the worst case, it will worsen your health. The athlete must know which foods can be eaten and which cannot, in what quantity, when.

Drying Nutrition Basics:

  • create a meal plan, schedule the menu by day;
  • Gradually reduce your caloric intake to 30%;
  • Weigh yourself periodically to monitor your fat burning process;

Important! If an athlete loses from 1 to 3 kg per month, then everything is in order.

  • create a calorie deficit through fast carbohydrates and animal fats;
  • proper nutrition during drying should be balanced. The proportion of fats ranges from 10 to 25%, and carbohydrates (mostly complex) – from 30 to 40%;
  • take multivitamin complexes to preserve muscles and maintain body health;
  • consume protein foods (1.5-2 g per 1 kg) and protein-based sports supplements. This is necessary to accelerate growth muscle mass;
  • eat more vegetables that are rich in fiber;
  • Drink 2 liters of water per day to speed up metabolic processes and fat burning.

Diet plus exercise will help make your muscles more prominent, reduce fat layer.

The athlete must follow a meal schedule. It is recommended to eat 5 to 6 times a day with an interval of 3 hours. Food is taken in small portions, but thanks to short intervals, food is absorbed faster, and the person does not feel hungry.

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What you can and cannot eat while burning fat: a list of allowed and prohibited foods

As mentioned earlier, the athlete must know what to eat while cutting and what foods to avoid.

It is necessary to exclude sweets from the menu (for example, ice cream, candies, pastries, cakes), and products made from wheat flour. Other prohibited foods: cow butter, store-bought sauces, foods rich in animal fats, processed foods, canned goods, smoked meats and other processed foods. It is also better to avoid fried foods.

Beginners are interested in the question of what to eat on a protein diet. Boiled, steamed, stewed, baked (without oil) food is not prohibited.

The question of what foods are eaten when dried is relevant. For example, popular soy sauce can be combined with protein foods if it contains natural ingredients.

Some athletes have a hard time giving up sodas. However, they are harmful to health, it is better to replace them herbal teas, rosehip decoction, freshly squeezed juices. Coffee, tea, and drinks without yeast are allowed in minimal quantities.

Honey is also a questionable product when dieting, as it is rich in sugars. Sometimes the product contains antibiotics. Instead of honey, it is better to eat walnuts, almonds, and cashews.

This is interesting! Peanuts accelerate nitrogen production and tissue saturation useful substances.

Once a week, an athlete can enjoy a minimum amount of marshmallows, halva, marshmallows, and marmalade (preferably homemade).

List of protein products allowed for drying:

  1. White and red meat (turkey, chicken, rabbit, veal, beef).
  2. Eggs.
  3. Mushrooms.
  4. Sea fish.
  5. Seafood (squid, shrimp, oysters).
  6. Kelp.
  7. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds.
  8. Legumes.
  9. Milk with fat content from 1.5 to 2.5%.
  10. Kefir, natural yogurt (up to 2.5%).
  11. Cottage cheese, hard cheese (unsalted).

Carbohydrate foods allowed during the diet:

  1. Brown rice, rye pasta, millet, quinoa, and buckwheat are sources of complex carbohydrates.
  2. Oatmeal, avocado, carrots, and dry fruits saturate your muscles with energy.

Athletes are interested in what fruits to eat when drying. Green apples are good for athletes. It is also worth including grapefruit and other citrus fruits, kiwi, pears, lingonberries, cranberries, currants and other sour berries in the menu.

Melons and watermelons can be consumed in limited quantities, as they are good for the immune system. Bananas are usually not allowed to be eaten when dried, as they are rich in starch. However, these fruits contain a lot of magnesium, relieve hunger for 2 hours and improve your mood. Therefore, sometimes you can eat them.

Raw vegetables are healthy foods foods to eat while on a diet. To break them down, the body will spend more energy than they provide. Therefore, you can supplement your diet with cabbage, paprika, zucchini, tomatoes, spinach, and lettuce.

These are the main foods that you can eat while cutting without interfering with the fat burning process.

Menu and meal plan for the month by day with recipes

Once the athlete knows what he can and cannot eat, he can begin to create a nutrition program.

There is a menu for a month when drying, which allows you to lose weight. True, you need to start a diet carefully, gradually increasing the amount of proteins and reducing the proportion of carbohydrates and fats.

Diet for 4 weeks when drying:

  1. Stage 1 lasts 4 weeks. The proportions of BJU look like this: 50%:20%:30%. The menu for each day may differ, but it looks something like this:
  • breakfast: 200 g of cottage cheese, 2 diet bread with peanut butter, 1 fruit;
  • lunch: apple, handful of almonds;
  • lunch: 200 g of steamed fish, 100 g of buckwheat, 100 g of salad dressed with vegetable oil;
  • afternoon snack: 200 ml kefir, 2 biscuits;
  • dinner: 150 g of boiled chicken, 100 g of steamed vegetables, 100 g of pearl barley.

The question of what to eat after training is relevant. After class, you can eat stewed vegetables.

  1. At stage 2, the percentage of carbohydrates is reduced as much as possible. BJU proportions: 70%:20%:10%. The duration of the stage is 1 week. It is recommended to consume slow carbohydrates before 14:00. You should avoid toast, fruits, and reduce the portion of cereals. Dishes should be varied. Everything else is the same as in the previous stage.
  2. At stage 3, you need to remove moisture from the body and completely eliminate carbohydrates. The athlete must drink distilled water. The quantity of other products is limited. An example of a menu for one of the days of the week:
  • breakfast: 120 g vegetable salad, 7 boiled proteins, 1 tbsp. spoon of porridge;
  • lunch: 2 tbsp. spoons of boiled cereal, 120 g of meat, 1 vegetable;
  • lunch: 200 g of steamed fish, sliced ​​vegetables;
  • You can take a protein drink for an afternoon snack;
  • dinner: 200 g of boiled seafood, greens.
  1. At stage 4, you need to restore the amount of long carbohydrates. The diet should be followed for 5-6 days. Sample menu can be seen at stage 1.

Important! When cutting, girls should more gradually reduce carbohydrates in their diet, but the level of the nutrient is still slightly higher than that of guys.

Recipes for drying dishes will help make your diet varied:

  1. Spring salad:
  • chop the cilantro (to taste), mix with 3 g of dry seaweed;
  • cut 50 paprika into cubes, chop 150 g of Beijing;
  • stir the vegetables, season with 20 ml of natural yogurt, ¼ teaspoon of Dijon mustard.
  1. Shrimp puree soup:
  • Rub a blender bowl with garlic, pour 200 ml of fish broth into it;
  • add 80 g to liquid boiled shrimp, beat with a blender;
  • heat the soup, add Bay leaf and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  1. Chicken in Georgian:
  • cut into strips 200 g chicken fillet, 1 paprika;
  • pour 10 ml of lemon juice over the vegetables and leave for 1 hour. You can add greens, a little onion or garlic to the marinade;
  • pour 20 ml of yogurt over the meat and marinade;
  • bake for 60 minutes at 160°.
  1. Cucumber smoothie:
  • put 200 ml of kefir, 100 g of cucumber into a blender bowl, beat;
  • add a pinch of salt and chopped herbs to the drink.

These recipes can be entered into the diet menu when cutting.

Supplements and fat burners to speed up the process

The following supplements will help speed up the fat burning process and support the body:

  1. Vitamin-mineral complexes saturate the body with useful substances. Take them in the morning during or after breakfast.
  2. Whey protein restores muscles after exercise, stimulates their growth, accelerates metabolism and fat burning. Take the supplement in the morning, before and after training, and before bed.
  3. Glutamine activates the production of growth hormone, reduces pain after exercise, protects muscles from destruction, and increases strength and endurance. Take it after training.
  4. Creatine replenishes energy reserves, improves muscle function, accelerates their recovery and growth.
  5. CLA contains fatty acid Omega-3. This supplement accelerates weight loss without losing muscle tissue.
  6. BCAA amino acids help burn fat faster, provide energy, and accelerate muscle recovery. Take them before and after classes.
  7. Green tea extract reduces cholesterol concentration, normalizes intestinal functions, accelerates metabolism, fat burning, and prevents cancer. While taking the tablets, you need to drink a lot of water, as its components have a pronounced diuretic effect.
  8. Fish oil lowers cholesterol levels, prevents inflammation, and accelerates fat burning. Take capsules with meals.
  9. Nitric oxide donors accelerate muscle growth, increase strength, and accelerate blood circulation. Take the supplement on an empty stomach.

Athletes also need medications to relieve joint pain. Products based on chondroitin, glucosamine, and collagen help heavyweights avoid problems.

Authoritative opinion

Professional trainers, bodybuilders and fitness models argue that drying is a responsible process, during which you need to constantly monitor calorie content and the BJU ratio. Therefore, beginners are recommended to switch to this regime only under the guidance of a trainer. Only in this case will drying benefit them and not harm their health.

Alexey Pavlov, coach

A well-known fitness trainer claims that cutting is a tough regime that is only suitable for athletes or completely healthy people. He advises gradually switching to a diet, controlling the proportions of dietary supplements, not forgetting about the drinking regime, taking vitamins, minerals and sports supplements. For beginner athletes, it is better to “dry” for the first time under the supervision of a personal trainer.

Alexey Bocharov, bodybuilder

The Russian bodybuilding champion has been drying several times before competitions, as evidenced by his steely muscles, which are clearly visible under the skin. An experienced athlete reminds that during drying you need to constantly monitor the caloric content of your diet, taking into account the proportions of BJU. If a person does not know how to calculate nutritional value menu, then before dieting he needs to determine how many calories, as well as proteins and carbohydrates, he usually eats.

The bodybuilder claims that during training the athlete should eat the usual amount of calories and carbohydrates, and on non-training days they should be reduced. But you can’t cut your caloric intake lower than 15-20%, as there is a risk of increasing the levels of leptin and cortisol, which destroy muscles.

Ekaterina Usmanova, fitness model

The Russian fitness bikini champion outlined the following drying rules:

  1. Smoothly reduce carbohydrates and fats, and increase the amount of proteins.
  2. Take food 5 times a day in portions of no more than 250-400 g.
  3. Drink at least 2 liters of water.
  4. Consume 10% fat per day.
  5. Take vitamin and mineral supplements.
  6. Alternate between cardio and strength training.
  7. Carry out drying once a year.

Subject to these rules, drying will be safe and effective.

Useful video

Main conclusions

Nutrition during drying is 80% of success. To speed up fat burning and muscle growth, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Calculate the calorie content of the diet taking into account the BJU.
  2. Gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats, increase the proportion of proteins.
  3. Do not reduce your caloric intake by more than 30%.
  4. Weigh yourself regularly to monitor your weight loss progress.
  5. Give up simple carbohydrates and animal fats.
  6. Take multivitamin complexes and sports supplements.
  7. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day, and even more during training and hot days.
  8. Eat 5-6 times a day.

If you are a beginner, then carry out the first drying exclusively under the supervision of a personal trainer and after consulting a doctor.

Cutting is the process of defining muscles, consisting of following a strict diet (most often, a high-protein keto diet or a no-carb diet) and performing a special fat-burning training program. Essentially, when an athlete is “cutting,” he strives to burn the remaining subcutaneous fat (mainly fat in the lower abdomen) without losing muscle mass.

At the same time, nutrition during cutting always plays a more important role than physical training. In most cases, the reason for gaining excess weight is not that a person burns too few calories - more often it is an overabundance of food with a high glycemic index in the diet, which disrupts the mechanisms of insulin production. This provokes uncontrollable hunger and forces you to overeat.

The best strategy is regular rotation various types physical activity. This can range from high-intensity interval training to boost your metabolism, functional training to develop endurance and balance, strength training to pump up your muscles, and performing static abdominal exercises to strengthen your core.

Diet for drying

The main rule of diet when cutting is not just giving up the “three foods that make your belly grow,” but complete control over the calorie content and the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Moreover, if you don’t understand how to count calories and have never done it, it’s better to start not with a cutting diet, but with studying the theory. You will understand exactly how the body converts carbohydrates into fat.

The fundamental point is that during drying the calorie intake in different days is different - on training days the usual amount of calories and carbohydrates is maintained, while on rest days they are cut. However, the overall reduction in caloric content of the cutting diet should not exceed 15-20%, otherwise you risk increasing the levels of the hormones leptin and cortisol, and losing not so much fat as muscle tissue.

Drying on a low-carbohydrate diet

Although the most commonly recommended cutting strategy is a strict no-carb diet, it is not the most optimal approach to losing belly fat. Protein diet will indeed lead to the rapid burning of subcutaneous fat, but the muscles will significantly lose volume due to the depletion of glycogen depots.

Let us remember that glycogen is the main source of energy for muscle work during physical training. The only source of glycogen is carbohydrates in the diet, and the body cannot synthesize it from proteins or fats. This is why cyclic diets are most often used for cutting, which involve alternating low-carbohydrate days with carbohydrate-loading days.

The best diets for fast drying:

Carbohydrates during drying

The consumption of carbohydrates during cutting must meet two key conditions - firstly, to ensure their absorption precisely by the glycogen depots of the muscles, and not by adipose tissue; secondly, to minimize the retention of fluids in the body associated with carbohydrates, which will literally allow you to “dry out” not only the stomach, but also the overall definition of the muscles.

The first condition will be met when monitoring the glycemic index of carbohydrates and the time of their consumption. The cutting diet allows fast carbohydrates only during breakfast and immediately after strength training. The rest of the day, high GI carbohydrates can only be consumed if you are following a cyclical keto diet (and on loading days).

Fluid retention in the body, in turn, is provoked by the consumption of “sticky” cereals. Containing wheat and white polished rice are typical foods that promote the formation of mucus in the stomach and are prohibited in dry diets. Also, milk and dairy products (including whey protein) often contribute to the formation of stagnant effects and “swelling of the abdomen”.

When dieting for drying, fresh vegetables and cereals are recommended that do not become soft with moderate cooking - for example, barley ( pearl barley), buckwheat, quinoa, rye and millet. Many of these grains have diuretic properties. In addition, teas made from herbs such as fennel, mint, chamomile, hibiscus, sage, nettle and rose hips help remove fluid from the body.

Consumption of fats while cutting

Proper nutrition during drying requires minimizing animal fats - starting from cheese and butter, ending with fatty meat and egg yolk. However, it is also not recommended to completely abandon saturated fats, since this will lower the level of testosterone production, worsen metabolic processes, and also make joints and ligaments more fragile.

The ideal choice for a “fat” diet for cutting would be in moderate quantities - due to its special structure, the body is practically unable to use it to form reserves. Light vegetable oils are allowed (olive, corn, mustard, safflower, flaxseed), but it is preferable to avoid sunflower oil.

Budget diet for cutting

One of the main myths of cutting is the need to consume huge amounts of expensive protein. However, research suggests that the more protein the body receives, the worse it uses it. It is wiser to consume protein at the lower limit (about 1.5-2.5 g of protein per kg of dry weight), forcing the body to use it sparingly. Preference should be given to white poultry meat, as it is leaner and drier.

Ideally, the total amount of protein in the diet during drying should be two to three times smaller than the amount of carbohydrates, and the source of these carbohydrates should be various vegetables and cereals (primarily pearl barley, etc.). The main advantage of this approach is that the cost of such nutrition will be much lower than the consumption of expensive sports protein.

Daily nutritional requirements for drying:

Norm for men per 1 kg of dry body weight Normal for a weight of 80 kg and 10% body fat Recommended Foods Prohibited foods
Squirrels 1.5 – 3 g 110 – 200 g Chicken, lean fish, lean beef, egg white, protein isolate Pork, semi-finished meat products
Fats 1.2 – 1.4 g 90 – 100 g Coconut oil, olive oil Butter, animal fat, sunflower oil
Carbohydrates 3 – 4 g 200 – 300 g Vegetables, buckwheat, pearl barley Potatoes, bread and pastries, wheat, sugar

Drying nutrition program

When creating a diet for drying, do not forget that limiting carbohydrates in the diet can lead to a lack of vitamins and microelements. Pay special attention to the daily consumption of fresh vegetables, as well as the overall diversity of your diet - if you eat the same protein foods for a month, this will negatively affect your health.

Let us remember that the key minerals for athletes are (responsible for the synthesis of testosterone and regulating energy processes in the body), as well as iodine (associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland and the production of fat-burning hormones). The norms of their daily consumption increase significantly both during physical training and when following any diet for weight loss or cutting.


A diet for drying muscles involves consuming fast carbohydrates exclusively after strength training, maximum limitation of animal fats and their replacement with light vegetable oils, as well as monitoring the total calorie intake. On training days, caloric intake should be normal, and on rest days it should be reduced by 15-20%. Drying diets should not be maintained for longer than 4-6 weeks.

What is body drying?

Let's start with a description of the drying process itself, the rules that should be followed to lose weight. Drying the body for girls at home allows you to get rid of hated kilograms by reducing the subcutaneous muscle layer and even replacing it with muscles. Most diets help remove water from the body, which leads to a decrease in the numbers on the scales, making us happy. But after completing the diet, you can watch with horror the weight return and even the appearance of additional kilograms. There are a number of strict diets based on the loss of muscle mass, which poses a health hazard.

If you correctly create a menu for drying the body, you will have to prepare for a labor-intensive, but very revealing and effective process. To many, this idea seems impossible, due to a lack of knowledge in this area. You don’t have to communicate with many nutritionists or part with a lot of money needed for food and special equipment.

The goal of losing weight is to get rid of excess volume in the shortest possible time. It is achieved due to the loss of water associated with the active creation of a calorie deficit, in combination with endless physical activity. This leads to getting rid of water, muscles, and sometimes fat tissue. The techniques used by athletes and bodybuilders are based on a diet to dry the body, combined with intense training. They manage to lose weight not by cutting calories, but by using proteins as the main part of their diet. If you reduce the calories included in your daily diet, muscle gain will not occur. It is its preservation that is the defining aspect of this technique.

Basic Rules

Proper body drying for girls is based on strict rules:

    It is important to be aware of persistently low blood sugar levels. This can be ensured by following the rules of fractional nutrition: eating in equal portions 6-7 times a day according to the established schedule.

    Water consumption plays a huge role in the process associated with metabolism and fat burning in general. You should drink two to three liters of water daily (clean water, not including other drinks).

    Try to gradually reduce the number of calories and learn to count them. This is not difficult these days: there are many programs and mobile applications that will help you with this. If you dramatically reduce the number of calories you consume from carbohydrates, glycogen deficiency may occur, which will lead to a decrease in muscle mass.

    To quickly dry the body for girls at home, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates gradually, by about 150 g per week.

    It is better to do regular training during cutting, with reduced weights, but at the same time increasing the number of approaches and repetitions. Don't neglect aerobics. Strength training is preferable for young people, since the program and diet for drying the body for men are somewhat different from those for women.

    Don't neglect sports nutrition for body drying and biologically active additives. With their help, you can further increase your metabolic rate. An excellent addition would be to take glutamine as a dietary supplement. Take 5 grams after and before training, as well as at the beginning and end of the day. To prevent drying from harming your health, it should last from 8 to 12 weeks.

    Try to avoid eating low-fiber carbohydrates, particularly floury and white rice. The presence of fiber in foods will make fat burning more effective.

You need to start by developing a special diet for yourself before training. It should preferably consist of protein. Moreover, it must be quickly absorbed. A smaller portion of your meals should consist of slow-digesting carbohydrates. Eat fish or take vitamins containing fish oil. It will help increase the efficiency of the process of breaking down subcutaneous fat. Try not to eat within two hours of bedtime, as the processes associated with maximum GH production occur due to low glucose levels.

Principles of nutrition

To ensure proper drying, you need to become familiar with the main differences from other diets. You need to expend more calories daily than you consume. To remove the subcutaneous fat layer, you need to ensure quick exchange substances. The rules for drying the body confirm that fasting is dangerous! This leads to a lot of stress in the body, leading to a slowdown in all the processes we need. During each meal, the body is in anticipation of hunger, storing all the food eaten as fat. It is also dangerous for your overall well-being. Weakness, apathy, and dizziness may occur.

To protect against all of the above negative consequences you definitely need a body drying program that will become your assistant in Everyday life. The main thing is to remember the importance of limiting the amount of salt in the diet, following special rules related to limiting carbohydrate intake, performing exercises consisting of large quantity repetitions

Effective body drying is impossible without carbohydrate control. The whole procedure is associated with carbohydrates, their accumulation and processing into energy. Exceeding carbohydrate intake can result in excessive glycogen flow into the muscles and liver. This leads to active growth of adipose tissue. And we need to achieve an active process of fat breakdown, called lipolysis. It is very slow and requires a lot of energy. The body needs insulin so that the hormone moves better throughout the body and helps glucose be absorbed. Insulin is produced by the pancreas.

What are the dangers of drying your body? The diet you choose may lead to a lack of carbohydrates and a lack of glucose. The deficiency is compensated by internal glycogen reserves located in fat cells. You should be careful when limiting the amount of carbohydrates. If glucose levels are too low, coma may occur due to insulin deficiency. The body needs carbohydrates, both simple and complex. You need to learn how to correctly calculate the amount of carbohydrates you consume in comparison with other nutrients.


The list of products for drying the body should be selected individually, in accordance with the person’s height and weight, desired result and lifestyle. Many girls think that due to such strict restrictions, breakdowns can occur. We want to talk about recipes for dishes that are suitable for effective drying, which will be healthy and at the same time very tasty. Thanks to the different combinations of dishes on our list, you can ensure variety in your diet. For each meal, you can use one of the options we offer.

Have breakfast you can have oatmeal or rolled oats porridge with skim milk, a light cucumber salad with flaxseed oil, a portion of baked fish, an omelette baked with tomatoes; orange juice and nut salad with avocado.

Lunch may consist of fruit salad prepared according to next recipe. Mix light fruits with a small amount of nuts, without adding anything. You can have breakfast with specialized low-calorie bread with freshly squeezed juice, or low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt with minimal additives.

Dining a diet for drying the body may consist of rye bread, boiled chicken breast, mushroom soup. You can also have lunch with a portion of fish soup baked without oil, light vegetable salad, whole grain bread; lentil soup, baked turkey, vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil; boiled beef, lean borscht without potatoes, vegetable salad with egg whites.

Afternoon snack may consist of a sandwich of rye bread and chicken breast, lettuce, cucumbers and egg white; servings of cottage cheese with nuts and blueberries; a cocktail of fresh berries mixed with skim milk; vegetable salad without oil and hard cheese.

Dinner may consist of baked chicken with vegetables; steam cutlets and broccoli; low-fat cottage cheese seasoned with low-fat kefir; low-fat baked fish in foil with herbs.

You must decide why you need to dry your body. And based on this understanding, decide on your diet. The menu must necessarily consist of polyunsaturated fats, which are extremely important for women's health. You cannot exclude from your diet the consumption of foods rich in healthy fats. Among the forbidden foods, it is worth mentioning sugar and drinks containing it, sweets and flour products, and animal fats.

Consumption of fruits with a high glycemic index should be limited. The same applies to potatoes and corn, vegetables rich in starch, and egg yolks. When express drying the body, it is allowed to eat boiled or baked poultry fillet, any fish and seafood, egg whites, low-fat cottage cheese; fresh herbs and vegetables with low starch content.

Physical exercise

Hard drying of the body for girls is achieved through regular physical activity. Without exercise, it is impossible to maintain muscle tone. Thanks to exercise, you can cope with hated fat deposits. Among the most effective exercises for achieving high-quality results, it is worth mentioning strength and aerobic training.

Aerobic exercises for drying the body help reduce body fat and burn calories. This category includes a wide range of activities: from swimming to horseback riding, from jumping rope to various sports games, from volleyball to basketball, from tennis to water aerobics. It is extremely important to remember the specifics of performing these exercises. Aerobic exercise should be regular, with an equal amount of time. You can do these activities between waking up and breakfast to ensure quick drying of the body. You can avoid problems associated with a feeling of heaviness and decreased performance by fasting for two hours before training.

Drying the body for girls in the gym is carried out using strength exercises designed specifically to build muscle. Cardio exercises are effective for all muscle groups, and strength exercises provide the load needed for specific muscles of your choice. They can consist of three types: supersets, circuit training and split training.

Circuits consist of numerous approaches and a small number of exercises, with a short break between approaches. Split training is designed to develop individual muscles on separate days. It is designed to work out the areas that bother you most. Supersets are similar to circuit training, but have fewer sets. You can do gymnastics using a special mat, or even get a new one sports complex to prevent missed workouts.

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