How much does a chicken egg weigh? Weight according to marking. Secrets of a chicken egg: find out the weight Weight of a category 1 egg without shell

Every farmer should know the mass of the resulting product, because thanks to such information in the future it will be clear what category the products obtained from laying hens can be classified into.

So, eggs can be table or diet. The former can be stored for 25 days at room temperature and 90 days in the refrigerator. The latter can last only one week.

As for the varieties, they are as follows:

  • higher;
  • selective;
  • first category;
  • second category;
  • third category.

Each variety has its own weight and marking:

  • highest – from 75 g;
  • selected - from 65 to 74 g;
  • first – from 55 to 64 g;
  • the second - from 45 to 54 g;
  • third – from 35 to 45 g.

A few words about middleweight

It is after the division into varieties that egg products will have the appropriate price category. You will have to spend the least amount of money when buying eggs from young animals, which at the beginning of their egg production do not lay very large products. Larger products are obtained from adult individuals and, accordingly, have a higher price.

If we talk about the average weight, then it is 40–60 g. They are the ones that can most often be purchased in the store, and they are the ones that are best suited for cooking.

What is the weight without shell

Answering this question is not so simple; even the most avid poultry farmers do not always know how much an egg will weigh if the shell is removed. The result is an approximate figure of 55 g (approximate, because each egg has its own mass, and it has some deviations even within the same variety).

Most often, knowing how much a product weighs without shell is important in the confectionery business. And for this they use percentage values:

  • shell – 12%;
  • yolk part – 32%;
  • protein part – 56%.

It is enough to remove the shell and get the percentage of the egg.

Weight of raw products

Not everyone knows that raw eggs weigh slightly less than their stated weight. When purchasing, you can pay attention to the markings and tell about the approximate weight. But at home it turns out that the mass is less.

The whole subtlety is that when the product lies on the counter, it begins to gradually lose moisture due to evaporation, and therefore the mass will also change. Fresh eggs always weigh more than those that have been waiting for their buyer for a long time.

How much does a boiled egg weigh?

Another interesting point is that while cooking is in progress, the mass will not change. Here it’s all about the shell, which creates a protective shell that prevents moisture loss, and therefore everything will remain in place. Based on this, we can safely say that the weight of both boiled and raw eggs remains unchanged.

If frying is used, the mass decreases due to the evaporation of moisture.

The yolk, white and shell also have their own weight

When broken, an egg can be divided into several components:

  • protein;
  • yolk;
  • shell.

The heaviest weight will be on the protein, and the lightest on the shell.

As for the numbers, the averages will look like this:

  • protein part – 33 g;
  • yolk – 22 g;
  • shell – 7 gr.

How much does an imported egg weigh?

The European Union countries have their own labeling of egg products, this applies to varieties. The smallest weight here is 30 g, and the largest is 73 g. The packaging contains data on weight, size, and also a number of other notes. Some, for example, relate to keeping birds (meaning cage or floor). Many buyers pay attention to this fact when purchasing products. Some eggs are marked with numbers that indicate the country of origin.

In the following table you can see the breeds of chickens and the weight of egg products:

Breed name

Every breeder of laying hens is interested in the question of how productive his work is and what is the quality of the products. The most important question is how much a chicken egg weighs. After all, the category, and therefore the cost of products ready for sale, directly depends on this. Even with a high egg production, you can make a lower profit if the size of the eggs produced is small. Let's try to understand together the weight characteristics of the egg and its components.

Average weight of 1 egg

To determine the average weight of one egg laid by a chicken, you need to understand what types of eggs they are. The weight determines the grade of this product, which can be seen on the labeling of each unit in the package. So, most often you can find the markings “C” and “D”. So this means the following:

  • C – canteen, the period of which is more than 7 days;
  • D – fresh, dietary, it should not be more than 7 days from the date of laying. If such an egg is not sold, the marking on it will change to C.

A number must be added to the first letter, which determines the category and shows the average weight of 1 piece. (C1, D2, C0, etc.) The breakdown by grade can be clearly seen in the table below.

CategoryMinimum weight, g Maximum weight, g Average weight, g
3 35 45 40
2 45 55 50
1 55 65 60
0 (selected)65 75 70
Higher75 - 80
Double yolk80 - -

From the given figures it is clear that the average weight of one product is 60 g. In culinary recipes, grade 3 with a weight of 1 piece is taken as the basis. 40 g. A dozen will weigh on average 400-650 g, and in a kilogram there will be from 15 to 25 pieces, depending on the variety.

Without shell

If the total weight is of interest to manufacturers, then the volume without shells is more important to buyers. On average, the weight of the calcareous shell of one egg is up to 10% of the total. Therefore, it is easy to calculate the following data:

CategoryShell, gWithout shell, g
3 5 35
2 6 44
1 7 53
0 8 62
Higher10 70

But don’t write the shell off. On the farm, it is used to feed chickens as a good source of calcium. In addition, fertilizers can be prepared from it.

Weight of white and yolk

Depending on the variety, the mass of protein and yolk in 1 piece differs. As a rule, the protein accounts for 55% of the mass, but the yolk accounts for 35%. This information may be of interest to those who are watching their weight. It is known that eggs are a serious source of cholesterol. 100 g of hard-boiled milk contains 70% cholesterol, most of which is concentrated in the yolk. To accurately calculate the allowed amount of cholesterol in the diet, you can estimate the ratio of protein and yolk by category.

CategoryYolk, gSquirrel, g
3 12 23
2 16 29
1 19 34
0 22 40
Higher25 46

Raw and cooked

Those who follow diets are often interested in the question: how much does a boiled chicken egg weigh and is this indicator different from a raw one? Since during the cooking process no significant processes of digestion, evaporation of moisture, or, conversely, saturation of the substance occur, the mass of one raw and cooked one is practically the same. The only thing is that we always clean the shell before using it. It is by this value that a raw egg can differ from a boiled one.

People have learned to domesticate chicken and obtain highly nutritious eggs from it since ancient times. Since then, many fairy tales, beliefs and rituals have been associated with its products. Here are some of the most interesting facts from the history of breeding this poultry.

  • The weight of one egg laid by a meat breed varies from 50 to 65 g.
  • Decorative breeds can make their clutches both medium-sized and very small. The Malaysian Serama has the smallest clutches, their weight barely exceeds 10 g, and the size is 1:5 to the usual one obtained from a domestic mongrel chicken.
  • Gigantic achievements in this area have also been noted. Almost reaching the size of an ostrich, a Cuban laying hen laid an egg. It weighed about 1.5 kg.
  • The harvest of English breeders was distinguished by its size. With a mass of 450 g per specimen, it reached 23 cm in diameter and 32 cm in length.
  • The most yolks (as many as 5) in one shell were also recorded in England.
  • The taste and mineral composition of the contents do not depend in any way on the color of the shell. The color depends only on the breed and color of the chicken’s earrings, and not at all on its nutrition or content. The most fertile hens are the ones whose eggshells are white, so these are the ones that can be found on sale most often.
  • In America, a breed was bred with blue, green and yellow shell colors, but the mineral composition of the white and yolk is no different from ordinary white ones.

Video “An unusual chicken brings nesting doll eggs”

Watch a video about an unusual chicken that carries food of different sizes: from small to giant.

It is unlikely that any ordinary person thinks about the question of how much a chicken egg can weigh. Attention is usually paid to its size. However, this is important for breeders because the weight of one unit depends on the breed of chicken and the type of egg. Therefore, this also affects the cost. That is, with low weight, keeping chickens becomes unprofitable.

Chicken egg weight

The weight of a chicken egg is influenced not only by the breed of chickens, but also by factors such as the conditions under which the birds are kept, the age of the chicken, the direction of the breed (for meat, eggs, etc.). But it’s still interesting what the mass of eggs is in a certain state (only white and yolk, without shell, boiled and raw).

White and yolk weight

The weight of individual whites and yolks is influenced by the variety, so for determination it is customary to take average statistical data as a percentage:

  • the amount of protein in one egg is 60-65%;
  • yolk – 35-40%.

Accordingly, if an egg without a shell weighs 50 g, then it contains 20 g of yolk and 30 g of white.

Egg weight without shell

The mass of eggs without shells is of interest to those people who follow a special diet. This allows you to accurately calculate the calorie content of the product, but for chicken breeders this is not a criterion for performance.

The shell makes up approximately 9-11% of the total weight of the egg. Therefore, to calculate the mass of an egg without a shell, it is enough to subtract an average of 10% from the weight.

How much does a raw and boiled egg weigh?

Any product that is subjected to heat treatment necessarily changes its weight. But not a chicken egg. This is due to the fact that the white and yolk are securely hidden in the shell, which does not allow water, steam or air to pass through.

Consequently, the weight of a boiled egg is no different from the weight of a raw product. If the eggs are boiled without shells (poached dish) or fried, then the weight is reduced by 10-14%.

Does the weight of an egg depend on the breed of hen?

There are chickens for egg and meat breeds. It follows that the former lay larger eggs than the latter. Among egg representatives there is a huge variety of varieties that differ in weight, nutritional value and other parameters. Some chickens lay large eggs, others - medium, and others - small.

For example, there are dietary eggs from. They have a small weight (50 grams), but at the same time have high nutritional value. Therefore, they are classified in the second category (corresponding to weight). Here we can also mention many miniature breeds, the eggs of which are very useful, but weigh little. But the largest eggs, but with minimal nutritional value, are laid.

Egg weight in grams by category

The variety depends on the weight of the chicken egg. There are standard norms that are strictly adhered to. The gradation is as follows (indicators in grams):

Variety/category Marking Mass with shell Averages Mass without shell Yolk weight Protein weight
Higher IN 75 and above 75 68 26 41
Selective ABOUT from 65 to 74.9 70 55-65 25-30 35-40
First 1 from 55 to 65 60 50 19-24 30-38
Second 2 from 45 to 55 50 35-45 16-20 25-30
Third 3 from 34 to 45 39-40 31-40 13-16 20-25

Why are eggs sold by the piece and not by weight?

Many products are sold by weight rather than individually. So why doesn't this apply to eggs? Here are the main reasons:

  1. Eggs are a fragile food product that must be stored separately from each other. That is why they are packaged in specialized trays, which must be covered from above.
    Thus, if you weigh eggs, they will definitely break (when transferred to a plastic bag or other packaging, when placed on a scale, etc.). Accordingly, any trading enterprise will suffer losses. Is it worth talking about poultry farms that ship hundreds of thousands of eggs every day?
  2. All eggs are susceptible to salmonellosis, as they are laid by chickens under appropriate conditions. For this reason, after purchasing a product, every person should wash them thoroughly with soapy water or a special disinfectant. If the eggs are unpacked (for example, in bulk in a box, on the counter), then the products adjacent to them will certainly become infected.
    This approach threatens global morbidity. Of course, there is an option - to set up a separate department in the sales area, where mainly eggs will be stored, but this will force store owners to significantly increase the cost, which is not beneficial to either the consumer or the seller.
  3. It turns out that moisture is lost through the shell (over a certain period). Such evaporation does not affect one unit, but if you purchase, for example, 10,000 kg, then only 9,500 kg will remain. Consequently, the seller, in order not to go into the red, must increase the markup.

The most unusual facts about chicken eggs

Chickens have been raised for centuries, so there is already an official list of interesting facts about eggs:

  1. We are used to seeing brown and white eggs, but there have been cases around the world where chickens laid blue and green eggs (shells). As it turns out, only certain breeds of chickens do this. do not differ from the varieties we are accustomed to. But the difference is that colorful eggs are laid in small quantities.
  2. The smallest egg weighs only 10 grams, the largest - 450 grams (its length was 32 cm, diameter - 23). These are official data that were recorded in England.
  3. In Great Britain, a hen laid an egg that contained 5 yolks at the same time.

In China, eggs are made artificially. Calcium carbonate is used for the shell, and a gelatin base with coloring agents and flavorings is used for the yolk and white. The import of such products into Russian territory is strictly prohibited and is therefore regarded as smuggling.

Whatever eggs you buy, remember that the category has nothing to do with the nutritional value of the product. The variety is influenced solely by weight. There is a myth that people unconditionally believe: supposedly small chicken eggs are much healthier than large ones. However, this has not been proven by science.

The weight of a chicken egg is of great importance for breeders, since it is this indicator that determines the type of product, and therefore its cost.

The size of an egg is influenced by many factors, the main of which are the age of the bird, its direction (egg, meat or decorative), breed and conditions of detention.

If the bird lays a lot, but the product is light in weight, its cost turns out to be low, and keeping the chicken is considered unprofitable because of this.

Average weight of one chicken egg

Before talking about the average weight of an egg, you should understand its category and grade. They are determined depending on the freshness and size of the eggs.

Based on freshness, the product is divided into table and dietary. Table eggs are most often found in stores. Their shelf life should not be more than 1 week, since after 7 days of storage, spoilage processes begin to develop in the product. These changes are not very noticeable, which is why you can easily get poisoned by eating a stale product. The category is marked - C.

Diet eggs cannot be stored for more than 3 days. If they are not sold within this time, they are transferred to the canteen category. Labeling of dietary eggs - D.

Chicken eggs, depending on their weight, are divided into varieties.

This product gradation looks like this:

  • choice(labeling O) - weight from 65 g to 75 g. Average weight - 70 g, without shell 60–70 g. Yolk weight 26–30 g, white 35–40 g;
  • first grade(marking 1) - weight from 55 g to 65 g. Average weight 60 g. Without shell, eggs weigh from 50 g to 60 g. Yolk weight from 19 g to 23 g, white from 30 to 38 g;
  • second grade(marking 2) - weight from 45 to 55 g. Average weight 50 g. Without shell - 40–50 g. Yellow weight 16–19 g, white 25–30 g.
  • third grade(labeling 3) - weight from 35–45 g. Average weight 40 g. Without shell 32–40 g. Yolk weight 12–16 g. White weighs from 19 to 25 g.

On average, chicken eggs weigh from 50 to 55 g.

Without shell

The weight of a shelled egg is primarily of interest to consumers. For the manufacturer, this indicator is not of interest, since the grade of eggs is determined by the total weight of the product. Women who are on a calorie-counting diet are especially concerned about the issue of the weight of a peeled egg.

The shell, despite being thin, weighs quite a lot. Its mass is 10% of the weight of the egg.

Thus, knowing the weight of the egg, you can quite accurately determine its approximate weight after cleaning. To determine the weight of one chicken egg without scales, you should look at its type and take the average weight as an indicator, from which the weight of the shell is subtracted.

Weight of white and yolk

The weight of the white and yolk varies greatly depending on the type of product. For this reason, their approximate weight should be determined based on average statistical data. According to them, the yolk accounts for 35% of the weight of a shelled egg, and the white, respectively, accounts for 65%.

Raw and cooked

Some housewives are interested in whether a boiled egg changes its weight. During the cooking process, it does not absorb water and does not release liquid from itself, and is also not subject to boiling. It means that the weight of the cooked product does not change and does not differ from the weight of the raw product.

A decrease in mass occurs only during frying, since during frying the liquid evaporates from the egg, which is not protected by the shell. In this case, it may become 10–15% lighter.

Chickens have been raised by humans for centuries. During this time, many interesting facts about the chicken egg have accumulated.

  • Unusual shell color. Everyone is familiar with white and red shells, but there are breeds of chickens that lay green and blue eggs. In terms of taste and composition, eggs of different colors are no different from each other. The absence of unusually colored eggs on store shelves is due to the fact that chicken breeds that lay white and red eggs are more productive and are therefore bred en masse. Birds laying green and blue eggs are found mainly among hobbyists.
  • An egg with 5 yolks was laid by a hen in Great Britain.
  • A chicken egg laid by a decorative hen weighs only 10 g.
  • The largest egg, the weight of which is officially recorded, was laid in England. This egg weighed 450 g and had a diameter of 23 cm. The length of the unique egg was 32 cm.
  • The record for eating eggs belongs to an American, whose name remains unknown, who consumed 144 eggs at one time. This happened in 1900. It has not yet been possible to break the record, although attempts have been made.
  • The smallest egg was laid in Malaysia, it weighed less than 10 g.
  • The Chinese make artificial eggs. For them, a shell is created from calcium carbonate, and the yolk and white are made from gelatin with the addition of food coloring and flavorings. Such eggs are prohibited in Russia, and if they are attempted to be imported, they are regarded as contraband goods.

Egg with three yolks (video):

Chicken eggs are beneficial for the human body and their consumption is necessary, but only if there is no allergy to them.

Chicken eggs are a universal natural product with an extremely wide range of applications. Indeed, the egg is an indispensable ingredient for preparing many delicious dishes. And what a delicious breakfast you can make from a fried egg - quickly and easily! However, creating more complex culinary masterpieces requires precise adherence to the mass of ingredients included in the recipe. So, how much does a chicken egg weigh? Today we will learn some interesting facts about this amazing and useful product.

The weight of one raw chicken egg ranges from 40 to 80 grams, depending on the category.

How to determine the category of an egg? If the product is purchased in a store, then it will have a special marking stamp with complete information for buyers. For example, the smallest eggs weighing 40 grams belong to the third category. The weight range of the second category product is 45 – 55 grams. The first category includes eggs weighing 55 - 65 grams, and if the weight is a little more (65 - 75 grams) - this is already a selected product. The largest “giant” eggs weigh 75–80 grams and belong to the highest category.

European chicken eggs are slightly different in weight from eggs grown, for example, in Australia. If in the UK an egg weighing 53 - 63 grams is considered average, then to Australians such sizes may seem very large - in the homeland of the kangaroo, the eggs of the average category reach only 43 grams.

What determines the size and weight of chicken eggs? One of the main factors influencing egg parameters is the age of the hen. As a rule, the older the hen, the larger the eggs “get.” The weight of the bird and the size of the “final” product are interrelated - most likely, a large hen will lay larger eggs than a “slender” hen. Breed, quality of food, climate, time of year and day also have a significant impact on the size of the testicles.

How much does a boiled chicken egg weigh?

The weight of one boiled chicken egg is 50-60 grams.

The weight of a raw and boiled egg is approximately the same - for this it is enough to determine the category of the product. But how much does a boiled egg without a shell weigh? The calculation is quite simple.

It is known that the percentage of white, yolk and shell in one egg is: 56%, 32% and 12%, respectively. Based on these indicators, you can approximately calculate the weight of an egg without a shell, taking into account only the mass of the white and yolk.

Compared to a raw egg, the weight of a fried egg is slightly less. True, after frying, the calorie content of an egg approximately doubles.

The mass of a quail egg is 10-12 grams.

Quail egg is a natural delicacy with excellent digestibility and high nutritional value. Today, these “small” brownish eggs are increasingly used in the diet along with “classic” chicken eggs.

The weight of one quail egg is no more than 10–12 grams, which is almost five times less than the weight of an average chicken egg. Despite its tiny weight, the product contains 27 microelements. A real find for dietary nutrition! Quail eggs are especially rich in vitamins A and B, as well as potassium, phosphorus and iron - two to four times more than in a chicken product. Eggshells are also a rich source of calcium and are used to prevent brittle bones, rickets and hypocalcemia.

It is noteworthy that a spoiled quail egg is very light - it simply dries out in the shell. But a missing chicken egg has almost the same mass as a fresh one.

How much does an ostrich egg weigh?

The mass of an ostrich egg is 1.5 to 2 kg.

Ostriches are the largest flightless birds in the world. Due to their high adaptive ability, these giant birds are very popular among our domestic farmers. True, the size of ostrich eggs compared to its body weight is quite small - the largest specimens reach 15 - 21 cm in length.

How much does an ostrich egg weigh? The weight of one such “testicle” is from 1.5 to 2 kg. If you place an ostrich egg on one pan of the scale, then for balance you will have to put about 36 chicken eggs on the other. The density of an ostrich egg is very high - it can withstand the weight of a person of average build (about 80 kg). The thickness of the shell is up to 0.6 cm.

The largest ostrich egg was recorded in China - its weight was 2.35 kg and its diameter was 18.67 cm.

Ostrich eggs are low in calories and are an excellent dietary product. Although the energy value is 1.35 times lower than that of chicken eggs, 100 grams of ostrich eggs contain 118 kcal.

The taste of an ostrich egg is quite specific. But the scrambled eggs from one such “egg” will be the same in size as from 25 chicken eggs.

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