A combination of proteins and carbohydrates for weight loss. Basic rules for separate meals: menu for weight loss, acceptable food combinations. Cucumber and egg salad

The essential purpose of food is to satisfy human nutritional needs as well as provide health benefits. That is why you should understand which products are vital and what they are best combined with.

If the foods consumed are completely healthy, but incompatible with each other, then this will slowly harm your health. The body spends too much energy on digestion, which can be noticed that after eating you often want to sleep. Therefore, you should not overload your stomach. To do this, you must follow the correct combination of products for.

Vegetables and fruits are processed already in the small intestine, and meat and bread are first digested in the stomach. If you add fruit juice to them, then in the process of fermentation of these nutrients is formed, resulting in the formation of alcohol. You should also not combine dairy products with fish, sugar with peas, honey with butter. It takes the digestive system more than an hour to process fruit food. Vegetables are digested even more slowly: they take at least two hours.

It turns out that if you eat food incorrectly, you can harm your health. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that food can be properly digested in the body. It will also be useful to eat green fresh vegetables, from which it is useful to prepare a salad and add vegetable oil to them. It is in order to avoid improper consumption of food that a product compatibility table was created for proper nutrition.

Compatible table, how to combine food correctly

This table includes a list of useful products that may or may not be compatible for consumption. If you strictly follow all the instructions, you can get healthy and tasty food for every day with benefits for your health.

In order to learn how to eat properly without harming your health, you need to follow a specially created compatibility table. It includes frequently consumed foods, and each has its own row and column number. It also has three colors, each of which indicates how compatible the food is.

  • Green color indicates that products can be combined.
  • Yellow indicates that combining products is possible, but not advisable.
  • Red means a ban on the consumption of isolated nutrients.

So, for example, if cheese and vegetables are marked in the table green then it will be good combination, which will only benefit the body.

But potatoes and eggs, marked in red in the table, do not go together.

After three months, the performance of the human body improves, the appearance becomes more attractive, new strength comes, and diseases disappear.

About separate meals

It is best for a person to follow a proper diet, which is very beneficial for. This is not a diet, just the right combination of some foods with others. It is because of improper food consumption that nausea, bloating, and heartburn occur when incompatible foods are not digested. How simpler the food is will determine how much easier it will be processed.

That is why you need to follow a certain method of separate absorption of food, which will help normalize the functioning of the body. A proper combination of foods with proper nutrition helps to get rid of excess weight.

Pros and cons of separate power supply

The system of such nutrition was invented at the beginning of the twentieth century, and it still remains relevant. If a person follows all the rules regarding this feeding system, then after a couple of months his condition will improve significantly. Thanks to this, you can get rid of toxins in the body and achieve. Also, with separate nutrition, you can recover from diseases. gastrointestinal tract.

When food is consumed incorrectly, undigested food is deposited in the human body in the form of fats. And if you eat fruit on an empty stomach, it can cause heartburn and indigestion. If you eat meat or poultry before this, a rotting process will occur in the stomach, which will cause injury to the body.

Separate meals have their pros and cons. First, you should look at its advantages. Thanks to him, a person is charged with new energy, chronic fatigue gives way to a fresh surge of strength, extra pounds disappear.

The disadvantages include a constant feeling of hunger, which you should learn to control, lack of a feeling of satiety, and searching for recipes for proper food consumption.

Considering these disadvantages, the method of separate meals should be switched to carefully so that the vital organs can get used to this system.

The main task separate power supply is the separation of carbohydrate products from protein products. For a diet that will benefit health, the interval between the absorption of such nutrients must be at least two hours.

Carbohydrate foods include potatoes, bread products, pasta, sugar, etc.

Food items rich in proteins include fish, meat, milk, cottage cheese, eggs, legumes and nuts.

There are also known food products that are considered neutral. They are easily combined with carbohydrates and proteins, since they do not cause complications in processing. This list includes vegetables, fatty cheese and cottage cheese, animal fat, sour cream, fruits and vegetables.

It's worth noting that melon does not fall into any of these categories. It is best to eat it separately, as an independent dish.

You should switch to the method of separate meals gradually, allocating one day a week for this. It can become unloading so that the body can get rid of waste and toxins and prepare for new processing. This day should be dedicated to the fact that a person will eat only raw or stewed vegetables without salt or seasonings. You can eat fruits in their pure form and fruit salads. However, you need to drink a lot mineral water or tea with honey to help the body rid itself of toxins more easily. It is worth noting that on such a day there may be headache or joint pain. You should not be afraid of this, this indicates that this is how the body reacts to remove accumulated poison. The next day these pains will go away.

For those planning to switch to separate meals, it is best to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Have breakfast with fruits, cheese, sour cream, sandwiches made from bran bread and sour cream. butter.
  2. For lunch, eat protein foods. However, you should not eat meat or fish with potatoes or pasta. It is best to pay attention to vegetable soups and broths. You need to drink juices from fresh fruits.
  3. need carbohydrate foods. These include carrot casserole, cooked potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and sweet fruits.

If you stick to this diet, you can achieve the desired effects and feel much better.

You should also follow the recommendations regarding the method of separate absorption of food. So, it is better to eat apples and melons as independent dishes. They cleanse the body and energize. If they are not combined correctly with other foods, this can cause fermentation in the stomach. And you should not wash down your food with sweet tea, since sweet liquids should be meals in their own right. It is best to drink tea 60-80 minutes after eating. And it is more useful to consume food that is incompatible with each other at intervals of 2 hours.

In order for 20 days, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Replace sugar with honey in tea.
  2. Eat protein foods before lunch.
  3. Drink milk separately, as an independent dish.
  4. Chew food thoroughly (preferably into the smallest pieces).
  5. Eat food slowly.
  6. Avoid meat broths.
  7. Eat more fruits and raw vegetables.
  8. 4 hours should pass before each meal. In between times, mild ones are acceptable.
  9. Eat often (at least six times a day).
  10. Do not wash down your food with water or tea.
  11. There are fruits with peel.
  12. Avoid eating refined products.
  13. Eat only coarse bread.

If a person suffers from chronic diseases, then before switching to separate meals, he needs to consult a doctor.

It was Herbert Shelton who came up with the great idea of ​​dividing products into compatible and incompatible. For years, he observed and analyzed data on how foods “befriended” each other when they entered the stomach together. He investigated which enzymes were used to digest certain food components. And the result of his many years of work confirmed that various products require different conditions so that they are processed and absorbed fully. This is how a popular theory arose, which proves that the compatibility of food products for weight loss is very significant and effective.

Take a look at a classic meal one day: lunch begins with the first course - soup, which combines meat, vegetables, among which there are always potatoes and, often, beans. The second course includes a dish with meat and a vegetable or cereal side dish, and a salad with dressing. What about dessert? Sweet confectionery or healthy fruit. It’s hard to even imagine what hard work the poor gastrointestinal tract faces in order to process a set of these products!

Unfortunately, none of the lunch dishes are completely digested. Beneficial substances are not fully absorbed, and a “vinaigrette” of protein-carbohydrate foods will cause such unpleasant phenomena as heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating, and lethargy.

Each product has its own time and speed of digestion. And if, for example, boiled potatoes are processed by the gastrointestinal tract within an hour, then a piece of meat will take several hours. It turns out that stewed potatoes with meat will “sit” undigested for up to 6 hours. What if you eat it separately?

That is, it is optimal that the stomach can take food at the same time of digestion. Nutritionists say that people who throw various foods into themselves, as if into a firebox, without restrictions, carry kilograms of rotting food. This cannot but affect your health, appearance and excess weight.

History of separate nutrition

People were already familiar with the basics of such nutrition. Ancient Rome. For example, the Roman doctor Celsus demanded from his patients that they watch how they combine their food: stewed, fatty, sweet. The famous Persian physician Avicenna addresses the issue of the harm of simultaneous intake of a variety of foods (“Canon of Medical Science”). Academician Pavlov, whom we all remember only by the notorious dog, dealt with a similar issue)

And now, when the fashion for a healthy lifestyle has finally won, the separate nutrition system has captured the attention of many people.

If you want to get the maximum benefit from food and always be in shape, then take a closer look at this system, because it’s not for nothing that its second name is proper nutrition. Its essence comes down to the fact that products are combined into several groups that either do not combine with each other at all, or combine well, or are considered ideal “companions”. For clarity, convenient tables have been created that will help you adhere to healthy image life and cook healthy meals for yourself.

Before we start getting acquainted with healthy food combinations, let’s draw your attention to groups that are just waiting for their “victim” to please them with extra pounds.

Products that lead to the accumulation of excess weight if consumed together:

  • flour dishes + proteins;
  • various sugars + protein foods;
  • flour dishes + fruits;
  • flour dishes + milk;
  • milk + proteins;
  • many different proteins in one go;
  • some flour dishes in one go.

Protein and starchy foods cannot be combined! What does it mean? Your favorite meat cutlet with mashed potatoes is taboo! Write down other tasty dishes here: fried potatoes with chicken, fish fillet with rice, cheese sandwich and even ice cream with nuts.

Proteins (preferably) should be from the same group. That is, chicken with eggs, cheese combined with meat, etc. is not allowed.

Since the principles of separate nutrition explain that proteins and fats combine very poorly with each other, choose protein-containing products with a small amount of fat, i.e. lean ones.

The combination of proteins and alcohol, which neutralizes the enzyme responsible for processing protein foods, is very undesirable. If you indulged in chicken Kiev with champagne, then forget about this duet. By the way, if you want to lose weight, forget about champagne too (if you really want it, then at least take Brut).

Mono-group that cannot be combined with any product: melon, watermelon, milk. They should be consumed separately. The fact is that melon and watermelon have a large amount of their own sugar, which will instantly start the fermentation process in the stomach if it detects any other product there. Milk “works” in a very interesting way. Usually milk curdles under the influence of gastric juice, but if it is in the company of another product, it can isolate it from the digestion process (milk envelops the product and the food rots).

The principle of product compatibility: pros and cons


  • Since digestion is established correctly in those who adhere to the rules of separate nutrition, foods are not retained and do not cause processes such as fermentation and rotting. The consequence is that intonation of the body is reduced to a minimum.
  • Due to the fact that a person receives more useful substances from food, your overall health improves.
  • By adhering to a separate nutrition system, you don’t have to worry about the kilograms you’ve gained.


Proper nutrition, in which you have to combine only compatible foods, is not to everyone’s taste. Not many people can withstand a certain regime.

As you can see, there is only one drawback. And even then... Should this be considered a minus when health and external attractiveness are at stake?

Losing weight is an art. You can’t lose weight without knowing the properties and compatibility rules of products.

Losing weight is a complex, lengthy and painstaking process. Not every person who has set out on the path of losing weight knows how to lose weight correctly so as not to harm their health. The first step is to make a list of essential foods for weight loss. Next, a training program is built depending on what kind of body a person wants to “build” for himself.

Proper nutrition is the basis for effective fat burning. No amount of physical activity can “save” a person who eats unhealthy, fatty, high-calorie foods. The percentage of fat in your body will directly depend on how you eat.

It is believed that if a person loses weight or leads a healthy lifestyle, then the range of products available to him is sharply reduced.

  • This myth exists only because of the existence of diets. Diets that require eating two apples, a pack of cottage cheese or half a chicken breast per day.
  • To really lose weight once and for all, you will have to change your eating habits, open up to new things, overcome your fears, eating habits and doubts.
  • At first, the food seems unusual, but then the taste buds adapt to the new tastes and you begin to enjoy the food.

Proper nutrition is delicious!

List of products for weight loss

Cereals- the main, but not the only source of “slow” carbohydrates necessary for weight loss.
Cereals also contain a certain amount of vegetable protein and a lot of fiber. Almost all of them have a low glycemic index.
Cereals are very nutritious and healthy. They can be eaten at any meal.

  • Should be limited semolina, white rice (polished and round), couscous.
  • Healthy cereals include: buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, barley, oatmeal, rice (steamed, long grain, red, brown, wild), wheat, bulgur.

Legumes- this is also a “slow” carbohydrate, like cereals, vegetables, and herbs. Having excellent nutritional value, legumes contain many vitamins necessary for weight loss.

  • Healthy legumes include: lentils (red, orange, yellow, green, brown), beans (white, black, red), split peas, green pea, beans (green), chickpeas, mung beans.

Cereals— cereals are an exceptional product. Their difference from cereals is that cereals can germinate. And in sprouts, the amount of useful elements necessary for weight loss increases many times.

  • Cereals useful for weight loss include:: rye, wheat, green buckwheat, whole grain or unrefined oats. Some legumes can also germinate, although they are not cereals.

Fruits, berries is “fast” energy. Fruits and berries fill you up very quickly and have a medium glycemic index.

  • This is an excellent dessert, a replacement for sweet flour products.
  • They can be added to almost any dish; they do not spoil the taste.
  • Fruits and berries contain a huge amount of antioxidants and vitamins.
  • Fruits are your youth and beauty.

All fruits and berries can be considered healthy. The berries are, of course, edible.

Vegetables- It’s not without reason that they say that fruits are tasty and vegetables are healthy.

  • Indeed, vegetables do not fill you up as quickly as fruits, but they do not cause such a sharp jump in insulin in the blood.
  • Vegetables are the main source of plant-based fiber.

Vegetables, like fruits, are all healthy. Even potatoes, the consumption of which is kept to a minimum by those losing weight, are useful within reasonable limits.

Greenery. It should be placed on a separate pedestal. Much greener healthier than vegetables and fruits combined.

  • If we look at the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates in greens as a percentage, we get the following: 45/5/50.
  • Greens also do not contain fat.
  • It is not just an antioxidant, but also a whole storehouse of vitamins.
  • Parsley, dill, spinach, lettuce, basil, arugula, mint will give your dish an unforgettable, juicy taste.

All edible greens are good for weight loss.

Meat, poultry. Everyone knows that meat and poultry are the most reliable source of animal protein. They do not contain carbohydrates, only a small amount of fat, which depends on which part of the carcass you specifically take.

  • It is worth noting that large amounts of animal protein are very harmful to health, especially the kidneys and liver.
  • Vegans and vegetarians can replace meat and poultry with plant sources of protein (cereals, legumes, greens).

Meat gastronomic products are not considered meat (those who are losing weight exclude them).

Fish and seafood- This is also a source of animal protein, but due to their high cost they are often forgotten.

In fact, fish contains a large amount of essential nutrients for our body. fatty acids. This is especially important for women to maintain healthy skin, hair, nails and for a regular menstrual cycle.

For those losing weight, it is preferable to eat steamed, baked or grilled fish.

Dairy and fermented milk products. At the same time, beloved and unloved by everyone who is losing weight, kefir tops the list of healthy fermented milk products.

  • Recommended for those losing weight reduce milk consumption, as it can cause stagnation of fluid in the body and, as a result, the appearance of edema and cellulite.
  • Fermented milk and dairy products that are beneficial for weight loss include: kefir, yogurt without additives and sugar, sourdough, koumiss, fermented baked milk, milk, sour cream, cream, cottage cheese.
  • To the harmful- snowball and yoghurts with sugar and additives.
  • Not recommended for use those who lose weight are low-fat dairy and fermented milk products, since in the process of “lowering” all the beneficial substances were lost.

Cheeses It is a source of protein and fats of animal origin. They have very high calorie content and contain a lot of salt.

  • Those losing weight consume them Any percentage of fat content should be limited as much as possible.

Eggs- enough useful product, contains both proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

  • Those losing weight give preference only to proteins, although yolks contain all the necessary components for the functioning of the body. It's all about the amount of food eaten.
  • You can eat any eggs that are edible.

Vegetable oils. Those who are losing weight should not avoid oils. The daily norm of oil is 30 g (1 tablespoon). This is approximately 300 kcal.

  • Butter is a source of vegetable fat (not the fat that is deposited on the sides and legs).
  • This healthy fat, which participates in metabolic processes in the body.
  • Women should be careful about fats.
  • A lack of fatty acids in the body can lead to serious health problems.

Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are quite high-calorie, heavy foods. They contain a lot of fat and protein.

  • Those who are losing weight are not recommended to eat a lot of nuts, but they can “get” their caloric intake if they don’t have enough calories per day.
  • The optimal daily dose of nuts is 30 grams.

Mushrooms Those who lose weight can, even need to. Especially vegans and vegetarians. Mushrooms are low in calories, nutritious, and contain a lot of protein.

  • Useful for losing weight both wild mushrooms and artificially grown champignons.
  • Since mushrooms are classified as heavy food, it is recommended to eat them in the first half of the day.
  • Eating mushrooms for dinner is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Pasta- can also be dietary. Usually pasta is made from premium flour, but such pasta is not suitable for weight loss.

But if they are made from durum wheat flour (that is, wheat that has not been stripped of its shell), then such pasta is allowed and is even considered useful for weight loss.

Bread and bakery products. Even those who are losing weight can eat bread. One or two pieces of whole grain wheat, rye or bran bread will not harm your figure if they are correctly included in the overall caloric intake.

  • Bread is not recommended for weight loss made from white wheat flour, bread with added sugar, molasses and yeast.
  • The ideal bread for weight loss contains the mentioned flour, salt and water.

Low-calorie foods for weight loss: list

Low-calorie products traditionally include those products whose calorie content does not exceed 100 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The following are considered low-calorie:

  • Fruits (except avocado)
  • Vegetables (except potatoes. Its calorie content is only 80 kcal per 100 g, but it has a high glycemic index)
  • Berries
  • Mushrooms
  • Greenery
  • Dairy
  • Dairy products

You should not limit your diet exclusively to low-calorie foods. Not having enough calories is just as bad as having too many calories. Both extremes can be very harmful to your body.

Diversify your diet. Add more grains, nuts, oils. If you wish, you can include meat, fish, seafood, poultry, and cheeses in your diet.

List of protein foods for weight loss

The list of protein products is extensive. It should be said that there are pure protein products, protein products containing fats and protein-carbohydrate products.

List of predominantly protein foods suitable for weight loss:

  • Chicken meat (mostly breast)
  • Lean beef
  • Rabbit meat
  • Lean fish
  • Seafood
  • Cottage cheese (low fat or low fat)
  • Egg white

List of protein-carbohydrate products:

  • Mushrooms
  • Greenery
  • Cabbage
  • Kefir (low-fat)
  • Milk (not fat)
  • Peas
  • Green beans
  • Soy meat
  • Lentils
  • Colored beans

List of foods rich in proteins and fats at the same time:

  • Fatty beef
  • Chicken legs, thighs
  • Fat cottage cheese
  • Full fat milk
  • Full fat kefir
  • Nuts, seeds
  • Fatty fish
  • Whole egg
  • Sour cream

List of weight loss products containing slow carbohydrates: list

  • « Slow"Carbohydrates are carbohydrates that are absorbed by our body over a fairly long period of time. When such a carbohydrate enters the stomach, the body takes time to recognize it and begin to digest it.
  • Insulin is released into the blood, but not as fast as what happens with “fast” carbohydrates. And the slower insulin is produced, the longer the feeling of fullness lasts.
  • In this case, the decline in insulin levels also occurs slowly, so the feeling of hunger after “slow” carbohydrates does not occur soon.

“Slow” carbohydrates for weight loss include:

  • Cereals (all except couscous, semolina, round rice and polished rice)
  • Legumes (all, without exception)
  • Vegetables
  • Durum wheat pasta
  • Whole grain or rye bread
  • Cereals

There is an opinion that a person needs “slow” carbohydrates in the morning and afternoon, but this is not so. If you are losing weight and are active throughout the day, then you need “slow” carbohydrates throughout the day. In the morning, give preference to oatmeal and millet porridge.

For lunch, eat a portion of vegetables with buckwheat, pearl barley or legumes. For dinner, leave vegetables, legumes, and buckwheat.

Vegetables are “slow” carbohydrates

What weight loss foods contain fiber?

What is fiber?

To put it simply in simple language, is the insoluble (rough) part of plants. Thanks to the presence of fiber in our diet, we do not have digestive problems. It normalizes intestinal function and prevents constipation and bloating.

Too much fiber (especially that found in grains) in your diet can damage the thin walls of your intestines. But a large amount of vegetables with fiber present in them will not only not harm the body, but will also improve its functioning, which is necessary for losing weight.

The most fiber is found in:

  • Vegetables
  • Greenery
  • Fruits (mainly pears, persimmons, apples)
  • Krupach
  • Legumes
  • Gribakh
  • Berries
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Dried fruits
  • Cereals
  • Whole grain bread
  • Durum wheat pasta

If your diet does not include fruits, cereals and vegetables, then you will soon become deficient in fiber. Additional fiber is found in bran and is sold at the pharmacy in the form of small flakes. But such fiber can be addictive.

Negative calorie foods for weight loss: list

Negative calorie foods are controversial. If we talk about it seriously, those foods that have a negative calorie content are the ones that require a little more energy to digest than the human body can get from these foods.
These are either very low-calorie foods, or, on the contrary, very heavy.

Most often these include:

  • Low-calorie vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, celery, pumpkin)
  • Low-calorie fruits (apples, pears, watermelon, apricots)
  • Berries (strawberries, strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants, raspberries)
  • Fermented milk products (low-fat kefir and cottage cheese)
  • Nuts (and this is despite their high calorie content)
  • Greenery
  • Water, tea, coffee, juices (no sugar)

The theory of “Negative Calorie Foods” states that “negative” foods can be eaten in any quantity, and they will not interfere with weight loss.

But if you imagine that a person eats a kilogram of nuts a day, eating apples and cottage cheese, and at the same time strives to lose weight, he will most likely be twisted at the temple.
Such a diet is more likely to lead to weight gain.

Therefore, the theory of “Negative Calorie Foods” is highly questionable.

An example of a salad with “negative” calories

Food compatibility for weight loss: table

Separate nutrition has existed for a long time and has its followers. Unfortunately, people often don't think about what they eat and how they eat it. You can often see nuts and fruits on the plate along with the meat. But these products in such a combination simply will not be absorbed, which will lead to weight gain.

The theory of separate nutrition explains the rules for combining food products so that they can bring maximum benefit to your body and do not interfere with each other’s absorption.

The human body is healthy as long as it has a normal acid-base balance. As soon as a “skew” occurs in one direction or another, the person’s condition sharply worsens and weight gain occurs.

Products are: neutral, alkaline and acidic.

  • To acidic include foods containing a high percentage of protein,
  • To alkaline- a large amount of carbohydrates.
  • Other products are considered neutral.

Below is the food compatibility table:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1. Meat,
0 0 Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! OS PS Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z!
2. Fish,
0 0 Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! OS PS Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z!
3. Fruits are sweet Z! Z! 0 Z! PS PS Z! OS PS PS PS OS Z! PS OS Z! Z! Z!
4. Sugar
and condi
Z! Z! Z! 0 Z! Z! Z! OS Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z!
5. Sour cream Z! Z! PS Z! 0 PS PS OS OS Z! OS OS OS Z! OS PS PS Z!
6. Vegetable oil
Z! Z! PS Z! PS 0 Z! OS OS OS OS PS OS Z! Z! Z! Z! OS
7. Butter Z! Z! Z! Z! C Z! 0 OS OS Z! OS PS OS Z! PS Z! Z! PS
8. Non-starch vegetables
leafy, green
9. Vegetables
10. Nuts Z! Z! PS PS Z! OS Z! OS OS 0 OS OS Z! Z! OS PS Z! PS
11. Pomi
dora and
Z! Z! PS Z! OS OS OS OS PS Z! 0 OS Z! Z! PS A A Z!
12. Semi-sour fruits Z! Z! OS Z! Z! PS PS OS PS Z! OS 0 Z! PS OS PS Z! Z!
13. Bread, cereals, potatoes Z! Z! Z! Z! OS OS OS OS OS PS Z! Z! 0 Z! Z! PS Z! PS
14. Milk Z! Z! PS Z! Z! Z! PS Z! PS Z! Z! PS Z! 0 Z! Z! Z! Z!
15. Sour
Z! Z! OS Z! OS Z! Z! OS OS OS PS OS Z! Z! 0 OS Z! Z!
16. Cheeses Z! Z! Z! Z! PS Z! PS OS OS PS OS Z! PS Z! OS 0 Z! Z!
17. Eggs Z! Z! Z! Z! PS Z! Z! OS PS Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! Z! 0
18. Legumes Z! Z! Z! Z! OS Z! PS OS OS PS Z! Z! PS Z! Z! Z! Z! 0

OS - this combination is optimal (optimal combination).

Z! — to preserve health, it is better to exclude such a combination (prohibited!).

PS - if there is an urgent need, these products can be combined, it will not cause much harm (suitable combination).

The numbers at the top of the table correspond to the names of the products below these numbers on the left side of the table.

For example: if we want to know how they combine legumes And milk, That:

  • We are looking for legumes on the left in the column.
  • We look for the number on the left in the column under which milk appears.
  • This is the number 14.
  • We are looking for the intersection point of legumes with the number 14 - this is the desired result!

Incompatible foods for weight loss

Incorrectly combined foods can harm the body, cause bloating and constipation. What kind of weight loss can we talk about if the body is unhealthy?

There are rules that cannot be broken when combining products:

  1. Protein + protein. This is an extremely unacceptable combination. Especially when it comes to animal protein. If you decide to eat meat with fish, their enzymes will not be able to be fully absorbed, since there are no additional elements due to which protein is absorbed.
  2. Protein+fat. Fats have one very unpleasant feature: they envelop the walls of the stomach with a film, as a result of which the production of gastric juice decreases. And for the successful digestion of heavy animal food, the production of gastric juice should increase, but this does not happen. As a result, the protein simply decomposes and rots.
  3. Carbohydrate + carbohydrate. We are talking about any combination of carbohydrates (“fast” and “slow”). The stomach will be able to digest (and the intestines assimilate) only one type of carbohydrate at a time. Other carbohydrates will actively ferment.
  4. Carbohydrates+sugar. The combination is found everywhere in pastry shops, cafes, restaurants and even at home. These are all kinds of baked goods with sugar, jam, cream. It's so swipe throughout the digestive system, which will take a long time for the body to restore.

Harmful foods for weight loss: list

List harmful products for weight loss is simply huge. There is such a variety of high-calorie and unhealthy dishes in the world that it is impossible to fit them into one article. There are many figure and health “pests” available in stores.

List of the most harmful foods for weight loss:

  1. Alcohol
  2. Sugar (except fruit)
  3. Products made from white wheat flour
  4. Deep fried or large quantities oils
  5. Smoked
  6. Purchased crackers and chips
  7. Fast food
  8. Sweet drinks (carbonated and non-carbonated)
  9. Ice cream
  10. Margarine and butter 72.5% fat
  11. Food instant cooking(noodles, mashed potatoes)
  12. Store juices
  13. Canned food in oil
  14. Sprats
  15. Sausages, frankfurters, wieners
  16. Sausage or processed cheese
  17. Creams on cakes (and cakes themselves)
  18. Condensed milk
  19. Mayonnaise and other sauces (ketchup)
  20. Bars (Twix, Bounty and others)
  21. Milk or white chocolate
  22. Curd mass, curd cheeses
  23. Muesli and instant porridges
  24. Sweets (sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, many dried fruits in sugar, candied fruits)
  25. Chewing gum

What foods can you eat for weight loss: tips and reviews

Now it is clear that to lose weight and stay healthy you need to eat only the cleanest foods possible.

For example, boiled and baked potatoes are ok, but chips or French fries are no longer allowed.
Bread is not prohibited by proper nutrition, but store-bought crackers with spices, salt and fat are not allowed.


Anastasia, 34 years old, Kemerovo

I never wanted to lose weight until my weight was over 100. Then I was terrified. I went to an endocrinologist, he diagnosed me with third-degree obesity. He prescribed a special diet. There were many new information, I couldn’t lose weight until I learned how to combine foods correctly. I started with salads. The taste buds quickly got used to the absence of mayonnaise. Then I added cereals, fish, and milk. I didn’t eat meat, I didn’t want it. I lost 20 kg. I plan to lose the same amount in six months.

Olga, 19 years old, Moscow

I tried to lose weight for graduation, but it didn’t work out and I gave up on it for six months. During this time I gained a fair amount of weight. I decided to do away with diets and began to study the composition and properties of products. It turned out that my diet was close to ideal, only I ate a lot of potatoes and bread at one meal. I reduced the potatoes by 3 times and added stewed vegetables. I brought the bread over to the morning and started making healthy sandwiches. That’s how, by the end of the first course, I lost 5 kilograms thanks to the right combination of products.

Video: About food compatibility

The idea of ​​compatibility of products and its effect on the body arose in ancient times. By studying the reactions of the digestive system, people came to the conclusion that not every food is useful in combination with certain foods. Today, separate meals have a lot of fans. And a diet based on its principles is recognized as one of the most effective, safe, and also easily tolerated psychologically.

If you watch a person eating lunch, you will notice how many different foods he eats at one meal. Even if its portion is small, it is unlikely to be just one product. We start lunch with soup, in which we combine meat, potatoes, peas and other vegetables. The second will follow meat dish with a side dish of vegetables or cereals, salad with rich dressing or vegetable oils. For dessert you will need a cake or other culinary product. And someone will add an orange - it’s not for nothing that they say that fruits are healthy.

What work will the gastrointestinal tract have to do to process each of these products! Not a single dish from such a dinner will be completely digested. Nutrients will not be fully absorbed, and the mixture of protein, carbohydrate and fatty foods will begin to deteriorate and release poisons. Heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating, general lethargy - these are just a small part of the consequences of improper compatibility of products.

In order to get the maximum benefit from food, a separate nutrition system has been developed. It involves combining all products into several groups, which are combined or not combined with each other to varying degrees. This does not mean that you have to limit yourself in food. This scheme is also called proper nutrition. The combination of products is clearly shown in the tables, using which you can prepare delicious and healthy dishes for yourself.

How is food digested in the human body?

The speed of digestion of different foods varies. So, a fruit eaten on an empty stomach will be in the intestines after 15-20 minutes. Other foods take much longer to process in the stomach, so if you eat an orange after your main meal, it will get stuck on top of the whole mass and begin to decompose.

Not only gastric juice is involved in the digestion process. Microorganisms in the stomach and intestines, the pancreas, intestinal juices, bile and even saliva play an important role. Failure at any stage will disrupt the entire process.

Certain foods require their own digestion conditions. The body secretes special enzymes to process different nutrients. Sometimes food requires opposite reactions in the body. For example, proteins are digested in acid, while starchy foods are digested in alkaline conditions. As is known, these substances neutralize each other. As a result, the stomach will spend much more energy trying to digest foods to the exclusion of each other. Increased work of the stomach - common reason lethargy after eating and throughout the day. After all, our body spends most of the calories obtained from food on digesting food.

But even after spending so much energy, the stomach is unable to process food that requires a different environment. The undigested mass will enter the intestines, where the hard work of assimilation will continue.

That's how much trouble you're creating for yourself by ignoring the food combination table, say proponents of food separation. Opponents appeal to intestinal digestion, during which all substances are broken down, regardless of their combinations. However, it is worth remembering that incorrectly selected foods overload the digestive organs and significantly reduce the amount of nutrients absorbed.

Separate nutrition - product compatibility: history

Already in ancient times, people were familiar with the basics of proper nutrition. Dr. Celsus from Ancient Rome urged his patients to watch how they combined fatty, salty, stewed and sweet foods. In the 10th century AD. The Persian doctor, known in the West as Avicenna, in his “Canon of Medical Science” raises the question of the dangers of consuming different foods at the same time. Academician Pavlov studied enzymes that are involved in digestion and came to the conclusion that chemical composition gastric juice changes depending on the food entering the body. Nowadays, the separate nutrition system is one of the most popular among fans of a healthy lifestyle.

Shelton's theory

All medical experience about the division of food was brought together and rethought by an American naturopathic nutritionist. It is his extensive work that is the basis for all modern systems separate food.

The doctor recommended adding therapeutic fasting to the system of simple and separate nutrition. This aspect of his theory attracted a lot of negative criticism from his colleagues. Thanks to his theory, Shelton was able to cure such complex diseases as diabetes, asthma, and neurosis in his patients. But there were so many cases of unsuccessful treatment that the doctor even went to prison for them.

It was Shelton who compiled the product compatibility table in the form in which we know it. The doctor recommended taking no more than 3 ingredients for one meal. He called using just one product at a time the ideal option.

Hay's theory

Howard Hay gravitated towards naturopathy, like Shelton. He based himself on the methods of the American physician, but in the end he created his own theory.

Hay divided all food into 3 classes: foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates and neutral. He called vegetables and fruits the basis of the diet. The naturopath recommended eliminating some foods altogether. Like Shelton, Hay had an extremely negative attitude towards refined foods like sausages.

The doctor believed that a person eats too much food, which “acidifies” the body. As a result of this “overacidification,” we suffer from a variety of ailments, from headaches and acne to stomach diseases. Therefore, Hay recommends eating more foods that cause an alkaline reaction in the body: fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, whole milk. The share of such products should be 4 times higher than the share of “acidic” food, which consists of meat, fish products, eggs, citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol, and sweets.

Food compatibility - groups

Sweet fruits

Consume all fruits and juices from them separately or before meals so that they have time to be absorbed and do not begin to rot on top of the food. The fruits are compatible within their group and with sour fruits. Feel free to add fermented milk foods to them. Also combine dried fruits with cereal porridges.

Semi-sweet (semi-sour fruits)

This includes berries (cherries, plums, blueberries, raspberries, watermelon, etc.), apples, pears, peaches, apricots, mangoes, etc. They can be combined with any fruit group, as well as sour milk products. They are well absorbed with protein-fatty foods (legumes, dairy products). Eat melon, blueberries, peaches, and grapes only separately.

Sour fruits

This includes citrus fruits, pineapples, pomegranates, and some berries (blackberries, cranberries, currants). The class is compatible with semi-sweet fruits, herbs, sour milk products, and fatty dairy products. It is better not to mix animal proteins, starches, and vegetables with it.

Compatible vegetables

The class includes most vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, cabbage, onions, garlic, beets, etc.), which are combined both with each other and with all other categories - hence the name. The only deviation is milk, with which not only vegetables, but also any other food are poorly combined.

Less compatible vegetables

Pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower etc. are absorbed with starches and vegetables. Mixing with vegetable fats is permissible, but combining with animal protein, whole milk and fruit groups is contraindicated.

Starch-rich foods

Cereals, cereals, potatoes. This also includes baked goods and pasta. Good in combination with any vegetables, herbs and fats. Within the group, the components combine poorly; such combinations are dangerous if you have weight problems. Mixing them with animal protein, milk, fruits, and sugar will cause harm.

Protein-Rich Foods

This includes animal (meat, fish and dairy products) and plant proteins (legumes, seeds, nuts). The best combination is with vegetables. Plant proteins are digested with any fats, but animal proteins are digested only with fats of animal origin. A negative effect will be caused by an association with starches, fruits, and sugars. Always drink milk separately.


The group includes all green herbs that are used for cooking. Greens go with everything food groups. Eating a bunch of greens every day will speed up the absorption of nutrients from other foods.


This includes all oils, animal fat, lard, and full-fat dairy products. Fats are combined with herbs, vegetables, and starches. Do not eat fats with sugars, and also avoid combinations of fats of different origins.


Sugar, fructose, jams, honey, syrups. Eat sweets separately from other foods and especially avoid eating sugar after your main meal.

Separate food - product compatibility table

The main data of the methodology are listed in the table. Guided by it, you can create your own in a matter of seconds according to the principles of separate nutrition.

Proper nutrition - compatibility table of products for weight loss

By following the rules of food separation, you can bring your weight back to normal, regardless of whether you are overweight or underweight. Among diets, separate meals rightfully occupy one of the leading positions. This is not even a diet, but only a set of tips on choosing foods, which, by the way, can be consumed without exception.

Compatibility of weight loss products

The following combinations of products lead to completeness:

  • proteins and flour dishes;
  • a combination of different proteins in one meal;
  • a combination of several types of flour dishes;
  • protein foods and sugars;
  • fruits and flour;
  • milk and flour;
  • milk and protein.

90-day split diet

A real treasure for those who were unable to lose weight on other diets and exhausted their body with them. In the initial stages, you will need a little patience to get used to the new diet. Then the diet will continue easily, without effort. This system will teach your body to eat on time and the right products, so when you leave the diet, you will be protected from food breakdowns.

The basis of the technique is a repeating cycle of 4 days: protein, starch, carbohydrate and vitamin. By alternating your diet in this sequence, you will achieve good results in losing weight and will not experience a shortage of certain foods. On a carbohydrate day, you are allowed to eat sweet foods, including cakes, pastries, and chocolate.

Food Compatibility Chart - Pros and Cons

Positive sides...

  1. Due to proper digestion, products do not linger at different stages of digestion, and rotting and fermentation do not occur. Intoxication of the body is reduced.
  2. The load on all organs that are involved in digestion is significantly reduced.
  3. General well-being improves, a person gets more energy from food.
  4. Separate nutrition allows you to always keep your weight normal.
  5. The body absorbs more nutrients from food.

Arguments against...

  1. The right food combinations will not always suit your taste.
  2. The principles of food separation establish a special regime, and therefore a framework that not everyone can adhere to.
  3. On early stages development, man was closer to nature, but ate a variety of foods, not caring about its compatibility. Many experts believe that separate nutrition interferes with the natural processes of human life.

Recently I decided to change the way I eat in order to bring my body’s functioning back to normal. I ran into a problem. I don’t know anything about which products go together and which don’t. I did a search on the Internet. And luckily for me, I found a website where the classification of products is described in some detail. This, of course, did not solve the whole problem, but it made the task 90% easier. Now all that remains is to look for recipes according to the compatibility table or come up with your own recipes.

I decided to post the information I found on my site. Maybe this will help someone else.

Sour fruits

Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, currants, blackberries, cranberries; also sour apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes and others

Sour fruits go well with each other, with semi-sour fruits, with fermented milk products, cream, sour cream, and full-fat cottage cheese. Combinations with nuts, cheeses, and herbs are acceptable.

Incompatible with animal protein products, legumes, starches and less compatible vegetables.

Semi-acidic fruits

Watermelons, mangoes, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, also sweet apples, pears, cherries, plums, grapes, apricots, peaches and others

Semi-acid fruits go well with each other, with sweet fruits (pear with figs), with sour fruits (apple with orange) and with fermented milk products (grapes with kefir). Compatible with cream, sour cream, herbs, as well as protein products containing a lot of fat - cheese, nuts, fatty cottage cheese.

You should not mix them with other protein products (meat, eggs, fish, mushrooms, legumes) due to the difference in the rate of digestion, as well as with starches.

Melon, peaches, blueberries, blueberries, and grapes are perfectly digestible when eaten on their own, but are not compatible with any other product (except for some semi-acidic fruits). Therefore, it is better to eat them separately. Tomatoes also belong to the group of semi-acidic fruits due to their high acid content. But, like all vegetables, tomatoes are not very compatible with fruits, but they are quite compatible with proteins and vegetables.

Sweet fruits

Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, all dried fruits, raisins, melon.

Fruits are fast-digesting foods. Sweet fruits stay in the stomach a little longer, more sour ones - less. All fruits are best eaten separately from other foods. It is especially harmful to eat them after meals, because they cause fermentation (and the sweeter the fruit, the more). The same applies to fruit juices.

Both fruits and juices are best consumed 3 hours after meals and an hour before next step food. Sweet fruits go perfectly with each other (raisins with prunes) and with semi-acidic fruits (persimmon with apple). Sweet fruits can be combined with cream, sour cream, herbs, and fermented milk products. Dried fruits can be added in small quantities to some porridges (for example, pilaf with raisins or dried apricots, etc.).

Compatible vegetables

Cucumbers, cabbage (except cauliflower), radishes, sweet peppers, green beans, radishes, onions, garlic, beets, turnips, rutabaga, carrots, young pumpkin, young zucchini, lettuce.

They go well with almost any food, promoting absorption: with proteins (meat with cucumber, carrots with cottage cheese), fats (cabbage with butter), with all vegetables, starches (bread with beets), herbs. All vegetables are incompatible with milk. Compounds with fruit are also undesirable, although exceptions are possible.

Less compatible vegetables

Cauliflower, boiled White cabbage, green peas, late pumpkin, late zucchini, eggplant.

They go well with starches (zucchini with bread) and with all vegetables, with fats (eggplant with sour cream), with herbs. It is acceptable to combine with cheese. Less desirable are combinations with animal proteins (cauliflower with meat, green peas with egg). Incompatible with fruits and milk.

Protein products

Meat, fish, eggs; cottage cheese, cheese, feta cheese, milk, yogurt, kefir and others; dry beans, beans, lentils and peas; nuts, seeds; mushrooms.

Ideally combined with herbs and compatible vegetables. The exception here is milk, which is best drunk separately. It is acceptable to consume proteins with fats, and animal proteins go better with animal fats, and vegetable proteins go better with both animal and vegetable fats. However, fats slow down digestion, so it is advisable to add vegetables and herbs to the combination of proteins and fats.

Proteins are incompatible with starchy foods, fruits and sugars. Exceptions are cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk products, nuts, seeds, which can sometimes be consumed with fruit.

Starchy foods

Wheat, wheat, oats and products made from them (bread, pasta, etc.); cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet and others; potatoes, chestnuts, ripe corn.

Ideally combined with herbs, fats and all vegetables. It is also possible to connect different kinds starches among themselves, but is not recommended for people prone to obesity. When eating starchy foods with fats, it is recommended to also eat some greens or vegetables.

Combinations of starches with proteins, especially animal proteins (bread with meat, potatoes with fish), with milk and fermented milk products (porridge with milk, kefir with bread), with sugars (bread with jam, porridge with sugar), with any fruit and fruit are harmful. juices


Lettuce, green onions, sorrel, parsley, dill and others.

Greens go well with any food except milk. For normal well-being, it is recommended to eat a bunch of greens every day. Its use with starches and proteins is especially useful, in this case it promotes the digestion of food, neutralizes toxins, replenishes vitamin deficiencies, and improves intestinal motility.


Sugar, fructose, jam, syrups, honey, molasses.

When combined with proteins and starches, sugars cause fermentation, so it is best to consume sweets separately (if consumed at all). For example, have tea with jam or sweets for afternoon tea. In principle, if you really want to, you can eat the second candy an hour before a meal, but in no case after a meal! Exception from general rule is honey. It contains substances that prevent rotting, and in small quantities is compatible with many products (except animal food).

Breakfast - fruits, fruit salad, cheese, sour cream, a sandwich of bran bread with butter or cheese, cottage cheese.

It is advisable to prepare lunch from foods rich in proteins. Moreover, traditional meat or fish dishes can be supplemented with a large portion of salad and vegetables. Avoid the usual side dishes of potatoes or pasta. As a first course - vegetable soup or broth, for dessert - unsweetened fruit.

It is better to prepare dinner from foods rich in carbohydrates, as they are quickly absorbed by the body. This could be potato or carrot casserole, macaroni and cheese, sweet fruit and others.


Butter and ghee, cream, sour cream; vegetable oils; lard and other animal fats. Sometimes this includes fatty meat, fatty fish, and nuts.

Fats are ideally combined with herbs, vegetables (salad with sour cream), and starchy foods (porridge with butter). Sometimes it is permissible to combine fats with fruits, especially berries (strawberries with sour cream).

It is undesirable to combine fats with sugars (cream with sugar, confectionery).

Below is a separate nutrition table reflecting the compatibility of various products and their combinations.

Product compatibility table for separate feeding

+ products go well together
- foods that cannot be consumed at the same time
0 neutral combinations, it is recommended to limit the use of these product combinations

+ good
0 acceptable
- Badly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1. Meat, fish, poultry + 0
2. Pulses 0 + + 0 + + 0
3. Butter, cream 0 0 + + + + 0 0
4. Sour cream + 0 0 + + 0 + + + 0 0
5. Vegetable oil + 0 + + 0 + + +
6. Sugar, confectionery +
7. Bread, cereals, potatoes 0 + + + + + 0 0
8. Sour fruits, tomatoes + + + 0 + 0 0 + +
9. Sweet fruits, dried fruits 0 0 0 + 0 0 + 0
10. Green and non-starchy vegetables + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
11. Starchy vegetables 0 + + + + + 0 0 + 0 + + 0 +
12. Milk 0 0 0
13. Cottage cheese, fermented milk products + 0 + + + + +
14. Cheese, feta cheese 0 0 0 + + + + 0
15. Eggs 0 + 0
16. Nuts 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 0

Melons are incompatible with any other products.

At least two hours should pass between consuming incompatible products.

I found information on the website http://www.dietalite.ru/razdel_pitanie_klas.html and on the website http://www.poedim.ru/mp_razd/

And some more information on this topic:

Separate nutrition... Perhaps none of the theories healthy eating did not cause so much controversy among nutritionists. Is separate nutrition beneficial or harmful? What outweighs the advantages of separate nutrition or its disadvantages? There is still no clear answer to these questions.

Adherents of the theory of separate nutrition believe that if they enter the stomach at the same time incompatible friend with other foods, their digestion becomes difficult. And poorly digested foods are deposited in the body in the form of fat and waste. This is explained by the fact that an acidic environment is required for the breakdown of proteins, and an alkaline environment for carbohydrates. That is, the conditions necessary for the digestion of different types of foods are radically different.

If we simultaneously eat food containing a lot of proteins and carbohydrates, then some of these substances will be absorbed worse. So, fruits eaten on an empty stomach leave it after 15-20 minutes, but if you eat them after meat, they will linger in the stomach, causing the process of fermentation and rotting. As a result, foods enter the lower digestive tract poorly processed, which leads to fat deposition and increased stress on the pancreas. Undigested food remains, accumulating in the colon, can cause constipation and other diseases. Switching to separate power supply should eliminate these problems.

Advantages of separate power supply. Thanks to fast passage compatible products, the processes of fermentation and decay do not occur in the body through the digestive tract, which reduces intoxication of the body. When switching to separate meals, your health improves and you lose weight well. The results of this method of losing weight, as a rule, are quite lasting, especially if you use it constantly. Separate nutrition is useful for gastrointestinal disorders and diseases.

Disadvantages of separate power supply. Compliance requires a special lifestyle and willpower. Getting used to a separate diet is not easy for many people, and although the body receives all the substances necessary for normal functioning, many experience a feeling of hunger. It is difficult to get pleasure from such food.

Not all doctors agree that separate meals are beneficial. According to critics, the use of this technique is an artificial disruption of normal digestion. From the moment of their appearance as a biological species, people have always eaten mixed food, and for the digestion of mixed food our digestive tract perfectly adjusted by nature itself. If you follow the rules of separate nutrition for a long time, then the digestive organs will “forget how” to cope with dumplings and sandwiches, salads and rich borscht. And supporter new technique will have to give up pickles for the rest of my life and traditional dishes. Eating delicious pies on a holiday can lead to the fact that the holiday will be ruined.

Accordingly, everyone must decide for themselves what suits them and what does not. I can say one thing. At the moment, when I already adhere to the principle of separate nutrition, I feel much better. I don't sleep at work right after lunch. The drowsiness has gone away. Walking became easier and the weight gradually decreased. To everything else I wanted to add physical exercise in the form of sports.


Food combination - what and how do we eat?

If you watch a person eating lunch, you will notice how many different foods he eats at one meal. Even if its portion is small, it is unlikely to be just one product. We start lunch with soup, in which we combine meat, potatoes, peas and other vegetables. The second course will be a meat dish with a side dish of vegetables or cereals, a salad with a rich dressing or vegetable oils. For dessert you will need a cake or other culinary product. And someone will add an orange - it’s not for nothing that they say that fruits are healthy.

What work will the gastrointestinal tract have to do to process each of these products! Not a single dish from such a dinner will be completely digested. Nutrients will not be fully absorbed, and the mixture of protein, carbohydrate and fatty foods will begin to deteriorate and release poisons. Heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating, general lethargy - these are just a small part of the consequences of improper compatibility of products.

In order to get the maximum benefit from food, a separate nutrition system has been developed. It involves combining all products into several groups, which are combined or not combined with each other to varying degrees. This does not mean that you have to limit yourself in food. This scheme is also called proper nutrition. The combination of products is clearly shown in the tables, using which you can prepare delicious and healthy dishes for yourself.

How is food digested in the human body?

The speed of digestion of different foods varies. So, a fruit eaten on an empty stomach will be in the intestines after 15-20 minutes. Other foods take much longer to process in the stomach, so if you eat an orange after your main meal, it will get stuck on top of the whole mass and begin to decompose.

Not only gastric juice is involved in the digestion process. Microorganisms in the stomach and intestines, the pancreas, intestinal juices, bile and even saliva play an important role. Failure at any stage will disrupt the entire process.

Certain foods require their own digestion conditions. The body secretes special enzymes to process different nutrients. Sometimes food requires opposite reactions in the body. For example, proteins are digested in acid, while starchy foods are digested in alkaline conditions. As is known, these substances neutralize each other. As a result, the stomach will spend much more energy trying to digest foods to the exclusion of each other. Increased stomach activity is a common cause of lethargy after meals and throughout the day. After all, our body spends most of the calories obtained from food on digesting food.

But even after spending so much energy, the stomach is unable to process food that requires a different environment. The undigested mass will enter the intestines, where the hard work of assimilation will continue.

That's how much trouble you're creating for yourself by ignoring the food combination table, say proponents of food separation. Opponents appeal to intestinal digestion, during which all substances are broken down, regardless of their combinations. However, it is worth remembering that incorrectly selected foods overload the digestive organs and significantly reduce the amount of nutrients absorbed.

Separate nutrition - product compatibility: history

Already in ancient times, people were familiar with the basics of proper nutrition. Dr. Celsus from Ancient Rome urged his patients to watch how they combined fatty, salty, stewed and sweet foods. In the 10th century AD. The Persian doctor, known in the West as Avicenna, in his “Canon of Medical Science” raises the question of the dangers of consuming different foods at the same time. Academician Pavlov studied enzymes that are involved in digestion and came to the conclusion that the chemical composition of gastric juice changes depending on the food entering the body. Nowadays, the separate nutrition system is one of the most popular among fans of a healthy lifestyle.

Shelton's theory

All medical experience about the division of food was brought together and rethought by the American naturopathic nutritionist Herbert Shelton. It is his extensive work that is the basis for all modern separate power supply systems.

The doctor recommended adding therapeutic fasting to the system of simple and separate nutrition. This aspect of his theory attracted a lot of negative criticism from his colleagues. Thanks to his theory, Shelton was able to cure such complex diseases as diabetes, asthma, and neurosis in his patients. But there were so many cases of unsuccessful treatment that the doctor even went to prison for them.

It was Shelton who compiled the product compatibility table in the form in which we know it. The doctor recommended taking no more than 3 ingredients for one meal. He called using just one product at a time the ideal option.

Hay's theory

Howard Hay gravitated towards naturopathy, like Shelton. He based himself on the methods of the American physician, but in the end he created his own theory.

Hay divided all food into 3 classes: foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates and neutral. He called vegetables and fruits the basis of the diet. The naturopath recommended eliminating some foods altogether. Like Shelton, Hay had an extremely negative attitude towards refined foods like sausages.

The doctor believed that a person eats too much food, which “acidifies” the body. As a result of this “overacidification,” we suffer from a variety of ailments, from headaches and acne to stomach diseases. Therefore, Hay recommends eating more foods that cause an alkaline reaction in the body: fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, whole milk. The share of such products should be 4 times higher than the share of “acidic” food, which consists of meat, fish products, eggs, citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol, and sweets.

Food compatibility - groups

Sweet fruits

Consume all fruits and juices from them separately or before meals so that they have time to be absorbed and do not begin to rot on top of the food. The fruits are compatible within their group and with sour fruits. Feel free to add fermented milk foods to them. Also combine dried fruits with cereal porridges.

Semi-sweet (semi-sour fruits)

This includes berries (cherries, plums, blueberries, raspberries, watermelon, etc.), apples, pears, peaches, apricots, mangoes, etc. They can be combined with any fruit group, as well as sour milk products. They are well absorbed with protein-fatty foods (legumes, dairy products). Eat melon, blueberries, peaches, and grapes only separately.

Sour fruits

This includes citrus fruits, pineapples, pomegranates, and some berries (blackberries, cranberries, currants). The class is compatible with semi-sweet fruits, herbs, sour milk products, and fatty dairy products. It is better not to mix animal proteins, starches, and vegetables with it.

Compatible vegetables

The class includes most vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, cabbage, onions, garlic, beets, etc.), which are combined both with each other and with all other categories - hence the name. The only deviation is milk, with which not only vegetables, but also any other food are poorly combined.

Less compatible vegetables

Pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower, etc. are digested with starches and vegetables. Mixing with vegetable fats is permissible, but combining with animal protein, whole milk and fruit groups is contraindicated.

Starch-rich foods

Cereals, cereals, potatoes. This also includes baked goods and pasta. Good in combination with any vegetables, herbs and fats. Within the group, the components combine poorly; such combinations are dangerous if you have weight problems. Mixing them with animal protein, milk, fruits, and sugar will cause harm.

Protein-Rich Foods

This includes animal (meat, fish and dairy products) and plant proteins (legumes, seeds, nuts). The best combination is with vegetables. Plant proteins are digested with any fats, but animal proteins are digested only with fats of animal origin. A negative effect will be caused by an association with starches, fruits, and sugars. Always drink milk separately.


The group includes all green herbs that are used for cooking. Greens combine with all food groups. Eating a bunch of greens every day will speed up the absorption of nutrients from other foods.


This includes all oils, animal fat, lard, and full-fat dairy products. Fats are combined with herbs, vegetables, and starches. Do not eat fats with sugars, and also avoid combinations of fats of different origins.


Sugar, fructose, jams, honey, syrups. Eat sweets separately from other foods and especially avoid eating sugar after your main meal.

Separate food - product compatibility table

The main data of the methodology are listed in the table. Guided by it, you can create your menu in a matter of seconds according to the principles of separate nutrition.

Proper nutrition - compatibility table of products for weight loss

By following the rules of food separation, you can bring your weight back to normal, regardless of whether you are overweight or underweight. Among diets, separate meals rightfully occupy one of the leading positions. This is not even a diet, but only a set of tips on choosing foods, which, by the way, can be consumed without exception.

Compatibility of weight loss products

The following combinations of products lead to completeness:

  • proteins and flour dishes;
  • a combination of different proteins in one meal;
  • a combination of several types of flour dishes;
  • protein foods and sugars;
  • fruits and flour;
  • milk and flour;
  • milk and protein.

90-day split diet

The “90 days” weight loss system is a real treasure for those who were unable to lose weight on other diets and exhausted their body with them. In the initial stages, you will need a little patience to get used to the new diet. Then the diet will continue easily, without effort. This system will teach your body to eat on time and with the right foods, so when you leave the diet you will be protected from food breakdowns.

The basis of the technique is a repeating cycle of 4 days: protein, starch, carbohydrate and vitamin. By alternating your diet in this sequence, you will achieve good results in losing weight and will not experience a shortage of certain foods. On a carbohydrate day, you are allowed to eat sweet foods, including cakes, pastries, and chocolate.

Food Compatibility Chart - Pros and Cons

Positive sides…

  1. Due to proper digestion, products do not linger at different stages of digestion, and rotting and fermentation do not occur. Intoxication of the body is reduced.
  2. The load on all organs that are involved in digestion is significantly reduced.
  3. General well-being improves, a person gets more energy from food.
  4. Separate nutrition allows you to always keep your weight normal.
  5. The body absorbs more nutrients from food.

Pros against...

  1. The right food combinations will not always suit your taste.
  2. The principles of food separation establish a special regime, and therefore a framework that not everyone can adhere to.
  3. In the early stages of development, man was closer to nature, but ate a variety of foods, not caring about its compatibility. Many experts believe that separate nutrition interferes with the natural processes of human life.


What is separate nutrition and what is its essence?

What is it - separate nutrition, and why do disputes about its relevance still not subside? The system was invented at the beginning of the 20th century, but this topic still contains many open questions. How is separate nutrition useful and can it be said that this system– synonymous with healthy eating? Can the basic principles of separate nutrition be classified as a diet? What are more in the practice of separate nutrition - pros or cons, advantages or disadvantages?

If you follow the principles and rules of separate nutrition, it can be very useful. This system allows you to get rid of toxins, which means you can bring your weight back to normal and seriously improve your health, for example, cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is the essence of separate power supply and what do you need to know about this system first? The answer is simple: you need to eat only compatible foods.

The fact is that if you eat foods that are incompatible with each other, the digestive process will be disrupted. This is due to the fact that proteins and carbohydrates require completely different environments for proper digestion. Proteins need an acidic environment, and carbohydrates need an alkaline environment. Thus, it turns out that the conditions under which high-quality processing of proteins and carbohydrates occurs are radically opposite.

But what happens if we eat foods that are incompatible with each other? Incompletely digested foods in the form of waste and fat will be “stored” in our body. That is, if we eat carbohydrates and proteins at the same time, then we cannot expect high-quality absorption of these substances. If you eat fruit on an empty stomach, it will leave it in less than 20-30 minutes. But if you consume them after meat products, then, given that meat takes much longer to digest and leaves the stomach no earlier than 3-6 hours, the fruit will linger and the process of rotting and fermentation will begin, which naturally injures the stomach. The food then enters the intestines under-processed, which can lead to all sorts of digestive problems, unnecessary stress on the pancreas, and possibly obesity.

How to determine the compatibility of foods for separate meals and determine what can be eaten with what? There is nothing complicated about this, because the rules of separate nutrition tell us: “Eat proteins with proteins, and carbohydrates with carbohydrates.” Any protein products are compatible with each other, just like any carbohydrate foods. Greens, vegetables (except potatoes and eggplants) and fats are compatible with both categories. Melon is not compatible with anything.

Why separate meals are useful: advantages and disadvantages

Some nutritionists call certain disadvantages of separate nutrition: a person constantly, especially at the very beginning, feels hungry, although his body receives all the necessary substances. There is no pleasure from food. Also, the harm of separate meals is noticeable in the constant monitoring of the diet; a person’s thoughts are busy drawing up the upcoming menu, searching for balanced recipes for separate meals.

The advantages of separate nutrition are obvious: more energy appears, chronic fatigue goes away, normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract is restored, and excess weight disappears without a trace.

You can make a fairly extensive list of separate food products; you can eat variedly and without repetition, for example, during the week.

Separate meals, the menu of which you will find below for every day, is not a diet, but a way of life, because you can eat everything, always. And sometimes it happens that you deviate from your usual way of life. Nothing bad happens, right? Nothing bad, believe me, will happen if you treat yourself to dumplings or a pie once every six months while visiting. By consuming compatible foods with separate meals, you will be able to cleanse yourself gradually, but if you include exercise, yoga, massage, exercise or other physical activity on the body in your weight loss complex, the results will not be long in coming.

Food groups for separate nutrition: fruit combinations

Sweet fruits. Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, all dried fruits, raisins, dried melon. Fruits are fast-digesting foods. Sweet fruits stay in the stomach a little longer, more sour ones - less. All fruits are best eaten separately from other foods. It is especially harmful to eat them as desserts, after meals. In this case, they cause fermentation (especially sweet fruits). The same applies to fruit juices. It is better to consume both fruits and juices as a separate meal or half an hour to an hour before meals, but so that at least 2 hours have passed since the previous meal. Sweet fruits go perfectly with each other (raisins with prunes) and with semi-acidic fruits (persimmon with apple). It is also possible to combine these products with separate meals with cream, sour cream, herbs, and fermented milk products. Dried fruits in small quantities can be added to some porridges (for example, pilaf with raisins or dried apricots, etc.). The peculiarities of our digestion do not seem to prevent us from combining any fruits and vegetables, but eating them together is still undesirable. People feel this instinctively, and few people think of eating persimmons with cucumbers or dates with cabbage. But there are also exceptions. Acceptable, for example, are apple and carrot puree, vegetable salads with cranberries or lemon juice and etc.

Semi-acidic fruits. Sometimes they are called semi-sweet. These are mangoes, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, as well as sweet-tasting apples, pears, cherries, plums, grapes, apricots, peaches, etc. This also includes watermelons. Semi-acid fruits go well with each other, with sweet fruits (pear with figs), with sour fruits (apple with tangerine) and with fermented milk products (grapes with kefir). It is also possible to combine these products with separate meals with cream, sour cream, herbs, as well as protein products containing a lot of fat - cheese, nuts, fatty cottage cheese. Some berries can be consumed with warm milk. Combinations with other protein products (meat, eggs, fish, mushrooms, legumes) are harmful, mainly due to the difference in the speed of digestion. Compounds with starches are even less desirable. Peaches, blueberries, blueberries, grapes, and melons are known for their special “delicacy.” They are perfectly digestible when eaten on their own, but are incompatible with any other
product (except for some semi-acidic fruits). It is best to eat them not before or after meals, but as a meal.

Sour fruits. Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, currants, blackberries, cranberries; as well as sour-tasting apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes, etc. Sour fruits, when eaten separately, go well with each other, with semi-sour fruits, with fermented milk products, cream, sour cream, and fatty cottage cheese. Combinations with nuts, cheeses, and herbs are acceptable. Incompatible with animal protein products, legumes, starches and less compatible vegetables.

Compatible vegetables for separate meals

Compatible vegetables with separate meals are cucumbers, raw cabbage(except cauliflower), radishes, sweet peppers, green beans, radishes, onions, garlic, beets, turnips, rutabaga, carrots, young pumpkin, young zucchini, lettuce and some others. They go well with almost any food, promoting its better absorption: with proteins (meat with cucumber, carrots with cottage cheese), fats (cabbage with butter), with all vegetables, starches (bread with beets), herbs. All vegetables are incompatible with milk. Compounds with fruit are also undesirable, although exceptions are possible.

Less compatible vegetables: cauliflower, boiled white cabbage, green peas, late pumpkin, late zucchini, eggplant. They go well with starches (zucchini with bread) and with all vegetables, with fats (eggplant with sour cream), with herbs. When eating separately, these vegetables can be combined with cheese. Less desirable are combinations with animal proteins (cauliflower with meat, green peas with egg). Incompatible with fruits and milk.

What can you eat with what when eating separately?

What else can you eat with when eating separately, taking into account the compatibility of foods?

Starchy foods. Wheat, rye, oats and products made from them (bread, pasta, etc.); cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, etc.; potatoes, chestnuts, ripe corn. Ideally combined with herbs, fats and all vegetables. It is also possible to combine different types of starches with each other, however, such combinations are not recommended for people prone to obesity. In addition, different cereals and grains differ greatly in the composition of proteins, and ideally it is better not to mix them. When eating starchy foods with fats, it is recommended to also eat some greens or vegetables. Combinations of starches with proteins, especially animal proteins (bread with meat, potatoes with fish), with milk and fermented milk products (porridge with milk, kefir with bread), with sugars (bread with jam, porridge with sugar), with any fruit and fruit are harmful. juices

Greenery. Lettuce, nettle, plantain, green onions, sorrel, chives, coriander, parsley, acacia, rose petals, clover, dill, etc. Greens go well with any food except milk. For normal well-being, it is recommended to eat a bunch of greens every day. It is especially useful to consume this group of products when eating separately from starches and proteins; in this case, it promotes excellent digestion, neutralizes toxins, replenishes vitamin deficiencies, improves peristalsis, and removes toxins.

Protein products with separate meals

Protein products. Meat, fish, eggs; cottage cheese, cheese, feta cheese; milk, curdled milk, kefir, etc.; dry beans, beans, lentils and peas; nuts, seeds; mushrooms. Ideally combined with herbs and compatible vegetables. Moreover, these products promote good protein digestion and the removal of many toxic compounds. The exception here is milk, which is best drunk separately. Moreover, warm (but not boiled!) milk is most easily digestible. Milk can sometimes be combined with fruit, but tolerance to such compounds varies from person to person. It is permissible to consume protein products in a separate diet with fats, and animal proteins are better combined with animal fats, and vegetable proteins are better combined with both animal and vegetable fats. But fats slow down digestion, so it is advisable to add vegetables and herbs to the combination of proteins and fats. Proteins are incompatible with starchy foods, fruits and sugars. Exceptions to the separate food menu are cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk products, nuts, seeds, which can sometimes be consumed with fruit.

Is it possible to have fatty and sweet foods with separate meals?

Fatty foods. Butter and ghee, cream, sour cream; vegetable oils; lard and other animal fats. Sometimes this group also includes fatty meat, fatty fish, and nuts. The general property of fats is that they inhibit the secretion of gastric juice, especially if consumed at the beginning of a meal. At the same time, fats mitigate the negative effects of some unsuccessful food combinations. For example, low-fat cottage cheese with bread and sour cream will be digested better than the same cottage cheese with bread, but without sour cream (although cottage cheese with bread is a very bad example). Fats are ideally combined with herbs, vegetables (salad with sour cream), and starchy foods (porridge with butter). Sometimes it is permissible to combine fats with fruits, especially berries (strawberries with sour cream). It is not advisable to combine fatty foods with sugars (cream with sugar, confectionery). Here the negative consequences of the inhibitory effect of fats are especially pronounced. It is also not recommended to consume fats of animal and vegetable origin together, although it is possible
and exceptions. Vegetable oil, for example, goes relatively well with fish, which contains unsaturated fats, and much worse - with meat. Melted butter It often goes better with other foods than cream.

Sweet products. White and yellow sugar, fructose, jam, syrups, honey, molasses. In combination with proteins and starches, they cause fermentation and contribute to spoilage of other products. Is it possible to eat sweets when eating separately, or should such foods be avoided? It is best to consume sweets separately (if consumed at all). For example, have tea with jam or sweets for afternoon tea. In principle, if you really want to, you can eat 2-3 candies 40-60 minutes before a meal, but in no case after a meal! An exception to the general rule is honey. It contains substances that prevent rotting. In small quantities, such a sweet product, when eaten separately, is compatible with many foods (except animal food). But honey is biologically strong active agent, and it is not advisable to eat it every day (so that the body does not get used to it). Sometimes you can have a drink Herb tea with honey or add a teaspoon of honey to porridge or salad.

The proposed classification of products suitable for a diet menu on separate meals is designed to help you navigate the variety of foods and remember the basic principles of their combination. However, products within each group often behave differently in relation to a particular food. For example, cottage cheese with jam is a better combination than cheese with jam, although, of course, it is better to avoid such combinations. And people differ from each other in the enzyme composition of juices and the predominant microflora. Suitable combinations for one will not always be as successful for another, although the basic principles should still be kept in mind by everyone.

If this still seems difficult to you, then at least once every six months you can use the separate food menu for every day as a diet in order to cleanse your body.

Don't forget to drink at least 2.5 liters of water some time before meals (not after!) and maintain 2-3 intervals between meals. And one more principle of all cleansing diets: as little salt as possible, or better without it at all.

Diet for separate meals: example menu for every day

Check out an example of a menu for separate meals for a week.



  • 2 kiwis;
  • rolled oats porridge with 0% fat milk or water;
  • 1 cup of tea without sugar.


  • Apple (1 pc.) or green salad, seasoned with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.


  • Vegetable soup without potatoes - 1 plate;
  • 1/2 boiled chicken breast;
  • broccoli;
  • 2 slices of cheese.

Afternoon snack

  • Pear - 1 pc.


  • Omelette of 2 eggs without fat.



  • Orange 1 pc.;
  • buckwheat porridge with 0% fat milk or water;
  • green tea without sugar.


  • Apple - 1 pc.


  • Boiled fish - 100 g;
  • vegetable stew;
  • salad.

Afternoon snack

  • Low-fat yogurt.


  • Vegetable soup;
  • green salad.



  • Freshly squeezed orange juice - 1/2 cup + 1/2 cup water;
  • rye porridge with 0% fat milk or water;
  • chamomile tea without sugar.


  • Apple - 1 pc.


  • Boiled veal - 100 g;
  • vegetable salad;
  • vegetable stew.

Afternoon snack

  • A handful of any nuts.


  • Cauliflower baked with cheese.



  • Tangerines - 2 pcs.;
  • barley porridge with 0% fat milk or water;
  • Hibiscus tea without sugar.


  • Apple - 1 pc.


  • Boiled squid - 100 g;
  • green salad;
  • stewed eggplants - 100 g;
  • 2 slices of cheese.

Afternoon snack

  • Prunes - 4 pcs.


  • Scrambled eggs with tomatoes;
  • boiled vegetables.



  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • oatmeal porridge with fruit and yogurt;
  • green tea without sugar.


  • Apple - 1 pc.


  • 1/2 boiled chicken breast;
  • green salad;
  • boiled broccoli and cauliflower.

Afternoon snack

  • Orange or banana.


  • Vegetable soup;
  • tomatoes baked with cheese.



  • Orange - 1 pc.;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • 1 wholemeal toast;
  • black tea without sugar.


  • Apple or banana.


  • Vegetable soup;
  • boiled fish - 100 g;
  • green salad;
  • 2 slices of cheese.

Afternoon snack

  • A handful of nuts.


  • Omelet with mushrooms;
  • vegetable stew;
  • green salad.


  • 1.5 kg apples.

By following this separate diet menu for at least a week, you will feel a general improvement in your health and lose 1-3 kg.

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