Structure and types of modern family in the Russian Federation. Features of the modern family in Russia. Family in modern Russian society

In order to give a sociological description of the modern Russian family, it is necessary to cite the classifications of families existing in sociology, and also, based on these classifications, to describe the history of the development of the family in Russia, to trace the transformation of the structure and function of the family.

The most common type of family is nuclear Murdock J.P. Typology of families/Zh.P. Murdoc. - M.: ROSSPEN, 1996. - 542 p.. It consists of two adults living together, leading their household and having their own or adopted children. The nuclear family is based on matrimonial relations Types of family [Electronic resource]/Sociology. - Access mode: - (Access time - November 7, 2011) (based on marriage ties). However, nuclear families are only part of an extensive network of kinship relationships. When relatives other than a married couple with children live together or are in close contact, we talk about the extended family Merton R. Social theory and social structure / R. Merton. - M.: Guardian, 2006. - 867 p.. An extended family can be defined as a group of people consisting of three or more generations living either in the same room or very close to each other. This may include grandparents, brothers and their wives, sisters and their husbands, aunts, uncles, nephews and nieces. The social order prescribes a certain dominant model of power in the family. In a patriarchal system, V.A. Bachinin. Archaic proto-society of patriarchal type/V.A. Bachinin. - M.: Mysl, 2009. - 123 p. The role of head of the family is usually performed by the husband, or in his absence, by the oldest man in the family. Matriarchal family structure Ibid. prescribes the concentration of power in the hands of women. However, matriarchy in its pure form is rare. In the third type of family structure - egalitarian Parsons T., Bales R F., Olds J., Zeldich M. Slater Ph Family, socialization, and interaction process // NY Free Press. - 1967. - vol.17. - 250p. - power and authority are distributed equally between husband and wife. This type family relations In recent decades, it has been gaining weight in all developed countries of the world.

The family system of the Russians, like most Slavic peoples, was characterized by the long-term preservation of large-family patriarchal traditions. Until the 8th century for the Slavic tribes living in the territory modern Russia, Ukraine was characterized by a communal form of organization of life. Early family forms are still poorly understood.

“By the end of the 19th century, the first Russian cities were beginning to take shape. The condition of the families in them differs from the rural community that continued to exist. Feudal relations begin to develop. They are characterized by a large family: in such a family several married couples of different generations coexisted. The property was at the disposal of the father” Abashina T.G. Typology of families: historical experience/T. G.Abashina - M.: TsSPGI. 2005. - P. 123.. In other words, this form of family belonged to the family of an extended, patriarchal type. At the same time, the so-called feudal clan was formed and strengthened, the economic basis of which was the ownership of land with peasants. “Already at the beginning of the development of feudal relations, the family of the feudal lords was small and nuclear” Ibid. P. 156.. This was facilitated by the custom of early marriages and the allocation of property to new families.

By the end of the 18th century, the main types of Russian family were:

1) nuclear families

2) extended families, including a married couple with children and relatives who are not in a marital relationship with each other

3) complex, multi-generational patriarchal family

The patriarchal structure was an integral feature of the family until 1917. “It is based on the principle of the “universal” hierarchy: the world is ruled by God, the state by the tsar, the family by the husband, actively supported and promoted by the Russian Orthodox Church. Way of life family life ensured unlimited dominance of the head of the family over his wife, children and household members” Sergeeva T.D. Historical development of family relationships/ T.D. Sergeeva - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - P. 27.. As we see, such an organization of family relations is not accidental, it reflected the entire structure of the Muscovite kingdom. Social institutions of a society reflect its condition as a whole.

“By the middle of the 18th century, under the influence of Peter’s reforms, patriarchal relations began to disintegrate, and small nuclear families became predominant in Russian society. This was caused by increased state control over the private life of citizens, in particular, parents were prohibited from forcing their children into marriage, and the education of the young man became a mandatory condition for marriage. Those. gradually the power of the father, traditional for the patriarchal way of family life, decreased. But these transformations affected mainly the nobility” Ibid. P. 54.. The peasantry and urban lower classes at this time, bearing the brunt of the reforms, generally maintained the established family system and way of life. An important feature of intra-family relations among the urban classes was that they were public in nature. “Individual seven did not even represent a fortress where entry to unauthorized persons was prohibited” Mironov B.N. Social history of Russia during the imperial period (XVIII-early XX centuries): Genesis of personality, democratic family, civil society and the rule of law / B. N. Mironov. - Essays. - T. 2. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999. - P. 349..

By the middle of the 19th century, due to the transformation of agrarian relations into commercial and industrial relations, the small family among the urban Christian population had already become a common form of family organization. In the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, more and more opportunities appeared for the economic liberation of individual family members. Patriarchal relations were gradually destroyed under the influence of urbanization and capitalism. However, this again affected mainly only the urban population. “With the development of capitalism, the family ceases to exist as an integral economic unit, while the entire way of life modern life leads to family breakdown. We find the family of the Russian people in a transitional state in some kind of fermentation of patriarchal principles with the desire of the individual, crushed by them, to emerge from them and take an independent position, but in the midst of this turn we clearly notice that patriarchal principles still live among the masses and most of all they are reflected on the position of a woman both in the father’s family and in the husband’s family” Sorkin P.A. The crisis of the modern family/P.A. Sorokin. - M.: Mysl, 1991. - P. 73..

As we see, the form of organization of family life has changed throughout history in Russia: extended families have generally always been characteristic of peasants; among nobles and urban residents, the form of organization of family life changed depending on sociocultural conditions (the extended type of family was replaced by a nuclear one), but the patriarchal way of life remained practically unchanged until the revolution of 1917, and also, as S.I. Golod notes, approximately until the end of the 19th century century, characteristic of any society, in particular Russian, was the requirement for traditional monogamy. “It consisted of the obligation, continuity and unambiguous sequence of marriage, the beginning of sexual relations and the birth of children. Premarital sexual contacts and illegitimate births were considered as violations of sociocultural norms and were sharply condemned” Golod S.I. Perspectives on the monogamous family: a comparative cross-cultural analysis // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. - 2003. - No. 2. - P. 109..

The destruction of the family institution dates back to the post-revolutionary period.

“In pre-revolutionary Russia, the quality and efficiency of the reproductive social function of the family institution were at a very high level, which was due, first of all, to the excellent condition of this social institution. This was facilitated by the combined efforts of at least two more basic social institutions of traditional society - religion and the state. IN late XIX- at the beginning of the 20th century, this manifested itself in a sharp increase in the population of Russia, since this period is characterized by the absence of most objective factors limiting such growth” Golod S.I. Sociological and demographic analysis of the state and evolution of the family//SOCIS. - 2008. - No. 5. - P. 15..

At the same time, it is not entirely legitimate to call the change of the political regime in our country in 1917 the reason for all the negative changes in the institution of the Russian family in the twentieth century. “The destruction of the family after the October Revolution in Russia occurred against the backdrop of global trends in changes in the functions and structure of this social institution. The same phenomena were characteristic of other industrially developed countries, if not in the indicated period, then somewhat earlier." Antonov G.V. Demography: educational method . allowance / G.V. Antonov , IN AND. Mazhnikov. - Volgograd: VolSU Publishing House, 2006. - P. 36..

The modern family is largely due to the process of modernization. A new type of family, characteristic of modern Russia, arose in the West in the 60s of the twentieth century. It is brought to life by the changes occurring in the institution of the family under the influence of the modernization process. To analyze the process of modernization of traditional societies, models of structural differentiation were drawn, based on the ideas of G. Spencer Spencer G. Foundations of sociology / Western European sociology of the 19th century. // Scientific. ed. IN AND. Dobrenkova. - M.: Publication of the International University of Business and Management, 1996. - 431 p. and E. Durkheim Durkheim E. On the division of social labor. Method of sociology / Transl. from fr. and afterword by A. B. Hoffman. - M.: ROSSPEN, 1990. - 387 p.. This direction in sociology began to be called neo-evolutionism, and its founder is T. Parsons Parsons T., Bales R F., Olds J., Zeldich M. Slater Ph Family, socialization, and interaction process // NY Free Press. - 1967. - vol.17. - 250p..

“As characteristic features of a traditional society, neo-evolutionists usually name a low level of development of productive forces and production relations, the predominance of the agricultural sector in the economy, a low level of technology development, strict external social control, low social mobility, etc.; the main characteristics of the modern are developed industry, its predominance in the economy, large-scale machine production, separation of the place of work from the place of residence, a high level of technology development, a significant surplus product, high social mobility, etc.” Antonov G.V. Demography: educational method . allowance / G.V. Antonov , IN AND. Mazhnikov. - Volgograd: VolSU Publishing House, 2006. - P. 39. Changes taking place in society certainly lead to changes in the functioning of each of its institutions. Due to this, the family lost some functions.

T. Parsons recognizes the loss of the family of some of its functions, such as economic, social and status. However, he does not consider this its destruction as a social institution. Every social institution performs specific functions that are needed by society at the moment. In his opinion, “the family is becoming only a more specialized institution, realizing mainly the function of socializing children in early childhood and providing their emotional satisfaction" Parsons T., Bales R F., Olds J., Zeldich M. Slater Ph Family, socialization, and interaction process// NY Free Press. - 1967. - vol.17. - P. 12.. The modern family, therefore, compared to the traditional one, plays a more effective role in preparing children to play adult roles in the future. This type of family is already more similar to modern type family - elitist. And also the nuclear family becomes predominant in society. “Due to the change in the level of structural differentiation, the importance in society of all kinship units, except for the nuclear family, is decreasing” Kletsin A.A. Sociology of the family / Sociology in Russia // Ed. V.A.Yadova. - M.: ROSSPEN, 1996. - P. 32..

Thus, the modern Russian family is a rather complex sociocultural phenomenon. The place of the extended family, characteristic of Russia back in the mid-twentieth century, has been steadily taken by the nuclear family. This led to a weakening of family and economic ties between relatives living separately. The family became withdrawn. The modern Russian family is mainly of the egalitarian type. “An egalitarian family is a family based on democratic relations, equality between men and women, partnerships, the abolition of all discrimination” Theory and methodology of gender studies. Course of lectures / Under general. ed. O.A. Voronina. - M.: MCGI - MVSHSEN - MFF, 2001. - P. 138.. This type of family is typical for countries with a democratic structure. “In modern Russian society, the type of family that can be called child-centric predominates; its main characteristic is a change in the attitude of parents towards children, who often become the main meaning of existence.” But at the same time, very few children are born in Russian families. “The predominant type of family for the birth of children is becoming the type of small family (1-2 children).”

Thus, to summarize the above, it should be noted. The family is a rather flexible and dynamic structure. If you look at it in historical retrospect, you can see that in Russia the family reacted quite sensitively to the socio-economic changes that took place over time in the country and quickly adapted to them, changing the forms and types of their structural organization. The modern Russian family is a rather complex dynamic structure. Its main characteristic: a nuclear, small family of an egalitarian type. Families with this characteristic prevail in Russian state. But there are other types of family structure.

The modern Russian family, at the same time, has many problems caused precisely by its internal organization. Therefore, for domestic sociologists, the study of the Russian family in the conditions of modern realities is very important.

1.1 The concept of family, its types, structure

There are many definitions of family, highlighting various aspects of family life as family-forming relationships, ranging from the simplest to the broader (for example, a family is a group of people who love each other, or a group of people who have common ancestors or live together) and ending extensive lists of family characteristics. Among the definitions of family, taking into account the criteria of population reproduction and socio-psychological integrity, the definition of family “as historically specific system relationships between spouses, between parents and children, as a small group, the members of which are connected by marriage or kinship relations, a common life and mutual moral responsibility, and the social need for which is determined by the need of society for the physical and spiritual reproduction of the population,” given by A.G. Kharchev.

From the perspective of law, family is a constitutional and legal category based on marriage - a legally formalized, voluntary union of a man and a woman, giving rise to mutual personal and property rights and obligations aimed at creating a family, giving birth and raising children (Articles 7, 38 and 72 Constitution Russian Federation) .

That is, it is based on marriage or consanguinity small group, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance.

The essence of the constitutional and legal status of the family is a set of legal norms enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, constitutions (charters), laws of the constituent entities of Russia, international legal acts regulating and protecting public relations regarding the family.

In order to apply one or another regulations, it is necessary to determine what type a particular family belongs to. In modern statistics, families are divided into types on various grounds - by demographics, by family size, by the number of employed family members, by social and national origin, etc. Typically, the “nucleus” of a family is considered to be a married couple, and all statistical classifications of family composition are based on from adding to the “core” children, relatives, and spouses’ parents. Based on the provisions of the legislation, the following types of families can be distinguished: young, elderly, large, single-parent, foster, foster, low-income, etc.

It is worth considering each type in more detail.

A young family is a family for the first time 3 years after marriage (in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the duration of the marriage), provided that none of the spouses has reached the age of 30.

Thus, marriage must come first; duration life together up to 3 years; The age limit for spouses is from 18 to 30 years.

A low-income family is a family with an average per capita income below the minimum subsistence level established in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

A large family is a family that supports and raises three or more children under the age of 18.

An elderly family is a family whose spouses have reached retirement age.

A foster family is one of the forms of arrangement for raising children left without parental care. Citizens (spouses or individual citizens) who wish to foster a child (children) left without parental care are called adoptive parents; a child (children) transferred to a foster family for upbringing is called a foster child, and such a family is called a foster family.

Adoptive parents in relation to the adopted child (children) have the rights and responsibilities of a guardian (trustee). The total number of children in a foster family, including natural and adopted children, should not exceed, as a rule, 8 people.

A foster family is formed on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of a child (children) to be raised in a family. The guardianship and trusteeship authority issues a certificate of the established form to the adoptive parents.

The guardianship and trusteeship body promotes the creation of foster families, provides foster parents with the necessary assistance and monitors the living conditions and upbringing of the child (children).

The placement of children in a foster family does not entail the emergence of alimony and inheritance legal relations between the adoptive parents and adopted children arising from the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Other types of families can be distinguished for various reasons.

Family structure includes the number and composition of the family, as well as the totality of relationships between its members. Analysis of the family structure makes it possible to answer the question of how the family function is realized: who in the family is in charge and who is in charge, how rights and responsibilities are distributed among family members. From the point of view of family structure, we can distinguish families where the leadership and organization of all its functions are concentrated in the hands of one family member. In other families there is clearly expressed equal participation in the management of the family of all its members. In the first case, they talk about an authoritarian system of relations; in the second - about democracy. The family structure may vary in terms of how the main responsibilities are distributed in it: most responsibilities are concentrated in the hands of one family member or responsibilities are distributed evenly.

The most common family structure in our society is the family, which includes adults (husband and wife, and often one of their parents) and children. For a family, our most typical focus is on one or two children. The family is more often focused on the equal distribution of responsibilities, as well as equal participation in solving all family problems. In the course of sociological surveys, the preference for such a structure of relationships is indicated by most of respondents.

Violation of family structure is such features of the structure that make it difficult or prevent the family from performing its functions. For example, the uneven distribution of household responsibilities in the family between spouses acts as a violation of the structure of relationships, since it prevents the satisfaction of a number of needs of the spouse who bears the main burden: in restoring physical strength, satisfying spiritual (cultural) needs. For the same reason, a family conflict that prevents the family from performing its various functions should be recognized as a violation of the structure of relationships in the family.

There are many different options for the composition, or structure, of a family: - a “nuclear family” consists of a husband, wife and their children;

- “completed family” - a union increased in composition: a married couple and their children, plus parents of other generations, for example grandparents, uncles, aunts, all living together or in close proximity to each other and making up the family structure;

- a “mixed family” is a “reconstructed” family formed as a result of the marriage of divorced people. A blended family includes stepparents and stepchildren, as children from a previous marriage are merged into the new family unit;

- “single parent family” is a household run by one parent (mother or father) due to divorce, abandonment or death of a spouse, or because the marriage was never consummated.

A. I. Antonov and V. M. Medkov are distinguished by composition:

Nuclear families, which are currently the most common, consist of parents and their children, that is, two generations. In a nuclear family there are no more than three nuclear positions (father-husband, mother-wife, son-brother or daughter-sister);

Extended families are a family uniting two or more nuclear families with a common household and consisting of three or more generations - grandparents, parents and children (grandchildren).

The authors point out that when it is necessary to emphasize the presence in a nuclear family based on a polygamous marriage, two or more wives-mothers (polygyny), or husbands-fathers (polyandry), then they speak of a composite, or complex nuclear family.

In second families (based on a second, not first marriage), together with the spouses there may be children from this marriage and the children of one of the spouses brought by him to the new family.

E. A. Lichko developed the following classification of families:

Structural composition: complete family (there is a mother and father); single-parent family (there is only a mother or father); distorted or deformed family (having a stepfather instead of a father or a stepmother instead of a mother).

Functional features: harmonious family; disharmonious family.

There are various classifications of types of distribution of roles in the family. Thus, according to I.V. Grebennikov, there are 6 types of distribution of family roles:

Autonomous - husband and wife distribute roles and do not interfere in the sphere of influence of the other;

Democratic - family management rests on the shoulders of both spouses approximately equally.

Types of family structures according to the criterion of power are divided into:

Partriarchal families, where the head of the family state is the father,

Egalitarian families in which there are no clearly defined family heads and where the situational distribution of power between father and mother prevails.

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Family in modern Russian society

Polls public opinion in Russia show that family is perceived as one of the main values ​​in life and as a condition for a happy life. Moreover, stability or instability public life, the health of the nation is directly dependent on the state of the family. A collapsing family is one of the conditions for the degradation of society. And so the system higher education must take into account the role of the family and its importance for young people.

The family as a social institution has always been of great interest, since on the one hand it ensures the stability of society and evolves with it, and on the other hand it acts as a space in which a person’s personal development takes place.

Today the family is being tested for strength. Moreover, society itself is conducting an experiment on it. And yet, despite all the difficulties, she lives and fulfills her functions: reproductive, educational, economic and recreational. But due to a sharp change in social space, these functions themselves began to cause problems.

The educational function of the family cannot be replaced by any other institution. According to Aristotle, “family is the first type of communication” and the most important element of government, where happy life should be built in accordance with virtue and legislation on marriage, ensuring the birth of healthy children, prescribing ways of raising future citizens.

However, the educational role of the family is decreasing, which is due to the changes taking place in it. In a modern family, spouses are formally equal, but most of the worries actually fall on the woman, including raising children. There are many pros and cons to this. There are often families where children, due to their parents being overly busy, are simply left to the streets, to their own devices and forget about studying, regardless of their financial condition.

Sociologists name several types of modern family education: family social child-centrism demographic

Child-centrism is excessive adoration of one’s child, especially when there is only one child.

Professionalism - parents shift the care of education to kindergartens, schools, colleges

Pragmatism - all education is aimed at developing such qualities as the ability to live, to see, first of all, material gain.

The difference compared to even 5 years ago is visible to the naked eye. The objective conditions that have developed in modern Russia represent a symbiosis of all these types of education, and only in this case can a child become a harmonious personality.

The economic function of the family is very extensive. It not only satisfies, but also partially shapes the material needs of a person, creates and maintains certain household traditions, and provides mutual assistance in housekeeping.

The restorative function of the family is of great importance for the life of every person. Experts say that a good family is half the success in a career, business, study, etc. It is not for nothing that Americans repeat the truth inherited from Lewis Carroll: in order to stand still, you must run quickly. Everyone is running. And to overcome this every day marathon distance, you have to be in good shape. The family should become a place of relaxation and inspiration, self-confidence, create a sense of psychological comfort, and maintain a high vitality.

The recreational function of the family is manifested more effectively, the higher the culture of family and marriage relations. A complicating factor may be differences in intellectual development, level of education and culture. In the first years of marriage this is not so acutely felt, but if this difference is not smoothed out, it will interfere. True, a marriage with differences in intellectual development can be strong if there is a good material and financial basis, and relationships have developed with each other, both love children, etc.

The reproductive function is the reproduction of one's own kind. So that the human race does not cease to exist, society does not turn into a boarding school for the elderly, the population level does not decline, it is necessary that in every Russian family there were at least 2-3 children.

It is very important that currently the problems of family and demography are in the center of attention of science, society and politics. The population is not only aging catastrophically, but simply dying out. Society is experiencing severe pressure from political and economic problems. Impoverishment of the people, a sharp decline in living standards, losses in earnings and a change in the prestige of professions - these and many other adversities of today real life place a heavy burden on society and the family as its unit.

The problems of modern society that hinder childbearing include early marriage, which constitutes a risk category and accounts for half of all divorces. Early marriage, with rare exceptions, does not provide the opportunity to complete an education or acquire a profession, and, accordingly, deprives one of the chance to occupy a more prestigious and highly paid position. Lack of money, problems with housing, unwanted pregnancy and childbirth - all this aggravates the unstable situation of a young family, leading to divorce.

There are alarming statistics of divorces in our country: now half of young families break up in the first year of life, two-thirds in the first five years, in 70% of families that have not broken up after five years of life, the spouses are in tense relationships.

Another side of the fertility problem is illegitimate children. Now every third child in Russia is born out of wedlock, and in the age group of mothers 16-18 years old - almost half. Most of these newborns are sent straight from the maternity hospital to baby homes, as their mothers simply abandon them. And this is not the most alarming thing. If 10-15 years ago the birth of a sick child was an exception to the rule, now this exception applies to a healthy child. First of all, the number of congenital mental retardation and cerebral palsy.

Due to these and other difficulties, almost 20% of the surveyed spouses do not want to have children at all. Most often this occurs in families of the intelligentsia.

The birth rate also varies by region of the country. The modern urban family is characterized by a need not for children, but for a child. Foreign and Russian studies have shown that for a modern urban family, the presence of children is a psychologically traumatic factor and reduces the level of marital satisfaction, as the economic condition of families worsens and household stress increases.

The purpose and expediency of demographic policy is to proportionally combine reproduction, birth of children and own life parents, taking into account the social qualities and harmonious development of the personalities of parents and children. The situation is aggravated by the tendency to destroy the moral foundations of the family and the loss of vital human values. The inconsistency of the family roles of parents and children, fathers and mothers, husbands and wives has lowered the value of the family for the individual, weakened the motivation for marriage, led to an increase in divorces, cohabitation and mixed family groups formed after divorce, as well as to an increase in single mothers and others. called alternative forms of marriage.

One of the most important quality indicators family union- level and quality of interpersonal relationships between spouses.

The scale of interpersonal relationships looks like this:

Dominance. Treating another as a thing or a means of achieving one’s goals, ignoring his interests and intentions.

Manipulation. The desire to achieve your goal, taking into account the impression made.

Rivalry. Allows recognition of the fact of influence, but the goals, as a rule, are hidden. The interests of the other are taken into account to the extent that this is dictated by the objectives of the fight against him.

Partnership. Treating another as an equal who must be taken into account is based on an agreement, which is both a means of unification and a means of exerting pressure.

Commonwealth. Treating others as self-worth. The desire to unite and work together to achieve similar goals. The main instrument of interaction is no longer an agreement, but consent.

IN modern world The change and isolation of these types from each other are especially visible. Increasingly, young couples rush from one extreme to another, trying to create, in their opinion, optimal conditions for coexistence, often only moving away from the ideal.

Any family needs to go through several stages of adaptation, which most often determine their future life together. Adaptation to family life involves the spouses’ adaptation to the new status of husband and wife, to the roles associated with it, as well as the coordination of patterns of extra-family behavior, and the inclusion of spouses in the circle of mutual family ties with mother-in-law, father-in-law, and mother-in-law.

The family itself cannot be formed in isolation from society and the state. Modern state in Russia, according to A.I. Antonov, strives to replace the family in order to increasingly subordinate the individual to the interests of society.

The goal of implementing state family policy is to provide the state with necessary conditions for the family to implement its functions and improve the quality of life of the family, strengthening and developing the social institution of the family, protecting its interests and rights, identifying and solving specific problems of the family that complicate its life.

Here are the main directions of state family policy:

Providing conditions for improving and stabilizing the financial situation of the family;

Providing employees with children with favorable conditions for combining labor activity with the fulfillment of family obligations by enshrining these conditions in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Drastic improvement in family health care through consultations, examinations, determination of conditions for providing medical care to pregnant women, mothers and minor children;

Strengthening assistance to families in raising children by providing families with children with social support measures.

Based on these data, we can conclude that public policy is not limited to financial assistance family in the form of benefits, compensation and benefits, but is a set of measures of a political, legal, medical and social, informational, educational and organizational and managerial nature.

Modern state family policy should be focused not only on solving priority problems in the context of the global economic crisis, but primarily on the long-term prospect of strengthening and developing the family, stabilizing the demographic situation. Currently, the strategic long-term goal of family policy should be to strengthen the family as a social institution.

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7 Family: XXI century. Problems of formation of regional family policy / Analytical Bulletin of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. - 2002. - No. 11 (167). - page 12

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There are many different options for the composition, or structure, of a family:

    the “nuclear family” consists of a husband, wife and their children;

    “completed family” - a union increased in composition: a married couple and their children, plus parents of other generations, for example grandparents, uncles, aunts, all living together or in close proximity to each other and making up the family structure;

    A “blended family” is a “rearranged” family formed as a result of the marriage of divorced people. A blended family includes stepparents and stepchildren, as children from a previous marriage are merged into the new family unit;

    A “single parent family” is a household run by one parent (mother or father) due to divorce, abandonment or death of a spouse, or because the marriage was never consummated (Levy D., 1993).

A.I. Antonov and V.M. Medkov are distinguished by their composition:

    nuclear families, which are currently the most common and consist of parents and their children, that is, two generations. In a nuclear family there are no more than three nuclear positions (father-husband, mother-wife, son-brother or daughter-sister);

    extended families are a family consisting of two or more nuclear families with a common household and consisting of three or more generations - grandparents, parents and children (grandchildren).

A.E. Lichko (Lichko A.E., 1979) developed the following classification of families:

    Structural composition:

    full family (there is a mother and father);

    single-parent family (there is only a mother or father);

    distorted or deformed family (having a stepfather instead of a father or a stepmother instead of a mother).

Functional features:

  • harmonious family;

    disharmonious family.

The family, like any system, implements a number of functions in a hierarchy that reflects both the specifics of its family, cultural and historical development, and the uniqueness of the stages of its life cycle:

    economic (material and production), household. In pre-industrial society, the family was the primary production group, providing itself with all the basic material conditions of existence or creating products for exchange. Currently, the economic function of a family is determined by pooling the income of its members and distributing this income for consumption in accordance with the needs of each family member. The household function is implemented in the form of organizing the life of the family and the personal life of each of its members. The distribution of household responsibilities and their content are determined by the historical era, living conditions, family composition and the stage of its life cycle;

    reproductive(childbirth and population reproduction). A.G. Kharchev considers this function to be the most important social function of the family, ensuring the reproduction of the country's population. The importance of the reproductive function of the family was recognized by society back in Ancient Rome, where, under the reign of Emperor Augustus, laws were issued to encourage the birth of children in the families of Roman citizens [Zatsepin, 1991]. Solving the problems of fertility planning and population reproduction is an important function of public policy in almost all countries, regardless of whether they are faced with the problem of a fertility crisis and a “scarcity” of human productive resources or, on the contrary, the need to limit the birth rate;

    function of raising children. The family is the institution of primary socialization of the child. It provides continuity development of society, continuation of the human race, connection of times. It is known that upbringing in a family, emotionally positive, full-fledged communication between a child and a close adult determines the harmonious development of the child in early years. With the age of the child, the educational function of the family does not lose its importance, but only the tasks, means, tactics of education, forms of cooperation and cooperation with parents change. Currently, raising children is considered the most important social function of the family;

    sexually erotic. Only selective, stable sexual relations with a permanent partner, acting as a unique and unrepeatable personality, they create conditions for achieving the most complete sexual harmony of partners;

    function of spiritual communication, suggesting spiritual mutual enrichment of family members; information exchange; discussion of the most significant problems for the individual in socio-political, professional, and public life; communication in the context of perception of literary and artistic works of art, music; creating conditions for personal and intellectual growth of family members;

    function of emotional support and acceptance, providing a sense of security and belonging to a group, emotional understanding and sympathy, or the so-called psychotherapeutic function. In the modern family, another aspect of this function is the formation of the individual’s need for self-expression and self-actualization;

    recreational (restorative)- the function of providing conditions for the restoration of neuropsychic health and mental stability of family members;

    function of social regulation, control and guardianship(in relation to minors and incapacitated family members) [Zatsepin, 1991; Eidemiller, Justitskis, 1999].

There are many definitions of family, highlighting various aspects of family life as family-forming relationships, ranging from the simplest to the broader (for example, a family is a group of people who love each other, or a group of people who have common ancestors or live together) and ending with extensive lists of family characteristics. Among the definitions of family that take into account the criteria of population reproduction and socio-psychological integrity, the definition of family “as a historically specific system of relationships between spouses, between parents and children, as a small group whose members are connected by marriage or kinship relations, a common life and mutual moral responsibility and the social need for which is determined by the need of society for the physical and spiritual reproduction of the population,” given by A.G. Kharchev.

From the perspective of law, family is a constitutional and legal category based on marriage - a legally formalized, voluntary union of a man and a woman, giving rise to mutual personal and property rights and obligations aimed at creating a family, giving birth and raising children (Articles 7, 38 and 72 Constitution of the Russian Federation).

That is, it is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance.

The essence of the constitutional and legal status of the family is a set of legal norms enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, constitutions (charters), laws of the constituent entities of Russia, international legal acts regulating and protecting public relations regarding the family.

In order to apply certain regulations, it is necessary to determine what type of family this or that family belongs to. In modern statistics, families are divided into types on various grounds - by demographics, by family size, by the number of employed family members, by social and national origin, etc. Typically, the “nucleus” of a family is considered to be a married couple, and all statistical classifications of family composition are based on from adding to the “core” children, relatives, and spouses’ parents. Based on the provisions of the legislation, the following types of families can be distinguished: young, elderly, large, single-parent, foster, foster, low-income, etc.

It is worth considering each type in more detail.

A young family is a family for the first time 3 years after marriage (in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the duration of the marriage), provided that none of the spouses has reached the age of 30.

Thus, marriage must come first; duration of marriage up to 3 years; The age limit for spouses is from 18 to 30 years.

A low-income family is a family with an average per capita income below the minimum subsistence level established in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

A large family is a family that supports and raises three or more children under the age of 18.

An elderly family is a family whose spouses have reached retirement age.

A foster family is one of the forms of arrangement for raising children left without parental care. Citizens (spouses or individual citizens) who wish to foster a child (children) left without parental care are called adoptive parents; a child (children) transferred to a foster family for upbringing is called a foster child, and such a family is called a foster family.

Adoptive parents in relation to the adopted child (children) have the rights and responsibilities of a guardian (trustee). The total number of children in a foster family, including natural and adopted children, should not exceed, as a rule, 8 people.

A foster family is formed on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of a child (children) to be raised in a family. The guardianship and trusteeship authority issues a certificate of the established form to the adoptive parents.

The guardianship and trusteeship body promotes the creation of foster families, provides foster parents with the necessary assistance and monitors the living conditions and upbringing of the child (children).

The placement of children in a foster family does not entail the emergence of alimony and inheritance legal relations between the adoptive parents and adopted children arising from the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Other types of families can be distinguished for various reasons.

Family structure includes the number and composition of the family, as well as the totality of relationships between its members. Analysis of the family structure makes it possible to answer the question of how the family function is realized: who in the family is in charge and who is in charge, how rights and responsibilities are distributed among family members. From the point of view of family structure, we can distinguish families where the leadership and organization of all its functions are concentrated in the hands of one family member. In other families there is clearly expressed equal participation in the management of the family of all its members. In the first case, they talk about an authoritarian system of relations; in the second - about democracy. The family structure may vary in terms of how the main responsibilities are distributed in it: most responsibilities are concentrated in the hands of one family member or responsibilities are distributed evenly.

The most common family structure in our society is the family, which includes adults (husband and wife, and often one of their parents) and children. For a family, our most typical focus is on one or two children. The family is more often focused on the equal distribution of responsibilities, as well as equal participation in solving all family problems. In sociological surveys, the majority of respondents indicate the preference for such a structure of relationships.

Violation of family structure is such features of the structure that make it difficult or prevent the family from performing its functions. For example, the uneven distribution of household responsibilities in the family between spouses acts as a violation of the structure of relationships, since it prevents the satisfaction of a number of needs of the spouse who bears the main burden: in restoring physical strength, satisfying spiritual (cultural) needs. For the same reason, a family conflict that prevents the family from performing its various functions should be recognized as a violation of the structure of relationships in the family.

There are many different options for the composition, or structure, of a family: - a “nuclear family” consists of a husband, wife and their children;

“completed family” - a union increased in composition: a married couple and their children, plus parents of other generations, for example grandparents, uncles, aunts, all living together or in close proximity to each other and making up the family structure;

A “blended family” is a “rearranged” family formed as a result of the marriage of divorced people. A blended family includes stepparents and stepchildren, as children from a previous marriage are merged into the new family unit;

A “single parent household” is a household run by one parent (mother or father) due to divorce, abandonment or death of a spouse, or because the marriage was never consummated.

A. I. Antonov and V. M. Medkov are distinguished by composition:

nuclear families, which are currently the most common and consist of parents and their children, that is, two generations. In a nuclear family there are no more than three nuclear positions (father-husband, mother-wife, son-brother or daughter-sister);

Extended families are a family uniting two or more nuclear families with a common household and consisting of three or more generations - grandparents, parents and children (grandchildren).

The authors point out that when it is necessary to emphasize the presence in a nuclear family based on a polygamous marriage, two or more wives-mothers (polygyny), or husbands-fathers (polyandry), then they speak of a composite, or complex nuclear family.

In second families (based on a second, not first marriage), together with the spouses there may be children from this marriage and the children of one of the spouses brought by him to the new family.

E. A. Lichko developed the following classification of families:

Structural composition: complete family (there is a mother and father); single-parent family (there is only a mother or father); distorted or deformed family (having a stepfather instead of a father or a stepmother instead of a mother).

Functional features: harmonious family; disharmonious family.

There are various classifications of types of distribution of roles in the family. Thus, according to I.V. Grebennikov, there are 6 types of distribution of family roles:

autonomous - husband and wife distribute roles and do not interfere in the sphere of influence of the other;

democratic - family management rests on the shoulders of both spouses approximately equally.

Types of family structures according to the criterion of power are divided into:

patriarchal families, where the head of the family state is the father,

egalitarian families in which there are no clearly defined family heads and where the situational distribution of power between father and mother prevails.

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