Tinkov biography personal life wife. Interesting facts from the biography of the founder of Tinkoff Bank. Personal life of Oleg Tinkov

Education In 1988 he entered the Leningrad Mining Institute, but dropped out in his third year.

First business During his student years, he speculated in consumer goods. In the early 1990s, he created the Petrosib company, which sold electrical equipment.

Citizenship In 2017, he gave up his American passport.

Number The net profit of the group at the end of 2018 amounted to 26 billion rubles (an increase of 41%).

Event In October 2018, Tinkoff Bank launched a profitable currency exchange service.

Toy The La Datcha project is a chain of hotels in the “home away from home” format, allowing you to combine active recreation (alpine skiing, cycling, fishing) with comfort. “Dachas” have already been opened in Courchevel and Val Thorens (France), Forte dei Marmi (Italy) and in the Volga delta (Astrakhan). Plans include Cabo San Lucas (Mexico), Kamchatka, Baikal and Altai.

Articles on the topic

06.02.2020 17:51

“Kick Kolya Storonsky’s ass”: Oleg Tinkov will invest €25 million in a fintech startup in Europe

TCS Group of billionaire Oleg Tinkov, inspired by European neobanks, will invest €25 million in a startup that should provide clients with cheap payment services in Europe. Its development will be carried out by former top managers of Tinkoff Bank. Success is in question - there are already many competitors in Europe, market participants say

Family of Oleg Tinkov


Tinkov Oleg Yurievich

Founder of Tinkoff Bank

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Successful entrepreneur and businessman

News & Events

Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank has been renamed Tinkoff Bank

Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank was renamed Tinkoff Bank from January 1, 2015. The main owner of the bank, Oleg Tinkov, wrote about this. The new name reflects the company's evolution as it increases its share of the Russian retail services market. The TCS press service confirmed that the bank has done a lot of work on rebranding the company.

History of development of Tinkoff Bank

Oleg Tinkov was born on December 25, 1967 in the village of Polysayevo, Kemerovo region. His father, Yuri Timofeevich, worked as a miner at the Kirov mine, and his mother, Valentina Vladimirovna, was a seamstress. The future businessman spent his childhood and youth like all Soviet children.

From the age of twelve, Oleg was involved in road cycling. I started in the school cycling section. He achieved considerable success: he won more than thirty races, was a multiple Champion of Kuzbass, was a member of the regional and regional teams, went to training camps in the southern regions, and in 1984 fulfilled the standard of a candidate for master of sports.

During sports training in Central Asia bought scarce goods and resold them in Leninsk-Kuznetsky, risking getting jail time for speculation. But punishment was avoided, and the first experience of entrepreneurship helped in self-determination.

After graduating from school, he worked at his father's mine. For nine months, he worked as an electrical mechanic’s assistant in the morning, and went to training in the evening, preparing to join the SKA team. Then he worked at the Kuzbaselement plant. Soon he was drafted into the army. He served in the border troops in the Far East, in Nakhodka and Nikolaevsk-on-Amur.

In 1988, Oleg entered the St. Petersburg Mining University. Educational institution with a large number of foreign students, there was ample opportunity for trade. The guy bought imports from students and then resold them. He sold cosmetics, black caviar, vodka, perfumes, jeans, household appliances, electronics, office equipment, as well as gas pistols and cans for them.

He sold goods from St. Petersburg in Siberia, and from there he brought Japanese household appliances purchased from miners. I transported electrical appliances to Poland and returned with office equipment and consumables. In this way, Tinkov was able to raise his starting capital.

By the third year, he already had business partners, each of whom subsequently built a successful business: Oleg Zherebtsov, the Lenta chain of stores; Oleg Leonov, Diski chain of stores; Andrey Rogachev, LEK and Pyaterochka companies. Oleg never graduated from the Mining University; after the third year he left the university and devoted himself to business. Later he studied at the University of California at Berkeley, completing a six-month program in marketing.

In 1993, Oleg Tinkov began wholesale trade in electronics from Singapore. In St. Petersburg he opened a limited liability partnership "Petrosib", and then regional "Petrosib-Kemerovo", "Petrosib-Novosibirsk" and "Petrosib-Omsk". He brought calculators that were popular at the time, then office equipment, televisions, and video recorders. At first, his business activities were carried out only in Russia, and then expanded to European countries such as Poland and Germany.

A year later, the business began to grow. Oleg opened a store under the Sony brand on Maly Prospekt of Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg. Then Petrosib USA opened its office in San Francisco.

In 1995, Tinkov founded the TechnoShock chain of electronics stores. For the first time, specially trained sales consultants appeared in its stores, which made the store one of the most prestigious in the country. Two years later, Tinkov sold his TechnoShok chain of stores, so difficult decision it was spurred by a sudden increase in competition and declining profitability.

In the mid-90s, he acquired the recording studio Shock Records, whose first client was Sergei Shnurov, lead singer of the Leningrad group. Then the music store “MusicShock” arose, the first legal network in St. Petersburg selling records, laser and CDs, and in 1998 it was sold to the Moscow company Gala Records.

In August 1998, the businessman created the Tinkoff brewing restaurant, which literally became a successful chain within a year. The products of Tinkov’s beer company were a success among both Russians and Americans, due to which they sold well in Russia and the USA. In 2003, he built the first brewery, and two years later the second. At the same time, he sold the brewing business to the Belgian concern InBev, leaving behind the federal chain of about 10 Tinkoff restaurants, which was later bought by the Mint Capital fund.

Along with the restaurant business, Oleg opened the Daria semi-finished products factory, named after his eldest daughter. The brand quickly became one of the most popular in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Advertising banners were decorated with photographs of women’s buttocks, stained with flour, with the unobtrusive caption “Your favorite dumplings!”, because the company specialized in making dumplings. Then the businessman sold “Daria” to Roman Abramovich.

The idea of ​​the innovative bank Tinkoff Credit Systems was presented by Oleg Tinkov in 2005, on the private island of Necker, at the residence of Richard Branson. As a basis for creating a financial organization, Khimmashbank was purchased in 2006. At first, the founder was unable to attract enough investment, as investors were hesitant about the idea of ​​issuing credit cards remotely.

Having overcome the difficulties of a pioneer, Oleg Tinkof was able to build the first bank in Russia, all of whose services are available through the website and by phone, without offices or branches. Moreover, despite the youth of the project, the bank showed a 50-fold profit in the crisis year of 2008. The reason for this success: minimizing office and personnel costs. Due to automation, most operations were performed by computers rather than by human operators.

During this period, Tinkoff Bank was headed by Oliver Hughes, who previously headed the Russian division payment system VISA. The young leader assembled a team focused on developing and realizing the potential of electronic technologies. The banker built a young and progressive leadership.

By 2013, the bank provided the businessman with a doubling of income and a billion-dollar fortune. Two years later, rebranding was carried out and the bank was renamed Tinkoff Bank.

As of December 2018, Oleg Yuryevich is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tinkoff Bank and holds the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tinkoff Insurance.

In addition to business, Oleg Tinkov also conducts quite active journalistic and publicistic activities. He has his own blog and accounts on Facebook and Twitter. He hosts the program “Business Secrets with Oleg Tinkov” on YouTube, regularly publishing videos. He wrote as a columnist for Finance magazine. Together with Oleg Anisimov, he worked on the program “Business Secrets with” on the Russia.ru Internet channel. He also hosted a show on the RBC channel, but quickly stopped collaborating with this channel.

The successful businessman is passionate about road cycling. He was the founder of the Tinkoff Restaurants cycling team, which later changed its name to Tinkoff Credit Systems and became the basis for the Russian Katyusha team. The team often took prizes.

In January 2018, Tinkov was included in the “Kremlin report” of the US Treasury, a list of people close to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Family of Oleg Tinkov

Wife - Rina Valentinovna Vosman. The wedding took place in June 2009, after 20 years of marriage.
Daughter - Daria studied at King's College London
Sons - Pavel and Roman graduated from St Edward's School, Oxford.

Oleg Tinkov, one of the most eccentric and successful Russian businessmen, has been living with the same woman for more than 20 years. Numerous temptations that haunt any wealthy person could not influence the personal priorities of an entrepreneur.

In his book “I’m like everyone else,” Oleg Tinkov directly states:

“A wife for a businessman is incredibly important. Nothing has changed since ancient times: the mother is the keeper of the hearth and must maintain the fire. Previously, mammoths were brought home, but now cash is the only difference. I am very grateful to fate, to the Lord God for meeting Rina and living with her.”

Dating and love

The enterprising young student of the Leningrad Mining Institute met his future wife Rina in 1989. At that moment he had already tasted the power of the lungs fast money, he speculated in cosmetics and clothing, or simply “farmed.”

The young people met at a disco, and he immediately realized that he fell in love. He called the girl Irina all evening, but lost her at the end of the evening. The next day Oleg met her at the mathematics department. “Ira, hello!” he said. " I'm not Irina, I'm Rina", she replied.

Oleg Tinkov managed to organize the next date only two months later. He accidentally met Rina in a grocery store, treated her to birch sap for 11 kopecks and asked for her room number.

On the next weekend, he and his friend went to visit Rina, who lived with two girls. That evening he took the girl to an expensive restaurant, who was part of the foreign tourist system. Dinner for two at that time cost 10 rubles. As Tinkov himself recalls, he got Rina very drunk, and that same evening they became intimate.

As Rina herself recalls, at the time she met Oleg there were many girls hanging around him, but gradually they all disappeared. Gently and unobtrusively, Rina established her rights to a brave, energetic and daring guy.

Tinkov admits that I immediately saw in Rina a sincere interest in a relationship and lack of commercialism. During my student years, anything could happen, and even Tinkov didn’t always have money.

In such cases, Rina herself invited him to restaurants and paid for everything. This may be where the spiteful critics started talking about the fact that Rina was born into a rich family, and Tinkov made his way thanks to the support of his father-in-law.

In fact Rina was the daughter of an Estonian miner. IN Soviet time The miners, indeed, received relatively high salaries, but Rina Vosman’s family cannot be called rich in the literal sense of the word.

Life together as it is

It was Rina who pushed Tinkov to the realization: “ It's time to earn decent money!" The situation when the girl paid for him seemed humiliating. Prosperity did not come immediately. The young people lived in the dorm for a long time, eating only potatoes, which the mother of their dorm neighbor brought once a week.

Tinkov began to transport goods from those regions of the USSR where he was with redoubled energy. With a total shortage, things sold out with a bang, but material stability could not be achieved at that moment.

The young people were plagued by bedbugs and could not be eradicated All everyday difficulties for an ordinary Siberian guy acted only as an incentive. He saw how other businessmen rented excellent apartments and drove beautiful cars, and with redoubled energy he bit into new market relations.

Interesting notes:

And the market burst out. The dashing 90s that led most of the country's population into a state of confusion, horror and panic, for Tinkov they could not have come at a better time. In this reality, he was able to expand to his full potential, opening business after business, the profitability of which multiplied Tinkov’s capital.

Rina was next to him, absolutely trusting this risky, gambling and extraordinary person. They lived in a civil marriage for 20 years, and Rina never once had any fear that Tinkyov would leave her or act dishonestly. In this relationship, they had three children: daughter Daria and sons Roman and Pavel.

The life of a millionaire's wife

In 2009, Oleg and Rina officially registered their marriage, and the wedding took place on Lake Baikal. Rina herself prefers not to give interviews to journalists, but thanks to Tinkov’s activity, she manages to create the image of the wife of a millionaire (in rubles, a billionaire).

Rina is, first and foremost, a wife and mother of three children.. Tinkov considers this mission the most important in a woman’s life, and important for a man.

In his book, he directly says that he does not believe in big business without the support of his wife. Before starting a business, he looks: what kind of wife does his partner have? What children? He speaks about Rina with respect:

“She takes care of the children, herself, reads a lot and looks like, God forbid, everyone looks at 40 years old.”

Rina does not work and does not run any business; Tinkov himself calls the situation when a rich husband buys his bored wife a boutique in the Central Department Store as nonsense.

“Someone will say that family is not fashionable, but I don’t care about fashion,” says Tinkov

Behind a successful man there is always a woman. Oleg Tinkov is no exception.

Not many people know that the scandalous businessman has been in a relationship for almost 30 years with a lady who witnessed his ups and downs, his ascent to the Olympus of Success.

What advantages does the Tinkoff eBay card provide by reading

Not everyone knows that Tinkov owes a lot of his victories to Rina Vosman, his faithful companion, a tough nut to crack, whom journalists are trying to crack, collecting her image bit by bit, using the businessman’s few frank interviews about personal matters.

Who is Rina Vosman?

Little is known:

  • born in 1969;
  • her hometown of Kohtla-Jarve, where, after graduating from school, the girl did not want to stay.
  • Having chosen St. Petersburg, she entered the Mining Institute. There I met my husband.

The acquaintance took place in the spring of 1989. The girl, in the company of friends, went to the dance, where she saw Oleg Tinkov, a young, attractive student-reveler. By that time, he had earned a reputation as a ladies' man who spent his stipend on girls and friends.

It seemed that the young people had little in common, but the Russian scoundrel and the Estonian prude fell in love with each other. Tinkov admitted that at first he tried to impress Rina, spending his last money on taking her around cafes and organizing entertainment events.

The desire to win the beauty's heart forced him to make his first commercial exploits. Oleg jokes that this was not the reason for the start of their relationship, but the young man’s charisma, delicious beer and chicken, with which he “pampered” his beloved.

Life together and first steps to business success

Vosman initiated the move to Oleg. The man had to spin like a squirrel in a wheel to earn enough money. The first was work in a stall where Tinkov sold fruits and vegetables, not hesitating to overweight customers.

It is difficult to save a lot of money from dishonest trading. Having collected the minimum amount, Rina and Oleg decided to survive on the black market. While Oleg, using connections from his home mining town, was buying up Japanese-made electronics, selling them in Russia at several times the price, Vosman remembered the connections:

  • parents in Estonia;
  • grandmother in Poland.

It would have been a sin not to take advantage of this situation. The young people, taking turns, decided to transport televisions from abroad, which were resold at the station for a decent price at that time of $200.

Vosman, having given an idea to her lover, allowed him to start his own small business, which flourished thanks to: the fashion for Rainbow TVs and the purchase of equipment at a low price.

The next step is to sell Polish goods in Germany. Oleg sold Polish cigarettes. Rina sold skirts and shirts made from a material that resembled denim.

The woman preferred to invest money in the business, but Oleg had other ideas in this regard. He spent his first capital on a Nine, their first family car. But the couple did not want to stop there; together with Tinkov, Vosman was engaged in ferrying cars from Singapore. In St. Petersburg, cars were sold several times more expensive, which made it possible to acquire decent starting capital.

Separation and birth of a daughter

At some point, Tinkov decided to go to America, where he received important knowledge for successfully starting a business. Rina was bored, remaining in her homeland due to problems with obtaining a visa. Soon the couple had a daughter, who was named Dasha.

The need to take care of his family forced Oleg to return to his homeland, where he:

  • bought up Sony stores;
  • became the founder of Petrosib.
  • opened, with the support of partners, the Technoshock network.

Rina was pleased with her husband's success. In the mid-90s, she transported her child to new apartment, which was furnished with foreign furniture.

Later, the woman inspired her husband to new achievements:

  • opening a factory for the production of dumplings and frozen semi-finished products;
  • opening a chain of restaurants;
  • opening your own bank.

Vosman now

Oleg asked his beloved to marry only in 2009. Then the wedding took place, to which the couple invited close relatives and influential friends. By that time, Vosman had given birth to Oleg two children, sons Roman and Pavel.

The wedding ceremony was held on Lake Baikal. The wedding turned out to be gorgeous, as one would expect from a couple with a multimillion-dollar capital.

The woman became a faithful partner and a reliable support for her husband in his endeavors. A man is proud of his marriage, noting that life together With Vosman, he never cheated on her.

For some time, Rina was ridiculed by the media, emphasizing that the oligarch’s wife wears cheap accessories. This did not bother Vosman at all, which cannot be said about Oleg, who immediately decided to “rehabilitate himself” by giving his beloved a Lamborghini and a ring from Goff.

Vosman is envied by millions and not only because of her wealth, but also because she manages to be an ideal wife, mother and companion, a woman who cannot be called selfish or mercantile, only successful and inspiring.

The personal biography of the popular and very successful businessman and entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov can be used as an idea for an interesting film shot in Hollywood with the title - Oleg Tinkov biography. This is a person who, with a proud posture and a raised head, gets out of difficult situations, successfully overcomes the numerous challenges of life and rapidly moves along the path to making a profit, to constant prosperity.

Tinkov is the most eccentric entrepreneur in Russia. It is a desirable object for all people who want to profit from modern newsmakers. Few of them know what this man is like, what Tinkov was like in his early youth, what he did before the famous Tinkoff Bank appeared. In the information presented you can find out how Oleg managed to achieve high results and by what life principles he lives.

Entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov was born on December 25, 1967 in the family of an ordinary worker and a professional seamstress. The place of birth of this person is the village of Polysayevo, located in the Kemerovo region. At about 12 years old, Oleg became interested in bicycle racing. In 1984, he achieved high results in this area and received the honorary title of Candidate Master of Sports. While developing such a career, Tinkov traveled a lot, so he did not consider it reprehensible to engage in trade in various scarce goods. In the markets of the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsk he sold products previously purchased in the cities of Central and South Asia.

Here is Oleg’s statement about this period of life:

“We were Siberians and bought various imported high-quality accessories, Sports Equipment, shoes for harsh Siberian winters. In our cities, we sold all goods at three times the price. It was an ideal time not only in terms of personal income, but also in terms of gaining experience in trade and money entrepreneurial beneficial relationships.”

In 1986, Oleg was called up to serve in the army. During the selection process, he tried to enroll in the standard sport Club Russian army, but was sent to serve in the regions Far East. Returning from service and getting married, the future businessman decided to work in a children’s and teenage camp as a teacher physical culture. On the way to the camp, the bus where Tinkov and his significant other were traveling suffered an accident, causing Oleg’s wife to die. As a result, the future entrepreneur changed all previously made plans.

Business is the main meaning of life

Here are several main areas of activity of this businessman during his formation as a successful entrepreneur in the country and in the world, by studying which you can understand who Tinkov is.


In the 90s, Oleg started selling equipment and household appliances, imported from Asian countries. He started with inexpensive calculators, where the exact profit from the sale was equal to $63 per unit. After that, he moved from the wholesale market to opening a chain of stores called Tekhnoshok. The cost of their equipment was high, but this did not have any effect on the number of clients.

The reasons for its popularity were the following important factors:

  • Thoughtful marketing company;
  • Quality products;
  • A perfectly designed service.

The hardware business did not last very long; in 1997, numerous similar companies crushed Tinkov, and the chain of stores was reorganized for $7 million.


On next year Tinkov launched an organization associated with the production of specially frozen products in the form of semi-finished products. He named the enterprise in honor of Dasha’s daughter – “Daria”. A properly organized business immediately began to generate significant profits, measured in several hundred thousand dollars per reporting month. By 2001, the businessman stopped calculating the prospects for the development of his activities and sold the enterprise to Abramovich for $21 million.

Beer business

The brewing business was opened with funds from the sale of Daria. At the time of its launch, Oleg already owned a small chain of gourmet beer restaurants known as Tinkoff Restaurants.

Around this time, a law was passed prohibiting advertising of low-alcohol alcoholic beverages during the daytime, so Tinkov decided to sell the enterprise. The buyer was the famous company SUN InBev, which paid $201 million for the company.

Founder of Tinkoff Bank Oleg Tinkov

Around 2006, on the basis of Himmashbank, the entrepreneur founded Tinkoff Credit Systems OJSC. This is the only virtual financial institution that does not have an offline presence. The financial institution carries out its financial transactions strictly online.

The bank's popularity peaked in 2007-2008, during which time a huge amount of profit was received. During banking expenses were optimized and profits increased. This was achieved through aggressive, profitable commercial marketing and the use of competent automatic processing of information received by computers, completely replacing human activity.

For many years, the Tinkoff Credit Systems corporation relied on issuing credit and debit cards, the bulk was received from microloans. A few years later, the organization offered the country’s market the most favorable conditions for lending to companies and enterprises, the bank began to be characterized as a serious participant in the global financial market with great prospects. In 2015, the corporation was renamed the Tinkoff Bank organization. Oleg held a leadership position - director of Tinkoff Bank.


Regardless of Tinkov’s significant success in entrepreneurship, Oleg’s main achievement is his personal one. The entrepreneur’s wife is a native of Estonia, Rina Vosman, who gave birth to three children. The young people met in 1989 during their studies at the university. It is interesting that the official marriage ceremony of the spouses took place after 20 years of living together.

Oleg Tinkov is not only a business owner, but a wise and accomplished person in all respects; he argues that personal and spiritual values ​​must necessarily be exalted and prevail over all material things.

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