Let's learn the cat language of communication - cats meowing! Find out what a cat's meow means. A cat's loud meow

By making certain sounds, animals want to tell you some information about their desires. One of the main reasons why you hear a cat meowing is because it wants to get its owner's attention. But these are not all the reasons why pets make certain sounds. Sometimes, a cat's meow speaks of her desires, sometimes of worries and fears, and in some cases it can indicate a disease. Therefore, it is important to figure it out in time and understand what the cat’s meow “tells” you.

Why does a cat constantly meow?

Cats meow for a variety of reasons, including the following:

What do cats want to tell us with their meows?

Owners with “experience” are able to clearly determine what a meowing cat wants to tell them. It has been scientifically proven that cats have their own language and it is not so difficult for humans to learn to understand it.

Let's try to determine what the cat wants.

  • The short “mur-meow” means greeting.

  • Loud “rattling” means a demand for food or your attention.

  • The short “pur-meow” signifies the cat’s impatience; a cat can make such short sounds when it sees unattainable prey or a treat.

  • A loud and clear meow at the top of your voice means a demand, call or complaint from the cat. The meow of a cat begging for food is similar in tone to a child's cry, so a person cannot refuse the cat's request.

  • Sometimes a cat lets out a “meow” as if casually, quietly, usually in these situations the cat simply cannot contain its emotions or indignation within itself.

  • The meow of kittens searching for their mother is characteristic; it is very plaintive, loud, long and shrill.

  • Cats “scream” when calling for a sexual partner, cats especially “try.”

  • A cat that is aggressive will hiss, snort and howl. The hiss of a cat means that it is better not to approach it, and the cat begins to howl during a fight.

  • Cats have perfectly adapted to life with people, with their meowing they “educate” us, accustoming us to a daily routine that is comfortable for a cat and fulfilling its desires, however, the meowing of cats makes us not alone; you can always talk to a talkative cat. It is noted that the more often a person responds to a cat’s meow, the more often the cat meows for no reason, simply communicating with a person. There is nothing bad about this, especially for lonely people, and it is very funny to watch; sometimes entire dialogues with the cat are conducted for 5-10 minutes and it seems that the cat understands you perfectly.

  • Not all cat breeds are talkative; some cats are silent; take these breed characteristics into account when getting a cat.

Night conversations

Probably the most annoying cat ringtone is the cat's night meow. Breeders claim that their nocturnal activity is completely natural. Many pets, not being able to realize their hunting instinct, still try to feel like masters of the territory. They can run around the apartment, play, and, of course, scream loudly and make other “hunting” sounds. Then they prefer to sleep during the day.

And it is precisely at this time that the domestic “hunter” wants her owner to pay more attention to her. At night she is brave and resilient. She really wants to show these qualities to her breadwinner. You can calm a cat's meowing simply by petting your pet or answering it with kind words. Most often, if your cat's meowing is caused by a lack of daytime attention, after you answer her, she will become silent.

Another cause of cat meowing at night is stress. Moving or the appearance of a child in the family, i.e., any changes in the life of an animal, causes stress. When experiencing stress, the pet walks and meows pitifully at night, because then she experiences greater anxiety and an acute lack of attention.

The nightly meowing of a cat in the spring is also a common occurrence. Males attract females with their loud voices, and cats communicate their needs with long meows. Castration or sterilization usually helps to get rid of constant “talks” of this kind.

However, if the above reasons are not present, and your pet still constantly and restlessly turns on his night ringtone, and does not sleep well during the day, this may indicate that he is sick. In this case, the cat's meow will be strange, it will be sounds such as yapping, wheezing and meowing with an intonation that is not typical for it. In this case, it is best to take your pet to the veterinarian.

Why doesn't my cat stop meowing?

A cat's excessive meowing is often caused by her learning that she can get what she wants through meowing. This can become a habit, and the cat begins to meow more and more often. This can be quite cute, however, if she starts meowing all night or drives you crazy during the day, then it's time to break this bad habit.

  1. The first step should be to completely ignore her meow. Meowing is used by a cat to get what it wants, so don't give it to your cat when she's meowing (like food), but give it to her when she's being quiet. Likewise, give your cat lots of attention and affection when she is silent and ignore her when she meows.

  2. Don't yell or scold your pet when he meows. If this cat behavior persists, then you may need to resort to a spray bottle: spray some water on the cat when it meows (although I personally don't like this method as it can scare some cats). This won't hurt the cats, but they will soon learn that meowing is followed by a shower, and this will stop the excessive meowing. This can be especially helpful for cats that meow all night for attention. Remember to cuddle and play with your cat before bed.

  3. Some owners use the following trick: a cat can stop meowing if you blow on its face. Why don't you try this with your cat next time she meows? Will it work?

How to punish a meowing cat

There are several ways to punish a noisy cat. The easiest, time-tested methods are to use water or sound to disrupt her train of thought.

Unexpected noise

For example, your cat stares at you and meows. Immediately and as carefully as possible, throw a metal can of coins in the cat's direction. Aim carefully to avoid hitting the cat. Of course, meowing is annoying, but this is not a crime for which you can take your life. When the can lands, the cat will be scared.

After a few seconds of silence, call the cat over to you. Praise her and give her a treat. This way you will reward her for her silence and reassure her that everything is fine. In addition, this will demonstrate to her that you have nothing to do with that noisy object that seemed to fall from the sky - this just always happens with noisy cats.


Sometimes a strong offense is truly the best defense. Start some noisy game. When you see that your cat is ready to meow. The game will give her the mental and physical exercise she needs, and it will also force her to completely put all her worries out of her head.


After punishment, you should not only praise the cat, but also try to notice when it behaves quietly and reward it. This requires a keen eye and a patient nature, but timely rewards for quiet behavior can plant the seed in a cat's head.

It is not always easy to notice that a cat is being quiet and undemanding. If you're busy all day, it often happens that only the squeaky wheel gets the grease. But if you're already tired of this squeaky wheel, you'll have to encourage yourself to watch your cat closely and notice what's so easy to miss. Then you will reward the cat for normal behavior and wait for a miracle to happen and she will finally learn how to behave.


The good news is that your cat is exceptionally smart. The bad news, too, is that your cat is exceptionally smart. She desperately wants to communicate with you, devoting a lot of time to this attempt. It will be great if you develop a vocabulary for communicating with each other. This is a great way to develop your cat's intelligence, as well as a basis for guiding her behavior in a more positive and desirable direction. Think of some tricks you would like to teach your cat and work on them. The great thing about training a cat is that it doesn't matter how long it takes: two days or two weeks.


There are special exercises for this purpose. Cats, especially the most energetic ones, tend to exercise on their own. However, this is not always the type of exercise that is desired. So, to prevent unwanted behavior and release pent-up tension, roll some table tennis balls around on the floor and have some fun with your cat. Divide her toys into three groups and introduce a new set of toys every few days. Pay special attention to playing with your cat for at least fifteen minutes in the morning and evening.


Two cats will entertain each other themselves. Two kittens raised together become practically inseparable. A kitten raised with a sibling is less likely to develop into a demanding cat than one raised alone.


If you bought a Siamese or Abyssinian cat, don't complain that it's so energetic. It's like complaining that a Ferrari drives too fast. If you don't want to have a fast car, then don't buy one that is designed for high speed. If you don't want a cat that needs and demands full integration into your life, don't buy a cat from a breed that has become famous for doing just that.


A cat has an inherent concept of boundaries. These boundaries just need to be presented in a way that makes sense to her. If you simply tell your cat that she shouldn't go somewhere just because you'll be happy if she doesn't, it won't work. You will have to come up with some more compelling reason. It will be much more effective if you make the area look dangerous for the cat. You can make the area seem dangerous by setting traps there or punishing your cat whenever she goes there. If your cat bothers you while you're snacking in front of the TV, don't let her get on the couch at that time. Command her to “Get out!” and use a spray of water or air, or a loud sound, to punish her every time she disobeys. As soon as she jumps off the couch, praise her. If you are inconsistent in this, you will create an even more terrible monster than you had before. So once you have taken a position, stick to it! Don't start chatting in vain.

What not to do

  • Don't ignore your pet without making sure it doesn't have a problem. However, sometimes cats meow for a good reason, such as when they can't get to their litter box or when their water bowl is empty. Check if there is any problem when the cat meows, and then you can safely ignore it if everything is fine.

  • Don't punish your cat for meowing. Yelling, physically touching, or spraying water on your cat will rarely calm the meowing in the long term, but all of these actions can develop distrust or even dislike of you.

  • Do not give up. If your cat is used to getting what she gets through meowing, she will meow louder and longer when this stops working. In other words, the behavior is likely to get worse before it gets better. Just reinforce quiet behavior and ignore the meows, and eventually your cat will understand.

Communication is an important component of our mutual understanding. This is true in the situation with pets as well. Many people consider a cat's meowing as a way to talk to its owner. But what does she want to say? How to determine what a cat’s meow means and what a cat’s meow “says”?


Why do domestic cats “talk”?

By making certain sounds, animals want to tell you some information about their desires. One of the main reasons why you hear a cat meowing is because it wants to get its owner's attention. But these are not all the reasons why pets make certain sounds. Sometimes, a cat's meow speaks of her desires, sometimes of worries and fears, and in some cases it can indicate a disease. Therefore, it is important to figure it out in time and understand what the cat’s meow “tells” you.

Night conversations

Probably the most annoying cat ringtone is the cat's night meow. Breeders claim that their nocturnal activity is completely natural. Many pets, not being able to realize their hunting instinct, still try to feel like masters of the territory. They can run around the apartment, play, and, of course, scream loudly and make other “hunting” sounds. Then they prefer to sleep during the day.

And it is precisely at this time that the domestic “hunter” wants her owner to pay more attention to her. At night she is brave and resilient. She really wants to show these qualities to her breadwinner. You can calm a cat's meowing simply by petting your pet or answering it with kind words. Most often, if your cat's meowing is caused by a lack of daytime attention, after you answer her, she will become silent.

Another cause of cat meowing at night is stress. Moving or the appearance of a child in the family, i.e., any changes in the life of an animal, causes stress. When experiencing stress, the pet walks and meows pitifully at night, because then she experiences greater anxiety and an acute lack of attention.

The nightly meowing of a cat in the spring is also a common occurrence. Males attract females with their loud voices, and cats communicate their needs with long meows. Castration or sterilization usually helps to get rid of constant “talks” of this kind.

However, if the above reasons are not present, and your pet still constantly and restlessly turns on his night ringtone, and does not sleep well during the day, this may indicate that he is sick. In this case, the cat's meow will be strange, it will be sounds such as yapping, wheezing and meowing with an intonation that is not typical for it. In this case, it is best to take your pet to the veterinarian.


Postpartum meowing in cats

After giving birth, a healthy mother will not simply waste her voice on you. After all, all her attention is now focused on the cubs. Therefore, pay special attention to the cat’s constant meowing after giving birth.

If the kittens are with their mother and she is acting restless, she may not be getting enough food or drink. But if the tray with food and water is full, or you just recently fed her, then you should check why she has cause for concern.

A mother's concern is usually about the illness of one of her babies or her own health. Check how the kittens look and feel. How long do they sleep, and does mom get enough rest? If they are okay, pay attention to the mother. The cat's unreasonable meowing and whining, combined with trembling, frequent urination, rapid breathing and other behavior that is unnatural for her, signals to you that the former mother has postpartum complications. Don't guess what to do, she urgently needs to be shown to a veterinarian!

The sounds a cat makes and their meaning

Let's look at how pets "talk" and what it most likely means.

  1. “Moor-meow” pronounced briefly. If you heard these sounds when you appeared in the apartment, it means your pet greeted you like that. But if you have been sitting at home for a long time, and the animal does not need to greet you, but it still makes such sounds, this means disappointment, because there is no opportunity to get any prey.
  2. The pet will announce a lack of attention on my part by meowing pitifully and by following me around the house.
  3. A loud "rattling" sound means your pet is demanding food or other attention. When the animal demands food, it will also make a loud, clear “meow” at the top of its voice.
  4. A short, single, sometimes quiet, “meow” indicates that the pet cannot contain its emotions. In this way he is similar to people, when something happens in between, we unconsciously say something like “oh my God!”
  5. The meowing of kittens is usually plaintive, drawn out and loud. With this ringtone, kittens are looking for their mother. This cannot be confused with anything.
  6. A cat's meow in spring is more like a scream. This is how a cat looks for a sexual partner. The same thing can mean the prolonged meow of a cat in the spring.
  7. Hissing and snorting indicate that your pet is irritated. And during a fight he will sort of howl. It is better not to approach him at this time.
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If your cat won't stop meowing

As discussed above, when a cat meows, it is not a simple ringtone. This is how the animal asks you for something. But it happens that you have already done everything that she could want, and the cat’s meowing does not stop. There are two diametrically opposed reasons why this happens.

You could have spoiled her. Every time your pet gave a voice, you stroked her or picked her up. And she is accustomed to the fact that this is the only way she can get your affection. In this case, it is better to teach her what to do is bad (for example, splash water on her when she screams). And start petting only after the cat’s meowing stops.

The second reason why a cat can be heard meowing may be hidden in its restless state due to its own ill health. As discussed above, this will be an uncharacteristic meow, combined with other signs of illness. If your animal behaves this way, do not delay going to the veterinary clinic.

Video "Cat's reaction when she sees a bird outside the window"

Cat ringtones are quite varied. And although when cats meow the video is not always successful, in this video you will still hear the cat meowing and see how it behaves when it sees a bird outside the window without being able to catch it.

When we accept him into the family, we often agree to fulfill his whims in exchange for warmth and affection. Watching the funny sounds coming from them, many people think about how interesting it would be to translate them and meow something in response. It's actually not that complicated.

About cat language

Each has a different voice from the others, so the owners always hear when their animal meows. At the same time, the cat's language includes not only meowing, purring, hissing and snorting, but also gestures - with the tail, ears, whiskers, and paws. At the same time, meowing is used only in communication with people; cats communicate with each other differently. They probably realized that they could achieve something from their owners with the help of just such sounds.

Did you know? Cats often express their dissatisfaction through feces. One cat regularly urinated on the head of its drunk owner, as a result of which he stopped drinking.

A cat can make the following sounds:

  • purr;
  • meow;
  • hiss;
  • screams;
  • growl;
  • squeak.
Basically, purring indicates pleasure, but it can also mean that the animal is dying. Cats purr when communicating with kittens.

The meowing of cats is intended for people and includes the sounds “meow”, “rrmeow”, “meow”, “mau”, etc., pronounced with different intonations. The main reasons are hunger, boredom, pain, joy from meeting, fear, a request to open the door.

Hissing with the sounds “chsh” expresses dissatisfaction; animals also have a snort in their arsenal with the abrupt sound “pf”. At the same time, they can hit the floor with their tail.

You may also hear teeth chattering along with a very short “meow.” This occurs when potential prey is seen in a hard-to-reach place.

Cats scream, meowing loudly, wanting to finally be heard, or expressing emotions such as passion, anger, fear, stress, pain. Moreover, on the first syllable the intonation is rising, on the second - descending, the sound “u” is long, turns into a growl.

The growl is somewhat reminiscent of a purr, but the sound “rr” is pronounced angrily, meaning something like “leave me alone.”

Kittens squeak, this is how they communicate that they are hungry, are looking for their mother, are angry, and complain.

Conversation with the owner, or why cats meow

Depending on how and with what intonation cats meow, you can understand their different states. They engage in conversation when they want to communicate their desires or intentions.

Did you know? Under natural conditions, undomesticated adult cats do not meow; only kittens can meow.


When , she makes a "mrmaow" sound using a demanding intonation. Even though she still doesn’t get food, the vowels in this sound become more and more drawn out. Demanding intonations can change to pleading. If a cat says briefly “mrmav”, this means that she is urging you on; in her opinion, you are too slow in giving food.

You can also hear the request for food in the loud sound “miau”.

If a cat brings strangled mice or birds, she wants you to enjoy delicious food, like her best friend. If you don’t want to eat a mouse, praise the cat and throw away the prey; there’s no need to scold her, she took care of you.


If a cat is in pain, it may purr and fuss restlessly. Cats can talk about pain using the plaintive sound “mnau”, holding out the “u”. When they often breathe with their mouths open, this can mean not only pain, but also that the cat is too hot.


If a cat wants your attention, it will come and sit, facing away from you. Then he leaves and returns again, sitting down in the same way. This is also evidenced by purring with the sound “hmm” and meowing in the form of “meu” with rubbing against you.


Cats express their anxiety with an extended “meu” sound with questioning intonations.

A frightened cat says briefly “pft” or repeats “chsh” for a long time.

When a cat is very frightened, it begins to intensively wave its tail in different directions. If in response she wants to scare, then the fur on her back and tail stands on end. Also at this moment, her ears are directed to the sides or pressed to her head, and her pupils are dilated. At a moment of excitement, a cat may begin to actively lick its nose and lips.

A game

When a cat becomes interested, the tip of its tail twitches a little, while the tail itself lies calmly. This is also evidenced by the ears turned forward.

A pose with your back to you and a place between you and what you are currently doing indicates resentment at the lack of attention.

When a cat wants to play, she can look into the eyes, pointing her whiskers forward, meowing briefly and demandingly.

Important! It is important to distinguish play from anger: when playing, the claws are not extended, the back is not arched, the tail is not fluffed, bites do not cause pain, there is no growling or hissing.


When a cat greets its owner, it makes a short, aspirated “mr” purr and runs up to the owner, holding its tail straight up or with its tip slightly curved. You may also hear "rrowmaurrow" sounds.

Old age

In old age, cats often become capricious, “meow” sounds like a curse, concerts begin at night, jealousy increases, irritated meows are heard from the toilet, and the animal digs around for a long time.


Felines are stressed more often than you might think. This can be caused by prolonged loneliness from the absence of the owner, moving, new furniture, a small child, many guests, a trip to the veterinarian, a vacuum cleaner, another pet, excessive affection.

Symptoms of stress:

  1. When stressed, cats may begin to pant with an open mouth, frequently sucking in air.
  2. They lick themselves and yawn a lot.
  3. They eat inedible things, flowers, wool.
  4. They eat endlessly or refuse to eat.
  5. Dull, dirty fur.
  6. Damage to furniture.
  7. Stress manifests itself not only through aggressive behavior, but also through complete apathy.

Important! Stress can lead to illness or even death of an animal, so it is important to relieve it of this condition.

How to understand meowing: what to do

To understand what exactly your pet wants, listen to the cat’s voice, notes of intonation, pay attention to where you are called, how the tail and ears move. It is intonation and gestures that transform the same “meow” into different meanings. It is enough just to watch the animal to understand what it wants.

Listen, and you will hear, in addition to “meow,” there are a lot of other sounds - g, sh, n, f, x, r, v, about 15 in total. Intonations can be pleading, plaintive, demanding, joyful, angry.

If you are careful, you will notice that the cat licks not only when he has eaten deliciously or has gotten dirty, but also at a moment of puzzlement and discomfort, for example, when he has been scolded.

It is easy to notice signs of aggression - constricted pupils, erect fur, an irritated loud “meow”.

Short, quiet “meows” combined with purring and stomping on the soft parts of your body indicate deep satisfaction and happiness from communicating with you.

Your main actions in case of meowing are affection, feeding, and in special cases, going to the veterinarian.

Prohibited actions

To prevent your life together with your cat from turning into hell, it is important to understand that she needs attention, affection and your love. That being said, you need to be aware of some actions that can cause problems between you, in particular, constant meowing:

  1. Lack of rules of behavior and little training.
  2. Periodic permission to violate established rules.
  3. Pampering.
  4. Lack of attention.
  5. Neglect of communication and games with animals.
  6. Long trips during which the animal is left at home alone.
  7. Too strict punishments, physical punishments.
  8. Punishments for meowing. If you think your cats are meowing for no reason, it's important to understand why they're doing it - maybe they're in pain or they're stressed.
  9. Reacting to meowing. The more you respond to meowing, the more the cat will do it, so if this annoys you, feed and pet the animal only during quiet pauses. This advice is not relevant if you are a lonely person and talking with your pet is a joy for you.

Separately about nighttime and postpartum meowing

The biggest problem for the owners is the night concerts. However, you can get rid of them, just understand the reason.

“Listen to cat sounds online” is a fairly frequently used search query these days. It would seem, why are people looking for this kind of material? In fact, this makes a lot of sense. Basically, such sound effects are used to create all kinds of audio compositions, video materials, applications for mobile gadgets, or even create full-fledged computer games. The sounds of cats, supplemented with appropriate context, will certainly add a greater degree of realism to the created material. Of course, the most important thing is to make sure that the audio effects used are in place and do not seem superfluous against the general background of a music track or video clip, as, unfortunately, often happens.

Listen to cat sounds

Surely you are also wondering: where can you listen to cat sounds online? How can I download cat sounds for free? In fact, the answer to these questions is extremely simple: you just need to use a special Internet site that is ready to provide its users with an extensive database of relevant sound effects, where a wide variety of cat sounds are presented. It doesn't matter whether you're interested in the sound of a cat meowing, the sounds cats make, the sound of a cat calling, or similar sounds. On our website you can always find all this! Thus, you don’t have to scour the entire Internet in search of the audio tracks you need (which, of course, will also take a considerable amount of time and effort), because here almost all of them are offered in one place! If you, taught by the unfortunate example of many modern Internet sites, are worried about the fact that you will need to pay for something, then you can safely relax!

We guarantee that you will not have to make any monetary contributions; you can download all presented sound effects for free to your computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device! At the same time, you will also have the opportunity not only to download the cat sounds of interest, but also to simply listen to them directly on the site, if, for example, you do not need to download these audio files! Let us note that our sound materials are distinguished by both high quality and a high degree of realism, being practically indistinguishable from the sounds made by real animals! We hope you enjoy using our site!

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