Removal of Bartholin's cyst. Bartholin gland cyst. surgery. How is a cyst removed?

Bartholin gland cyst is a disease of the pelvic organs, which is characterized by the appearance of a benign formation in the vestibule of the vagina, and can cause a lot of problems. It is diagnosed, as a rule, in young women aged 28-35 years, actively leading sex life. If you contact a specialist in a timely manner, it can be easily treated.

What is a Bartholin gland cyst?

The disease is a pathology of a large gland located on both sides of the vaginal opening and located in the muscles of the labia minora. The cystic tumor is separated from healthy tissue by a tight-elastic connective capsule. It appears when the ducts are partially or completely blocked, through which a viscous secretion is removed, which serves to moisturize the vagina, which is important for the normal course of sexual intercourse and better stretching of the walls during childbirth.

It looks like a swelling and can be very small (1-2 cm) or grow to huge sizes (6-10 cm). The contents of the cyst consist of a homogeneous liquid with big amount squirrel. As a result of a viral or fungal disease it may become infected and begin to fester, in which case they speak of an abscess.

Causes of cysts on the labia

A tumor-like formation can appear during infection of the gland and its ductal tubules with various infections, for example, Trichomonas, gonorrhea or ureaplasma, as well as with:

  • candidal inflammation of the vaginal microflora;
  • development of epidermal staphylococcal lesions;
  • prolonged and intense sexual intercourse;
  • violation of intimate hygiene rules;
  • tissue injury as a result of hair removal;
  • frequent wearing of lace or synthetic underwear that fits tightly to the organs;
  • carrying out medical abortion or other gynecological operations.

The risk group includes women who are promiscuous, do not use contraception and often change partners, as well as those who do not seek medical help for a long time if they have pelvic inflammation.

Symptoms of the disease

The cyst, which proceeds without complications, is a small rounded seal located at the very edge of the labia, and can be found on both one and both sides. This tumor does not cause any unpleasant symptoms and is very small in size. Sometimes, due to a lack of hydration, a woman feels dryness and discomfort during sex.

A tumor can be accidentally discovered by a gynecologist during a routine examination in a chair. When cysts grow, they can be observed discomfort when walking or running, and soreness in the part of the lip where it formed.

If an abscess develops, it appears throbbing and sharp pain. The skin at the site of suppuration is dense and tense, and the process may also be accompanied by fever, vomiting, dizziness and chills.

Bartholin cyst and pregnancy

When such a diagnosis is made to a woman carrying a child, she has serious concerns about the health of the unborn baby. What you need to know about the disease during pregnancy:

  • decreased immunity contributes to tumor development;
  • the infection can reach the fetus through the blood or amniotic sac;
  • a disease complicated by an abscess threatens miscarriage or premature birth;
  • developmental abnormalities are possible, for example, growth retardation;
  • there is a risk of contracting intrauterine pneumonia;
  • the entry of pathogenic organisms sometimes causes damage to the organs of vision.

A child can also become infected while passing through the birth canal, this is especially dangerous for premature babies, their immunity is unable to cope with the disease on its own.


To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo examinations by specialists such as:

  • blood biochemistry and general analysis;
  • antibiotic sensitivity smear;
  • culture to determine microflora;
  • microscopy of vaginal discharge;
  • analysis for infections.

An examination by a gynecologist will show whether there is unilateral swelling of the labia, as well as their asymmetry, inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes, and changes in tissue in the area of ​​the cyst.

Postmenopausal women need a biopsy to rule out the development of malignant processes.

Treatment of Bartholin gland cyst

Small tumors do not require any treatment, and your doctor may advise you to simply observe the development of the disease for some time. Sometimes the outflow of secretions can recover on its own, and the capsule will dissolve without medical intervention.

If the tumor is large and significantly complicates a woman’s life, then there are several methods, including local, internal and surgical treatment.


As additional remedies, recipes based on herbal infusions are used. They can be used as a drink, a douching solution, or soaked into a tampon.

Well established burdock leaf juice, to prepare it you need to take several bunches of grass and grind them in a blender, squeeze out the juice. Take a month according to the scheme: two days, 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day, then the dosage should be increased and applied three times a day.

To relieve inflammation you need to take infusion of white acacia flowers, for this 2 tbsp. l. Brew dry crushed raw materials with a liter of boiling water, infuse and take throughout the day as tea.

Can be used for douching chamomile decoction, which is prepared from 3 tbsp. l. plants and 1.5 liters of water. The procedure is done twice a day with a solution at room temperature.


Treatment of this type is prescribed to eliminate symptoms and alleviate the general physical condition, and includes several types of manipulations. These include the use of medications both internally and externally, as well as exposure to physical factors, that is, various procedures using current or ultraviolet radiation. The therapeutic approach is intended for tumor formations no larger than 2 cm, which are asymptomatic and without complications.


The following are used as topical agents: dosage forms, as ointments, gels and pastes, which, in turn, can be divided into emulsions, suspensions and combination preparations. Among them are usually used:

  • "Levomekol"– a broad-spectrum medicine that is used to treat abscesses, has anti-inflammatory properties, helps cleanse purulent wounds, and restores tissue;
  • "Ichthyol ointment"– the product belongs to the group of antiseptics, disinfects well, and also relieves pain;
  • "Gyoksizon"– excellent for eczema, dermatitis and skin inflammation;
  • "Vishnevsky ointment"– used in the treatment of skin suppurations or infected wounds. Promotes rapid regeneration;
  • "Hydrocortisone"– has a decongestant effect, relieves itching and irritation.

You can also use tampons soaked in Miramistin solution for cysts..


This type of treatment includes all types of influence - heating and cold, electromagnetic and ultrasonic radiation, as well as therapeutic mud and massage. For cystic formations, the following types of procedures can be used:

  1. Galvanization– the method is based on the use electric current with little tension, contraindicated for complicated cysts.
  2. UHF– recommended for use for purulent abscesses, prohibited for bleeding and tumors.
  3. EHF– used for diseases caused by a general decrease in immunity, and for rapid tissue regeneration.
  4. Darsonval– low-frequency impulses improve blood circulation and enhance lymphatic drainage.
  5. Magnetotherapy.
  6. Ultraviolet irradiation.

Physiotherapy is effective for initial stages development of the disease and is used as an additional remedy.


Based on what caused the disease, the appropriate treatment is selected:

  • antibiotics– are prescribed depending on the type of pathogen. As a rule, these drugs are Cefixime, Amoxicillin or Fluconazole;
  • painkillers– used to relieve symptoms – “Keterol”, “Ibuprofen”, “Nise”;
  • anti-inflammatory– “Adolor”, “Piroxicam”, “Voltaren”, “Dexalgin”;
  • vitamin complexes– “Centrum”, “Complivit”, “Alphabet”;
  • immune support products– “Arbidol”, “Viferon”, “Interferon”, “Amiksin”.

If drug therapy does not bring the desired result, then other methods are used.


When a Bartholin gland cyst becomes large or its course is complicated by an abscess and interferes with leading a normal lifestyle, then surgical intervention is prescribed, depending on the condition and symptoms. It is carried out during a period when there is no acute inflammatory process; if it is present, drug treatment is required.

If after removal the tumor reappears, it is recommended to operate on it again, regardless of its size. Thanks to modern technologies healthy tissue remains intact.

Marsupialization of the cyst

After the gynecologist has prescribed this type of surgical intervention, it is necessary to undergo the following examinations:

  1. Take a general blood test for infectious diseases.
  2. Determine group and rhesus.
  3. Get fluorography.
  4. Conduct a microscopic examination of the cervix and a vaginal smear.

The operation is usually performed when other methods have not given the desired result or when there are multiple openings of abscesses. The process itself takes 30-40 minutes and takes place under local anesthesia. Where the tumor is most clearly visible (usually at the very entrance to the vagina), a semicircular incision is made. Next, a part of the mucosal tissue measuring 1-2 cm is cut out. After this, a similar incision is made on the other side of the cyst, that is, one of the walls of the neoplasm is cut out.

Everything that has accumulated in it is cleared from the capsule cavity, then this place is sanitized. Sutures are made on the walls of the cyst so that it is sutured to the tissues of the labia. To remove secretions, a catheter is inserted into the hole; over time, a duct forms there. This process takes on average 1.5-2 months. The possibility of relapse is 8-11%.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, and the woman can go home the same day. You should abstain from sexual activity throughout the entire rehabilitation period.

Vaporization (evaporation) of a cyst with a laser

The meaning of this manipulation is that upon contact with the affected tissue, the laser acts on the cyst, under the influence of the released energy, the cells die and the internal contents of the tumor-like formation evaporate. In this way, the ductal channels are released, and subsequently sclerosis of the capsule cavity occurs.

The advantages of this type of exposure are the speed and bloodlessness of the procedure, the ability to preserve the gland, and the absence of the risk of damage to healthy mucous tissue.

Extirpation (resection)

A radical surgical method in which the gland is completely removed. Of course, this allows you to solve the problem once and for all, but this operation also has its disadvantages:

  • after the loss of the gland, vaginal dryness may occur;
  • the manipulation takes several hours, during which large blood loss occurs;
  • stitches remain;
  • a long recovery period, which can be complicated by deep hematomas formed at the site of removal.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and requires a hospital stay.

Enucleation of Bartholin gland cyst

This removal method takes place under intravenous anesthesia; its main task is to restore the normal functioning of the gland and the formation of its ductal channels.

After opening the purulent inflammation, its contents are cleaned and further treated with antiseptic solutions. Then special sutures are placed, which begin from the base of the tumor upward, gradually narrowing the resulting wound.

For the first few days, it is necessary to treat the surgical site with disinfectants; if all medical recommendations are fully followed, recovery will be quick and painless.

A contraindication to surgery is the acute stage of inflammation of the genital organs.

Recovery period

After removal of a cystic formation, the following measures must be taken:

  • examination of the contents of the cyst for the presence of pathogenic microflora for further use of a course of antibiotics;
  • reception vitamin complexes to maintain general immunity;
  • performing physiotherapeutic procedures recommended by the doctor;
  • daily treatment of seams.

You should also exclude severe physical activity. It is necessary to strictly follow the gynecologist's prescriptions to avoid relapse and its consequences.

Bartholin gland cyst is a common pathology in gynecology, which is mainly diagnosed in women of reproductive age who are active. sex life. With any infectious and inflammatory processes, the excretory duct of the Bartholin gland becomes blocked. Liquid accumulates in the cavity, the labia swell, and a small round-shaped neoplasm appears in them. If it is small in size, it does not cause the woman much discomfort, but if the tumor grows and is complicated by suppuration, it is necessary to undergo surgery to eliminate the pathology. The patient is offered extirpation, marsupialization or enucleation of the Bartholin gland cyst.

When is surgery necessary?

If the tumor is small (no more than 3 centimeters), then surgery is not necessary. In such a situation, the patient should be regularly monitored by a gynecologist, who will monitor the development of the disease using ultrasound. In some cases, the cyst may resolve on its own without pharmacological treatment. But cystic neoplasms that have reached large sizes are always removed surgically. It is pointless to wait for a tumor measuring 8-10 cm to resolve on its own.

Drug treatment is mandatory if, during diagnosis, a woman is found to have: genital and fungal infections, E. coli infection and other inflammatory and infectious diseases. After identifying the causative agent of the infection, the gynecologist prescribes appropriate medications. Broad-spectrum antibiotics and antimicrobials are mainly used to prevent the formation of purulent inflammation. Local treatment is carried out using antiseptic ointments and disinfectant solutions.

Surgery is necessary when the size of the cystic formation has greatly increased, since a large tumor prevents the woman from leading a normal life. With frequent relapses of the pathology, removal of the vaginal cyst is carried out regardless of the size of the tumor. Surgical treatment is carried out different ways, depending on the stage and form of the pathology, the presence of complications and general condition sick.

Indications for surgical intervention:

  • acute or recurrent abscess;
  • rapid tumor progression;
  • with purulent inflammatory processes;
  • non-healing fistula after self-opening of the abscess;
  • discomfort and pain.

When a cyst bursts, the pathology is accompanied by unbearable pain. If these symptoms occur, an emergency removal of the Bartholin gland is performed, after which the woman is prescribed antibiotic therapy. The manipulations are performed under general anesthesia. With the complete removal of the entire organ, various consequences are possible.

How is a cyst removed?

First of all, surgical intervention is indicated for purulent inflammation. The doctor may prescribe antibacterial treatment. Sometimes this scheme allows you to eliminate the inflammatory process of the excretory duct without surgery, restoring its patency.

The usual opening of the tumor and cleaning with disinfectants is not always an effective method, since in many cases patients experience relapses. Various infections enter a woman’s body through the vagina. If the excretory duct of the gland is not restored, complications are inevitable. After surgery, immunostimulating therapy and physiotherapy are required.

Extirpation of the gland is the most radical type of surgery.

Surgery to remove a Bartholin gland cyst is prescribed if other types of treatment do not give positive dynamics. Extirpation allows you to forget about the existing problem once and for all. But after the operation, a significant decrease in the quality of sexual life is possible: dryness of the vaginal mucosa due to the poor functioning of one gland, leading to unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse.

After removal of the cyst, a large suture remains in the operable area, and a fistula or hematoma may develop. Damage to the venous network during surgery is fraught with bleeding. The removal is performed under general anesthesia, so only women who tolerate anesthesia well are operated on. Hospitalization in a hospital lasts about a week; in case of complications, the postoperative period can last up to a month. Considering the consequences described above, the Bartholin gland is completely removed only in severe cases with constant relapses of the pathology.

In the chronic course of the pathology, relapses often occur; independent opening of the abscess and re-infection can occur. Autopsy of the neoplasm should be carried out only in a hospital, where antiseptic treatment is carried out, complete cleansing of pus, proper care behind the wound.

Do not try to open an abscess yourself!

It is impossible to completely clean the cavity of pus at home. And if the infection enters the blood, sepsis can develop, which without timely hospitalization can lead to death.

Gentle methods of surgical treatment

There are several techniques for surgical treatment of Bartholin gland cysts, aimed not only at opening and removing pathological secretions, but also at forming a new excretory duct. We will consider the main methods of surgical intervention below.

Marsupialization of the cyst– the technique is aimed at creating a new excretory duct. The operation lasts no more than 30 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis using anesthesia. After anesthesia, the surgeon makes a dissection of the labia, removes the formation along with its contents, and thoroughly rinses the cavity with an antiseptic solution. A catheter is inserted to drain the fluid. If the operated area is very swollen, then an incision is made both on the mucous membrane and on the cyst itself. Finally, the cyst shell is sutured to the labia mucosa, thereby forming a new excretory duct. Further rehabilitation takes place without drug treatment. This technique allows you to resume the functioning of the gland, remove inflammatory processes, and prevent abscess.

Enucleation of the cyst– opening of the cystic formation is performed, followed by drainage of the gland. The tumor is enucleated and treated with an antiseptic. After the operation, a drain is inserted through which the accumulated fluid flows out. After complete healing of the wound, the catheter is removed, and a new excretory duct appears in its place.

This is a complex operation that requires extreme caution. During the procedure, the doctor makes an incision towards the labia minora, trying not to touch the cyst so that it does not burst, otherwise its mucous secretion may get into the wound, causing an infectious and inflammatory process. The operation of enucleating a Bartholin gland cyst is performed on an outpatient basis, using local anesthesia. After completion of the procedure, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, immunomodulators and physiotherapy.

Laser removal– a popular and quite effective method with many advantages.

The high precision of laser radiation allows it to avoid affecting healthy tissue. Under the action of the laser, the cyst is instantly evaporated, as a result, the excretory duct is cleared and resumes its physiological function. Laser removal of a Bartholin gland cyst is a bloodless and painless procedure that lasts only 10 minutes, so there is no need for hospitalization. After surgery, the body recovers quickly, and there is a minimal risk of relapses. The only problem - high price operations, since vaporization is carried out using expensive equipment.

Installation of a word catheterthe newest way removal of a Bartholin gland cyst. This involves opening the cyst and treating it, after which a silicone catheter in the form of a tube with a bag is placed there. This design does not allow the walls of the cystic cavity to grow together and the duct remains open. A month later, the catheter is removed, as the cavity is filled with epithelial cells, but it does not grow together. The operation lasts about 10 minutes and does not cause further complications. After the procedure, sexual contact is prohibited until the catheter is removed and the operated area is completely healed. The main advantage of this method is the very low probability of relapse.

Cyst aspiration– is the simplest procedure that is performed when it is necessary to evacuate the contents of a cystic formation. During the procedure, a long needle is inserted into the center of the tumor, then the pathological secretion is pumped out with a syringe. Ultrasound monitoring is carried out throughout the operation. The pumped out fluid is sent for cytological examination to identify the cause of the pathology. This technique is mainly used during pregnancy, when other methods of surgical intervention are contraindicated. But after aspiration, the excretory duct is not completely restored, so in most cases, after some time, the cyst forms again.

To reduce the risk of postoperative complications, women are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as physical therapy.

Until the wound is completely healed, it is necessary to avoid sexual contact.

The most optimal method of surgical intervention is selected by the attending physician, after which approval must be carried out with the patient. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to use barrier contraceptives, maintain personal hygiene, completely cure inflammatory and infectious diseases, and regularly visit a gynecologist.

Patient reviews

Ekaterina, 27 years old

I recently had marsupialization done and am pleased with the results. The cyst was very large (8 cm). After the operation, I walked normally in the evening and was not bothered by pain. After discharge, it is important to strictly observe intimate hygiene (wash yourself every time after using the toilet). You also need to forget about sex for a month. But for the sake of health, you can be patient. It took only 5 days to fully recover after the operation; over time, you don’t even notice that the catheter is there.

Elena, 24 years old

I had the gland and cyst removed under general anesthesia. The operation lasted approximately an hour. We did it in the morning, and by evening I felt good. On the second day I walked calmly around the ward. After the operation, going to the toilet does not hurt, painkillers are given, and the wound does not hurt much. Despite the fact that the operation was performed free of charge, the doctors carefully stitched her up. If there are indications for surgery, it is better to do it right away than to suffer and spend money on all sorts of medications. You still have to go under the knife.

A cyst of the Bartholin gland (or the large gland of the vaginal vestibule) is a papule that occurs as a result of the accumulation of secretion released when the gland duct is blocked. The Bartholin gland is responsible for moisturizing the genital mucosa. The cyst appears as a swelling in the lower part of the labia majora.

Symptoms of a Bartholin gland cyst

The main symptoms of a cyst are:

  • Swelling at the base of the labia on one of them (there are two glands in total, one on each labia)
  • At the initial stage, the swelling does not give negative sensations and is not painful. However, in later stages the cyst may be painful on palpation
  • The cyst begins with a swelling that is not noticeable to the patient on its own, and then, if left untreated, can reach 10 cm in diameter

Causes of cysts

A Bartholin gland cyst occurs when the gland duct is blocked and secretions accumulate inside. Known reasons the occurrence of cysts are:

  • Chronic inflammation of the Bartholin gland (bartholinitis) caused by sexually transmitted infections of the genitourinary system (chlamydia, ureoplasmosis, candidiasis, trichomoniasis, etc.). Pathogenic microorganisms enter the gland ducts, causing inflammation and subsequent blockage of the duct.
  • Injuries to the gland duct during surgical or gynecological procedures.
  • Injury to the skin of the gland during intimate hygiene, tight underwear or sexual intercourse.

Bartholin gland cyst: complications

If Bartholin gland cysts are left untreated, complications may arise in the form of inflammation of the cyst, when the accumulated secretion begins to become inflamed. This inflammation is accompanied by an increase in temperature, painful sensations when pressing on the labia area, and intoxication of the body occurs. In some cases (when the cyst ruptures), inflammation can develop into an abscess of the Bartholin gland, with tissue necrosis and an open wound. Given the location close to the vaginal opening, cyst rupture and abscess formation are likely to be complicated by the spread of infection to other genitourinary organs.

Treatment of Bartholin gland cyst

If the cyst is small and there is no growth, treatment may not be carried out, except in cases where it causes cosmetic discomfort. However, if you notice the growth of a cyst and pain when pressing on it, then you need to consult a gynecologist.

Cyst treatment is done surgically. Simply opening the cyst and cleaning the contents is not a solution to this problem due to relapse. If the operation does not restore the gland duct, then relapse cannot be avoided. There are two main methods of treatment - marsupialization of the cyst and installation of a catheter.

Marsupialization of the cyst

At this method Treatment involves opening the cyst cavity, its sanitation and the subsequent formation of a duct from the walls of the cyst. The walls are suspended at the edges so that the duct does not become overgrown and there is a possibility of secretion outflow. This method is well tested and gives excellent results when the operation is performed by an experienced gynecologist. It allows you to restore the functioning of the gland, while eliminating the possibility of relapse.

Installation of word - catheter

This new method treatment, in which, after opening and treating the cyst cavity, a silicone catheter, which is a tube with a bag, is inserted into it. It prevents the cyst walls from fusing and blocking the duct. After three to four weeks, the cyst cavity becomes overgrown with epithelial cells and does not grow together, after which the catheter is removed. This method has also shown its effectiveness and the absence of complications.

How painful is surgery to remove a Bartholin gland cyst?

All treatment methods for Bartholin gland cysts are quite painful. The gynecologist-surgeon needs to thoroughly treat the cyst cavity and restore the gland duct. Therefore, the operation is performed under anesthesia, which makes it painless for the patient. Unpleasant sensations may also occur in the first one to two days after surgery.

Bartholin gland cyst during pregnancy

If you discover a cyst during pregnancy and it does not bother you, we recommend waiting until the end of your pregnancy and having surgery to remove it. However, if you experience pain and the cyst begins to grow, it is necessary to remove it. Inflammation can have Negative influence for the fruit. During pregnancy, gynecologists usually recommend removing the cyst immediately along with the gland, rather than reconstructing it. This is done to minimize the risk to the fetus when inflammation and relapse occur. When one gland is removed, the second can compensate for its functions.

Contraindications and the operation itself

Removing a cyst does not require special preparation. The main contraindications are the presence of diseases such as syphilis, hepatitis and HIV.

The operation itself takes about an hour of pure time, including preparation and anesthesia. The patient remains in the room for 2 hours after the operation to let the anesthesia wear off, after which he can leave the clinic on his own.

Where to do it in Moscow?

To treat a cyst of the large gland of the vaginal vestibule in Moscow, we suggest you use the services of our specialized center for operative gynecology at the Lama Clinic for the following reasons:

  1. The latest equipment and materials: In our center for operative gynecology at the Lama Clinic, we use only the latest equipment. Operations are carried out in a modern operating room, which fully meets all approved standards.
  2. Experienced doctors: Our center has already existed for more than 15 years. Gynecology is one of the main areas of the clinic. Our clinic employs experienced gynecologists, candidates and doctors of science. During this time, we have already treated thousands of patients and performed hundreds of successful operations.
  3. Removal of Bartholin gland cyst without pain: This procedure is usually performed under anesthesia, which is selected individually for each specific case. However, at the request of the patient, it can be performed under local anesthesia or without it.
  4. Transparency of work: Before treatment, the attending physician will fully tell you how the operation will take place, what will be done and what the expected result will be. You can find prices for treatment of Bartholin gland cysts and other services in the Price List.
  5. Save time: We value your time very much, so we will coordinate your appointment time with you in advance so that you do not have to wait. On average, an operation to remove a cyst takes about an hour, after which you will be in the clinic room for 2 hours, and then you can leave our clinic on your own, even while driving your own car.

Indications for surgical treatment of Bartholin's gland:

If inflammation of an already formed cyst has been detected at least once, it is recommended to approach the issue of treatment radically. As a rule, with a persistent cyst, the frequency of relapses of inflammation reaches 90% or more.

Enucleation is the removal of the entire cyst, often along with the gland itself. The surgeon tries to remove it without damaging the capsule. This way the likelihood of subsequent complications is an order of magnitude less.

It is important to understand: as long as the gland itself remains, there is a risk of cyst recurrence.

Enucleation of a cyst can be performed both in the acute period - at the time of inflammation of the formation, and in the “cold” period. The latter option is more preferable, as it is accompanied by fewer complications and is easier to tolerate for women. By enucleating a cyst without inflammation, you can remove the entire gland on one side, this is a 100% guarantee against relapse.

The essence of the operation for enucleating a cyst:

  1. Next, the tissue is dissected layer by layer. As soon as the cyst capsule becomes visible, the surgeon carefully walks around it from all sides, trying not to damage the tissue.
  2. Layer-by-layer suturing of tissues is carried out. To monitor healing, a catheter can be installed, blood and exudate are removed through it, which avoids complications and speeds up healing.

The time required for a woman to fully recover is at least a month. It is necessary to adhere to strict hygiene rules, carefully treat the wound, and avoid sexual contact. This is the only way to avoid recurrence of episodes of the disease.

Husking is one of the treatment options, but the rate of relapse of the pathology over the next 5 years reaches 80-90%.

Removing the Bartholin gland itself along with the cyst during enucleation is a way to get rid of the problem forever. However, such an operation is almost always accompanied by large blood loss, since there are a large number of choroid plexuses in this place.

  • Over time, women note that during intimacy they feel a certain discomfort: dryness, pain in the vulva and vagina. This is due to the fact that the Bartholin gland is normally responsible for the production of secretions. In its absence, you often have to use additional lubricants.

Puncture is an alternative to classical surgical treatment. It almost instantly leads to an improvement in well-being if carried out during an exacerbation. But a significant disadvantage of the procedure is that relapse of the pathology is inevitable. This is due to the fact that during puncture the surgeon removes the contents with a needle, which allows the clinical picture to be smoothed out for a while.

However, soon the former cavity of the cyst is filled with secretion, this leads to an increase in the size of the formation, and an infection can occur at any time.

Cyst puncture is a temporary measure for those who, due to circumstances, cannot currently be hospitalized in a hospital or receive other treatment. Execute in " cold period“It makes no sense, since the manipulation itself does not imply a cure.

If a woman does undergo a puncture, the wound must be carefully monitored in the future.- do dressings, apply ointments (for example, Vishnevsky), take antibiotics orally, perform sitz baths. All this will help delay the time of relapse.

In some cases, even in a hospital setting, a procedure similar to a puncture is performed - an incision in the cyst capsule and removal of the contents. However, if additional marsupialization is not performed or the cyst is not removed, the incision site will soon stick together, which will lead to re-inflammation.

The essence of marsupialization is to create such conditions after removing the contents of the cyst so that the cavity cannot turn into a complete cavity again and is not filled with secretions. The frequency of cyst recurrence after manipulation, if the technique is followed, is no more than 20%. The operation can be performed in both acute and cold periods. Stages of implementation:

  1. After determining the location of the cyst, an incision is made from the mucous membrane of the labia.
  2. The entire contents of the cyst are removed, and the cyst is carefully checked to see if there are any additional partitions inside it that may still contain pus or secretions.
  3. The walls of the incision are turned inside out and sewn with separate ligatures to the skin. This prevents the wound from collapsing, which means that the newly formed secretion can always come out without lingering and without provoking an exacerbation of the disease.
  4. The wound is being treated. In the future, careful observation is necessary for at least 5-7 days with regular dressing changes.

Marsupialization of Bartholin gland cyst

Marsupialization can be performed in a day hospital setting. Requires serious anesthesia (intravenous anesthesia). Recovery is at least a month.

With laser vaporization the frequency of cyst re-formation reaches 60%. The meaning of the procedure: using laser radiation, the cyst capsule is excised, along with part of the ducts. The gland itself remains intact, so there is a possibility of recurrence of the disease after some time. Advantages of the procedure:

  • Slight soreness. Laser radiation coagulates nerve endings, so the severity of pain is insignificant; the use of local anesthetics is sufficient.
  • No significant bleeding. Laser ray glues the walls of blood vessels together, thereby instantly stopping the incipient flow of blood.

Laser vaporization can be performed on an outpatient basis or in a day hospital; it requires about 15-20 minutes of time.

Laser vaporization is a fairly expensive procedure. The period of complete restoration of good health and removal of all restrictions is at least 2-3 weeks.

The latest development for the treatment of Bartholin gland cysts is the Word catheter. The manipulation is carried out under local or general anesthesia; it can be carried out in a day hospital. After completion, it is enough to observe the woman for 2 hours. Stages of implementation:

  1. Opening a cyst or an already formed abscess, removing all contents, the cavity is thoroughly washed with antiseptic solutions.
  2. A Word catheter is inserted into the cavity. At one of its ends, which plunges into the wound, there is a balloon that can be inflated. It is necessary to fix the catheter inside the cyst cavity. The other end remains outside. The system remains in this form for several weeks until complete healing. During this time, an artificial channel is formed, through which the secretion subsequently flows out.

At one of the follow-up examinations, the catheter is removed. The recurrence rate of pathology is less than 10% with careful adherence to the implementation procedure.

Advantages of using the Word catheter:

  • The iron itself remains intact, the quality intimate life women do not suffer.

Before the advent of the Word catheter, some doctors used piercing for the treatment of Bartholin gland cysts. In essence, the procedure is very similar, but has its own characteristics:

  • Piercing is performed only during the “cold” period, otherwise the wound will not heal or other complications will occur.
  • The cyst is simply pierced with an earring, an entrance and exit are formed, through which the secretion subsequently comes out, which prevents the formation of a cyst.

However, the holes after the piercing often become too small for the contents to drain out, which leads to relapse. If the earring is removed after some time, the holes will also epithelialize on their own.

Prevention of complications and relapse:

  • Follow all doctor's recommendations: treat sutures, apply ice to the wound if necessary, take additional antibiotics orally.
  • After removal, avoid sexual intercourse until complete healing. Otherwise, the formation of a secretion during arousal will lead to complications.

Read more in our article about removing a Bartholin gland cyst.

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Indications for removal (enucleation) of a Bartholin gland cyst

For a long time, the cyst may not bother you; you may not even be aware of it. In this case, there is rarely talk about its removal. A cyst (a round cavity filled with secretion) is formed most often against the background of constant inflammation of the gland ducts in women predisposed to this. Normally, it produces a secretion that moisturizes the entrance to the vagina.

Blockage of the ducts (adhesion, mechanical obstruction, etc.) leads to the accumulation of secretions, and the addition of inflammation is accompanied by a clear clinical picture: severe pain, increased body temperature, swelling of the tissue in this area.

Indications for surgical treatment are as follows:

  • regular inflammation of the cyst, including the formation of abscesses;
  • large size of the formation, in which it causes discomfort when walking, sexual intercourse;
  • if education bothers a woman from an aesthetic point of view;
  • if there are concomitant malignant diseases of the genital area.

If inflammation of an already formed cyst has been detected at least once, it is recommended to approach the treatment issue radically - remove it completely or use modern methods treatments. As a rule, with a persistent cyst, the frequency of relapses of inflammation reaches 90% or more.

Enucleation is the removal of the entire cyst, often along with the gland itself. Moreover, the surgeon tries to remove it without damaging the capsule. This way the likelihood of subsequent complications is an order of magnitude less.

It is important to understand that as long as the gland itself remains in place, there is a risk of cyst recurrence, its re-formation against the background of chronic inflammation.

The operation and its features

Enucleation of a cyst can be performed both in the acute period, that is, at the time of inflammation of the formation, and in the “cold” period. The latter option is more preferable, as it is accompanied by fewer complications and is easier to tolerate for women. By performing enucleation of the cyst without inflammation, it is possible to remove the entire gland on one side. This way you can avoid relapses 100%; in all other cases, the likelihood of their occurrence exists.

The essence of the operation for enucleating a cyst is as follows:

  • A skin incision is made above the place where the cyst is identified, but from the vestibule of the vagina.
  • Next, the tissue is dissected layer by layer, as soon as the cyst capsule becomes visible, the surgeon carefully walks around it from all sides, trying not to damage the tissue.
  • If necessary, the gland itself, which is small in size and located behind the cyst, is removed.
  • After all pathological elements are removed, layer-by-layer suturing of the tissue is performed. A catheter may be placed to monitor healing. Through it, blood and exudate are removed, which avoids complications and speeds up healing.

Enucleation of Bartholin gland cyst

The time for a woman to fully recover is at least a month. All this time it is necessary to adhere to strict hygiene rules, carefully treat the wound, and avoid sexual contact. This is the only way to avoid recurrence of episodes of the disease.

Pros and cons of husking

Removing the Bartholin gland for some time will lead to the disappearance of relapses of the disease; in some cases, the woman forgets about her problem forever. However, the presence of the gland itself leaves the possibility of its sudden inflammation or gradual formation. Thus, enucleation is one of the treatment options, but the frequency of relapses of the pathology over the next 5 years reaches 80-90%.

Removing the Bartholin gland itself along with the cyst during enucleation is a way to get rid of the problem forever. However, such an operation is almost always accompanied by large blood loss, since there are a large number of choroid plexuses in this place. In addition, a woman may subsequently experience certain inconveniences:

  • In the early postoperative period one has to deal with various kinds of complications. Most often these are hematomas that need to be additionally opened and drained (remove the contents).
  • Over time, women note that during intimacy they feel a certain discomfort: dryness, pain in the vulva and vagina. This is due to the fact that the Bartholin gland is normally responsible for the production of secretion, the action of which is aimed at moisturizing this area. In its absence, you often have to use additional lubricants.

Watch this video about what a Bartholin gland cyst is and methods of its treatment:

When can you get by with a puncture?

Puncture is an alternative to classical surgical treatment. Its main advantage is that it almost instantly leads to an improvement in well-being. If performed during an exacerbation, pain and swelling are significantly reduced, and body temperature decreases.

But a significant disadvantage of the procedure is the inevitability of relapse of the pathology. This is due to the fact that during puncture the surgeon removes the contents of the cyst with a needle, which allows the clinical picture to be smoothed out for a while. However, soon the former cavity of the cyst is filled with secretion, this leads to an increase in the size of the formation, and an infection can occur at any time.

Therefore, cyst puncture is rather a temporary measure for those who, due to circumstances, cannot currently be hospitalized in a hospital or receive other treatment. There is no point at all in performing a puncture during a “cold” period, since the manipulation itself does not initially imply a cure.

If a woman does undergo a puncture, in the future it is necessary to carefully monitor the wound: apply dressings, apply ointments (for example, Vishnevsky), take oral antibiotics, and perform sitz baths. All this will help delay the time of relapse.

In some cases, even in a hospital setting, a procedure similar to a puncture is performed - an incision is made in the cyst capsule, after which its contents, usually pus, are removed. However, if additional marsupialization is not performed or the cyst is not desquamated, the incision site will soon stick together, which will lead to a repeated episode of inflammation.

Marsupialization of Bartholin's gland

The essence of the procedure is to create such conditions after removing the contents of the cyst so that the cavity cannot turn into a complete cavity again and is not filled with secretions. And if there is no accumulation of fluid, there will be no substrate for inflammation and the formation of a neoplasm.

The rate of cyst recurrence after marsupialization, if the technique is followed, is no more than 20%. The operation can be performed in both acute and cold periods. The stages are as follows:

Marsupialization of the formation can be performed during a woman’s daytime stay. Requires serious anesthesia; as a rule, preference is given to intravenous anesthesia. In general, recovery takes at least a month.

Watch this video about marsupialization of a Bartholin gland cyst:

Laser vaporization

The frequency of cyst re-formation with this treatment reaches 60%. The meaning of laser vaporization is in many ways similar to the usual dissection of a cyst and removal of its contents. Using laser radiation, the cyst capsule is excised, along with part of the ducts. The gland itself remains intact, which is why there is a possibility of recurrence of the disease after some time. The undoubted advantages of the procedure are the following points:

Laser vaporization can be performed on an outpatient basis or as a day hospital. The whole procedure requires about 15-20 minutes of time.

Laser vaporization is a fairly expensive procedure. Medical centers often advertise their services under the motto “We’ll get rid of the disease quickly and painlessly!” However, it should be borne in mind that the period of complete restoration of good health and removal of all restrictions is at least 2-3 weeks.

Catheter Word - modern treatment

The latest development for the treatment of Bartholin gland cysts is the Word catheter. It is widely used in foreign countries, however, its use is not yet available everywhere in the post-Soviet space. The manipulation is carried out under local or general anesthesia; it can be carried out during a woman’s day stay in a medical facility. After completion, it is enough to observe the woman for 2 hours.

The stages are as follows:

  • The cyst or already formed abscess is opened, all contents are removed, and the cavity is thoroughly washed with antiseptic solutions.
  • A Word catheter is inserted into the cavity. At one of its ends, which plunges into the wound, there is a balloon that can be inflated. It is necessary to fix the catheter inside the cyst cavity. The second end remains outside and is fixed. The system remains in this form for several weeks until complete healing. During this time, an artificial channel is formed at this place, through which the secretion subsequently flows out.

At one of the follow-up examinations, the catheter is removed. After this, the woman can forget about such a problem as acute bartholinitis or a gland cyst. The recurrence rate of pathology is less than 10% with careful adherence to the procedure.

Thus, The main advantages of using the Word catheter are as follows:

  • The gland itself remains intact, and the quality of the woman’s subsequent intimate life does not suffer.
  • The procedure is quick and is not accompanied by serious complications (for example, hematomas, which often form when a cyst or gland is removed).
  • The likelihood of a cyst recurrence is extremely low and is mainly due to careless handling of the catheter, for example, when it falls out.

However, the holes after the piercing often become too small for the contents to drain out, which leads to relapse. If the earring is removed after some time, the holes will also epithelialize on their own.

Prevention of complications and relapse

Any treatment requires subsequent careful monitoring of the wound in order to avoid recurrence of the pathology in the future. The recommendations are as follows:

  • It is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations: treat the sutures, apply ice to the wound if necessary, and additionally take antibiotics orally.
  • After removal of a Bartholin gland cyst, you should avoid sexual intercourse until complete healing for approximately a month. Otherwise, the formation of a secretion during arousal will lead to complications.
  • You should wear loose-fitting panties made from natural fabrics.

For a long time, a Bartholin gland cyst can be asymptomatic, so many women do not dare to have it surgically removed. The addition of infection is accompanied by inflammation, in which case immediate surgical treatment is necessary. There are many options - from opening and removing the contents of the cyst to complete excision of the gland itself.

The most effective is the use of a Word catheter. The risk of relapse of the pathology in this case is not higher than 10%, while the gland itself remains intact, and the woman does not experience any inconvenience in the future.

Useful video

Watch this video about how a Bartholin gland cyst is treated with a Word catheter:

Surgery for bartholinitis is an extreme measure that women take, because the disease affects the most intimate place. And surgery to remove tumors in the genital area always implies fear, shame, risk and special discomfort during rehabilitation. Why does a cyst develop with bartholinitis? How to recognize the disease on early stage so as not to lead to surgery? And how difficult is surgical treatment?

Causes of bartholinitis

Let's start with a brief anatomical excursion. Bartholin's glands are located in the vestibule of the vagina. Their main function is to produce a secretion that is secreted during sexual intercourse for lubrication and to create a special microflora that protects against certain types of bacteria. The glands are named after the Danish anatomist Caspar Bartholin, who first described this paired organ in the 17th century.

Inflammation of the glands creates ideal conditions for the unhindered penetration of microbes into the vagina. The woman begins to feel dryness, turning into itching. Convulsive scratching injures the delicate skin of the genitals, which only worsens the situation, contributing to the progression of the inflammatory process.

Possible causes of bartholinitis (or disruption of the Bartholin glands):

  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • insufficient genital hygiene;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • wearing tight or synthetic underwear;
  • sexual intercourse during menstruation;
  • surgeries on the genitourinary organs, incl. abortions;
  • local microtraumas (scratches, cracks, tears).

Indirect or enhancing factors that increase the risk of developing bartholinitis include: hypothermia, stress, weakened immunity due to chronic or acute diseases.

Types and symptoms

Symptoms of bartholinitis can be divided into general and specific (local). General signs include all signs of intoxication: heat, chills, headache, lack of appetite. Blood tests show an increase in the number of leukocytes and the ESR parameter.


Fever is an indicator that bartholinitis is developing in an acute form. It is not difficult to confuse the disease with ARVI or any infection, because there are also local symptoms. This is a swelling in the labia majora area. A cyst with bartholinitis has a rich red color and is painful when pressed. In some cases, the size of the lump is so large that it becomes uncomfortable and painful for the woman to sit. Sometimes acute bartholinitis is also manifested by enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area.

By the way! Swelling of the Bartholin glands indicates the accumulation of purulent contents in them, which causes intoxication. You should not allow accidental (and, especially, deliberate!) opening of the abscess, because there is a risk of transferring the infection to nearby organs.


The acute form of bartholinitis can sometimes be treated conservatively (with antibiotics in the form of tablets and injections). If you miss the moment, the disease will become chronic and will often recur. Chronic bartholinitis is treated only with surgery.

Women suffering from chronic bartholinitis experience pain and burning during almost every sexual intercourse. And each time the immunity decreases, the disease manifests itself more clearly, causing symptoms of general intoxication and increased swelling. And it is unknown when a relapse can become critical: sometimes a cyst with bartholinitis becomes inflamed and swells so much that it becomes difficult and painful for a woman to urinate.

There is another type of bartholinitis - canaliculitis. Although, rather, this is one of the forms of the disease, meaning the very first stage.

Canaliculitis is suppuration of the excretory ducts of the Bartholin glands, which are located between the entrance to the vagina and the labia minora.

The inflammation looks like a pimple through which pus is initially released. Then the duct is completely clogged, and purulent masses accumulate in the gland. This is how a swelling forms, which partially blocks the entrance to the vagina.


To remove chronic bartholinitis surgically, it is necessary to wait until the calming phase begins and the main symptoms pass. This will reduce the risks, and it will be easier for the woman to get ready for surgery.

There are two ways to operate bartholinitis: marsupialization and extirpation. Regardless of the method shown, the patient first undergoes a number of tests and undergoes examinations: blood, urine, smear for microflora, ECG, coagulography, fluorography, cytography.


It involves the creation of a temporary artificial excretory duct while a new one is formed. Installation of a catheter is a full-fledged operation that is performed under general anesthesia. In exceptional cases, the patient is given local anesthesia.

The operation to install an artificial duct begins with the opening of purulent bartholinitis. An incision is made in the cyst, through which the cavity is washed out of pus. Then a catheter with a ball at the end is inserted there so that the installation is better secured. The surgical field is treated with antiseptics. Marsupialization is complete. The woman will walk with a catheter for about 1.5 months.


Or removal of the Bartholin gland. An operation that is performed only as a last resort, when marsupialization does not help (bartholinitis recurs). This is a rather complex intervention associated with severe bleeding, because the upper end of the gland approaches the accumulation large quantity veins

In case of bartholinitis, the cyst is removed along with the affected gland in parts to prevent sudden and severe blood loss. The operation is performed only under general anesthesia. Upon completion, stitches are applied, and the patient remains in the hospital for 7-10 days.

Features of the rehabilitation period

Marsupialization does not require any special procedures or medications. The woman will only need to refuse intimate contacts so that the installation does not fall out. It is also recommended to protect your body from colds to prevent re-inflammation of the Bartholin gland.

After extirpation for bartholinitis, treatment will be required for the recovery period. It involves a course of antibiotics and other medications aimed at preventing inflammation in the near future of rehabilitation. The woman is also prescribed applications with medicinal ointments and physiotherapeutic sessions (UHF, magnets). This will help soothe pain and tugging in the vaginal area and prevent the wound from becoming infected.

Intimate life after surgery to remove purulent bartholinitis is allowed no earlier than a month later. Some patients have to increase the period of abstinence due to problems with wound healing.

By the way! If a woman has undergone extirpation, she will begin to have problems with the release of lubrication during sexual intercourse: it will not be enough. Therefore, you need to consult a gynecologist and choose the safest lubricant.

How to prevent bartholinitis

Women who have already encountered this disease and got rid of it, be sure to follow the rules of prevention, because they do not want this nightmare to happen again. After all, a cyst with bartholinitis sometimes grows to incredible sizes, preventing you from sitting or even closing your legs. Plus constant severe pain and the inability to have sex. Those who have not encountered bartholinitis should understand the complexity of treating this disease and take into account the tips listed below.

  1. Wash yourself at least once a day (preferably twice: morning and evening). You should also shower after each bowel movement. Moreover, the stream of water should be directed from front to back so that fecal particles do not fall on the vagina.
  2. It is advisable to wash yourself with warm boiled water and a hygiene product purchased at the pharmacy.
  3. If possible, monitor the personal hygiene of your sexual partner.
  4. For casual intimate contact, use condoms.
  5. Wear loose underwear made of breathable materials.
  6. Do not use panty liners unless necessary (unless your natural flow is heavy). Or at least don't wear them at home.
  7. Visit a gynecologist every six months.

No matter how scary and embarrassing it may be, you need to consult a doctor if there are any changes in the female part. Strange discharge, smell, itching - all this could be the beginning of bartholinitis or another sore, which can be cured without surgery only at an early stage. It is better to prevent the spread of the disease. And under no circumstances resort to self-medication, especially if we are talking about a cyst in an intimate place.

In this article we will look at how a Bartholin gland cyst is removed.

This is a pathological phenomenon that is often found in gynecology and is diagnosed mainly in women of reproductive age who lead an active sexual life. With any infectious and inflammatory processes, the excretory duct of this gland becomes blocked. Liquid begins to accumulate in the cavity, the labia swell, and a small round formation develops in them. If its size is small, it, as a rule, does not cause the patient much discomfort, but if the tumor increases and is complicated by suppuration, surgical intervention is necessary to remove the Bartholin gland cyst. The woman is offered marsupialization, extirpation or enucleation of the tumor.

When is surgery necessary?

If the tumor is small (no more than 2.5 centimeters), then surgical intervention is not necessary. In this situation, the patient should be constantly monitored by a gynecologist, who uses ultrasound to monitor the development of the disease. In some situations, the cyst can resolve on its own without pharmacological action. However, cystic neoplasms that have reached large sizes are always removed surgically. It is pointless to hope that a tumor measuring 7-10 cm will resolve.

Drug therapy is mandatory if, during diagnosis, the patient is found to have:

  • fungal and sexually transmitted infections;
  • E. coli infection;
  • other inflammatory and infectious pathologies.

After identifying the causative agent of the disease, the gynecologist must prescribe appropriate medications. Basically, broad-spectrum antibiotics and antimicrobial agents are used to prevent the development of a purulent inflammatory process. Local treatment is also carried out using disinfectant solutions and antiseptic ointments.

Large cyst

Surgical intervention is necessary in cases where the size of the cystic formation has greatly increased, since a large tumor prevents the patient from leading a normal lifestyle. With frequent exacerbations of this pathology, the cyst is removed regardless of the size of the benign neoplasm. Surgical treatment is carried out in various ways, depending on the degree and form of the pathological process, the presence of complications and the general well-being of the patient.

In what cases is removal of a Bartholin gland cyst indicated?

Indications for surgery

Main indications for surgical intervention:

  • acute or recurrent abscesses;
  • rapid tumor development;
  • in inflammatory purulent processes;
  • non-healing fistulas after self-resolution of the abscess;
  • pain and discomfort.

Burst cyst

When a cyst bursts, the pathological process is accompanied by unbearable pain. With such symptoms, emergency removal of the Bartholin glands is performed, after which the patient is prescribed antibacterial therapy. Such manipulations are performed under general anesthesia. With the complete removal of this organ, different consequences are possible.

How is a Bartholin gland cyst removed?

First of all, surgical intervention is indicated for purulent inflammatory processes. The specialist may prescribe antibacterial therapy. In some cases, such a therapeutic regimen allows non-surgical elimination of the manifestations of the inflammatory process of the excretory duct, as well as restoration of its patency.

Classical opening of a benign tumor and cleaning with disinfectant medications is not always effective method, since in many cases women experience relapses. Various infections enter a woman’s body through the genital tract. If the excretory ducts of the gland are not restored, then Negative consequences inevitable. After surgical procedures, physiotherapy and immunostimulating therapy are necessarily prescribed.

Complete removal of the gland

Extirpation of the gland is the most radical type of surgical treatment.

Surgery to remove a gland cyst is prescribed if other types of therapeutic interventions do not produce positive dynamics. With the help of extirpation, you can forget about this problem once and for all. However, after the operation, a significant decrease in the quality of sexual life is possible: dryness of the vaginal mucosa due to the poor functioning of the only gland, which entails unpleasant sensations and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

In addition, the suture may be bothersome after removal of a Bartholin gland cyst.

After removal of the cyst, a large scar remains in the surgical area, and a fistula or hematoma may occur. Damage to the venous walls during manipulation is fraught with the development of bleeding. Removal is carried out under general anesthesia, so operations are performed only on women who can tolerate anesthesia well. Hospitalization in a medical facility lasts approximately a week; if complications occur, the postoperative period can last up to a month. Considering the above consequences, the Bartholin gland should be completely removed only in severe cases with regular relapses of the pathological process.

In chronic form

In the chronic form of the disease, relapses often occur, and independent and secondary infections can occur. Opening of the formation should be carried out only in a hospital setting, where proper antiseptic treatment, cleansing of the cavity from purulent contents, and proper wound care are carried out.

It is not possible to completely empty the cavity of pus at home. And when an infection enters the blood, sepsis can develop, which, without timely medical assistance, can provoke the death of the patient. The most popular is laser removal of Bartholin gland cysts.

Gentle methods of surgical treatment

There are several methods of surgical treatment of cysts, which are aimed not only at opening the formation and removing pathological secretions, but also at developing a new excretory duct. The main methods of performing surgery to remove a Bartholin gland cyst can be as follows:

Postoperative period and recovery

After removal of a Bartholin gland cyst, the postoperative period proceeds differently for everyone.

To reduce the likelihood of postoperative complications, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. medications, as well as physiotherapy. Until the wound heals, you must abstain from sexual intercourse.

Recovery after removal of a Bartholin gland cyst is usually quick.

If the gland is completely removed, the postoperative period is prolonged for a long time. Severe hematomas and swelling appear in the vulva area, which disappear very slowly.

Recovery after removal of the Bartholin gland, as in the case of cyst excision, is associated with the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms that caused the pathology. Antibiotics are prescribed to achieve the following goals:

  • reducing the risk of infection spreading throughout the body (for example, women with immunodeficiency or pregnant patients);
  • elimination of symptoms of systemic infection (heat, fever);
  • fight against pathogens of gonorrhea, chlamydia, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, discovered during the study of pus from a cyst.

The most appropriate method of surgical treatment is selected by the treating specialist, after which consultation with the patient is carried out.


For preventive purposes, women need to use barrier contraceptives and observe personal hygiene rules, including during and after intimate relationships, fully treat inflammatory and infectious diseases, visit gynecologists every six months. In addition, young girls and women of reproductive age need to ensure that their feet are always warm and avoid hypothermia, which is the most common cause of this disease. What happens after surgery to remove a Bartholin gland cyst? Below are reviews from women who have undergone surgery.

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