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Every woman needs time for her body to recover after childbirth. And, of course, every young mother is interested in the question, how soon will this happen? Gynecologist Vera Makarova told us which organs are subject to changes, how long it takes for all functions to return to normal and what precautions must be taken.

“After childbirth, a woman goes through a period of so-called involution, when all the organs that were displaced by the fetus return to their normal position,” says Vera. - As a rule, this period lasts 6-8 weeks. The exception is the mammary glands, since lactation takes a longer period of time.”


After the separation of the placenta, which occurs during childbirth, the uterus becomes round and shrinks to 1 kg. After a week, her weight is already 500 g, and after 1-1.5 months it completely returns to its previous size - 50 g. During this period, a woman may feel aching pain in the lower abdomen, especially during breastfeeding, as it causes contractions of the uterus.

As for the cervix, after the first birth it never again acquires its previous conical shape. True, only a gynecologist can notice this.

Uterine massage:

  • Lie on your back, relax your stomach
  • Feel the fundus of the uterus (its uppermost part after childbirth - just below the navel)
  • Gently “move” the uterus upward, from the borders to the center
  • You should try to massage as gently as possible.

Menstrual cycle

During the postpartum period, a woman’s body develops bloody issues, lochia, which is much more abundant than the usual menstruation. As they recover, they change color and gradually become transparent, and by the sixth week they have the same appearance as the discharge before pregnancy.

At this time, you should especially carefully observe intimate hygiene. It is recommended to use special postpartum pads, the size of which is adapted to contain lochia. They need to be changed every two hours.

As a rule, the menstrual cycle in women who breastfeed is completely restored 6 months after childbirth. If a woman refuses breastfeeding, then the cycle will return in 1.5 months. There are exceptions: for some, during breastfeeding, the cycle is restored within a month after birth, while for others, menstruation does not begin throughout breastfeeding.


Breasts undergo dramatic changes during and after pregnancy as they prepare to produce milk. It is worth noting that in the first few days after birth, milk as such is not secreted; instead, a unique substance, colostrum, appears, which protects the child’s body from bacteria and prepares his digestive system for milk. Colostrum is thicker than milk and has a yellow tint. Milk begins to flow in the first week after birth, in response to the baby's sucking movements.

The cardiovascular system

In the first weeks after childbirth, the female body releases a large number of platelets - blood cells that promote blood clotting. This happens because the body loses a lot of blood during and after childbirth. During this period, you need to periodically take tests and consult with your doctor to avoid thromboembolism, a complication caused by the formation of blood clots. This is especially true for women who have had a caesarean section.

Genitourinary system

Surprisingly, but true: in the first days after childbirth, a woman practically does not feel the need to urinate, because the tone Bladder decreases significantly and takes time to recover. At the same time, doctors recommend visiting the toilet every two hours, even if there is no such need. More infrequent visits are fraught with overfilling of the bladder, which, in turn, adversely affects the contraction of the uterus.

Complete healing of the vagina occurs 6-8 weeks after birth. Having passed this stage, you can resume your intimate life. However, if there were individual complications, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Tell us, what helped you recover after childbirth?


Recovery after childbirth is no less serious than pregnancy, preparation for childbirth and childbirth itself. Everything depends on the successful restoration of the female body - the health of the baby, the health of the mother, the opportunity to give birth again, and even peace and harmony in the family.

Childbirth, even if it is the second (and subsequent ones), inevitably has a strong impact on both the physiological and psychological state of the woman. And successful recovery after childbirth is only possible with a whole range of measures. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors.

During the first few days after birth, the following symptoms are most often observed:

  • bloody discharge from the genitals;
  • pain during contractions of the uterus, which indicate the return of the organ to its previous shape and size;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • difficulties with the administration of natural needs.

The first days after childbirth

Postpartum recovery of a woman’s body during the first weeks is accompanied by bloody discharge from the genitals, which strongly resembles menstruation. They are completely normal. Doctors call them the term "". Restoration of the cervix and the uterus itself after childbirth cannot be painless.

The main external difference between lochia and normal bleeding during menstruation is that lochia is observed for several weeks, and sometimes more. This uterine discharge begins immediately after childbirth. During the first 2-3 days they are very abundant; during one day a woman has to change 5-6 special pads.

What changes occur in the mammary glands? During the first few days, the breast secretes large quantities Colostrum is the very first type of mother's milk, very healthy in its composition. A newborn baby needs at least a few drops of this invaluable substance.

After about 3 days, the breasts fill with regular milk. With the beginning of lactation (regular breastfeeding (BF)), the mammary glands become more sensitive.

The mother and her child receive all first aid in the maternity hospital. If the body’s recovery after childbirth proceeds normally and without deviations, then after 3-4 days in the case of natural childbirth (and approximately 7-10 days after caesarean section) mother and baby are discharged from the maternity hospital.

Postpartum period from 4th to 14th day

If during a gynecological examination 2 months after birth, the doctor does not find any abnormalities, he may allow the woman to have intimacy with the man. In this case, the doctor must give his recommendations regarding the choice of contraception, as well as recommend drugs to improve the quality of sexual intercourse, if necessary. For example, if there is dryness, the use of lubricants may be recommended. These drugs are considered absolutely harmless.

It happens that during the first intimate contacts after childbirth, a woman experiences severe discomfort. At this time, a sensitive, gentle, loving and caring attitude on the part of the partner is very important. In more detail, how to restore libido and restore sexual desire after childbirth in ours.

They say that pregnancy and childbirth are not a disease, and after childbirth a woman becomes younger. But most women feel as if this statement is completely wrong. Sores appear that we had never even heard of before, and according to internal sensations, the age of the mother who gave birth is about 50 years old. So, how does pregnancy affect the body, how long does it take to recover, and how to help yourself in the postpartum period in order to feel again? feeling young and healthy?

Consequences of pregnancy and childbirth

To understand how to recover after childbirth, you need to understand the reasons that slow down this process. In addition to the well-known consequences of “youthful” pregnancy during the period of recovery of the body after childbirth - vitamin deficiency and mineral deficiency, anemia, almost dead immunity, the following abnormalities may appear: uterine bleeding, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, inflammatory diseases pelvic organs and systems, urinary and fecal incontinence, migraines, sleep disorders, nervous or mental disorders, decreased libido, lactostasis and mastitis and many, many others.

Hypo- and vitamin deficiency after childbirth

Since vitamin deficiency - the absence of any vitamins and hypovitaminosis - their partial lack is closely related to the weakening of the body’s defenses and the deterioration of general well-being after childbirth, it is worth considering them in more detail. During pregnancy and during the period of postpartum recovery of the body, especially during breastfeeding, there is an increased consumption of vitamins associated with hormonal changes and the need for more building material for the growth and development of the child. With a nutritious, balanced diet, vitamin deficiency does not occur.

But many nursing mothers often cannot provide such adequate nutrition due to undesirable consequences for the nursing child - intestinal colic and allergies. Therefore, hypo- and vitamin deficiency during the period of postpartum recovery is found everywhere. Signs that may indicate vitamin deficiency are the following:

  • dry and pale, flaky and cracking skin;
  • bleeding gums;
  • long-term non-healing cracks in the corners of the lips - so-called jams;
  • frequent colds and exacerbation of existing chronic ones;
  • apathy, lethargy, fatigue.

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The first visible manifestations of vitamin deficiency are deterioration of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, nails, teeth and hair. After all, a lack of vitamins affects the body by causing tissue fragility in the literal sense and increasing their sensitivity to adverse effects.

In order to diagnose the deficiency or absence of any vitamin, doctors usually rely only on the symptomatic picture. This approach is unjustified, since hypo- and avitaminosis can be disguised as various diseases, and you can begin to treat what is not there. In the worst case, such vitamin therapy threatens hypervitaminosis, when an excess of a vitamin in the body has the same negative impact on health as its deficiency.

Testing for vitamin deficiency is a lengthy and expensive procedure. But having undergone a full examination, we can confidently say what is the reason for the difficult recovery of the body after childbirth and carry out adequate treatment for hypo- or vitamin deficiency. Before you start taking vitamins and minerals, it is necessary to establish normal functioning of the intestines and eliminate the phenomena of dysbiosis for their good absorption. In addition, some vitamins are synthesized by intestinal microflora, and perhaps constipation and diarrhea are one of the causes of vitamin deficiency.

Weakened immunity

Another reason for delayed recovery after childbirth is weakened immunity. An organism that, before pregnancy, successfully drives away “strangers” even unnoticed by expectant mother, becomes defenseless against various bacteria, viruses and fungi after childbirth. These pests begin to attack from all sides - both from the outside and from the inside - having previously lived safely in the body and without causing it any worries. Frequent and varied inflammatory diseases occur. Why is this happening?

During pregnancy, a decrease in natural defenses is programmed so that the mother’s body does not reject the fetus growing inside, which is essentially a 50% genetically foreign organism. This ensures the possibility of bearing a child. After childbirth, the immune system, already weakened by pregnancy, begins to work for two. Through breast milk, the baby receives the mother's immune cells, which it needs to survive in a new world infested with hostile microorganisms.

In addition to adequate intake of nutrients, microelements and vitamins from food, physical exercise, hardening and good mood strengthen the body’s defenses.

Hardening with a contrast shower also has a beneficial effect on the skin of enlarged breasts and helps to avoid stretch marks that occur during breastfeeding.

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Weakening muscle tone

If during pregnancy you did not do exercises for pregnant women and led a sedentary lifestyle, then restoring your body to its previous physical shape after childbirth will not be an easy task. After childbirth, the muscles most in need of restoration are the pelvic floor, abdomen, and back, which have experienced maximum stress and strain from pregnancy and childbirth.

Exercises for training the pelvic floor muscles can be started the very next day after childbirth, provided that the birth took place without tears or incisions. A cesarean section is not an absolute contraindication for performing them, and a set of exercises with minor restrictions can also be started on the second day after birth. Gymnastics for postpartum restoration of “intimate” muscles are called “Kegel exercises” after their creator, the American gynecologist Alfred Kegel. The original purpose of the exercises was to solve problems with urinary incontinence in women. Subsequently, such training showed strengthening the tone of all pelvic floor muscles and improving blood supply and circulation of the pelvic organs, which has a positive effect on the dynamics of recovery after childbirth.

How long should I wait to start intimate gymnastics exercises if I have stitches? They can be performed with caution only after complete healing of ruptures and incisions - usually this lasts as long as the recovery period of the uterus - 6-8 weeks after birth.

If there are no contraindications, then with the end of postpartum discharge, it is time to begin restoring the abdominal muscles that are severely stretched and have ceased to cope normally with the function of supporting the abdominal organs.

also in emergency assistance Stretched back muscles also need physical exercise. During pregnancy, they also suffered - they had to adapt to maintaining the body in balance in the conditions of the changed anatomy of the spine, chest and pelvis. Plus the increased load in the form of lifting, lowering and carrying a newborn in your arms. All these factors cause pain in the new mother’s back and spine.

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How long does it take for the body to return to normal after childbirth?

Full recovery of the body can take years. It depends on how long the mother plans to breastfeed her baby. Nowadays, for the sake of the child’s health, mothers are ready to feed for two years or more. Throughout breastfeeding, the hormonal balance differs from what it was before pregnancy and it is too early to talk about complete restoration of the body. After stopping breastfeeding, everything returns to normal within another six months. It happens that long-term lactation has a bad effect on a woman’s health, and in this case it is worth thinking not only about the needs of the child.

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The birth of a child, despite all the touchingness of the event, is a serious test for the female body. Although young mothers are discharged from the maternity hospital after 2-3 days, if there are no serious complications, and some even 24 hours after birth, the recovery process itself lasts much longer.

website I decided to figure out what changes I was experiencing female body during childbirth and how much time is actually needed for its complete recovery.


During pregnancy, subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area, which protects the baby from external influences, can increase significantly. This is facilitated by hormonal changes and poor nutrition future mother. Therefore, the condition of the abdomen in the postpartum period depends on how many extra pounds the woman gained during pregnancy.

After childbirth, the abdominal muscles contract only after 6-8 weeks; after a cesarean section, they return to normal somewhat later due to the postoperative suture. If there is no diastasis (divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles) requiring medical intervention, then the mother can start doing it 1.5-2 months after giving birth and gradually put her figure in order. If you don't neglect physical activity, then the abdominal muscles are completely restored within 1-2 years.


During lactation, the breasts become larger due to the increase in lobules stretched by milk. Ligaments and muscles cannot, as before pregnancy, support breast tissue, the weight of which increases 2-3 times in the postpartum period. Against this background, breast sagging may occur - ptosis. The nipples and areolas also enlarge, their color becomes darker, the skin on the chest becomes thinner, its shade may become bluish, transparent, and a network of blood vessels can be seen. The more milk, the heavier the breasts, and in order to cope with the increased load, the breasts need some support and care.

The younger the new mother, the more elastic the tissues, and the more trained the pectoral muscles were before pregnancy, the more faster chest will recover after lactation. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to restore the original “girlish” shape and elasticity of the skin. But if you don’t let the process take its course from the very beginning, you can achieve very good results.

Helps maintain breast beauty and skin elasticity proper nutrition, taking vitamins A, B, C, gentle manual massage of the mammary glands, comfortable supportive underwear and, of course, exercises, which we have already written about and.

Musculoskeletal system

During pregnancy musculoskeletal system Women experience increased stress, the body produces the hormone relaxin, which is responsible for the elasticity of the spinal ligaments and muscles. This load leads to changes in the spine and joints lower limbs, pelvic bones, back muscles. The center of gravity changes during this period, the spine shifts, which causes pain. After childbirth, there is also a sharp decrease in the level of progesterone and estrogen, due to which the metabolic rate decreases. This entails an increase in adipose tissue.

The recovery period of the musculoskeletal system after childbirth occurs gradually and takes 3-4 months. During this time, pain in the joints, aching bones, and muscle cramps may appear. Wearing a postpartum bandage helps to cope with pain in the lumbar region, as well as special exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles. The above changes in a woman can disappear without a trace only if she initially did not have dysfunction in the musculoskeletal system. But, alas, modern girls Even since school, deviations from the norm have been observed, such as scoliosis, flat feet, etc.


During pregnancy and after childbirth, the uterus undergoes numerous changes. Its weight in a nulliparous woman normally ranges from 40 to 60 grams, in a woman who has given birth it reaches about 80 grams. But immediately after the birth of a child, the weight of the uterus is about 1 kg. Such changes are a consequence of muscle hypertrophy that occurs during pregnancy. The fundus of the uterus is located approximately at the level of the navel and in the first days after birth the young mother looks as if she has not yet given birth.

After separation of the placenta and birth of the placenta, the uterus is a wound surface that is restored by the 9th or 10th day. The first 3−7 days there is a strong uterine bleeding, which gradually decreases, and then until 6-8 weeks after birth there is spotting - lochia. If the uterus contracts normally, then after 10 days its weight is reduced by half. 1.5−2 months after birth, the uterus is finally restored and returns to its normal weight- 50−80 grams.


The cervix also undergoes changes. Immediately after birth, it is open by 10-12 cm; by the 10th day after the birth of the baby, the cervix is ​​completely closed, and by the 21st day the external os is closed. After childbirth, the cervix forever changes its shape, becoming not conical, but cylindrical, and the external pharynx becomes slit-like.

This is a gynecological feature that is inherent in all women who have given birth and is visible only to a gynecologist. After a caesarean section, of course, there are no such changes. 3 months after birth, the cervix functions as before.

Menstrual function

The process of restoring menstrual function in a woman who has given birth is influenced by many factors. This includes how the pregnancy proceeded, complications during childbirth, the age of the woman in labor, proper and complete nutrition, the presence of any chronic diseases, adherence to sleep and rest patterns, and many other factors.

As a rule, in non-breastfeeding mothers, as well as in some breastfeeding mothers, the first menstruation (not lochia) occurs 6-8 weeks after the birth of the child, unless there are significant deviations. In women who breastfeed, the cycle may not be restored until the end of breastfeeding. This is associated with the lactation process and is not the norm or pathology, recovery time menstrual cycle individual for each woman.

During feeding, the hormone prolactin is produced, which stimulates milk production in a young mother, and the same hormone suppresses the formation of hormones in the ovaries, egg maturation and ovulation. Ovulation, like the cycle, resumes after breastfeeding stops, but this does not guarantee that pregnancy cannot occur during this period.


The vagina is a muscular organ that also experiences a number of changes during childbirth. Muscles stretch, elasticity and tone are lost. But this is a completely normal process in this situation. Many women are concerned about this moment; they worry that the size of the vagina will now be much larger than before childbirth, and this will negatively affect the quality intimate life. In fact, there is no reason to worry; the vagina loses its shape only temporarily.

Within 3-4 days after birth, swelling disappears; after a couple of weeks, if there were no serious injuries or damage, abrasions and cracks will heal, and the vaginal walls will again acquire a natural pale pink tint. Only the relief of the walls will change forever - in all women who have given birth it is smoothed, while in those who have not given birth it is more pronounced. This is what creates the illusion of an increase in size of the vagina.

The recovery time for the vagina after childbirth is very conditional, on average 6-8 weeks. This process depends on possible complications, individual characteristics of the organism. In any case, during the recovery period you need to refrain from intimacy so that the wounded surface of the uterus heals and does not become infected. Special Kegel exercises will help you get your vaginal muscles in shape faster: squeeze and then relax your pelvic floor muscles 15–20 times, and so on 5 times a day.

During the postpartum period, young mothers often exhibit emotional lability: attacks of causeless anxiety, fatigue, and sudden mood changes may occur. A woman experiences enormous psychological stress, constantly worries about the health and proper development of her child, lacks sleep, and constant fatigue leads to decreased psychomotor reactions.

In some, more severe cases, depression may develop. The reason for such a depressive state may be the young mother’s feeling of guilt towards her newborn baby due to lack of time, and the subconscious belief that it is the child who is the cause of the woman’s temporary insolvency, etc. In such a situation, the help of specialists is necessary, at least a consultation with a psychotherapist so that the mother can overcome this problem as quickly as possible and enjoy motherhood.

In general, a woman who has just become a mother really needs the help of family and friends, their understanding and support, regular walks fresh air, complete, balanced diet taking into account breastfeeding of the child.

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