Which product has more energy? Products for energy. Turkey for vigor and concentration

Do you experience an irresistible feeling of fatigue, drowsiness and loss of energy by lunchtime, or even worse, immediately after waking up? You clearly lack energy. In order to get it, it is not at all necessary to drink the nth cup of coffee or resort to energy drinks. It is much wiser to reconsider your diet and remove from it foods that steal vitality and vigor, and add those that give them.

Life energy: from where and where?

Traditionally, the human body is filled with energy thanks to the proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in food. Ideally, a person should adhere to the advice of nutritionists regarding their ratio in daily menu. Then he will feel active and cheerful throughout the day. But the difficulty is that people of different professions need different quantities energy, and overeating is fraught with obesity. Therefore, most often you can help yourself without harming yourself only by introducing energy products into your diet.

Why is it difficult to live without them? Crazy rhythm modern life, the desire to succeed everywhere, as well as physical exercise, for example, when visiting the gym, stimulate the production of hormones, including those associated with digestive processes. As a result, the latter work at full capacity, while the brain and nervous system are working at their last strength. Simply because they do not receive enough nutrients that improve their activity. And instead of a feeling of satisfaction and a desire to conquer new heights, they only give a person the desire to fall asleep as soon as possible.

What substances enrich the body with energy?

  • Complex carbohydrates - they contain glucose, without which the brain and nervous system cannot work fully. You can compensate for the lack of complex carbohydrates in the body by eating cereals, legumes, whole grain bread and greens.
  • Protein – it gives not only energy, but also a long-lasting feeling of fullness, thanks to which a person will not get carried away with snacking. Moreover, not all of them are equally useful. Protein sources include meat, fish products, legumes and nuts.
  • Magnesium. According to US nutritionist Samantha Heller, “this mineral is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions that occur in the body, including the process of converting glucose into energy.” It is found mainly in nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, grains and fish, especially halibut.
  • Iron . The number of red blood cells that carry oxygen depends on it. Their deficiency, which in medicine is called “anemia,” may in fact indicate a lack of oxygen in the body and, as a result, rapid fatigue. You can replenish iron deficiency by adding meat products, green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains to your diet.
  • Selenium is a powerful antioxidant, the level of which affects not only energy levels, but also a person’s mood. It is found in seafood, nuts, meat and grains.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are antioxidants found in fish.
  • Cellulose . Like protein, it gives a feeling of fullness and also normalizes blood sugar levels. Traditional sources of fiber include vegetables, fruits and grains.
  • Vitamin C . It is an antioxidant, which also promotes the absorption of iron and is present in citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, etc.

Top 13 energy products

Nuts. In fact, any will do, but nutritionists strongly recommend consuming walnuts and almonds in moments of fatigue. The first contains protein, iron, zinc, potassium, and the second also contains vitamin E, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which improve brain function.

Water. A person is 70% water, which means that fluid loss inevitably affects his well-being. Moreover, the water takes Active participation in most processes that occur in the body. Often a person confuses the feeling of thirst with the feeling of hunger, experiences a loss of strength, eats a long-awaited sandwich and... does not feel the desired result. Simply because at that moment his body required a glass of cool water.

Oatmeal is a source of vitamin B, fiber and complex carbohydrates. It charges the body with energy and increases its resistance to stress. You can enhance the effect of its use by seasoning it with yogurt. This is explained by the fact that protein in combination with complex carbohydrates gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

Bananas - they contain potassium, which affects the functioning of nerve and muscle cells. Due to the fact that this microelement cannot accumulate in the body, nutritionists advise eating bananas regularly. Ideally, twice a day. This will help improve the functioning of the nervous system, become more attentive and calm.

Herring. This is the source fatty acids omega-3 and protein, which not only enriches with energy, but also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. You can replace it with salmon, cod, hake and other types of low-fat or moderately fatty fish.

Lentils. It contains protein, fiber, iron, vitamin B, zinc, magnesium and copper, thanks to which it replenishes the lack of energy and also normalizes blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Beef. Thanks to the presence of iron, it increases the tone of the body, and thanks to the presence of vitamin B, zinc and creatine, its reserves vital energy.

Seafood is a source of fatty acids, iodine, zinc and tyrosine. The latter promotes the production of norepinephrine, a hormone whose action is similar to that of adrenaline. In addition, they contain vitamin B12, which stimulates the functioning of the cerebral cortex.

Green tea. It contains caffeine - the simplest and most accessible stimulant, as well as L-theanine - an amino acid that has a positive effect on the cognitive abilities of the brain - memory, attention, perception, thinking and imagination.

Pumpkin seeds. This is a source of magnesium, on which not just the level of energy depends, but also the strength and endurance of a person. Its content in the daily menu helps combat symptoms of depression, increased fatigue and irritability.

Honey. It contains iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, B vitamins and other beneficial substances that improve the functioning of the nervous system and provide a surge of strength and energy.

Green leafy vegetables. They contain vitamins B, C, magnesium and iron.

Chicken eggs are a source of vitamin B and protein.

How else can you make up for the lack of energy?

Lack of sleep, stress, alcohol consumption and smoking negatively affect the body's energy reserves. At the same time, regular exercise, contrast showers and proper nutrition, including breakfast, have the opposite effect.

The main thing is that there is no place in it for fatty and high-calorie foods, since they require long-term processing, from which the brain and nervous system suffer accordingly. In addition, foods high in sugar, although they provide a burst of energy, do not last long. And all because sugar promotes increased production of adrenaline and insulin, which stops immediately when its reserves are depleted and leaves behind an even greater feeling of drowsiness. The same goes for coffee and drinks containing it, including energy drinks.

Of course, chronic fatigue and loss of strength are a side effect of progress. But we can and must fight them. Moreover, you need to do very little for this!

Don't be afraid of change! Believe in the best! And be healthy!

Before lunch we fight hunger, and after lunch we fight sleep. And all this time we drink cup after cup of coffee. But how beneficial is such a struggle for the body and what really needs to be done to overcome fatigue? Let's figure it out.

Understand that fatigue cannot simply be ignored. This is not a slight discomfort - it is an alarm bell about serious health problems. Chronic fatigue not only prevents you from doing your daily chores, but also completely reduces your quality of life. Have you noticed how your life has begun to turn into a vicious circle of “work-home-work”? And in the evenings you have neither the strength, nor the desire, nor even the mood to do something for the soul?

If what you eat does not charge you with energy, then such nutrition can hardly be called complete. Therefore, choose foods rich in vitamins and other useful substances, which at the same time do not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

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13 foods for energy and vitality

We have compiled a list of 13 “invigorating” foods for you. Learn and use.

Chicken breast for strength and energy

It’s not for nothing that chicken breast is included in the diet of any diet for losing weight. It is a source of high quality animal protein. And, in addition, chicken breast is rich in vitamins and nutrients, does not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and charges you with energy for a long time, eliminating all signs of fatigue.

Blueberries for vigor and immunity

Blueberries are, one might say, medicinal product. It includes many useful vitamins and microelements that can not only relieve fatigue, but even strengthen the immune system and stimulate blood circulation. It is enough to eat a small handful of blueberries to feel a surge of strength and feel much better.

Spinach for energy and calmness

Spinach is a real storehouse of nutrients. If you eat spinach, you can not only overcome weakness, but also calm the nervous system. If only for this reason it is worth adding spinach to your diet. And, in addition, spinach normalizes the functioning of the stomach and strengthens the immune system.

Pomegranate for energy and immunity

It is enough to eat only half of this exotic fruit to feel a surge of strength. Pomegranate contains a great variety of valuable microelements that help the body replenish energy deficiency. At the same time, pomegranate helps to cope with viruses and normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

An easy way to cheer up. It will be enough to eat just a couple of kernels. Nuts are rich in vitamin E (which is neither more nor less - a natural antioxidant). Eating nuts daily will help the body better fight viruses, normalize the functioning of the body as a whole, and even have a rejuvenating effect. It doesn’t matter what kind of nuts you eat. Any nuts, to one degree or another, saturate the body with useful substances. Therefore, buy the nuts that suit your taste.

Beans against fatigue and toxins

Beans should be added to your regular menu if you complain of chronic fatigue. Do not underestimate legumes by completely excluding them from your diet. The same beans can remove toxins from the body and improve functioning gastrointestinal tract. And vitamin B1, which is part of it, stimulates energy production in the body.

Mackerel for energy and vigor

A person feels much more cheerful and full of strength and desire for achievements when the cells cope with their main task - saturating the body with oxygen. And in order to stimulate the production of oxygen transporter cells, the body needs vitamin B12. It is because of its deficiency that a person feels lethargy, weakness and fatigue. Fish and especially mackerel are rich in this vitamin. Fish can charge the body with energy and saturate it with useful substances.

Grapefruit for immunity and energy

Grapefruit is a low-calorie product that is included in many diets. But its value lies not only in its low calorie content and fat-burning properties. Grapefruit is also rich in vitamin C, which can fight infections and viruses, strengthen the immune system, and also replenish energy deficiency in the body.

Salmon for vigor and mental activity

Salmon is a source of protein and fatty acids. This product strengthens the heart and blood vessels, improves metabolism, and, in addition, stimulates brain function, helps get rid of depression and energize the body.

Avocado against fatigue and metabolic problems

People who have added this wonderful fruit to their diet note that their metabolic processes have normalized. And indeed it is. The beneficial properties of avocado have been known for a long time. It’s not for nothing that nutritionists call avocados one of the most valuable foods in nature. This fruit not only improves metabolism, but also normalizes blood fat levels and reduces fatigue. This is all thanks to its high content of folic and alpha-linolenic acid, fiber, healthy fats and other beneficial elements so necessary for the human body.

Turkey for vigor and concentration

Turkey is recommended for everyone who cares about their health. Turkey meat does not contain harmful fats, but is rich in quickly digestible protein. Turkey also contains the amino acid tyrosine, which helps increase concentration and generally improves brain function. And B vitamins, also found in turkey, increase energy reserves in the body and even help overcome insomnia.

We even covered the benefits of turkey - I recommend checking it out.

Lentils are rich in selenium. This substance is rightfully considered a natural mood regulator. Selenium deficiency causes depression and energy deficiency, which lentils can replenish. In addition, lentils are a real storehouse of folic acid, protein, fiber and many other useful microelements that can normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and replenish energy.

Cabbage for strength and energy

Cabbage is good for health in absolutely any form, be it fresh, pickled or stewed. Cabbage is rich in proteins, fiber, flavonoids and other beneficial microelements that have an antioxidant effect on the body and can charge it with energy for a long time.

Caffeine is a known stimulant. We are used to drinking coffee when we need to quickly cheer ourselves up and concentrate on some work. Remember how often you drink cup after cup of an invigorating drink while sitting over a boring report.

We often completely lose count of the amount of coffee we drink. But no one thinks about the consequences. How often can you really drink caffeine?

Indeed, caffeine increases the level of neurotransmitters in the body that are responsible for concentration, memory, alertness and even mood. It's no secret that caffeine relieves fatigue. And regular intake of an invigorating drink normalizes metabolism.

But do not forget that coffee is healthy only in moderation. And the key word here is moderate. Excessive caffeine consumption is fraught with cardiovascular diseases, and, in addition, causes trembling in the hands, provokes insomnia and even unreasonable anxiety.

Coffee is also addictive.

Try to remember how many cups of an invigorating drink you drink a day while sitting at your computer in the office. Does not work? This is already the first call. As soon as coffee has become a habit, its deficiency in the body begins to provoke malaise and weakness - in other words, withdrawal syndrome is developed.

If you notice a chronic lack of energy, this is not yet a reason to drink coffee. First, try to reconsider your diet and lifestyle. Eat foods from the list above more often, go for a walk Fresh air, provide yourself with vivid emotions. A good massage will also help you relax. Sleep is no less important in this matter - it needs to be given at least eight hours a day for a complete reboot.

How to choose which energizing product to include in your diet?

But this question is quite complicated. The fact is that different organisms have different needs. For different people, it is better to consume different foods for energy and vigor.

But this is a simple example - almost every person knows exactly whether he is a man or a woman. And in subtleties that may be no less important, general tips do not work - here recommendations must be given, focusing on a specific person.

In this regard, residents of St. Petersburg and Gatchina are lucky - because this is where the SweetFit Smart Nutrition Club is located, and this is where you can get recommendations personally from our experts.

As for residents of St. Petersburg and Gatchina, use the call request form below to arrange a free personal consultation with our experts.

Surely every person has heard about the need to eat right and eat healthy food, but not everyone fully understands the benefits of a particular product and how it can influence the body. But most products for vigor and energy are available and deprived of attention, or are not included at all in the daily diet.

How food affects energy

As you know, food is a source of human vital energy, it gives strength to carry out daily activities, affects our emotional state and health. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals in some products, it can significantly improve well-being, or the substances contained in others, on the contrary, have a negative impact on health.

The unit of measurement of energy supplied by food is called a “calorie”. Each gram of protein or carbohydrate contains approximately 4 kcal; in fat this figure is 9 kcal. The main products that give energy and vigor are sugar and fat; they are processed into simple carbohydrates and then synthesized into energy.

To feel energetic, you need to enrich your diet with simple and complex carbohydrates, supplement with proteins, vitamins, minerals and maintain water balance. Among other things, it is very important to be in the air more often, thus the brain is saturated with oxygen and produces the hormones serotonin and dopamine, which, in turn, are responsible for a good mood.

Other factors affecting energy

In addition to nutrition, there are other nuances in a person’s life for vigor and energy. Each of us requires a certain amount of energy, its volume is determined by the following factors:

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Minerals and vitamins

Microelements play an important role in our body and are responsible for both internal and external conditions. Each of them has its own significance in the coordinated functioning of the body.

Food for vigor and energy includes:

  • Complex carbohydrates, including glucose, are directly related to the normal functioning of the brain, as well as the entire nervous system.
  • Fiber - cleanses the body of waste and toxins, is responsible for the feeling of satiety, and regulates blood sugar levels.
  • Magnesium is involved in most biochemical reactions occurring in the body.
  • Iron is responsible for the level of hemoglobin in the blood and prevents an increased feeling of fatigue.
  • Selenium is an important trace element, also known as an antioxidant, which helps maintain the necessary energy supply and supports a person’s psychological state.
  • Thiamine is also known as the “vitamin” or vitamin B1. Involved in energy metabolism and promotes normal carbohydrate fermentation.
  • Pyridoxine is also vitamin B6. Promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin and the formation of red blood cells. Stabilizes the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B8 is a powerful antidepressant and is involved in the process of fat metabolism.
  • Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is involved in metabolism and the synthesis of enzymes necessary for carbohydrate processes.
  • Vitamin A is a strong antioxidant that supports normal body function and promotes recovery after physical activity.
  • Vitamin E - responsible for appearance hair and skin, stimulates the restoration of mitochondria (the energy core of cells).

Top 10 “invigorating” products

Below are foods that will energize you throughout the day and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.

Answering the question of what food gives maximum energy and vigor, consider the list of the most popular foods:

  1. Oatmeal, muesli. Foods rich in both simple and complex carbohydrates, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, all of which are involved in intercellular metabolism. It gives a powerful burst of energy, is quickly absorbed and therefore acts for a short period of time. It is better to eat oatmeal or muesli with a piece butter, add nuts and dried fruits.
  2. Dried fruits. Fructose in dried fruits is a simple carbohydrate and is absorbed within 10 minutes; fiber promotes metabolism and improves intestinal function. Regular consumption of dried fruits has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Among the most energetically beneficial are: dried apricots, dried bananas, pears.
  3. Eggs. Chicken eggs are rich in protein, but quail eggs have almost 3 times more protein. The simple fats contained in this product are quickly absorbed and give you energy for the whole day, and choline, or more simply put, vitamin B4, improves brain activity. Quail eggs You can eat it raw or cooked, but the maximum benefit from chicken is if you eat it in a boiled state.
  4. Honey is included in the list of foods for energy and vigor, it is considered the most useful product for the brain. It contains a high concentration of carbohydrates, minerals, sucrose and vitamins. It has been scientifically proven that honey improves blood composition and memory, and promotes concentration. Doctors and nutritionists recommend completely giving up sugar and replacing it with honey. It should be noted that at temperatures above 65° C it loses almost all of its healing properties.
  5. Coffee. Experts have not yet reached a consensus on whether this product is harmful or not. One thing is absolutely certain - caffeine acts as an invigorating and stimulating agent, in addition, it improves memory. If caffeine is abused, it becomes addictive and other products that are beneficial to the body stop working properly on it.
  6. Fruits and vegetables. Absolutely all vegetables and fruits contain fiber to a greater or lesser extent. It, in turn, provides the body with energy, improves digestion, and cleanses the intestines of toxins. In addition, fruits and vegetables are included in most weight loss programs and are included in post-operative diets - all due to their easy digestibility and benefits.
  7. Fruit yoghurt. Lactobacilli in yogurt normalize the intestinal microflora; fruits and a minimal amount of sugar provide the necessary energy. Having a snack with yogurt, the feeling of hunger is dulled, while the body receives its boost of energy. If you eat it every day, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
  8. Mackerel is a storehouse of vitamin B12 and Omega-3 fatty acids essential for the brain. Thanks to these elements, the brain produces “joy” hormones - dopamine and serotonin. In addition, mackerel is rich in minerals, proteins and healthy fats. It is a natural energy stimulant without harm, with benefits for the body.
  9. Beans. The entire legume family has a composition rich in proteins and complex carbohydrates. Fresh vegetable salad with green peas or beans with greens can be a good alternative to oatmeal for breakfast; moreover, beans fill us with strength for the whole day.
  10. Nuts are a nutritious product containing a lot of healthy vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, proteins and carbohydrates. Their benefits: improved brain and heart function, accelerated metabolism, normalization of the nervous system and the entire body as a whole. It is recommended to eat nuts with honey, add them to salads, porridge, curd desserts and so on.

Other energy sources

There are also other products that give energy, vigor, and strength:

  • Chocolate. It should be clarified that we are talking about dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans, which stimulates brain function, prevents neuroses, restores the body’s defenses, and strengthens blood vessels. Recommended as a preventative against varicose veins, smokers and people working in difficult conditions.
  • Spinach, or as it is often called the “king of herbs”, is extremely beneficial for health. With regular use, it promotes stress resistance, improves performance, prevents the occurrence of eye diseases, and normalizes intestinal function.
  • Cabbage. Regardless of the type of cabbage, it has a beneficial effect on metabolism in the body and has a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It contains: iron, folic acid, zinc, B vitamins, phosphorus.
  • Water. Of course, water cannot be a source of energy, but everyone knows that a person is approximately 70% water. When the water balance is disturbed, a feeling of exhaustion appears. Water is a kind of conductor of nutrients entering the body, and it also removes harmful substances from it.
  • Seafood for energy and vigor of the body is food valuable for useful microelements, protein, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. The protein contained in seafood products is better and easier to digest than meat. Iodine is essential for the functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system, magnesium strengthens the nervous system, phosphorus is good for the brain. Among other things, seafood is low in calories and is suitable for people who want to lose weight.

How often should you eat?

It should be noted right away that there is no need to become fanatical and eat only these foods, this can cause allergic reaction with its characteristic symptoms, indigestion and other intestinal disorders.

To understand how to eat for vigor and energy, you need to create a varied diet based on the following principles:

  • breakfast - the most satisfying and nutritious with high content simple carbohydrates, after such food a person quickly receives a portion of energy and a charge for the whole day;
  • lunch should consist of nourishing, but not fatty dishes;
  • dinner - can be simple without frills, it’s good if it includes complex carbohydrates.

The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before going to bed, otherwise heartburn, insomnia, unnecessary fat deposits, a morning feeling of lethargy and lack of sleep may appear, and even the healthiest breakfast will not correct the situation.

Folk remedies

People can hear reviews about separate meals for vivacity energy. Many diets teach people to count calories and divide daily ration for several frequent meals. Those who want to lose weight have long appreciated this method and note the positive dynamics of their health.

In addition to foods that give energy and vigor to the body, you can tone up and get a boost of vigor using proven folk remedies:

  1. Essential oils. Depending on the composition, this or that oil has a special effect on a person: some have a relaxing effect, others calm, and others energize. Citrus and rosemary based oils are most suitable for this. It is recommended to add essential oils a few drops in a bath or as aromatherapy.
  2. Bran infusion is one of the most effective energy infusions. To prepare it, add a glass of bran to 1 liter of drinking water and boil for an hour over medium heat, then filter and drink 0.5 glass 3 times a day. The course of admission is 2 weeks. The remedy not only relieves the feeling chronic fatigue, but also removes toxins.
  3. Rose hip jelly. Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, the drink improves immunity, gives strength and improves general state health. Recipe: 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed rose hips are poured with 2 cups of boiling water, wrapped and allowed to brew. Drink jelly in the morning; if desired, you can add a little honey.

Food before training

The nutrition of athletes differs significantly from the usual diet. It mainly consists of an increased amount of carbohydrates, which provide energy to perform physical exercise and proteins that increase muscle volume.

  • boiled turkey with omelet;
  • baked chicken breast;
  • oatmeal;
  • cottage cheese with berries and fruits;
  • cabbage casserole with chicken.

Protein shakes and bars, milk drinks can be additions to food. Thanks to their special composition, they give strength and prepare the body and brain for active physical activity.

Coffee: to drink or not to drink?

Foods that give energy and alertness also include coffee and drinks containing caffeine. When a person is exhausted and tired, a cup of strong coffee has an immediate stimulating effect. Caffeine increases heart rate, has a diuretic effect, increases performance, improves concentration and memory, promotes good exchange substances. Studies have proven that daily coffee consumption helps prevent diabetes and Parkinson's disease.

Caffeine addiction produces the opposite effect: anxiety, insomnia, body tremors, dehydration, and hypertension occur. It is important to understand that caffeine in tablets, drinks and other products provides an artificial boost of energy and its effect is short-lived.

You need to drink coffee in moderation - one cup in the morning is enough to get a boost of energy, or drink it before an important meeting in order to improve concentration and attention.

Foods that increase the feeling of fatigue

Unfortunately, most of modern food products are harmful to the body to one degree or another. Some of them take away energy and aggravate the feeling of fatigue.

By mistake, some people consume the following foods for vigor and energy:

  • fat meat;
  • pasteurized products;
  • sugar;
  • artificial additives;
  • alcoholic products;
  • salty, fried and spicy foods.

It is quite natural to give up all your loved ones in one day and, nevertheless, harmful products impossible. Start using the right products for vigor and energy it is necessary gradually. You can replace some products with healthier ones, prepare food in a different way, and instead of unnatural additives, start using healthy plant analogues. After just a few weeks, the results will make themselves felt: your health, physical fitness and, of course, appearance will significantly improve.

Who among us has not experienced the feeling of weakness and lethargy in the morning? Sometimes even the strongest coffee cannot get rid of them. In this case, products for energy and vigor can help you come to your senses. Which ones exactly, read in our review.

Slow fuel

Among the endless benefits of oatmeal is its ability to boost energy. Its main sources are slow carbohydrates and fiber. Absorbed extremely slowly, they retain a feeling of satiety and a surge of strength for a long time. In addition, rolled oats are rich in vitamin B 1, without which fatigue occurs faster. To stay in good shape, the body requires only 150 g per day.

Milk power

What foods invigorate the body early in the morning? Fermented milk, and above all natural yogurt without fillers. Its main advantage is bifidobacteria, which nourish the immune system and bring digestion into working order. A quality product is rich in proteins and lactose, which give us strength. A cup of yogurt with a handful of fresh berries or honey will suffice.

Sprouts of vigor

Supporters dietary nutrition and vegetarians will confirm that sprouted wheat is an energy generator. This is due to vitamins E and group B, as well as magnesium, calcium and iron. In addition active substances sprouts stimulate the functioning of the brain and nervous system. You can feel this effect by adding a handful of sprouted grains to your favorite salads, porridges or cottage cheese.

Energy in a shell

An egg in any culinary variation is an excellent product that gives energy and vigor. It contains colossal reserves of protein, organic acids, and a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to them, the body copes with heavy physical and mental stress more easily and restores strength faster. A couple of boiled eggs in your daily diet will easily convince you of this.

Incendiary Beans

Dishes made from beans, peas, lentils and any other beans carry a powerful energy charge. It is provided by the vegetable protein contained in them, long carbohydrates and a vitamin and mineral complex. And fiber helps this abundance be absorbed in full. It has been proven that a serving of lentil porridge or pea soupthe best remedy from drowsiness and apathy.

Untamed cabbage

What foods give you energy, besides those mentioned? Vegetables in all their diversity. In this sense, cauliflower has no equal. The combination of vitamins B 1, B 2, C, PP, phosphorus and iron helps overcome fatigue, irritability and energizes good mood. Prepare side dishes, puree soups and salads from cauliflower to always be in a good mood.

Spinach almighty

Despite the fact that it is just greenery, it contains impressive energy resources. The combination of vitamin C and iron will not leave a trace of fatigue, and at the same time will significantly increase performance. It is noteworthy that spinach retains this valuable property at any time. heat treatment. In its fresh form, it will make any dishes healthier and tastier.

Walnut battery

Nuts are considered a wonderful product that gives energy. It is a source of energy with reserves of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. This cocktail stimulates brain function and fills the entire body with energy. Just don’t get carried away with nuts, especially for bedtime. Limit yourself to 20-30 g of almonds or hazelnuts in the morning.

The power of the tropics

Among fruits, the unsurpassed energy champion is the banana. Due to large quantity With fast carbohydrates and fiber, it instantly satisfies hunger, charging you with vigor. It is no coincidence that athletes love bananas so much. They perfectly relieve fatigue and restore strength after training. It is also useful for mental workers to eat 1-2 bananas a day.

Berry reactor

Very soon a colorful abundance of berries will appear on our tables. And this is another source of strength. Any berries are filled with antioxidants that protect the body's cells from destruction and have a beneficial effect on the brain. As a result, we feel energetic and cheerful. To do this, you need to eat 200-300 g of berries per day. Don't forget about fruit drinks and vitamin smoothies.

Chocolate inspiration

Those with a sweet tooth will be pleased to know that dark chocolate is among the healthy energy products. Of course, they make it from cocoa beans, which can charge you with energy for the whole day. The hormone of happiness, endorphin, which is produced in the most active way, also motivates one to perform feats of labor. However, you should not gobble up chocolate bars - limit yourself to 30-40 g per day.

Citrus Shake

Oranges are a salvation for those who are constantly half asleep. Even inhaling their aroma, it is as if we are inhaling vivacity itself. And the freshly squeezed juice of these citrus fruits works wonders. All thanks ascorbic acid, capable of stirring up even the most incorrigible lazy people. A glass of orange juice combined with a serving of granola will give you energy until lunch.

Include these natural energy drinks in your family menu. With them, coping with your daily routine will become a little easier. And if you have signature recipes to overcome fatigue and cheer up, tell us about them in the comments.

You slept well all night, but in the afternoon an irresistible drowsiness comes over you. Coffee doesn't help either! But right after work you still have to do a hard workout in gym! Where is the way out? It turns out that you need to look for it in your kitchen!

Weight training activates hormonal secretion. In particular, the production of insulin and other hormones associated with digestion. As a result, the digestion process goes at full speed, but at the same time it has an offensive “side” - it takes energy from the brain. In addition, when there is excess insulin, glucose leaves the blood too quickly. As a result, the brain and nervous system do not receive their main “fuel”. The result is an irresistible desire to fall asleep... To always be in shape, you should meticulously select foods for your table. Some of them are “dangerous.” They "take away" energy. You want the opposite effect. Products should “charge” you!


These common fruits are very rich in quercetin. It exhibits the properties of a vitamin, antioxidant, decongestant, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent. In general, another, truly miraculous effect of quercetin is much more important to an athlete. It interferes with the functioning of muscle cells and causes them to produce more energy! Scientists gave sports college students apples for a week, and noted a noticeable decrease in fatigue after training in everyone. The recovery rate has also increased.

» Tip: Eat a couple of apples before your workout and you will be surprised how much easier your workout becomes. Just don’t even think about peeling the apples! The peel contains the most quercetin!


Bananas are good because they contain two types of carbohydrates at once - “fast” and “slow”. Therefore, it is useful to eat bananas before and after training. In addition, this fruit contains a lot of potassium, which determines the strength of muscle contraction. But this is not at all the potassium from which “dead” pharmaceutical tablets are made. Bananas contain potassium in a bioactive form, which is absorbed much better and is welcomed by all cells of the body.

» Tip: Be sure to blend a banana and add it to your pre- and post-workout protein shake.


It is generally accepted that beef is a heavy food, but contrary to expectations, it clearly adds strength. Nutritionists explain this by the presence of bioactive iron in beef. Iron has a positive effect on the blood's ability to accumulate oxygen. The rest is clear without further explanation: the more oxygen in the body, the higher its tone. Plus, beef contains natural “energy boosters” such as creatine, B vitamins and zinc.

» Tip: Buy fresh, grass-fed beef. There is twice as much CLA fat. Don't buy frozen meat. In the refrigerator, such meat loses up to 50% of its moisture, and therefore a steak from such beef looks like a soldier's sole.


Oysters, octopus and squid, as well as the inhabitants of bivalve shells, sea and freshwater, have been part of the human menu for centuries. The answer to this love for food, which sometimes looks very unappetizing, is simple: shellfish significantly add strength. Scientists who studied this phenomenon came to the conclusion that the reason lies in the “energy” vitamin B12, which is very abundant in shellfish. Moreover, in a bioactive form, which is much better absorbed. This vitamin stimulates the functioning of the cerebral cortex. In addition, shellfish contain a lot of tyrosine. Tyrosine increases the production of the hormone norepinephrine, which has a similar effect on the body as adrenaline.

» Tip: Freezing does almost no harm to shellfish, so don’t be afraid to buy frozen “sea mix”. Cook according to instructions and add to pasta or rice. It is useful to eat a portion of shrimp at night from time to time. They contain a lot of zinc, which will help testosterone secretion at night.


Caffeine is a popular stimulant, however, you need to know that a cup of coffee also contains substances that have a relaxing effect on the muscles. This is precisely what explains the cases of coffee addiction. Many nervous and sensitive people feel paradoxical relaxation from the invigorating drink. It is contraindicated before training, so you need to replace coffee with a couple of pure caffeine tablets. It will not only improve your psyche, but also increase your strength. Moreover, the latter has been proven by numerous scientific experiments. Even mature strength athletes under the influence of caffeine increase their performance by 1-2 extra repetitions.

» Tip: If you drink coffee, you should not add cream or sugar to your cup, except perhaps low-fat milk. An hour before training, take 200-400 mg of caffeine tablets.


They contain leucine, which is not only a key element in protein synthesis, but is also responsible for energy production during resistance exercise. In addition, eggs contain many B vitamins, which stimulate energy production in the body's cells. It's good that protein chicken eggs, mixing in the stomach with carbohydrates, slows down their absorption. Due to this, a meal that includes an omelet or scrambled eggs guarantees a stable blood sugar level.

» Tip: Eat 2-4 whole eggs for breakfast. This will help you maintain a high energy level.


Honey should be added to your post-workout protein shake. It contains the type of sugar that the liver best converts into glycogen. It is worth recalling that of the 24 microelements that are contained in our blood, 22 can be found in honey. Among them are those that are directly responsible for energy, in particular, iron, calcium and phosphorus.

» Tip: After a workout, add a tablespoon of honey to a protein shake or dissolve in a glass of cool water and drink.


Oatmeal is recommended for breakfast, but it is not suitable for everyone. Some people, and often children, who have the so-called. “congenital weakness” of the liver, oatmeal in the morning can even provoke cirrhosis. Especially for those who live in poor environmental conditions. Useful property oatmeal actively interfere with the functioning of the liver and stimulate the production of liver enzymes will play a disservice in this case. Be that as it may, you should also eat a portion of oatmeal 3 hours before training. Science says it improves endurance and fat oxidation during strength and aerobic exercise.

» Tip: Add a scoop of casein to your morning oatmeal, as well as apple and banana slices. This will not only make the dish tastier, but will also ensure high activity in the first half of the day.


These seeds contain a lot of magnesium. This trace element is actively involved in metabolism, in particular, it enhances protein synthesis and energy production in cells. As scientists have established, magnesium deficiency is guaranteed to reduce muscle strength and endurance. It would seem that magnesium tablets can be bought at a pharmacy. However, tablets cannot compare with “live” magnesium. In addition, the seeds contain many other natural compounds that help magnesium to be absorbed.

» Tip: The seeds should be roasted thoroughly. Then they can be crumbled into oatmeal and added to vegetable salads.


There is no better side dish for meat and fish than rice. However, white rice is not suitable for an athlete. It is cleared of grain shells, which contain insoluble fiber. Instead of such rice, you should consume unrefined wild (or brown) rice. Fiber inhibits the digestion of starch and helps you last longer after eating.

» Advice: You shouldn’t soak rice, especially for a long time. During the process of soaking rice, negative enzymatic processes begin that make this product hazardous to health.


These nuts contain omega 3 fats, which our body immediately uses for energy needs and therefore does not store under the skin. Nuts provide a real boost in strength because they also inhibit the absorption of carbohydrates. It is good to eat walnuts at night to slow down digestion and prevent your muscles from starving during a long night's sleep. Walnuts should also be taken throughout the day. This will give a noticeable increase in daytime tone. » Tip: Chop walnuts into oatmeal and vegetable salads without restrictions.


The energizing effect of Argentine mate tea is less than that of coffee, since a cup of mate contains 85 mg of caffeine versus 135 mg in a cup of coffee. However, the mate also contains theobromine and theophylline, known mental stimulants. They act on the brain in a different way than caffeine, but interact with it synergistically. As a result, mate really increases energy. » Tip: The unusual taste of mate can be easily masked by adding a slice of fresh lemon to it.

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