Vasily Stepanov actor live broadcast. Relatives of Vasily Stepanov about his condition: “He will not return to filming soon

In mid-December, the star of the film “Inhabited Island” Vasily Stepanov slipped and suffered a fracture of the hip bone and two vertebrae. At the moment, the actor continues to recover from his injury. In the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program they talked about how the artist was feeling.

According to the brother and representative of the actor Maxim, his relatives are very worried about him. Correspondents from the Rossiya 1 TV channel went to the medical facility where Vasily is now located.

The long period of failures of the actor, who became famous thanks to his role in the blockbuster “Inhabited Island,” was considered by many to be the evil eye. At some point, Vasily even had to wash trolleybuses to earn a living. “As far as I know, after this film they told him that they wouldn’t take him anywhere else,” said Maxim Stepanov.

Then writer Lena Lenina appeared in the studio. Last year, a woman awarded Vasily the title “Sex Symbol of the Year.” She said that Stepanov faces a long rehabilitation period.

“He has lost a lot of weight and will probably not start working out any time soon. physical therapy. But Vasya is so handsome that no one in show business has any doubt that there are always a lot of people who want to help him. Due to the fact that Vasya will have to wear a corset, he will not be able to act anywhere for another six months. Moreover, he has the role of a handsome lover. In general, now he is even further removed from fame than six months ago, when he was deeply depressed,” Lenina said.

// Photo: Shot from the “Live Broadcast” program

The woman explained Stepanov’s depression by saying that he was not ready for the fame that had befallen him. She also noted that Vasily always enjoyed increased attention from girls, who highly appreciated his appearance. “I am sensitive to male beauty and talent,” Lena said when asked to answer why she helps the young man.

In turn, the actor’s mother Lyudmila Stepanova accused his ex-girlfriend, actress Dasha Egorova, of indifference. After the premiere of “The Inhabited Island,” Vasily began living with his significant other. “When misfortune happened to him, she did not ring the bells. She herself took Vasya to the clinic and abandoned him at the last stage,” the woman said. Lena Lenina supported Stepanova. She said that Egorova apparently did not have strong feelings for the actor. According to Lena, Dasha broke up with him after he decided to end his acting career.

// Photo: Shot from the “Live Broadcast” program

Then actor Sergei Rublev, who at one time worked as Vasily Stepanov’s agent, appeared in the program’s studio. “This sudden fame, the difficult filming conditions and workload could have broken him,” the man said. According to Rublev, the actor broke down due to lack of support from loved ones. Sergei is sure that Vasily’s girlfriend and his parents had to join forces in order to pull the young man out of his depressed state.

At the end of the discussion of the illness of the actor of “The Inhabited Island,” presenter Boris Korchevnikov drew a parallel between the misfortunes that befell Vasily Stepanov and tragic fate Vasily Lykshina, star of the series “Ranetki” and “Gromovs”. In 2009, he died of cardiovascular failure. The artist, who was predicted to be a huge success, was only 22 years old.

// Photo: Shot from the “Live Broadcast” program

The blockbuster “Inhabited Island” 7 years ago made 22-year-old bartender Vasily Stepanov a world celebrity. After leading role in this film, Stepanov was called to Hollywood, directors lined up for him, but he disappeared. They said that he was in Hollywood, that he was in a psychiatric clinic, that he was broken by a breakup with his fiancée, actress Daria Egorova. “Live” features the return of a superstar.

The program is about what the media does not trumpet, what is not shown on TV, but should be! Complex problems of ordinary people, ordinary residents of our country - on the air of Rossiya.

“Live” - a talk show that will hit the nerve public life. The most pressing topical issues of the day are discussed in the studio. “Live broadcast” is what happens here and now. Celebrity guests, ordinary people and spectators in the hall will take part in the discussion.

A talk show requires incredible amounts of preparation. The Gorky Film Studio is where all the most pressing discussions take place and people gather in search of the truth. Here, on the set, five editorial teams and 30 producers spend their days and nights. This is a real story factory. The directors of the talk show “Live” check the readiness of video stories every day and train the speed of their own reaction.

Posted on 07/04/2016 at 09:20 pm · There are comments

In the talk show Live on July 4, 2016, actress Daria Egorova, ex-fiancee Vasily Stepanov.

“Inhabited Island” is the highest-grossing film in Europe; this blockbuster brought world fame to the ordinary bartender Vasily Stepanov. At the age of 22, to star in such a hit movie, starring Fyodor Bondarchuk himself - one can only dream about it. After this role, Hollywood called Stepanov, directors lined up to offer him work, but Stepanov disappeared, simply disappeared.

What they didn’t say: that he was acting in Hollywood, that he couldn’t stand the fame and went to a psychiatric clinic, and that he was broken by his breakup with his fiancée, actress Daria Egorova. For 7 years there was neither a rumor nor a breath about Stepanov. Today in the live studio ex-girlfriend Vasily Stepanova, actress Daria Egorova and Vasily Stepanov himself. What happened to him all these years? Why did he run from fame?

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Comments (47)

    Comment rating: +26

    Today's show or a repeat of an old one? Out of curiosity, I found an interview with this actor and his girlfriend two years ago..
    Why did all the speakers moan so much about his *unspeakable beauty*? After all, no one said anything about him as an actor!
    Just like teenagers who believe that you don’t need anything other than a pretty appearance to be an actor... It looks like the psychologist was right that the guy was in the wrong place... I was delighted by his phrase that how could he star in a video for 50 thousand? ! That's not why he was in the film!
    His interview is even more telling. What roles are suitable for him now? Is he going to act with a black eye or as an alcoholic?! And this is the actor saying?!
    Some famous actresses for the sake of a good role they shaved their heads bald, Renee Zellweger gained a lot of weight for the sake of the role, etc. These are truly the actions of Actresses..
    Maybe a physical education teacher really was his path in this life?
    Otherwise, his mother, like an evil mother-in-law, is looking for those to blame in the wrong place...

    Comment rating: +13

    There was a program about him in *We Talk and Show* 04/16/2014 -*Life after Fame*. And the experts looked smarter than on PE. And the advice was interesting for him - to distance himself from his mother.

    Comment rating: -3

    Yes, he is handsome and smart, well-mannered, Dasha needs to understand that his mother and brother are his loved one’s relatives and therefore he cannot be tormented by jealousy towards them. When you love it, you realize it intuitively, but.. Dasha, in my opinion, loves herself more, she would like someone who is beautiful and famous, but the physical education teacher is somehow not quite... The girl has great ambitions, with very modest data, Vasya is open and is sincere, and Dasha’s character is not at all sugar, it’s not a problem to push her mother aside, (she gave birth, raised her and go for a walk) as long as it is consistent with the concept of family, love, relatives, mutual understanding. They are not a couple - the guy will be completely crushed by his complexes, her breadwinner (preferably a handsome man) ) is needed, and he needs a kind, understanding, loving, faithful girlfriend and a job he loves, then they will do without hospitals. Mom is offended that they handed her a suitcase and showed her the door, I sympathize with her, isn’t it clear, there’s no need to make a monster out of her - she’s just a good mother

    Comment rating: +23

    An absolutely childish person, he personally causes me nothing but irritation. Whatever they ask him, he repeats one thing: “I don’t know, I don’t know.” You can’t just stand up to die, what a “star”! Well, you were lucky to star with Bondarchuk, but this doesn’t mean that now all famous directors should direct. Everything is clear with him, at the end he said that he was waiting for a role with Bekmambetov himself. It’s not harmful to dream. Apart from his appearance, he doesn’t see any special talents, he can’t put two words together. And even then, in the film he has a bright appearance thanks to the make-up artists - blond hair, bright blue eyes, but in life he’s just a nice guy, nothing more...

    Comment rating: +1

    Personally, I, as a viewer, am on the side of his mother and brother, they know better this Dasha, who turned out to be on her own, promoted herself at Vasily’s expense, talking about his illness, shaking out all her laundry. Possessing neither special beauty nor special talent, the gray mouse is not an acquired taste. There is a negative attitude towards her, I don’t like such quiet people. Like a snake, it will creep up unnoticed and bite at the most inopportune moment, as it did to Vasily. Somewhere she said that she left Vasily because of his infidelity and caught him in bed with someone else. Well, good people don’t get away with it, and we don’t know if it was so... The guy is handsome and something tells him that life will go better for him, he must be lucky someday. The main thing is that he himself strives for a profession, a job. With all my heart I wish him to find a truly decent girl, not like this Dasha, beautiful and loving. And normal friends who will support you in difficult times. Everything will work out for him.

    Comment rating: +14

    Having watched the episode, I got the impression that Vasya’s story with neurosis and the departure of Vasya’s girlfriend Dasha occurred against the backdrop of the use of illegal drugs, for example: cocaine, and those in large quantities influence one way or another on health and psychological state.
    because a lot of tragedies and dark stories in the creative environment, among actors and musicians, are associated precisely with the use of narcotic substances.
    At the end of the episode, one guest in the studio asked Vasily a question about friends, that most likely he does not have them, but in an industry like cinema it is necessary to have friends, to be on good terms, including with the dynasties of the domestic film industry that were discussed. Vasya, most likely due to modesty or pride, did not want this friendship in Russian cinema.
    If Vasily is smart enough to continue his acting career, then he probably needs to overcome his ambitions, learn to be friends and work with what he has, and he will have to consider proposals after coming down to earth from the “island”
    In general, it would be nice to see such an actor on the screens again, there is charisma and charm of the Russian, real, masculine, Slavic type.
    In general, after watching the episode, I saw a respectable citizen from a good family, even if not from an acting dynasty.
    He can create his own if he so desires. Good luck to Vasily! Whatever path he chooses.

    • Comment rating: +17

      The same thought (about drugs) occurred to me, which is why Dasha refused to voice the reason for their separation.
      And the mother looked very unattractive in both programs, all the time pushing for love spells and not wanting to see other reasons..
      And I also understand that the energy of many people directed at you will often be negative - not everyone is friendly, which is why the mental stress on famous people will be more than for mere mortals, and Vasily’s psyche (plus his personal qualities - infantilism, dependence on his mother’s opinion, etc.) could not cope with this, but what does Dasha have to do with it?
      It was easier for mom to blame Dasha and the love spells than to really understand what was happening.

      • Comment rating: +12

        Elke, I don’t presume to judge my mother about her confession about psychics.
        One thing I can understand is that if a mother suddenly detects a change in the consciousness of her son or daughter, then it is quite logical to look for the guilty, the “bad influences.” As a rule, the mother begins to think about the closest people to her child, and the first person to fall under the mother’s “suspicion” is her close one. girl, and psychics, magicians and sorceresses simply make money from my mother’s speculations.
        Recovery from libations of narcotic poisons can take several years, or even a lifetime, and the mother cannot understand where and how the changes occurred in the child.
        Or maybe it was “fed” by a “friend” - a classmate or a friend-neighbor in the stairwell, but the mother will not think about them, it is easier for her to think about the “fortune” of her son’s close friend...
        I hope both the mother has enough strength and intelligence not to meddle in the personal life of her adult 30-year-old son, and Vasily himself will realize that everything in this life depends only on himself, and not on depressions, dynasties, passing girls, that at the age of 30 it is not necessary to have a civil marriage plan and think about real life, about creating a real family, that if God gave a chance, then it’s better to use this chance, especially since F.S. Bondarchuk spoke very well about the actor V. Stepanov and Thank God that there are directors who can see the actor that the audience will like.
        I watched Bondarchuk’s “island” only once, but I watched it with pleasure only because the cast was bright, thanks to Vasily Stepanov and Yulia Snegir.
        I can watch R. Scott’s film “Blade Runner” once or twice a year.
        If actor V. Stepanov wanted, he could very well stay afloat in the film industry like Harrison Ford himself.
        Vasily has a chance, he just needs to listen to himself,
        Otherwise, looking at this issue, I got the impression that a 30-year-old man was forced to have a bunch of complexes and plunged into the abyss of depression. In fact, the guy just needs to wake up and work, especially since offers started pouring in even in this issue.

        Comment rating: +8

        I haven’t seen it. We talk and show, but in this PE my mother completely lied. And the guy either has such a subtle mental organization or, indeed, drugs influenced him... An incomprehensible depression. Maybe his life path really is to be a physical education teacher or coach. After all, he says that he likes to play sports and is happy, but he didn’t feel any satisfaction from his work in this film. There are handsome men and beauties, but there are no actors, and there are Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, Belmondo and others.
        But in vain they pinned all the blame on Dasha - the girl sincerely tried to help him in difficult times, but the difficulties lasted for years...
        Love spells are generally bullshit, you have to voice such nonsense to the whole country.

        • Comment rating: +4

          Elena (first), in our country there is simply some kind of trouble with love spells.
          Well, okay, grannies have nothing to do and they fantasize about magic and enchantment, maybe they want fairy tales in their old age))), but when young mothers look for grannies for spells to relieve illness for their babies, it’s just a disaster!
          Vasya’s mother, of course, was wrong to talk about psychics; if her son’s smart brides hear it, it might scare off the girls.
          and to be honest, what Vasily needs is a smart life partner.
          Dasha is a good girl and, it seemed to me, smart, but their paths are different and most likely their views on life differ.

    Comment rating: -3

    Why are you so obsessed with this Dasha?! It’s as if there are no more girls besides her! She is not so white and fluffy! And if she truly loved, she would not have abandoned Vasily in any trouble! And I would be with him to the end no matter what! And now she’s making excuses so that people don’t think badly of her! She's dishonest! and the fact that they parted, even for the better, the Lord God averted, such a madam could easily turn away and quit the next time in the face of the difficulties of life, this is already evident. It will be great when Vasily’s life starts to improve, he gets a permanent job and his former popularity, when a good loving girl. The main thing is not to sit at home as a recluse and communicate with people, not to withdraw into yourself and not to get involved with such madams. This Dasha in the studio, I see, is still behaving impudently with his mother, brother, she even has an arrogant expression on her face, why the hell did she even come there, because she probably knew that everyone would gather there. She's also a fidgety little girl, and it's very visible and noticeable in her. She’s just trying to put a price on herself, pretending to be some kind of virgin. Someday, she too will be thrown away like an old unnecessary suitcase, and that will be fair.

    Comment rating: -3

    There is no need for templates, people are different, well, he doesn’t like to hang out, this type of personality, filming a difficult film depleted the reserve of emotions, depression was expected, a smart friend would have supported, but apparently not everything is in order herself, since she involved her dad, she was very happy with her mother at first I liked her, I believe her, with two sons you will be happy with any girl, but get rid of such girlfriends, instead of support, it makes it worse, it’s also mom’s fault, if you love, make friends with your mom, be an ally and deal with any problem together, I don’t respect sons who offend mother to please her girlfriends, I know examples of real families, happy ones, where the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are girlfriends, they are both wise and there are patterns, accusations, blame, etc. They don't make it up. To understand, imagine the situation for yourself, you would like such a girl for your son, I repeat, Vasily’s mother received her well, without waiting for respect, like the mother of a loved one, she understood everything and the attitude changed after taking out the suitcases. I don’t see PR on anyone’s part, no one needs it, especially nothing to do with PR, a mental hospital or something.

    Comment rating: +7

    In both programs, when his mother appears, he goes cold, stops thinking and even speaking. He could at least live with his brother, without his mother.

    Comment rating: 0

    from the reactions of both young people it is clear that they are drawn to each other... even in the studio their bodies are tilted towards each other... Maybe her parents set her head straight so that she would look for another husband...

    Comment rating: +10

    it's so easy to say, to regret to caress. and where will you find him one so that she can plow for two like a horse. He doesn’t like everything about depression... 6! He's been sitting at home with his mother for years, not doing anything. 🙁

    Comment rating: +2

    Sorry, we’re talking about love or just living...then there are no questions, for home 2 the plot, why is this in public, idle conversation about nothing, sit down and come on - why aren’t you acting, (I don’t want to) and why did the girl leave you (her dad kicked out), etc. …..well, you’re a goat - thank you all, it’s funny and sad, it’s more interesting with grannies on the bench

    Comment rating: +8

    The highest grosser and the editors went nuts. Before the release of “Burnt by the Master,” it was the most epic failure in the history of Russian cinema, despite the cost of $37 million. For reference: the budget of “Inhabited Island” is 20% more than the budget of the film “District No. 9”, and the box office receipts are 10 times less... And considering that Fedya divided it into 2 films, this is a doubly failure.

    Comment rating: +12 +3 -Get out of your head heavy thoughts about ‘who am I, what am I and why am I?’ Think about it later. You may not have time to see the good that is next to you. Live today. All the answers will come on their own when the time comes.
    -Load yourself with physical work and sports so that you have no time to think.
    -Go with your brother on some kind of hike as part of an organized group with instructions. There you will definitely meet new positive people (others don’t go there). Change the environment and the picture before your eyes. It is especially useful to go to the mountains, rafting down rivers and lakes. So that it would be physically difficult.
    You can find a lot of options on the Internet in this regard. Wherever they recruit groups. Often you don’t even need your own equipment; the organizers take care of it.
    Take part in some children’s camps-gatherings of young tourists, ecologists, local historians, etc. Anyone can join such events. These are excursions, sports, music, dance and theatrical performances, all in one. This is all you can do and children will definitely appreciate it.
    There will also be no time to think much. If you are going, I will write down my information.
    -Program yourself to be positive, so don’t allow yourself to talk or think about failures, past and possible in the future. Thoughts and words are material.
    — If you don’t have a job yet, come up with a creative project that’s interesting to yourself and post it on YouTube. A lot of people will watch it because you are interesting, Vasily. I have no doubt that you will also find a lot of helpers who are ready to participate completely disinterestedly.
    -Well, watch a cartoon about Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond.
    Vasily - you are real. And this is so rare now.
    I wish you good luck and health.
    Our life is what we think about it.
    Don't lose yourself in life and life in yourself too.
    And may everything work out for the best.
    [email protected]
    Perhaps my essay will help others in similar circumstances.

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