The greatness of the Russian language arguments. The problem of preserving the Russian language (Unified State Examination Arguments). Illiteracy in writing and reading

Language is a mirror of the life of a people. What an important role he plays! It is impossible to do without it in any sphere of human activity: its enormous importance is obvious everywhere. Every nation has its own language, and the Russian language is one of the most wonderful, which will be confirmed by the words of many classics of our literature. However, under the influence of life, language changes along with it, and not always for the better.

In her text, Taisiya Vasilyevna Zharova raises the problem of preserving the Russian language. Reflecting on it, she draws attention to the fact that “in a short period of time, words that previously related only to a certain environment were able to become Russified” and “divided in meaning.” The author also notes that our language is an interesting phenomenon for observation by linguists and writers, but it is replete with not only foreign words, but also criminal vocabulary, and the words that the classics used have “gone temporarily” and “are waiting for brighter days.”

It is impossible to disagree with this idea; its confirmation can be found in various articles about language or by analyzing the works of Russian classics.

Thus, recalling Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace,” most readers realize what pleasure the reading process itself gives, not to mention the interesting plot and heroes who have become loved. Reading the work, you understand how beautiful your native language is and how much you can use it to tell and describe, which is what Leo Tolstoy masterfully does. In Russian words, he describes the era of that time, and we see all its features and sides without illustrations, simply by reading the words. And how accurately the beauty and with it the depravity of Helen are conveyed with the help of our language! How beautiful we imagine summer night in Otradnoye and a blooming oak tree that Andrei Bolkonsky met! The Russian language, in which the classics wrote and spoke, is great, it can convey everything, it is truly rich without unnecessary borrowings.

Writers who are far removed from the classics also speak in their articles about the need to protect our great language. For example, the Soviet translator Nora Gal in the article “The Living and the Dead Word” or the Russian linguist Maxim Krongauz in the book “The Russian Language on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown.” Both authors are concerned about the fate of the Russian language, as every Russian should be concerned. Nora Gal says that often in Everyday life official language and borrowings from other languages ​​are unjustifiably and immoderately used, suggesting that our great language should sound worthy. Maxim Krongauz writes that language should change with life and it does, but some changes are only detrimental to it, and the language must be preserved and protected.

So, our language is great, and “there are no such sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would not be an exact expression in our language,” as K. G. Paustovsky wrote. It is necessary to protect the Russian language, preserving its greatness for future generations.

  • The Russian language is our common heritage, which must be preserved
  • Most people have forgotten the value of their native language
  • Internet communication is a serious test for the Russian language
  • Love for your language is manifested in careful handling of words, studying the rules of the language and the peculiarities of their use
  • Distortion of words has a negative impact on the development of the Russian language and the preservation of its charm
  • You can tell a lot about a person by how he treats his language.


T. Tolstaya “Kys”. With their irresponsibility, people have caused enormous damage to the language. Its former beauty and melodiousness have been lost, because everyone is just “throwing” words without thinking about the consequences. Incorrect pronunciation of words destroys the beauty of the language. The work encourages us to think about the consequences of such an attitude towards language. After reading the book, I want to protect and preserve my native language, eliminating slang and jargon.

D.S. Likhachev “Letters about the good and the beautiful.” Reflecting on the richness of the Russian language and people’s attitude towards it, Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev says that language allows you to evaluate a person at the first meeting with him. Language makes it possible to learn about someone’s relationship to the world around them and to themselves. A smart, well-mannered, intelligent person will not unnecessarily speak too loudly, emotionally, or use inappropriate and ugly words. Learning to speak beautifully, intelligently, and competently is not easy. You need to learn to speak, because speech is the basis of human behavior, the thing by which you can judge him in the first place. These thoughts of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev are very accurate. They are relevant now and will be just as true many years from now.

I.S. Turgenev "Russian language". The lines of this prose poem are known to everyone since school. It’s amazing how accurately the writer assessed the strength and power of the Russian language in just a few lines. For I.S. Turgenev’s native language is “support and support.” The entire poem, even if it is small, is filled with a sense of pride. The writer appreciates the Russian language.

V.G. Korolenko “Without a tongue.” The author claims that without language, each of us is “like a blind or small child.” People who cannot write and speak correctly and beautifully clog up speech, thereby causing irreparable damage to the language. Native speech must not only be appreciated, but also protected and tried to be preserved. The future of the Russian language depends only on the person.

Arguments for an essay on the Russian language.
The problem of language, borrowings, bureaucracy, clogging of the language, attitude towards language, quality of speech, emotional tact, eloquence, beauty of the artistic word.

Human attitude towards language

Language, even more than clothing, testifies to a person’s taste, his attitude towards the world around him, towards himself. There are various kinds of sloppiness in human language. If a person was born and lives away from the city and speaks his own dialect, there is no sloppiness in this. Dialects are often an inexhaustible source of enrichment for Russian literary language. It’s a different matter if a person lives in a city for a long time, knows the norms of the literary language, and retains the forms and words of his village. This may be because he thinks they are beautiful and is proud of them. In this I see pride in my homeland. This is not bad, and it does not humiliate a person. If a person does this on purpose to show that he is “truly rural,” then this is both funny and cynical. Flaunting rudeness in language, as well as flaunting rudeness in manners, sloppiness in clothing, mainly indicates a person’s psychological insecurity, his weakness, and not at all his strength. The speaker tries to suppress in himself with a rude joke, harsh expression, irony, cynicism the feeling of fear, apprehension, sometimes just apprehension. By using rude nicknames from teachers, it is the weak-willed students who want to show that they are not afraid of them. This happens semi-consciously. This is a sign of bad manners, lack of intelligence, and sometimes cruelty. By this, rudely speaking people seem to want to show that they are above those phenomena that they are actually afraid of. The basis of any slang, cynical expressions and swearing is weakness. People who “spit words” demonstrate their contempt for traumatic events in life because they bother them, torment them, worry them, because they feel weak and not protected against them. A truly strong and healthy, balanced person will not speak loudly unnecessarily, will not swear or use slang words. After all, he is sure that his word is already significant.

Can you judge a person by the way he speaks?
D.S. Likhachev. "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
A truly strong and healthy, balanced person will not speak loudly unnecessarily, will not swear or use slang words. After all, he is sure that his word is already significant.
Our language is the most important part of our general behavior in life. And by the way a person speaks, we can immediately and easily judge who we are dealing with: we can determine the degree of intelligence of a person, the degree of his psychological balance, the degree of his possible “complexity.”

Why is it important to speak correctly?
D.S. Likhachev. "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
You need to learn good, calm, intelligent speech for a long time and carefully - listening, remembering, noticing, reading and studying. Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind, our ability not to succumb to the influences of the environment if it is “dragging”.

What should scientific language be?
D.S. Likhachev. "Letters about the good and the beautiful."
But in general, it should be remembered: inaccuracies in language arise primarily from inaccuracies in thought. Therefore, a scientist, engineer, economist - a person of any profession should take care when writing, first of all, about the accuracy of thought. Strict correspondence of thought to language gives ease of style. The language should be simple (I’m talking now about ordinary and scientific language - not about the language of fiction).
Beware of empty eloquence! The language of scientific work should be light, unnoticeable, prettiness is unacceptable in it, and its beauty lies in a sense of proportion.
You can’t just write “beautifully.” It is necessary to write accurately and meaningfully, justifiably resorting to images. Flowery expressions tend to pop up again and again in different articles and works of individual authors.
The main thing is to strive to ensure that the phrase is immediately understood correctly. For this great importance has the arrangement of words and the brevity of the phrase itself.
The reader's attention should be focused on the author's thoughts, and not on the solution to what the author wanted to say. Therefore, the simpler the better. You should not be afraid of repetitions of the same word, the same phrase. The stylistic requirement not to repeat the same word side by side is often incorrect. This requirement cannot be a rule in all cases.
Rhythmic and easy to read phrases! When people read, they mentally pronounce the text. It needs to be easy to pronounce. And in this case, the main thing is in the arrangement of words, in the construction of the phrase. You should not overuse subordinate clauses. A noun (even if repeated) is better than a pronoun. Avoid expressions “in the latter case”, “as stated above”, etc.

What is chancellery and why is it dangerous?

“What is he, a clerk? He has very precise signs that are common to both translated and domestic literature. This is the displacement of a verb, that is, movement, action, by a participle, a gerund, a noun (especially verbal!), which means stagnation, immobility. And of all verb forms, there is a predilection for the infinitive. This is a pile-up of nouns in oblique cases, most often long chains of nouns in the same case - the genitive, so that it is no longer possible to understand what refers to what and what is being discussed. This is an abundance of foreign words where they can easily be replaced with Russian words. This is the displacement of active revolutions by passive ones, which are almost always heavier and more cumbersome. This is a heavy, confused structure of phrases, incomprehensibility. Uncountable subordinate clauses, doubly ponderous and unnatural in colloquial speech. This is dullness, monotony, erasure, cliche. Poor, meager vocabulary: both the author and the characters speak the same dry, official language. Always, without any reason or need, they prefer a long word to a short one, an official or bookish one to a colloquial one, a complex one to a simple one, a stamp to a living image. In short, the office is a dead thing. It penetrates into fiction, and in everyday life, in oral speech. Even in the nursery. From official materials, from newspapers, from radio and television, clerical language passes into everyday practice. For many years, lectures were given this way, textbooks and even primers were written this way. Fed on linguistic quinoa and chaff, teachers, in turn, feed new generations of innocent children with the same dry food of callous and dead words.”

The problem of borrowing in language
Nora Gal. “Beware of the office staff.”
Not every foreign word that even such giants as Pushkin, Herzen, and Tolstoy tried to introduce has taken root and taken root in the Russian language. Much that initially attracted attention because of its novelty or seemed sharp and ironic has become worn out over the years, discolored, or even completely died out. Moreover, all these solicitors, beadles and gigs have not taken root - they do not enrich the language, they do not add anything to carriages, carriages, gigs or, say, to solicitors, attorneys and judge's hooks, with the help of which translators are creative, not literalists and not formalists, perfectly convey everything that (and how) Dickens wanted to say. The moral, as they say, is clear: it is not a sin to introduce foreign words and sayings even into the highest poetry. But - with tact and intelligence, in time and place, observing the measure. After all, even today many, very many things can be expressed beautifully in Russian.
It is well known: once upon a time foreign words, especially those with Latin roots, came to our country along with new philosophical, scientific, technical concepts and phenomena for which the Russian language did not yet have its own words. Many have taken root and are no longer perceived as strangers. But even Peter I, who so zealously forced Domostroevskaya Rus' to catch up with Europe in all areas, from ships to assemblies, was forced to prohibit excessive enthusiasm in foreign words. The tsar wrote to one of his ambassadors: “In your communications you use a lot of Polish and other foreign words and terms, behind which it is impossible to understand the matter itself; For this reason, from now on you should write all your communications to us in Russian, without using foreign words and terms.” A century later, V.G. Belinsky comes to the defense of his native language: “Use a foreign language when there is an equivalent Russian word“means to insult both common sense and common taste.” Another century will pass, and on the same topic V. Mayakovsky will write “On fiascoes, apogees and other unknown things”: So that I don’t write in vain, I also draw a moral: what is suitable for a foreign dictionary is not suitable for a newspaper. The thoughtless, mechanical introduction of a foreign word into a Russian text often turns into outright nonsense. Not only the feeling, the image is distorted, but the thought also becomes indistinct. It is no longer so easy to cope with such a powerful flow. In the current decade, industry may pollute the river more than in the past thousand years. It's the same with language. Now the purest waters can be muddied and ruined very quickly. And those who sound the alarm and call to stand up for the protection of nature and the defense of language are right. Well, of course, it’s funny to argue: language does not freeze, does not stand still, but lives and develops, some words die off, others arise. But a person is a person to learn to control every element, including language.

What makes a true writer?
Nora Gal. “Beware of the office staff.”
Figurative sayings familiar from the cradle, combinations of words cast into gold bars by the people from time immemorial, proverbs and sayings are the most precious asset of a writer. A true writer is only one who masters figurative speech, the inexhaustible wealth of Russian sayings, proverbs, idioms - everything that enlivens and colors every story and every printed page. For art, as is known, is thinking in images.

The problem of emotional tact in language.
Nora Gal. “Beware of the office staff.”
This is a great thing - spiritual tact, correct intonation. Soon after the war, one of our major writers, a recognized artist of words, scourging the bestial essence of Hitlerism in a newspaper article, dropped the following words: the fascists, they say, were glad to “revel in the blood of children.” With all due respect to the author, I cannot help but remember: what was said in such a context, on such an occasion, the word of the krovets was unbearable. For orphaned mothers - and not only them - it hurt the ears and souls.
It is also impossible and offensive in the novel by a Russian author: “Red Square was invitingly attracted to us, but we headed in the opposite direction.” Oh, how carefully one must handle words! It can heal, but it can also hurt. An inaccurate word is bad. But what is more dangerous is a tactless word. We have seen: it can trivialize the highest concepts, the most sincere feelings. A person ceases to feel the coloring of the word, does not remember its origin and says “conservators of nature” instead of guardians. The hero of one story returned to the city of his youth, looks, sighs: “It’s an insignificant city, but so much heartfelt strength has been given to it that no matter how much you leave it, no matter how much you live in other cities, you won’t be able to tear yourself away from it.” The town is small, the town is tiny, but the contemptuous “insignificant” is impossible here! And again, speaking with respect and tenderness about the girl nurse, good writer suddenly said: “We will see, feel, and love this “front-line sister” as an unusually beautiful, kind female.” And this word is much more appropriate, at least in an example from Ushakov’s dictionary: “Beluga is a very large fish: some individuals reach 1200 kg.” In one story, the father explained to the boy, counting on his fingers, how much insurance they pay lumberjacks for injury. And we were talking about the fact that every day several of someone’s fingers are cut off with a saw or an ax. This juxtaposition was jarring, and the editor suggested the simplest solution to the translator: the father spent a long time, thoroughly interpreting and calculating how much they were paying for what. Well, what if it’s not a professional writer who writes? A prominent military man recalls the capture of Berlin. In an excerpt published by a youth newspaper, among other things, it says this: “Little Berliners approached ... camp kitchens, held out their cups and bowls with their thin hands and funny asked: “Eat.” “Eat” was the first Russian word they learned to pronounce.” Of course, the author of the memoirs did not find the request of the pitiful hungry children funny at all. Obviously, they reprimanded her funny, funny. It seemed funny how they mispronounced the Russian word. And, of course, a renowned military leader does not have to be a stylist. But one awkwardly placed word distorts the entire intonation, paints the narrator’s feelings in a false light, and you inevitably stumble over this not very tactful intonation. So did the editor really stumble and feel nothing? Why didn’t he suggest (tactfully!) a more appropriate word?
Flaubert, perhaps the strictest stylist in all world literature, said that there are no good and bad words. It all depends on whether the word is chosen correctly for this particular case. And most good word becomes bad if said inappropriately. This is where tact and the right instinct are needed.

How should you approach the Russian language?
Nora Gal. “Beware of the office staff.”
We have to repeat: we do not always take care of our wealth, our pride - our native language, just as we do not always know how to take care of our native nature, lakes, forests and rivers. But for both, we are responsible to the future, to our children and grandchildren. We pass on to them the cherished heritage of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. They have to live on this land, among these forests and rivers, they have to speak the language of Pushkin and Tolstoy, they have to read, love, recite by heart, comprehend with their minds and hearts all the best that has been created over many centuries in their native country and throughout the world . So do we really dare to deprive and deprive them? Kind people! Let's be careful, careful and careful! Let us beware of “introducing into the language” something that spoils it and for which we then have to blush! We have received an invaluable inheritance, something that the people have created over the centuries, that Pushkin and Turgenev and many more of the best talents of our land created, polished and honed for us. We are all responsible for this priceless gift. And isn’t it a shame, when we have such a wonderful, such a rich, expressive, multi-colored language, to speak and write in clerical writing?!

How to learn to perceive the beauty of artistic words?
An argument from L. Ulitskaya's novel "The Green Tent"
You can learn to perceive the beauty of the artistic word only through a sensual and deep reading of literary works, including poetic ones. Thus, one of the heroes of L. Ulitskaya’s novel, literature teacher Viktor Yulievich Shengeli, in order to interest schoolchildren in literature, began each lesson by reciting his favorite poems by heart. He never indicated the author of the poem, and many schoolchildren perceived this feature condescendingly. “Poetry seemed to them to be a woman’s business, rather weak for a front-line soldier.” However, the teacher never ceased to repeat that literature is the best that humanity has, and poetry is the “heart of literature.” Viktor Yulievich did not limit himself to the school curriculum; he read Pasternak, Sappho, and Annensky. Gradually, more and more schoolchildren interested in literature appeared in the class; they, together with the teacher, visited historical places, learned the biographies of Russian poets and writers. Viktor Yulievich helped the children get into reading; they even formed a literary circle of lovers of Russian literature and began to call themselves “lyurs”. The love of literature determined the future life of the main characters of the novel. The guys read books at night, passed rare copies from hand to hand, and took photographs of especially valuable books. Mikha, who from the very first lessons hung on every word of his beloved teacher, entered the Faculty of Philology and became a teacher, and Ilya for many years was engaged in the publication and distribution of prohibited literature. Thus, the thirst for books and the ability to perceive the beauty of the literary word determined not only their reading range, but also their life path.

Types of problem

Protection and preservation of the Russian language


In T. Tolstoy’s novel “Kys” people have ruined the Russian language so much that one can no longer recognize its former melodiousness. They “throw” words, while pronouncing them incorrectly. After reading such books, I want to protect and protect our language from jargon and slang.

D.S. Likhachev “Letters about the good and the beautiful.” Sloppiness in clothing is disrespect for the people around you, and disrespect for yourself. How should we evaluate our attitude towards the language we speak? Language, even more than clothing, testifies to a person’s taste, his attitude towards the world around him, towards himself. A truly strong, healthy, confident person will not unnecessarily speak loudly, swear, or use swear words or slang words. After all, he is sure that his word is already significant. Our language is a vital part of our overall behavior in life. And by the way a person speaks, we can easily judge who we are dealing with. It takes a long time and carefully to learn good, calm, intelligent speech, because our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind, and our ability not to succumb to environmental influences.

I.S. Turgenev:“Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this heritage passed on to us by our predecessors.”

A. Kuprin:“Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. That is why studying and preserving the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing to do, but an urgent necessity.”

Journalistic article by S. Kaznacheev. The literary critic raises the problem of the development and preservation of the Russian language, the use of words or symbols that belong to foreign languages, namely their excessive use, which can lead to the extinction of Russian speech. The author of the article writes that today our language is clogged with various jargons, colloquial and foreign words, and the original Russian words are gradually being forgotten. And it is bitter and offensive for the Russian people to realize this. Indeed, nowadays the younger generation ceases to appreciate the merits of people such as Cyril and Methodius, who gave us the alphabet, and V. Dahl, who devoted his entire life to studying the Russian language. And hardly anyone living in the 21st century has thought about the price these people paid for their merits. The author is convinced that the “blind” use of borrowings today leads to distortion of the alphabet, destruction of Russian words, disruption of the functioning of the language, and loss of cultural traditions.

Poems by A. Akhmatova about language:
Gold rusts and steel decays, marble crumbles. Everything is ready for death. The most lasting thing on earth is sadness And the most lasting thing is the royal word.
It's not scary to lie dead under bullets,
It's not bitter to be left homeless, -
And we will save you, Russian speech,
Great Russian word.
The future of the Motherland, according to the poetess, directly depends on the integrity of the language.

The Russian language constantly interacts with other world languages. In the novel in verse, A.S. Pushkin, describing Onegin’s outfit, says that “... trousers, tailcoat, vest, all these words are not in Russian.” Surprisingly, centuries have passed, and no one remembers that these words were once disowned, considering them frivolous and discourteous. At the beginning of the 19th century, they were considered relatively new types of clothing, the terminology of which had not yet been fully established. The selection of Russian names was slow. But with the light hand of Pushkin, we consider these words to be our own and do not think about their origin. One can argue whether the Russian language has become richer, but it certainly has not become poorer, because today instead of a sleeveless jacket we say “vest”, and instead of short pants we say “knickers”. Although, we can safely say that this word is gradually becoming obsolete.

2. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

In the eighth chapter, Tatiana’s appearance is surrounded by an aura of enthusiasm and secular apotheosis. Pushkin that Tatyana was “a true snapshot of Du comme il faut...” And then the author asks for forgiveness from the Slavophiles: “Shishkov, forgive me. I don’t know how to translate.” The expression translated from French means decent, decent, as it should be. Usually this expression is used in an ironic sense, but here Pushkin uses this word - comme il faut - in a positive sense, everything that is not vulgar (that is, not vulgar, that is, not primitive, vulgar). The author talks about this later.

No one could find it in it
That autocratic fashion
In high London circle
It's called vulgar. (I can not...
I love this word very much
But I can’t translate;
It’s still new to us,
And it is unlikely that he will be honored.
It would be suitable for an epigram...

Vulgar - primitive - has become absolutely our word used in colloquial speech.

3. A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky acts as a defender of the Russian national language. He finds it inappropriate to use French in his own country, at least. To be closer to the people. In his monologue he says:

At conventions, at big ones, on parish holidays?
A confusion of languages ​​still prevails:
French with Nizhny Novgorod?

Assuming that the past three years might have changed something. Griboedov, through the mouth of Chatsky, expresses his negative attitude towards the use of the French language in everyday life.

4. L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”

In the novel, the author conveys a situation when, after the Battle of Borodino, representatives of St. Petersburg society decide to abandon the use of French words in their speech. However, such a decision is difficult to implement, since in high society it is not customary to speak Russian and many simply do not know the meaning of French words in their native language. L.N. Tolstoy clearly does not sympathize with representatives of high society, believing that in difficult times all citizens should unite, and language is one of the main means contributing to this.

5. K. Paustovsky

believed: “We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.” Our outstanding writer believed that true love for one’s country is unthinkable without love for one’s language. Domestic literature is the pride of the nation, the names of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Bulgakov are a world heritage, they are read and loved on all continents. “Many Russian words themselves radiate poetry, just as precious stones radiate a mysterious shine.”

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