Preparations from ripe pears. Step-by-step photo recipe for preparing whole canned pears in syrup for the winter. Ageless traditions of grandmothers - drying

You can make many preparations for the winter from pears - compotes, preserves, purees, marmalade and much more. Canned pears are good not only as an independent dessert, but also as a filling for pies, buns, and cake decoration.

Pear jam in 7 steps

Now is the time to harvest fruit crops. In this regard, the head of the department of selection and propagation of fruit and berry crops of the Buryat Research Institute of Agriculture, Nadezhda Guseva, shares her recipe for pear jam.

Cooking method

  1. Rinse the fruits thoroughly.
  2. If the pears are large, cut them into halves.
  3. Place in a bowl in a small portion - 3-4 kg. Add water until the pears are covered.
  4. Let it cook for 30-40 minutes. Drain the remaining water and let the pears cool.
  5. Next, pass (wipe) through a sieve or colander with small mesh. Add sugar to the resulting puree mass at the rate of 600-800 g of sugar per 1 kg of mass.
  6. Boil the mixture in small portions – 1-2 kg each over low heat. For one-time cooking - 1.5-2 hours. When boiling twice - 30-40 minutes: boil, leave, repeat the next day. You can cook it 3 times until thickened.
  7. Place the jam in a glass container, preferably a small one - from 0.25 to 0.5 kg.

Canned pears

This is a real dessert that can fully replace high-calorie baked goods. Canned in own juice You can simply eat pears as a snack, or you can make delicious desserts from them - chocolate covered pears, cake fillings, fruit salads.


  • Pears - 4-6 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  1. Rinse the pears. Using a sharp knife, remove the skin, cut the pears in half, and remove the seeds and stems. You can preserve it in halves, or you can cut it into thin slices.
  2. Place the pears tightly into a prepared sterilized liter jar.
  3. Sprinkle with sugar and add a tablespoon of water.
  4. Close the jar tightly and place in a saucepan with water (at least 70 degrees). Sterilize for half an hour.
  5. Turn the jar upside down and leave it in this position until it cools.

Pear jam

Almost every home has its own secret recipe pear jam. Our version is very quick to prepare and delicate in taste.


  • Pear pulp - 4 cups
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Pectin - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  1. We wash and peel the pears, cut them into small pieces, crush them a little with a spoon so that the pulp releases the juice.
  2. Add lemon juice and pectin.
  3. Place over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. Add sugar and cook over low heat, stirring until cooked.
  5. The jam is ready if a drop of it placed on a saucer does not spread.
  6. Transfer to a jar and roll up.

Pear compote

One of the most delicious fruit compotes. Therefore, if you are going to cook it, then it will take more than one jar. It is drunk very quickly and with pleasure.


  • Pears - 1 kg
  • Water - 1 l
  • Citric acid - 2 g
  • Sugar - 200 g

Cooking method

  1. We wash and remove the stems from medium-sized pears.
  2. Blanch them whole in boiling water with the addition of 1 gram of citric acid for about 10 minutes. When the pears become soft, cool them in cold water. If you make compote from pieces, you can skip this step.
  3. Place the pears in jars.
  4. Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, dissolve sugar and 1 gram of citric acid in a liter of water and bring to a boil.
  5. Pour syrup over pears.
  6. Sterilize three-liter jars for 30 minutes in hot water.
  7. Roll up the lids and turn over until cool.

Pear jam th

Jam is made from dense, small pear fruits. It is simply cooked and does not require any additional or auxiliary ingredients, except vanilla and, of course, sugar.


  • 1 kg of pears,
  • 0.5 kg granulated sugar,
  • 1 pinch of vanilla (you can do without it).

Cooking method

  1. The fruits are washed, peeled, and the peel is cut off (although you can leave it).
  2. Next, they are turned in a meat grinder or pureed using a blender until smooth.
  3. Granulated sugar is added to the pear puree and left for at least an hour to dissolve the grains.
  4. After 1 hour, place the bowl with the mixture over moderate heat, season with vanilla, and cook, stirring, until tender. After the moment of boiling, the heat of the fire can be increased, remembering to periodically stir the jam to avoid burning. The dish is checked for readiness in this way: put a drop of jam on the saucer, if it thickens as it cools, it means it’s ready.
  5. The finished dish is set aside in the same container in which it was cooked, so that it stands and the foam on the surface dissolves. And only then can the jam be poured into the prepared container and rolled up.

Pear is an extremely tasty and healthy fruit and it cannot be kept fresh for a long time, so it is better to preserve it. Pear compote for the winter is a simple drink that can be prepared. It is important to know what positive and what negative qualities such a pleasant and popular fruit has.

What is important to know about pear


  1. Thanks to its composition, the pear will perfectly help in the fight against muscle pain after sports.
  2. Pears contain pectin, which has a positive effect on the digestive system and helps it function fully.
  3. If you make a decoction based on pears, it can be used in medicinal purposes, namely to combat elevated body temperature.
  4. If a person is tormented by a cough, he can eat a boiled pear, which will alleviate the condition and allow him to forget about the cough for a while.
  5. For constipation, it will be useful to drink pear compote or eat a pear that was boiled for this compote.
  6. The fruit contains a lot of fiber, which improves intestinal function, removes toxins from the body and helps normalize bile secretion.
  7. For those who have diabetes, it will be useful to eat pears, since their composition helps reduce blood glucose levels and also has antibacterial properties.
  8. For gastritis, pears are quite useful during the chronic process, since their composition has an astringent effect and the ability to improve the functioning of metabolic processes in the body.
  9. Pears contain many different vitamins, microelements and fiber, so they are great for those who want to lose weight and in addition to adding them to the body useful substances, quickly and easily satisfy hunger.

Having such a variety of properties, pear compote for the winter turns out to be very useful!

  1. For diseases such as pancreatitis, pears are contraindicated - they can cause a severe exacerbation of the disease due to the abundance of fiber.
  2. If there is an exacerbation of any intestinal disease, then pears should not be consumed, since due to their composition they can provoke a severe deterioration of the condition.
  3. Pear can cause significant harm to the body if consumed with heavy food or if washed down with large amounts of water.

It is better to avoid pears on an empty stomach or after a heavy lunch. Fresh pears are heavy food.

One of the most popular drinks in winter period is compote. The variety of fruits and berries and the possibility of their combinations allow you to make drinks for different tastes. How to prepare pear compote for the winter? Simple recipes preparations are outlined below.

There is no need to use overripe pears to make compote. The pulp will quickly boil and make the drink cloudy.

A drink that will refresh and saturate the body with vitamins during the cold season is prepared pear compote for the winter. Both adults and children will like it.

There are various options for preparing pear compote for the winter. You can safely adopt one of the recipes for this wonderful drink!

Simple pear compote for the winter

To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • pear (medium size) - 1.5 kg;
  • water, boiling water 3 l;
  • sugar - no more than 3 glasses.

For compote, it is better to use dense, unripe fruits without dents. The most delicious drink is made from fresh homemade pears.

The process of preparing homemade pear compote for the winter:

  1. Place the fruit in a large container. Rinse them thoroughly.
  2. Prick each pear with a fork.
  3. Rinse the jar using baking soda or laundry soap. Sterilize it using one of the following methods. For example, holding it over steam. It is also worth boiling the lid.
  4. Place the fruit in the jar. Pour boiling water over them for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour the water back into the pan. After adding sugar, cook the syrup over medium heat until it boils.
  6. Pour hot syrup into the jar and seal the jar.
  7. Cover it with a towel.

If the skin of pears is very dense and hard, then it is better to cut it off. Otherwise, the drink will not get the maximum taste.

Pear compote for the winter without sterilization

To save time and effort, you can make compote using a shortened version - without sterilization. Such drinks are not inferior in taste and health to canned ones, but they have a shorter shelf life.

For a 3-liter jar, prepare:

  • pear (not large) - 1.2 kg;
  • water – about 3 l;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • citric acid to your taste

The process of preparing pear compote without sterilization:

Delicious and aromatic pear compote is ready for the winter! Now you can enjoy the taste of wonderful pear compote!

To give the compote a richer shade, you can add plums, apples, cherries, rowan berries, black currants, raspberries, and viburnum.

Pear compote with citric acid

Citric acid will help make the compote less cloying.

In the middle of the pear lies its wonderful scent. Boil the inside of the fruit separately, strain and add to the syrup. The drink will be very aromatic!

To prepare this compote you will need:

  • hard pear fruits;
  • sugar – no more than 300 g;
  • lemon (citric acid) (1 teaspoon);
  • a little vanillin or cinnamon;

The process of preparing pear compote for the winter with citric acid:

Do not keep pears in water for too long, as they may lose their beneficial properties.

Wild pear compote for the winter

Wild pear varieties have medicinal qualities. You can make a delicious drink from them.

Main ingredients:

  • wild pears - no more than 1.5 kg;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • sugar (sand) – no more than 300 g;
  • lemon (citric acid) – 1 teaspoon.

The process of preparing wild pear compote for the winter:

Compote of aromatic pears, prepared for the winter, will quench your thirst well, energize you and give you essential vitamins during the cold season!

Pear is a sweet fruit. Therefore, you should not overdo it with granulated sugar. You only need a little bit of it. And if you want the taste to be as bright and rich as possible, then you need to put more than half of the pears in a jar.

Pear compote with honey

This is a simple recipe for pear compote for the winter that does not require much time.


  • small pears;
  • for pouring: you will need 800 g and 1 liter of water.


This recipe with a photo of pear compote for the winter is easy to follow and even a housewife who has decided to make a drink from these fruits for the first time can make it.

Pear compote is not only a vitamin drink, it is also a tasty treat. The juicy aroma of an amber pear drink will delight you with its incomparable taste and strengthen your immune system in winter. And fruits from compote can easily become a decoration for cakes and desserts made from different fruits.

Pear is a genus of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs of the Rosaceae family. Different varieties pears are used as ornamental or actual fruit trees.

Fruit pear tree are one of the healthiest delicacies.

In 2005, global pear production was 15 million tons (USDA estimate). The largest producer of pears is China.

Calorie content of pear

Pears have low energy value and amount to only 42 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Benefits of pears

Pear fruits weighing from 25 to 300 g, fleshy, with stony cells, yellow or green, contain on average 10.4 percent sugars, 0.3 organic acids, 0.03 tannins,2.6 - fiber, 0.02 mg per 100 g of fruit mass, vitamin B1, 0.1 mg per 100 g of fruit pulp, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), 4 mg per 100 g of fruit ascorbic acid(vitamin C), contains carotene and trace elements. These connections in large quantities accumulate in winter pear varieties during storage, when the stony fibers mature and the substances that cement the cells dissolve.

Pears are rich in sucrose, fructose and glucose. Because of all these useful vitamins and microelements pears are often used in dietary nutrition. They are often recommended as a dessert for diabetics.

Pears improve digestion and help in the treatment of kidney stones. They can be included in baby food, since they do not cause allergies. Pear fruits have an antimicrobial effect, support the immune system, strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Pear is recommended for people weakened after illness, with lack of appetite, fatigue and frequent dizziness. The fruits help restore the body's strength and resistance.

Pears have an invigorating, refreshing and cheerful effect, improving mood.

Pear juice and fruit decoctions have antibacterial activity due to the content of the antibiotic arbutin. They are also used as a means to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Pear juice is also an excellent restorative, tonic and vitamin remedy; it is also extremely useful in the treatment of certain gastric diseases.

Due to its low calorie content, pears recommended in various diets.

For cosmetic purposes They use ripe pear fruits (a paste of them), preferably wild, stale pears - they contain more vitamins, organic and biologically active substances.

Pear contraindications

Sour and very tart varieties of pears strengthen the stomach and liver, stimulate appetite, but they are more difficult to digest by the body (calorizator). Therefore, this type of pear is contraindicated for elderly people and those who suffer from severe disorders of the nervous system.

The pleasant crunch when biting into a pear is explained by the presence of stony cells in the pulp, the shells of which consist of lignified fiber. This same fiber irritates the mucous membrane of the small intestine, so during exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, it is better to refrain from eating pears.

Using the pear in folk medicine

Pears have long been used in folk medicine. They are characterized by predominantly fixative, diuretic, disinfectant, antipyretic and antitussive effects.

This effect is possessed not only by fresh, but also by dried fruits, as well as juice, decoctions (of fresh and dried fruits), and jelly. But medicinal properties Only ripe, aromatic, juicy, delicate fruits have the same texture.

Ancient doctors valued pear fruits as a means of promoting rapid healing of wounds and reducing fever. Ancient Arabic medical works indicated that pears help treat lung diseases.

Pear fruits should be consumed correctly: eat on an empty stomach and drink water. Also, they should not be eaten with meat or enjoyed earlier than half an hour after finishing the meal.

There are summer, autumn-winter and winter varieties. Summer ones include: Summer Duchess, Limonovka, autumn-winter ones - Bera Loshitskaya, Maslyanistaya Loshitskaya, Pyshnaya Efimova, winter ones - Belorusskaya Pozdnaya, etc.

Pears can be dried, canned, processed into compotes, candied fruits, wine, marmalade, etc.

Subtleties of preparing pear preparations

Pears quickly darken after cutting, so you need to spray the cut fruits lemon juice.

To prevent pear preparations from being cloying, you should add citric acid and be careful with sugar.

Sugar and acid are natural preservatives for pears. Without them, due to a lack of their own sugars and malic acid, the fruits quickly deteriorate and bacteria multiply in them.

If you are making jam and want it to not foam, then add small piece butter when cooking.

The most suitable companions for pears are cinnamon, star anise, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, basil, marjoram, sage, cardamom, lingonberry, and sea buckthorn.

Store preserved jars in a cool, dark place.

Pear jam

1 kg of pears, 1.1 kg of sugar, 3/4 cup of water.

Sweet, juicy pears without any damage, ripe but still firm, rinse thoroughly in cold water, peel, remove the seed nest, cut along the fruit into 2 cm thick slices or halves, blanch in boiling water for 4-6 minutes, cool . Then place in a bowl of syrup prepared using the water in which the pears were blanched and cook until the slices turn light.
The cooking of the jam must be continuously monitored, and if some of the pear slices are already ready (become light), they must be removed from the basin and placed in another bowl, and the rest must be cooked until fully cooked. At the end of cooking, put the slices previously selected from the basin back, then remove the basin from the heat. Place the pears in jars, pour syrup, close the lids and sterilize half-liter jars for 20 minutes, liter jars for 30 minutes. After sterilization, immediately roll up the hot jars.

Pear jam with apple juice and citric acid “Smolyanskoe”

1 kg firm sweet pears 1 cup apple juice 1 kg sugar 4-5 g citric acid

Cooking process:
Cut the peeled pears into slices and cook for 5-6 minutes in boiling water. Then cool and put in syrup made from sugar and apple juice.
Cook the resulting mixture in 3 doses with breaks of 6 hours. Just before it's ready, add citric acid. Place the finished hot jam into sterilized jars and seal.

Pear compote

For the syrup: for 1 liter of water - 100 g of sugar, 4 g of citric acid, a pinch of vanilla sugar.

Place whole or halved pears in a saucepan with boiling syrup and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Separate the pears in a colander and place in jars up to their shoulders. Prepare syrup using the water in which the pears were boiled, fill the jars with boiling syrup and sterilize for 15-20 minutes, then roll up.

Pear jam

For 1 kg of pears- 500 g sugar, 4 g citric acid.

Peel ripe pears, cut into slices, remove the core, and place in a blanching basket or cheesecloth. Pour 2-3 glasses of water into a saucepan, place a basket or cheesecloth with pears in it and simmer over low heat until the pears are completely softened. Rub the steamed fruits through a sieve, mix with the broth and boil in a saucepan to half the volume. Then add sugar, mix thoroughly and cook until tender. Place into jars while hot and seal.

Pear marmalade

For 1 kg of chopped pears- 3-4 peas of allspice, 5 buds of cloves; for 1 kg of puree - 0.4 kg of sugar.

Wash the juicy pears, cut into quarters, remove the core and place in cold water to prevent the fruits from darkening in the air. Place allspice and cloves in a gauze bag and place it in a saucepan with pears. Boil the pears until softened. Take out the bag and rub the pears through a sieve. Transfer the resulting puree into a bowl, add sugar, lemon peels and cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until tender. When hot, place the marmalade into jars and close. To obtain a denser consistency, it is recommended to add apple puree to the marmalade (20-25 percent of the total puree mass).

Pear jelly

For 1 liter of juice- 750 g sugar, juice of one lemon.

Peel ripe and juicy pears from stems and seeds, wash thoroughly, cut into 4 or 8 pieces and cook in large quantities water at a strong boil until the pears become soft. Then place them on a clean cloth and collect the dripping juice in a bowl. After 24 hours, drain the juice that has settled in the vessel, thus separating it from the sediment formed at the bottom, add sugar and lemon juice to it. Bring the juice to a boil and simmer, carefully removing the foam with a wooden spoon until the jelly reaches the required thickness (a drop of jelly on the saucer should harden). It is better to add lemon juice at the end of cooking. Pour the finished jelly into hot jars, cover with lids and roll up. For better taste, you can add rum, cinnamon or other spices to the jelly.

Natural pear in its own juice

For a liter jar- 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 4 g citric acid, spices

Peel ripe and firm pears, cut into slices and place tightly in jars up to the hanger. Place sugar, citric acid, and spices in each jar. Sterilize in boiling water: half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter jars - 20-25, two-liter jars - 25-40 minutes.

Pear in lingonberry juice

For 2 kg of pears- 1.6 kg of lingonberries, 160 g of sugar (for lingonberries), 1.2 kg of sugar (for juice).

Wash the juicy but strong pears, divide into 4 parts, peel and remove sepals, stalks and seed nests. Sort out the lingonberries, rinse them, put them in a saucepan, add sugar and cook over high heat until the lingonberries become soft. Then strain the mixture on a stretched cloth. Bring the resulting lingonberry juice to a boil, add sugar to it, add the cooked pears and cook slowly until soft. Then place the pears in prepared jars, add juice and sterilize half-liter jars for 25 minutes, liter jars for 30 minutes, and three-liter jars for 45 minutes. After sterilization, immediately roll up the hot jars.

Pickled pears

For filling: 1 liter of water, 300 g of sugar, 0.8 g of cinnamon, 0.4 g of cloves, 0.4 g of star anise, 0.4 g of allspice, 8 g of vinegar essence.

Wash the pears thoroughly in cold water, peel (for delicate varieties, you can leave the skin if desired), cut in half, remove the seed nests. For pears that can be preserved whole (fruits up to 40 mm in diameter), trim the stalk, remove the sepals, seed nest and cut off the skin.
Blanch the pears for 2-7 minutes in a boiling 0.1% citric acid solution and place in jars.
At the same time, prepare the filling with sugar and spices, boiling it for 5-10 minutes, then add acetic acid or vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly, strain, and distribute the spices remaining after straining evenly among the jars. Pour the prepared marinade over the pears. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter jars for 20 minutes, and three-liter jars for 30 minutes. After sterilization, immediately roll up the jars.

Soaked pear with lingonberries

For 10 kg of pears- 2 kg of lingonberries; for preparing the wort: 10 liters of water - 10 teaspoons of yogurt, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. spoon of dry mustard.

Place pears with dense flesh (sprigs up) and lingonberries in rows in a tub or enamel bowl, arranging them with blackcurrant leaves, and pour in the wort. After 8-10 days, store the pears in a cool place.

Pears in vinegar with sugar

For solution for 1.2 kg of pears - 250 g of water, 400 g of sugar, 500 g of table vinegar, 10 g of cinnamon, zest of one lemon.

Rinse small pears in cold water and peel (the stem is cut in half, the core is removed). After this, place the pears in water with a teaspoon of salt dissolved in it so that they do not darken. Then prepare a solution with the addition of sugar, vinegar, cinnamon and lemon zest. Place the pears in the solution and cook over high heat until soft, then remove from heat. The next day, place the pears in jars, fill with infusion and sterilize half-liter jars for 12 minutes, liter jars for 18 minutes, and three-liter jars for 25 minutes. After sterilization, immediately roll up the jars.

Preparation of pears in Bulgarian style

For a three-liter jar- 2 kg pears, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 4-5 geranium leaves, 100 g dogwood, a pinch of citric acid, 1.3 liters of water.

Take small pear fruits, you can even wild ones, peel them from the stalks, rinse them well, and carefully put them in a three-liter jar. Add salt, geranium leaves, ripened dogwood berries, and citric acid. Pour in cold boiled water. After a day, turn the jar upside down and back 10 times. 20 days will pass - and the pickle is ready.

Pear sauce

For 1 kg of pureed mass - 100 g of sugar.

Wash the pears thoroughly in cold water, place in a saucepan, fill 1/3 with water and put on fire for 10-15 minutes. Then rub the fruits, along with the liquid remaining in the pan, through a colander, put the resulting mass in the pan and add sugar. Bring to a boil and cook over high heat for 5 minutes, stirring continuously. Pour the hot sauce into jars, cover with lids and sterilize half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter jars for 20 minutes. After sterilization, roll up the jars.

Sauce of peaches, pears, and apples with onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers, celery and coriander “Fruit and vegetable chutney”

6 peaches 6 pears 6 apples 20 tomatoes 3 pcs. sweet green pepper 3 pcs. sweet red pepper 6 onions 1 stalk of celery 2 cups sugar 1 cup 5% vinegar 1 teaspoon chopped mixture bay leaf, coriander and black pepper hot fresh or ground pepper and salt - to taste

Cooking process:
Peel, core and pit the fruit. Remove seeds from sweet peppers. Pass all vegetables and fruits through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Cook the resulting mixture for 3-4 hours over low heat, adding spices and vinegar at the end of cooking.
Place the hot mass into sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down, wrap and leave until completely cool. Serve as an appetizer, as a sauce for meat and poultry dishes, with hard cheeses, on toast.

Candied pear

You can't think of a better treat for winter tea drinking. Quite dietary, at the same time sweet and aromatic. These candied fruits can be added to porridge, cottage cheese, sweet casseroles, and biscuits. It is best to store candied fruits in glass containers with tight lids.

Pears1 kg
Sugar1 kg
Citric acid2-3 g
Water300 g

Cooking method:
Wash the pears, remove the cores and stems, cut into thin slices
Blanch the pieces in boiling water for 10 minutes.
Place pear slices in cold water.
Prepare sugar syrup by dissolving sugar in boiling water.
Place the pears in a saucepan, pour boiling syrup over them and let sit for at least 4 hours.
Then cook them for 5-8 minutes. Remove from heat and leave again for 10 hours. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times until the pears become transparent. During the very last cooking, add citric acid. Stir, finish cooking, place in a colander to drain the syrup from the pears. This will happen in about an hour.
Preheat the oven to 40 degrees and place the candied fruits on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Cooking time is about 9 hours.

Pear and orange confiture “Memorable”

1 kg pears 300 g oranges 1 kg sugar

Cooking process:
Boil syrup from water and sugar and cool it. Cut off the stalks of pears, remove the seed chambers, and chop the pulp. Peel the oranges and cut the peeled segments in half.
Place the fruits in a container for making jam and cover them with sugar. Leave the prepared mixture for at least 12 hours at room temperature to release the juice.
After this time, place the container on low heat and simmer the contents until the sugar is completely dissolved. If there is too little juice and there is a risk of burning, add water at the rate of 100 ml per 1 kg of fruit.
After about 1 hour, remove the bone from the heat. The next day, cook the mixture for another 20 minutes. Place the hot confiture into sterilized jars and close them with screw caps.

Pear and apple marmalade

Pears – 1 kg; Apples – 1 kg; Granulated sugar – 1-1.2 kg.

Wash the apples, cut out the core, bake in the oven until tender, rub through a sieve. Mix the finished puree with sugar and cook until it is reduced by one and a half to two times. If the marmalade is being prepared for the winter, then it is better to put the mixture into jars and roll it up, but if it is not being prepared for a long time, then gently put the hot marmalade into a mold and take it out into the cold, when it hardens, cut it into portions.

Marmalade can also be prepared according to any jam recipe, you just need to cook longer so that it reduces by 1.5-2 times.

Dried pears

Summer and autumn varieties containing at least 12% dry matter are suitable for drying. The fruits should be ripe, with a small content of stony cells. It is recommended to use Bessemyanka, Tonkovetka, Autumn Bergamot, Summer William and others, as well as wild pears.

The fruits, depending on their size, are cut into halves or quarters (small ones are dried whole) and dipped in acidified or salted water. After the water has drained, the slices are placed on sieves or baking sheets and dried for 10-12 hours, first at 70-80°C, and finally at 50-55°C. Ready pears are kept in a box or box for 5-6 days to equalize humidity.

Mastarda - Italian preparation

To prepare this dish, a whole assortment of various fruits is used (apple, pear, plum, peach, melon, fig, etc.), as well as candied fruits, water, sugar, wine and mustard. Preparing mastarda is quite simple - the fruit is simply boiled over very low heat in syrup for several hours or placed in ready-made sugar syrup. Water can sometimes be replaced with white wine, and mustard powder is added only a few minutes before the dish is ready. In general, everyone can master the preparation of mastarda - you just need to want to.
In Italy, mastarda is prepared in different ways. We will look at the very best classic recipe This preparation is common in the Lombardy region, in particular in the city of Cremona.

You will need:
1 liter of water, 500 ml of dry white wine, 900 g of sugar, 30 g of dry mustard, 25 small candied fruits, 10 yellow plums, 8 red plums, 4 figs, 3 peaches and pears each, 2 apples, ½ melon.

How to cook mastarda:
Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Wash the berries and fruits, clean them of everything unnecessary - stalks, seeds, peels, chop them arbitrarily, not finely and not too coarsely. Put the prepared products and syrup, pour in the wine, cook over low heat until tender (the fruit is softened and transparent), add mustard powder, stirring everything with a spoon, cook for a few more minutes and remove from the stove. Place the fruit in syrup in clean jars, then place the jars in a large container with water and pasteurize from the moment of boiling for 40 minutes, then seal with lids. You will be able to eat mastarda no earlier than after 2 months.

Pear wine

Due to the fact that the smell of ripe pears is well transmitted to the prepared wine, the drink turns out aromatic and very tasty. It is made in many regions of Russia. When the time comes to pick the fruits, I advise you to remember this recipe for homemade pear wine. The time spent on preparation will not be wasted.
For pear wine, you can use not only sweet, juicy varieties, but also fruits that are not consumed fresh, for example, wild pears. The taste of the finished drink depends little on the variety. It is difficult to obtain pure juice from pear fruits; in terms of complexity of preparation, this recipe is second only to wine from plums. We will adhere to a similar preparation technology, but with some nuances that allow us to preserve the aroma of the original raw materials.

pears – 10 kg;
sugar – 5 kg;
water – 15 liters;
raisins (fresh grapes) – 100 grams.

It is better not to boil water; this is done only in cases where its quality leaves much to be desired. I advise you to prepare (wash and thoroughly dry) the fermentation container in advance. This could be a keg, bottle or jar. As a last resort, a food-grade plastic container.

Cooking process:
1. Dissolve sugar in warm (20-27°C) water. Add unwashed raisins or crush a few unwashed fresh grapes. Wild wine yeast lives on the surface of the berries, which will ferment the prepared pear must.
2. Wash the pears, clean them of rot and cut them into small slices.
3. Add the slices to the fermentation container.
4. Pour in the sugar syrup obtained at the first stage and mix. It is better to leave a third of the volume of the bottle free, so that there is room for foam and carbon dioxide that will appear during the fermentation process.
5. Put a water seal on the bottle or a regular medical glove with a hole in one of the fingers.
6. Place the container in a warm (18-26°C) dark place for fermentation for several weeks.
7. After the end of fermentation (the signet has blown away, the water seal does not release bubbles for several days, sediment has formed at the bottom), pour the wine through a straw into another container, without touching the sediment at the bottom. Close the bottle tightly with a stopper or install the water seal again (preferable).
8. Transfer the young wine to a dark, cool (10-16°C) place and leave for 2-3 months to age. Then drain the sediment again, pour into bottles and seal tightly with stoppers.
Keep Home wine made from pears, it is better to keep it in the basement or refrigerator; it does not have a clearly defined expiration date; over time, the drink becomes lighter and tastier.

How to cook pears deliciously and unusually for the winter so that you can treat the whole family with a fragrant and vitamin-packed summer dessert on frosty days? First, we offer you traditional preparations for the winter from pears.

Pear jam slices

Pear jam is a great dessert that you can treat yourself to during the cold season. That's why we decided to tell you about how to cook pear jam in slices. Try!

Pears with apples

You probably noticed that the pear dough will not be soft enough. But if you add apples, then the taste and appearance will be completely different. Since we use very little sugar, it is advisable to store jars of jam in the cold. So, you will need:

  1. Sweet pears - one part;
  2. Sweet apples - one part;
  3. Sugar - one part.

Wash and dry the fruits, remove the cores with seeds and stems, cut into slices. Sprinkle generously with sugar and leave at room temperature for several hours or overnight to release their juices. Cook in two ways: until fully cooked (about forty minutes), stirring regularly, or in stages, in three steps, leaving eight to twelve hours between them. Cook in this way for no more than seven minutes after the start of boiling. Readiness is checked as follows: a drop of jam should not spread on the plate.

From wild pears

So, you already know how to make pear jam in slices, but we invite you to try a delicious delicacy made from wild game. It turns out slightly sour, but unusually tasty and aromatic. For jam, select whole hard fruits and prick them in several places with a toothpick. Pour them with the same amount of sugar, add a little water (a glass, no more) and cook over low heat. If you add a few clove buds, the jam will acquire a spicy taste and piquant aroma. Wild pears can be cooked for five minutes in three stages or once for an hour.

In Greek

This jam is made from ripe and juicy fruits of southern varieties. It comes out very thick, so you can safely say that you have jam. Required Products:

  1. Ripe pears – kilogram;
  2. Sour apples - two pieces (grate them);
  3. Sugar – two kilograms;
  4. Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife;
  5. Half a lemon (lime) – juice;
  6. Water – half a glass.

Peel the fruits and cut them into small pieces. Then add water and lemon juice. Boil over low heat until soft, and then add sugar, apple, and cinnamon into the pan. Increase the heat and cook until the jam becomes thick. Don't forget to stir, otherwise it will burn. Place while hot in jars, seal and store at room temperature.

Pear jam with ginger and cinnamon

It's not just sweetness. This pear jam with its spicy aroma and ginger pungency will appeal to true gourmets and will be enjoyed with pleasure in the winter with a glass or two of tea with girlfriends.

For this kind of pear jam, it is better to choose fruits with dense pulp - then your dessert will not turn into porridge, and the slices will retain their beautiful shape and pleasant elasticity.


  1. 1 kg of pears,
  2. 1 kg sugar,
  3. 1 lemon,
  4. 150 g ginger,
  5. 2 cinnamon sticks,
  6. 5 buds of cloves,
  7. 400 ml water,


  1. Peel and core the pears and cut into small pieces. Cut the ginger into thin strips.
  2. Place the pear in a colander or sieve and plunge into boiling water for 5-10 minutes, and then plunge into cold water.
  3. Boil sugar syrup in pear water and add ginger. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add the cinnamon and cloves to the syrup and cook over low heat until the syrup thickens, about 30 minutes.
  4. Remove cinnamon and cloves from syrup. Pour the syrup over the pear pieces and leave for 3-4 hours.
  5. Place the pear jam on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes. Leave until cool. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  6. Cook the pear jam for the last time until the pear pieces are ready, so that the pear pieces become transparent. Add lemon juice 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking.
  7. Pour hot pear jam into prepared sterilized jars and roll up. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and leave until completely cooled.

Classic pear jam

Summer is the season when the abundance of fruits allows you to make preparations for the winter. We have already shared recipes for peach and cherry jam with you, now it’s time to make pear jam.

As with peaches, pear jam must contain whole slices of fruit, so you will need 1 kg of sugar, 1 kg of pears, 0.75 cups of boiled water, 1 lemon or a tablespoon of citric acid.

Wash the pears under running water, peel them from the tails and centers, cut them into small slices.

Pour boiled water into a deep saucepan and add sugar. The syrup must be boiled until the sugar is completely dissolved. While cooking the syrup, skim off the foam all the time.

Add pears cut into slices to the finished syrup and cook them over low heat until they become transparent. Add a tablespoon of citric acid to the almost finished jam or squeeze 1 lemon.

Sterilize the jars and put the jam in them, close them with an iron or screw cap.

Fragrant pear and orange jam

The aroma of this jam cannot be described! Ingredients:

  1. Pear - 1 kg
  2. Orange - 1 piece
  3. Sugar - 500-600 gr


1. Wash the fruits thoroughly under running water. Pour boiling water over the orange to wash off the substances used for transportation. Cut everything into pieces. If the orange has seeds, remove them.

2. Place the chopped fruits in a saucepan. If you don’t have a non-stick pan, then take a stainless steel one with a thick bottom.

3. Add sugar and mix everything with a wooden spatula. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

4. Bring the fruit to a boil over low heat; in the process, they will release enough juice for cooking. Cook for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and leave the jam to cool for 8-10 hours (depending on the serving size). My jam cooled down completely after just 4 hours. Bring it back to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

5. Place the hot jam into sterile jars and screw on the lids. Wrap in a blanket and let cool completely. The next day you can put it in the cellar or pantry for storage.

Pear jam with coffee

Coffee gives an extraordinary aroma to pears! It turns out amazingly delicious jam!


  1. yellow pears 900 g
  2. granulated sugar 300 g
  3. gelling pectin dr. Otker 1 sachet
  4. natural coffee 3 tbsp. l.
  5. pure water 50 ml.


Wash and cut the pears, remove the core and cut into slices. Mix pectin with 3 tablespoons of sugar, pour pear slices into an enamel container. In this form it is infused for 15 minutes. At this time, brew coffee, but without sugar from the amount indicated above. Place the pan on the stove over low heat, cover with a lid, and bring to a boil. Let it cool. Then pour sugar in there and mix gently, pour in filtered coffee, bring back to a boil and cook for 7 minutes without a lid. Remove from heat and place in dry, pasteurized jars.

Exquisite pear jam


  1. 750 g peeled and seeded pears
  2. 1 orange
  3. 1 small lemon
  4. 100 g unpeeled almonds
  5. 75 g raisins
  6. 750 g sugar


  1. Cut the pears into quarters
  2. Cut the orange and lemon into slices and remove the seeds (if any)
  3. Grind pears, oranges and lemons through a meat grinder
  4. Place in a PLASTIC container (to prevent oxidation)
  5. Add sugar, mix and put in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours
  6. Pour into a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on fire and cook, stirring for 40 minutes (do not leave unattended for a long time - it thickens and sticks to the bottom)
  7. Steam the raisins
  8. After 40 minutes, add raisins and boil for 5 minutes, add nuts and 2 minutes
  9. Turn off and immediately put into sterilized jars and roll up

Pear confiture with ginger


  1. Pear - 1.6 kg
  2. Sugar - 800 g
  3. Ginger (fresh) - 30 g
  4. Lemon - 1/2 pcs


  1. Everything is very simple. Grate the ginger on a fine grater.
  2. Peel the pear and cut into fairly thick slices.
  3. In a saucepan, mix pear, ginger, squeezed juice of half a lemon and sugar.
  4. Cover with a lid or cling film and leave for about 1 hour.
  5. After an hour, put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes.
  6. Next - into sterilized jars, and remember me on a winter evening)))

Pear confiture with vanilla

The recipe is very simple. For 700 grams of peeled and chopped pears 300 grams of regular granulated sugar 300 grams of sugar with pectin (so that the confiture does not spread) 1 vanilla pod. Cover the finely chopped pear with sugar, add the contents of the vanilla pod, mix and let stand until the juice releases (you can overnight). Boil and cook for 10-15 minutes. Grind with a blender and boil for another 5-7 minutes. Ready!

Compote of pears and lemons

Pears are sweet fruits, so adjust the amount of sugar to your taste. And if you add lemon juice to a tender and sweet pear compote, you will get a pleasant aroma and light sourness.

Pear compote with lemon for the winter - ingredients:

  1. 1 kg of pears,
  2. 0.5 lemon,
  3. 200 g sugar,
  4. 1 liter of water.

Pear compote with lemon for the winter - preparation:

  1. Wash the pears, cut into 2-4 parts, remove damaged areas, tails and cores.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon.
  3. Boil water in an enamel saucepan.
  4. Place pears in prepared sterilized jars.
  5. Pour boiling water over the pears to the top of the jars, cover with lids and leave for 30 minutes.
  6. Drain the water from the pears into a saucepan, add sugar, lemon juice and cook the syrup for about 5 minutes from the moment it boils.
  7. Fill the pears with syrup again, close with sterilized lids and roll up.
  8. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave until completely cool.

Pears in their own juice

Pears in their own juice for the winter are an incredibly simple preparation. As they say, everything ingenious is simple! So, harvesting pears for the winter is no exception. A minimum of ingredients and effort, and the result is simply amazing. So, quickly read the recipe and start cooking so that in winter you have dessert on hand for all occasions.

Pears in their own juice are a win-win basis for many different desserts, and you can also use them to prepare salads and delicious pastries. Just imagine how good such pears will be on the winter table; with them you have every chance to amaze and delight your guests and family.


  1. Pears (ripe) - how many will be included
  2. Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  3. Citric acid - 4 grams


  1. Select ripe but firm pears. You can take it with chipped places or dark spots, the main thing is to cut it all off during cleaning. Rinse the selected fruits thoroughly with warm running water. Cut off the skin, remove the twigs and seeds along with the core. After peeling the pears, cut them lengthwise into beautiful small slices.
  2. Place the peeled pears in clean glass jars. Let the fruit slices lie close to each other, but without fanaticism, do not break them. Fill the jars with pears up to the shoulders, but no higher.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar and 4 grams of citric acid to each jar. (Let me remind you that we are talking about cans whose volume is one liter.)
  4. Loosely cover the jars filled with pears, sugar and citric acid with lids and place them in a saucepan with warm water. In this case, the bottom of the pan should be covered with a towel, and the water should cover the jars by 2/3 of their height. Place the pan with the jars over medium heat, bring the water to a boil and sterilize the jars for 20-25 minutes.
  5. After that, hot jars with pears in their own juice need to be removed and tightly closed with lids. As soon as the preparation has cooled, it can be put away with your other jams and pickles, where it will wait for its finest hour.

– If you want to prepare pears in jars larger than one liter, simply increase the amount of ingredients accordingly by multiplying them. So for a two-liter jar you will need twice as many ingredients. You can also prepare pears in half-liter jars, halving the amount of ingredients.

– Banks of different sizes require and different time for sterilization. So 15 minutes will be enough for half-liter jars, 25-30 minutes for one and a half liter jars, and two-liter jars need to be kept for at least 35-40 minutes.

How to dry pears in the oven quickly and conveniently

In terms of cost, compote is much cheaper than any popular sparkling water. There is no need to talk about the benefits: homemade compote contains natural fruits, but soda (and even modern juices) do not. In addition, store-bought juices are made from a clearly limited list of fruits, and pears are rarely found among them. To enjoy this taste, you have to cook compote from pears, having previously prepared them. Few housewives know how to dry pears in the oven, using the longer and more gentle air drying method.


In order to prepare excellent dried fruits for compote, you need to choose the right pears. They should be well-ripened and juicy - but not watery. You should also avoid varieties that create an astringent impression in the mouth: such pears do not tolerate heat treatment well. An excellent solution would be sand varieties - with a certain amount of dense inclusions that feel similar to sand.

It is worth cutting such pears lengthwise so that the thickness of each slice is no more than 1 centimeter. After chopping, they must be placed on a baking sheet in one layer, placed in an oven preheated to 60 degrees Celsius. Naturally, the fire should no longer be burning there, and the oven should be tightly closed.

After two hours of such drying, the temperature in the oven should be increased to 80 degrees. Pears should not be removed too early - otherwise the under-dried dried fruits will begin to grow mold. Very often, the process of completely drying pears takes at least a day.

Pros and cons of the method

When asked how to dry pears in the oven, and whether it is better to just do it in a dry and warm place, many housewives give contradictory answers. Using an oven allows you to reduce the time for making dried fruits several times - and this criterion is very important for many housewives.

On the other hand, such an increase in temperature is dangerous for vitamins, most of which is evaporated at the last stage of drying. When too high temperature The physical integrity of the fruit may also be compromised, which is why the dried fruit may turn out unsightly or even unsuitable for compote.

However, in addition to the usual, slightly boring duchess jams, jams, compotes and preserves, I would like to prepare pears for the winter using interesting recipes. We present to your attention three delicious options canning pears

Pickled pears

These pickled pears can be used to prepare salads, vegetable stews and an original side dish. They also go well with meat and poultry.


  1. 1 kg of pears,
  2. 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar,
  3. 5 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar,
  4. 2 g citric acid,
  5. 1 cm ginger root,
  6. 0.5 teaspoon ground cinnamon,
  7. 5 buds of cloves,
  8. pepper to taste,
  9. 1 liter of water.


  1. Wash the pears, remove the tails; if the skin is hard, it is better to peel it. Grind the ginger.
  2. Add citric acid to the water and blanch the pears for 3-5 minutes. Then cool in cold water.
  3. Place the pears in prepared sterilized jars.
  4. Prepare the marinade. To do this, add sugar, spices, vinegar to boiling water and stir until the sugar dissolves.
  5. Pour the boiling marinade over the pears, cover with lids and sterilize the jars for about 15 minutes.
  6. Roll up the jars, turn them upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave until completely cool.

Drunken pears

If you don't mind using wine for culinary purposes, try experimenting with an unusual garnish. It is quite possible that these drunken pears will be the first to leave your winter supplies as your favorite treat.


  1. 600 g pears,
  2. 250 g sugar,
  3. 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice,
  4. 0.5 teaspoon ground cinnamon,
  5. 0.5 teaspoon ground ginger,
  6. 20 clove buds,
  7. 0.7 l dry white (or semi-sweet) wine,
  8. 300 ml water.


  1. Pour sugar, cinnamon, ginger into the water and boil sugar syrup.
  2. Wash the pears and scald with boiling water. Stick 3-4 clove buds into each pear.
  3. Dip the pears into the syrup and cook for 10 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and leave covered for 3-4 hours.
  4. Pour the syrup into a bowl. It will no longer be needed in seaming, but you can use it in culinary purposes, for example, for soaking a cake.
  5. Pour wine over the pears and add lemon juice. Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes.
  6. Transfer the pears into prepared sterilized jars. Pour boiling wine over it and roll it up.
  7. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave until completely cool. Store pears in a cool place for the winter.

Assorted jam

A pleasant, tender, aromatic assortment of pears, apples and grapes - what a treat for a winter tea party?


  1. 1 kg of pears,
  2. 1 kg apples,
  3. 500 g grapes,
  4. 1 lemon,
  5. 2 kg sugar,
  6. 0.3 liters of water.


  1. Peel pears and apples from skins and seeds and cut into small cubes or slices. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Sprinkle lemon juice on the pears and apples to prevent them from browning.
  2. Cook sugar syrup to desired consistency. Place grapes in boiling syrup and cook for 5 minutes. Then add pears and apples and cook for about 1 hour. At the end of cooking, pour in the remaining lemon juice.
  3. Place the hot jam into prepared sterilized jars and seal.
  4. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave until completely cool.

You want to preserve pears with their unique sweet and sour taste and a huge range of useful elements for as long as possible. This fruit does not have good shelf life, so many people choose another storage method - canning. They delight you with their variety and ease of preparation.

Pear in its juice: simple preservation

For preparations from it, it is better to use hard, not overripe specimens. It is important that they do not have defects, cracks, or rotten spots. The fruits contain a lot of malic acid and sugars for storage in their own juice. Thanks to this recipe, you will get a full-fledged dessert or you can use the pear preparation as a filling or a full-fledged ingredient. Pick 5-6 fruits average size. They will need 2 tbsp. l. sugar and just a little water.

Cooking process:

Attention! If the pears are cut before the jars are sterilized, the flesh will darken. Therefore, either prepare the jars in advance, or sprinkle the slices with lemon juice, which will prevent oxidation.

Preparation of pears in marinade

To implement this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg of fruit;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 5 tbsp. l. vinegar 9% and sugar;
  • 2 g citric acid;
  • spices to taste - it could be cloves, cinnamon, ginger.
  1. Prepare the pear: wash and remove the stems, but do not peel.
  2. Blanch. To do this, for 3-5 minutes. Place in boiling water in which the acid is dissolved.
  3. From hot water Immediately transfer the pears to a cold place. After cooling for 5 minutes. Place the fruits in sterile and dry jars. Recommended capacity - 1 liter. Leave for a while and start marinating.
  4. It is prepared using vinegar, sugar and spices. To do this, boil the ingredients for 1 minute. in boiling water. Stir and pour into jars of pears.
  5. Place unclosed jars in boiling water over low heat and keep in it for about 15 minutes. Roll up.

Advice. Pear preparations prepared in this way are good for salads, stews, meat dishes or even as a stand-alone side dish.

How to make jam and compote from pears

For tasty and tender jam quick recipe you will need about 1 kg of fruit, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2-3 tbsp. l. pectin, 0.5-1 kg of sugar (to taste). How to cook:

  1. Slice and peel the pears. Mash them with a spoon in a deep plate. The pulp should release juice.
  2. Add pectin and lemon juice.
  3. Pour into a saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
  4. Add sugar and reduce heat. Stir the mixture from time to time until it thickens. The way to check is to drop a drop on a saucer and monitor. If the pear mixture does not spread, it is cooked.
  5. At the same time, sterilize the jars. Pour the jam immediately after it is ready. Roll up.

Compote will also delight you with a sweet and pleasant taste. For 1 kg of medium-sized fruits you will need 200 g of sugar, 1 liter of water, 2 g of lemon acid (for one 3 liter jar). Recipe:

Assorted jam with oranges and apples

Ingredients for 1 liter of jam:

  • 700 g each of pears and apples;
  • 1 large orange;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • some water;
  • 2 g citric acid.

Cooking method:

Let the jam cook for 30 minutes, remembering to stir. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars, roll up the lids and leave upside down. This jam is a very tasty storehouse of valuable microelements.

Preparing pears in syrup: video

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