Animals in spring. Seasonal changes Write a story about the changes in the life of fish in spring

Speech therapist. Tell me, guys, can fish talk? What do you think they could tell us if they could suddenly talk?

Let's try to come up with short stories from the life of fish. Each team has pictures with images of fish. You need to consult and choose one large predatory fish and one small one. After this, you need to put images of these fish on the board, and on behalf of each fish, team members must write a story about their life. To make it easier for you, let's stick to the picture plan.

Depending on the size of the group, each child makes proposals on one or two points of the plan.

Speech therapist. Don't forget that for each story you complete you will receive two tokens. But always for a complete “beautiful sentence”, comparison or turn of phrase, each of you can receive prize tokens. Let's see which team will be the winner today.

An example of a compiled story:

- Hello, my name is Okun.

- Hello, I am a predatory fish, Pike.

- I live in a clean, spacious river, I like to swim deep.

- And I like to swim close to the shore and hide behind seaweed and driftwood.

- I rarely grow to large sizes. I have a small short head and a body with red fins. It is covered with silvery scales that look like coins. I also have a tail.

- And I can grow up and become very big. I have an elongated head with razor-sharp teeth and a long body with grayish-red fins and a powerful tail. My body is covered with small greenish scales, making me invisible to other fish.

- I like to eat various bugs, crustaceans, and algae.

- And I enjoy hunting for small fish, and I really love perch...

- Perches lay eggs on algae. It then hatches into fry, which gradually grow and turn into adult perches.

- And my squirrels also hatch from eggs. At first they are very thin, like pencils... And then they gain weight and turn into beautiful pikes.

- Perches have many enemies. We are hunted by predatory fish, people catch us with fishing rods and nets...

- And pikes are predatory fish themselves. But we also fall into the man’s net and into the bait.

Thus, the children compose three collective stories on behalf of the six fish.

Speech therapist. It's time to return home from the underwater kingdom of fish.

The speech therapist thanks all the children for their stories. Counts the chips together with the players of each team and determines the winners. Everyone congratulates the successful storytellers and applauds them.

Lesson 26. “In a forest clearing”

Target: Compiling stories and descriptions of insects using subject pictures and a reference plan.


Activate vocabulary on the topic;

Specify names external signs, structure of insects;

Exercise children in selecting definition words for each insect;

Teach children to guess insects by the actions they perform;

To develop voluntary attention and verbal-logical thinking of children;

To cultivate love and respect for the beautiful places of our native nature and their inhabitants.

Equipment: a magnetic marker board with a forest clearing drawn on it; demonstration and handout pictures depicting insects (butterfly, bee, fly, dragonfly, ladybug, ant, etc.); supporting picture plan 6 (illustration 6); soft toy scientist cat, texts of riddles about insects.

Progress of the lesson -

I. Intellectual warm-up

Speech therapist (tells the children a riddle).

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming -

When does this happen? (In spring.)

Speech therapist. What signs of spring do you know? (Snow and ice are melting, the day is getting longer, migratory birds, wintered in warm regions.)

With the beginning of spring, migratory birds return. Why do they come back ? (There was enough food: insects appeared.)

The riddle contains the words: “the meadow came to life,” but what does this mean, how did it “come to life”? (Children talk about sprouting grass and insects appearing.)

II. Main part of the lesson

Introductory part.

Speech therapist. Today we will take a trip to a forest clearing to examine the insects that live there.

Sit down in your seats and imagine that we are traveling on a bus, and to make it not boring, I will tell you about the insects that we are going to observe.


There are a great variety of insects on earth. On their abdomen they have transverse stripes, like notches. This is where the name “insects” comes from - from the word “to infest.” Insects are big and small. Some fly, others crawl or jump. Some live for several years, others for one day. Insects have six legs. Their bodies are covered with a hard shell called the exoskeleton. The body of each insect can be divided into three parts: head, thorax and abdomen. They usually have two pairs of wings, although flies, for example, only have one.

Insects appear on the surface of the earth only when it is warm - in spring or summer.

The bright coloring of many insects warns other animals that they are inedible. Many insects use color to hide from enemies (butterflies, grasshoppers).

Birds eat insects. Among insects there are pests - carriers of human and animal diseases; There are also useful ones - they pollinate plants, provide food and raw materials (honey, wax, silk). Sometimes people are compared to insects. Guess what kind of person we can say about: “hardworking like a bee”, “annoying like a fly”.

Guessing riddles.

Speech therapist. Here is the forest clearing!

The speech therapist opens a magnetic marker board with a picture of a clearing drawn on it.

Speech therapist. But for some reason there is no one in the clearing! Look, guys, the scientist cat came to meet us. Now we will find out everything from him.

The speech therapist shows the toy to the children and takes an envelope with tasks from it.

Speech therapist. The cat decided to ask you questions and ask you riddles. If you can cope with his tasks, the insects will stop hiding and return to the forest clearing.

Questions from the Scientist Cat:

What insects appear first in spring? (Those that overwinter as adults: some butterflies, flies.)

When the first spring flowers appear, insects become more numerous. Why? (There is food - flower nectar. Insects begin to reproduce.)

What stages of insect development do you know? (Egg, larva or caterpillar, pupa, adult insect.)

But not all insects have pupae. Who doesn't have them? (In grasshoppers.)

What role do insects play in nature? (They pollinate plants and serve as food for various birds and animals.)

Why do insects lay a lot of eggs? (Most of them die, birds peck at them, and ants carry them away.)

Speech therapist. And now the Cat will ask you riddles. Whoever guesses the riddle and answers the Cat's questions will receive a picture of this insect.

As the children solve riddles, the speech therapist simultaneously displays demonstration pictures with images of insects and supplements the children’s answers with stories about the characteristics of these insects. The speech therapist can give children cut-out picture clues, with a piece of magnetic tape glued to the back of them. Children then attach these pictures to the “forest clearing.”

1. Moved near the flower

All four petals

I wanted to rip it off

He took off and flew away. (Butterfly)

Scientist Cat Question. How does a butterfly feed? (Butterflies land on flowers and feed on their nectar, reaching it with their proboscis.)

Commentary from a speech therapist. Butterfly wings are very beautiful. They are covered with small thin scales that help the butterfly fly. If at least some of the scales are erased, the insect will lose the ability to fly and die. Therefore, you should not catch these beauties, it is better to admire them from afar.

2. Housewife

Flies over the lawn.

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share the honey. (Bee)

Question from the Scientist Cat. Why is this insect so noticeably colored? (The bee seems to warn everyone: don’t touch me, otherwise I’ll sting you!)

Commentary from a speech therapist. A bee collects sweet juice-nectar from flowers. So bees and plants are great friends. Bees are insects that humans have been able to tame. From bees, man learned to obtain a valuable product - honey.

3. In summer he flies all day long,

You get bored

The night will come,

Then it will stop. (Fly)

Question from the Scientist Cat. Why is a fly considered a harmful insect? (She carries dirt and harmful microbes on her paws.)

Commentary from a speech therapist. A fly is a very harmful insect. She carries diseases on her paws. A fly will land on bread and leave germs there. That’s why you should always cover food from flies, wash the table, plates, and hands. There are different types of flies: big and small; In Africa there is a poisonous tsetse fly. Flies must be dealt with with cleanliness and accuracy.

4. Blue airplane

Sat on a white dandelion.

This is a girl

The belt is thin,

Huge eyes.

It flies and chirps. (Dragonfly)

Scientist Cat Question. How many wings and how many legs does a dragonfly have? (She has four wings, six legs.)

Commentary from a speech therapist. Scientists once performed the following experiment: a captured dragonfly was fed flies to its heart's content. She ate forty flies in one sitting! Dragonflies can fly at great speed, instantly change direction, and hang motionless in the air. And the eyes of dragonflies consist of a huge number of small eyes located close to each other. Dragonflies notice everything - both what is happening in front and what is happening to the sides and behind.

5. Forest “bug”

black head,

The wings are red,

there are dots on the wings.


Question from the Scientist Cat. Why is the ladybug called that? (She secretes a special orange milk for protection. The bright color reminds the birds that God's cows not very pleasant to the taste.)

Commentary from a speech therapist. Ladybugs are predators, and very voracious ones at that. For lunch and dinner, they happily eat aphids that live on garden trees. That's why people have long believed ladybugs by his assistants.

6.In a clearing near the fir trees

The house is built from needles.

He is not visible behind the grass,

And there are a million residents there.

They are forest dwellers

Friendly builders. (Ants)

Question from the Scientist Cat. Why are ants called “forest orderlies”? (Ants are beneficial insects. They destroy a large number of harmful insects.)

Commentary from a speech therapist. An ant is a very strong insect. He is capable of lifting a load 100 times his weight. A forest is considered healthy if it has a lot of anthills.

Speech therapist. Let's populate our forest clearing with insects. . .

Children who have solved the riddles display pictures of insects cut out along the outline in the “Forest Clearing”,

Physical education minute. Attention game "Ant - grasshopper - butterfly." At the command of the speech therapist “Ant” children squat, at the command “Grasshopper” they jump, at the command “Butterfly” they “fly”.

3. Compilation of stories and descriptions of insects according to the points of the picture plan.

Speech therapist. The scientist cat asks you to complete his last task - to compose descriptive stories about insects that you remember. After all All insects are so different! Make up a story about any insect using the pictures from our plan.

A picture plan is exhibited. Those who wish make up stories-descriptions insects For each story, the speech therapist rewards the child with special and prize chips.

Speech therapist. The scientist cat thanks you for the stories, he really liked them! All the insects returned to the forest clearing. And now it’s time for you and me to return home...

III. Summing up the lesson

The speech therapist sums up the lesson, thanks the children for their efforts, and notes the children’s most successful stories. Counts the children's chips and determines the winners. The speech therapist and children applaud them.

Lesson 27. “Journey to distant planets”

Target: Compiling creative stories about unexplored planets and their inhabitants based on a picture plan.


Clarify and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Human exploration of space”; dictionary of antonyms;

Teach children to compose stories about unexplored planets and their inhabitants using a basic picture plan;

Exercise children in selecting definition words for each planet;

Develop children's attention and memory;

Develop voluntary attention, logical thinking and imagination of children.

Equipment: pictures with images of the planets of the solar system (illustration 30), the starry sky, views from space, a portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin, three envelopes containing images of uncharted planets (illustrations 64-66), supporting picture plan 7 (illustration 7); “cosmic music” (at the speech therapist’s choice), tape recorder, ball, magnetic marker board.

Progress of the lesson

I. Intellectual warm-up

Speech therapist. You and I will make a space journey. But first, let's prepare for it.

Ball game “Name the planets”. Children stand in a semicircle in front of the speech therapist. The speech therapist calls the first syllable of the name of the planet, and the child who was given the ball says the full name of the planet. For example: “Nep...” - “Neptune”

Ball game "Say the opposite." Children stand in a semicircle in front of the speech therapist. The speech therapist names the phrase and throws the ball to one of the children. The child catches the ball, calls the phrase “on the contrary” (antonym) and returns the ball to the speech therapist. Game continues. For example: Near planet. - A distant planet.

II. Main part of the lesson

Introductory conversation.

Speech therapist. Today in class we will talk about an unusual holiday - Cosmonautics Day.

It already seems familiar to us that spaceships launch from Earth, and cosmonauts live for months at space stations, go into outer space and even dock spacecraft... But quite recently they talked about space flights as science fiction.

At first, animals were launched into space on spacecraft. And on April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, the first cosmonaut of the planet flew on the Vostok spacecraft. It was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. His flight lasted 108 minutes. Yuri Gagarin’s first words from orbit were: “What a beauty! How beautiful our planet is!”

There are more than 40 thousand different professions in the world. But the profession of an astronaut is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous. Why do you think? (Children give answers.)

What qualities should astronauts have? (They must be smart, brave, resilient, hardworking, quick-witted...)

Cosmonauts engage in physical training and hardening every day, and train on special equipment and simulators. They also attend classes on astronomy, rocketry, and the design of a spacecraft and its various systems.

In space, all objects are in a state of weightlessness. A person does not feel the weight of his body, floats in the air like a feather, and can move freely on a rocket. Loose objects fly around him. And spilled drops of liquid take the form of balls. To ensure that astronauts do not experience difficulties in eating, special food was even invented for them. All dishes - from ships to tea - for astronauts are packaged in special tubes, similar to tubes of toothpaste...

Astronauts conduct various research in space, studying stars and planets.

2.Writing fantastic stories about unexplored planets.

Speech therapist. Many scientists believe that there is life on other planets, that there are our brothers in mind. They even came up with a name - aliens. Let's imagine that you became astronauts and discovered life on other planets.

To do this, you first need to split into three teams - three space crews. Each crew will receive a task at the mission control center - MCC.

Children are divided into three teams and approach the speech therapist for a task.

Speech therapist. Take the assignment envelopes. Your space crews will have to fly on their rockets to distant unexplored planets and make friends with their inhabitants. Look at the planets, give them names and go to the spaceport.

Physical education minute. Development of facial and pantomimic movements, relaxation.

Children, according to their “crews,” form three circles, hold hands, and squat before the start. The speech therapist plays “cosmic music.”

Speech therapist. Close your eyes and imagine that your three rockets are at the start. All systems are on. The time is counting down: “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Start!"

Rise to your feet, raise your hands up... and now you are flying into outer space. Imagine that you are in zero gravity and can move freely around the rocket.

Speech therapist. What do you see around you? Sasha, what did you see? Sveta, and you? ? (Various loose objects are floating around us...)What do you hear? What do you feel?

And suddenly the crew of each ship sees an unfamiliar planet through the windows. Imagine what she looks like. Each rocket begins its descent towards an unfamiliar planet...

The speech therapist turns off the music.

Speech therapist. Open your eyes. Based on the images of the planets in each envelope and the supporting picture plan, you need to make up stories about the planets and their inhabitants. Consult with each other and decide who will start the story, who will continue, and who will finish.

Don’t forget that for each story you will receive space chips, and for each complete and “beautiful” sentence or comparison, speech pattern you can receive prize chips.

The children of each team compose stories according to the points of the plan.

The speech therapist's final word about planet Earth.

Speech therapist. It’s time for us to head back. Return to the spaceships. We are leaving for our native Earth.

The children again form three circles on the carpet, according to the crews, hold hands, and squat before the start. The speech therapist plays “cosmic music.”

Speech therapist. Close your eyes. Rockets at launch. All systems are on. The time is counting down; "Ten,; nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, Start!” Get to your feet. We are already flying in space and approaching Earth... Attention, we are beginning our descent!

The speech therapist turns off the music.

Speech therapist. Open your eyes. Here we are at home.

Earth is the planet on which we live. It is often called the “Blue Planet”. The surface of the earth is covered with clouds and thunderclouds. This planet is the only one known to us so far that has an atmosphere. You can breathe on it. Most of the planet is covered in water. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin said the following words: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!” Let us always remember his words and take care of our wonderful planet.

III. Summing up the lesson

The speech therapist sums up the lesson. Thanks the children for their efforts. Counts the chips earned by each crew. Determines the astronauts who completed the task more successfully than others. Everyone applauds them.

Lesson 28. “The starlings have arrived”

Target: Compiling a story based on a series of plot paintings.


Develop long-term memory, verbal-logical thinking and voluntary attention;

Teach children to compose a story according to the SSC based on the plan and with the help of a speech therapist’s hint word;

Teach children to enrich the narration of a story with expressive means of the Russian language (homogeneous members of a sentence, epithets, synonyms);

Stimulate positive emotions in children;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Equipment: a series of subject paintings “The Starlings Have Arrived” (1-4), pictogram drawings.

Move classes

I. Intellectual warm-up

The speech therapist invites the children to look at the SSC and arrange the pictures of the series on the board in a logical sequence. You need to come up with a title for the story, look at the pictograms and use them to draw up a story plan.

II. Main part of the lesson

Collective drafting options for proposals for each point of the plan (part of a story, picture).

Speech therapist. Look carefully at the pictures and continue my suggestions.

The exercise is performed according to the prompt of the speech therapist - one given word.

Scene 1: Children... Teacher... Guys... On the table...

Scene 2: Boys... Girls... Turned out...

Scene 3: Children... To the trunks... Boys... Girls... Teacher...

Scene 4: Teacher... In the birdhouse... Starlings... Guys...

In the process of drawing up proposals, options are discussed and the most successful are selected.

Physical education minute.

2. Introduction to sentences of homogeneous members, synonyms, epithets.

Speech exercise “Say otherwise” (to select synonyms). Children take turns naming words close in meaning (synonyms) to each picture.

Picture 1: The guys decided to build birdhouses (design, make, make)... The teachers listened with interest (attentively, concentratedly)... The tools were on the table (were, located, placed)...

Scene 2: Work began (boiled, started)... The guys worked (made birdhouses, crafts)...

Scene 3: It’s a fine day (bright, warm, clear)... Birdhouses were hung (attached, secured)...

Scene 4: The starlings arrived (arrived, settled, settled in the new birdhouse)... The children rejoiced (had fun, were happy)...

3. Combining worked sentences into coherent fragments of a story in accordance with the narrative plan and pictures of the series.

Children compose a story according to the SSC in a chain (all children take part).

The speech therapist gives children instructions to pay attention: they need to follow their friend’s story and be ready to continue.

III. Summing up the lesson

Speech therapist. Answer my questions. What did you do in class? What did you learn? What new words did you remember? How did the children react to the birds in the story? How should people treat birds and animals, nature? Etc.

The speech therapist thanks the children for their efforts and notes the most active storytellers.

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  • As is known, it greatly affects the behavior of the fish, especially when it drops sharply: in such cases the fish feels bad, feeds less or stops feeding altogether. True, she can somewhat improve her well-being by rising to the surface of the water or sinking to the bottom.

    This is partly explained by the fact that we are in the same type of fish different time We fish in different layers of water. However, if the atmospheric pressure is normal, this does not mean that a catch will be ensured, since other factors also influence the behavior of the fish. The fish experiences fluctuations in atmospheric pressure in winter, under the ice. Moreover, in winter the pressure affects even more than in summer - after all, at this time the fish are weakened by the lack of oxygen in the water and the depletion of the food supply. Therefore, in winter the bite is less stable than in summer.

    It should be noted that a pressure of 760 mm Hg, which many fishermen take as optimal, is favorable for fish only at sea or at sea level - such pressure is normal there. In other cases, the optimal atmospheric pressure is considered to be 760 mm minus the height of the area above sea level: for every 10 m of rise there is a 1 mm drop in the mercury column. So, if you are going to fish in an area that is 100 m above sea level, then the calculation should be like this: 760-100/10=750.

    And one more note: if the pressure fluctuated for a long time: it was sometimes higher than normal, then lower - you cannot expect that the bite will become good immediately after the normal level is established - it is necessary for it to become stable.

    Water temperature in summer

    It changes slowly and lags significantly behind changes in air temperature. Therefore, the fish have time to get used to such fluctuations and they usually do not affect behavior.

    In addition, a change in water temperature by different types fish does not act the same. So, if it decreases, then crucian carp, carp, carp, tench do not like it, but the activity of burbot, trout and grayling increases. Fisheries workers have long noticed: in the cold summer, they harvest less than usual from their blue fields.

    This is explained by the fact that as the average water temperature decreases, the metabolic rate of fish decreases. The bite also gets worse. Conversely, an increase in water temperature within certain limits leads to an improvement in metabolism, and therefore to an improvement in the bite.

    Water temperature in winter

    It does not change, so disputes among anglers, say, about whether bream bites well or poorly in severe frosts, are pointless. The fact is that under the ice, fluctuations in air temperature are not noticeable. The angler should know that near the bottom plane of the ice the water temperature is always the same, approximately 0 degrees.

    If it is at least a few tenths of a degree below 0, then the thickness of the ice increases and it grows. If there is a thaw, the thickness of the ice usually does not increase. The upper layer of water always has a positive temperature, and the closer to the bottom, the higher it is, but it never exceeds 4 degrees. Thus, changes in air temperature in winter do not affect the water temperature, which means do not affect they also influence the behavior of the fish.

    The activity of most fish decreases in winter, but not at the same rate. This is what, for example, experiments conducted in the Volga delta showed. The asp feeds all the time in winter and stays in the same places as in summer - where the current is fast. The activity of pike perch is significantly reduced, it feeds irregularly, and sometimes lies in holes.

    Not a bad catch!

    Even more changes occur in the bream’s lifestyle: in winter it experiences suppression of life processes, but does not fall into deep torpor. In winter, the carp's basic life processes are suppressed; at this time it is inactive, in dense clusters of almost complete torpor. Catfish, apparently, are close to suspended animation. Sometimes he begins to be in danger of suffocation due to lack of oxygen, but even then he makes no attempt to go to another area of ​​​​the reservoir and often dies.


    Some anglers blame the wind for their failures. There is often talk among them that the wind of such and such a direction is favorable for fishing, but in a different direction there will be no bite. For example, many people believe that when there is a north wind there is no bite. However, in summer, when it is very hot, such a wind is favorable for fishing: it cools the air, the air cools the water, and the fish begins to behave more actively. There are many such contradictions, and the conclusion suggests itself: wind does not affect fish behavior.

    Scientists think so too, and here's why. As you know, wind is the movement of air due to the uneven distribution of atmospheric pressure over the earth's surface. Air masses move in the direction from high pressure to low. The greater the pressure difference in a particular area, the faster the air moves and, therefore, the stronger the wind. What matters for fish is not the direction of the wind and its speed, but something else: it changes atmospheric pressure - leads to an increase in it or, conversely, to a decrease

    Therefore, we can say that the wind is not the cause of a bad bite, but a sign that in a certain area and at a certain time of year can help the fisherman.

    Pike on a hook

    But the wind still affects the behavior of fish, although not at all in the way some anglers think about it: not directly, but indirectly. It can lead to rough water, and the waves have a direct mechanical effect on the fish. For example, during strong waves, sea fish in most cases sink into deeper layers of water, where it is quiet. River and lake fish are greatly affected by rough water in coastal areas.

    Many anglers have probably noticed that if a strong wind blows ashore in the summer, the bite worsens and may stop altogether. This is explained by the fact that fish standing near the shore move into the depths. At such times, a good bite can be found on the opposite shore, where it is quiet and the fish feel calm. A lot of riding fish gather here - they come to feast on insects that the wind can blow onto the water. However, if it, although it blows toward the shore, is not very strong, and the bottom is muddy, fish will also approach the shore and fishing here can be successful. This is explained by the fact that the wave washes food out of the bottom soil.

    By various reasons in some reservoirs there is not enough oxygen in the summer, and this depresses the fish, which is especially noticeable in calm weather. In the Sea of ​​Azov, for example, during calm periods summer death may even occur, leading to the death of bottom fish. If the wind blows, no matter what direction, the water begins to move, the water will receive a sufficient amount of oxygen - and the fish will begin to behave actively and begin to bite.


    They can influence the behavior of fish, but not at all in the way that some authors write about it. For example, statements that, supposedly, if it snows, roaches will actively peck, and if it starts to rain, then expect a good catch of perch, have no basis.

    These reports are explained by the fact that snowfall and rain are usually associated with changes in atmospheric pressure, and this is what affects the behavior of fish. Snow can have an effect, apparently, only in one case - if it covers the first, transparent ice: the fish will no longer be afraid of the angler and begin to bite more confidently.

    True, rain can cause cloudiness in the water, and this affects it in different ways. If the turbidity is significant, the fish's gills become clogged and it feels depressed. If the turbidity is small, the fish may approach the shore in search of food, which is washed away from the shore by streams generated by rain. Precipitation usually does not have any other effect on fish. So, like the wind, they can be attributed to signs, and not to causes.


    Some anglers, in order not to spook the fish, talk in a whisper on the shore or in the boat, while others do not even attach importance to hitting the side of the boat with an oar, hitting the water with a rod, or hitting the shore with a log. It's safe to say that they have the wrong idea about how fish hear sound travel through water.

    Fish hearing angles

    Of course, the fish hear very poorly the conversation of anglers sitting in a boat or on the shore. This is explained by the fact that sound is almost completely reflected from the surface of the water, since its density is very different from the density of air and the boundary between them is almost insurmountable for sound. But if the sound comes from an object that is in contact with water, the fish hears it well. For this reason, the sound of the impact scares the fish. She hears well the sounds in the air sharp sounds, for example, a shot, a piercing whistle.


    Vision in fish is less developed than in terrestrial vertebrates: most species distinguish objects only within 1-1.5 m, and the maximum, apparently, is no more than 15 meters. However, fish have a very wide field of vision; they are able to cover most environment.


    In fish it is extremely well developed, but different kinds fish perceive different substances differently. Anglers know many substances that have a positive effect on fish, and therefore adding them to plant baits increases the number of bites. These are hemp, flaxseed, sunflower, dill, anise and other oils, tinctures of valerian, vanilla, etc., used in negligible doses. But if you use a large dose of, say, oil, you can ruin the bait and scare away the fish.

    At the fishing site, you cannot throw dented or wounded fish into the water, because, as scientists have established, they release a special substance that scares off fish and serves as a danger signal. The same substances are released by the prey when it is captured by a predator.

    When fishing, these substances can get on your hands, on the fishing line or bait, which can also scare away the flock. Therefore, when fishing, you need to handle your catch carefully and wash your hands more often.


    It is also well developed in fish, which has been confirmed by many scientific experiments of Soviet and foreign ichthyologists. Most animals have taste organs located in their mouths. That's not the fish. Some species can determine taste, for example, by the surface of the skin, and by any part of it. Others use whiskers and elongated fin rays for this purpose. This is explained by the fact that fish live in water and taste substances are important to it not only when they enter the mouth - they help, say, navigate in a body of water.


    Affects fish differently. It has long been noticed that burbot approaches the shore where a fire is lit at night, that bream likes to stay in that part of the water area that is illuminated moonlight. There are fish that react negatively to light, for example, carp. Fishermen took advantage of this: with the help of light, they drive it out of places inconvenient for fishing - snags in the pond.

    IN different times years, at different ages, the same type of fish has different attitudes towards light. For example, a young minnow hides from the light under stones - this helps it escape from enemies. As an adult, he does not need this. There is no doubt that fish in all cases reacts to light adaptively: both when it avoids it so as not to be noticed by a predator, and in those cases when it goes to the light in search of food.

    Catching carp at night

    The question of the influence of moonlight stands somewhat apart. This is not to say that the Moon has no effect on fish. After all, the better the illumination of the reservoir, the higher the activity of fish, focusing on food using vision. If the Moon is debilitated, then little light reaches the Earth, and on a full moon - more. The location of the Moon also affects it: if it is near the horizon, then the light falls on the Earth at a very acute angle - and the illumination is weak. If the Moon is at its zenith (the light falls directly), then the illumination of the reservoir increases. With good lighting, the fish find food more easily. This helps predators in searching for prey, and it is known about the verkhovna that when the light levels decrease, it consumes less food.

    The influence of the Moon greatly affects the behavior of sea fish. This is understandable: not only illumination plays a role here, but also ebbs and flows caused by the Moon, which almost never happen in inland waters. It is well known that at high tides fish come ashore in search of food and that some fish spawn at this time.

    Conditioned reflexes

    Fish are produced in the same way as other vertebrates. The stimuli needed in this case can be very different.

    How many times have anglers noticed that on rarely visited lakes, on rivers flowing somewhere in remote places, fish bite confidently. In the same reservoirs where anglers often come, trained fish behave very carefully. Therefore, here they try to behave especially quietly, tie thinner fishing lines, and use fishing methods that make it more difficult for the fish to notice the catch.

    Interesting experiments conducted by the Dutch scientist J. J. Beikam. Having released the carp into the pond, he then continuously caught them with a fishing rod for several days. The ichthyologist marked each carp caught and immediately released it. When summing up the results of the experiment, it turned out that the most successful day was the first, on the second and third days things went worse, and on the seventh and eighth days the carps stopped biting altogether.

    Carp in water

    This means that they have developed conditioned reflexes, they have become smarter. Continuing the experiment, the Dutchman released carp into the pond that had not yet been hooked. A year later, tagged carp were caught three to four times less often than untrained ones. This means that even after a year the conditioned reflexes were still in effect.


    A very important event in the life of fish. In each species it occurs only under certain conditions, at its own time. Thus, carp, carp, and bream need calm water and fresh vegetation. Other fish, such as salmon, require fast currents and dense soil.

    A prerequisite for the spawning of all fish is a certain water temperature. However, it is not installed at the same time every year. That’s why spawning sometimes occurs a little earlier than usual, sometimes a little later. Cold weather can delay spawning, and early spring, on the contrary, accelerates it. Most fish species spawn in spring or early summer, and only a few - in autumn, and burbot even in winter.

    An experienced fisherman pays attention not so much to the thermometer scale, but to what he observes in nature. After all, all the phenomena that occur in it are closely connected with each other. Time-tested signs do not fail. Thus, it has long been known that ide begins to spawn when the birch buds swell, and perch and roach begin to spawn when the birch leaves turn yellow. Medium-sized bream spawn when the bird cherry blossoms, and large bream - when the rye begins to spike. If elderberry and pear blossom, it means that madder (barbel) begins to spawn. Catfish spawn during rosehip flowering, and carp - simultaneously with iris flowering.

    Before spawning, the fish gains strength and actively feeds. This always happens in almost all species. After spawning, she regains strength and also actively feeds, but this does not begin immediately, but some time later. The duration of post-spawning rest is not the same for all species. Some feed even during spawning, especially if it is prolonged.

    Daily and annual rhythm of nutrition

    A feature of fish life that anglers need to know: this ensures success. These are the conclusions ichthyologists came to, for example, as a result of summer observations at the Tsimlyansk Reservoir, where they studied the daily feeding rhythm of bream. It turned out that at ten o'clock in the evening he was not feeding, but was only digesting food; at two o'clock in the morning his intestines were empty. The bream started feeding only around four o'clock in the morning.

    The composition of the food varied depending on the illumination: the higher it was, the more bloodworms were found in the intestines. With the deterioration of illumination, mollusks predominated in the food - they are less mobile and larger, so they are easier to detect in the dark. The conclusion suggests itself: in a deep place, where illumination begins later in the morning and ends earlier in the evening than in shallow water, bream starts biting later and ends earlier.

    Of course, this applies not only to bream, but also to other fish, and primarily to those that search for food mainly by sight. In those species that are guided by food primarily by smell, the illumination of the reservoir is less important. Another conclusion can be drawn: in a body of water where the water is clear, the bite begins earlier than where it is dark or muddy. Of course, in other fish species, the daily feeding rhythm is very closely related to the behavior of food organisms. More precisely, not only the rhythm of feeding, but also the composition of the food largely depends on their behavior.

    Both predatory fish and peaceful ones have rhythmic feeding. The difference in their rhythm is explained by the type of food. Let's say a roach feeds approximately every 4 hours, and for predators the breaks can be very long: the fact is that the predator needs the gastric juice to dissolve the scales of the prey, and this takes a lot of time.

    The temperature of the water also matters: the lower it is, the longer the digestion process takes. This means that in winter, food digestion takes longer than in summer, and therefore the predator’s bite will be worse than in summer.

    The amount of feed consumed per day, as well as the annual diet, depends on its quality: the higher the calorie content, the less quantity is required. This means that if the food is nutritious, the fish quickly satisfies its hunger, but if it’s the other way around, then the feeding stretches out. The amount of food in a reservoir also has an effect: in poor fish, fish feed for a longer time than in reservoirs with a rich food supply. The intensity of feed consumption is also closely related to the condition of the fish: well-fed fish consume less feed than thin ones. The daily rhythm of fish feeding in one year may be completely different than in the next or previous year.




    You will learn that in the spring, fish spawn - the breeding season.

    Remember! How do fish winter?

    Our friend Karasik Zolotenko talks about important events in the spring life of fish:

    Only on the reservoirs will the ice melt, the water will warm up, and the fish will rise from the bottom of the reservoirs closer to the surface. The breeding season - spawning - will begin soon. Fish look for secluded places to lay eggs. Scaly fish like to choose quiet backwaters under the banks, or thickets of dense aquatic vegetation. That is, places where there is no stormy current that could wash away the eggs. Carp, river perch, catfish best places They do not seek out fish for spawning: they reproduce where they live.

    Carp River perch Catfish

    In many fish, during spawning the appearance. The males of our common river fish - bream - have brighter colors, even the body shape changes!

    Pike are the first to spawn, as soon as the ice drift ends. Then comes the time of spawning for bream, roach, and perch. When the reservoirs warm up well, they will start spawning.

    carp, crucian carp and tench.

    Pike Bream Crucian carp

    Basically, after spawning, fish do not care about their future offspring, dropping their eggs to the mercy of fate. But this does not apply to catfish. The catfish digs a small hole for eggs at the bottom of the reservoir. And then the male and female guard her. Young river fish live in schools and mostly do without adult supervision. There are a lot of fry, but not all of them mature. During their “childhood,” the fry are in danger from everywhere: drying out and polluting water bodies, and being hunted by predatory fish and animals.

    Memo to a friend of nature

    The reproductive period - spawning - is especially important for the life of fish. The number of fish in our reservoirs depends on how it passes! Fishing is prohibited during spawning!

    Photo mystery. Get to know the fish.

    A task for a friend of nature.

    Prepare questions and answers for the TV game “The Smartest” about the life of fish in the spring.

    How does the life of fish change in spring?

    The presentation was made by

    Primary school teacher

    Secondary school No. 32, Stakhanov

    • She lives in the water
    • there is no beak, but it pecks. (fish)
    • -What fish do you know?
    • -How did the fish spend the winter?
    • How many of you went fishing with your parents?
    • -What time of year is it forbidden to fish?
    • Why?


    • In winter I hide
    • In the spring I appear,
    • I have fun in the summer
    • In the fall I go to bed.
    • What fresh water bodies do you know?
    • How does the river change with the onset of winter? Summer? Autumn? Spring?
    • How is the temperature of air and water related to the life of the inhabitants of a reservoir?

    Fish by habitat

    • She had a saw in her mouth.
    • She lived underwater
    • Swallowed everyone's scarecrows
    • And now I've got it in the pot
    • She had a saw in her mouth.
    • She lived underwater
    • Swallowed everyone's scarecrows
    • And now I've got it in the pot
    • Under a deep snag, with its silver spotted side, lurked a predatory...

    • What a smart child! I decided to teach my dad: “You know, dad, it’s forbidden to catch fish.” I recently found out about this myself, and I’ll tell you a secret: The fish’s mother fish are about to be born! What should I say to dad? - Okay, don't worry. We'll catch dad and let mom swim. The son is indignant: “How could you think that little fish paws won’t see their daddy?!”

    read it

    • Even before the start of ice drift, the winter torpor of fish ends. Changes are happening in their lives. In early spring pike, perch, and later roach, bream, pike perch, and at the end of spring – crucian carp and tench begin to spawn (SPAWN).
    • -What is SPAWNING?

    Spawning sites

    • Pike, bream, carp, rudd, and pike perch spawn in grassy shallow waters.

    Number of eggs

    • Trout - 2 thousand, Cod - million, carp and pike - 100 thousand, roach - 25 thousand


    • A large number of eggs and fry die from unfavorable conditions and predator fish. Out of a thousand, one individual becomes an adult.

    PIKE spawn

    • +1 to+10 after ice melts
    • Shoal depth 1 m
    • Eggs stick to vegetation
    • Soon falls to the bottom
    • The fry feed on daphnia and cyclops,
    • Later - larvae, insects, worms
    • 5cm - even in fry

    PERCH - length 40 cm, weight up to 2 kg

    • +8 – 15
    • Caviar in the form of transparent ribbons
    • Tape length 70-100 cm
    • It contains 13-23 thousand eggs

    Caring for offspring

    • Most fish, having spawned, forget about it. Only a few of them build nests for eggs, protect them, and then protect the fry from predators. Such caring parents are stickleback, catfish, and pike perch.
    • Fish that take care of their offspring spawn much less.
    • - Why?

    check yourself

    • What changes occur in the life of fish in spring?
    • What is spawning?
    • Where do fish breed?
    • Which fish take care of their offspring?

    Finish the sentence

    • The body of the fish has...shape
    • The fish's body is covered... and...
    • They help the fish move forward and backward...
    • Helps the fish rise and fall...
    • Fish breathe with...
    • (mucus, gills, scales, fins, tail, streamlined, air bubble, lesions, bacteria)
    • Scales protect fish from..., and mucus protects...

    About freshwater fish

    The life of river and lake fish is subject to the same general laws as the life of sea fish.

    A large number of freshwater fish lives in coastal places where there is a lot of food and where there are convenient spawning grounds. On a sunny summer day you can clearly see the fry of all kinds of fish scurrying around the shore. Herds of fish either sink to the bottom, then float to the surface and even jump out of the water, then fall back down again. Here the bleaks are circling in a circle, and the squirrels are rushing by quickly, here are the little rafts and the fry of the perch. Each species of fish has its own characteristic movements. The observant eye of a fish lover recognizes fish by their movements just as unmistakably as a hunter recognizes birds by their flight.

    Table 4. Freshwater game fish:

    1 – ide; 2 – harmus; 3 – bream; 4 – perch; 5 – pike perch

    Many commercial and non-commercial fish that are not very demanding on water purity and oxygen content - pike, roach, tench, crucian carp - spend most of their lives in coastal areas of fresh water bodies. Bream, ide, perch, and whitefish stay here and further from the shore. Even further - pike perch, salmon, palia, catfish. Some of the freshwater fish are shown on color chart 4.

    Small lakes and lakes are inhabited by pike, roach, ruffe, and loach. The streams are home to brook trout, char and spined loach. Although there are incomparably fewer fish species in fresh water bodies than in sea ones, in large lakes (Ladoga and Onega) the number of fish species and varieties reaches several dozen. But there are lakes in which the number of species is negligible, only 2–3 (usually pike, roach, perch). So freshwater fish are also picky in choosing their habitats.

    The most significant role in the distribution of fish belongs to oxygen: the more it is in the water, the more diverse the species composition of fish. In water bodies poorly saturated with oxygen, the species composition is extremely poor. In very hot summers and frosty winters, fish in such reservoirs die from suffocation.

    In deep lakes, the distribution of fish is similar to their distribution in the seas. In the deepest Lake Baikal (its depth is 1741 meters) there is a small (up to 20 centimeters long) fish called the long-winged broadhead. This goby, like sea lizards, can live at different depths. In summer it stays at depths from 150 to 1000 meters, in autumn - from 100 to 200 meters, in winter - from 50 to 200 meters, and by spring it approaches the shores.

    In the same Baikal there is another mid-depth fish - golomyanka. It is found both at the surface and at a depth of 1000 meters. Although both fish - the long-winged broadmouth and the golomyanka - are of different depths, in appearance they are very different from each other. The broadhead has a very big eyes, in golomyanka - very small; The broadhead is colored predominantly in darkish tones, the golomyanka is colorless and transparent; The broadhead reproduces by laying eggs, and the golomyanka is a viviparous fish.

    In large fresh lakes with depths of more than 100–200 meters (Onega and Ladoga), there are fish that are considered deep-water in relation to these lakes. In Ladoga, the Yamnaya, or Valaam, whitefish lives at great depths (over 200 meters). In the southern part of the lake, Valaam whitefish is extremely rare. The location of whitefish is apparently determined not so much by depth as by water temperature: cool temperatures are preferable for whitefish. When Yam whitefish are quickly brought to the surface (when caught with nets), the front part of its abdomen swells. For this feature, the Yamna whitefish is called the goiter whitefish. There is no doubt that when a “goiter” whitefish is in natural conditions, at depth, it does not have a goiter. A crop is formed when the air contained in the fish rapidly expands when the external pressure weakens. A similar phenomenon is observed to one degree or another in other fish raised from deep places (pike perch, for example, have quite bulging eyes).

    Freshwater fish react differently to oxygen levels in water, salinity, temperature and light.

    Salmon, whitefish, whitefish, vendace, pike perch, and sturgeon are very demanding in terms of oxygen saturation of water. Salmon and salmon are found mainly in clean, oxygen-rich waters. Whitefish are more demanding on the oxygen content in water than vendace: there are many lakes where there is vendace, but no whitefish.

    Crucian carp and tench can live in almost oxygen-free water bodies - in swampy lakes, crucian carp - in frozen small rural ponds. The ruffe, which generally loves clean and flowing waters, tolerates staying in winter in lakes with a very limited amount of oxygen. On small ruff lakes in winter they catch ruff in ice holes. The fish rise to the surface (closer to the air), and in the ice holes they are caught with nets without much difficulty.

    Cyprinids are freshwater fish, but a representative of this family, ugai, a fish up to 50 centimeters long, similar to dace, is found in coastal areas of the Sea of ​​​​Japan and is sometimes found quite far from the coast. To spawn, the ugai enters rivers, but then returns to its main place of residence - the sea. Since the ugai occurs temporarily in fresh waters, it could be classified as a marine fish. We do not know any other “marine” carp fish.

    Carp, roach, which go from the Caspian, Aral and other seas to fresh waters to spawn, sea ​​fish they don’t count because they live in the seas in highly desalinated places; in addition, these same fish can spend their entire lives in rivers and lakes.

    Belugas, sturgeons, and stellate sturgeons can live in both fresh and salt water, but their eggs do not develop in sea water. These fish are classified as freshwater or mixed-water fish.

    Sterlet and shovelnose spend their entire lives in fresh water; they are purely freshwater fish.

    Fish react in their own way to water temperature. Most freshwater carp fish are adapted to live at summer water temperatures above 10°. Where the summer temperature during the spawning period is below 10°, there are few or no carp fish. That is why there are so many of them in southern reservoirs and so few in northern ones. Bream is no longer found north of Karelia.

    Even in the same body of water, the distribution of fish depends on the water temperature. Found in the southern half of Ladoga, Ladoga raw fish (fish) is almost never found in the northern half of the lake, and palia, a fishery item in northern Ladoga, is rare in the southern half of the lake.

    A large group of fish are cold-loving fish - nelma, palia, many whitefish, burbot, etc. Regarding burbot, it is definitely known that in the summer heat in heated reservoirs it hides under stones, and in cold weather it comes out of its hiding places. The above-mentioned dallia has an amazing ability to withstand not only cold, but also the freezing of a reservoir. After the ice melts, the dallia comes to life. This fish tolerates frosts of more than 40°. This temporary lifeless (anabiotic) state can also be tolerated by some other fish.

    Freshwater fish are also sensitive to light. Salmon fry energetically hide from the light in scattered rocks and pebbles. Roach fry, on the contrary, scurry around in illuminated and sunny places. Lampreys love the dark.

    Some fish have adapted to live in hot springs and underground waters. One American scientist described a fish that lives in California springs at water temperatures above 52°. It is impossible to hold your hand in such water for any length of time. At this temperature, the protein begins to coagulate, that is, the cells of the fish’s body are destroyed. Some scientists suggest that the body of fish living in hot springs has some kind of antipyretic apparatus. It is known that in ordinary fish, at temperatures above 30 degrees, heart activity is disrupted.

    Fish were also found in cave waters and artesian wells. Being in complete darkness caused changes in the visual organ of cave fish. Many cave fish have lost their sight, their eyes are even invisible. And why do they need them? Cave fish are small in size. So, amblyops has a length of 13 centimeters, there are fish only 4.5 centimeters long. Catfish have been found in artesian wells at depths of more than 1000 meters.

    Among cave and well fish there are species related to both marine and freshwater fish. Consequently, the settlement of the reservoirs in which they live occurs both from the sea and from freshwater basins.

    Residents of the lake region have long been of the opinion that fish can move from one lake to another by underground routes, which are completely invisible from the surface. They say that in Karelia there is such a phenomenon: fish (usually perch is indicated in these cases) that disappeared in one lake sometimes appear in another.

    It is curious that perches remain alive for a long time even when lakes dry out, when there is no water surface and only raw white (sphagnum) moss remains. Anyone who has had to walk a lot through such swamps could see how a small perch, usually dark in color, appears out of nowhere in a muddy hole squeezed out by a boot. What does this fish eat? How did she survive the winter frost? Obviously, the needs of such a perch are completely different from those of ordinary perches.

    The swamps in which perches are found often have neither tributaries nor sources. The perches preserved in them (perhaps there are other fish here) come to life only in spring and autumn, when the humidity of the swamp increases significantly.

    From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 1 [Astronomy and astrophysics. Geography and other earth sciences. Biology and Medicine] author

    From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 1. Astronomy and astrophysics. Geography and other earth sciences. Biology and medicine author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

    Which country has the greatest diversity of freshwater fish? Brazil has the largest diversity of freshwater fish in the world. Almost 3 thousand species of fish live in the rivers and lakes of this country. For comparison: China and the USA each have 700–800 freshwater species

    From the book Incidents Under Water author Merkulyeva Ksenia Alekseevna


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