12 primary points in history. What is the primary and test score of the Unified State Exam? Evaluation of work on the Unified State Exam

Rating system Unified State Exam results not easy: instead of the usual “fours” and “fives” you will encounter primary and test scores. It is not difficult to understand what the primary and test scores are. It is much more difficult to understand exactly how the primary scores are converted into test scores.

Primary and test score of the Unified State Exam: definitions

Primary score- This preliminary USE score. The primary score is obtained by summing the scores for correctly completed tasks. For example, a correctly completed assignment of Part A or Part B is scored 1 point, Part C - up to 6 points. Maximum amount primary points for all tasks of control measuring materials (CMM) in different subjects ranges from 39 to 80 points.

Test score- This final USE score. It is obtained from the primary one using a special table. Every year, each subject has its own special table.

Example: in 2013, a graduate received a primary score of 35 on the Unified State Examination in History. According to the table, his test score will be 58/ And his neighbor on the desk, taking the same history, received one primary score more - 36. His test score according to the table will already be 60.

The number of test scores you need to strive for must be higher than the minimum established for a given subject. But, as a rule, graduates who are going to receive higher education, they know in advance how many test points they need to score to enter a university for their chosen specialty, since universities publish this information.

Converting primary scores to test scores

As we have already said, there are tables for converting primary scores into test scores. The Unified State Exam assessment system is such that even knowing his primary score, a graduate will not be able to accurately determine his test score on his own, since new tables are compiled every year. It takes 6-8 days to convert primary scores into test scores.

However, in fairness it is worth noting that the tables different years do not differ very much: in some subjects the number of test points remains the same, in others it changes by 2-3.

The correspondence between the 2018 Unified State Exam primary scores and test scores in all academic subjects using a 100-point assessment system is determined by Rosobrnadzor documents.

Scale for converting USE 2018 points into a 100-point system

To confirm mastery educational program secondary general education in each academic subject, except for the Unified State Examination in mathematics basic level, the minimum number of Unified State Examination points is established according to a 100-point assessment system.

There is also a minimum number of points for each Unified State Exam subject required for admission to universities. Below this level, universities do not have the right to set their own minimum scores with which they will accept applicants.

But higher - they can. Therefore, you should build on these scores (and not rely on them) if you decide to pursue higher education.

The difference is minimum scores To obtain a certificate and enter a university, there is only Russian language.

The results are valid for 4 years following the year in which such results were obtained.

It's understandable to want to know your results right away, but you should wait a little. On average, papers are checked within one to two weeks, depending on the number of people taking the exam. For example, the Unified State Exam in Russian is passed by a large number of guys, on average about 700 thousand people annually.

This is a large exam, so results will be available in about two weeks. And results from the literature can be obtained much faster. The deadline for issuing results to participants is determined by Rosobrnadzor and published on the portal ege.edu.ru.

Upon completion of the 11th grade, all graduates Russian Federation will have to take the Unified State Exam. This is where students will have to face new system knowledge assessment - with test scores. And a lot depends on how many points a student receives in total for all subjects: admission to a university on a budgetary or commercial basis. Or maybe the points scored are not enough to get into your desired university? How many points can you get for completing exam papers for the Unified State Exam 2019? A point conversion scale may help clarify the situation.

Evaluation of work on the Unified State Exam

Schoolchildren in our country study according to a five-point system: they receive the usual “twos,” “threes,” “fours,” or “fives.” However, in the eleventh grade, children will have to face the Unified State Exam and learn about the existence of primary and test scores. How is the Unified State Exam assessed?

When checking exam papers, the graduate is awarded a certain number of points for correctly completed tasks. These are the primary scores, which will subsequently be converted into test scores according to a certain formula.

How are papers checked on the Unified State Exam?

Work verification is performed in two ways:

  • automatically (using special programs and technical means);
  • manually (the correctness of detailed answers is checked by independent experts).

Manual checking occurs when analyzing work that requires detailed solutions and explanations. These can be essays on the Russian language and, an essay or a solution difficult task By . As a rule, these tasks are of a high level of complexity.

How long will it take to expect results?

The following time frames apply by law:

  • data processing (for compulsory subjects) in the RCIO should not last longer than 6 calendar days;
  • RCIO is given 4 days to process data (elective subjects);
  • verification at the Federal Testing Center should take no more than 5 working days;
  • approval of results by the State Examination Commission - 1 more day;
  • up to 3 days for distribution of results to Unified State Exam participants.

In practice, from the moment of passing the exam to receiving the official result, it can take from 8 to 14 days.

When should you file an appeal?

If a graduate decides to appeal regarding the verification of the test part, then this is unlikely to be successful. The test part is checked by a computer, and if a word or number is written illegibly or without compliance certain rules writing words and numbers on the form, the appeal will be rejected.

If controversial issues arise during an expert review, which is carried out manually, then a third specialist is involved, whose opinion will be decisive.

A graduate can file an appeal based on the results of the expert examination within two days after the announcement of the exam results.

Russian language – 24

  • Mathematics base - 3 (grade).
  • The minimum passing score is determined by the university itself. This number of points will directly depend on the scores of applicants who apply in 2019. The more popular the specialty, the higher the passing score.

    To understand whether there are enough points for admission, special tables are developed for converting primary scores into test scores. For each a separate subject own rules of calculation. They change every year, but these changes are not significant.

    Scale for transferring points to the Unified State Examination in mathematics:

    The correspondence between the 2018 Unified State Exam primary scores and test scores in all academic subjects using a 100-point assessment system is determined by Rosobrnadzor documents.

    Scale for converting USE 2018 scores from primary to test scores

    To confirm the mastery of the educational program of secondary general education in each academic subject, except for the Unified State Exam in basic level mathematics, a minimum number of Unified State Exam points is established according to a 100-point assessment system.

    Also, according to the 100-point assessment system, the minimum number of Unified State Examination points for each academic subject required for admission to a university to study in undergraduate and specialty programs is established.

    There is a difference in the minimum scores for obtaining a certificate and entering a university only in the Russian language.

    Please note that universities themselves may raise the minimum thresholds. For accurate information, see the official websites of universities.

    The results are valid for 4 years following the year in which such results were obtained.

    And those who decide to continue their education at a university will find some useful tips useful.

    Browse sites and call admissions committees selected universities.

    Find out about the deadlines for submitting documents, entrance examinations and the timing of their implementation (if they are provided for by the admission rules of the given university). Find out exactly what documents need to be provided. Make sure that the deadlines for passing additional tests conducted by the university independently (if there are any) do not coincide in different educational institutions.

    Remember that you can apply to a maximum of five universities; in each of them - for no more than three areas of training (specialty), for different shapes training.

    Collect everything Required documents and clarify how to submit them to the university.

    Unsatisfactory result

    If a Unified State Examination participant receives a result below the established minimum number of points in one of the required educational subjects, he has the right to re-take it in additional periods provided for by the unified schedule.

    If a USE participant (all categories) does not receive the minimum number of USE points in elective subjects, retaking the USE for such USE participants is provided only after a year.

    Graduating from school and entering a university is accompanied by passing the Unified State Exam. When passing it, graduates wonder how the initial score is converted into a one hundred percent scale.

    Converting Unified State Exam points into grades is aimed at determining what indicator a future student can count on.

    Unified State Exam calculator by subject

    Scale for converting Unified State Exam points into grades

    While studying at school, children receive grades on a five-point scale, and in fact even on a four-point scale, since one is given extremely rarely.

    When taking exams in the ninth and eleventh grades, students are faced with such concepts as primary scores for assignments, as well as a hundred-point scale.

    The basic verification procedure is based on computer analysis and expert examination. The test part is subject to automated calculation; it is problematic to challenge the data. But the part that experts check can be subjected to additional analysis.

    All points are also converted into grades. Despite the fact that this indicator does not have a significant impact, many students are interested in what grades are given by certain primary items.


    For the last few years, two types of exams have been conducted in mathematics:

    • basic, which is needed to obtain a certificate;
    • profile level - required for admission to technical universities.

    In the first case, the maximum possible primary score is twenty; for a five, seventeen points are required; for a four, twelve points; and for a three, only seven points.

    As for the profile, an excellent score is given to those who score between thirteen and thirty points. A four is given to those who received points ranging from ten to twelve points, and a three is given from six primary points.

    Russian language

    The maximum initial score in Russian is thirty-nine; to get an A, it is permissible to miss five points. Four starts from twenty-five points, and three from fifteen. If the number is less than fourteen, the exam is considered failed.

    Foreign languages

    The highest primary score of all exams is for foreign languages- seventy.

    A minimum of fifty-nine points is required to receive an excellent grade.

    As for the four, forty-six points are quite enough, and for the three – twenty-nine.

    If a graduate scores less than twenty-eight, then he will not be given credit for passing the exam.


    To be an excellent student in geography, you must solve tasks for twenty-seven points, the maximum bar is thirty-two. Four - from twenty to twenty-six, and for three only twelve points are enough.


    For a biology exam, you can accumulate forty-six points, and the lower bar for an A is thirty-seven points.

    Three starts with thirteen, and four starts with twenty-six points.

    A test with less than twelve points is considered a failure.


    If you successfully pass the literature within the Unified State Examination, you can get up to thirty-three points, while the five starts counting from twenty-seven. For a four, twenty points is enough, and for a three, twelve.


    For chemistry, you are allowed to score thirty-four points, of which twenty-seven is enough for an excellent grade. A four starts at nineteen, and for a three, nine points is enough.


    Forty-four points are accumulated for the history exam.

    A lack of even nine points will give the graduate an excellent grade.

    The one who solves the test with twenty-four points will become good in history. A satisfactory score starts at thirteen points.

    Computer science

    The smallest initial score for the computer science exam is twenty-two. However, in order to get a mark of five, let’s say there is only a shortfall of four points. Three starts with five points, and three starts with twelve.

    Social science

    To get an A in social studies, you need to score from thirty-four to thirty-five points. Twenty-five will be enough for good students, and fifteen will be enough for those who are satisfied with a satisfactory mark.

    Preparation for the Unified State Exam

    The GDZ online service, which presents solution books from various authors, including Vilenkin’s 6th grade mathematics, has many advantages compared to using solution books in paper format:

    1. the service is free;
    2. you can download textbooks;
    3. the service is available at any time of the day, any day of the week;
    4. You can use the service from anywhere with Internet access;
    5. The service presents solvers compiled by highly qualified specialists, which eliminates the possibility of receiving unreliable or low-quality information.

    Important advantages of the online GDZ service are the ability to access from any computer device, regardless of the operating system installed on the device.

    A wide selection of solution books presented on the site allows you to find an answer to almost any question that interests a student. So now learning has become easier.

    What does the primary score mean in the Unified State Exam?

    Basic concepts:

    1. Primary – the sum of points that can be scored for solved tasks; Depending on the complexity of the tasks, a certain number of points is assigned.
    2. Test – points for solved tasks transferred into a system of one hundred points.

    This system was invented to simplify the calculation of results, since admission to a university is based on the sum of points for several exams, and the maximum primary indicator for subjects is different.

    The fact is that each task in the topics is assessed separately and there is a special counter for distributing points.

    How to convert primary scores to secondary scores

    In order to transfer primary points to secondary ones, you need to use a special scale, which is presented on the official websites of FIPI, as well as a number of third-party sources.

    It is problematic to carry out calculations on your own; to do this you need to know exactly the principle of enumeration.

    The article presents a calculator for translating information. The criteria that are considered are based on the performance of the exam.

    Minimum scores for the Unified State Exam

    The amount of minimum points is approved annually as the basis that is required to obtain a school diploma and become eligible to apply.

    In accordance with current legislation, in order to graduate from school with an official document of education, it is necessary to pass two subjects:

    • Russian – twenty-four;
    • mathematics - twenty-seven.

    All other subjects are taken for admission to the university. This means that the student has the right not to choose anything, with the exception of the Russian language and mathematics, or to take at least all the subjects from the table.

    As for the entry points, the higher education institution independently determines the threshold for each subject, but this parameter cannot be lower than that established at the state level.

    The indicators look like this:

    1. Russian language, chemistry, biology and physics – thirty-six.
    2. Mathematics - twenty-seven.
    3. Computer Science – forty.
    4. History and literature – thirty-two.
    5. Foreign languages ​​– twenty-two.
    6. Social studies – forty-two.
    7. Geography - thirty-seven.

    This list contains secondary points, that is, the points have already been converted to a hundred-point system. It is important to take into account that a particular university has the right to set excessive scoring requirements; this is not prohibited by law.

    Maximum score on the Unified State Exam

    The maximum score on the Unified State Exam in each subject is one hundred in the secondary system.

    In order to determine the maximum number of acceptable points in a discipline, you should refer to either the conversion table from primary to secondary points, or the codifier for the subjects presented in each average test trial.

    How to score 100 points on the Unified State Exam

    To score the maximum number of points on the Unified State Exam, you need not only a good understanding of the topic, but also the ability to competently solve standard test tasks.

    When preparing, you should be guided by the following:

    1. For several years, study the material every day in the subjects that you plan to take after leaving school.
    2. Do a lot of test-type tasks, this will help you get better and repeat all the topics more than once.
    3. When solving problems in the written part, you should contact experts who will help with the analysis and suggest formatting rules.
    4. During the exam itself, behave calmly; if the graduate is well versed in the topic, then there will be no problems with solutions.

    Converting Unified State Exam points into grades is a formality that allows you to evaluate the results using a more familiar method. But the calculation from primary to secondary is an important stage. Higher educational establishments They set standards and passing standards based on a 100-point scale.

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