Andrei Arshavin got married. The new wife left Arshavin a year after the wedding. Arshavin Andrey: biography

Now Andrei Arshavin is married for the second time, his current wife’s name is Alisa Kazmina (after the wedding she changed it to her husband’s last name).

Alisa was born in 1982 in St. Petersburg. Graduated in 2005 High school journalism at St. Petersburg State University in absentia. She worked in her profession for some time and also worked as a model in London. It was there that she met a famous football player.

This is also Alice’s second marriage. She lived with her first husband Alexei Kazmin, a businessman, for 10 years. The couple has two children - a son and a daughter. The family broke up because Alisa fell in love with Arshavin. At that time, the Kazmins’ youngest daughter was 10 months old.

Arshavin Andrey: biography

The future football player was born in St. Petersburg on May 29, 1981. My passion for sports manifested itself during my school years.

After school, Andrei entered the Institute of Technology and Design, and in 1999 he began playing in the Zenit team. In 2002, he made his debut in the Russian national team and played for the youth team.

In 2007, he became the captain of Zenit, and a little later of the Russian national team. At Euro 2008 he was recognized as the best player. Throughout his career, he was awarded the title of best football player more than once.

Wives of Andrei Arshavin: photos of all

The famous football player was married twice. He lived in a civil marriage with his first wife for many years, and legalized his relationship with his second wife.

If you compare the photos of the wives in a swimsuit, you can see that they are both tall and slender.

Arshavin's wife - Yulia Baranovskaya: biography, personal life

The footballer met his first wife very young - in 2003. He was 22, she was 18.

Julia is originally from St. Petersburg. Her mother worked as a school teacher, her father was an engineer. When the girl was 10 years old, her parents divorced, her mother remarried and Yulia had two sisters.

Since childhood, Yulia dreamed of becoming a journalist. But her parents dissuaded her, she entered the University of Aerospace Instrumentation, where she mastered the profession of a manager.

Baranovskaya appeared on television in 2013 as an expert consultant on the show “Bachelor”. The debut turned out to be successful, and soon she was invited to host the show “Girls”. This was followed by the shows “Reloaded” and “Male/Female”. She hosted the last program together with Alexander Gordon.

In 2016, Baranovskaya became famous and was often invited to various television shows. In particular, she appeared in the rating project “Ice Age”, where her partner was Olympic bronze medalist Maxim Shabalin.

Former common-law wife of Arshavin

Yulia was a student, Andrei was just beginning his triumphant career in football. The lovers began to live together, and in 2005 their first child, Artem, was born.

In 2008, the couple had a daughter, Yana. By this time, Andrey is bought by the London club Arsenal and they move to London. Fame spoiled the guy, he began to cheat on Julia.

By the time Arshavin’s first wife became pregnant for the third time, her relationship with her common-law husband had become very bad. She suspected that he had numerous affairs on the side.

In 2012, the football player was offered to return to Russia to the Zenit team. He accepted the offer and left for his homeland. And Julia remained in England with the children. In St. Petersburg, Arshavin began a new affair and actually abandoned his common-law wife. When she gave birth to her third child, Arseny, she was already lonely.

The couple officially separated in 2013. Baranovskaya did not comment on the breakup for a long time, but after returning to Moscow in 2014, she gave an interview to the “Let Them Talk” show. Abandoned Julia told the whole world how the idol of millions, Arshavin, abandoned her and her two children, heavily pregnant, without a livelihood.

Now Julia is a free woman and a successful TV presenter. She realized herself on Russian television, wrote a book called “Everything is for the Better,” where she talked about her relationship and separation with Andrei Arshavin.

After moving to Moscow, Baranovskaya often appears at social events. Attractive companions are regularly seen next to her. It’s not surprising, because the girl has retained her beautiful figure. This can be seen if you compare her photos before and after giving birth.

Arshavin left his wife and three children

Arshavin’s separation from Baranovskaya caused a resonance in society. The fact is that a famous football player left his girlfriend alone with her children in a foreign country. At that time she was five months pregnant.

After the separation, Yulia filed for alimony in England, where she then lived, but Arshavin persuaded her to sign a settlement agreement. But he did not fulfill the terms of the contract, the woman had to sue again. This time in Russia. The claim was satisfied and the athlete was ordered to pay his ex-wife 50% of his annual income.

The ex-husband also did not pay this money for a long time and accumulated an impressive debt of 3 million rubles. Julia first received alimony in 2016, 3 years after the divorce.

Today the children live with their mother, the father does not communicate with them and does not see them. Julia spoke on this topic:

We cannot call a person “dad” who has completely consciously not communicated with children for five years. In my opinion, there can be no explanation or justification for this action!

As it turned out, the football player left his common-law wife for his new passion, Alisa Kazmina. Their romance began when both were not yet free.

They met in the UK, where the girl worked under a contract with a modeling agency. Since 2013, lovers began to appear together. The young people lived in a civil marriage for four years. They were going to get married in 2015, but due to legal proceedings between Arshavin and his ex-wife, the ceremony was postponed.

Only in 2016 did they officially register their relationship. So Alice became the second and first official wife of Arshavin.

The wedding took place in St. Petersburg at the Wedding Palace. Alisa changed her last name to Arshavin. It became clear to all the guests and those present at the wedding from the blurred figure of the bride that she was pregnant. Photos of the wedding can be seen online.

In 2017, a girl was born who became Alice’s third child and Andrey’s fourth.

The couple live in a three-story mansion in St. Petersburg, designed by Alice. The new wife personally drew up a sketch of the fireplace, and it was brought to life by the famous sculptor Vladimir Roik. The couple also jointly designed a nursery for the child.

The criminal case of Arshavin’s wife has been reached

Arshavin's wife is known as an eccentric and ambitious person. Recently came online interesting information from model from Kazakhstan Olga Semenova. The model posted a photo on her page where Arshavin hugs her. After that, according to her, Alisa called her and began to threaten her with violence. Kazmina promised to cut off her fingers and plant drugs on her.

According to the model, she tried to reassure the football player’s wife, assuring that she had no relationship with her husband. But it had no effect on the woman. Olga regarded such statements as a direct threat own life and filed a lawsuit with the prosecutor's office.

In connection with the threats, the athlete's 35-year-old wife faced up to 8 years in prison imprisonment. However, due to lack of evidence, the case was closed and the charges against Alice were dropped.

Arshavin divorced his second wife

Arshavin made peace with his wife

But a month later the public was puzzled by the new announcement. Arshavin's wife changed her mind and decided not to get a divorce. It turns out that her husband cheated on her because she paid little attention to him. She realized that she sincerely loved her husband, he reciprocated her feelings. As a result, the couple continued their life together.

Alisa said that Andrei returned after a long binge, cried and asked for forgiveness. She couldn't help but forgive him.

We broke up because I behaved inappropriately and at some point crossed all boundaries,” the athlete opened up. - I really regret that I walked. I hope that my wife will understand and forgive me.

Arshavin's wife about his children from Baranovskaya: does not love, did not love and are not needed

It all started when Alisa posted a touching photo of her husband and her little daughter on her Instagram page. Fans began to leave enthusiastic comments and, of course, someone remembered Arshavin’s first children.

After reading several critical comments about how a football player could leave three children, Alice flared up:

Began! I think that this hasn’t been written about abandoned people for a long time,” the current wife wrote. - He does not care. He doesn’t love them and hasn’t loved them, he doesn’t need them. Finally, leave me alone.

The woman’s words deeply outraged subscribers. Is it possible to talk about children like that? After all, Alice herself is the mother of three children, two of whom are from another father. Therefore, she knows firsthand how kids miss their dad when they don’t live next to him.

Arshavin's wife caused a row on the plane

At the beginning of the year, Kazmina and her children were not allowed on the Moscow-Almaty flight for rowdy behavior and insubordination to the crew’s demands.

Alice ignored requests to comply with airline rules. She demanded that her nanny be moved to first class, even though she had been booked in economy. The woman also refused to follow the flight attendants' instructions for takeoff.

The passenger put pressure on the crew, called herself an FSB major

– shared the press service of Aeroflot.

Arshavin’s wife, in turn, accused the airline employees of rudeness:

We purchased tickets for 100 thousand! When we entered the cabin, it turned out that the flight was delayed by 15 minutes. My child started acting up. I realized that she needed to change her diaper. But the flight attendant came up and was indignant that there was a strong smell. In the end, we were dropped off because my daughter had shit herself.

After the incident, Arshavin was sued for damages because the company was forced to delay the flight. Alice paid the costs in full before the trial began. Thus, she admitted her guilt.

Arshavin and his wife latest news

The personal life of the football player is under the close attention of journalists. Recently, the press vividly discussed Yulia Baranovskaya’s statement that her father has deliberately not seen or communicated with his children for five years. IN live the woman refused to call Arshavin the father of her children.

Andrei’s mother-in-law, Alisa’s mother, harshly criticized Baranovskaya:

Julia, no offense, but you cannot part with the past, and therefore you do not live in the present.


The first wife gave Arshavin three children: sons Artem and Arseny, daughter Yana.

Since Yulia and Andrey broke up in 2013, the father has not communicated with the children. Mom told the children for some time that dad had left for training camp. But one day, son Artem asked Yulia before leaving:

Mom, you won't come back either, like dad?

I had to tell them that dad abandoned them.

Now 12-year-old Artem and 10-year-old Yana are members of the Fidgets creativity club. They take part in performances. In 2017, the boy took part in the Stylish fashion show and starred in the program Without Cuts.

Arshavin is criticized for his attitude towards children from his first marriage. After all, he does not take any part in education. And Baranovskaya had to go to court for a long time for alimony. Meanwhile, the football player carefully takes care of the children of his wife from his first marriage, who call him father.

With his current wife Alisa, Arshavin has a daughter, Yesenia. Now the girl is 1.5 years old. Recently, the football player posted her photo on Instagram. At first, the subscribers were touched, but then they were puzzled, because the caption under the photo succinctly read: “Son.”


32-year-old Julia is now a successful TV presenter. “TNT”, “Russia-1”, Channel One...after the break with Arshavin, Baranovskaya’s career went uphill. The same cannot be said about Andrey. Under her, he became the champion of Russia, the winner of the UEFA Cup, the winner of the match for the European Super Cup, the bronze medalist of the European Championship and one of the best football players in England as part of the London Arsenal. And now his life is “Kairat”.

Yulia met the promising young Zenit player in the summer of 2003, when she was still a student at the University of Aerospace Instrumentation. Judging by their stories, it was a chance meeting on Nevsky Prospekt. The romance developed rapidly, but all the time the couple did not formalize it, preferring to live in a civil marriage.

In 2005, their first child was born - son Artem. And Baranovskaya left the university.

Three years later, there was another addition to their family - daughter Yana.

In 2009, Arshavin was invited to play for the English club Arsenal, and the family moved to London. In 2012, they had another son, Arseny. At that time they already lived in different cities: Baranovskaya in London, Andrey in St. Petersburg. And in the fifth month of pregnancy, the husband announced to Yulia over the phone that he was leaving her.

Another woman appeared in my life,” Andrey commented sparingly in one of his interviews. “And I decided that I wanted to be with her.”

Baranovskaya did not regard this as anything other than betrayal.

I couldn't even imagine that he would leave. I lived and didn’t think about controlling him. I trusted him, after all, we lived together for so many years... - at first it was a pity to look at the lost Yulia.

Pepper was added to the story by the couple’s scandalous trial, in which Baranovskaya tried to force the father of three children to pay her alimony. Now Andrey is giving ex-lover half of your income. He also assigned a three-room apartment in St. Petersburg to his ex-wife.


The first and so far only official wife of the famous football player. She is the same fatal brunette who took Andrei away from the family. Apparently, Alice is now suffering for this. But first things first.

They got married on September 1, 2016. Before that we dated for three years. The couple was first spotted together at a Euroleague basketball match between Real Madrid and Barcelona in the spring of 2013. Then no one recognized the little-known graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. Paparazzi confused her with British top model Leilani Daudin, fueling rumors of a connection with Miss Universe. But Alice turned out to be quicker. A mother of two, divorced and very attractive, she quickly took Arshavin into her stride.

Already in the summer, he walked with her without embarrassment along the beaches of Miami, and in October he brought his passion to light at the premiere of Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film “Stalingrad”.

Alice came to the registry office on the Promenade des Anglais in a snow-white dress, accompanied by her children and... already with a rounded tummy. Soon the woman gave birth to Andrey, who had many children, another daughter, Yesenya.

13 months after the wedding, rumors began to spread that the couple was separating. The reason for the breakdown in the relationship was Arshavin’s betrayal with model Ekaterina. Moreover, as it turned out, Andrei met this lady back in 2015, when he played for Zenit.

However, they got divorced and changed their minds. Andrei, as Alice admitted, tearfully repented, and she still forgave him.


The identity of this woman, of course, is shrouded in mystery. Now the girl seems to be married.

The adultery between her and Arshavin happened at a time when Andrei was playing again for Zenit, and Alisa was carelessly furnishing their luxurious mansion in Kolomyagi.

According to friend Andrei Arshavin, the athlete met the attractive blonde Katya while celebrating his birthday. The romance was long-lasting - they dated for about a year in secret from Alice. Moreover, as they say, Katya also had a fiancé at that time, but she was still drawn to the Zenit man. Andrey gave expensive gifts to the model dear to his heart. He even once presented me with a foreign car.

Alice found out about the novel in the spring of 2017, when she was on vacation with her child in Spain. A businessman approached her, whom Katya eventually got ready to marry. The man revealed the terrible truth. Alice was tossed around in torment: to forgive or leave. In the end, I chose my husband.


The idyll in the relationship between Alice and Andrey did not last long. Now a new rival has loomed on the horizon - Kazakh model Olga Semenova. A blonde with chic parameters was hugged by Arshavin in a restaurant not so long ago. The video ended up on Instagram, where Alice tracked it. The enraged wife began to threaten the homewrecker, who was not at a loss and put all this into the public domain, supposedly for the purpose of self-defense.

Old love does not “rust”, and Julia, apparently, decided to give the football player one last chance.

IN Lately The Internet, every now and then, is replete with headlines that Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin have decided to renew their relationship.

After the couple separated in 2013, Yulia gave many interviews to various publications, in which she repeatedly stated that under no circumstances would she agree to resume relations with her ex-lover, and at the beginning of this year, she only confirmed her solution.

But time passes and the situation changes. Apparently, Andrei nevertheless decided to reconsider his views on his life. Arshavin recently resumed relations with his heirs from Yulia. This brought incredible joy to the followers who had spent so much time waiting for a “miracle.”

But here a completely logical question arises: does this apply not only to children, but also to the former partner? Considering the events of recent days, there is little doubt that the couple decided to step on the same “rake.”

In one of the last posts that the football player posts on his Instagram, attentive fans drew attention to female voice behind the scenes. Many believed that the voice belonged to the famous TV presenter. Of course, Andrei preferred to leave what happened without comment on his part.

It is worth noting a few more points that also indicate that Arshavin has returned to Baranovskaya and is even preparing for the wedding. According to the editor of the famous Tatler magazine, Ksenia Solovyova: “Yulia Baranovskaya, eternally grateful to Andrei Arshavin for everything wonderful that is happening to her now.” And a couple of days ago Julia even posted in her social network a selection of photos in wedding dress, which undoubtedly aroused interest not only in herself, but also in her ex-lover. After all, this can be considered a kind of hint that Julia will finally go down the aisle with her beloved and, most importantly, long-awaited person.

It’s simply impossible not to notice how Yulia literally “blossomed” after Andrei expressed a desire to reconnect with the children and, probably, with herself. The TV presenter now has a sparkle in her eyes that hasn’t been there since 2013. Apparently, she simply could not help but give a second chance to a man with whom she is connected not only by a past relationship, but also by three children, who undoubtedly need a family in which there will be not only a mother, but also a father.

Almost nothing is known about the ceremony except the fact itself. The publication StarHit provides a photo of the marriage certificate between him and Kazmina. It follows from it that the marriage took place in one of the registry offices of St. Petersburg. There are also several photographs in which the football player leads the girl down the aisle.

It is reported that there were very few guests at the wedding, and many friends and even relatives did not know about the upcoming celebration.

Immediately after the ceremony, the young people, according to the media, went to Sochi.

Arshavin and Kazmina dated for several years. It was because of this that the football player left his common-law wife, who bore the athlete three children, Yulia Baranovskaya, after nine years life together.

Kazmina also managed to be married. After the divorce, Alice herself raised her son and daughter from a businessman. She worked as a journalist.

Arshavin introduced Alisa to his older children, and together they even went on vacation to the Maldives, and Yulia Baranovskaya was not against it.

“With Alice, they affectionately call each other “my love.” She learned to cook his favorite dishes. He especially likes her pancakes and baked meat. Andrey gets along well with Alice's children. He already taught the boy to play football and gave him a ball. The children call him by name,” a friend of the football player told StarHit.

Soon, Arshavin’s three-story mansion was completed near St. Petersburg at a cost of $1.5 million.

However, the couple's relationship was not always smooth. Six months ago, the young people almost separated.

“Of course, it’s good to play tricks with the successful and famous, but would she look at Andrei if he didn’t have a penny to his name?! Julia was next to my grandson from the very beginning, isn’t this a confirmation of love? Where is this Alice now? Personally, I haven’t heard anything about her for almost a year! I think that their carrot love is over,” the footballer’s grandmother said in an interview.

However, then things began to improve for Arshavin, including in sports terms - Andrey signed a contract with the Kazakh Kairat and immediately became one of the team leaders.

Relations with Kazmina also improved. In Almaty, the couple settled in a two-room hotel room. Alice stated that she did not want much publicity and accused Yulia Baranovskaya of putting her personal life on display.

“I prefer not to talk about our relationship, it’s personal. I don’t understand Yulia Gennadievna, who wants to show off everything. If the time comes, then this story, which she tells left and right, will appear in a completely different guise - as it was and is in reality. I have a 10-year marriage behind me and two children. I don't like publicity and attention. I'm pretty modest. If almost four years have passed, and only one side is heard,” the girl said.

As we see, in the couple’s relationship, Arshavin’s ex-wife Baranovskaya was always invisibly present, who, after divorcing her husband, extracted large alimony payments from him through the court.

Andrei abandoned Yulia when she was pregnant with her third child and left her in London, where the family had lived since the footballer moved to Arsenal.

However, the girl managed to get back on her feet: she returned to Russia and became a successful TV presenter. Baranovskaya also spoke in detail about her breakup with Arshavin and even published a book.

“Believe me, I have much more grievances than he does. But this should not affect children in any way. I wish he realized this as soon as possible,”

- Baranovskaya explained.

It all ended in litigation. In June 2014, Baranovskaya filed a lawsuit and got Arshavin to pay the children 50% of their income monthly, starting July 1, 2014. At that time, the media estimated this amount at 5 million rubles.

Before ex-spouses concluded a settlement agreement, according to which Yulia received a three-room apartment in St. Petersburg, a one-time remuneration, a jeep and a monthly payment of about 1 million rubles, but Baranovskaya stated that Arshavin did not comply with the agreements.

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The once strong family of successful football player Andrei Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya, a famous TV presenter, broke up after 9 years of happy life together. Even three children did not stop the spouses, even if they lived in a civil marriage. Despite the fact that all the details of their life were discussed very actively by fans, how they met and how their relationship developed, as well as the nuances of the scandalous breakup, are of interest to numerous followers of these media figures to this day. Of course, fans are also interested in the current details of their lives after the sensational breakup.


The future popular TV presenter and wife of successful football player Andrei Arshavin was born in the city on the Neva, St. Petersburg. True, on June 3, 1985, when this happened, it was still Leningrad.

An unremarkable ordinary family (father is an engineer, mother is a teacher) broke up when Yulia was 10 years old. The girl stayed with her mother. The girl’s relationship with her father ceased for almost 15 years after the divorce, and even after their reconciliation for a long time remained tense. It was difficult for the girl to understand why he left and left her mother and her. This, according to Yulia herself, was a heavy blow for her.

Later, my mother married again, and in this marriage Julia’s two sisters were born - Ksenia and Alexandra. She's like elder sister took in their upbringing Active participation. Today she calls them her real family. Sisters and mother are the real hope and support of the famous Russian TV presenter.

Probably, this experience of family relationships helped her in the future. But she hardly thought about it then.

At school she studied very diligently and successfully. She was even elected more than once. All school achievements were Yulia’s personal merit. Mom worked as a teacher, but at a different school, and could not influence this development of events.

After school, Yulia, as a successful student, easily entered the university to study management. It was also her personal choice, but not a very successful one. The creative nature could not find a way out; it turned out that management was absolutely not for her. However, graduate from university and receive a diploma higher education she failed not because she did not love the profession she chose, but for a completely different reason. His Majesty chance changed everything.

Meeting Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin

One summer day in 2003, after passing the next exam, Yulia and her friend went for a walk. And they met on Nevsky Prospekt. He - then still a beginner and unknown to anyone, but a promising football player of the St. Petersburg "Zenith" - won the beauty's heart and made her forget about everything, dissolving in her beloved.

Their relationship developed very rapidly, there was no time to even really think about formalizing the marriage bond. And, really, when? She is a student, he has career ambitions. She was in seventh heaven with love and happiness and, like any girl in love, she thought that this would be forever. For him, a stamp in his passport also did not seem like an obligatory attribute of a happy family life.

Andrei, we must give him his due, wanted to legitimize the relationship, but Julia wanted a real wedding with beautiful dress and a multitude of guests, flowers and other attributes of the celebration and refused several times, and then this question dissolved by itself. In general, everything went on as usual, there was not even a hint of an imminent end.

Birth of first child

And Yulia Baranovskaya almost immediately began to live together. And already in 2005 they became parents for the first time. They named their firstborn Artyom. The young mother was forced to leave her studies for a while, because caring for the baby did not provide enough free time for this. Yulia took an academic leave, although she did not return from it later.

New addition to the family

A little later, 3 years later, a beautiful daughter was born. She was named Yana. Second pregnancy and childbirth. Of course, two children made the young mother completely forget about continuing her education and getting a diploma.

Then the story of Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin resembled the story of many young families: modest incomes, the need to earn money, caring for two small children. But one day everything changed. Andrei Arshavin was invited to Arsenal - one of the most famous football clubs in Foggy Albion and around the world. Playing in this professional English FC is an honor for modern athletes.

"I will move to London..."

The choice was easy. It’s not difficult to decide to move to the capital of a European state, keeping in mind the opportunities that present themselves. The terms of the contract were more than attractive, and the young family, without thinking twice, moved to London.

But reality somewhat did not live up to expectations, mainly the wife of Andrei Arshavin, Yulia Baranovskaya. Yulia can tell you a lot about what it’s like to come to a country whose language you know only at the Soviet level. high school, and you have the responsibilities of arranging the life of a rather large family. Children need to be identified kindergarten and a school where they also speak English language. And my husband is always at training, championships and rarely appears at home. At the same time, you don’t have the opportunity to relax, because there are no grandmothers or girlfriends nearby with whom you could just talk and cry.

For a long time the English press relished any of their appearances. The appearance of the Arshavin couple in society became a reason for jokes. Perhaps the reason for this was that she once said that she had no sympathy for this foreign country. Despite everything, in the photo Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin during their life in London are simply glowing with happiness. They were truly a beautiful couple.

Only after some time did they manage to cope with all the difficulties and inconveniences. Yulia was even thinking about organizing a club for young women who, like her, had moved to England. The purpose of such a club, according to her plan, was to help them at first. However, it was not possible to realize the grandiose plans and, ironically, again through Andrei’s fault.

Beginning of the End

In 2012, at the end of his contract with Arsenal, Arshavin was offered to return to his native Zenit. He probably couldn’t refuse and decided to leave for Russia.

But the mother of two children could not afford to suddenly just tear the already grown children out of their familiar environment and the school they had already gone to. She had to stay in London for some time. Perhaps separation was the indirect reason for their separation.

New novel by Andrei Arshavin

Yulia Baranovskaya and the children lived in London. And the head of the family did not waste time. Very soon he found himself a new passion. The choice fell on Well, they say only 5% of men are polygamous, and Andrei Arshavin was no exception. His wife Yulia Baranovskaya was expecting their third child at that time. By the way, Alice didn’t suddenly appear; they met when everything was fine with Andrei and Yulia.

Scandalous divorce

The story of the separation of Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin was not at all like a fairy tale. The outstanding athlete behaved unpredictably. He simply left the family’s life, calling and telling his pregnant wife that he had another woman. This happened in 2013.

Rumors that Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin had reconciled periodically appeared in the press. However, there could be no talk of any reconciliation.

Returning from the capital of Great Britain, Julia had to live in a rented apartment with her three children. The father did not take part in the upbringing and maintenance of the children. Quite rightly, Julia decided to sue. Despite the fact that their marriage was not officially registered, according to the law the father is responsible for his children.

According to the court decision, Arshavin pays half of the income to his family.

Ex-wife Yulia Baranovskaya will later write about this, as well as about many other things from life with Andrei Arshavin, in her book.

Julia does not blame her husband; on the contrary, she is grateful to him for the almost 10 happy years that they lived together. She loved him, felt him from a distance. She shares details of their personal life in the book, recalling that she could guess his thoughts and get through to him when no one could.

Andrei Arshavin's wife Yulia Baranovskaya looks at the situation with optimism. She believes that if they had not divorced, she would not have become who she is now. She would forever remain a mother of many children and the wife of a successful football player.

The only thing she says she cannot forgive him for is the fact that he does not see his children. As Julia says, dad is a holiday for them. She never turned them against their father, and if he ever came to them, they would simply be happy and hug him. And now they are too busy to worry about his constant absence.

Arshavin: life after divorce

A few years after breaking up with his first wife, Arshavin finally married his chosen one. They officially married in 2016. In February 2017, the couple had a son, and in October they announced their divorce. Moreover, according to eyewitnesses, the initiator was Alisa.

Arshavin is widely known to television viewers and fans for his explosive character. Who doesn’t remember his harsh statements after another devastating defeat of the Russian national football team?

Various compromising information often appears in the press. For example, that Arshavin hides his income in order to reduce alimony payments.

After Arshavin

According to Yulia Baranovskaya, Andrei Arshavin taught her a lot. The experience that gave ex-husband, plays a huge role in her real life. It is thanks to communication with him that it is easy for her to build a relationship with the co-host of the “Male/Female” program, Alexander Gordon, as Yulia says jokingly.

It may seem that the divorce of Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin does not matter to her and does not excite her. However, this is not the case. She remembers with fear severe depression, when it seemed like the ground was disappearing from under her feet, and long nights in tears.

Today Yulia Baranovskaya is a popular TV presenter and writer, whose advice is listened to by many women who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Personal life

As for his personal life, everything seems to be fine here too.

In 2015, Yulia could be seen at social events and film screenings, accompanied by the famous stylist Evgeniy Sedoy. The couple did not hide from the lenses of ubiquitous photographers, and soon rumors about their romance began to spread in the press.

Recently, Yulia can often be seen in the company of the famous Russian film actor Alexei Chadov ("9th Company", "Heat"). True, as Yulia Baranovskaya herself says, she and Alexei are connected only by friendship. Although in the media you can see many photos of them together, which hint at something more. Moreover, they often appear together at social events and parties.

Let us remember that in the past he was married to actress Agnia Detkovskite. The couple has a son.

Career rise

After the uproar surrounding the divorce, Julia became of interest to numerous organizers of various shows and correspondents of popular publications. To get hot information first hand, they simply lined up. Then Baranovskaya in the role ex-wife Arshavina took part in Andrei Malakhov’s “Let Them Talk” program. After filming, Yulia began to be invited to various events, where she met producer Peter Sheksheev. It was he who helped the future presenter appear on television not as a guest.

She was the host of several popular programs on different channels: TNT - "Reboot", "Russia 1" - "Girls". Now she, together with Alexander Gordon, hosts the famous talk show “Male/Female” on Channel One.

We can discuss for a long time why Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin divorced. However, it is clear that, as always, time puts everything in its place.

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