Bodybuilding exercises for shoulders. A set of shoulder exercises in the gym. One-arm dumbbell lift

Broad shoulders have long been considered a sign of courage. Certainly, appearance is not the only indicator of a person’s assessment, and is often deceptive. Nevertheless, people are “met by their clothes,” and in our case, by their physique. The wider the shoulders, the narrower the waist, and the more athletic a person looks. Therefore, men love to work out their shoulder muscles, despite the fact that their training is associated with a number of difficulties.

Training this muscle group is made difficult by the fact that they quickly get used to the load, have an anatomically complex structure and are highly susceptible to injury. Therefore, to make your shoulders really big, you need to take the training process very seriously. Today we will find out what features of shoulder training have, and we will figure out how to properly pump up the shoulders. And the advice of experienced bodybuilders will help us with this.


Before you learn how to correctly and quickly, you need to understand the structure of this muscle group and the principle of its operation.

So, which is also often called the deltoid, consists of three sections (bundles): anterior, middle (also known as lateral) and posterior. Each of the bundles performs a separate function and is involved in a separate movement. Therefore, for each department there are certain exercises that work only on it. The anterior section raises the arm in front of itself, the middle section raises the arm upward across the side, and the posterior section moves the arm back. Thus, one muscle receives a very diverse load.

Many beginners, not understanding the structure of the shoulder, think that it is one spherical muscle that needs to be pumped up with heavy equipment, lifting them up (standing barbell press, kettlebell press, etc.). This approach is obviously doomed to failure. Moreover, it is not only ineffective, but also dangerous.

It is located on a very fragile area. Therefore, it is very important to remain careful and measured in training, and not to overload it. The fact that it consists of three sections indicates that basic exercises for normal muscle growth will not be enough.

Workout Features

Based on the fact that the delta consists of three beams, it would be logical to assume that it is necessary to work on each of them separately. The uniqueness of the muscle lies not even in the fact that it is divided into three sections, but in the fact that these sections are responsible for completely different movements. For example, the triceps also has three bundles (for which it received the name “triceps muscle”), but the load vector on them is not much different. In the case of the shoulder muscle, everything is much more complicated.

Therefore, heavy bench presses, which beginners often do, are ineffective without isolating exercises. It is also worth remembering that heavy basic exercises with an illiterate approach can cause serious injuries. This is especially true for the overhead bench press, the trajectory of which is unnatural for the shoulder from an anatomical point of view. Therefore, to begin with, it is better to choose the barbell chest press as a basic exercise.

In order to give results and not cause unpleasant consequences, it is worth choosing the weights wisely, monitoring the ideal movement technique and intelligently composing training program. Now let's find out how to properly pump your shoulders. The photo will help us quickly understand this issue.

Basic exercises

Basic exercises are those in which several joints are involved at once, and, in addition to the target muscle, a number of auxiliary muscles are involved in the movement. Such exercises are more dangerous than isolation exercises, but they allow you to effectively gain mass and increase strength. Without these it will be ineffective and incomplete.

Bench press standing or seated

This is the most common basic delt exercise. Therefore, it is considered a bodybuilding classic. Thanks to the barbell press, you can use all the muscles of the shoulder, but the emphasis will fall on the middle section. If you slightly change the position of your elbows and replace the straight grip with a reverse one, the load will shift to the front deltoids.

But this is not recommended, since the anterior bundles are already quite actively involved in all pressing exercises. As already mentioned, the press can be done both from the chest and from behind the head. The second option is more dangerous, so it is not suitable for beginners.

It is recommended to start with presses. Since these are multi-joint exercises, they require full concentration and take a lot of strength. Therefore, leaving them for last, an athlete tired of other exercises risks serious injury.

The seated version of the barbell press takes stress off the lower back and is more isolating in nature. It is recommended to practice both versions of the exercise.

Smith machine barbell press

This exercise performs the same function as the previous one, but it is much safer. Another difference is the exclusion from the work of the muscles that stabilize the position of the body and arms. The Smith machine allows you to fully concentrate on working out the target muscle group. The exercise is perfect for beginners who need to master the technique.

More experienced athletes are recommended to use this exercise to “finish off” their shoulders after performing a simple bench press. The fact is that the classic bench press involves a number of stabilizer muscles, which get tired faster than the target muscle. Their fatigue leads to the fact that it becomes difficult for the athlete to hold the apparatus and he puts himself at risk. The Smith machine press allows you to put maximum stress on your shoulders, even if the stabilizers are tired.

Dumbbell press

We already know how to properly pump your shoulders with a barbell, now let's move on to a more accessible exercise machine - dumbbells. From a technical point of view, this exercise is similar to the previous two. However, it has its pros and cons. Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the fact that the working weight of dumbbells is less than the weight of a barbell. But the larger amplitude compensates for this disadvantage and allows you to work the muscles deeper, which is certainly a plus. In addition, when each hand has a separate apparatus, the stabilizer muscles are more involved. They give the arms a more natural amplitude from an anatomical point of view than with a barbell press.

Therefore, this exercise is suitable for those who are looking for an answer to the question: “How to properly pump your shoulders with dumbbells at home?” After all, almost everyone can afford dumbbells, unlike a bulky and expensive barbell. Of course, this is not the last exercise with this type of weight, but it is the only one of the basic ones.

Shoulder pull (barbell pull to the chin)

Another useful basic exercise, without which it is very difficult to make your shoulders big. Like the previous exercises, the shoulder stretch involves all the delta beams. In this case, the main load falls on the rear beam, which is very important. Firstly, this department always lags behind in development, since its anatomical function is rarely used by humans. Secondly, this bun is quite voluminous, so it gives the shoulders a complete, impressive look.

Isolation exercises

Discussing the question of how to properly pump your shoulders, we move on to the second class of exercises. Isolation exercises are aimed at pumping a specific muscle as efficiently as possible. They by themselves do not bring much effect in terms of developing strength and mass, but together with basic training they allow you to achieve excellent results. In addition, it is thanks to isolation exercises that it becomes possible to work one or another part of the muscle without affecting others.

By performing these exercises after the basic ones, you can put maximum load on your shoulders. Heavy weights are not needed for this type of training. Here, perfect technology comes first. The athlete should feel how the muscle is loaded throughout the entire movement. So, let's find out how to properly pump your shoulders with dumbbells using isolation exercises.

Dumbbell flyes

Perhaps this is the most common exercise for working out the middle (lateral) bundle of the deltoid muscle. How to properly pump your shoulders with it? This exercise, like other isolation exercises, requires maximum concentration from the athlete. Try to lift the dumbbells using the middle deltoids. To do this, the arms must be straight and parallel to the body. Snatching is unacceptable, as it significantly reduces the effectiveness of the workout and takes the load off the target muscle. It is advisable to take short pauses at the lower and upper points of the amplitude. It is recommended to do the ascent faster (but do not use inertia), and the lowering slower. During lowering, you should feel a burning sensation in the area of ​​the middle deltoids. You can perform the exercise with both hands at once, separately or alternately. The main thing is to ensure perfect technique.

Raising dumbbells in front of you

The same principle works here as in the previous exercise, only now the target muscle is the anterior deltoids. It gives the shoulders a complete, harmonious look. Since this exercise is very uncomfortable for the muscles, it is recommended to use small dumbbells to maintain proper technique. You can raise your hands with any grip, but the most effective is neutral - when your palms are turned towards your body.

Bent-over dumbbell raises

The third exercise with dumbbells is based on the same principle as the previous two. Now the posterior bundle of the brachial muscle comes into action. The starting position in this case differs in that the body must be tilted so that it is almost parallel to the floor. In order to improve mental connection brain with a shoulder, you can rest your head on a vertical bench. You should raise your hands smoothly, but quickly, and lower them as slowly as possible. For greater effect, you can slightly bend them at the elbows.

Reverse dilutions

Here the same movement occurs as in the previous exercise, only the body maintains its even position thanks to a special simulator. This exercise not only gives the rear deltas an accentuated load, but also strengthens the small rotator cuff muscles, which help the main muscle in almost all exercises. It is recommended to perform reverse flyes at the very beginning of the shoulder complex, with a light weight.

How to pump your shoulders correctly: training plan

Having looked at the basic exercises that will help us work our shoulders, we will figure out how to competently create a training program so that they produce the maximum effect.

So, you should start working on your shoulders with basic exercises, and end with isolating exercises. To keep your shoulders big and strong, they don't need super heavy weights, but high reps. Therefore, basic exercises should be done up to 15 times per approach, and isolating exercises - up to 20 times. Progression of loads also takes place here. Progression in the context of bodybuilding is a regular increase in load, which is done so that the muscles do not get used to it and constantly develop.

And another fundamentally important point is that shoulders love variety. As already mentioned, the shoulders have a very complex structure and quite broad anatomical functions. At the same time, the shoulder joint is not particularly strong. Therefore, the deltoids quickly react to the load applied to them and get used to both constant weights and the same type of exercises. This means that when answering the question of how to properly pump up your shoulders in the gym, you cannot help but mention the variety in your training plan. For example, one session should be opened with a barbell press, the next with a dumbbell press, then with a Scott press, and so on.

There aren't many isolation exercises, so there isn't much choice here. But you can change their sequence. For example, if today you were the first, then next time you should start with dumbbell raises, and so on. Below are training options that you can simply alternate. You should start your workout with a couple of warm-up sets with light weights.

How to properly pump up your shoulder muscles: a set of exercises

Basic exercises are done in 4 approaches, and isolating exercises in three. The number of repetitions for basic and isolation exercises was mentioned above.

First option:

  1. Barbell press on a Smith machine.
  2. Arm raises in the simulator.
  3. Dumbbell raises.
  4. Lifting dumbbells in front of you.

Second option:

  1. Standing barbell press.
  2. Lifting dumbbells in front of you.

Third option:

  1. Seated dumbbell press.
  2. Standing dumbbell raises.
  3. Bent-over dumbbell raises.
  4. Lifting dumbbells in front of you.

Many such programs can be created. It is recommended to add a second basic exercise over time to increase the load.

Many people ask questions like: “How to properly strengthen your back and shoulders?” This question is incorrect. The same goes for the question “How to properly pump up your arms and shoulders?” The fact is that when drawing up a training plan, you need to make sure that the antagonist muscles are not worked out in one day.

Therefore, the muscles that help each other work must pump together so that the next day they are well rested while their antagonists work. Usually the shoulders are worked with the chest and triceps, since these muscles protect each other in many exercises, while the biceps, back and abs do not participate in this at all. Therefore, you cannot train your shoulder and biceps or shoulder and back at the same time, since the next day when training your chest and triceps your whole body will hurt.


A good option for isolation training is supersets - several exercises for different parts of the muscle without a break. So a superset for the shoulder muscles with dumbbells might look something like this: flyes + arm raises + bent over raises. Then there is a rest, and everything is repeated again. This complex is good because, despite working out different beams, the muscle is under tension large quantity time, which leads to its rapid growth.


Today we learned how to properly pump up your shoulders at home and gym. This muscle is quite specific. On the one hand, it is dearly loved by men, because it gives an athletic shape to the figure. In this regard, many beginning athletes only think about how to pump up their shoulders and arms, which is completely wrong, because they need to develop comprehensively.

On the other hand, the shoulder is quite difficult to train and is very sensitive to injury. Therefore, in order for it to develop, you need to try and ensure that the technique is perfectly followed. Shoulder training is also good because, if desired, it can be done at home using simple dumbbells. We already know how to properly pump our shoulders with dumbbells. And no special simulators are needed here.

The 7 shoulder training programs given in the article will help you figure out what exercises you can do to pump up your deltoids. Each set of shoulder exercises will help pump up the entire shoulder girdle and work out all the deltoid muscle bundles and separately, the middle, anterior and posterior ones.

There are no two people who would train exactly the same way and build big shoulders. Each athlete performs a different sequence of exercises, number of approaches, uses different weights and length of rest periods. This article will help everyone figure out how to pump up their shoulders in the gym or at home.

Individuality is an inherent property of a person, and there is nothing wrong with that, but it imposes restrictions on how to pump up the deltoid muscles for an individual person. Certain principles and approaches make training better, especially when it comes to the question of how to quickly pump up your shoulders. So I made 7 really effective complexes shoulder exercises, each of which will tell you how to pump your shoulders for relief, width and mass.

Please note that the order of exercises, weights, number of repetitions and volume can be changed to find the best way for you to pump up the deltoid muscles. Once you choose a workout that works for you, follow it for 4-8 weeks and then return to your usual routine or try another one from this list.


  • Below we will mainly talk about how to pump up your shoulders in the gym, but some of the programs are well suited for training at home.
  • The given sets of exercises do not include warm-up. When warming up, perform as many reps as you need, but never reach muscle failure.
  • Choose a weight that will allow you to reach muscle failure in the prescribed number of repetitions. This will be the correct pumping of the shoulders in order to involve the maximum number of delta muscle fibers in the work and achieve muscle growth.
  • If you're training with a partner, do a few forced reps on your heaviest set of overhead presses. If not, then perform a drop set on the last set of each exercise, reducing the weight by about 25% when muscle failure is reached. In total it needs to be achieved 2 times.

How to build big shoulders: mass training

Goal: building up all delta beams

Most effective method how to pump up your shoulders in the gym is to work with heavy weights, but you need to approach your training correctly so as not to get injured. To do this, you need to warm up well and follow the exercise technique.

To build shoulder mass, always start your workout with the most difficult exercises (in this case, overhead presses) that allow you to lift more weight. Then perform single-joint exercises on each of the three deltoids: anterior, middle, and posterior. This will create the basis for building up muscle mass, if you maintain your overall training volume.

When we pump our shoulders, we can complicate the training in several ways. For the overhead press, start by using dumbbells, which are notoriously more difficult to balance and allow for a greater range of motion than a barbell. You'll also do the reverse pyramid because it gives you the opportunity to do more sets with muscle failure. For the first 2 sets, you'll use fairly heavy weights in a low rep range (6) to build strength. As fatigue accumulates in subsequent approaches, reduce the weight by about 5 kg. Perform the last 2 heaviest approaches with a belay partner so that you can maintain technique.

Because the front delts do a lot of the work in chest training, and the middle delts bear the brunt of the weight during the overhead press, the rear delts often remain small and weak. In this workout, shoulder pumping takes place when you have a lot of strength in reserve. At the same time, don't be afraid to change the order of single-joint exercises based on your weaknesses. If you think that all of your deltoids are proportionally developed, simply perform these exercises in a different order at each workout.

Massive shoulder training program

  1. Dumbbell overhead press - 4 sets of 6,6,8,10 reps (2 minutes rest)
  2. Barbell row to the chin - 3 sets of 8,8,10 reps (2 minutes rest)
  3. 3 sets of 8,10,12 reps (1 minute rest)
  4. Lifting the barbell overhead with straight arms - 3 sets of 8,10,12 reps (1 minute rest)

How to build sculpted shoulders

Goal: definition of deltas

Here you will find out good way how to pump up deltoids by drawing individual fibers. Lifting light weights in large quantities repetitions are no longer considered the best way to achieve delt definition. First and foremost, this indoor shoulder workout aims to stimulate muscle growth (moderate weights in a moderate rep range). To increase the number of calories burned during and after training (post-exercise oxygen consumption effect), high volume is used in combination with supersets. Here you will move faster and feel a real burning sensation in your muscles. Now you know how to pump up your muscles so that they are not only sculpted, but also the so-called “cut” appears.

Shoulder training for relief

  1. Military bench press - 4 sets of 8-12 reps (2 minutes rest)
  2. Standing dumbbell lateral raises - Superset:
  3. Dumbbell lateral raises while sitting in an incline position -
  4. 3 sets of 10-12 reps (no rest)
  5. Crossover chin pull - 3 sets of 10-12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  6. 3 sets of 10-12 reps (no rest)
  7. Raising arms to the sides with an expander - 3 sets of 10-12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

How to quickly pump up your shoulders

Goal: mastering the technique and providing a solid foundation for further training

This complex consists of overhead presses and single-joint exercises for each deltoid group. Start with a machine to learn the movements before moving on to free weights, which are best for building muscle.

Start with a light load and focus on proper technique. Add weight only when you can fully control the movement.

Training program

  1. Standing dumbbell lateral raises - 3 sets of 12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  2. Raising your arm in front of you in a crossover - 3 sets of 12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  3. Extension of arms in the butterfly simulator - 3 sets of 12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

How to pump up your middle deltoids

Goal: building up the middle deltoid muscles

To make your shoulders wider, you need to develop the middle bundles of deltoid muscles. This will also allow the waist to appear narrower and give rise to a wider shoulder girdle. The emphasis in this program, naturally, is on exercises for the middle deltas.

You will perform them at the beginning of the workout, when energy is at its highest level. You can alternate this program with a more balanced delt workout (like mass) during your weekly split.

A set of exercises for the middle deltoids

  1. Seated overhead press - 4 sets of 8 reps (2 minutes rest)
  2. Barbell row to the chin - 3 sets of 8-10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  3. Raising the dumbbell to the side with one hand -
  4. Standing dumbbell lateral raises - 3 sets of 10-12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

How to pump up your rear delts

Goal: building up the posterior deltoid muscles

The posterior deltoid muscles often lag not only in beginners, but also in advanced bodybuilders. Simply put, they don't get as much stimulation as the front and middle deltoids, which are involved in chest exercises and shoulder presses.

To develop your rear delts, perform this routine for 4-8 weeks, or alternate it with a more balanced shoulder workout.

A set of exercises for the rear deltoids

  1. Overhead press -
  2. Dumbbell lateral raises while sitting in an incline position - 4 sets of 8 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  3. Raising arms in a crossover - 3 sets of 10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  4. Extension of arms in the butterfly simulator - 3 sets of 10-12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

How to pump up your front delts

Goal: building up the anterior deltoid muscles

If you train your chest frequently, you probably already have well-developed front deltoids. After all, they are involved in all pressing exercises, especially when performing them in an incline position. However, relatively weak anterior deltoids can hinder the process of building up the pectoral muscles. This training is designed to correct this situation.

There should be at least 48 hours between chest and shoulder workouts to allow the muscles to fully recover.

A set of exercises for the front deltoids

  1. Seated overhead press - 4 sets of 8-12 reps (2 minutes rest)
  2. Arnold press - 4 sets of 8-10 reps (2 minutes rest)
  3. Raising dumbbells in front of you - 3 sets of 10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  4. Raising your arm in front of you in a crossover - 3 sets of 10-12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

What to do if your shoulders don't grow

Goal: preliminary fatigue of the deltas

The triceps can sometimes be the limiting factor in shoulder training, especially on the press. If these muscles always give out before you've properly worked your shoulders, you'll never be able to push your delts to muscle failure and build your shoulders in compound exercises. The practice of pre-exhaustion is designed to correct this situation. This The best way how to properly pump up a lagging muscle. Here you first fatigue the delts with single-joint exercises and then perform overhead presses while the triceps are full. Thus, the deltoids must reach failure before the triceps do.

At the beginning of your workout, do not be tempted to go heavy with weights, as this will put additional stress on your elbow joints. Also, if you feel very tired by the time you get to the compound exercise, do it in a machine. It will be a little safer this way.

Training program

  1. Pull the lower block to the side with one hand - 4 sets of 8-10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  2. Lifting the barbell in front of you with outstretched arms - 3 sets of 10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  3. Extension of arms in the butterfly simulator - 3 sets of 10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  4. Overhead press in the simulator - 3 sets of 8-10 reps (2 minutes rest)
  5. Barbell row to the chin - 3 sets of 10-12 reps (2 minutes rest)

Exercises for the shoulder girdle are needed, first of all, for women with an A-shaped figure type (“pear”), so that the figure becomes proportional. There is no need to even talk about men, because wide, strong shoulders make the silhouette sporty and look sexy.

The best projectiles for strength exercises Dumbbells and barbells are considered. Let's talk in more detail about effective exercises on the shoulders, which can be performed at home and in the gym.

Basic exercises

Dumbbell press (sitting position)

When performing such a press, three bundles of deltoid muscles are simultaneously activated.- middle, rear, and especially front.

IP: Sitting on a bench with a backrest (tilt angle - 80–90 degrees), arms bent, elbows pointing to the sides, forearms pointing up, palms with the apparatus turned forward.

Straighten your arms, lifting the dumbbells, inhale, and exhale, lower them down.

When performing the exercise, make sure that the elbows are directly under the hands and do not move forward. Exhale while pressing, inhale while lowering. Keep your back straight without bending.

Arnold press

This is the development of Hollywood actor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. During one of the workouts, he turned his palms at the lowest point of the amplitude and felt that the load on the deltoids had increased than with regular presses.

The Arnold press engages the front and side heads of the shoulders, to a lesser extent - the rear heads.

To perform the bench press, you will need a bench or chair with a high back.

As you inhale, lift the dumbbells. When the elbows reach the height of the chin, the wrists are gradually rotated 180 degrees. At the top point, the palms are already directed away from the face. After pausing at the top for a second, the arms are also smoothly lowered, the wrists are turned again so that at the bottom point the palms are again directed towards the face. The head is not lowered, the chin remains parallel to the floor surface at all times, and the gaze is directed straight ahead.

Even the slightest inaccuracy leads to muscle unloading. Therefore, at the top point, the dumbbells are not allowed to touch each other; the elbows are fully straightened.

Beginners need the lightest weight so that they can perform 10 repetitions without effort.

The Arnold press is performed sitting and standing, and the result is different in each case. So, when performing the exercise while sitting, muscle strength increases, while standing, mass increases.

Dumbbell lateral raises

This classic exercise develops the mid-head and visually broadens the shoulders.

I.P.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, palms with dumbbells held in them pointing down, arms slightly bent at the elbows. The body is slightly tilted forward, the abdominal muscles are tense, and there is a natural arch in the back.

The arms are slowly raised - slightly above shoulder level. In the upper position, the palms are directed downwards or to the sides ( thumb- down). In the latter case, the shoulder muscles experience greater loads due to an increase in amplitude.

Raising dumbbells forward

Such lifting allows you to work the front part of the delta separately from the middle and thoracic region.

I.P.: the dumbbells almost touch the hips, the body is naturally arched, the arms are slightly bent and fixed at the elbows, only the shoulder joint works.

As you inhale and then hold your breath, raise your arms to shoulder level or slightly higher. At the top point, exhale and slowly lower your arms. The distance between the upper limbs (shoulder width or slightly wider) is stable.

In order for the front part of the delta to work at full strength, take extremely heavy weights, which can be raised to the desired level.

Shoulder workout video

High traction

Another name used is “chin pull.” Traction loads the lateral sections, and the anterior and posterior sections are also involved in the work.

I.P.: standing, arms slightly bent at the elbows.

The dumbbells are pulled up using the strength of the shoulder muscles so that their line is parallel to the floor surface or slightly higher. At the same time, try not to use other muscles.

Dumbbell flyes (from a lying position)

This exercise requires an incline bench.

I.P.: lying on incline bench face down, arms with sports equipment slightly bent at the elbows and perpendicular to the body. Raise your arms to the sides until your shoulders are parallel to the floor. When lowering, they maintain tension, but the muscles do not relax.

Push ups

I.P.: emphasis on hands and toes. The palms are spread slightly wider than the shoulders at chest level, directed forward.

Inhaling, they lower themselves: bend their arms at the elbows until right angle, while exhaling, return to I.P.

One-arm dumbbell lift

Exercise trains the supraspinatus muscle- one of the four that make up the rotator cuff.

I.P.: reclining on the side, holding the dumbbell with an overhand grip. The arm is straightened along the body.

The arm is raised perpendicular to the floor and returned to its original position.

Bench press

The exercise is dangerous

The exercise can be performed from a sitting or standing position. For diseases of the shoulder girdle, the Smith machine is used. In the lower position, the barbell is lowered to the middle of the neck height, no lower - the projectile remains suspended.

I.P.: Sit under the barbell and grab it with a medium grip. The elbows are located strictly under the bar, the back is slightly arched. When using a bench, the backrest is tilted at an angle of 75-80o, and the shoulder blades rest against it.

While inhaling, hold your breath, lift the projectile, with your elbows spread to the sides. At the top, the arms are straight, the bar is located directly above the head. After a short pause, they exhale and smoothly lower the barbell into the IP position, but do not place it on their shoulders until they complete the approach.

Barbell chest press

The deltoid and small muscles are loaded.

I.P.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend forward, lift the barbell without bending, and place it on your chest.

With a powerful push, the projectile is squeezed up and slowly lowered onto the chest. Make sure that your back remains straight and does not arch in the lower back.

Increase or decrease volume?

Beginners first master the technique of each exercise by doing 12 repetitions. Start with a light weight that allows you to complete this program.

To reduce volumes

Broad shoulders bother girls. To lose weight in the shoulders, perform from 12 to 15 times in 3 sets.

To increase muscle mass

Training options for men

Program No. 1

  • vertical dumbbell presses;
  • dumbbell press (standing position);
  • the same, sitting;
  • alternately lifting dumbbells to the chin (pull only one hand, the other remains below);
  • raising dumbbells to the sides.

Program No. 2

  • barbell press (from behind the head);
  • the same, from the chest;
  • lifting one dumbbell to the side (lying position);
  • raising dumbbells to the sides while standing;
  • lifting dumbbells forward;
  • the same, one dumbbell;
  • dumbbell press (sitting position);
  • the same, standing.

Program for girls

Girls strive to look fragile and feminine, so they are afraid of such exercises. But the fears are in vain: only those who strive for such a result and do the exercise with heavy weight run the risk of overdeveloping this part of the body.

Lesson program:

  • dumbbell press from a seated position;
  • lifting dumbbells to the sides, forward (movements alternate);
  • dumbbell row to the chin;
  • Raising arms with dumbbells on an incline bench.

The deltoids are loaded when performing a number of basic exercises. That's why Train your shoulders no more than once a week.

Video training for girls

Warming up before training is necessary for the exercise to bring greater benefits and to protect itself from injury.

Basic shoulder exercises are consideredI am the best and most effective at gaining muscle mass. It is these exercises that allow you to create truly large and broad shoulders. Many athletes pay special attention to training their shoulders, since well-developed shoulders give the athlete a powerful upper body.

Unlike other parts of the body, the shouldersThey are considered to be the most dangerous parts of the body, and they are much more difficult to pump up due to the complex structure of the deltoid muscles. Therefore, they require particularly clean and correct technique for performing each repetition.

To minimize the risk of injury, you need to thoroughly warm up your shoulders before training. As a warm-up for your shoulders, you can make circular movements with your arms and various swings.

Basic shoulder exercises:

Standing barbell press

This unitary enterprise Exercise perfectly develops the front delts, making them wider and stronger.

Standing overhead press

This exerciseIt develops the middle deltas well, making them wider and more massive.

Seated dumbbell press

This exercise isrings the anterior and partially middle deltoids. The big advantage of this exercise is that the range of motion is much greater (than in barbell presses), and this allows you to better work your shoulders.

Arnold press

This exercisedevelops the front and middle deltoids. Due to the rotation of the hands, the deltas are exposed to a deeper effect.

Wide grip barbell row

This exercise is greato develops the middle deltas, making them truly strong, wide and massive. The grip should be wider than shoulder width.

Bent-over barbell row for rear delts

This exercise is best exercise for the development of the rear deltas. Makes them big and massive.

Sincerely, Garbar Sergey ()

Of course, every man wants to have big and broad shoulders. After all, it looks beautiful and courageous. Massive shoulders highlight the upper body very well and visually reduce the waist. Shoulder exercises with dumbbells are different. What kind of exercises there are, see below.

Why do we need different exercises for the deltoid muscles at all? Everything is very simple. The shoulder consists of three parts:

  • front
  • average
  • back

And so, in order to get a harmoniously developed shoulder, you need to pump all three parts evenly. But we cannot train all these parts with one exercise, which is why there are many different exercises.

I want to immediately warn you that the deltoids are very delicate muscles that can be injured very easily. That is why, before starting the training, you must do a good warm-up with an emphasis on the deltoid muscles.

Shoulder exercises with dumbbells:

Seated (or standing) dumbbell press

This exercise belongs to the category of basic exercises. It is the #1 exercise in building powerful and broad shoulders. You can press dumbbells both from the chest (the front delta works to a greater extent) and with emphasis behind the head (more load goes on the middle delta).

Dumbbell rows to the chin with a narrow (or wide) grip

It is also a basic exercise. The row can be done with either a narrow or wide grip. In cases of a narrow grip (at the shoulders or narrower), the front deltoid and trapezius work most. If you place the dumbbells an order of magnitude wider than your shoulders, then the middle delta will take the entire load.

Arnold press

The Arnold Press can work both the front and middle deltoids. Due to the rotation of the hands, the deltas are exposed to a deeper impact.

Swing dumbbells to the sides

An isolation exercise that specifically targets the development of the middle fascicle of the deltoid muscles. Swings can be performed: standing, sitting, lying down and with one hand (choose the most convenient method for you). It is best to use after the basic ones to finish off the middle delta.

Bent over dumbbell swings

The same is an isolating exercise, only for the targeted development of the rear deltoid muscles. Can be performed standing, sitting, lying down, with one hand. I recommend using it at the end of your workout, after basic rear deltoid exercises, to finish it off.

Swing dumbbells in front of you

This exercise is aimed at developing the anterior areas of the shoulder. As with all isolated exercises, it is recommended to be used for finishing.

Choose the shoulder exercises you like best and add to your workout routine. Also, dumbbells are good because they allow you to work the muscle deeper and better, since the amplitude of movement is greater (for example, in a bench press, you can lower the barbell as low as the bar allows).

Sincerely, Garbar Sergey ()

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