Black particles in urine. Symptoms of urological diseases. Qualitative changes in urine. Urine with yellow and green flakes

The kidneys produce urine to remove waste products from the body from the blood. Medical studies have proven that as a result of the formation of any disease in the body, the quality of urine changes. For example, fat in the urine may indicate the presence of various pathologies.

Kidneys are an important organ in the human body. With their help, metabolic products are removed. U healthy person urine is clear. As a result of the presence of bacteria, pus, and blood impurities, cloudiness is observed.

Changes in urine quality indicators indicate the development of diseases:

All of the above changes are determined by laboratory testing of urine.

The role of fats in the human body

Fats are organic substances of the lipid group. They are part of the tissue structure and consist of subsequent fat-like compounds: phosphatides, vitamins, sterols, triglycerides.

Lipids are found in large quantities in subcutaneous fat and adipose tissue located in the retroperitoneal zone, mesentery or omentum. Also, small amounts of these substances are found in the liver, bone marrow and muscle tissue.

Fats perform the following functions:

  1. Plastic function. Lipids are building materials for tissues nervous system, as well as the brain. In addition, it is a material for cell membranes and fats perform a structural function.
  2. Transport function. With the help of lipoproteins, they transport useful substances in the body.
  3. Protective. Fats provide protection internal organs from various mechanical influences.
  4. Regulatory function. Fats take part in the passage of nerve impulses.
  5. Thermal insulating. Lipids are excellent insulators. By retaining body heat, they protect it from hypothermia.

Being part of tissues, fat is considered a repository of nutritional and beneficial components and is involved in metabolic processes.

Pathologies of fat metabolism

The procedure for fat metabolism begins in digestive tract: lipids are broken down under the influence of special enzymes. On initial stage crushed into small particles under the influence of bile acids and their salts. Then further dissolution of lipids occurs in the small intestine. In diseases of the small intestine, for example, dysentery or colitis, fat metabolism in the body is disrupted.

Pathologies of fat metabolism also appear as a result of digestive and food absorption disorders in the following conditions:

  1. For various diseases and lesions of the intestinal mucous membranes.
  2. For pathologies occurring in the pancreas.
  3. For diseases that occur with accelerated passage of food.
  4. If in the intestines, by various reasons, an insufficient amount of bile is supplied.

Fat is secreted through the sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as the intestines. Not excreted into urine and feces a large number of lipids. With lipuria, greasy spots appear on the surface of the excreted urine.

Typically this condition occurs in the following situations:

  • for fractures of the upper or lower extremities;
  • injury to a significant area of ​​adipose tissue;
  • in case of fatty modification of kidney tissue;
  • eating foods high in fat.

It is impossible to completely exclude foods with a high fat content from the menu, since with them vital elements, as well as vitamins, enter the body. Their deficiency threatens the development of hypovitaminosis and chronic dermatological pathologies.

The circulating blood contains sterols, phosphatides, as well as free neutral fats. Their concentration may change with age and depends on general condition human health, as well as from his nutrition. The norm is considered to be 390-590 mg.

In addition, the level and proportions of individual fractions are important. Increased level neutral fats indicates impaired use of fatty acids entering the body with food. This phenomenon indicates high cholesterol synthesis. The latter is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. When there is excess cholesterol in the vessels, plaques form and there is a risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Elevated levels of lipids in the blood are called hyperlipemia.

This condition contributes to the development of the following diseases:

With insufficient functionality of the adrenal glands, thyroid, and gonads, intoxication of the body, an increase in the fat content in the blood also occurs.

If hyperlipemia is caused by the ingestion of fats from food, then the development of nutritional lipuria may be observed.

Pathology is formed in the following situations:

  • with alcohol intoxication;
  • in case of phosphorus poisoning;
  • during development urolithiasis;
  • in severe forms of pulmonary tuberculosis.

A decrease in the concentration of fats in the blood is called hypolipemia. This condition is typical for dystrophy or hypothyroidism.

Laboratory examination of urine

A change in the composition and color of urine indicates the development of pathologies in the body. By assessing the symptoms and test results, the doctor will be able to diagnose the disease.

How to properly prepare for testing

To obtain accurate results when examining urine, it is important to properly prepare for the study:

  1. It is necessary not to eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables the day before the test, as they can change the color of the urine.
  2. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic drinks, take diuretic medications and biological supplements before taking tests.
  3. The doctor should know about the medications that were taken before the urine collection.
  4. It is not recommended to conduct research during a hypertensive crisis, during menstruation, or during infectious diseases.

And also prohibited physical exercise on the eve of the study.

How to properly collect urine

Basically, morning urine that has accumulated in the urinary tract overnight is suitable for research.

To obtain more accurate results, you should adhere to the following basic rules:

  1. In the morning, before collecting the material, you should wash your genitals.
  2. The container in which urine will be collected must be sterile.
  3. Part of the first portion of urine should be flushed down the toilet, and then, without stopping, fill the container. This is recommended to ensure that the number of bacteria in urine is optimal.

Collected urine is suitable for analysis within 2 hours if stored at a low temperature.

External definition

The presence of fat in urine can be determined even visually: fat shimmers in the light and resembles small droplets.

The presence of lipids in urine is determined using a Nicolas prism. In addition, microscopic examination allows you to see fatty acid in urine.

Reasons for the development of lipuria

In a healthy person, a liter of urine contains about 2 mg of fat. In patients with severe diabetes mellitus, as a result of impaired carbohydrate metabolism, the kidneys secrete excessive amounts of lipids.

As a result of using very high-calorie foods With low energy expenditure, the amount of different fats in the human body increases. Excess carbohydrates are converted to fats.

The main reasons for the development of morbid obesity:

  • excessive secretion of biologically active substances by the pancreas;
  • deficiency of certain hormones.

Increased accumulation of various fats in tissue cells provokes their destruction and the development of dystrophic changes. Pathologies of fat metabolism cause the formation of many diseases in the body.

Fatty spots in urine may indicate the development of the following diseases:

  1. Pulmonary tuberculosis, which occurs in severe form.
  2. Complicated bone fracture. In such situations, fat cells penetrate into the blood from the bone marrow in large quantities. As a complication, fat embolism can develop, in which lipids completely clog the vessel.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Pyelonephritis, kidney inflammation. With these pathologies, the kidneys function slowly and poorly, allowing fat cells to pass into the ureter.
  5. Urolithiasis disease.
  6. Pancreatitis, cholecystitis.
  7. Excess weight.
  8. Inflammatory and malignant processes occurring in the urinary organs.
  9. Cardiovascular pathologies.

Bougienage of the urinary system will help determine the reasons for the appearance of fat in the urine. For examination, a special instrument, a bougie, is inserted into the urethral cavity. To reduce injury to the organ, the bougie is pre-lubricated with sterile glycerin.

This procedure allows you to diagnose the following pathologies:

  • narrowing of the urethra, its location and degree;
  • localization of stones.

Having correctly determined the cause of the appearance of greasy spots in the urine, you can prescribe treatment, after which the greasy mark will disappear.

How to get rid of pathologies of fat metabolism

If lipuria is caused by physiological obesity, then getting rid of it is not very difficult.

The main method of treatment is drawing up a correct and complete menu. You should limit your carbohydrate intake. Food must contain the required amount of vitamins and fats, organic acids, and proteins.

If disorders of fat metabolism are caused by some pathological processes, the doctor prescribes medications that contain lipid-lowering components (statins). The mechanism of action of these drugs is to suppress the activity of an enzyme involved in the conversion of fats.

The most effective lipid-lowering drugs in Lately are considered:

  1. Pravastatin. This drug reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies and cholesterol concentrations. Well tolerated. In some situations, skin rashes may occur.
  2. Simvastatin is prescribed for high cholesterol levels. Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and other pathologies of the cardiac system.
  3. Fluvastatin. It is effectively prescribed to prevent myocardial infarction, the formation of angina pectoris and other pathologies. The medication has a gentle effect on the liver.


Sand in urine is tiny formations that accumulate due to a sharp disturbance in the acidity of urine and metabolism. The presence of salts is indicated by the feeling that urination has not finished, even if there is no liquid left in the bladder. When the process is completed, pain and discomfort may appear. Too much frequent urination is also a sign of sand in the urine. Unpleasant sensations appear due to the fact that salt crystals have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes. The patient's urine color may change, in which case it acquires a reddish tint. Sand in the urine is like a cloudy sediment, sometimes mixed with blood. Blood particles can be liquid or in the form of clots. In advanced cases, it is possible that purulent discharge. Sometimes the patient's temperature rises and arterial pressure, nausea and vomiting appear, swelling is observed.

During an exacerbation of the process, sand begins to move along the ureter, and pain may appear that radiates to the lumbar region, sides, bottom part belly. Symptoms like these usually indicate kidney stones. Women may develop inflammation of the appendages and vaginal inflammation due to sand in the bladder.

The reasons for the appearance of sand in the urine are: heredity, genetic predisposition of the body, chronic kidney disease, inflammation of the urinary tract, drinking water with increased content salt, unhealthy diet, climatic conditions residence, sedentary lifestyle.

At the first sign of sand in the urine, you should consult a urologist. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out on the basis of symptoms and changes in clinical urine analysis and the results of an ultrasound examination. For severe pain, the patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example Ibuprofen. If a large amount of urate salts is present in the urine, Allopurinol or Etamide is used. Phosphate sand can be eliminated by changing the diet, limiting the consumption of protein substances. For oxalate sand, Magurlit is prescribed; if urate and cystine salts are detected, Cyston and Urolesan are used.

During the treatment period, it is necessary to change the diet and exclude salty, spicy, smoked foods, and carbonated drinks. It is necessary to increase your water intake; it is recommended to drink decoctions of diuretic herbs that promote the release of sand.

Tip 2: What color and what do stones and sand look like in the bladder?

Everyone faces such a problem as stones and sand in the bladder every year. large quantity of people. The reasons are surprisingly banal: improper unbalanced diet and excessive consumption of carbonated water.

Causes of sand in the bladder

The formation of sand and kidney stones has many causes. Each such case is accompanied by its own factors of occurrence. The appearance of sand in the kidneys is a common phenomenon among both men and women, but most often representatives of the fair half of humanity are affected by this disease.

One of the reasons for the formation of sand may be the characteristics of the urinary system. Infection in the genitourinary area can also cause the formation of stones. However, the most common cause of sand in the bladder is the abuse of salt and carbonated water.

How to determine the formation of sand in the bladder?

It is quite easy to find out that there is sand in the human body. Usually this phenomenon is accompanied by frequent urethritis and cystitis. In this case, inflammation, burning and stinging during urination are often observed. The color of urine may change to a reddish hue. A person with sand in the bladder usually complains of pain in the lower back, kidneys and appendages. Ultrasound determines the formation of sand in the bladder with 100% accuracy. Having learned the diagnosis, you need to immediately begin treatment.

Types of stones in the bladder

Bladder stones can vary in appearance. They are formed with a rough or smooth surface. There are also primary and secondary stones. In addition, the stones Bladder are divided into types according to certain characteristics. For example, depending on age. Human stones contain about fifty percent uric acid. Bladder stones in children usually contain calcium phosphates or oxalates, and in rare cases, uric acid crystals. Another sign is the size of the stones. Stones can be small or large. They can be isolated, but it also happens that there are a huge number of small stones in the bladder. The consistency of the stone is also ambiguous: there are soft, crumbly and hard stones.

Appearance of stones and sand in the bladder

Sand and stones in the bladder can be examined by ultrasound. Ultrasound shows them in spots white. When the stones and sand are removed from the bladder, you can see that their color is actually more of a pale yellow. The shape of sand and stones ranges from soft, shapeless lumps to dense, smooth stones. Sometimes stones have appearance, similar to round balls with spikes. It should be noted that the appearance of sand and stones depends entirely on chemical composition urine. The diversity of such formations lies in both size and consistency. The shape and color of the stones also depend on the causes of the disease. The age of the patient also plays a significant role.

or the presence of foreign impurities in it indicates the development of pathological processes in the body.

The kidneys are a natural filter where the passing blood is cleansed of waste, toxins and waste products. Urine is formed in the glomeruli of the renal pelvis and then passes into the bladder. The appearance of protein compounds, leukocytes, erythrocytes, or bile acids indicates the development various diseases genitourinary organs and require an immediate trip to the clinic to exclude serious diseases that threaten the health, and sometimes even the life of the patient.

Photo 1. The formation of sediment in the urine is an alarming symptom. If it does not go away, you should get tested. Source: Flickr (Justine)

Reasons for the appearance of flakes in urine

White, yellow or dark flakes, threads and sediment - alarming symptoms, requiring immediate investigation.

Foreign impurities do not always indicate the onset of a disease. Flakes may appear as a result of a sedentary lifestyle(hypodynamia), against the background of decreased immunity, hypothermia, or as a complication of diabetes mellitus.

Diet plays an important role in the formation of sediment: excessive consumption of protein foods(meat, butter, milk, cottage cheese, eggs) can lead to changes in tests.

Violation of water-salt balance also affects the condition of the genitourinary system. By normalizing your diet and fluid intake, you can return to normal protein levels in your tests.

The protein can also be detected in pregnant women.

White flakes

Inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system can cause disturbances in the permeability of the tubules and glomeruli, and then proteins that visually resemble flakes enter the urine. A white precipitate is sometimes a symptom of high phosphoric acid levels.

It is important! Large white flakes in the urine are a catastrophic manifestation of the disease. Normally, protein compounds are so small that they are very difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Yellow impurities

Pus and yellow or greenish color indicate an acute course of the inflammatory process caused by bacteria.

Dark flakes

All impurities from red to dark brown appear as a result of blood oxidation and can be caused by streptococcal infection, the development of glomerulonephritis, hemorrhagic cystitis or tumors in the genitourinary organs. Also mechanical injuries with the formation of internal hematomas can manifest themselves in the form of bloody clots.

Note! To ensure accurate test results, provide only morning urine for testing. Preliminarily perform toileting of the external genitalia.

To study urine, you will need two portions: at the beginning of urination and at the end of the procedure. The latter must be done in order to collect the maximum amount of sedimentary material for research.

The biomaterial must be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible: after a few hours, in the process of oxidation and decomposition of salts, the urine may become cloudy and the analysis result will be inaccurate.

Diseases characterized by the appearance of flakes

The presence of foreign inclusions in the urine may indicate the development of many serious diseases., among which:

  • Pyelonephritis in acute and chronic forms;
  • Cystitis;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Renal amyloidosis;
  • Fatty degeneration (pathology with accumulation of fat in the kidneys);
  • Changes in the structure of the mucous membrane of the ureters, renal pelvis, urethra or bladder;
  • Acute urethritis;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Balanoposthitis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Infection with sexually transmitted infections.

Is the formation of clots in urine dangerous?

The danger is not the formations themselves in urine, but the diseases that caused their appearance. When the color and consistency of urine changes, but recovers on its own over time, there is no threat to health.

If clots and threads are caused by serious pathologies and are accompanied by additional symptoms, this can lead to a worsening of the situation.

Symptoms to watch out for

If there is an inflammatory process, patients may complain of the following symptoms:

  • Chills, temperature increase;
  • Strong lower back pain;
  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Weakness and fatigue;
  • Burning and itching in the genitals;
  • Pain when urinating.


The therapist at the clinic will send the patient to General analysis of urine and blood, after which he can appoint examination of urine for the presence of urogenital infection or antibiotic sensitivity testing. Perhaps the doctor will issue a referral to a urologist, venereologist or other specialized specialist.

The patient must undergo examination using an ultrasound machine.

Photo 2. If protein is detected in the urine, other tests may be needed.

It is one of the most common studies, which is prescribed to almost every patient at least once a year. Based on the results of a urine test, doctors can judge the functioning of the kidneys and the condition of the urinary system. Also, changes in urine parameters may indicate disorders of the liver, pancreas and endocrine system.

Even before research is carried out in the laboratory, preliminary conclusions about the state of the human body can be made based on the external characteristics of the discharge.

Normally, the urine of an adult and a child is transparent, without any impurities. The color of the discharge changes throughout the day depending on the amount of fluid consumed. Urine after a period of sleep is usually richer and takes on a dark, straw color. Throughout the day, a person produces light yellow urine. The consistency of urine resembles water. Urine has a specific odor, which is caused by the release of metabolic products. Normally, the smell is not too pungent and pungent. If a strong ammonia or acetone odor appears, a pathology of the urinary system can be suspected. If a putrid odor appears in the discharge, it is also necessary to submit a urine test.

Any impurities and inclusions in the urine are pathological and indicate a malfunction of the urinary system. Urine containing flakes may be released directly during urination, and flakes may also precipitate after the urine has stood for a while. Flakes in urine may vary in color due to different diseases.

Color of impurities in urine:

  • yellow flakes;
  • green flakes;
  • brown flakes;
  • red clots.

Causes of white impurities in urine

Flakes in the urine are a symptom of kidney, bladder, or urinary tract disease. It is difficult to determine the reasons for the appearance of impurities in the urine only by external characteristics, but they allow one to suspect the disease and continue the examination.

White flakes in urine are usually clumps of mucus and epithelial cells. Inflammatory processes in the urinary system lead to increased mucus production. A large number of leukocytes come to the site of inflammation, the epithelium of the walls of the urinary canal exfoliates and all this ends up in the urine. The density of mucus and epithelium is much greater than the specific gravity of urine, so they stick together and precipitate.

Causes of white flakes:

  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • nephritis of pregnant women.

Acute urethritis is accompanied by painful sensations during urination. Patients complain of an increased urge to urinate. The burning and stinging sensation does not go away after going to the toilet. In men, pain may radiate to the scrotum and groin. Urethritis can occur as a result of hypothermia and injury. The causes of urethritis may be associated with sexually transmitted infections.

Cystitis occurs more often in women than in men. This is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the female reproductive and urinary systems. Cystitis is accompanied by quite severe pain in the lower abdomen. The urge to urinate is frequent and painful. In some cases, body temperature may rise.

In men, white flakes in the urine may indicate inflammation of the prostate gland. With prostatitis, men experience an increased urge to urinate at night. Over time, potency may be impaired and urinary incontinence may develop. Men periodically experience pain in the perineum.

In women, white flakes may pass into the urine from the vagina. Vaginitis and vulvovaginitis in women cause an unpleasant burning sensation in the vagina. In some cases, women are bothered by itching. During sexual intercourse, women complain of pain and dryness in the vagina. In order to prevent vaginal discharge from getting into the urine, it is recommended to use a hygienic swab when taking samples.

With nephritis, pregnant women may also experience various inclusions in the urine. If any impurities and uncharacteristic compounds are detected, a pregnant woman should contact a gynecologist and undergo additional tests.

White flakes may appear in a child after holding urine for a long time. In boys and men, the morning urine may contain white inclusions - particles of sperm that have entered the urine.

Yellow and green flakes in urine

Yellow and green inclusions in the discharge usually indicate a bacterial infection of the kidneys and bladder. A bacterial infection produces pus that ends up in the urine. The discharge in such cases has an unpleasant, pungent, putrid odor.

In order to determine the reasons why purulent flakes appeared in the urine, the patient is given a series of important research. To assess the condition of a person's kidneys, an ultrasound scan of the urinary system is performed. To identify the causative agent of the disease, it is necessary to inoculate samples on nutrient media.

Diseases in which pus appears in the urine:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • bacterial urethritis;
  • venereal diseases;

With pyelonephritis, a person’s condition deteriorates sharply. A bacterial infection causes fever, weakness, lethargy and loss of strength. One of the symptoms of pyelonephritis is intense aching pain in the lower back.

Bacterial urethritis can also cause fever. Urethritis causes an unpleasant cutting sensation in the genitals. A person is bothered by pain and pain during urination.

Sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted sexually and cause damage to the genitourinary system. Diseases such as gonorrhea and syphilis cause excessive formation of pus and mucus. To diagnose sexually transmitted diseases, it is necessary to conduct additional tests, genital smears and blood tests for antibodies to infectious agents.

A child with a bacterial kidney infection develops a fever, the body temperature rises greatly, and without treatment, sepsis can develop. If there are any changes in the discharge, the child should be taken to a pediatrician for consultation.

Brown flakes in urine

In some diseases, urine takes on the color of meat slop. This characteristic color is formed as a result of the release of a large amount of protein, leukocytes, mucus and blood, which oxidizes and darkens. Discharge the color of meat slop is a symptom characteristic of glomerulonephritis.

Glomerulonephritis is a bilateral kidney damage that develops according to the principle of an infectious-allergic disease. Provoking factors can be severe hypothermia or streptococcal infection of the upper respiratory tract.

With mild glomerulonephritis, changes in urine may be the only symptom of the disease. More severe cases may be accompanied by serious impairments. With glomerulonephritis, a person loses a large amount of protein in the urine, which causes the development of edema on the face and limbs. Also, kidney inflammation can cause pain in the lumbar region on both sides.

If glomerulonephritis develops in a child, he becomes lethargic and weak, and also loses his appetite. If you suspect kidney disease, a child should be immediately thoroughly examined, as in children the disease develops very quickly and can become chronic.

Tests for diagnosing glomerulonephritis:

  • general urine analysis;
  • 24-hour urine test;
  • general blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys.

Red clots in urine

Clots of fresh blood in the urine are usually very scary for a person. Blood in the discharge can appear against the background of absolute health, but in most cases it is accompanied by other symptoms.

Reasons for the appearance of red clots:

  • hemorrhagic cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney tumor;
  • bladder tumor.

In acute cystitis, a person is bothered by severe pain in the lower abdomen. In men, pain radiates to the groin and scrotum. Cystitis is accompanied by an increase in temperature. During urination, a person feels a strong cutting pain. Cystitis can occur after severe hypothermia or infection in the urinary canal.

With urolithiasis, stones form in the kidney. When they pass, they can injure small vessels, and blood will enter the urine. The passage of kidney stones is accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar and groin areas. The feeling of pain is sometimes so severe that it can cause nausea and vomiting. In severe cases, stones can block the urinary tract and cause urinary retention.

Tumors of the kidneys and bladder in the first stages are usually asymptomatic. But in some cases, blood may occasionally be present in urine samples. Bladder tumors can cause difficulty or retention of urination.

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