What does white discharge mean? White, odorless discharge in women is normal and a possible gynecological disease. Pathologies and diseases

04.12.2017 Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, State Medical University, 2010)

The presence of vaginal secretion in moderate volume and not causing discomfort indicates the proper functioning of the reproductive system. Most often, transparent and white discharge is observed in women, which changes depending on the menstrual cycle and indicate the course of normal physiological processes in the body. Changes in the intensity of vaginal fluid excretion, its structure and smell may indicate a certain disease. Let's consider in this article when the designation of an unusual white secretion should be a reason to visit a doctor.

Leucorrhoea with age-related changes

  1. Preparing for menstruation (12-16 years). Shortly before menarche, the girl's body begins to secrete a whitish or homogeneous structure. Such a substance should not contain flakes, hard lumps or other compactions. White means your first period is due in a few months. This symptom may also affect girls. younger age. Read one of our articles about girls influenced by their mother's hormones.
  2. Reproductive period (16–45 years). For adult women, leucorrhoea in small quantities is a constant companion in life. They perform a protective function; during sex they moisturize the vagina, preventing damage and irritation of the mucous membrane. There is no need to treat them.
  3. Premenopause (from about 45 years of age). In a healthy woman, a whitish secretion appears in a volume of 2 to 5 ml per day. With hormonal imbalance, there is a sharp decrease in the amount of leucorrhoea. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe medications that support hormonal levels.
  4. Menopause (from about 55 years of age). Despite not a large number of vaginal mucus, it is extremely important to regularly visit a gynecologist and have a smear test. At this age, the female body is predisposed to various diseases, which are characterized by strong leucorrhoea of ​​different structures.

At any period of life, a woman should regularly visit a gynecologist. Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of the discharge. white.

Finding any pathologies on early stage development determines the speed, effectiveness and possibility of their cure.

Volume of discharge

The quantitative indicator of whitish secretion changes throughout the entire menstrual cycle:

  1. Immediately after menstruation. Whitish secretion is practically absent or appears in small quantities.
  2. Mid-cycle (ovulation). There is noticeably more mucus from the vagina. At this time, the appearance of copious white discharge (from 5 to 10 ml per day) is allowed, which can drag on. But only for a few days without additional unpleasant symptoms.
  3. After ovulation. There is less secretion during this period, it gradually becomes colorless, and its volume increases immediately before menstruation, but not more than a teaspoon per day.

Such dynamics are not observed in every woman due to her individual condition. hormonal levels and a specific period in life.


Most often, a woman does not worry about minor whitish discharge. But they may also require treatment in some situations. The presence of scant milky secretion (0.1–0.2 ml) or its absence may be associated with various disorders. Gynecologists note complete and partial vaginal dryness, which occurs due to the following factors:

  1. Possible excess or deficiency of hormones.
  2. Development of inflammation in the pelvic organs (temperature rises).
  3. Endocrine disorders.
  4. Imbalance of vaginal microflora.
  5. Presence of infections and pathogenic bacteria.
  6. Bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).
  7. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  8. Abuse of douching.

Secretion should be released at regular intervals throughout the day, and increase during arousal. When there is a lack of natural lubrication, the risk of damage to the inner walls of the vagina during sex increases. Microtraumas caused by friction create favorable conditions for the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.

A dry period can normally occur only after menstruation and during menopause. Fading reproductive function provokes inactive functioning of the gonads. Libido decreases and secretion production decreases, so a woman needs to control hormone levels and use additional moisturizers during coitus.


In the absence of discomfort or bad odor, a lot of white discharge does not indicate pathology. This secretion occurs only for a few hours or days.

Among the non-dangerous reasons for designating the described discharges, it is worth highlighting:

  • reaction of the reproductive system to arousal;
  • entry of sperm into the vagina;
  • change of sexual partner;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse resulting in ejaculation into the vagina;
  • reception oral contraceptives;
  • hormone treatment;
  • pregnancy;
  • puberty in girls.

However, there should not be too much vaginal mucus. A clear sign of a malfunction is the appearance of strong white discharge with an odor over a long period of time. The panty liner gets wet quickly (in less than an hour), and the secretion does not decrease in volume for two or three days.

A pathological increase in odorless secretion is most often caused by:

  • cervical erosion;
  • acute salpingitis;
  • adnexitis.

The presence of copious white discharge with an unpleasant odor may indicate the presence of vaginosis, vaginitis or vaginal dysbiosis.

It is impossible to establish what kind of negative process may be occurring in the body without the help of a doctor.

Secretion consistency

An important factor in the diagnosis of white vaginal discharge is its thickness. Normally, the consistency of the secretion changes during the monthly cycle:

  1. Beginning of the follicular phase. Cervical mucus is quite dense and viscous due to the predominance of progesterone. At this time, a plug is formed that protects reproductive system from infections and germs.
  2. Shortly before ovulation. The secretion still retains a thick state, but becomes more and more viscous. The mucus is sticky in nature, but the stretch does not exceed one centimeter.
  3. During ovulation. The body creates favorable conditions for the penetration of sperm, so the mucus from the cervical canal is liquid, loose,. Some women experience a watery secretion, but without discomfort.
  4. Corpus luteum phase. The liquid secretion becomes thick again and practically disappears. The appearance of copious white vaginal discharge in women can be noticed shortly before menstrual bleeding.


The appearance of liquid discharge (more than five days) may characterize the initial stages of the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • cervical erosion;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • colpitis;
  • cervical cancer;
  • sexually transmitted infections.

The secret can flow like water. If the pathology is not treated, then other unpleasant sensations are added to the watery secretion. White mucus can also change its shade over time to pink, green, yellow, gray, depending on the existing disease.


Thick or thick vaginal discharge can be caused by harmless reasons:

  • predominance of cervical fluid in the secretion;
  • high levels of progesterone during a specific period of the cycle;
  • first 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • sudden climate change;
  • use of suppositories, gels, ointments;
  • reaction to synthetics;
  • using inappropriate intimate hygiene products.

If there is a dense secretion without odor and itching, one can assume an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the vagina or a decrease in the number of lactobacilli. The most common pathology is initial stage and chronic form of thrush. It provokes not only curdled, but also.

When Candida fungi enter the female vagina, beneficial microorganisms begin to fight pathogens. This process provokes a change in the consistency of vaginal secretions. In 90% of cases, the early development of thrush is not accompanied by thick white and itching.

The same situation occurs with chronic candidiasis. The aroma and pain disappear, but the disease does not disappear. In this case, white thick discharge in women is characterized by latent inflammation of the cervix, provoked by thrush.


The appearance of white mucous discharge in women can be caused by:

  • chlamydia;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • gonorrhea (gonorrhoea);
  • trichomoniasis.

The whitish tint of secretion with mucus causes an increased number of leukocytes and pathogenic microflora. As the disease progresses, the fluid often becomes yellow, greenish or purulent. And its consistency becomes foamy.


The most common reproductive system disorder among women is thrush. Candidiasis often manifests itself as a white, thick discharge with itching and burning. Vaginal secretions may come out in large quantities and become cheesy over time.

The consistency is heterogeneous with lumps or flakes. Reminds me of curdled milk or cottage cheese. They have a very pungent sour smell. In addition to the described characteristics of the discharge, the following symptoms occur:

  • pain during sex;
  • discomfort during urination;
  • may pull in the lower abdomen;
  • burning of the external genitalia.

They differ in the severity of symptoms.

When candidiasis occurs with virtually no symptoms, it is very easy to confuse the pathology with other diseases. Because of this, women cannot properly treat the problem without the help of a doctor. Especially when combining thrush with other fungal and infectious diseases.

The structure of secretion during candidiasis may contain large quantities of:

  • lumps;
  • flakes;
  • clots;
  • veins;
  • solid pieces of unknown origin.

The occurrence of itching and white discharge in women can be associated with diseases such as trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginitis.

The smell of discharge

Diseases of the reproductive system are often characterized by white liquid. The only exception is secretion with an unsaturated sour odor due to the vaginal environment. A strong, unpleasant aroma cannot be considered the norm.

Pathological mucus may smell like:


A common cause of white spots is vaginal dysbiosis. Itching in the perineal area may begin if left untreated for a long time.


Due to stress excess weight, excessive physical activity liquid from Bladder capable of leaking. Therefore, y. For treatment, it is necessary to undergo examination by a gynecologist and urologist.


A rotten aroma may occur against the background of gardnerellosis. The color of the vaginal fluid gradually changes, and the white mucus appears dirty. The smell of rotten fish may indicate the formation of polyamines.


Due to the large amount of pathogenic flora against the background of a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria, bacterial vaginosis develops. There is significant leucorrhoea on the underpants with a very unpleasant smell of herring.


Sign fungal disease. The onion aroma intensifies after sexual intercourse and during monthly bleeding.


White discharge in women with a pungent odor of acetone can be associated with diabetes mellitus due to the formation of ketone bodies. Additional reasons: problems with metabolic processes, diseases of the urinary system, strict diets.


The presence of such an odor may be due to the presence of blood. The daily secretion remains white, but after sex, a woman often notices brownish marks on her underwear. The danger is posed by a focus of cervical erosion, which without treatment often degenerates into cancer.

These problems provoke the appearance of white discharge with an odor without itching.

The exception is vaginal dysbiosis and gardnerellosis, which are also characterized by a burning sensation.

If leucorrhoea does not go away

Girls may experience constant white spotting due to:

If white discharge appears, you need to contact a gynecologist to establish an accurate diagnosis and select effective treatment.

Pathology according to the type of leucorrhoea

Secretion can be released from various parts of the reproductive system. The origin of leucorrhoea or discharge in white women may be as follows:

  1. Pipe. Whitish secretion occurs due to an inflammatory process in the uterine tubes. First, the fluid accumulates, gradually entering the uterus, and only then ends up in the vagina.
  2. Vaginal. Vaginal diseases cause microflora disruption. This could be thrush, dysbiosis or infection of the reproductive system.
  3. Cervical. The appearance of leucorrhoea is most often caused by cervicitis. Inflammation is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms against the background of gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and chlamydia.
  4. Uterine. White secretion from the uterus is released due to endometritis (acute, chronic, specific). Fluid from the cervix enters the vagina, where it mixes with normal fluids.

A woman is unable to independently determine the area of ​​the reproductive system where exactly a significant strange secretion could originate. The cause of white discharge in women should be determined by a doctor, and priority in treatment should be given to traditional medicine. In gynecology, there are several diagnostic methods. The specialist will evaluate the symptoms, check the smear material and only then prescribe appropriate therapy. Incorrectly selected therapy is not only useless, but also extremely dangerous to health.

Vaginal discharge in women can be of a different nature - it can be scanty, abundant, red, yellow, green, with or without odor. But most often patients complain about the presence of white vaginal discharge. Should I be concerned when they appear? And what pathological conditions may indicatewhite discharge in women?

general information

The inner surface of the vagina, uterus and other organs of the reproductive system is covered with mucous membrane, on which there are glands that produce mucus. It allows you to cleanse the vaginal cavity of dead cells, menstrual blood, pathogenic microorganisms and ensures the maintenance of normal microflora.

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Depending on the state of the microflora, the functioning of the reproductive organs and many other factors, every woman or young girl can regularly noticedischarge on panties, of various nature.

And most often they discharge from the vaginawhite discharge. This is due to several reasons – physiological and pathological.

What is the norm?

Vaginal mucus should normally be clear, like water, without a specific odor and released in small quantities.Discharge on pantiesWhite color indicates minor deviations from the norm, which may indicate both the development of serious pathologies and some disorders in the functioning of the body.

For example, white vaginal mucusMost often it worries young girls who are just developing their hormonal levels. In older women, its appearance may also be associated with hormonal changes due to the onset of menopause. But in women aged 20-45 years, it is observed extremely rarely, since all these processes are in a stable phase.

In addition, if a woman takes oral contraceptives, she may also notice similardischarge on panties. Their occurrence is provoked by hormones contained in the tablets and they are the norm, but only if there are no other symptoms.

In the absence of infections, inflammations and other pathological processes, vaginal discharge:

  • Not accompanied by discomfort in the perineal area.
  • Transparent and only on certain days of the cycle yellow or white.
  • Watery, and at the time of ovulation they acquire a mucous and stretchy consistency, like snot.
  • Throughout the day of time are released in large quantities and are invisible to the woman.

But it should be noted that mucous membranes andtransparent dischargecan sometimes stand out in a very large quantities, and have nothing to do with pathologies. Observed this phenomenon Maybe:

  • During sexual arousal.
  • 2-3 days before the start of menstruation.
  • During the day after sex.

It should be noted that after engaging in sexual intercourse, in which contraceptives (condoms) were not used,mucous vaginal dischargecan be observed throughout the day. At the same time, they may contain white lumps or whitish veins, which is also the norm. This way the body gets rid of the remaining sperm.

Discharge on day 20 of cycleare also considered the norm. Most often, they are a harbinger of the onset of menstruation soon. Moreover, 3-4 days before menstruation, they can be abundant and even contain streaks of blood. After which they appear bloody issues(period).

During the onset of ovulation (it occurs on days 12-16 of the cycle),watery discharge in women. It is on these days that most people navigate their cycle and identify the most “dangerous” periods when the risk of becoming pregnant during unprotected sexual intercourse increases several times.

It should be noted that the presencewhite vaginal dischargeis considered normal if they are not accompanied by severe symptoms. That is, they do not provoke the appearance of itching, burning in the perineal area, irritation or a feeling of wetness. They do not have a pungent odor and practically do not bother the woman. In all other caseswhite mucous dischargeare pathological in nature and require immediate treatment.

As you can see, they provoke the appearancecauses of white discharge in womennot so little. And in order to accurately establish them, you will need to take several tests at the clinic and undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

No symptoms

Quite often you can hear from women and young girls: the appearancewhite discharge, but not due to thrush, This is fine? Vaginal discharge,which are white in color are simply called leucorrhoea. They occur periodically in all women and young girls and are natural. As mentioned above, they ensure the cleansing of the vaginal walls from dead cells.

Leucorrhoea in women They also contain a secretion secreted by the cervix, so during the period of ovulation their daily volume increases, while they change their consistency - the discharge in the middle of the cycle becomes stretchy and mucous. They can go over several days or observed daily in very small quantities. Moreover, they are not accompanied by any unpleasant symptoms such as itching and burning, and also do not provoke pain.

And to summarize, it should be said that a woman can celebrate abundantdischarge on pantiesnot of a pathological nature only in a few cases - with the imminent onset of menstruation or ovulation. They can also occur as a result of changes in hormonal levels, when taking oral contraceptives or disturbances in pH (acid-base balance) in the vagina.

With a sour smell

What does white discharge mean?with a sour smell? Their appearance in 90% of cases is caused by a violation of the vaginal pH level and the active reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida. They provoke the development of a disease such as candidiasis. In common parlance it is called thrush. It is accompanied by the presence of dischargein the form of white lumpsor cottage cheese. But regardless of their consistency, the following symptoms are always present:

  • There is a sour smell coming from the labia.
  • The skin is irritated and red.
  • A white or beige coating appears on the labia.
  • There is a feeling of wetness in the perineum.
  • Itching and burning appears.

In rare cases, thrush occurs without severe symptoms, that is, without discomfort and itching. Butdischarge in the form of white flakes(may also be marked thick cheesy chunks) or discharge like sour cream is always present. The development of candidiasis can be triggered by various factors. The most common of them are:

  • Frequent change of sexual partners, as a result of which the microflora of the vagina changes.
  • Taking oral contraceptives or antibiotics.
  • Pathologies associated with hormonal imbalance.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Climate change.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • The use of intimate hygiene products with a high content of alkalis, etc.

Moreover, the appearance of whitedischarge in lumpsIt can also be caused by poor nutrition. If a woman or girl eats a lot of flour products, the preparation of which uses yeast, or sweets, then this can also lead to the development of candidiasis, even in those girls who are not yet sexually active.

If a woman there is white dischargewith a sour odor and are accompanied by discomfort in the perineum, then she should definitely visit a gynecologist and undergo full course treatment. In this case, her sexual partner should also undergo treatment (if thrush is really present, then white flakes may appear on the head of the penis on the sexual partner). Since if only a woman undergoes treatment, then she will be able to get rid of this disease, since Candida fungi will be transmitted to her with every sexual contact, after which the symptoms of thrush will occur again and again. A how to treat it is decided by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

With a rotten smell

If a woman notices in herselfdischarge on panties, which gives off the smell of rotten fish, this indicates the development of a disease such as gardnerellosis. It is also called bacterial vaginosis. The general clinical picture that occurs with this disease is similar to the symptoms of thrush. But only in this case fromvagina leakswhite liquid, like milk or sour cream. It is also possible bloody e discharge, but they are rarely observed in bacterial vaginosis.

Allocable vaginal fluidwith gardnerellosis it also provokes redness and swelling of the labia, burning and itching. However, if the manifestations of thrush in both men and women are almost the same, then with this disease in men only one symptom is noted - a burning sensation during urination.

Gardnerellosis mainly develops as a result of:

  • Frequent douching.
  • Applications of lubricants.
  • Promiscuous sex life.
  • Long-term use antibacterial drugs.
  • Use of vaginal suppositories such as Terzhistan and Polygynax.

What to do if signs of gardnerellosis appear? Naturally, go to the doctor and get treatment immediately. At the same time, do not forget that both sexual partners need treatment at once.

White foamy dischargein women, this is a sign of the development of sexually transmitted diseases. And most often this symptom manifests itself as trichomoniasis. As a rule, during examination this disease is detected in both sexual partners at once. However, in men, trichomoniasis is practically asymptomatic. Sometimes they may experience mild pain when urinating. But in women this disease always has severe symptoms.

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And the main symptom is, of course, strong translucent or cloudy vaginal discharge. They do not have to be white; most often they have a yellowish or greenish tint. Wherein in secretions Blood clots or streaks may be noted. All this is complemented by symptoms such as:

  • Hyperemia of the labia (they become bluish, swollen, itchy and itchy).
  • Painful sensations during sexual intercourse (by the way, with trichomoniasis, yellowish orwhite discharge aftersexual contact stand out very strongly).
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Pain when urinating.

But it should be noted that foamymilky dischargemay also arise due to:

  • Weakened immunity, when the body cannot independently fight pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Long-term use of antibiotics.
  • Development of diabetes mellitus.
  • Taking oral contraceptives.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Microtrauma of the vagina.


If white dischargeappeared in the second phase of the cycle, this may be a symptom of pregnancy. Quite often, a woman herself is unaware of her “situation” and waits for the onset of menstruation. But instead there is copious viscous cloudy discharge, but no menstruation. In this case, this is due to hormonal changes in the body.

When pregnancy occurs, the appearance of whitish discharge at the end of the cycle is a natural phenomenon. They do not smell of anything and do not contain whitish or bloody streaks. If a woman is 20- Day 23 of the cycle If you notice jelly-like discharge, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor. Especially if she already knows that she will soon become a mother.

Their appearance may indicate the development of an infection, andbloody dischargetalk about placental abruption and may indicate an imminent spontaneous miscarriage.

Instead of menstruation

Availability white discharge during menstruationDoctors give the following reasons:

  • The onset of pregnancy.
  • Hormonal disorders during the development of diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Development of infections or inflammation.

Sometimes women stand out dense a mass with white lumps from the vagina streaked with blood during the period when menstruation was supposed to begin. Such discharge in menstruation is often a symptom of cervical erosion.

Women's mid-cycle discharge, at the end or at the beginning stretching consistencies are the absolute norm, and therefore they do not require special treatment. But if a woman literally has white mucus flowing from her vagina, 19th day of the cycle or twentieth , while it has an unpleasant odor and causes severe discomfort, you should definitely go to the hospital.

Why discharge appeared from the female vagina and how to treat only the attending physician can tell them. He'll take it all necessary tests and on their basis will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Remember! Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. White and transparentdischarge at the end of the cycleor at its beginning are absolutely normal. It is not worth carrying out various douchings with herbs or antiseptic solutions, as this can only aggravate the situation.

Every woman in her life at least once encounters white discharge, but not everyone knows about all the reasons for its occurrence. But he will learn to distinguish normal discharge from pathological ones it is necessary to be able to avoid complications.

What discharge is considered normal?

For women of childbearing age, it is considered normal to have white discharge. That is, the cause of their appearance is not always any disease. The secretion in the vagina that is formed as a result of the exfoliation of waste epithelium, consisting of leukocytes, various microbes and mucus, is considered normal secretions. Their quantity can vary from 1-2 ml per day (this depends on the period of the menstrual cycle). The color of the discharge may be white with a yellowish tint, and it may have a sour smell or no smell at all.

Typically, the amount of discharge changes midway through a woman's menstrual cycle. There are more of them, but don't worry. This discharge is within normal limits and its appearance is associated with the ovulation process that occurs during this period in the female body. The discharge at this time is called leucorrhoea. Sometimes they can become completely transparent, and then turn white again.

After sexual intercourse, women also experience white vaginal discharge. They may be abundant, but will always be odorless. This is due to female physiology and does not require special treatment. It is undesirable to douche with this discharge, as this may upset the balance of the vaginal microflora.

There is abundant white discharge in the first period of pregnancy. They are associated with hormonal changes female body, because the amount of estrogen increases in expectant mothers. The main thing is that the discharge does not turn pink or brown, as this may be an indicator of pregnancy complications.

Sometimes heavy white discharge is associated with sudden changes in a woman’s hormonal levels. Such problems are more often encountered by the fair sex after 40 years of age or those whose menopause was caused by surgery. For them, this discharge is the norm. But you still need to see a doctor. And if the smear does not show that this abundant white discharge did not appear due to infection, then you will need to undergo an examination for the presence or absence of hormones and an ultrasound examination, after which your gynecologist will prescribe a course of hormonal drugs or phytohormones (depending on the diagnosis). diagnosis). Usually, the discharge stops after just a few days after starting treatment.

Reasons for appearance

In some cases, female white discharge indicates cervical pathology. If they last more than 1 week, then the woman should visit a gynecologist. He will prescribe you cytological and colposcopic examinations, the results of which will help you choose the right therapy. It is possible that surgical intervention will be required to eliminate the pathology.

White discharge can occur as a result of the development of various gynecological diseases. For example, they are a common occurrence in vulvitis, pustular lesions of the skin of the perineum, bartholinitis and malignant neoplasms of the genital organs. Discharge is a symptom of these diseases. Therefore, taking a smear test is never a bad idea. It should be borne in mind that preventive home treatment of discharge in this case threatens the occurrence of a relapse of the disease, which will be much more difficult to cope with than the primary disease.

Also one of the reasons for the appearance of white discharge is Dederlein's lactobacilli. These lactic acid bacteria are the basis of the secretions of a woman who is in reproductive age. They protect the vagina from attack by harmful bacteria, but their quantity should also not exceed a certain norm, because this can cause inflammation. Therefore, if your normal discharge has changed in quantity, color or smell, the best solution would be to visit a gynecologist who can identify the cause of the changes and recommend therapy, if necessary. By making a smear to culture the pathogen, you will find out what exactly was the root cause of inflammation and the appearance of heavy discharge.


The cause of the appearance of copious white discharge from the vagina is quite often the Candida fungus, which provokes the occurrence of thrush, medically called candidiasis. The characteristic differences between such white discharges and others are their sour smell and similarity to grains of cottage cheese.

This disease can be recognized quite easily, because in addition to the discharge, the woman feels a burning sensation and itching, and she experiences swelling of the genital organs.


  • endocrinopathy:
  • vitamin deficiency (especially lack of vitamins C and B);
  • taking cytostatics and hormones;
  • radiation therapy;
  • contraceptive drugs;
  • weakened immunity;
  • pregnancy.

But you should not think that visual identification of thrush by discharge allows you to immediately prescribe treatment. Without the correct tests, it will be useless, because candidiasis, as a rule, does not develop alone, but together with another disease that is spread through sexual contact. Yes, you may not have any illness other than thrush, but if this is not the case, then you will complicate the further recovery process and lose the opportunity to quickly get rid of another infection.

Treatment of discharge due to thrush in a comprehensive manner . The doctor will prescribe you intravaginal suppositories, cream or tablets, and you will also need to take medications that strengthen the woman’s immune system.


If the discharge is white or grayish in color, has a uniform consistency, and smells like rotten fish (especially after unprotected sex), this indicates that you have bacterial vaginosis. This disease occurs when the level of lactobacilli in the vagina decreases, which leads to the proliferation of Gardnerella vaginalis, an opportunistic microbe. Bacterial vaginosis is chronic, sexually transmitted, and can be accompanied by other infections. Therefore, the presence of such white discharge is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of vaginosis should focus on suppressing harmful bacteria, restoring healthy microflora and good immunity. Typically, local therapy is prescribed: anti-inflammatory antiseptic intravaginal suppositories or tablets and dietary supplements.


The cause of copious dirty white or yellow-green discharge may be the venereal disease trichomoniasis, which appears due to infection with Trichomonas vaginalis.

In addition to discharge, symptoms of the disease are:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • itching and/or severe burning;
  • pain when urinating or having sex.

To forget about discharge and other symptoms of Trichomonas, you need to undergo drug therapy, during which it is contraindicated alcoholic drinks and sexual intercourse.

A woman's reproductive system is a well-oiled mechanism. It is characterized by hormonal fluctuations throughout the childbearing years. The full functioning of the body is always accompanied by the release of secretions from the vagina. It can change its consistency, structure, volume and composition. Every lady should know and be able to distinguish when creamy skin is the norm, and in which cases it indicates a pathological process.

The nature of the secretion in different phases of the cycle

What are discharges? which is continuously produced in the genital tract. It consists of mucus, epithelial cells and bacteria that live in the vagina. Normally they are representatives of lactoflora, and in various disorders they are pathogenic microbes. Disruption of the existing balance is considered the main prerequisite for the development of inflammation.

The qualitative composition of the discharge may vary depending on the phase of the female cycle. Its beginning is considered to be the first day of the appearance of menstruation. From the end of menstruation until the 12th day of the cycle, a woman may experience scanty discharge. They often have a slimy consistency and their color varies from almost transparent to pale yellow. The smell is either completely absent or slightly sour. Before menstruation, the volume of secretion always increases.

On the 14th day, the amount of discharge increases. Such changes are caused by the period of ovulation - the time when the egg matures. During this and the next few days, favorable conditions for pregnancy are created in the woman’s body. In a humid environment, it is easier for sperm to reach their final goal. From about day 16, a creamy white discharge appears. The light shade of the secretion is given by dead elements of the vaginal epithelium.

What should be considered normal?

White creamy ones are considered normal. Doctors also identify other signs that help distinguish them from the pathological form:

  1. Slight cloudiness.
  2. A yellowish tint that is clearly visible on a sanitary pad.
  3. No burning or itching in the vaginal area.

Before ovulation, the secretion acquires a mucous consistency. Such changes are caused by an increase in estrogen levels. These hormones are responsible for increasing the secretion of vaginal mucus. Some time after the follicle leaves the egg, it changes again, becoming thicker. At the same time, its quantity decreases. Closer to menstruation, the volume of secretion increases again. Such changes are characteristic of a healthy menstrual cycle.

White creamy discharge before period

The secretion before the onset of menstruation becomes quite abundant. Gynecologists explain this phenomenon by a decrease in the amount of hormones in the body. On the other hand, excessive secretion often indicates health problems. Therefore, a woman must be able to distinguish pathology from the norm.

In the first case, creamy discharge is accompanied by a sour odor, itching and burning in the genital area. Sometimes blood streaks in the mucus signal pathology. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a gynecologist. It's better not to put off your visit.

How do discharge change after ovulation?

The white, creamy spots on the panty liner may be different from those before the follicle released the egg. After ovulation, mucus becomes thick and viscous, which indicates the active “work” of progesterone in the corpus luteum. It usually forms at the site of a previously burst follicle. Vaginal secretion is very similar to the discharge that accompanies pregnancy. After successful fertilization of the egg, they are produced under the influence of the same progesterone. However, in this case, its concentration is much higher than before the baby was conceived.

The amount of secretion gradually increases and reaches its critical point at approximately the 16th week of pregnancy. This sign is often scary, but the test results usually put everything in its place. If a woman is healthy, the white blood cell count should not exceed 20. Values ​​from 20 to 40 are also normal. Exceeding these indicators indicates the onset of inflammation in the body.

Thick vaginal secretion is a harbinger of disease

White creamy ones often indicate pathological processes in the body. The prevalence of this symptom is approximately 35% and can sometimes reach 95%.

All reasons for changing the nature of the secret can be divided into several conditional categories:

  • Inflammatory pathologies of the intimate area.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Consequences of long-term antibiotic therapy.
  • Frequent douching.
  • Use of intrauterine devices.
  • Development of malignant neoplasms.
  • Traumatic processes affecting the cervix.

Also, the reason for the change in the nature of the secretion is wearing uncomfortable underwear. Sometimes a similar symptom occurs due to the use of aggressive soap, which contains a large number of chemicals. That is why doctors recommend that women use special gels and products intended for intimate hygiene.

The reasons for the appearance of creamy discharge greatly depend on the age of the woman. In the menopausal period, they can be caused by atrophic vaginitis, and in childbearing age - by inflammation of the intimate area.

Infectious processes that cause creamy white discharge include diseases such as:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • thrush;
  • gonococcal cervicitis.

It is wrong to focus solely on the clinical symptoms of the disease. In this case, you simply cannot do without the qualified help of a gynecologist.

Curdled secretion during the development of thrush

White creamy discharge, itching in the vaginal area - these are the symptoms in 70% of cases that indicate thrush. This disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candidae. These microorganisms are considered conditionally pathogenic, since they constantly live on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. The acidic environment created in the vagina by lactobacilli and bifidobacteria does not allow them to reproduce. However, under the influence of certain factors, the balance is disrupted. Among them are:

  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • colds;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • presence of sweets and confectionery in the diet;
  • stress;
  • avitaminosis;
  • smoking.

In a short period of time, the discharge acquires a cheesy consistency and becomes abundant. A woman begins to be haunted by an unpleasant sour smell in her intimate area. Towards evening, the clinical picture is usually complemented by aching pain in the lower abdomen.

If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic. The sour smell and discomfort gradually recede. Creamy white discharge appears, which is distinguished by its viscousness. It is during this period that the cervix becomes inflamed, which is confirmed by colposcopy.

When to see a doctor?

If there are any changes in the consistency or color of vaginal secretions, you should contact your gynecologist. After an examination on the chair, the specialist usually prescribes a series of tests. Based on their results, it is worth judging the presence of diseases. Based on bacterial culture, the gynecologist can determine the presence of pathogenic flora and estimate the number of leukocytes. In some cases, PCR tests, ultrasound and colposcopy are additionally required.

Principles of therapy

Diseases affecting oneself cannot be treated. Each problem associated with the appearance of creamy white discharge must be solved comprehensively and step by step. Treatment should be selected by a gynecologist, taking into account the cause of pathological disorders.

Therapy always begins with eliminating the source of the disease. For these purposes, antibacterial drugs are used in the form of pills or suppositories. With their help, you can quickly suppress the activity of opportunistic microorganisms.

At the next stage, the woman is prescribed measures to restore the natural flora of the vagina. They involve taking hormonal medications and using suppositories with lactic acid. In this case, the choice of specific drugs and treatment methods depends on the doctor.

After therapeutic procedures, it is extremely important to restore the functioning of the immune system. Usually prescribed for preventive purposes vitamin complexes, physiotherapeutic procedures.

Prevention measures

White creamy ones are most often considered the norm. However, sometimes they are a symptom of a pathological process. Any gynecological disease always causes discomfort to a woman and requires proper therapy. To avoid such disorders, doctors recommend following basic rules prevention.

  1. Personal hygiene must be maintained. Water procedures are recommended to be carried out twice a day.
  2. When choosing underwear, preference should be given to options made from natural fabrics.
  3. Gynecologists do not recommend using sanitary pads every day, since they practically do not allow air to pass through. As a result, a favorable environment for the life of pathogenic microorganisms is formed. If you cannot refuse panty liners, you need to change them more often.

For timely detection of gynecological diseases, it is extremely important to undergo regular examination by a female doctor.

Vaginal discharge, or leucorrhoea (also leukorrhea), occurs in healthy women, as well as in various diseases, especially infections. Common reason excessive amount of fluid secreted - bacterial vaginosis, that is, an imbalance of normal vaginal microflora, as well as thrush (candidiasis). The discharge of leucorrhoea may be accompanied by burning, itching, and an unpleasant odor. Treatment depends on the cause that causes them.

What is leucorrhoea?

Should a healthy woman have leucorrhoea? Yes, this process reflects the normal cleansing of the mucous membrane from dead cells. For most women, the amount of vaginal secretion increases before ovulation and. This occurs due to changes in hormonal levels and increased secretion by the glands of the cervix and vagina, which helps possible fertilization. A healthy woman of reproductive age produces about 20 ml of leucorrhoea per day, but this amount is individual.

A change in odor, color, or increase in the amount of discharge accompanied by irritation of the vaginal tissue may indicate the presence of an infection.

Causes of pathological discharge

The walls of the vagina and cervix contain glands that secrete small amounts of fluid, which helps cleanse the genital tract. Normal leucorrhoea is transparent or milky white in color and does not have an unpleasant odor. Various infectious diseases can cause changes in their volume, consistency, color or smell.

Pathological reasons for changes in the nature of discharge:

  • Bacterial vaginosis

This is an imbalance in the number of bacteria that are normally present in the vagina. Its exact causes are unknown. Previously, it was believed that vaginosis was caused by the bacteria gardnerella, and was referred to as gardnerellosis. However, an increase in the number of these microorganisms during illness is not always observed.

  • Trichomoniasis
  • Gonorrhea

The infection is transmitted sexually. The causative agent is the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae, or gonococci.

  • Chlamydia

Another sexually transmitted infection caused by microorganisms of the genus Chlamydia. Infected women usually have no symptoms, and the only manifestation of the pathology is leucorrhoea. In the acute course of the disease, in addition to heavy discharge, signs of inflammation of the vagina, urethra, and bladder appear.

  • Candidiasis

The disease occurs when there is an overgrowth of Candida fungi in the vagina, often due to antibiotics or other factors that destroy the normal bacterial flora of the vagina.


Pathological leucorrhoea in women can have different colors - from transparent to gray, yellow, greenish or milky white, as well as an unpleasant odor of a different nature. Symptoms depend on their cause:

  • : not all women are accompanied by this symptom, but often, under the influence of a provoking factor, a profuse discharge of a grayish-white color appears, with an unpleasant fishy odor.
  • Causes foamy, yellow-green, odorless leucorrhoea. Associated symptoms include discomfort during sexual intercourse and urination, irritation and itching of the genitals.
  • is accompanied by symptoms in only half of infected women. The patient may be bothered by a burning sensation when urinating, an increase in frequency, yellow vaginal discharge, redness and swelling of the genitals, and itching in the vagina.
  • It is also often asymptomatic. In other patients, the amount of discharge increases and symptoms of cystitis and urethritis appear.
  • accompanied by thick, odorless leucorrhoea, the consistency of which resembles cottage cheese. Other symptoms include burning, pain during urination and intercourse.

Leucorrhoea in healthy women

The nature of vaginal discharge can change at different periods of a woman’s life.

Leucorrhoea before menstruation occurs 2-3 days before it begins. They are usually white or slightly yellowish. If a woman uses intrauterine contraception (), leucorrhoea will be yellow or brownish in color and spotting in nature. Their consistency is quite thick, mucous in nature, with a faint sour odor.

Pregnancy period

During the 1st trimester of pregnancy, a woman usually does not notice any changes in the nature of vaginal secretions. From the 13th week, a mucous plug forms, closing the cervical canal, metabolism accelerates and the cells of the vaginal wall die. These processes are accompanied by an increase in the volume of secreted mucus, which normally has a light or white color, liquid consistency, and no odor.

In the 3rd trimester, the discharge becomes quite heavy. This symptom is called “leukorrhea during pregnancy.” If it is not accompanied by itching, burning, redness of the external genitalia or a change in the color and smell of the discharge, this phenomenon is physiological in nature and requires only compliance with hygiene rules. Any changes in normal properties should be reported to your doctor.


Leucorrhoea gradually becomes less intense. However, they retain their normal color and slight odor. Copious discharge that is yellow, green, cheesy in consistency, or mixed with blood should be the reason for contacting a gynecologist.

The function of the sex glands in older women fades, so hormones cease to influence the condition of the vaginal wall. It develops dryness, which should not cause concern. If there is discomfort, the gynecologist may prescribe an estrogen-containing cream that stimulates the mucous glands. At this age, a sign of pathology becomes abundant discharge, especially of a watery nature, which may be a sign of endometrial cancer.

Vaginal discharge options

To find out whether medical attention is needed for leucorrhoea, it is necessary to determine its nature:

  • milky white: a variant of the norm, usually occurs before menstruation or a few days after it;
  • transparent and watery: normal if not accompanied by itching and unpleasant odor;
  • resembling egg white: elastic, light, appear during the period, indicate greatest ability women to conceive;
  • yellow: a sign of an infectious process; with an accompanying fishy smell - a symptom of bacterial vaginosis;
  • green: symptom of infection; with an accompanying unpleasant odor, most likely trichomoniasis;
  • brown: hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and implantation bleeding after pregnancy; during pregnancy, may be a sign of a threatened miscarriage;
  • thick: occur in the second phase of the cycle, often indicating the end of the time favorable for conception;
  • white crumbly: a sign of thrush;
  • pink: symptom of cervical or endometrial tumor, vaginal infections,.

Other possible causes of pathological discharge

Changes in the character of leucorrhoea can occur under the influence of rarer reasons:

Allergic reaction

May develop on new brand washing powder, intimate hygiene products, etc. Chemical substances in detergents, fabric softeners, creams, sprays, topical contraceptives (creams, vaginal tablets), as well as condoms, may cause irritation in the genital area. The same reaction sometimes occurs with intolerance to antibiotics.

Systemic diseases

First of all diabetes. Women with this pathology have an increased risk of vaginal candidiasis. Thrush also occurs when local immunity is suppressed and the number of normal lactic acid bacteria decreases under the influence of antibiotic therapy. Sometimes candidiasis develops after using one of the groups of antibacterial drugs (for example, Ciprofloxacin), while others do not cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules

The cause of discharge and unpleasant odor can be a sanitary tampon forgotten in the vagina. You can try to remove it yourself by first washing your hands well. If parts of the tampon still remain inside, you should consult a gynecologist, as they can cause purulent inflammation and septic shock.

Diagnostic measures

When deviations from the norm occur, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • identifying the symptoms of the disease, the time of their appearance and other characteristics;
  • vaginal examination with examination of the walls of the vagina and cervix using mirrors;
  • a smear from the vagina and from the surface of the cervix for microscopic examination;
  • polymerase chain reaction to identify infectious agents.


Drug therapy

Drugs for the treatment of leucorrhoea are prescribed by a gynecologist after the causes of the pathology have been established. Antibiotics are most often used in the form of tablets, injections, or topical medications such as vaginal suppositories.

It is important to receive the full prescribed course of antibiotics or antifungal medications, even if symptoms have resolved. If signs of the disease persist or recur, you should consult a gynecologist to rule out a malignant tumor of the genital organs.

To restore vaginal microflora after completion of antibiotic therapy, the following are recommended:

  • vaginal suppositories Lactobacterin, Acylact, Bifidumbacterin, Bifiliz, Femilex;
  • vaginal capsules Laktozhinal, Laktonorm, Ecofemin;
  • vaginal tablets Vaginorm-S.

Treatment of leukorrhea should include compliance with the rules of hygiene:

  • washing with soap twice a day;
  • refusal to use tampons;
  • changing panty liners after each urination or bowel movement;
  • using unscented condoms during sexual intercourse;
  • use only cotton underwear.

Possible consequences of diseases accompanied by leucorrhoea in women in the absence of timely treatment:

Treatment with home remedies

Any pathological discharge requires contacting a doctor. Self-medication at home without an accurate diagnosis can cause a temporary improvement in well-being caused by the pathology becoming chronic. If there are sexually transmitted infections, the woman remains a source of pathogens, thinking that she is healthy.

Douching as a treatment method is not recommended by doctors. The body cleanses the vaginal walls spontaneously. Douching can disrupt the normal balance of microflora, causing inflammation and increasing symptoms. It is better to replace this popular method of therapy with sitz baths.

Folk remedies

Useful decoctions for oral administration:

  • wormwood roots (20 grams per glass), take a tablespoon three times a day;
  • peony roots, sweet clover herb, which are brewed and drunk instead of tea;
  • viburnum berry juice; A quarter glass a day is enough to reduce the intensity of discharge.

For washing and sitz baths you can prepare the following products:

  • take 30 grams of crushed eucalyptus leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, cool, strain and dissolve the infusion in 1 liter of boiled water;
  • Dissolve 10 ml of pharmaceutical tincture of calendula with alcohol in a glass of water;
  • use St. John's wort, chamomile, oak bark, yarrow, and sage to prepare decoctions;
  • In case of severe itching, concentrated soda baths at the rate of 5 tablespoons per liter of water will help to quickly eliminate it.

Prognosis and prevention

In most cases, the conditions that cause the abnormal leucorrhoea respond well to therapy. When treating atrophic vaginitis in older women with hormonal drugs, restoration of the mucous membrane will take several weeks.

For recurrent vaginal infections, the doctor prescribes more effective drugs, conducts a more in-depth examination to determine the causes of the protracted course of the disease.

To avoid diseases that can cause pathological discharge, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  1. Maintain sexual hygiene, use (condoms), avoid promiscuity.
  2. Antibiotic treatment only as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Good nutrition, giving up bad habits, eliminating unfavorable factors that can negatively affect a woman’s health.
  4. Competent treatment of concomitant diseases, especially diabetes.

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